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Answer Key and Explanations

1. (b) sin𝜃 - cos𝜃 = 0 If we assume his efficiency, 𝑒𝐴 to be 6 unit/day.
Or, sin𝜃 = cos𝜃 Therefore in 100 days total work done by him will
∴𝜃= be = 6 × 100= 600 units
4 600
sin4 ( ) + cos4 ( )
𝜋 B & C together can complete this work in ( ) days
4 4 600 6
1 = 54 days.
11 11
4 4 2
Statement II is correct.
2. (b) √3 + √5 = x 6. (c) Let Radii be 2x & 3x,
Multiple both side by √2, Volume be 1y & 3y,
(√2) (√3 + √5) = √2𝑥 Height be h1 & h2
𝑣1 𝑥 𝑥12 ℎ1
√6 + 2 √5 = √2𝑥 = 31
𝑣2 𝑥 𝑥22 ℎ2
2 4 4𝑥 2 × ℎ1
⇒ √(√5 + √1) = √2 𝑥 =
3𝑦 4𝑥 2 × ℎ2
⇒ √5 + √1 = √2 𝑥 3 ℎ1
4 ℎ2
5 1
√ + √ =x 7. (d) Diameter of a circle inscribe in square
2 2
3. (b) 2 x + 3y = 7 ………(1)
Radius = 3cm
2px + (p - q) = 28……….(2)
Area = π 𝑟 2
If two equation have infinite solution then, they
satisfy the condition = (3)2 π = 9 π
2 3 7 8. (b) Mean of 25 observation be 36
= =
2𝑝 (𝑝−𝑞) 28 Which mean sum = 36 × 25
2 7
Therefore = ⇒p=4 = 900
2𝑝 28
3 7 3 1 Mean of 1st 13 observation be 32
Also, = ⇒ = ⇒ q = -8
(𝑝−𝑞) 28 4−𝑞 4 which means sum = 32 × 13
⇒ (p, q) → (4, - 8) = 416
4. (d) (A) Tangent touches the circle at exactly one point. Now, sum of 10st 12 observation = 900-416
So, statement A should be false. = 484
(B) Statement B must be true. Also, mean of lost 13 observation be 39.
(C) Statement C must be true because A tangent Which means sum = 39 × 13
only touches the circle = 507
Ans. Option (d). Now, sum of 10st 12th observation = 900 – 507
5. (d) Statement I :- = 393
We know Men × Days = Work. Subtract sum of 1st 12 observation of sum of lost 12
Applying this concept, we get observation from the total sum to get term- - 13,
(4B + 8G) × 5 = work .........(1) 900 – 393 – 484
(( 4 + 3) B +(8 + 3) G) × 3 = work …….(2)
1 900 – 877
23 → term – 13th
RHS is equal so equating LHS, we get
9. (c) P (AUB) = P (A) + P (B) – P(A ∩ B).
(4B + 8G) × 5 = (7𝐵 + 11𝐺 ) × 3
= 0.25 + 0.50 – 0.14
7G = 1B………….(3)
1 = 0.61
We know that (7B + 11G) can do work in 3 days Neither A or B = 1 – P(AUB)
i.e. 49G + 14G = 60G (using eq.3) can do work in 3 = 1- 0.61
days = 0.39
1𝑟𝑑 10. (b) For the value of y, we need to check the sum of the
To complete work in 2 days we require divisor of 220 should be equal to the sum of the
60G × = 90G. divisor of y.
It mean 30 more girls will be required and not 32. Sum of all the divisor of 220
23 −1 53 −1 113 −1
So, statement I is false. =( )( ) ( )
2−1 5−1 2−1
Statement II :- Ratio of time taken by A and C is 7 24 120
=( ) ( )( ) = 504
TA : TC = 1 : 2 1 4 10
Therefore the ratio of their efficiencies Therefore sum of all the proper divisors will be =
𝑒𝐴 ∶ 𝑒𝐶 = 2 : 1 504 – 220 = 284
Given, 𝑒𝐵 = 266 % 𝑒𝑐 or 𝑒𝐵 = 𝑒𝑐
8 Thus the value y must be 284. Thus option (b).
𝑒𝐵 8
3 3 11. (b) One dimension of the resultant cuboid will be
Or, = Length → 10
𝑒𝐶 3
∴ 𝑒𝐴 ∶ 𝑒𝐵 ∶ 𝑒𝐶 = 6 : 8 : 3 Breadth → 5
Given A can complete 6% work in 6 days. It means Height → 5
100% work (complete work) in 100 days Total surface area = 2 (lb +bh+lh)

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2(50+25+50) = 250 cm2 2
(2√3) − 4 (1) (3)
Option = b 12 – 12
12. (b) 7200 → 25 × 32 × 52 =0
Total number of factors = (5+1) (2+1) (2+1) LHS = RHS
=6×3×3 Statement II is true
= 54 17. (d) P + 60P + 3600P + 24 x 3600P + 24 x 7 x 3600P
But we don’t have to include 1 & 7200 P (1 + 60 + 3600 + 24 x 3600 + 24 x 7 x 3600)
54 -2 = 52 P x 694861. Ans.
13. (d) According to the question, 18. (b) 𝑘 2 − 1 is divisible by 8.
Let distance be D, Put k = 1, 𝑘 2 − 1 is div. by 8
Let Upstream speed be (x-y) k = 3, 𝑘 2 − 1 is div. by 8
Downstream speed be (x+y) That means, 𝑘 2 − 1 is divisible by 8
Then, according to the question, when k is an odd number.
𝐷 𝐷 1
[ ]=[ ] 19. (c) Statement I: difference : sum : product
𝑥+𝑦 𝑥−𝑦 2
Statement I : speed of boat : speed of water 1 : 5 : 12
=2:1 Let take the values as 1x, 5x, 12x.
𝐷 𝐷 1 Given, 12 x = 18
[ ]≠[ ]
2+1 2−1 2 12x = 18
Statement II : speed of boat : speed of water = 6 : 2 x = 1.5
𝐷 1 𝐷
[ ]= [ ] which equal. But difference of two number can never be 1.5.
6+2 2 6−2
Statement I is false Statement II: Unit digit of 291 will be 8 not 6
Statement II is true ∴ Both statement (I) & statement (II) are false.
14. (b) 20. (a) Statement (I) Volume = π 𝑟 2 ℎ
V = × 7 × 7 × 10
V = 1540
I is correct
Statement (II) TSA = 2 π rh + 2π 𝑟 2 ℎ
TSA = 2 π r (h + r)
= 2 × × 14 (14 +30)
Probability that only two of hence one able to solve = 3872
the problem ∴ Both statements (I) & (II) are true.
=AS BS CU + AS Bu CS + AU BS CS 21. (a) Cost price
1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1
= × × + × × + × ×
3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4
15. (b) We know that, 10% profit on A = 0.5x
1 10% profit on B = 0.6x
Let y + = p
𝑦 Total profit on both = 1.1x
Squaring both sides : 𝑦 2 + = 𝑝2 – 2 1.1x = 22
1 1 X = 20
7 (𝑦 + ) – 2 (𝑦 + ) = 9
𝑦 𝑦 A, cost price = 100
7 p – 2 (𝑝2 − 2) = 9 B, cost price = 120
2𝑝2 – 7p + 5 = 0 Now 20% loss on A = 20
(2p - 5) (p - 1) = 0 30% profit on B = 36
p = or p = 1 Over all profit = 16
y + = 1 No real values of y exists for this Ans. a
22. (b) F(x) = 2𝑥 3 + 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 3
1 5 F(x) = 0 at x =1
Now, y + = 0 = 2 (1)3 + 𝑎(1)2 + b(1) + 3
𝑦 2
2𝑦 2 + 2 = 5y = 2𝑦 2 -5y + 2 = 0 -5 = a + b ……….,(i)
(y - 2) (2y-1) = 0 15 = 2(−2)2 + 𝑎(−2)2 + b (-2) + 3
y=2 y=
1 15 = - 16 +_4a – 2b + 3
28 = 4a – 2b
So only one integral solution.
14 = 2a – b ------------(ii)
16. (d) (I) 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 1 = (𝑥 − 2)2
Solve eq (i) & (ii),
𝑥 2 + 3x + 1 = 𝑥 2 + 4 − 4𝑥
You will get a = 3
7x – 3 = 0
The given equation in statement (I) is not quadratic.
Ans. b
So the statement I is true.
23. (b) Volume of a well = volume of the platform
Statement II : Given 𝑥 2 + 2x √3 + 3 = 0
π 𝑟 2ℎ = l × b × h
For roots to be real & equal 22
D=0 × 3.5 × 3.5 × 30 = 22 × 14 × h

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3.75m = h Total percentage change =
× 100
24. (a) (i) The probability of getting even sum on the throw
= 4.325%decrease
of 2 dies
18 1 29. (d) By using the information available
= = = 0.5
36 2
(i) is correct
(ii) the probability of getting product as even
(1,2), (1,4), (1,6)
(2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (2,5), (2,6)
(3,2), (3,4), (3,6)
(4,1), (4,2), (4,3), (4,4), (4,5), (4,6)
(5,2), (5,4), (5,6)
(6,1), (6,2), (6,3), (6,4), (6,5), (6,6)
Favourable outcomes = 27 All A, B & C are correct
27 3
= = 0.75 Ans. d
36 4
30. (d)
Both (i) & (ii) one true
25. (a) 5a32465b
For divisible by 88. The numbers should by
divisible by 8 & 11.
For last 3 digit to be divisible by
8 the last these numbers should be 656
Now, the numbers become = 5a324656.
Sum of energy alternate digits starting from a = 14
& sum of every remaining numbers will be 17
Now, their difference should be divisible by 11
17 – (14 + a)
AC = AB + 1
17-14-a = 3-a
Which means
For (3-a) to be divisible by 11
Only triplets which
Only a = 3 is possible
Satisfied the given conditions
Now, 2a + 5b
(5, 12, 13) = (BC, AB, AC)
2×3+5×6 12 5
= 36 Sin C = Cos C =
13 13
Ans. a
26. (d) (i) sum of 1st hundred multiples of 5, 1+ 25 13
5 = ×
5 + 10 + 15 +………+ 500 1+
13 18
100 25
Sn = [5 + 500] =
2 13
= 25, 250 (I is false) 31. (c) Circumference - Radius = 37
(ii) this is true as this is the simple sum formula of 2π r – r = 37
an A.P r (2 ×
− 1) = 37
Option D 37
27. (b) No. of intersection with x –axis = 3 r= ×7
so, number of zeros will be equal to 3. r=7
28. (c) Circumference = 2π r
=2 × ×7
= 44cm
32. (d) (A) this statement is true because if y is the average.
It means x, y, z are in A.P.
Rem Means 2y = x + z
𝑟 & (B) this statement is also true because the median of
A = P (1 + ) given expression = 43
15 2 (C) This statement is true mode = 3
A = 27,000 (1 + )
100 All A, B & C one correct.
23 2
27,000 × ( ) 33. (c) Total number of matches =
A= 35, 707.5 Total numbers of players – 1
The 63,000 will becomes 80% of itself of 2 years = 300-1
80 = 299
63, 000 × = 50400
100 Total numbers of matches = 299
Total amount after 2 years =
35,707.5 + 50, 400 = 86107.5

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Hint (Q.34 – Q.37):
Student Subject (Maximum Marks )
Physics (120) Biology (120) Maths (120) Geology (120) Economics (120) English (120)
A 70%% (84) 75% (90) 70% (84) 65% (78) 60% (72) 70% (84)
B 80% (96) 70% (84) 75% (90) 68% (72) 50% (60) 75%(90)
C 75% (90) 72% (86.4) 71% (85.2) 70% (84) 60%(72) 65%(75)
D 60%% (72) 70% (84) 65% (78) 55% (66) 60% (72) 70%(54)
E 70%% (84) 75% (90) 65% (78) 50% (60) 55% (66) 60% (72)
F 65% (78) 70% (84) 60% (72) 65%(78) 50% (60) 60%(72)

34. (a) For 65% overall in all subjects. 42. (c) As per given information, we get following order of
65% of 720 = 468 (Minimum marks) people
Student A → 84+90+84 +78+72+84=492
Student B → 96+84 +90+ 72+60+90=492
Student C→90 + 86.4 + 85.2 +84 +72+78=495.6.
Hence, B ran at the fastest speed
3 students A, B, C (Option a)
43. (b) week→ 28.3+15-4+40.2 = 83.9
35. (b) Use above DI
week 2 → 24.5 +12.3 + 36.1 = 72.9
A→ 84+90+84 +78+72+84= ×100=68.33 week 3 → 20.4 + 14.2+42.9 = 77.5
B→ 96+84+90+72+60+90= ×100=68.33 week 4 → 24.4 + 15.7 + 39.8 = 79.9
495.6 Second Highest week 4
C→ 90+86.4+85.2+884+72+78= × 100 = 68.83
720 (Option b)
Option (c) is closest. 44. (d) →28.3+24.5+20.4+24.4
36. (a) Biology ⇒ 90+84+86.4+84+90+84 = 518.4 9760
(Biology %)
× 100 = 72% → = 2440
720 4
(Option a) (Option d)
402 45. (c)
37. (d) Economics → 72 + 60 + 72 + 72 + 66 + 60 = =
Physics → 84 + 96 + 90 + 72 + 84 + 78 = = 84
(Option d)
38. (c) A→45% (2005)
Sales of A increased by 50% in 2006
A sales (2006=67.5)
E→22% (2005)
E(Increased sales)= 24.2%
(Starting From 4)
Now overall sales in 2006⇒124.7% =216000
If we check the number in the form of series, if will
45 × 216000
45% = be easy to decode the logic. Check –
=77947 (approx) (Option c)
39. (c) Increased sales of A=67.5%
Increased sales of E=24.2%
So overall increased in sales (2006) = 124.7
sales in (2005) - 100%
24.7% increased. (Option c) 38 + 33 = 71 will be the missing number.
40. (b) B(2005) = 15% A(2005)=45% Hence, correct option is (c)
B(2006) = 16.5%B(2006)= 40.5% 46. (c)
Increased = 1.5% Decreased = 4.5 Person Game City
Net Decreased by =1.5%-4.5% P Chess Bombay
= -3% decreased (Option b) Q Football Calcutta
41. (c) R Cricket Ahmedabad
S Tennis Jaipur
Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
47. (d) when we the letter to get meaningful word as-
Clearly, BRINJAL is different from first three words,
as this is vegetable but first three are ‘birds’ hence.
Optional is (d) correct.

Hence option c.
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48. (b) After unscramble the letters in the given words in
order to get meaningful words, we get-
As we know that WINTER, SUMMER and SPRING
one season homes while CLOUD is different.
Hence. Optional is (b) correct.
49. (c)

Hence, stadium is in North-East from house of the

Hence. Optional is (d) correct.
Hence, Sham is uncle of Sita. So option (c) is correct 53. (c) According to both Sham and Shalini, The common
answer. dates of Ram’s birthday may be- 16, 17, 18, 19
50. (c) Ecology is the study of the environment, and it helps October.
as understand how organisms live with each other As this is given that this year, his birthday falls on
in unique physical environments. Histology is the ‘Wednesday’
study of tissues and their structure. Hence. Optional Now, if 2nd Oct. is Monday so 4th Oct will be
is (c) correct. Wednesday 11th , 18th Oct will also be Wednesday.
51. (d) I did not play a game implies that the game was not Hence. Optional is (c) correct.
interesting 54. (c) As per given information
Hence. Optional is (d) correct. Environment Science
52. (d) Statistics
So Environment science is on the top
Hence. Optional is (c) correct.

55. (d)

Hence. Optional is (d) correct.

56. (a) We can arrange the given data as 57. (c)

So Q is between U and R.
Hence. Optional is (c) correct.
58. (d) 10 11 13 17 25 32 37
So ‘C can F’ sit between G and A
We can get next term by adding sum of digit of
Hence. Optional is (a) correct.
number in number itself as-

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10 + sum of digit of 10 = 10 + (1+0) = 11, 11 + sum of 8 19 22
digit of 11 = = 11 + (1+1) = 13 64. (d) Here, two series are together at alternate place, as-
13 + (1+3) = 17,
17 + (1+7) = 25,
25 + (2+7) = 32,
32 + (3+2) = 37,
37 + (3+7) = 47, So, 30 + 6 = 36
Hence. Optional is (d) correct. Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
59. (b) When the hour hand moves 135 degrees is to use the 65. (a)
fact that the hour hand covers 0.5 for every minute.
Given that the hour hand needs to move 135
degrees, we can set up the equation:
Angle covered by hour hand =0.5° × Number of
Number of minutes be the time in minutes after Similarly
3:00 p.m.
135°=0.5°×Number of minutes
Now, solve for the number of minutes:
Number of minutes=135°/0.5°=270
So, the hour hand will take 270 minutes to move
135 degrees. Now, add these minutes to the initial
time of 3:00 p.m.:
3:00 p.m.+ 270 minutes = 7:30 p.m. Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
60. (a) The correct option is (a). 66. (a) At 7 : 15 =
2008 was a leap year. × 6°
A leap year has two odd days. Minute Hand = 15 min 90°
Suppose year 2008 starts with Monday. Hour Hand = 7Hr 15 min 24.5°
Then the first day of 2009 was Wednesday. Difference = 217.5° - 90° = 127.5°
Now, At 9 : 15 =
First day of 2010 → Thursday × 6°
First day of 2011 → Friday Minute Hand = 15 min 90°
First day of 2012 → Saturday Hour Hand = 9Hr 15 min 277.5°
Because 2012 was a leap year, First day of 2013 → Difference = 277.5° - 90° = 187.5°
Monday. At 4 : 30 =
First day of 2014 → Tuesday × 6°
First day of 2015 → Wednesday Minute Hand = 30 min 180°
Thus, the calendar for the year 2009 was the same as Hour Hand = 4Hr 30 min 135.5°
that of the year 2015 Difference = 180.5° - 145° = 45°
61. (a) At 2 : 30 =
× 6°
Minute Hand = 30 min 180°
Hour Hand = 2Hr 30 min 75°
Difference = 105°
So option (a) is the correct answer.
67. (a) This sentence is in the correct past perfect tense
∴ 90 + 42 = 132
structure. The use of ‘Hardly had’ is the correct
Hence, option (1) is correct answer.
inversion for expressing a sense of surprise or rarity
62. (d) Word ‘SALUTE’ can not be formed from the letters
in the past. With ‘hardly’ we use either ‘had’ or ‘did’
of the word ‘CONSULTATION’ as letters ‘E’ not in
as helping verbs. ‘The function got over’ is the
correct past tense form of the verb ‘get over, and ‘the
Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
crowd dispersed’ is the correct past tense form of the
63. (d) Logic: we can get code by multiplying place value of
verb ‘disperse’. The other options have grammatical
opposite letters, as
errors or incorrect tense structures.
68. (d) ‘Who replaced the player’ should be written in
H E Similarly
simple past tense to inquire about a specific action in
the past. ‘After she was injured’ is also in the correct
19 22 T L
past tense to indicate the sequence of events.
And 19 × 22 = 418 20 12
Option (a) The use of ‘had replaced’ suggests the
And 20 × 22 = 240
action is in past perfect tense, which is not necessary
Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
in this context.
H S V and 8 × 19 = 22 = 334

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Option (b) ‘She were injured’ is incorrect; it should Option (c) ‘reverse’ means to go backward or undo,
be ‘she was injured’ because we always use singular which is opposite in meaning to the context of
verb with singular subject. making something faster.
Option (c) ‘Who was replacing the player’ is in the Option (d) ‘justify’ means to provide reasons or
past continuous tense, which is not what the explanations for something, which is not the same as
sentence is conveying. accelerating a process.
69. (c) The word ‘ostensible’ means something that appears 74. (d) The paragraph emphasizes the demanding nature of
or seems to be true or real, but may not actually be critical reading and provides instructions on how to
the case. Among the given options, ‘apparent’ is the engage in it. The phrases ‘slow down reading’,
most suitable synonym for ‘ostensible’ as it also ‘perform specific operations on the text’, ‘Mark-up
carries the meaning of something that is visible, the text with your reactions, conclusions and
evident, or perceived, but not necessarily true. The questions’, and ‘you become an active participant’
other options do not convey the same meaning as all highlight the need for thoughtful and careful
‘ostensible’. attention when engaging in critical reading. This
Option (a) ‘strong’ means having power or physical supports the idea that critical reading requires
strength. focused and careful consideration.
Option (b) ‘desirable’ means worth having or Option (a) The paragraph doesn't suggest that
seeking. critical reading is dull; rather, it highlights the need
Option (d) ‘fateful’ means having significant to slow down and engage actively.
consequences or being important in a significant Option (b) While questioning what is read is part of
way. critical reading, the paragraph is broader in scope
70. (b) The word ‘communicable’ refers to a disease or and discusses various actions involved in critical
infection that can be transmitted from one person or reading.
organism to another through direct or indirect Option (c) The paragraph doesn't mention critical
contact. A synonym for ‘communicable’ in this times in a person's life; it focuses on the process of
context is ‘contagious’, which means capable of critical reading itself.
being transmitted from person to person through 75. (d) The original sentence is in the active voice: ‘He will
contact. finish the work in a fortnight’. To convert this into
Option (a) ‘Communication’ refers to the exchange the passive voice, the structure should be - Subject +
of information or messages. will be + past participle + by + agent.
Option (c) ‘Commutation’ refers to the act of In option (d), the sentence ‘The work will be finished
changing or substituting. by him in a fortnight’ maintains the passive voice
Option (d) ‘Understandable’ means easy to while accurately reflecting the original sentence's
comprehend or perceive. meaning. The other options either have incorrect
71. (b) The word ‘famished’ means extremely hungry or passive constructions or do not match the original
starving. Among the given options, ‘hungry’ is the sentence's tense and structure:
most suitable synonym for ‘famished’ as it carries Option (a) Incorrect passive construction.
the same meaning of experiencing a strong need for Option (b) The passive voice construction is correct,
food due to extreme hunger. but the tense is not the same as the original sentence.
Option (a) ‘Agricultural’ pertains to farming or Option (c) The passive construction is correct, but
related to agriculture. the tense is changed from future to past, altering the
Option (c) ‘Prestigious’ means having high status or meaning of the sentence.
reputation. 76. (b) Meaningful sentence: When I was young,
Option (d) ‘Feasible’ means possible or practical. shopkeepers would cycle around the town
72. (d) The correct form is ‘not to contradict’. The sentence delivering food to customers.
is stating that the purpose is not to contradict, nor to Explanation: The correct order forms a coherent
believe, but to weigh and consider. sentence that conveys a clear meaning. The sentence
Option (a) ‘to not contradict’ is grammatically talks about a past practice where shopkeepers would
incorrect. use bicycles to deliver food to customers around the
Option (b) ‘contradict not to’ is not the correct order town.
and doesn't fit the sentence context. 77. (c) The original sentence is in passive voice - Why was
Option (c) ‘to contradictory’ is not the correct phrase such a letter written by your father? To convert this
to complete the sentence properly. into active voice, the sentence should be in the form
73. (a) In the sentence, the word ‘expedite’ is used to ‘subject + verb + object’.
describe the attorney's action regarding the process. In option (c), the sentence ‘Why did your father write
The context clues provided are ‘wanted to’ and such a letter?’ maintains the active voice and
‘because her client was becoming impatient’. These accurately reflects the original sentence's meaning.
clues suggest that the attorney is taking action to The other options have incorrect active constructions
speed up or make the process faster. The word or do not match the original sentence's structure.
‘expedite’ means to accelerate or speed up a process, Option (a) Incorrect active construction.
which aligns with the context of the sentence. Option (b) ‘did your father wrote’ is incorrect; it
Option (b) ‘evaluate’ means to assess or judge, which should be "did your father write."
not the same as making a process faster is.
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Option (d) This option changes the tense and Option (a) Incorrect: The reported version uses
structure, and it's not a proper conversion of the ‘proposed’ correctly, but the pronouns are incorrect.
original passive sentence to active voice. Option (c) Incorrect: This option changes the
78. (c) The correct structure in this case uses the base form meaning by introducing ‘agreed to wait’, which is
of the verb ‘get’ after ‘like’. The auxiliary verb ‘does’ not the same as the original sentence's meaning.
is already in the present tense, so the verb that Option (d) Incorrect: The reported version has
follows it should be in its base form, ‘get’, without incorrect changes of pronouns and a mismatch in the
the addition of ‘-s’ as in the third person singular. reporting verb.
Option (a) ‘gets’ should be ‘get’. 83. (c) The original sentence is in direct speech, and the
Option (b) ‘likes’ should not have the ‘-s’ ending reported version should be changed to indirect
after ‘doesn't’. speech. The reporting verb ‘said’ is changed to
Option (d) ‘likes’ should not have the ‘-s’ ending ‘requested’, and the pronouns and tenses are
after ‘doesn't’ and the structure is not correct with modified accordingly. In the reported version, ‘him’
‘getting up’. remains the same, ‘wait here’ becomes ‘wait there’,
79. (b) The word ‘palpable’ means something that is easily and ‘I return’ becomes ‘she returned’.
perceptible, noticeable, or able to be felt. Among the The correct indirect narration is: She requested him
given options, ‘perceivable’ is the most suitable to wait there till she returned.
synonym for ‘palpable’ as it also refers to something Option (a) The pronoun change is correct, but the
that can be perceived or easily detected. tenses are incorrect.
Option (a) ‘visible’ refers to something that can be Option (c) The tenses are incorrect; ‘she returns’
seen, but ‘palpable’ encompasses more than just should be changed to ‘she returned’
visual perception. Option (d) The tenses are incorrect; ‘she had
Option (c) ‘audible’ refers to something that can be returned’ is not needed.
heard, which is not synonymous with ‘palpable’. 84. (b) The correct sentence is: He put off his departure for
Option (d) ‘presentable’ refers to something that is a week.
suitable for being presented, which is not The phrase ‘put off’ means to postpone or delay
synonymous with ‘palpable’. something. In this context, it means that he delayed
80. (d) The paragraph discusses the advantages of his departure for a week.
mediation as an alternative approach to resolving Option (a) ‘put down’ means to place something on
conflicts compared to litigation. It highlights that a surface, but it doesn't convey the idea of
mediation can be faster, less expensive, and can lead postponing.
to creative solutions not always achievable in a court Option (c) ‘put of’ is not a correct phrase.
of law. The statement ‘Mediation can be faster, less Option (d) ‘put on’ means to wear something, but it
expensive and can lead to create solutions not doesn't convey the idea of postponing.
always possible in a court of law’, directly supports 85. (a) The word 'reproach' means to express disapproval
the idea that mediation can be an effective way to or disappointment, often in a critical or blameful
resolve conflicts. manner. 'Reprimand' is a synonym for 'reproach' as
Option (a) The paragraph doesn't specifically state it also refers to a rebuke or criticism, indicating
that there is ‘too much reliance’ on litigation. disapproval or scolding.
Option (b) While the paragraph mentions limitations Option (b) ‘appreciate’ means to value or recognize
of litigation, it does not explicitly mention that the worth of something.
litigation is expensive, slow, and limited by Option (c) ‘understand’ means to comprehend or
following the letter of the law. grasp the meaning of something.
Option (c) The paragraph does not claim that Option (d) ‘to approach again’ is a different phrase
mediation is the absolute best way to resolve a crisis, and does not carry the same meaning as 'reproach.'
but rather that it is an effective alternative to 86. (b) The word ‘gullible’ refers to someone who is easily
litigation. deceived or fooled, often due to a lack of critical
81. (b) The correct spelling is – Documentation thinking or skepticism. Among the given options,
Option (a) – Disaster ‘naïve’ is the most suitable synonym for ‘gullible’ as
Option (c) – Deviation it carries the same meaning of being easily
Option (d) – Dormitory influenced or deceived due to a lack of experience or
82. (b) The original sentence is in direct speech, and the sophistication.
reported version should be changed to indirect Option (a) ‘intelligent’ means having a high level of
speech. The key elements to remember are the mental ability or understanding.
change of pronouns and the appropriate reporting Option (c) ‘dishonest’ means not truthful or lacking
verbs. In this case, ‘proposed’ is the suitable integrity.
reporting verb, and the pronoun ‘us’ should change Option (d) ‘critical’ means expressing disapproval or
to ‘they’. making judgments, which is not synonymous with
The correct indirect narration is: He proposed that ‘gullible’.
they should wait for the award. 87. (d) The word ‘considerate’ means being thoughtful,
The other options have errors in reporting or caring, and showing concern for the feelings and
incorrect changes of pronouns: needs of others. The opposite of being considerate is

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being ‘indifferent’, which means lacking interest, fireflies that give no heat. Unfortunately, the
concern, or empathy for others. monkeys reacted with anger and did not appreciate
Option (a) ‘Comprehensive’ means complete or the bird's advice, leading to an unfortunate outcome.
including a wide range of subjects. 95. (b) is the correct answer.
Option (b) ‘Atrocious’ means extremely bad or 96. (d) The sentence is logically and grammatically correct.
horrifying, not opposite to ‘considerate’. 97. (b) In this sentence, the correct structure is ‘he decided
Option (c) ‘Malignant’ means harmful or not to perform on the stage’. The placement of the
malevolent, not opposite to ‘considerate’. word ‘not’ is important; it should come after the verb
88. (d) The phrase ‘A bird in the hand is worth two in the ‘decided’. This creates the correct negative form of
bush’ is a common idiom, meaning that it's better to the sentence.
have something certain or real (the bird in your Option (a) ‘to not perform’ is not the correct
hand) than to risk losing it by trying to get something structure; it should be ‘not to perform’.
else that seems better but is uncertain (the two birds Option (c) ‘did not decided’ is incorrect; it should be
in the bush). ‘did not decide’.
89. (c) The correct sentence is: While going to Chandigarh, Option (d) ‘decide not to perform’ is the correct
our car broke down in midway. structure, but the verb tense should be in the past,
The phrase ‘broke down’ is used to describe the ‘decided’, to match the context.
situation when a vehicle stops working suddenly or 98. (a) Meaningful sentence: This card entitles you to take
experiences a mechanical failure. In this context, the an extra person with you free.
correct preposition to use is ‘down’. The correct order forms a coherent sentence that
Option (a) ‘broke apart’ means to separate into conveys a clear meaning. The sentence talks about a
pieces, which is not the same as a mechanical failure. card that grants the holder the privilege to bring an
Option (b) ‘broke up’ typically refers to the end of a extra person along for free.
relationship, not the situation of a car breaking 99. (a) The correct sentence is: Time and tide waits for none.
down. The phrase ‘Time and tide waits for none’ is a well-
Option (d) ‘broke into’ means to forcibly enter a known proverb, and in this context, the correct form
place. of the verb to use is ‘waits’. The proverb suggests
90. (d) The correct answer is (d) refused to yield. that time and opportunities do not wait for anyone;
The idiom "put her foot down" in this context means they keep moving forward regardless of our actions.
that she firmly and decisively refused to change her Option (b) ‘wait’ is the base form of the verb, but the
decision or yield to the request. correct form here is the third person singular ‘waits’.
91. (c) The monkeys were running through the forest Option (c) ‘waiting’ is the present participle form of
because they were in search of a warm shelter. This the verb, which is not the correct form for the
is evident from the passage where it is mentioned, proverb.
"Worried monkeys looked everywhere for shelter." Option (d) ‘had waited’ is the past perfect tense,
92. (b) In the above passage, night is described as cold & which is not the correct tense for this context
stormy. This is evident from the passage where it 100. (c) The correct sentence is: There are more things in
mentions, "The night was cold and dark. There was heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our
a great storm, thunder and lightning also." philosophy.
93. (c) When you try to help a fool, you may invite danger The phrase ‘more things in heaven and earth than’ is
for yourself. This is evident from the passage where part of a famous quote from William Shakespeare's
the bird, out of kindness, tried to help the monkeys play ‘Hamlet’. In this context, ‘than’ is the correct
by correcting their misunderstanding about the word to use, indicating a comparison between the
fireflies, but it ended up being pulled out of its nest number of things in heaven and earth and the things
by an angry monkey, which put the bird in danger. that are dreamt of in philosophy.
94. (b) No The correct answer is (b) she was kind and felt Option (a) ‘then’ is used to indicate a sequence of
sorry for them. events or time, which is not appropriate here.
The bird tried to help the monkeys out of kindness Option (b) ‘thin’ is an adjective meaning having little
and sympathy for their situation. The text mentions thickness or being slim, and it does not fit the
that the bird had a kind heart and felt sorry for the context.
monkeys who were cold and looking for shelter. The Option (d) ‘where’ indicates a location or place,
bird attempted to guide them by informing them which does not make sense in this context.
that the light they saw was not a real fire, but rather

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