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It seems, true believers, that even I can make mistakes in

judgment from time to time. This document contains

clarifications and errata to make sure that you are getting the
full experience of what I intended for this system.


As written, Summoning and Calling can be used at the same
time, making someone essentially twice as powerful as a
normal summoner. While this may seem like something that's
overpowered, it was intended, but not exactly as you see there.

If you use a Dreamshard to gain either Summoning or Calling,

you have to purchase the other action normally, and cannot
apply the “+1 to another magic” to the other. This is to prevent
people from grabbing the Summoner Dreamshard or Caller
Dreamshard, placing the +1 to the other form of summoning,
and having both jobs from one dreamshard.
• Aspir: Attack vs Intelligence to deal stun damage
That's not to say that you can't Summon and Call, it's saying • Drain: As Energy Drain, but drains Red stones of
that you can get one from a Dreamshard, and have to learn the Health instead and transfers them to the user. Durability
other. counts as a Defense
What happens when you use both actions in one round you • Delta: A purely non-elemental attack, 2x damage or
ask? Well, it depends on the order you use them. Should you area effect (excludes allies)]
Summon then Call, the Summon duration will be immediately up • Antipode: Not truly a non-elemental attack, Antipode
at the end of your panel, but you get both actions that your uses two elements at once. One half of the damage is
Summon would take on that panel. Should you Call then one element, the other is the other element. Choose
Summon, You only get the Calling action that panel, but the which two elements are mixing when launching
Summon stays out for subsequent rounds. Antipode

BLACK MAGIC NON ELEMENTAL SPELLS • Silence: Attack vs Intelligence to make a target unable
to use any school of Magic for a number of panels equal
to the stones that got through.
In the original supplement version of Black Magic, you could
buy spells other than the Elemental ones are available for 20 • Confuse: Attack vs Intelligence to make a target not
lines of experience. This isn't what's changing, what's changing realize who is friend or foe. Lasts one panel per stone
is a clarification on implications that I did not realize. that got through.
• Berserk: Attack vs Intelligence if target is unwilling.
When buying Non-Elemental spells, you cannot buy spells from Puts a target in a state where they only get one action
another school of magic. For example, if you placed 20 lines in per turn; putting their stone regeneration rate of stones
Black Magic, you could not learn Haste from Time Magic, or in a purely Close Combat attack. The Target gains one
Holy from White Magic. The one exception of this is Demi, as it free stone from the general pool per 3 stones of attack,
is a crossover spell, and counts as a Gravity Elemental attack. but can only rely on automatic defenses.
Examples Spells of a Non-Elemental Nature • Ultima: The only Magical Attack that cannot be gained
with a Dreamshard. Ultima must be gained with a
Nightshard, but does 2x Damage in an Area Effect.
• Osmose: As Energy Drain with Range of 2, At Action
Number 7 this improves to Improved Energy Drain with • Reflect: As Energy Reflect, cannot be used vs Area
a Range of 3. Effects, and ONLY against Black Magic spells.
• Sleep: Attack vs Durability to Paralyze, Duration equals • Aura: Each Panel counts as if you had taken your
stones that overcome Durability. Durability in Red Stones of Damage for Limit Breaks.
Lasts panels equal to stones played to cast.
• Bio: Attack vs Durability to Poison. If damage occurs,
the target loses an amount of red stones of health per • Scan: Use the Concentration Option: Observe
panel equal to the stones that were over the Durability. • Meltdown: Cannot be chosen before AN 7, Causes one
• Animal: As Transform others by Touch, only into a half stones played in non-elemental damage, and the
small animal, chosen when this is acquired. Unlike most other half reduces a target's Toughness by that amount
other Black Magic spells, this requires you to touch your (Min 0).
target ignoring Toughness.

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