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What is the main difference between experimental and nonexperimental research approaches

A. the former always uses qualitative data while the latter always uses quantitative data
B. nonexperimental research is done by social scientists while natural scientists do experimental research
C. nonexperimental research involves manipulating variables but experimental research does not
D. experimental research is designed to establish cause-and-effect relationships but nonexperimental
focuses on describing something

...... studies collect numerical data, while ________ studies collect non-numerical data
A. Qualitative; quantitative
B. Experimental; nonexperimental
C. Quantitative; qualitative
D. Quantity ; quality

Which of the following is an example of data collected in a quantitative research study

A. pictures
B. ratings of teacher effectiveness
C. reaction time
D. b and c

Which of the following is NOT an example of data collected in a quantitative research study
A. number of words a one year old can understand
B. parents’ ratings of their child’s language development
C. the number of words a one year old can say
D. recording of a one year old talking
Which of the following is an example of a quantitative variable
A. gender
B. religion
C. college GPA
D. relationship status

According to the mixed methods approach, which of the following is true

A. Quantitative data provides an incomplete analysis of what is being investigated.
B. Researchers should choose to use either quantitative or qualitative data
C. Qualitative data adds an additional level of understanding
D. a and c

...... is research in which quantitative and qualitative data and approaches are combined in a single study.
A. Multiple method
B. Mixed method
C. Multi method
D. Variable method

Experimental research, as opposed to nonexperimental research, allows us to make statements about

cause and effect relationships. Why is this so
A. Experimental research involves studying only how two variables covary.
B. Experimental research uses statistical analysis.
C. In experimental research, we can observe the effects of manipulating variables under controlled
D. Experimental research uses objective observations.

A variable is
A. anything that varies a specific amount.
B. any characteristic that can take more than one value.
C. used only in well controlled experimental research.
D. always manipulated by researchers.
Answer: B

........... may be understood as all those methods/techniques that are used for conducting research
A. Systems Analysis
B. Research Methods
C. Research Methodology
D. Planning

........., is directly copying someone else’s work into your report, thesis etc. and letting it be assumed that
it is your own
A. Citing
B. Referencing
C. Plagiarism
D. Quoting

The correlational research design always measures

A. human beings.
B. the behavior of organisms.
C. at least three variables.
D. at least two variables.
Answer: D

Research geared to quantifying the relationship between two variables is called

A. case study research.
B. correlational research.
C. differential research.
D. experimental research.
Answer: B

In experimental designs, the researcher

A. assigns participants to conditions based on participants' pre-existing characteristics.
B. manipulates the conditions.
C. studies a single group or condition.
D. computes the direction and strength of relationships among variables.
Answer: B

Time-series designs
A. are variations of longitudinal designs.
B. are cross-sectional designs.
C. are the opposite of longitudinal designs.
D. cannot be longitudinal designs.
Answer: A

The main drawback of a longitudinal design is

A. the cohort effect.
B. the amount of time to complete the study.
C. that variables are easily confounded.
D. that it is not particularly useful in measuring variables over time.
Answer: B

Detailed planning of research is possible only if

A. there is plenty of money.
B. the phenomenon under study is already reasonably well understood.
C. the study is the first study conducted on a particular topic.
D. there are several dependent variables.
Answer: B

An experiment is a test of the

A. causal relationship between two variables.
B. difference between existing groups.
C. correlation between two variables.
D. natural flow of behavior.
Answer: A

To determine the pattern of change in relation to time, a ......... design is used

A. galloping
B. historical
C. retrogressive
D. longitudinal

.......... is a study design based on the reference period

A. historical
B. biblical
C. theological
D. prospective

Retrospective studies investigate a phenomenon, situation, problem or issue that has happened in the
A. near future
B. yesterday
C. past
D. present
.... studies are based upon the existence of a common characteristic such as year of birth, graduation or
marriage, within a subgroup of a population
A. galloping
B. historical
C. cohort
D. longitudinal

Focus group interviews are used in

A. experimental designs
B. quantitative designs
C. correlational designs
D. qualitative designs

Participant observation is mostly used in

A. experimental designs
B. quantitative designs
C. correlational designs
D. qualitative designs

Community discussion forums are mostly used in

A. experimental designs
B. quantitative designs
C. correlational designs
D. qualitative designs
In ........ research respondent concordance does not occupy an important place
A. experimental
B. quantitative
C. correlational
D. qualitative

In ........... studies the distinction between study designs and methods of data collection is far less clear
A. experimental
B. quantitative
C. correlational
D. qualitative

The ...... is a stategy in identifying a research problem

A. 3Es
B. 3Ps
C. 4Ps
D. 5Ps

Action research focuses on

A. solving theoretical problems
B. adding to the existing body of knowledge
C. getting solutions to pressing real-life problems
D. student-based training

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