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Reading and

Writing Skills
Quarter 3 – Learner’s Activity Sheet 1-4
Patterns of Development in
Writing across Disciplines:
• Narration
• Description
• Definition
• Classification

School-based SLM Week 1

Reading and Writing Skills
Quarter 3-Activity Sheet No. 1
Patterns of Development in Writing across Disciplines


II. MELC (with Code): NONE

Brief Introduction about the topic

This is your self-instructional learner activity sheet in Reading and Writing. All the activities
provided in this lesson will help you learn and understand:
Patterns of Development in Writing: Narration.
Specifically, you will learn the following:

1. determine the construct of a narrative.

2. analyze the given narrative paragraph; and

3. apply the structure into your own narrative.


Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise. Write your answer
after each statement.
1. Narration is giving and sharing arguments. ______________
2. The conflict in the story is the problem to be solved. ______________
3. The setting of the story is the time and place. ______________
4. The theme is the central idea or truth in the story. ______________
5. The plot signals the protagonist and the antagonist. ______________

Patterns of Development in Writing: Narration

The development of story is successful in its objective using variety of patterns to better
understand the material. It reflects our thinking and explores the vast ideas that we have.
Structuring your ideas will start when you formulate your topic sentence. Then linking some
details to support your topic sentence. In linking these supporting sentences, the use of

transitional devices is essential. In this lesson, one pattern of development in writing will be

Narration is one pattern of development in writing. It is basically a skill of

chronologically telling a story of events or experience that signaled by transition devices.
The transitions like first, then, soon, after, and suddenly maintain coherence and show
movement of actions. The use of these devices predicts that the sentences that followed are
all supporting the topic sentence. The description of the details answers the how, when, where,
and why’s questions. It creates world based on the writer’s imagination. (Filomena T. Dayagbil,
Ed.D., Ethel L. Abao, Ed.D., Remedios C. Bacus, Ed.D. 2016)

Every narrative contains elements namely, setting, character, plot, conflict, and
theme. Setting serves as background of a story for it gives the place and time elements. A
story links an incident or series of incidents that take place somewhere or some time. Each
story has main and subordinate characters. They must speak and act naturally, like people
we know. They appear in our imagination, and we start to understand their actions. They start
to create their own place in our thoughts as we read the story. At times, we empathize with
their feelings and actuations within the story. These characters can be protagonist,
antagonist, static or flat, dynamic, round, antihero, and foil. The plot covers the series of
incidents that occurs in the story. It becomes clear and forceful if the narration captures the
interest and enriches the imagination of the readers. The sequence of events can be
categorized as linear (the events are chronologically arranged-beginning, middle, and end),
modular (not following one linear narrative), and episodic (one episode can stand alone).
The conflict elevates the reader’s emotion until it reaches solution. It is the problem that needs
to be resolved. Revealing some truth about life is its main function. This significant truth about
life that a story attempts to communicate to its readers is called theme, most important and
least explicit. It shows that reading narratives entertains and gives us profitable experiences.

You must bear in mind the following suggestions in narrating a story. First, you should
have a clear setting. The time and place of the story must be specifically mentioned. Second,
you should make impactful and clear characters. They should be alive in your imagination. It
is there that they will capture memories to tell when you are going to retell the story. Third,
you should link the events in an orderly manner. The use of transitional devices is a must to
show the smooth flow of the story. Fourth, you should use simple and precise language.
Lastly, you should use actual conversation. Using direct or quoted statements makes your
narrative clear.

Consider this story entitled “A Birthday Surprise” from

Ella loves music. Her favorite kind of music is rock and roll. She is constantly listening
to music on her radio, and her computer is always playing music in her room. Her birthday
is coming up in a few weeks and she really wants to see a concert to celebrate it.
She has been dreaming about it daily. Ezra, her boyfriend, has decided to surprise her with
tickets for her birthday.
“Ella, I am going to pick you up at eight tomorrow night,” said Ezra. “Great, I will be
ready. What are we doing?” asked Ella. “We are going to your favorite restaurant and then I
have a surprise for you,” said Ezra. “Great,” thought Ella, “The surprise is probably a piece
of jewelry or something useless like that.”
The following day, Ezra arrived at eight to take Ella to dinner. They ate at her favorite
restaurant and as they were paying the bill Ezra gave her an envelope. “Go on, open it,” said
Ezra. “Okay, thank you so much,” replied Ella. She opened the envelope and found two front
row tickets to her favorite concert. “Oh wow! Ezra, what a wonderful surprise!” she
They left the restaurant and went to the concert. Ella was so excited. They both had
a great time at the concert. The band played all her favorite songs. Ella and Ezra decided
that it was the best birthday celebration she had ever had.

A. Let us analyze the parts.

1. Setting: The place mentioned in the story is the room of Ella, then restaurant, and the
concert venue. The time is evening.
2. Character(s): The characters are Ella and Ezra. They are lovers and fond of music.
3. Plot: The plot is linear in manner. It starts with the day before her birthday, then her
birthday, and its celebration.
4. Conflict: Probably the conflict is the inability of Ella to watch a concert of her favorite
band and so her boyfriend surprises her with such.
5. Theme: The theme is love and how to show it to your loved.

B. Let us have a closer look at the process of narrating the story.

First, you should have a clear setting. The time and place of the story were specifically
mentioned. It helped the readers to follow the events and the discourse of the characters.
Second, you should make impactful and clear characters. The characters were alive
in our imagination. Their exchange of conversation showing the feeling of joy, excitement, and
love were very imminent that will be easy for you to retell the story.

Third, you should link the events in an orderly manner. The author did not use
transitional devices in the story. He instead used the conversation between the characters to
show action indicating the smooth flow of the story.
Fourth, you should use simple and precise language. The language used in the story
is so simple. It can be understood by all for the author used simple terms to have the events
flow smoothly.
Lastly, you should use actual conversation. The use of the direct or quoted statements
of the author to show the exchange of conversation between the two characters makes your
narrative clear. The author shows the excitement and love to both characters through their
uttered words.


Activity 1
Directions: Carefully read the narrative passage. Answer the questions that follows.

The Wooden Bowl by Ramona Moreno Winner

A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and a four-year old grandson.
The old man’s hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate
together nightly at the dinner table.
But the elderly grandfather’s shaky hands and failing sight made eating rather difficult.
Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped the glass often milk spilled on the
The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess. “We must do something
about grandfather,” said the son. I’ve had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on
the floor.
So, the husband and the wife set a small table in the corner. There, grandfather ate
alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner at the dinner table.
Since grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl.
Sometimes when the family glanced in grandfather’s direction, he had a tear in his eyes as he
ate alone.
Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped
a fork or spilled food. The four-year- old watched it all in silence. One evening before supper,
the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly,
“What are you making?” Just as sweetly, the boy responded, “Oh, I am making a little bowl for
you and mama to eat your food when I grow up.” The four-year-old smiled and went back to

The words so struck the parents that they were speechless. Then tears started to
stream down their cheeks. Though no words were spoken, both knew what must be done.
That evening the husband took the grandfather’s hand and gently led him back to the
family table. For the remainder of his days, he ate every meal with the family. And for some
reason, neither husband nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk
spilled, or the tablecloth soiled.

1. What is the setting of the story?
2. Who are the characters?
3. What is the conflict? How was it resolved in the story?
4. What is the theme? How it is applicable in our present situation?

Activity 2
Directions: Directions: Write your own narrative with 5-8 sentences on a piece of paper. Use
the format below. You can have the working title “My Experiences on Valentine’s Day”. You
can narrate what did you do and how you spent Valentine’s Day. What did you feel on that
day? Remember to indicate the needed elements: setting, character, plot, and theme. Use
transitional devices to link the events or experiences in the story.

My Experiences on Valentine’s Day


Remember that your narration will be graded according to the following criteria.

Content (the essential elements in narration are developed): 10 pts.

Originality (personal experiences during the pandemic are shared): 5 pts.
Organization (turn of events with the use of transitional devices): 5 pts.

To wrap everything up that we have talked about in this lesson, complete the following:
I have learned in today’s lesson _________________________________________.
I have realized after the activities _______________________________________.
I will share my knowledge to ____________________________________________.

The pandemic that we are experiencing since March tested our faith in God no manner
how we perceived Him / Her to be. It strengthened our bonding to our family. We reinvent
ourselves especially during the times we continuously hear news of deaths, sufferings, cases
of COVID-19, and endless anxiety if we will also be infected. Our belief of God is manifested
on our shared stories and capsulated feelings during this time.
We continue to retell this story of ours in different avenues.

Directions: Match the items in column A with the items in column B. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided before each number.
_____ 1. It is the central truth or idea about life. a. Plot
_____ 2. It is the problem to be solved in the story. b. Setting
_____ 3. It serves as background of a story. c. Theme
_____ 4. They speak and act naturally. d. Character(s)
_____ 5. It is the sequence of events. e. Conflict

Reading and Writing Skills
Quarter 3-Activity Sheet No. 2
Patterns of Development in Writing across Disciplines


II. MELC (with Code): NONE

Brief Introduction about the topic

This is your self-instructional learner module in Reading and Writing. All the activities provided
in this lesson will help you learn and understand:
Patterns of Development in Writing: Description.
Specifically, you will learn the following in this module:
1. Know the structure of the descriptive pattern; and
2. Construct descriptive paragraph on a given topic.

Directions: COPY AND ANSWER ON YOUR NOTEBOOK. Write TRUE if the statement is
correct and FALSE if otherwise.
1. Descriptive paragraph helps the reader to see the picture of an object in its absence.
2. The topic sentence is always found in the first sentence of a paragraph. ______________
3. The sensory impressions are those pertaining to the senses. ______________
4. Figures of speech are for poetry only. ______________
5. Descriptive paragraphs build images in the reader’s imagination. ______________

Patterns of Development in Writing: Description.

When we write paragraphs, we tend to recreate an imaginative representation of the
ideas that we have acquired and assimilate. These paragraphs extend our vision in a written
form. Words and group of words became a circulating body of invisible objects ready to be
digest by another entity of interpretation and representation.
This module once again will explore the other pattern of development in writing, the
world of descriptions.
Description is one pattern of paragraph development that paints pictures with words
and brings the action or scenes to the reader. It appeals to the senses -smell, taste, hear,
sight, and touch through the imagination of the readers. It builds mental images for the reader;
it makes present what is absent. -Source: Prentice Hall, Grammar and Composition 3

To write a good description you should learn to observe keenly and accurately. Your
eyes gather visual images; your ears gain auditory images, and your mouth forms taste
images. Behind the sense organs is the mind which selects important details and allows
unimportant details to go unheeded.
Successful description demands a special technique depending upon the purpose of
the description. If you want to tell what a house looks like, use objective or factual and
scientific description. It describes the scene as it is and stays away from emotional
expression. Thus, “The house is painted blue, spacious, and Mediterranean style”. If you want
to give the effect the house has on you, your description will be subjective or suggestive
and imaginative. This kind of description is based on opinion, emotion, and the author’s own
perception of a subject. It also looks at how one sees something and wants something to be
seen. “The house looks refreshing and exciting for the beauty of its location”. The purpose of
your description gives your work unity.
Descriptive writing should always contain strong, specific details. Features such as
color, size, texture, shape, and condition should be expressed clearly and sharply in action
verbs, precise nouns, and colorful adjectives.
Descriptive writing conveys a dominant impression through specific details, sensory
impressions, and figures of speech. The central dominant impression is the focus of topic
sentence that occur commonly at the beginning of a descriptive paragraph. It helps the reader
in understanding the text for it sets the scene. It also provides a preview of what the story will
be. It also persuades the readers to continue reading. The supporting details to the central
dominant impression are the senses of sights, smells, sounds, textures, and feelings
commonly known as sensory impressions. It helps in developing an absent things or ideas
in the mind of the readers. The beauty of linking one idea to another using figures of speech
to provide dramatic exchange of events and experiences add to the totality of the story.
When we talk about figures of speech, we tend to recall commonly used in any
paragraph development in writing. Simile is a comparison of two things using “like” or “as”.
Metaphor is a direct comparison of two things. Personification is the use of human
characteristics to describe animals, things, or ideas.

Suggestions for Writing Using the Descriptive Pattern

1. Decide on a particular topic. It can be a person, place, experience, or even objects that
has an impact on you and you can deliberately discuss and explore it.
2. Think and formulate your dominant impression and start drafting a statement.
3. Consider your secondary purpose in writing your paragraph. It can be to deliver
entertainment or just to inform your readers on a particular topic.

4. List down many details and sensory impressions as you imagine your particular topic.
Bank different vivid descriptions that will help you explore your dominant impression.
5. Organize the flow of your sentences trying to imagine how your readers can understand
your point and be familiar with your topic.
6. Consider the involvement of your reader’s emotions. It is there that you can be successful
in conveying your goals in writing a descriptive pattern.
7. Revisit your draft for consistency of tense, emotions, mood, and the strength of your
words’ vividness and its unity in the dominant impressions that you presented.

Let’s try this.

How does one begin a description? Remember that the opening sentences should set the
mood and give a general, visual image of the subject. The succeeding sentences will support
the development of these central images or ideas.

Let us examine the following paragraph.

(1) Then the sun was sinking and every prismatic color was reflecting back from
this ice-encased world. (2) The valley had become like Ali Baba’s Treasure Cave
that I had read about as a child. (3) I found my eyes and throat aching with the
beauty that blazed outside the train windows. (4) Jewels seemed to glitter from
every bush, even withered blade of grass, every twig: sapphires and turquoise,
emeralds and amethysts, rubies crystals, diamonds.
-Catherine Marshall as mentioned in the Prentice Hall Grammar and Composition 2.

The first part of the paragraph is objective and towards the end, it changes to subjective.


Activity 1
LETTER AND ANSWER ON YOUR NOTEBOOK: Using the above descriptive passage,
choose the best answer by writing the letter and answer of your choice on your notebook.
1. “The valley had become like Ali Baba’s Treasure Cave that I had read about as a child.”
is what kind of figure of speech?
A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Personification
2. What time of the day is described in “…the sun was sinking…”?
A. Dawn
B. Sunset
C. Sunrise
3. “Jewels seemed to glitter from every bush, even withered blade of grass, every twig:
sapphires and turquoise, emeralds and amethysts, rubies crystals, diamonds? is what
kind of description?
A. Objective
B. Subjective
C. Both objective and subjective


Write your own descriptive paragraph with 5-8 sentences your notebook. You can have the
working title “The Pandemic’s Hero and Heroine in White Gown”. You can describe what
you have learned and seen during this time. What have you felt upon hearing news about the
sacrifices of our front liners? Remember to include the central dominant impression, sensory
impression, and the magic of figures of speech.

The Pandemic’s Hero and Heroine in White Gown


Remember that your narration will be graded according to the following criteria.
Content (the essential elements in narration are developed) 10 pts.
Originality (personal experiences during the pandemic are shared) 5 pts.
Organization (turn of events with the use of transitional devices) 5 pts.


As a summary, complete the statements below.

The three things that I have learned are __________, __________, and __________.
I will share to others my knowledge through __________________________.


There are modern heroes and heroine in our society during this pandemic. They unselfishly
serve the nation with high hopes. They remain true to their promise when they pledge before
the witnessing crowd. Their white gown is enveloped with fear of being infected but the need
and love to serve others uplift their spirit to continue. There are also other heroes and heroine
in their own special way like garbage collector, barangay front liners, cashiers, food delivery
drivers, pharmacists, vendors, and the healthy and young volunteer of each family to do some
errands in going out of the safety their humble home offers. Let us always pray for all these
modern heroes and heroine of our society.


Directions: COPY AND ANSWER. Match the items in column A with the items in column B.
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.

Reading and Writing Skills
Quarter 3-Activity Sheet No. 3
Patterns of Development in Writing across Disciplines


II. MELC (with Code): NONE

Brief Introduction about the topic

CONTENT STANDARD: The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected
and organized to achieve a particular purpose.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of
development focusing on information organization and development.
LEARNING COMPETENCIES: Distinguishes between and among the patterns of
development in writing across disciplines.
1. Define definition as a pattern of paragraph development.
2. Identify the different ways to define a word.
3. Write a paragraph using definition as pattern of paragraph development.


Directions: Identify which paragraph development is used in each line. Write F for formal
definition, I for informal definition and E for extended definition.
1. Families are an integral part of one’s life. It does not matter if you have a small or big
family, as long as you have one.
2. Family values are a set of beliefs or morals that help achieve family unity and social
3. Good habits and manners that are instilled by our family make us better persons.
4. Unity in a family always leads to a harmonious and fulfilling life.
5. Family bonding is the time when a family spends time together meaningfully.

Patterns of Development Using Definition

Words often have different meanings based on their use. When beginning to write, it
is helpful to determine the patterns of development that are most effective for your purpose
and audience.

One pattern in paragraph development is using DEFINITION. Its purpose is to explain
the meaning of a word, a concept or idea.
A paragraph that is developed by definition answers the question “What is it?” Usually
expository or informational, the definition may be one sentence or extended to be a paragraph,
theme, or even a book. It is usually combined with other methods of development.
The definition is intended to clarify meaning; thus, it should identify essential qualities
and limit the term’s meaning.
There are different ways to define a word. These are formal definition, informal
definition and extended definition.
Formal definition is a sentence that contains three parts such as:
1) the term that needs defining or species;
2) the class to which the item belongs or genus; and
3) the differentiation of that item from the other forms belonging to the class or differentia.

Here is an example:
A unified family is a strong team that is capable of weathering adversity, investing in
meaningful relationships and activities, and creating value together.

In this example,

A unified family family a strong team that is capable of

Species Genus Differentia
weathering adversity, investing in meaningful relationships and activities, and creating value

Another way to define is through informal definition. Unlike formal definition, informal
is partial or incomplete definition. It does not define a term in its complete sense as it is based
on the writer’s experience.
For example:
Families are a strong team.

Extended definition is one or more paragraphs that attempt to explain a complex term.
For example:
A unified family is a strong team that is capable of weathering adversity, investing in
meaningful relationships and activities, and creating value together. Research claims that
open and frequent communication is the quality of strong and united families.

Guided Practice
Let’s try to identify whether the statement uses formal, informal, or extended definition.
1. A family is a basic social unit consisting of parents and their offspring.
2. Respect and good attitude are among the most essential characteristics in a family
relationship to avoid conflict.
3. I believe that unity in the family is vital in achieving a harmonious relationship.
4. Family values can be described as a set of beliefs or morals that help provide for family
unity and social interaction as well as providing for a societal view for childhood
5. Unity occurs when a family spend time together with love and constant communication.



Use the chart below to define UNITY.


Write a short paragraph about the topic “Strengthening Filipino Family Values During a
Pandemic” using definition.

“Strengthening Filipino Family Values During a Pandemic”



As a summary, let us remember that:

Definition is a pattern of paragraph development which purpose is to explain the
meaning of a word, a concept or idea.
There are different ways to define a word namely: formal, a sentence that contains
three parts – species, genus and differentia; informal, partial or incomplete definitions; and
extended definition, one or more paragraphs that attempt to explain a complex term.


Unity in a family is most evident during crises like the pandemic. As a family member,
tell situations where you supported your family the most during a problem or crisis.


Reading and Writing Skills
Quarter 3-Activity Sheet No. 4
Patterns of Development in Writing across Disciplines


II. MELC (with Code): NONE

Brief Introduction about the topic

CONTENT STANDARD: The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected
and organized to achieve a particular purpose.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of
development focusing on information organization and development.
LEARNING COMPETENCIES: Distinguishes between and among the patterns of
development in writing across disciplines.
1. Define classification as a pattern of paragraph development.
2. Sort information to create order in writing.
3. Apply classification in paragraph development.

Direction: COPY AND ANSWER) Check (/) the statements that use classification.
______1. Doctors, nurses, policemen, firemen, grocers, teachers, and city employees are
among civic workers.
______2. By staying at home, we can do our share in minimizing the cases of COVID-19.
______3. Students can join community projects like Brigada Eskwela, Sagip- Mag-aaral, tree
planting, recycling, and donating a book.
______4. Common symptoms of COVID-19 are dry cough, tiredness, and fever.
______5. While staying home, we can do different household chores like washing the dishes,
cooking, cleaning, and organizing the house.

Patterns of Development Using Classification.

Words often have different meanings based on their use. When beginning to write, it
is helpful to determine the patterns of development that are most effective for your purpose
and audience.
Look at the picture below. How are the books classified?

One pattern in paragraph development is using classification. Its purpose is to create
an air of systematization and order in writing. Classification entails categorization which
enables one to group together items according to their similarities. This pattern allows you to
either divide a topic into its component parts, or to categorize (or classify) a group of related
items or events.
When dividing, you begin with one central topic and break that down into multiple parts.
Classification works in the other direction, putting things together based on shared qualities or

Here are the examples:

During the pandemic, frontliners like health workers, policemen, soldiers, volunteers
and those people who serve the public are considered to be heroes. Joining in a
choir, helping in an elderly nursing home, teaching street children and out-of-school
youths, cleaning trash and planting trees are types of community services.


Let’s try classifying our frontliners. Choose your answers from the word pool below.



Write a short paragraph (50-75 words) about the classification of frontliners in your notebook.
Refer to your answer in the Guided Practice.


How do you organize your room? Write a short essay (150-200 words) on how you do the
layout using classification.


To wrap everything up that we have talked about in this lesson, let us always remember
Classification entails categorization which enables one to group together items
according to their similarities. This pattern allows you to either divide a topic into its component
parts, or to categorize (or classify) a group of related items or events.


Draw an editorial cartoon or illustration discussing the message of the quotation below.

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate

actions of its members." – Coretta Scott King


Directions: Read the passage carefully. Identify the enumerated items, then indicate their
classification. The first item is given as an example.

There are so many things that we need to know about COVID-19. The symptoms can
include fever, cough and shortness of breath. Symptoms are similar with influenza. The virus
is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets from an infected person which is
generated through coughing, sneezing, touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and
touching the face specifically eyes, nose and mouth. The most at risk are older people, people
with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

Filomena T. Dayagbil, Ed.D., Ethel L. Abao, Ed.D., Remedios C. Bacus, Ed.D. 2016. Critical
Reading and Writing for the Senior High School. Quezon City: Lorima Publishing Inc.

Gary Forlini, et al. 2005. Prentice Hall Grammar and Composition 2. Pearson Education South
Asia Pte. Ltd.

Germiniano, Gener. The Typical Filipino Family, updated March 5,

2013. Accessed 11 June, 2020.

Essay on Unity for Students and Children

unity/. Accessed 12 June, 2020.

Quality time, Structure Important for Families During COVID-19 Pandemic. html.
Accessed 12 June, 2020.

Cultural Atlas Filipino Culture and Family.

culture/filipino-culture-family. Accessed 12 June, 2020.

Nessafron. 8 October, 2013. Free Essay: The Filipino Family. Accessed 12
June, 2020.
Marella Therese A. Tiongson and Maxine Rafaella C. Rodriguez. Reading and Writing Skills.
First Edition. Rex Bookstore Inc. 2016.

UNICEF, WHO, +C IFRC 20 March, 2020. Key Messages and Actions for COVID-19
Prevention and Control in Schools. coronaviruse/key-
2020.pdf?sfvrsn=baf81d52_4. Accessed July 1, 2020






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