Sebi Bonus Shares ND Debentures

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The following circumstances warrant the issue of bonus shares :

(i) When a company has accumulated large reserves (whether

capital or revenue) and it wants to capitalize these reserves by
issuing bonus shares,

(ii) When the company is not in a position to give cash bonus

because it adversely affects its working capital.

(iii) When the value of fixed assets far exceeds the amount of the

(iv) When the higher rate of dividend is not advisable for the
distribution of the accumulated reserves because shareholders will
demand the same rate of dividend in future which the directors may
not be able to give. To obviate this difficulty, bonus shares are
issued to facilitate the payment of the regular dividend from year to

(v) When there is a big difference between the market value and
paid up value of shares of the company i.e., market value of shares
far exceeds the paid up value of shares.

A company issuing bonus shares is better placed in the market.

There is a sharp rise in the prices of equity shares following the
declaration of bonus issue.

SEBI (i.e., Securities and Exchange Board of India)

Guidelines for Issue of Bonus Shares
The company shall, while issuing bonus shares, ensure the following

(a) The bonus issue is made out of free reserves built out of the
genuine profits or securities premium collected in cash only.

(b) Reserves created by revaluation of fixed assets are not

(c) The declaration of bonus issue, in lieu of dividend, is not made.

(d) The bonus issue is not made unless the partly paid shares, if any
existing, are made fully paid-up,

(e) The company has not defaulted in payment of interest or

principal in respect of fixed deposits and interest on existing
debentures or principal on redemption thereof and has sufficient
reason to believe that it has not defaulted in respect of the payment
of statutory dues of the employees such as contribution to provident
fund, gratuity, bonus etc.

(f) A company which announces its bonus issue after the approval of
the Board of Directors must implement the proposal within a period
of six months from the date of such approval and shall not have the
option of changing the decision.

(g) There should be a provision in the Articles of Association of the

company for capitalization of reserves, and if not, the company shall
pass a resolution at its general body meeting making provisions in
the Articles of Association for capitalization.

(h) Consequent to the issue of bonus shares if the subscribed and

paid-up capital exceed the authorized share capital, a resolution
shall be passed by the company at its general body meeting for
increasing the authorized capital.

(i) The company shall get a resolution passed at its general body
meeting for bonus issue and in the said resolution the
management’s intention regarding the rate of dividend to be
declared in the year immediately after the bonus issue should be

(j) No bonus issue will be made which will dilute the value of rights
of the holders of debentures, convertible fully or partly.

No Company shall, pending conversion of fully convertible

debentures/partly convertible debentures, issue any shares by way
of bonus unless similar benefit is extended to the holders of such
fully convertible debentures/partly convertible debentures through
reservation of shares in proportion to such convertible part of fully
convertible debentures/partly convertible debentures. The shares so
reserved may be issued at the time of conversion(s) of such
debentures on the same times on which bonus issues were made to

Note. Entries for bonus shares reserved for convertible debentures

are not to be passed when bonus shares are issued to shareholders.
Entries for such reserved] shares will be recorded only when these
will be issued to convertible debenture holders in the same way as
are passed in case of bonus shares issued to shareholders.

As per SEBI guideline J (a), no bonus issue shall be made within 12

months of any ‘ public/right issue.

SEBI guidelines are silent on ratio of bonus issue. Therefore, a

company can issue
bonus shares in any ratio.

Clarification to SEBI Guidelines

A company issuing bonus shares shall forward a certificate duly
signed by the issuer and duly countersigned by its statutory auditor
or by a company secretary in practice to the effect that the terms
and conditions for issue of bonus shares as laid down in SEBI
guidelines, have been complied with.

A clarification issued by SEBI on 16-7-1992 states that the share

certificate to be issued pursuant to bonus issue shall be issued as far
as possible in marketable lots and in respect of the balance, the
certificate may be issued in denominations of 1, 5,10 and 50 shares.

Free Reserves that can be Used for Issue of Bonus Shares :
1. Surplus in Profit and Loss Account (i.e., credit balance of Profit
and Loss A/c carried forward).

2. General reserve

3. Dividend equalization reserve.

4. Capital reserve arising from profit on sale of fixed assets received
in cash.

5. Balance in debenture redemption reserve after redemption of


6. Capital Redemption Reserve Account created at the time of

redemption of redeemable preference shares out of the profits.

7. Securities Premium collected in cash only.

It may be remembered that both the above accounts can be utilized

only for issuing fully paid bonus shares and not for making partly
paid shares fully paid shares. . .

Reserves (i.e., not Free Reserves) not available for Issue of

Bonus Shares are:
1. Capital reserve arising due to revaluation of assets.

2. Securities premium arising on issue of shares on amalgamation

or lake over.

3. Investment allowance reserve/Development rebate reserve before

expiry of 4 years of creation.

4. Balance in debenture redemption reserve account before

redemption takes place.

5. Surplus arising from a change in the method of charging


1. Provision in AOA for issue of Bonus Share: The Articles of the Association of
the company should contain provisions for the issue of bonus shares. In the
absence of such provisions in the Articles, the company should pass
a resolution to that effect at the general body meeting.
2. Issue of Bonus Share: Bonus issue is capitalization of profit. Bonus shares
should be issued from free reserves created out of genuine profits or share
premiums collected.
3. Capitalization of reserve: Any reserve created through revaluation of fixed
assets cannot be capitalized.
4. Issuing Bonus: Bonus shares cannot be issued in lieu of dividend.
5. No Partly paid-up shares: At the time of issuing bonus shares, there
should not be partly paid up shares.
6. Payment of statutory dues: There should not be any default on the part of
the company in payment of statutory dues to employees such as provident
fund, gratuity, bonus, etc. Similarly, there should not be default in payment
of interest on fixed deposits or interest or principal amount thereof.
7. Bonus vs Right issue: There should be a gap of at least 12 months between
the public or right issue and bonus issue.
8. Proposal of bonus issue: The proposal of bonus issue must be
implemented within six months from the date of such approval by the
Board of Directors.
9. If the issue of bonus shares results in excess of subscribed and issued
capital over the authorized capital, a resolution will be passed at the general
body meeting for increasing the authorized capital.

10. No bonus issue will be made if it dilutes the rights of debenture holders
whose debentures are convertible fully or partly.

Guidelines of SEBI for the issue of debentures

1. Guidelines will be applicable for the issue of convertible and nonconvertible
debentures by public limited as well as public sector companies.
2. Debentures can be issued for the following purposes:

 For starting new undertakings

 Expansion or diversification
 For modernization
 Merger/amalgamation which has been approved by financial institutions
 Restructuring of capital
 For acquiring assets
 For increasing resources of long-term finance.
3. Issue of debentures should not exceed more than 20% of gross current
assets and also loans and advances.

4. Debt-equity ratio in issue of debentures should not exceed 2:1. But this
condition will be relaxed for capital intensive projects.

5. Any redemption of debentures will not commence before 7 years since

the commencement of the company.

6. For small investors for value such as Rs. 5,000, payments should be
made in one installment.

7. With the consent of SEBI, even non-convertible debentures can be

converted into equity.
8. A premium of 5% on the face value is allowed at the time of redemption
and in case of non-convertible debentures only.

9. The face value of debenture will be Rs. 100 and it will be listed in one or
more stock exchanges in the country.

10. Secured debentures will be permitted for public subscription

SEBI’s Guidelines

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has issued guidelines for
redemption of debentures. The salient points of these guidelines are: 1.
Every company shall create Debenture Redemption Reserve in case of issue
of debenture redeemable after a period of more than 18 months from the
date of issue. 2. The creation of Debenture Redemption Reserve is
obligatory only for non-convertible debentures and non-convertible portion
of partly convertible debentures. 3. A company shall create Debenture
Redemption Reserve equivalent to at least 50% of the amount of debenture
issue before starting the redemption of debenture. 4. Withdrawal from
Debenture Redemption Reserve is permissible only after 10% of the
debenture liability has already been reduced by the company. SEBI
guidelines would not apply under the following situations: (a)
Infrastructure company (a company wholly engaged in the business of
developing, maintaining and operating infrastructure facilities); and (b) A
company issuing debentures with a maturity period of not more than 18

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