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GUIDE 2024
Essentials first 3

How a skill is organized 5

Competition structure 8

Getting ready for 10

the Competition —
the Expert Centre

Getting ready for 12

the Competition —
Learning resources

At the Competition 13

Resources 14
Essentials first
Whether you are a new Expert or have already participated in one or more skill
competitions, congratulations, and thank you! Congratulations on playing a key role in
managing this global skills competition. And thank you for your time and dedication.


This guide provides you with all the information you need to work effectively
as an Expert for the WorldSkills Competition. To keep it short, the guide
provides cross-references or links to information available elsewhere.



Travel, hotel, and package arrangements Technical Delegate or Member Organization
Test Projects and Technical Descriptions Skill Competition Manager or Chief
Expert via the Discussion Forum
Infrastructure, sponsors, health, Workshop Manager via the Discussion Forum
safety and environment, workshop
layouts, material samples


The Code of Ethics and Conduct acts as a guide to behaviour and decision-making in accordance
with WorldSkills International’s values and ethical standards. All Experts must be acquainted
with and act in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Conduct. You can download the Code
of Ethics and Conduct from the website at


WorldSkills is the leading global organization promoting skills and is the global hub for skills
development and excellence. Through international cooperation and development between industry,
government, organizations, and institutions, we promote the benefits of and need for skilled
professionals through grass-roots community projects, skill competitions, and knowledge exchange.
We show how important skills education and training is for youth, industries, and society by challenging
young professionals around the world to become the best in the skill of their choice. Today, more than
80 countries and regions are WorldSkills Members, and membership continues to grow steadily.
Skills competitions are the core WorldSkills activity. Thousands of young people participate
in national, regional, and international competitions that generate enthusiastic interest
among many stakeholders, including Competitors, teachers, employers, and governments.
WorldSkills also offers opportunities for benchmarking skills, exchanging experiences and
joining forces to develop skills, effective teaching practice, and strong training systems.

Expert Guide 2024 – v1.0 | 3

Held every two years, the WorldSkills Competition is a global event. Some 1,500 Competitors from
more than 65 countries and regions and will compete in 58 Official Skills and 3 Exhibition Skills at
WorldSkills Lyon 2024. The skill competitions will be run by over 1,300 Experts – including you. .


You can download the Lyon 2024 Programme from the Expert Centre —
To provide consistency across all documentation from year to year, abbreviations are used to indicate
days before, during, and after competition. For example ”C-7” is seven days before competition
day one, ”C1” is competition day one, and ”C+1” is one day after the last day of competition.
Competition preparation days are shown in teal, competition days (C1 to C4) in pink,
and the days following competition in blue.

The above table is from the WSC2024 programme and shows an overview of the WorldSkills
Competition timeline.

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How a
Skill is organized
Each skill competition has a clearly defined The Chief Expert is an Expert elected by
workshop where the competition is held. the other Experts to provide leadership
The workshop contains workplaces for the and guidance for the running of the skill
Competitors as well as meeting rooms and CE
competition. See Competition Rules 6.5.
offices for the Skill Competition Manager,
Experts, and Workshop Manager. 2.6 EXPERT LEAD (EL)
The Expert Lead is an Expert responsible
2.2 EXPERTS (E) for supporting the Chief Expert
A person with experience in a in the preparation and execution
skill, trade, or technology who DCE
of a skill competition. They are
is representing a Member in nominated by the SCM and CE.
E the skill competition related
to their particular expertise. 2.7 SKILL MANAGEMENT TEAM (SMT)
They shall have a formal/
recognized qualification with proven
industrial and/or practical experience in
their skill. In addition, an Expert shall have
proven knowledge, understanding, and
expertise in standards and assessment in
vocational education and training (VET) and/
or in relevant industry sector(s). See further
requirements in Competition Rules 6.7..

2.3 COMPETITIONS COMMITTEE DELEGATE The Skill Management Team is made up of

(CCD) the Skill Competition Manager, the Chief
The Competitions Committee Expert, and the Expert Leads. The SMT is
Delegate is a Technical responsible for the management of the skill
Delegate who represents the competition in keeping with the Competition
Competitions Committee by Rules and Technical Description for the skill.
overseeing the management of
one to two skill competitions.
See Competition Rules 6.11.

2.4 SKILL COMPETITION MANAGER (SCM) Competition Rules can be downloaded from
A Skill Competition Manager the website at:
is a former Expert in the skill
competition in which they are
appointed. They are responsible
for providing management,
guidance, and leadership of
the skill competition. The Skill Competition
Manager is a member of the Skill Management
Team. See Competition Rules 6.4.

Expert Guide 2024 – v1.0 | 5

The Lead Skill Advisor is an experienced Skill Advisor who is responsible for providing
leadership, guidance, and support to the Skill Advisors to ensure their efficiency,
effectiveness, and value to the skills competitions. Their main focus is the development
of marking schemes and quality of assessment, Refer to Competition Rule 6.21.


Skill Advisors are knowledgeable and experienced former Chief Experts, Deputy Chief
Experts (prior to WSC2024), or Skill Competition Managers whose role is to support
current Skill Management Teams in the design and operation of their Marking Schemes
SA and assessment practices. Skill Advisors work closely with the Competition Support
Team and the Standards and Assessment Advisor. Skill Advisors may support up to 7
skills. There will be 10 Skill Advisors for WSC2024. See Competition Rules 6.20.


The Skill Management Plan is the key tool used by the Skill Management Team to organize running of
the skill competition.
It is prepared by the Skill Competition Manager, Chief Expert, and Expert Lead. The Competitions
Committee Delegate reviews the SMP on behalf of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Competitions
Committee. The SMP must be completed for review by C-6. It acts as the roadmap for the skill
competition and is checked daily.
The SMP lists tasks and completion deadlines for each day of competition.

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The Infrastructure List details all WorldSkills has adopted the word
materials and equipment to be Interpreter to cover both roles of
provided by the Competition interpreting (oral) and translating
Organizer for a skill competition. I (written). Interpreters allow the
It is drawn up by the Experts and reviewed at Experts to work together without
each Competition. See Competition Rules 9. communication difficulties and help to ensure
that all Competitors get the same information,
2.12 EXPERTS WITH SPECIAL ensuring fairness. See Competition Rules 6.13.
Experts with Special Responsibilities 2.15 COMPETITIONS COMMITTEE
are Experts who are assigned The Competitions Committee consists of
specific areas of responsibilities the Technical Delegates from each Member.
ESR by the Skill Management Chaired by the Vice President for Competitions,
Team to assist in the running meeting at his invitation, it deals with all
of the skill competitions. higher-level technical and organizational
matters relating to the skills competitions.
2.13 WORKSHOP MANAGER (WM) The Competitions Committee reports
Each skill competition has a to the Board and the General Assembly
dedicated Workshop Manager through its Chair. See Constitution 3.6.
provided by the Competition

Organizer. The WM is responsible

for ensuring that all necessary (SMTA)
infrastructure for Competitors and Experts Skill Management Team Assistants provide
is provided and in working order. The administrative support to the Skill Management
WM takes a lead role in ensuring that the Team. This includes data entry into the
running of the workshop complies to the Competition Information System (CIS), printing
Health, Safety, and Environment Policies and of competition forms, and interaction with
Regulations. See Competition Rules 6.14. Competition Support Satellite Office.

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Competition structure
3.1 COMPETITION RULES The Test Project is designed to enable
The Competition Rules regulate the Competitors to demonstrate the standards

organization and execution of the

specified in the Technical Description.
It must be sufficiently difficult to allow
2. 6.

WorldSkills Competition for all skills

Competitors to be ranked by their level of

4. 8.

competitions. They are updated

by the Competitions Committee excellence. At the same time Experts must
and ratified by the General Assembly. minimize space, infrastructure, and resource
requirements. See Competition Rules 10.
Each skill competition has a Technical 3.4 EXPERT PARTICIPATION IN PREPARATION
Description defining all skill-specific
aspects of the competition including: The Technical Description defines to what
extent Experts are required to participate
• Name of the skill
in preparation of the Test Project. Failure
• WorldSkills Occupational Standards to comply with requirements can affect an
and scope of work: that is, qualification Expert’s rights. For example, Experts who
requirements for Competitors and which fail to deliver the required work may not be
skills they require for the competition permitted to vote on the Test Project/modules
• Development, selection, validation, or 30% change. For a summary of Expert’s
30% change, verification, and duties and rights, see Competition Rules 10.16.
circulation of the Test Project
• Assessment specifications and procedures WORK CONTENT
and requirements for marking
Where the Test Project has been circulated
• Conduct of the competition to Competitors in advance, Experts must
• Any skill-specific safety requirements change at least 30% of the work content
within the limitations of the equipment
• Materials and equipment to be supplied
and materials provided by the Competition
by Competitors and Experts and defines
Organizer. See Competition Rules 10.10.2.
those that are prohibited in the workshop
• Skill-specific rules and general 3.6 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES
best practice procedures The completed Test Projects are assessed in
• Marketing the skill and media accordance with the WorldSkills International
• Sustainability assessment procedures on the basis of the
WorldSkills Occupational Standards defined in
See Competition Rules 8. the Technical Description and the Competition
3.3 TEST PROJECT Rules. See Competition Rules 11.6.

The Test Project is the work 3.7 COMPETITION SUPPORT
that has to be carried out by Competition Support is the part of the
the Competitors to demonstrate WorldSkills International Secretariat at a
mastery of their skill. The Competition that provides support to skills for
Technical Description specifies the WorldSkills the running of their competitions. Competition
Occupational Standards, scope of work, Support helps with the printing of Test Projects,
format and structure, development, validation, the updating of Technical Descriptions, and
verification, selection, circulation, and assessment procedures. It also provides the
30% change (if appropriate) of the Test Skill Marking Box (a box of competition-
Project. Each Test Project is designed to take related materials for each skill competition).
between 15 and 22 hours working time,
within the four days of competition.

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SYSTEM (CIS) The Competitions Committee Delegates
CIS The CIS is custom-built software and Skill Competition Managers meet
(by WorldSkills International) daily from C-6 to C4 to resolve issues and
that manages all aspects of the share information.
marking and results of each skill
competition. It is used to create 3.11 MEMBER SUPPORT
or import Marking Schemes, generate marking At a WorldSkills Competition, Member Support
sheets, and record or calculate marks for each is the part of the WorldSkills International
Competitor. It calculates all results for every skill Secretariat that provides support to Members
competition and lists all medal winners and can (primarily Official Delegates and Technical
also generate overall results for each Member. Delegates) in all areas not connected
to the skills competitions. For example,
3.9 TOOLBOX CHECK accommodation, travel arrangements, events,
Where appropriate to the skill, each day a etc. It is responsible for organizing WorldSkills
team of Experts examines the contents of each International meetings.
Competitor’s toolbox. Any items that might
give an unfair advantage to a Competitor are 3.12 MARCOM AND SPECIAL
removed from use in the competition. EVENTS SUPPORT
See Competition Rules 9.7.6. At a WorldSkills Competition, MarCom
and Special Events support is the part of
the WorldSkills International Secretariat
that is responsible for the WorldSkills
Conference, and press relations.

The Chief Expert is an

Expert elected by the
other Experts to provide
leadership and guidance
for the running of the skill

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Getting ready for the Competition
The Expert Centre
The Expert Centre
is an area of the WSI website designed
to help you prepare methodically for the
competition. It contains information and
acts as a checklist for various mandatory
and optional activities — a tick appears
on the right as you complete each item.
When you have met all mandatory
requirements, it will show 100% prepared.
Each item on the checklist
is described below.

• Competition Rules Quiz
• Industry Specific Test
• Access Programme
• CV submitted and approved

• Access Expert Centre
• Download Code of Ethics and Conduct
• Download Competition Rules
• Download Technical Description
• View Infrastructure List
• Download Test Project
• Download Health, Safety, and SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION
Environment documentation
Click on the link to view the Infrastructure
• Download Skill Management Plan List for your skill competition. Download any
• Discussion Forum accompanying supporting documentation.


Click on the link to download the Test Project
This indicates that you have for your skill competition, if appropriate.
accessed this site.
Download and study the Competition
Click on the appropriate link to download the Rules. You will need a good knowledge
Technical Description for your skill competition. of the Competition Rules to pass
the Competition Rules Quiz.

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AND CONDUCT This is a test of your expertise in your skill.
The Code of Ethics and Conduct sets out the The multiple-choice questions appear in
minimum standards of behaviour expected random order. Click on the link to see the
by all personnel involved in the WorldSkills instructions and take the industry-specific test.
movement. Download and study the Code of Note: You must successfully complete the
Ethics and Conduct. You will be expected to Competition Rules Quiz and complete
conduct yourself according to this document. the industry-specific test before you
are permitted to participate at the
4.7 DOWNLOAD HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WorldSkills Competition as an Expert.
This link provides general, host country-specific 4.12 ACCESS PROGRAMME
health, safety and environment information. Your Member Organization will present the
mandatory modules of the Access Programme.
4.8 DOWNLOAD SKILL You need to have successfully completed these
MANAGEMENT PLAN (SMP) to fully participate as an Expert.
Download the SMP for your skill competition See Competition Rules 6.7.4.
as previously described under 2.13.
4.9 EXPERT CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) During the preparations for the upcoming
All new Experts must provide a CV including competition, it is very important that you
qualifications, industry, and competition stay informed about the progress of your skill
experience in the template provided. Your competition and also participate in discussions.
Technical Delegate will help you with You can do this by regularly checking the
this. The CV shall be submitted to your Discussion Forum for your skill. Where
Member organization, who then submit applicable, various polls may need to be
it to WorldSkills for review to ensure conducted to make decisions.
relevance and currency to the Expert’s skill.


This is a test of your knowledge of the
Competition Rules. The multiple-choice
questions appear in random order. Click on the An Expert
link to see the instructions and take the quiz. is a person with
experience in a skill,
trade, or technology who
is representing a Member
in a skill competition
related to their particular

Expert Guide 2024 – v1.0 | 11

Getting ready for the Competition
Learning resources
Go to to enhance your learning prior to the competition.
Learning Resources for a WorldSkills Competition are now integrated into one location. They provide
participants at a WorldSkills Competition with a learning environment to ensure theyhave the required
knowledge about the Competition Rules, their skill (Experts only) and processes at a WorldSkills
Competition. Once the Learning Resources have been followed and are completed the various
groups of participants will be able to integrate into their role at the Competition more easily.
The self-explanatory content of the Learning Resources site is shown below.

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At the Competition
08:30–09:30 CC meeting 08:30–09:00 Competitor Communication
C -6 09:30–10:30 SMT networking C1to 4 09:00–17:00 Competition
10:30–12:30 SMT orientation meeting 17:00–17:30 Competitor
Experts and Interpreters arrive Communication (optional)
Ongoing: Development of
10:00–11:30 New Expert Orientation Technical Description
C -5 13:00–21:00 Excursion and
Welcome Reception • Additional activities on C4
C4 • CIS data entry complete
08:00–21:00 Competition preparation • Competition finalization by Experts
C -4 by Experts as per the SMP
Mandatory Assessment • CIS Closure form submitted
Training for Experts C +1 • Competition Completion
30% change complete and form submitted
agreement signed (if relevant) • 2026 CE election and nomination
agreement complete
08:00–21:00 Competition preparation • 2026 Test Project selection
C -3 by Experts as per the SMP agreement complete (if relevant)
Mandatory Assessment • 2026 Test Project uploaded
Training for Experts to SMP (if relevant)
2024 Test Project uploaded to SMP • 2026 Technical Description
2024 Test Project print request submitted voting and Agreement signed
• 2026 Technical Description
08:00–21:00 Competition preparation uploaded to SMP
C -2 by Experts as per the SMP • Competition survey
09:00–20:00 Familiarization  9:00–1:00 Closing Ceremony
for Competitors and Farewell Party
15:00–18:00 Final workshop inspection
including HSE of competition workshops • Departure
C +2
08:00–16:00 Competition preparations
C -1 by Expert according to SMP
2024 Test Project translations complete For full details, view your skill’s Skill
Competition Commencement Management Plan from the Expert Centre:
form submitted
Marking Scheme locked
19:00–21:30 Opening Ceremony

Expert Guide 2024 – v1.0 | 13

There are many resources available on:

7.1 ”WHO-IS-WHO”

”Who-is-Who” is an area of the WorldSkills website that shows photos and profiles of all WorldSkills
staff and officials. New Experts should visit ”Who-is-Who” ( and
complete their profile. They should also submit their photo to their Technical Delegate for upload
to the WorldSkills website. It also has a powerful search function allowing you to find individuals or
groups of people.

A glossary of WorldSkills terms can be found at:

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