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Wind Potential in India

Wind Energy Harvesting

Parameters & Efficiency WT

On-Shore/Off-Shore WT

Wind – grid integration

Case study

Protocols in India
Supply & Demand of Wind Energy

➢ Wind energy is a great alternative to fossil fuels because it is a free,

clean, and renewable source of energy.
➢ The wind industry faces some important issues. The wind is
intermittently available, so wind farms cannot always be relied upon
to meet utility energy needs.
➢ Wind farms can be troublesome when located near residences due
to aesthetics, noise disturbances caused by the turbine, and shadow
flickering caused by the rotating blades as they interrupt sun rays.
➢ There are also supply and transport issues related to wind energy.
Because of the large size of wind turbines, manufactured items
(blades) are difficult to transport to the project site.
Wind Potential in India
 Development of wind power in India began in December 1952, when Maneklal
Sankalchand Thacker, a distinguished power engineer, initiated a project with
the Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. The CSIR established a
Wind Power Sub-Committee under P. Nilakantan, the Sub-Committee extensively
reviewed available data on surface winds in India and their velocity duration,
and began detailed surveys of promising sites for harnessing the optimum
amount of wind energy; it also successfully developed and tested large wood-
and-bamboo windmills.

 In September 1954, a Symposium on Solar Energy and Wind Power organized by

the CSIR and UNESCO was held in New Delhi; among the attendees was E. W.
Golding, a British power engineer and authority on wind energy generation.
Golding's recommendations were adopted by the CSIR in 1957.
 Allgaier wind turbine, which was presented to India by the West German
government; experiments at Porbandar with the latter had commenced by 1961.
➢ In 1960, the CSIR established a Wind Power Division as part of the new National
Aeronautical Laboratory (NAL) in Bangalore, which was founded that year

➢ Large-scale development of wind power began in 1985 with the first wind project in
Veraval, Gujarat, in the form of a 40-kW Dutch machine (make Polenko) connected to
the grid.

➢ In 1986, demonstration wind farms were set up in the coastal areas of Maharashtra
(Ratnagiri), Gujarat (Okha,) and Tamil Nadu (Tirunelveli) with 55 kW Vestas wind turbines.
The demonstration projects set up in 1985-86 established beyond doubt, both the
technical and economic viability of the wind energy projects, while the wind-mapping
program resulted in the identification of many sites suitable for wind power projects (C-
WET 2001; Mani 1990, 1992, 1994; Mani and Mooley 1983).

➢ The potential for wind farms in the country was first assessed in 2011 to be more than 2,000
GW by Prof. Jami Hossain of TERI University, New Delhi. This was subsequently re-validated
by Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, US (LBNL) in an independent study in 2012.

➢ As a result, the MNRE set up a committee to reassess the potential[20] and the National
Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE, previously C-WET) has announced a revised estimation of
the potential wind resource in India from 49,130 MW to 302,000 MW.
➢ In 2015, the MNRE set the target for Wind Power generation capacity by 2022 at 60,000

➢ East and Northeast regions have no grid-connected wind power plant as of December

➢ Wind power generation capacity in India has significantly increased in recent years. As
of 30 September 2022, the total installed wind power capacity was 41.666 GW, the fourth
largest installed wind power capacity in the world.

➢ Wind power capacity is mainly spread across the Southern, Western, and Northwestern

➢ The expansion of the wind industry has resulted in a strong ecosystem, project operation
capabilities, and a manufacturing base of about 10,000 MW per annum.

➢ As of 31 March 2023, the total installed wind power capacity was 42.633 gigawatts (GW),
the fourth largest installed wind power capacity in the world.
A wind farm overlooking Bada Bagh, India.
County / Zone: Rajasthan

City: Jaisalmer

turbines: Suzlon S64/1250 (power 1 250 kW,

diameter 64 m)
Its installed capacity is 1,064 MW
Developer: Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals
Operator: Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals
Gansu Wind Farm in China is the largest wind farm in the world, with a target capacity of
20,000 MW by 2020.
➢ The Muppandal Wind Farm is India's largest
operational onshore wind farm. This project is
located in the Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu.

The project was developed by Tamil Nadu

Energy Development Agency. Its installed
capacity is 1,500 MW, which makes it the 3rd-
largest operational onshore wind farm in the
Installed wind capacity by the state as of 31 March 2021:

State Total Capacity (MW)

Tamil Nadu 9608.04

Gujarat 8561.82
Maharashtra 5000.33
Karnataka 4938.60
Rajasthan 4326.82
Andhra Pradesh 4096.65
Madhya Pradesh 2519.89
Telangana 128.10
Kerala 62.50
Others 4.30

Total 39247.05
Wind Energy Harvesting
 Today’s wind-harvesting technology includes blades connected to a rotor, a
gearbox, a braking system, a turbine, and a generator.
 A nacelle is the compartment that houses the generating components of
the wind turbine. the rotor connects the blades to a shaft within the nacelle,
which connects to a generator.
 The blades are aerodynamically designed to create a lifting force as the
wind flows towards the turbine, which causes the rotor to spin.
 The rotational speed of the turning blades is not fast enough to generate
electricity, so a gearbox is needed to increase the rotational speed of the
 The U.S. Department of Energy defines the gearbox as connecting the “low-
speed shaft to the high-speed shaft and increases the rotational speeds from
about 30-60 rotations per minute (rpm) to about 1,000-1,800 rpm; this is the
rotational speed required by most generators to produce electricity.
 An anemometer and wind vane connected
to the top of the wind turbine measure wind
speed and direction to send signals to the
yaw- and pitch system.

 These mechanisms ensure that the wind

turbine is facing the incoming wind flow(yaw)
and the blades are tilted enough (pitch) to
cause efficient lift force from the wind.

 Additionally, if the wind speed becomes too

turbulent, the anemometer sends a signal to
the braking system to prevent damage to the
rotor, gear box, and generator. Generally, you
will find wind turbines grouped together to
form a wind farm. They can generate bulk
electrical power and can be sized to the site,
application, and energy needs
Parameters on which wind power equation

➢ The three main factors that influence power

output are wind speed, air density, and blade

➢ Wind Speed

➢ Arbitrary power curve of a 1 MW wind turbine

compared to wind speed. Notice the cutout
➢ Wind speed largely determines the amount of
electricity generated by a turbine. Higher wind
The arbitrary power curve of a 1 MW
speeds generate more power because stronger
wind turbine compared to wind
winds allow the blades to rotate faster. Faster
rotation translates to more mechanical power
and more electrical power from the generator.
The relationship between wind speed and power
for a typical wind turbine is shown in Figure
➢ Air Density

Power output is related to the local air density, which is a function of altitude, pressure, and
temperature. Dense air exerts more pressure on the rotors, which results in higher power

➢ Turbine Design

Wind turbines are designed to maximize the rotor blade radius to maximize power output.
Larger blades allow the turbine to capture more of the kinetic energy of the wind by moving
more air through the rotors.
However, larger blades require more space and higher wind speeds to operate. As a
general rule, turbines are spaced out at four times the rotor diameter. This distance is
necessary to avoid interference between turbines, which decreases the power output.
Turbine output power can be increased as follows:

(1) selecting a turbine erection site with a high ρ value.

(2) increasing rotor radius size rT,

(3) Selecting a site with strong wind speeds or increasing the tower height to access stable
wind speeds (PT increases eightfold when VW is doubled), and

(4) designing turbine rotor blades with high Cp value.

Wind power has been growing quite rapidly in many regions; explore the data below to see
how wind power has been increasing in different countries
A wind farm or wind park is also called a wind power
station or wind power plant.
It is a group of wind turbines in the same location used
to produce electricity. Wind farms vary in size from a
small number of turbines to several hundred wind
turbines covering an extensive area.
Locations :

The location is critical to the success of a wind farm.

Several wind farms are located in China, India, and the
United States.
The largest wind farm in the world, Gansu Wind Farm in
China had a capacity of over 6,000 MW by 2012, with a
goal of 20,000 MW by 2020.
As of December 2020, the 1218 MW Hornsea Wind Farm in
the UK is the largest offshore wind farm in the world.
Individual wind turbine designs continue to increase in
power, resulting in fewer turbines being needed for the
same total output.

Gansu Wind Farm->

Design :

Conditions contributing to a successful wind farm location include:

▪ wind conditions, access to electric transmission, physical access, and local

electricity prices.

▪ Faster winds are generally economically better for wind farm developments.

▪ Part of the Biglow Canyon Wind Farm, Oregon, United States with a turbine under
On-shore and Off-shore Wind Turbine


 Offshore wind power or offshore wind energy is the generation of electricity through wind
farms in bodies of water, usually at sea.

 Usually at sea, There are higher wind speeds offshore than on land, so offshore farms
generate more electricity per amount of capacity installed.

 Offshore wind farms are also less controversial than those on land, as they have less
impact on people and the landscape.

 Offshore power networks are mainly designed to connect the onshore power grid to
near-shore oil and gas extraction sites, or for the connection of offshore windfarms to
allow power evacuation to the onshore power grid.
Advantages of offshore wind:

▪ Windmills can be built that are larger and taller than their onshore counterparts, allowing
for more energy collection.

▪ Typically out at sea, there is a much higher wind speed/force allowing for more energy to
be generated at a time.

▪ Wind farms seem to have a relatively neutral impact on their surrounding environment.
They are not built in shipping lanes, fishing areas, or in delicate environments.

▪ There are no physical restrictions such as hills or buildings that could block the wind flow.
Disadvantages of offshore wind:

▪ The biggest disadvantage of an offshore wind farm is the cost.

▪ Offshore wind farms can be expensive to build and maintain and because of the hard-to-
reach locations, they are susceptible to damage from very high-speed winds during
storage which is expensive to repair.

▪ Offshore wind farms that are built closer to coastlines (generally within 26 miles) can be
unpopular with residents as they can affect property values and tourism.
Onshore wind farm:

 Onshore wind power refers to turbines that are located on land and use the wind to
generate electricity.

 They are generally located in areas where there is low conservation or habitat value.
Advantages of onshore wind:

▪ The cost of onshore wind farms is relatively cheap, allowing for mass wind turbine farms.

▪ The shorter distance between the windmill and the consumer allows for less vo drop-offop
off on the cabling.

▪ Wind turbines are very quick to install. Unlike a nuclear power station, which can take over
twenty years, a wind turbine can be built in a matter of months.
Which is best, onshore or offshore wind?

▪ There are many variables as to which type of wind farm is chosen by energy suppliers,
including political, financial, and geographical factors.

▪ Generally, whether one or the other is used is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Challenges in the Development of Offshore and onshore Wind Energy:

▪ Design, Availability, Installation, and Maintenance.

▪ Electrical Connection Issues.

▪ Environmental and Visual Impact.

▪ Cost of Turbine Manufacture, Installation, and Maintenance cost

▪ Electrical Connection and Regulatory Improvements are needed.

Electrical Design Issues in Offshore Power Networks :

▪ As the majority of the offshore windfarms are connected through High Voltage AC cable

▪ The level of power transfer and connection distance for an AC connection is practically
limited by cable charging current and cable power losses.
How to overcome??....

▪ As motivated by a lack of space onshore, attractive policy incentives, and increased

public support for renewable energy.

▪ offshore wind developers in Europe and the United States (in a more limited capacity)
are now employing creative ways to overcome or at least mitigate the impact of these

▪ If such progress continues to be made in all the most problematic areas of offshore
financing, construction and operation, it will not be long before offshore development
catches up with, and perhaps even outpaces onshore wind energy development.
Smart Grid Technologies for Connection of Offshore Windfarms

▪ High-Temperature Superconducting Cables.

▪ Smart Grid solutions such as FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) devices can be used
to optimize new and existing T&D networks.

▪ Although the development of offshore wind energy has grown significantly over the last
decade, the industry is still small in comparison to the total amount of installed wind energy
▪ Globally.

▪ Offshore wind energy is projected to be an ever greater share of the wind energy sector in

▪ In the United States, offshore wind will play a visible role in the Northeast but may, for cost and
other reasons, find it difficult to compete in other regions of the country.

▪ Advances in turbine technology and construction and installation techniques will make
▪ Offshore wind is more efficient and less expensive, potentially expanding its range.
Classification of Wind Energy Technologies
In the present wind energy industry, major WT
technologies are classified according to various

The most prominent classification factors are

based on the following:
▪ WT electric output power rating (low, medium,
and high power), aerodynamic power
regulation scheme during high-wind-speed
conditions (stall and pitch control), alignment of
wind generator shaft with respect to the ground
(vertical and horizontal axis), type of application
to feed the turbine electric output power
(standalone and grid-connected),wind generator
operating speed with respect to the varying wind
speeds (fixed and variable speed),
location for erection of WTs (onshore and offshore),
type of mechanical coupling between the turbine
and generator shaft (geared and gearless), and

▪ wind generator shaft with respect to the ground

(vertical and horizontal axis), type of application to feed the turbine electric output
power (standalone and grid-connected), wind generator operating speed with respect
to the varying wind speeds (fixed and variable speed).

▪ location for erection of WTs (onshore and offshore), type of mechanical coupling
between the turbine and generator shaft (geared and gearless), and

▪ wind-speed velocities (low, medium, and high) affect the WT.

 Grid integration of wind energy is simply a collection of all activities related to
connecting WPPs to the grid. Activities are split into three categories based on when
the activities occur.
 The first stage, planning, includes activities that occur before a WPP is integrated.

High-Level Activities of Grid Integration

Physical System
connection operations

•Power flow, short-circuit, •Build transmission from •Unit commitment

system stability studies WPP to substation •Economic dispatch
•System operations study •Connection at a •Wind energy forecasting
•Wind power substation
interconnection code
Standalone and Grid-Connected Turbines

▪ According to the type of application to feed electric output power, WTs are classified
as standalone and grid-connected systems.
▪ Standalone Distributed generation is an alternative solution to power consumers in
locations wherein the expansion of the electric grid is prohibitive and expensive.
▪ In standalone DG, load demand varies with respect to time, and turbine output power
changes with respect to wind speed.
▪ To provide stable, secure, and reliable electricity, WTs are used in conjunction with
other power generation units such as photovoltaic (PV), mini/micro hydro, biomass,
and diesel generators, as well as energy (usually battery energy) storage systems.
▪ Low to medium-power WTs are commonly employed in standalone applications and
represent only a fraction of global cumulative installed wind power capacity.
▪ Low- and medium-power WTs can also be used in grid-connected DG to reduce
electricity consumption from the utility grid.
▪ When theelectricity produced by the WT exceeds the household or
community requirements, the electricity is sold to the utility without employing any
energy storage.
▪ The majority of commercial high-power WTs are employed in grid-connected
▪ The power produced by high-power WTs is fed directly into the grid. The output of
WT is usually less than 1000 V but is boosted to a few kV by using a step-up
transformer to and power via transmission lines.
▪ Wind farm power is fed into a grid by high-voltage alternating current (HVAC) or
▪ voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission lines.
▪ The power to be delivered and the distance of the wind farm to the nearby utility
grid are two crucial factors that play an important role in deciding between HVAC
and HVDC transmission
Fixed-Speed and Variable-Speed Turbines

▪ On the basis of rotational speed, grid-connected turbines are classified

as FSWTs and VSWTs.

▪ TSR is defined as the ratio between the tangential speed of the blade tip and the
wind speed

▪ where ωT is the angular speed of the turbine (rad/s) and vw is the wind speed (m/s).
▪ The power coefficient Cp discussed is a function of the TSR and blade pitch angle.
FSWT: Fixed Speed Wind Turbine:

▪ The first generation of grid-connected WTs developed during the 1980s were based on
fixed-speed technology.
▪ TheseWTs are connected to the utility grid directly without any power converter, thus
making the FSWT configuration simple and cost-effective.
▪ In FSWTs, the wind generator operates at an almost constant speed,
regardless of the wind speed.
▪ In FSWTs, the speed ωT is decided according to the gear ratio, number of
poles in the wind generator, and grid frequency.
▪ The TSR value (λT ) increases when wind speed vw decreases at a constant ωT
▪ According to the WT characteristics, power coefficient Cp decreases when λT
▪ Increases.
▪ With the fixed-speed operation, the wind energy conversion efficiency decreases,
and mechanical stress on the drivetrain increases.
VSWT Variable Speed Wind Turbines:

▪ In VSWTs, the rotor speed ωT is changed according to the wind speed vw, suc that the
turbine always operates at an optimal TSR value λop .
▪ For example, when the wind speed changes to 0.9 pu, the turbine/generator speed ωT also
changes to 0.9 pu. Given this, Cp value is maintained at an optimal value, Cop, and PT
always holds a cubic relationship with vw.
▪ Therefore, wind energy conversion efficiency in VSWTs is higher than with FSWTs.
▪ The initial cost of VSWTs is high because of the power converter; however, the high-energy
yield of the VSWTs compensates es the high initial cost d power losses in the converter.
▪ In the present wind energy industry, VSWTs are dominantly used.
•Cost of Grid Integration

•The Cost of Transmission for Wind Energy A Review of Transmission Planning Studies (February 2009)
•USA review of a sample of 40 detailed transmission studies that have included wind power 2001 and 2008
•total transmission cost / total amount of incremental generation capacity (wind and non-wind)
•Majority of studies’ unit cost of transmission is 500/kW or roughly 25 of the current 2,000/kW cost of
building a wind project
•The median cost of transmission from all scenarios in the sample is 300/kW, roughly 15 of the wind project cost
•Aggregate range of transmission costs is from 0-79/MWh with a median of 15/MWh and most studies falling
below 25/MWh.
•WTG ave roughly R20 mill/MW Grid ave R3-5 mill/MW
Country Experiences with Integrated Wind Energy

Experiences from other countries are exemplified in the following observations in a 2015 Wind
Vision report (US Department of Energy 2015, chapter 2.7):

(i) The electric power network operated reliably with high wind contributions (10% or higher) in
2013 with minimal impacts on network operating costs.

(ii) In regions with wind power contributions of up to 20% of annual electrical demand in 2013,
Electric power systems operated reliably without added storage and with little or no increase
in generation reserves.

(iii) Wind has been proven to increase system reliability during some severe weather events.

(iv) Studies prior to 2008 had estimated integration costs up to $5 per megawatt-hour (MWh).
By 2013, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which has the highest Penetration of wind,
was reporting an integration cost of $0.5/MWh.
Doubly Fed Induction Generator
 Doubly-fed electric machines are basically electric machines that are fed
ac currents into both the stator and the rotor windings. Most doubly-fed
electric machines in the industry today are three-phase wound-rotor
induction machines.
 Although their principles of operation have been known for decades,
doubly-fed electric machines have only recently entered into common use.
This is due almost exclusively to the advent of wind power technologies for
electricity generation.
 The primary advantage of doubly-fed induction generators when used in
wind turbines is that they allow the amplitude and frequency of their output
voltages to be maintained at a constant value, no matter the speed of the
wind blowing on the wind turbine rotor.
 Because of this, doubly-fed induction generators can be directly
connected to the ac power network and remain synchronized at all times
with the ac power network.
Other advantages include the ability to control the power factor while keeping the
electronics devices in the wind turbine at a moderate size. A more detailed picture of the
DFIG system with a back-to-back converter. The back-to-back converter consists of two
converters, i.e., a machine-side converter and a grid-side converter that is connected
back-to-back. Back-to-back two converters a dc-link capacitor is placed, as energy
storage, in order to keep the voltage variations (or ripple) in the dc-link. With the
machine-side converter, it is possible to control the torque or the speed of the DFIG and
also the power factor at the stator terminals, while the main objective for the grid-side
converter is to keep the dc-link voltage constant.
Survey on Grid-connected DFIG
➢ Small wind turbines used in residential applications
typically range in size from 400 watts to 20
kilowatts, depending on the amount of electricity
you want to generate.
Grid-Connected Small Wind Electric Systems

▪ Small wind energy systems can be connected to the electricity distribution system. These
are called grid-connected systems. A grid-connected wind turbine can reduce your
consumption of utility-supplied electricity for lighting, appliances, electric heating and
cooling, and vehicle charging.

▪ If the turbine cannot deliver the amount of energy you need, the utility makes up the
difference. When the wind system produces more electricity than your household requires,
the excess is credited and used to offset future use of utility-supplied power.

▪ Modern grid-connected wind turbines will operate only when the utility grid is available.
They can also operate during power outages when configured to work in tandem with
storage to form a home microgrid to provide backup power.
Case Study : Wind Turbine
Environmental protocols in India
Environmental Impacts of Wind Power

▪ Land use.
▪ Wildlife and habitat.
▪ Public health and community.
▪ Water use.
▪ Life-cycle global warming emissions.
▪ The generation of electricity from wind energy using large numbers of wind turbines
can disrupt both landscapes and habitats, as well as the rotating turbine blades can
sometimes kill birds and bats.
Noise Emissions of the Rotating Blades

▪ As well as the visual effects on the environment, wind turbines and wind farms can have
negative impacts on human health and well-being, especially on those people living near
wind turbines who are affected by their noise. Like any machine that has moving parts,
wind turbines generate noise during their operation.

▪ Noise and vibration from wind turbine arises mainly from two main sources:

▪ 1. Mechanical noise from the rotational movement of the gearbox and electrical
▪ 2. Aerodynamic noise is caused by the interaction of the turbine blades with the wind as
they rotate.
➢ Industrial Protocol Converter

Numerous protocols are used for communicating between sensors with-in wind turbines For
example, a few sensors such as oil temperature sensor, rotor speed connected in CAN bus,
and sensors such as vibration, wind speed are connected over Profibus etc. Apart from it,
there is a need to monitor the power generated and that is fed to the grid. The underlying
protocols and connectivity evolve in each generation of wind turbines. And in some cases,
only a part of the overall system is upgraded as overall upgrade costs will be prohibitive.
Further large integrators such as our clients have their cloud infrastructure where the acquired
data has to be presented.

This calls for a device that can speak to a plethora of networks that provides a seamless
interface between the previous-generation and next-generation devices. Also, they need to
send the collected information to the central cloud and accept commands.

With inputs from the customer, Embien proposed an Industrial Protocol Converter for the Wind
turbine systems. This device will be responsible for translating data available in one network
format to another. It also provides features to upload data to the cloud and act on
commands received from the cloud as well.
➢ Protocol Translation Unit design

Embien designed and delivered a standalone industrial protocol translation unit to bridge
communication protocols. With a powerful ARM MCU at its heart, the high-level block
diagram of the system is given below.

Having experience in developing industrial protocol stacks such as CANOpen, DeviceNet,

EthernetIP, Modbus RTC/TCP, Profibus, etc, right from specification to certification, Embien
architected the Protocol Translation Unit design considering the nuanced requirements of the
protocols to be supported. As the device is going to be deployed in a remote location, the
GSM/GPRS is chosen as the choice of internet connectivity.




















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