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Copyright © 2024 by Liu Goto

Copyright © BANDAI NAMCO FILMWORKS, Shochiku

This book is a fan translation.

Support the official release if there ever is one.

Names, characters, organizations, places, events and incidents may differ

slightly from official names at the time of translation. Updated versions of
this will be made to reflect changes at a future date.

“Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM (VOL.2)”

Released 2024.03.26

For more information, or to read more Gundam novels and manga :

Novel Translation and Book Layout by Zeonic|Scanlations

First Edition: March 2024

C.E. (Cosmic Era) -
In this era, two distinct classes of humanity exist: those genetically
modified from birth, bestowing upon them exceptional physical and
intellectual prowess (known as Coordinators), and those who come into the
world as nature intended (known as Naturals). A profound ideological clash
over their very essence has escalated into an armed conflict between the
two sides.

In the thick of this tumult, a system called the Destiny Plan was
proposed. This scheme envisions a world devoid of competition, where roles
are unilaterally assigned to individuals. Yet, to safeguard the aspirations of a
free future for humanity, the Destiny Plan meets resistance and is ultimately
rejected amidst the chaos of war.

Although the war reached its end after exacting a heavy toll, the schism
and animosity between the two factions continue to smolder in various
corners of the world to this day.
Chapter.04 ··························································································006
Chapter.05 ·································································································
Chapter.06 ·································································································
Epilogue ·································································································
Afterword ·································································································

Just days after the tragedies at Ishtaria and Eldora, the COMPS
member state representatives held an emergency meeting.
"We've confirmed what appears to be the wreckage of the
Archangel 1.5 kilometers east of the second blast site," Toyah
delivered his report with a steady voice, betraying no emotion despite
the gravity of his words.
"The Freedom, Justice, and our other mobile suit contingents from
the operation remain unaccounted for. They're not responding to our
hails either. We... presume they were all caught in the explosion."
On the monitor, the weary faces of Atlantic Federation President
Foster and PLANT Supreme Council Chairman Lament materialized,
their heavy exhales bridging the distance, a shared gesture of despair
and exhaustion palpable even through the digital divide.
It was a scene of utter devastation. That's what it amounted to.
While the Millennium forces docked at the Foundation capital,
Ishtaria, they somehow emerged unscathed, and all other forces
involved in the operation were consumed by the hungry flames of
the nuke that rained down on Eldora.
Chairman Lament, his voice a careful blend of diplomacy and
underlying tension, broke the charged silence.
"So, President Clyne safe, I gather?"
Cagalli's nod was subtle, the motion feeling stiff and unnatural.
"Yes. According to the Millennium's report, she escaped along with
other Foundation officials. And what of the PLANTs? Any news?"
Lament's response, a simple shake of his head, deepened the
gloom. "No," he stated, his face a mask of stoic concern.
Cagalli's brow furrowed, her gaze drifting off as the unspoken
implication hung in the air - Lacus was missing, a silent alarm rang
clear in her mind. Surely, if she were safe, the PLANTs or Orb would
have been contacted by now.
It didn't add up.
"In any case, regarding COMPS' response to this incident--"
Cagalli tried to steer the discussion but was cut off by Foster's
sharp tone.
"Response?" she spat, eyes blazing with barely contained fury.
"Can we afford to be so tepid at a time like this? Eurasia has lodged
severe protests, claiming this is all because Commander Yamato
violated the treaty and crossed the military demarcation line!"
A small crack appeared in Cagalli's composure. Why should
Eurasia's accusations dictate their actions? They were just trying to
heap all the blame on Kira to dodge the world's condemnation.
Lament's voice rose in response, the fury in his tone palpable.
"That still doesn't justify firing nukes! It's a betrayal of all
Cagalli wholeheartedly agreed. The nuclear strike had shocked
every nation on Earth, dominating the news in a hysterical frenzy.
Because this time, the planet's surface had been targeted.
But what about when the Earth Alliance turned nukes on the
The thought left a bitter taste. Still, Cagalli sensed more to this
calamity than met the eye.
She leaned forward, imploring, "I'm not convinced about
Commander Yamato either. The reports raise too many questions!
None of it makes any damn sense!"
"The truth remains cloaked in darkness," Lament sighed in
resignation. "Unless Yamato or Michael survive to speak..."
Foster interjected with a sardonic edge, "How convenient. No one
to hold accountable."
Lament's eyes flashed with anger.
"What are you implying?"
But Foster ignored it, pressing on accusingly, "Whether Yamato
truly acted on his own. This incident provides the perfect chance for
the PLANTs to interfere in Eurasian territory-"
Lament's fury was palpable. "I will not tolerate such baseless
accusations! Our soldiers were the ones sacrificed!"
"It was Earth's citizens who were sacrificed!" Foster shot back, her
voice rising to match Lament's.
"By Naturals firing on Naturals!"
As the debate spiraled into a melange of blame and speculation,
Cagalli felt her restraint snap, her hand slamming against the table
with enough force to rattle the monitor.
"Is this really the time for that? Besides, as if Kira would ever do
such a thing!"
Her aide beside her held his head in despair. Foster regarded her
with utter coldness.
"I see. Reluctant to implicate your own, are you? In that case, our
nation no longer intends to be involved with COMPS."
"We, too, will step back," Lament said, his voice equally terse. "We
won't stand to have salt rubbed in our wounds like this."
The leaders' faces vanished from Cagalli's monitor, signaling the
breakdown of negotiations. Slumping forward, she buried her head in
her arms, haunted by a single thought.
What had she done?

Elsewhere, the Millennium had docked at Orb's Onogoro Island

military facility. Having taken shelter in the lake, it sustained little
direct damage from the nuclear blast, though the shockwave had
caused significant harm in its wake. Lunamaria's Gelgoog underwent
repairs, and her own survival was a miracle amid the devastation.
Beyond that, there was no fortune to be found. The once beautiful
Ishtaria, once vibrant and beautiful, was now a monochrome
wasteland of ash. Witnessing it firsthand left Lunamaria deeply
To think a single bomb, in a single instant, could obliterate all
traces of human life and history...
And the same fate befell Eldora.
Lunamaria picked up Lacus's pink Haro as it rolled to her feet, the
robotic pet now as alone as the child it belonged to.
She retreated to the room, missing its owner, and sank to the floor,
cradling the Haro in her arms.
"Why won't you come back?"
Falling sideways onto Shinn's bed, Lunamaria clutched the Haro
No one had returned.
Kira, Agnes, Hilda, and the others, the Archangel crew...
And... Shinn.
They had all been scorched away, vanished, by that second nuke
that fell on Eldora.
Even now, sorting through Shinn's effects, Lunamaria couldn't
believe it. Couldn't accept it.
"Shinn, you idiot!"
Tears welled up, streaking down the bridge of her nose.
Always - no matter how dire the battle - Shinn had made it back.
But this time...
A gnawing guilt consumed her, the irrational yet piercing thought
that somehow this was her fault.
If only she had shot down that second missile...
Of course, that was irrelevant. The nuke that hit Eldora was a
different one. If anyone was to blame, it was whoever fired the damn
things in the first place. It wasn't her responsibility.
She knew that rationally, but the pain remained unbearable. She
needed Shinn here to absolve her of fault.
She longed for him to be at her side, wearing that stupid grin of
──Shinn! Why aren't you here?

"I see. So it was Foundation that orchestrated this charade..."

Konoe sighed.
Albert swiveled his chair around to face them.
"Given the timing of the jamming, there's a ninety-two percent
chance it's black. The work of the Black Knights, no doubt."
Arthur, who had been listening with a puzzled expression,
suddenly clapped his hands.
"Ah, black as in Black Knights - wait, what?!"
He seemed to grasp the implications belatedly, rearing back in an
exaggerated manner.
"You mean Foundation WAS behind that nuclear attack?!"
A heavy silence engulfed the bridge, every pair of eyes fixed on
Arthur. He hastily covered his mouth with both hands, but the words,
once uttered, couldn't be taken back.
Even someone as carefree as him had apparently realized it. This
was far too dangerous a topic to voice aloud. Of course, everyone
currently on the bridge was a trusted crew member, but still...
"But we have no means to prove it," Konoe reflected, his
expression turning grave.
It wasn't an accusation they could make without evidence. To
claim Foundation had dropped nukes on its own citizens...
Albert stated matter-of-factly, "The Millennium has orders to
return to base. We have zero mobile suits left. The Archangel is
presumed shot down, the crew's survival chances bleak."
In other words, they had no opportunity or way to prove it and no
But Konoe cocked his head.
"I wonder about that."
What about that last factor - witnesses?
"Do you really think that lot would die so easily?"
Albert met Konoe's gaze. The prickly technical officer's eyes
widened for a second at Konoe's words, but he soon seemed to start
calculating in his head.
In any case, Konoe thought, it would still take a few days to return
to base. There was no telling what might happen in the meantime.

Kira woke in a dark room.

Last time, it was bright... The thought drifted through his still-
drowsy mind.
Bright, aglow with warmth and vibrant greenery. That's right, it had
been a greenhouse. That's where he saw Lacus's gentle smile...
Kira slowly sat up. Sharp pain lanced through his body, yet it felt
muffled as if dampened by a thick membrane.
The room was unfamiliar, and Lacus was nowhere to be found.
"Oh, Commander. Did I wake you? Sorry." Shinn's voice came from
the side, looking apologetic as he was in the middle of getting ready.
Despite evident injuries, the rest seemed to have restored his
It took a moment for Kira to register their surroundings - a double
room, though he couldn't clearly recall arriving here. Fragments of
memory surfaced: escaping in Athrun's Z'gok, the ensuing daze of
fatigue and confusion.
"Where are we...?" Kira's words came out as a rasp, his voice
struggling to take shape.
"Orb. On Akatsuki Island..." Shinn replied, his expression also laden
with unspoken frustration and regret.
"Akatsuki Island, huh..."
The name hung in Kira's mind as they left the room, heading for
the recreation area. It seemed they had come full circle, returning to
this place once more.
As they approached, the sound and light of a television spilled out
into the hallway, and the news broadcast a beacon in the otherwise
quiet space.
Someone was already there, watching.

"Foundation, including the Eldora region, estimates casualties at

fifty thousand, with over a hundred thousand injured or missing. The
Eurasian military has requested all forces to remain on standby in
anticipation of retaliation. To all citizens--"
Kira and the others entered just as Murrue noticed and turned off
the television. She, Hilda, and Neumann were seated in a booth at
the corner of the room.
"Are you two okay now?" Murrue asked, her voice strained as she
attempted to mask her concern.
"Yes, we are," Shinn replied, but Kira didn't want to be humored.
He made a switch action gesture with his hand, turning the TV back
on as the news continued.
The screen showed the remains of an utterly destroyed city. It was
hard to believe this wasteland was the same place they had seen just
days ago.
On the screen, a young child wailed, calling for their mother.
Kira couldn't bear to watch directly, lowering his gaze.
Was this all his fault?
The announcer's voice continued. "COMPS' activities have been
suspended indefinitely—"
"What?!" Shinn exclaimed, turning to Murrue and the others for
confirmation, "Is it true COMPS is suspended?!"
The answer came from behind them.
"It is," Athrun said as he and Meyrin entered the room. He
continued in a restrained tone, "Cagalli tried her best, but right now,
the whole world's condemnation is focused on us."
"Those bastards... Dammit!" Shinn clenched his fist, slamming it
down on the back of the sofa.
So the calamity they had just seen - the whole world considered it
all COMPS's fault?
Was that Foundation's intention all along?
Athrun went on, "The Millennium, the only ship we have left, is
currently docked at Orb. We haven't informed them of the situation
At least the Millennium was safe. But-
"What about Lacus?" Kira asked, still looking down. Athrun
answered hesitantly, "She apparently escaped on a Foundation
On a Foundation shuttle...
The image of Lacus embracing Orphee flashed through his mind
again, haunting him.
"She..." Kira murmured in a dry voice. "...betrayed us."
Confusion clouded his thoughts, yet one bitter truth pierced
through: Lacus had accepted the order to attack him.──Princess
Lacus doesn't need you anymore!
The Black Knights girl's mocking voice wouldn't leave his ears.
I'm... not needed anymore? By Lacus...?
──You can't do it. All you can do is fight.
Because all he could do was fight?
And in the end, he had caused such destruction.
Engulfed in a tide of remorse and loss, Kira could only bow his
head, the weight of his reality too heavy to bear.

Athrun placed a single photograph in front of the gathered group

in the recreation room. "This is what Terminal's investigation turned
up," he said, his voice grave.
Shinn leaned forward, curiosity etched on his face, as Murrue
carefully examined the photograph. It showed several figures in white
lab coats.
Murrue frowned, seeing a blonde woman in a lab coat like the
"Is that... Aura... the Empress?"
The woman, with 'Aura' noted in the corner, bore an uncanny
resemblance to the child empress they had recently encountered in
Foundation. But-
"This photo was taken nineteen years ago when she was at the
genetic research institute on Mendel," Athrun explained, his
revelation eliciting a chorus of gasps from around the room.
"Nineteen years ago?!"
Shinn's eyes widened, his gaze darting back to the photo. The
woman pictured was clearly an adult, her features fully formed. It
didn't make sense. Aura the Empress shouldn't even have been born
then. It was as if time itself had been reversed.
Athrun continued, his tone measured but filled with underlying
"She herself may have been a subject of some experiment. It's just
speculation, but as you know, hardly any records remain of the
Mendel research."
Mendel, the infamous colony at Lagrange 4, had once been a
bustling hub of cutting-edge genetic research. It was shut down a few
years ago after a large-scale biohazard incident with numerous
fatalities. But there were many mysteries surrounding the
circumstances, and the fact that the institute's data had been
thoroughly destroyed meant that what had actually been done there
was still unknown.
Even Chairman Durandal was said to have been involved in the
Mendel research.
"So, her apparent age isn't what it seems?" Murrue asked, half
Athrun nodded.
"Probably not. And there's more. She was also a researcher." He
paused, letting the weight of his next words sink in. "Her research
theme was creating a species surpassing Coordinators."
A species surpassing Coordinators - the phrase echoed in Shinn's
mind, conjuring images of the Black Knights squad, their extraordinary
combat abilities, and the haunting 'voice' that had invaded his
thoughts during battle. Could it be...?
"It's likely that everything was Aura's - their plan," Athrun said.
Murrue's bitter expression mirrored the realization dawning on
everyone's faces.
"The nuclear attack, too, right?"
"What?!" Shinn blurted out, his voice raw with disbelief.
Murrue recounted how they had seen Foundation's Rud-ro.A take
off from behind the Eurasian military, how it had persistently attacked
them after being spotted, and how Eurasia's nuclear missiles had
been launched right around where they had taken off from.
"No way! They attacked their own country?!"
Shinn's question hung in the air, the implications almost too much
to bear.
Using Michael as bait to lure in COMPS, having them cross into
Eurasia under cover of battle, and pinning the blame for the nuclear
attack on COMPS—that was Aura and the others' plan?
But what did they gain from their own nation taking that much
Shinn couldn't comprehend it, but Athrun's response was chillingly
pragmatic, "At the very least, having nukes fired gives them a
"A pretext for them to attack Eurasia."
Shinn gasped.
Just then, a distressed woman's voice blared from over the
recreation room speakers.
"Captain Zala! Come to the control room immediately!"

A little before that.

A huge structure was released from a transport ship moving
through space. Like celestial limbs, the arcing structures slowly
converged and interconnected, forming a colossal ring that gleamed
briefly, reflecting a shard of Earth's light.
But as quickly as it had appeared, the ring began to fade from
view, its edges blurring and dissolving into the darkness until it
vanished entirely, as if the void had reclaimed it. Within minutes, both
the structure and the transport ship had vanished as if returned to
the original nothingness.
However, they had merely become invisible, their presence still
This enigmatic vanishing act was not isolated, repeating at multiple
strategically positioned locales across the vastness of space.
A chain of hidden links connecting the far side of the moon to
As the final piece fell into place, a giant muzzle began to open on
the lunar surface, a maw ready to unleash untold destruction.
"Deflection rings 1, 3, and 6 are now fully operational at their
designated coordinates."
Orphee watched the progress on the monitor before him, Aura
and Ingrid at his side.
"Target aiming correction, plus 2.3. Requiem firing criticality T-
minus 60. System operating normally."
This was Artemis Fortress. Orphee and the others had left Earth
by shuttle and were at this fortress. The Black Knights squad
members who had safely withdrawn from Eldora were with them as
And, of course, most precious of all, their princess.
Everything was proceeding according to plan.
Orphee thought as he gazed at the critical firing muzzle. It had
been a long time...
"Requiem firing sequence ready," the operator announced the
long-awaited words.
Orphee smiled with elation.
"Blessed be the divine retribution..."
Then, with a silent yet profound intensity, the divine flame
destined to end everything was unleashed.
The searing laser tore through space from the moon's far side,
passing through the rings concealed by Mirage Colloid, bending and
leaving the remains of destroyed rings behind. Relayed through
multiple rings, the white laser light traversed space in an instant.
Ahead of it was a shining blue planet.
The monitors depicted a harrowing sight: an incandescent fireball
engulfing the surface, its ruthless expansion captured in stark detail.
Shinn and the others watched, transfixed, their breaths caught in
their throats as the scene unfolded before them.
The footage, captured by a distant satellite, showed the fireball
expanding with terrifying speed, its edges roiling and pulsing with an
almost living malevolence. Clouds scattered in its wake, vaporized by
the sheer force of the shockwave as the conflagration voraciously
consumed everything in its path.
"Moscow..." Erica Simmons muttered, her voice raw with a blend
of bitterness and disbelief.
The Eurasian capital - how many people were in that light?
Murrue said in a trembling voice, "This is Foundation's
'retaliation'... already?"
Shinn couldn't tear his gaze away from the screen, his mind reeling
as he tried to process what he saw.
"A nuclear... attack...?"
But Athrun shook his head, his expression twisted with a mixture
of disgust and grim certainty. "No," he said, his voice low and intense.
"This is something else..."
Shinn's gaze snapped to Athrun, whose expression was a mix of
horror and indignation as he uttered the ominous word.

Immediately after the Moscow tragedy, an emergency leadership

summit was convened. Cagalli received it in the government's
information conference room.
She had already anticipated this situation, having gotten early
intelligence from the Archangel crew. But even before that - from the
moment Foundation made their offer - she had felt something amiss.
That's why she had asked Athrun and his Terminal colleagues to start
digging into Foundation.
But even she hadn't expected the country to act so quickly. This
meant she had to assume the worst-case scenario among the ones
she had imagined.
"Wasn't Requiem supposed to have been dismantled?!" The
Eurasian representative's voice boomed with indignation from the
comm screen, fist slamming against the table.
The East Asian Republic representative lambasted, "This is a
blatant violation of the ceasefire agreement by the PLANTs!"
Cagalli clenched her jaw, a spark of irritation flaring in her chest.
These were the same old refrains, the same unproductive finger-
pointing. Couldn't they see that this was no time for petty
But even as the thought crossed her mind, she knew it was
inevitable that suspicion would fall on the PLANTs.
After the war, the Requiem surface facilities had been mostly
dismantled, but the underground reactors were impossible to
dismantle. So, it had been decided that PLANT would use them
peacefully as power reactors. According to Terminal intel, those
power reactors had ended up being used by the military due to the
machinations of Defense Committee Chairman Jagganath, but...
The Eurasian rep's voice rose again, shrill with barely contained
"Such retaliation is absolutely unacceptable!"
Fear dominated the room—panic, even. The Requiem was a
terrifying weapon capable of targeting any city on Earth. And now, it
was in the hands of Foundation, an unknown entity that had already
demonstrated its willingness to use it. If this wasn't fear, what was?
Suddenly, a flurry of movement from Atlantic Federation President
Foster caught Cagalli's eye. Foster leaned in, whispering urgently to
her secretary.
"What was that? Put them through immediately."
Moments later, the central monitor flickered, static giving way to a
hauntingly familiar scene - the nuclear explosion that had rocked
Foundation's capital just days before.
Cagalli's frown deepened, a sense of foreboding settling in her gut
as the figure of Orphee Lam Tao appeared on the screen.
"We have been exiled from the Earth... by the hateful nukes
unleashed by Naturals," Orphee's somber narrative began.
"Our desire for peace and stability has once again been trampled
by Naturals. Why?!" He pounded his fist on the desk in a display of
raw emotion.
"Our nation has officially adopted the Destiny Plan advocated by
the late PLANT Supreme Council Chairman Gilbert Durandal."
A murmur ran through the assembly, many having suspected yet
dreading this revelation.
But for Orphee himself to state it outright...
"A society truly just and equal, by genetics, where embracing our
roles as inscribed in our genes has allowed us to transcend poverty,
achieve independence from the last great war, and realize a
miraculous recovery."

The speech was being broadcast worldwide.

Even in the PLANTs, Orphee's face appeared on street screens as
people stopped to listen.
"But the indolent will not stand for it! TThey spurn evolution,
wallow in envy, cling to old hatreds, and slaughter each other, slaves
to their ugly base emotions. Though they live on the Earth, a land of
plenty, they are little more than parasites greedily consuming its
bounty! We ask - why must we walk alongside such benighted fools?"
Yzak Joule, now an intelligence officer at PLANT headquarters,
grimaced at the monitor, his expression as if he'd tasted something
bitter and repulsive.
As Orphee's fiery words echoed, Dearka Elsman burst in, urgency
etched in his features, and whispered a dire update to Yzak.
"Jagannath has made his move."
'Dammit!' Yzak exploded, springing to his feet with a fury that
echoed the tumult in his mind.

Orphee's speech intensified, "Fellow Coordinators in PLANT, we

stand united as brethren, destined to usher in the next chapter of
human evolution."
A chilling realization dawned on Cagalli. This was a calculated ploy,
a sinister attempt to reignite the old animosities between Naturals
and Coordinators. Orphee was fanning the flames of conflict, trying
to divide them once more.
"Like you, we are the pinnacle of genetic engineering," Orphee
continued, his tone almost reverent. "A new echelon of Coordinators
known as Accord."
He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in.
"The role engraved in our genes is to guide the world as mediators
of humanity."
The air in the conference room seemed to crackle with tension,
murmurs rippling through the gathered leaders.
"What the hell is that?!"
On a monitor showing the muttering leaders, PLANT Chairman
Lament turned as if called to from the side. Just before the feed cut,
Cagalli caught a glimpse of Yzak Joule approaching, his face grim as
he leaned in to whisper something to the chairman.
Good. ZAFT Intelligence seemed to have gotten a jump on things.
Some kind of action was likely occurring within PLANT now.
Orphee's voice rose again, even more strident than before.
"We were given life for this purpose. Even Lacus Clyne, one of
your leaders, is our brethren."
Even Cagalli couldn't hide her shock at this.
"She, too, is with us now as one who will guide humanity. Our will
is her will, and our wish is her wish."
Cagalli ground her teeth.
So this was why the Foundation wanted to secure Lacus!
Forcing Eurasia to fire nukes to create a fait accompli, neutralizing
COMPS - those were just means to an end. Their true goal had been
Lacus Clyne all along.
"Come, our Coordinator brothers. The age of contradiction and
tyranny by the old humanity is over!"
Many Coordinators were probably swayed by those words.
What Orphee was saying was just a rehash of the rhetoric used by
past leaders to incite war.
But if you added Lacus Clyne to the mix...
Such was the depth of trust that the people of PLANT placed in
Lacus Clyne, who always pulled them out of the mire of war.
Lacus Clyne never fell for Durandal's righteous-seeming lies and
chose the path of justice.
So surely whoever Lacus Clyne supported must be in the right.
That's how people would see it.
Lacus herself had never claimed 'we are justice .'She always asked
people to think carefully for themselves.
But the harsh truth is, many shun the burden of thought, terrified
of the responsibility that comes with making their own judgments.
So, instead, they want Lacus Clyne to lead them.
Foundation had obliged that wish.
Orphee's tone turned icy.
"To all nations of Earth. Immediately disarm, recognize the Destiny
Plan, and implement it. You have five days."
Only five days!
Cagalli clenched her fists.
"Dissent will not be tolerated. Any nation defying our edict will
invite the wrath of Requiem, all in the sacred name of Lacus Clyne.
The fires of Megiddo shall rain upon their heads."
Orphee's face, alight with malevolent satisfaction, faded from the
screens, leaving a chilling silence in its wake.
"This is insane," Cagalli seethed, her fury bubbling over at the
perversion of Lacus's legacy.
──How dare you use Lacus's name! How dare you invoke it for
such an ultimatum!
It was as if a treasured friend's legacy had been tarnished, an
intimate betrayal that ignited a fierce resolve within her.
Switching mental gears, she began issuing rapid-fire instructions to
those beside her.

As Orphee's speech echoed through the airwaves, a convoy of

military vehicles screeched to a halt in front of the PLANT
administration building. Doors flew open, and armed soldiers poured
out, their boots pounding against the pavement as they moved with
practiced precision.
The security personnel who tried to respond were caught off
guard and quickly subdued.
As the troops made their way to the upper floors, a unit of ZAKUs
descended from the sky, their massive forms casting ominous
shadows across the building's facade. They took up positions around
the perimeter, sealing off any chance of escape.
The council members, convened in urgency to address the
escalating Foundation crisis, found themselves abruptly and
efficiently detained by the intruding forces.
But when the soldiers stormed into Chairman Lament's office, they
found it empty.
Upon receiving this news on the bridge of the Nazca-class
battleship Burckhardt, Jagannath clenched his jaw, his frustration
"Damn that Lament," he growled, his voice rough with anger.
"Quick on his feet!"
Jagannath's ZAFT fleet had already left PLANT and was en route.
The coup d'état within PLANT, meticulously timed to coincide with
Foundation's declaration of war, resulted from clandestine planning
with the country, a detail known only to a select few.
Jagannath forced himself to take a breath and push down the
agitation rising in his chest. So they hadn't been able to capture the
chairman. A minor flaw, nothing more.
Everything else was proceeding exactly as planned.

Under the protective escort of Yzak's unit, Lament made a hasty

retreat from Aprilius One aboard an emergency escape pod. The
shuttle docked with a distinctive pale pink battleship, the Eternal.
As Lament entered the bridge with Yzak and the others, he found
former Chairwoman Eileen Canaver and former council member
Ezalia Joule waiting. The captain and crew saluted the chairman.
"Ms. Joule, Representative Canaver, thank you," he said, his voice
heavy with gratitude as he approached them.
"I'm relieved Yzak was there to assist," Ezalia remarked, casting a
proud yet concerned glance at her son, whose expression mingled
exasperation with a hint of unwavering resolve.
Lament sighed, his shoulders slumping under the weight of his
responsibilities. His thoughts seemed to drift back to the PLANTs he
had left behind, to the chaos and uncertainty that surely reigned in
his absence.
"But we have no choice but to wait and see how the unrest at
home plays out for now..."
Ezalia and the others nodded, their expressions grim.
"We understand, Mr. Chairman," Ezalia said, her voice low and
serious. "In the worst case, Requiem may be aimed at the PLANTs
That had to be avoided at all costs.
Strategically, it was advantageous to feign acceptance of the
Foundation's recommendation, presenting a facade of compliance to
mislead adversaries. Ironically, it was preferable for the anti-Natural
faction led by Jagannath to be at the forefront in this situation.
"For now, we must assess the situation and hide ourselves. As for
arranging that--" Lament glanced over.
Dearka answered, "It's not ideal, but there's a resistance supply
base at the decommissioned Boaz that Miss Lacus entrusted us. We'll
go there."
Five days left.
As Lament gazed through the viewport at the distant, blue orb that
was their mother planet, a mixture of concern and determination
settled over him.
Would the situation change in that time? Or would things go
according to the Foundation's - those Accords' - designs?
It had to change.
Otherwise, the future would vanish.

As Lacus entered what appeared to be a command room, Orphee

swiveled around, his face breaking into an unsettlingly broad smile.
"Sorry to have kept you waiting alone for so long, Princess."
After leaving Earth by shuttle, Lacus had fallen asleep and found
herself transported to an unknown room. After leaving Earth by
shuttle, she had fallen asleep, only to wake in an unknown room. The
lingering grogginess and the realization that her drink had been
drugged confirmed her suspicions. This was no mere relocation, but a
calculated abduction.
The room she had been confined to was a luxurious suite,
complete with an attached bathroom. Yet despite the comfortable
trappings, Lacus knew she was a prisoner here. When Ingrid finally
led her out earlier, the stark corridors revealed the truth - this was a
space fortress, another something secretly built by Foundation.
What struck Lacus as odd was the inconsistency in her treatment.
Her communication device had been confiscated, yet there was no
sign of a thorough body search. She was still wearing the same
clothes as when abducted, with the slumbering Blue inside her
pocket. She was no expert on abduction protocols, yet she found it
peculiar that her captors hadn't relieved her of her personal effects.
During her confinement, Ingrid visited Lacus frequently, each time
treating her with a peculiar mix of concern and formality, as if she
were an esteemed guest rather than a prisoner.
"Have some food," "Change your clothes."
Lacus had eaten the food despite her lack of appetite. She needed
to maintain her strength, to be ready for whatever lay ahead. But she
had refused the proffered change of clothes. If help was coming, slim
as the chances might be, she needed to be recognizable, ready to
move at a moment's notice.
The "change of clothes" Ingrid brought was a frilly dress more
suited to a fairy tale princess than an escape attempt. Lacus
wondered if it was deliberate, but apparently not. When she refused
to change, Ingrid seemed disappointed but didn't force the issue.
The treatment she was receiving felt inconsistent. They could have
done it while she slept if they wanted her to change clothes. They
forcibly abducted and confined her, yet acted as if trying to curry
favor with her.
Orphee approached her with open arms, his gesture one of false
welcome, his smile failing to reach his eyes. Aura, seated at the desk,
was smiling too, and even Shura, standing beside her, had softened
his usual cutting expression a little.
But Lacus refused to play along with this charade.
"If you wish to apologize," she said, her voice firm and unyielding,
"I request that you return me as soon as possible."
Of course, she didn't expect it to be granted, but Orphee's
laughter caught her off guard, his expression one of aggrieved
"Return? Your rightful place is here."
Aura also laughed.
"That is your mother's wish as well."
"My mother's?" Lacus asked, caught off guard.
"You were born for the people. To be loved by all and show them
the way."
Aura's voice, childlike yet imbued with a disturbingly adult
cadence, carried a singsong satisfaction as she unveiled the unsettling
"That is how I created you."
Lacus gasped. "You... created me?"
The ring that Orphee clutched so prominently against his chest
shimmered ominously. Its design mirrored the one Lacus had
cherished, a gift from her mother.
A wave of dizziness overwhelmed Lacus as the room seemed to
whirl around her, her legs faltering beneath the weight of the

Kira was in a deserted chapel.

It was a place that had once been filled with the voices of
Reverend Malchio and the orphans, always the sound of children's
chatter and Malchio's calm tones. With Malchio gone, the chapel
stood abandoned and dilapidated, its once warm ambiance replaced
by the eerie whispers of wind and distant waves.
He reminisced about the days spent here with Lacus—unassuming
days imbued with a quiet peace and contentment that now felt like
distant echoes.
Those days would never return...
Yet, a nagging doubt lingered—had those days been truly filled
with happiness?
Amid those peaceful days, hadn't he always felt a sense of guilt for
having run away?
And what about Lacus?
How had she felt? Was she really happy, worrying about Kira and
staying by his side?
Looking back now, it all felt like an illusion.
Jolted from his reflections by Athrun's voice, Kira looked up,
finding his friend's familiar, concerned face in the doorway.
Everyone gathered in the recreation room. They needed to discuss
Orphee's speech and ultimatum. Mu wasn't there, but Erica Simmons
was present.
Athrun picked up where his previous explanation had been cut
short the other day.
"The Destiny Plan that sorts people by genetics and assigns roles
based on aptitude. Durandal and Aura created those who would
manage that system and lead the people. Those are the Accords."
In other words, those with the most superior genes would stand at
the top of a world ruled by genetics.
A knot of bitterness tightened in Kira's stomach as he took in
Athrun's words.
——You cannot win. It is your destiny.
It was just as Shura had said. Because their genes were superior to
his own, Kira had lost.
"And the key figures among the Accords," Athrun said, his gaze
locking with Kira's, "are Orphee Lam Tao... and Lacus."
Kira's eyes widened.
Athrun nodded, his expression grim.
"That's why they abducted her."
A pause, heavy with implication.
"Because she was instrumental in their plan."

Aura's voice was laced with triumph, her eyes gleaming with the
certainty of their envisioned future.
"The Destiny Plan that Durandal began—you two are meant to
stand at the pinnacle of all humanity, the final pair of pieces that fit
Orphee approached Lacus slowly, his steps measured and
"You and I shall govern this world together."
He took her hand, his touch sending a jolt through her stunned
"You feel it, don't you?"
Once again, that overwhelming sensation engulfed her, an intense
feeling of destined connection transcending mere words. It was a
soft, pleasantly warm light wrapping around her like a cocoon.
"Together... with you...?" she repeated, her voice distant, as if in a
Orphee leaned in, his whisper sweet and seductive.
"We are destined to be drawn to each other, bound together..."
That's right. This was resonance.
A resonance was felt because they had been fated partners since
before birth.
The temptation was irresistibly sweet.
Every cell within Lacus, each one meticulously crafted by her
genes, trembled with an intrinsic yearning for its counterpart.
Suddenly, she thought she heard Kira's voice.
It was her heart. Her will.
Lacus tore herself away from Orphee.
He stared at her, dumbfounded, as if he couldn't comprehend her
Having regained her own heart, Lacus shuddered, the memory of
that invasive sensation still fresh on her skin.
These people were trying to steal 'me' from myself. Could there be
any greater violation?
With a voice fortified by her unwavering resolve, she declared,
"The one I love is not you!"
Orphee's expression twisted in shock and indignation, as if the
rejection had struck him physically. He probably never imagined being
After a moment, he composed himself, his voice turning cold.
"So, you're worried about Kira Yamato? Unfortunately, he is no
longer of this world."
Orphee's words struck like a hammer, crushing Lacus's spirit as she
grappled with the unbearable thought.
Orphee's mocking laughter echoed in her ears.
"Did you not say it was fine to shoot him?"
"Oh... Kira!"
Lacus's knees buckled, and she collapsed, overwhelmed by the
crushing weight of Orphee's words.
Her own words had taken the life of her beloved. That fact could
never be changed.
I betrayed Kira!
The fireball that had engulfed the earth flashed through her mind,
swelling and consuming everything in its path.
Had Kira been in those flames?
Orphee's cruel voice cut through her despair.
"In any case, he is no longer necessary. Not for the world to
Yet, within Lacus burned an unquenchable flame of defiance.
"It's not because..."
She raised her head, meeting Orphee's gaze with fierce
"It's not because he's necessary that I love him. It's because I love
him that he's necessary."
Even if she had lost Kira forever.
Even if she herself were to be scorched by the flames.
This feeling alone would never change.
Lacus held that love close to her heart, and she met Orphee's gaze
She saw Ingrid, who had been expressionless the whole time,
suddenly change her demeanor with a start.
Orphee's face visibly darkened, and for the first time he raised his
"Enough! Such deluded talk, like a Natural!"
But it wasn't just him. Aura and Shura also seemed shaken by
Lacus's defiance, their perfect plan showing its first signs of strain.
Lacus sensed it.
The Destiny Plan that determined everything by genetics - if she
followed it, Lacus should naturally accept Orphee.
Because that's how her genes were arranged.
But no matter one's birth, the days that followed nurtured and
changed a person.
Even if she was a life created by Aura, even if her mother had
entrusted her with some wish, who she was now wouldn't change.
This life was something she had built together with those around
her. Something she had chosen to walk.
These people couldn't understand that.
They who yearned for a world where only unchanging, stable,
predetermined behavior was permitted.

Athrun continued, his discomfort evident.

"According to our intel, a military coup is underway in the
"What?!" Shinn's voice cracked with disbelief.
"We don't have the details, but contact has been lost with the
chairman and council members."
Murrue's brow furrowed, her expression clouding with concern.
"So... those who are in league with Foundation have seized control
of the PLANTs?"
"Most likely."
Hilda's voice was a low growl, her anger palpable, radiating
through the tense air of the room.
"It's Jaggernath," she spat. "That bastard hasn't forgotten his
grudges from the great war. The kind who'd rather die than join
hands with Naturals."
Shinn's mind conjured the image of the defense committee
chairman's stern visage.
It was true, many Coordinators who saw that broadcast might
sympathize with Foundation.
PLANT too had been hit with nukes by Naturals. The claim that
they were subjected to the Naturals' unreasonable tyranny would
resonate with them.
Especially if they had brought Lacus into their fold.
But it was all a deception, a twisted web of manipulation and
cruelty. The Accords themselves had fired the nukes, incinerating
their own people with nuclear fire to play the victim. And Lacus -
they had essentially kidnapped her, using her as a pawn in their sick
Shinn couldn't understand it, and he would never forgive it.
The problem was - they were the only ones here who knew about
the deception.
Hilda's voice broke through Shinn's thoughts, her expression grim.
"But... we are powerless to do anything right now. No mobile suits
or ships."
Murrue sighed as well.
"In other words, everyone here is as good as dead, huh?"
A heavy silence descended on the room, each face a mask of
despair and frustration.
Shinn's thoughts turned to Lunamaria.
She must think he was dead. She might be crying, calling him an
A sharp pang of longing pierced Shinn's heart. Every fiber of his
being screamed to reach out to Lunamaria, to shatter the illusion of
his death.
--I'm alive!
But doing so would put both them and Lunamaria in danger.
It was safer to stay dead, to let the world believe the lie. In their
current state, with no power to oppose Foundation...
"In any case, let's analyze the situation," Meyrin's deliberately
cheerful voice cut through the gloom. "We can decide what to do
next after that."
Athrun nodded, glancing at her notepad.
"This is just a guess, but, the Accords can read our minds."
Shinn blinked at Athrun's words. Read minds?
Come to think of it - Shinn recalled.
When fighting the Black Knights Squad, it felt like the enemy was
predicting his moves in advance. And that 'voice' that had resonated
directly in his head...
Athrun's voice lowered, weighted with concern, "They can likely
manipulate thoughts, maybe even influence our deepest psyches."
"You mean... control minds?" Murrue said.
Shinn started. "So the commander was--!"
Kira's rampage in Eldora. Even that was!
He glanced over at Kira, who had been downcast the whole time.
Kira turned his face away, his expression a mix of guilt and pain.
At that time, Kira had said "Michael is getting away." He too had
been shown an illusion by the Accords.
A flicker of relief passed through Shinn, out of place but
undeniable. Knowing that Kira's judgment hadn't been wrong, that he
wasn't to blame for the devastation...
"It was all staged, from start to finish..." Neumann's words hung in
the air, laden with a newfound realization.
Hilda's voice trailed off as she stared at the ceiling, her words
echoing the room's sentiment, "Sheesh... How do we even begin to
confront an enemy like that?"

Confusion spread across the world.

A faction of society, disillusioned with the status quo and
marginalized in their everyday lives, vocally supported aligning with
Foundation and adopting the Destiny Plan.
Conversely, some vocal opponents decried the Accords as
inhuman, viewing them as threats that surpassed even the
Coordinators and calling for their eradication.
And then there were the ruling class, scrambling to protect their
vested interests, and the masses who fled cities in blind panic, the
specter of Requiem looming over their heads like a guillotine waiting
to fall.
As riots erupted in the streets, fueled by fear and uncertainty,
governments worldwide scrambled, deploying troops in desperate
bids to maintain order.
Yet no government on Earth had yet agreed to disarm, their calls
for citizens to "remain calm" ringing hollow in the face of the
gathering storm.
Crowds gathered, spellbound, in front of Orb's street screens, as
the broadcast the news.
Among them was Kuzzey Buskirk.
"Foundation has advised the nations of Earth to completely
surrender, then disarm and implement the Destiny Plan, and if this
recommendation is not followed, they will immediately fire the
Requiem. They have further declared that in that event, no
evacuation of civilians will be permitted--"
Everyone listened to the announcer's words with unease.
Kuzzey swallowed hard, his unease a living thing, coiled tight in his
chest. Part of him longed for surrender, for the governments to bow
to Foundation's demands and accept the Destiny Plan. At least then,
the specter of Requiem would retreat, the threat of annihilation lifted.
And if Foundation had prospered so much under the Destiny Plan,
perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing. To have your role determined by
your genes, to be spared the wasted effort of pursuing the wrong
path, the crushing weight of unrealistic hopes and expectations, to
serve society according to your abilities, to be useful—wasn't that
what most people, himself included, wanted?
But - Kuzzey's pessimistic side said - what if they decided useless
people like you weren't needed?
He had felt inferior many times before. Compared to Coordinators
like Kira, he was nothing...
These so-called "Accords" apparently had even more superior
qualities than Coordinators.
Would guys like that spare a thought for Naturals like him who had
no particular talent?
They probably wouldn't understand their feelings...
Kuzzey could only envision a grim future no matter how he looked
at it, his unease growing.
Just then, the footage switched to show Cagalli.
"To the people of Orb. The Orb government is currently mobilizing
all transportation, military vehicles, ships, and aircraft to evacuate
citizens living in urban areas. I ask one thing of you all. Do not panic
under any circumstances. If everyone remains calm and acts
according to plan, the evacuation will be completed without fail. Of
course, to avoid the worst-case scenario, we are continuing
negotiations even now."
Cagalli spoke with quiet resolve.
"I, Cagalli Yula Athha, will spare no effort to protect you all. Please
trust me and act accordingly."
Her golden eyes held a sincere light.
Kuzzey turned his back on the screen, dazzled by how admirable
she had become.
When they first met, he only thought of her as a noisy,
troublesome girl. Later, he was shocked to learn she was Orb's
princess. After all, she had joined another country's resistance, eating
the same food and living in the same places as ordinary soldiers. To
think that rough-mannered girl was now the chief representative.
It couldn't be helped, he thought.
For now, following her words meant staying home.
At least Cagalli would probably understand his feelings a little.

News reached the Orb administration with dire clarity: the Earth
Alliance's space fleet, dispatched from the lunar base, had been
decimated by a singular, devastating strike from Requiem.
"Have the Orb space fleet depart separately, starting with the
ships that are ready."
Aware of the strategic folly in amassing their fleet, Cagalli opted
for a dispersed deployment, minimizing the risk of a singular,
catastrophic blow.
But even as the orders were given, the situation continued to
unravel, each new development more dire than the last. The forces
capable of neutralizing Requiem had been drastically reduced.
Control of the PLANTs had fallen into the hands of a pro-Foundation
faction, gripping both the civilian administration and the military in its
influential clutches. No help could be expected from that quarter. If
anything, hostility seemed all but certain.
With a countenance shadowed by concern, a cabinet member
addressed Cagalli, "Representative, perhaps we should comply with
Foundation's demands after all... To protect our citizens, it may be
Cagalli shook her head.
"It goes against Orb's principles."
"Yet we must weigh our principles against the stark reality of our
citizens' immediate safety. Isn't their survival our utmost priority?"
"That may be true. But have you forgotten what happened last
time, when we abandoned our principles and followed the Atlantic
At Cagalli's words, the cabinet members flinched as if a sore spot
had been touched.
To not invade other nations, to not allow other nations to invade,
to not intervene in the conflicts of other nations. Those were Orb's
By discarding them and yielding to the Atlantic Federation's
power, Orb had been drawn into an unwanted war and suffered
numerous casualties.
"If Orb abandons its principles and complies with the whims of
other nations, in the end, it's the citizens who will be sacrificed. This
is even worse than mere invasion. We cannot, under any guise or
threat, justify the betrayal of our citizens' freedoms."
In Foundation's vision, the citizens of Orb—indeed, the citizens of
any nation under the Destiny Plan—were not individuals with rights
and dreams but mere cogs in a vast, soulless machine. They were
living components to be slotted into place, their worth measured only
by their utility to the whole. Could they, in good conscience,
participate in such a plan?
But even as the moral quandary loomed, the immediate crisis
demanded action. The evacuation of the citizens had to be prioritized,
and every second was bought with sweat and determination.
Cagalli's gaze met each of her cabinet members in turn, her voice
resolute as she imparted her directive, "There is still time until the
deadline. I want each of you to do what you can."

"Let's rescue Lacus," Athrun said, his voice cutting through the
gloom that had settled over the room.
"It's our only option. To break this situation and stop PLANT, we
need her words."
Murrue's gaze swept the room, taking in the determined nods of
the others. But Kira's voice, bleak and defeated, shattered the fragile
"It's pointless."
"Kira?" Murrue looked at him, puzzled.
"It'll be the same either way. No matter what we do..."
Kira was fed up.
"In the end, it just repeats. Suffering so much, being lost...
Fighting... Fighting and fighting!"
The bitter truth of it all crashed over him like a tidal wave.
Everything they had done, every sacrifice made, every drop of blood
spilled - it had all been in vain. Because fighting was the only thing he
could do. But fighting to stop the fighting was a contradiction to
begin with.
Ultimately, all he had brought about was new death and
"But nothing changes..." Kira's voice broke, raw with anguish. "Is it
because I'm wrong?"
What I'm saying is the truth, Durandal had said.
I can do it, Orphee had said.
They had been right. He couldn't change people.
"Kira..." Athrun's expression darkened, a storm brewing in his eyes.
Kira's fists clenched, knuckles white with the strain.
"That's why Lacus abandoned me and chose him."
The memory of Lacus's smile, directed not at him but at Orphee,
tore through his heart like a jagged blade. The pain was as fresh now
as it had been then, a wound that refused to heal.
"I'm not good enough!" The words burst from him, a dam finally
shattering under the pressure. "I can't give Lacus anything she wants.
Forget peace. I can't even make her smile! I can't make her happy!
That's why she betrayed me!"
Mid-rant, Kira was abruptly silenced as Athrun's fist connected
with his jaw, a physical jolt mirroring the shock of the interruption.
"Quit your pathetic whining!"
Kira's body was hurled backward, crashing to the floor with a
jarring thud.
"It's all 'me, me, me' with you, not considering her feelings at all!"
Athrun spat out vehemently.
"Enough! If you hate fighting so much, stay here and rot in self-
Dazed by the blow, Kira's confusion morphed into a surge of
"What do you know? I don't want to hear that from you!"
He stood up to punch back, but Athrun nimbly dodged, grabbed
Kira's fist, and drove an uppercut into his chin.
"You think you're the only one fighting?!"
"What choice do I have? You guys are weak!"
"Screw you!" Athrun's roar shook the room.
"So you feel like you're shouldering the world alone, and you just
drop it when things don't go your way?! Some hero you are!"
Those words pierced Kira's heart.
"That's not it!"
He went at Athrun again. His fists cleaved through nothing but air
as Athrun, with practiced ease, dodged and countered, landing
precise blows that further undermined his composure.
The rest of the group looked on with a mix of concern and unease,
the tension palpable in their silent observation. Shinn, unable to
contain himself, leaped into the fray with an angry shout.
"Stop it, Athrun! The commander is--"
But his words were cut short as a stray punch from Athrun sent
him flying. As Shinn tried to rejoin the brawl in a frenzy, Hilda
wrapped an arm around his neck to stop him.
"Let 'em go at it," she whispered, exasperated but smiling.
"It's what friends do, knocking sense into a pathetic guy."
Murrue seemed to agree, nodding vigorously.
Kira, his breath coming in ragged gasps, hurled himself at Athrun
once more.
"I have to-- I have to do it! I don't want to... but I'm desperate!"
"Why don't you say it? Ask for help? Anyone! What can you do
Athrun's fist connected squarely with Kira's face. Kira's back
slammed against the wall, and he slid to the ground, drained of both
physical and emotional strength.
Each word Athrun hurled at him resonated with an uncomfortable
truth, frustrating Kira not because they were unjust, but because they
unmasked his own failings.
Hot tears broke free, cascading down to his tightly clenched fists.
"I want... to see Lacus..."
The admission was a broken whisper, torn from the depths of his
"Lacus... I just want her to be there, smiling beside me... I don't
know what to do anymore...!"
He had thought he had to bear everything alone. He had
desperately struggled to somehow regain the peace he had taken
from the world by defeating Durandal.
All the while, unable to consider how Lacus felt, how the others
His own selfish desires had blinded him to the truth.
Lacus must have been suffering just as much...
Athrun said sarcastically, "Lacus sure has changed a lot since we
last saw her."
"Huh?" Kira looked up, startled.
"Saying she can't be happy or it's no good unless you do this or
Athrun shrugged in exasperation.
"The Lacus I know wouldn't have said that."
Kira's gaze fell, his voice barely above a whisper, "Lacus... wanted
the world to be at peace..."
"But she didn't expect someone to just hand her 'peace' on a silver
platter, right?" Murrue's words were a gentle admonishment.
Athrun added, "Didn't she want a partner to walk with her toward
that goal? Step by step, even if small ones?"
They were right.
If he had been wrong, that's where it was.
He had been self-centered, ignoring Lacus's feelings. Ignoring her
true wishes. Treating a loved one like that was a betrayal in itself.
If only he had talked it out properly sooner... with Lacus, and with
the others...
Kira muttered, crestfallen, "Does Lacus... still feel that way... now?"
Athrun laughed.
"If doubt clouds your mind, Kira, then seek her out. Ask her, hear it
from her own lips."
Kira blinked, looking up to see the faces of his friends, each one
etched with concern and determination.
"Let's go, Kira. Let's save Lacus, together."
Athrun extended his hand, a gesture of reconciliation and
"Words have power. Some truths can only be shared through
With a newfound resolve, Kira reached out, clasping Athrun's
hand. Together, they rose, a silent pact of solidarity forming between
Surrounded by allies, Kira realized he wasn't isolated in his
struggle; here were people who shared his aspirations, ready to
support and be supported.

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