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ge, Los! alimMoaha Contract Review Form- Filling Stations of the Conpany A) Required Details: 26/03/2024 SN | Details Notes: MANAH AL MAHYUL F/S [1 Dept. Submitting the form _ 2 ‘a- Concession[ b- Owner to Company |__| Type of Contract c= Company to Operator] ; _| ‘Names of the other party dara ST yg045 9 Gylle gy dal / deal! gould obo “sigal 4 | da Ay Full Physical A cee | Full Physical Address aus iiss 3 Le Bq) Jarrell pete lpall 2959 Alaree hk t5o Bla JD) go! Lawl ae Lg) Jgareell ze yall 2989 Aarne (laity 813 . Baa) 9 all pantaia nb ( jae Jk) 100) olde cal set Duration of th Sao) dy pall (powtio nb ( ile Jb) 100) oni s col Saget ration ofthe contract 2 2025/05/31 lis 2024/06/01 : 95 cys bss) ale ABBlgeg GLAU yaSyll 5 (0 Batnall 5 Sdall Je lel + etal 6 _| Start /Expiry date Siarts From + 01/06/2024 to : 31/05/2025 7 __| FS working hours 18 Hours 3 Labour will be provided by | a Company] b- FS Owner] c- Operator 9 fae 7 19 | contact includes a- FS only b- FS and C Store] c- FS and Car washC]_d- FS, C-Store and Car Wash 10 | Approved rent/ payment a- FS b- C-Store amount e- Car Wash iT Sameer Al-Baloushi = Notes of Dept. manager | Notes of Sector Head Approved Note Approved [1 ‘TO BE COMPLETED BY LEGAL DEPARTMENT: Notes: M- 92/24 2 2024/03/13 fs! evil gosta allen Op dar / cyadigull os! Ad Gg avinall ae iy Gage Oy Billa / Sli! (4!) Glassell ELLE Gui) avin! goalall la gy gan. / cil! coil ELLH Gay asa GAH see Gy eld / Seal 4G jail! 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CR wo40r ” AL-BASHAIR FOR AGRICULTURE PRODUCTS arr vn Tel. : 24535847 ie Tel. : 25417055 a] Fax : 25417009 Fax : 24535847 aa SSIS te asiaall cell cigs Ge se / Saati! clbaaall utd g 3 pla! 5 pils pete wag Anh des ASM aA VE LEYS J NV Gey is le pall Sill) gles Nel gets Leal aby Abas Sets 5 fal ate Oe ~ | Bib osaly Ada ad oils LY y Ua! os ais al aa ge YL eailly al sind) gith | plitis eit als Gp sane Sy ee [urer——Yassos parte ume ere a aa aH fase be per Tae 2 fee pers a 2 | pT ead pave fama lerre pie fren ee om eal eD F jsrcies fase waren oresi ere Brest resin furor see sro bug Bran (sas eter Jnetor aro [eesoiy——peaze Jove unre feo Eo i099 ane lanza eae fase rsa aren fre sat aria ar a [ar TERRY er soul i arch OHHH po srw2@ au ova exi2 9a EE hing mein frome [aes EEF ll a Gl gl 3S Hep OV se wal line fae HLL Vagal Joh 968-24610222 175) ida 968-24610392 ‘5 SE (ASAI) 3 ae Lat tell Class pps aio MBAS-0000277-2023 _ “al py ATA ucla TA ~ OT ae oa | | ey Dall Maas Gay 5 hs) sl ‘aia paul | ela tolial oS oI) LA 8 Ad) LA Canes Ane leball ge allel AS dtl Ce i Cae (0) Gaall gb Lebaads 95 gill SYN yay ptt iby Mise Qlacd SAY dag pill Lb peal apd ie anal lL Sah y Joy pl Lid BAe Baal y lla os pred 25 AS ad Ld ta i yall SL Sl jolly ball pce 8 y Sal LSAT yoy tll sey aI STVLy LIS, Call LIS Sle ily Ane Baal of jth Libs gale Ait Glad cee ght AS php jah eat ley 54 ll Gisall Gala pi ayy Le ues Lele Go pail! 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