Chapter 1 Summary

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Episode 1

The Ultimate Crypto Trading Course

Episode 1 - Introduction



I’m Koroush AK. My previous course helped 100,000+ students learn to trade the crypto
markets. Now, I’ve made it my mission to create the best trading course on the internet,
better than any playlist you’ll find on YouTube or any course you might pay $10,000+ for.

● Technical Analysis:
○ Use past data in order to make future predictions.
○ Understand and apply supply and demand.
○ Understand and apply chart patterns.
○ Spot support and resistance effectively.
○ Learn to analyse trends.
● Fundamental Analysis:
○ Fundamental analysis is often overlooked due to its perceived difficulty but in
reality it can be very simple and drastically improve your trading results when
applied properly.
○ Vet early-stage projects and find hidden gems with 100x or 1000x potential.
○ Dive behind the scenes and break down the specifics of crypto projects.
○ Understand how to separate the good projects from the bad ones.
● Technical indicators:
○ Understand the first principles of technical indicators and learn how to apply
them successfully to your trading. We’ll specifically review:
■ Moving Averages
■ Fibonacci
● Real Strategies:
○ Not just theories but things I’ve seen work in the market time and time again.
○ I will even show you how to develop your own strategies that work for your
trading style, risk management, and psychology.
● Examples Trades
○ You will see examples of these strategies in action both in real-time and past
examples so you can repeat them in the future.
● FAQ’s
○ Finally, we’ll review some of the most frequently asked questions when it
comes to trading so you can get yourself setup for success. These questions
will include but are not limited to:
■ How much money do you need to start trading?
Episode 1

■ How do you trade with a full-time job?

■ How do you create a trading set-up?
■ And so much more.


I'm a trader, investor, and entrepreneur. I've successfully traded the crypto market for the
last five years and as a result am now comfortably able to retire in my 20s.

I've seen projects from inception to becoming a multi-billion dollar market cap. Not only do
I have my experience to draw from, but I've also interviewed over 100 crypto multimillion
and billionaires. I've worked with some of the best crypto companies and CEO’s to have
unique insight into the crypto space.

I started from scratch. I had to search far and wide for any information and none of it was
practical. It was all theory. Because of this, I made so many mistakes before I managed to
profitably trade the crypto market and now I’d like to share these lessons with you.

Because the space has been so good to me I have made it my mission to build the best
trading course on the internet. I'm taking out all the fluff from every other free and paid
trading course and including only the essentials that you really can't get anywhere else
unless you know someone inside the space.

So I’d like to start by saying Congratulations to you! You’ve chosen to participate in this
course. This is the most important first step that so many people fail to take. I’ve seen
people make life changing generational wealth here. But I've seen countless people lose
the same amount of money twice as fast as they've made it.

I want to tell you right from the start that this won't be easy. If it was easy, everyone would
decide that they’ll make a living trading. Whilst I will lay out the roadmap, you need to turn
up every day. You need to be disciplined and consistent. You need to be prepared to take
this on for a long time.

So how long will it take to become a profitable trader? Some talented folks might be able
to do it in three to six months. For others, it might take years. But I promise you that if you
enjoy the journey it is truly worth it. Be prepared to fail countless times and don't rush it.


● Absolute Beginners:
○ If you know absolutely nothing about trading cryptocurrencies, stocks, or
anything to do with the market I'm going to give you only the essentials that
will empower you to go from zero to expert.
○ You can even make this your career if you choose, but you must show up
every day, do the assignments, absorb the recommended reading and even
Episode 1

watch the course more than once. This is because as you become a better
trader you will pick up more and more things from this course.
● Struggling Traders:
○ If you have been trying to learn to trade for a while, picked up bits and pieces
from different sources, or even completed a course that wasn't helpful, then
this course is for you.
○ For example, when I was trading I was only looking at the technicals and
price action, nothing else. So I started incorporating fundamentals into my
trading. Incorporating fundamental analysis with my technical analysis
completely changed my trading.
○ This course will help you find your missing piece.
● Advanced Traders.
○ I've made sure to include a lot of nuance, small tips that can make huge
differences in your trading.
○ We’ll answer questions like how to hone your mindset, how to scale up your
trading when you hit a plateau, how to take your trading to the next level and
increase your returns and a whole lot more.
○ I'll share the exact strategies I used when my own trading went stagnant, or I
hit a peak and I couldn't increase my returns. I'll even reference all of the
experience from countless traders I've had on my podcast who have been
through the exact same issues.


Let’s take a look at three different people who approach this course in three different ways.
I’ll walk you through who will get the most of the course and who will get the least out of
this course.

● Person 1
○ Person 1 watches only a handful of the videos. He doesn’t complete the
recommended readings or assignments. He may even have the videos on 2x
speed with Netflix open in the background or a video game by his side.
○ This person’s chance of becoming a successful trader is close to zero.
● Person 2
○ Person 2 watches every single video and writes down all of the important
lessons. However, he doesn’t really want to go above and beyond so fails to
complete the recommended readings or assignments. If Person 2 has a
huge natural inclination to trading, and has natural talent, then he might do
well, but not as well as if he'd actually read every single article linked and
completed the assignments.
● Person 3
○ Person 3 watches every single video. He writes important lessons down,
completes all the recommended readings and assignments.
○ Person 3 is a prime example of someone who's going to succeed at the art.
Episode 1

Here are a few helpful tips to ensure you’re getting the most of this course as you go
through the videos and complete the readings and assignments.
● Be patient, be consistent, and show up every single day.
● Take it slow. Remember, you don't need to rush this. If you get through this course
in a week, you've probably done it wrong.
● Study then apply. Active learning is so different to real learning. As you go through
this course not only do you need to do the readings and assignments, but you
should be actively looking at the markets taking in information and trying to apply
the lessons you learn in this course. In the real world, you will get instant feedback
and this will solidify the lessons in your mind.
● Prepare yourself for repeated failure. Nothing that's worth having in life comes
● Do not give up. Every successful trader is just an unsuccessful trader that never
gave up. Keep practising and you will eventually get that.
● Do not do this alone. Just find one person, one person who can join you on this
journey, send them this first episode and do the whole thing together. Both of you
together on your journey to financial freedom will make the learning process that
much easier and enjoyable.


Now through my own personal experience and the experience of all the extremely
successful traders that I've spoken to, I've taken four key concepts most people miss but
are extremely important to successful trading. These are misconceptions. Most people
don't think that they are very important or look at them the wrong way. Let’s review what
these four misconceptions are.

● Risk control:
○ I've used the word risk control and not risk management deliberately.
○ When people think about risk management they normally just think of using a
stop loss or risking a smaller amount as possible. But this isn't how the most
successful traders I've spoken to operate.
○ Some traders minimise risk and focus on small marginal gains. But other
traders wait for the perfect moment like a sniper to risk a huge amount of
capital for an extremely high probability of high reward play.
○ Both require high amounts of self-awareness and control which you will be
taught on this course
● Being right is NOT the same as making money:
○ Unfortunately, social media has muddied the water. Everyone is out there
trying to look like an Oracle and thinks they can predict absolutely everything
with that magic secret strategy.
○ In reality, the best traders can be right anywhere from 30% of the time to
70% of the time. It is impossible to be right 100% of the time, and the whole
art of trading is working within that 30 to 70% to make money, not look like
an Oracle for social media.
● Trading is simple:
Episode 1

○ Many gurus are out there trying to make you believe that you need some sort
of special indicator or extremely niche knowledge that only they can give you
in order to trade successfully.
○ In fact, it's extremely easy to form a profitable trading strategy.
○ I'm not saying trading is easy. It's actually extremely difficult to have great
risk management, and consistently strong psychology in order to execute
those trading strategies.
○ But if you follow this course, I'm going to lay out multiple different trading
strategies for different trading styles, whether you're part time, full time long
term or short term, and then explain the psychology and risk management
required to carry out those trading strategies for a long period of time.
● Outliers are usually right:
○ An outlier is someone who goes against the crowd and anomalies within the
data. And time and time again, I found that my best trades, my best trading
strategies the majority of people don't agree with.
○ I sometimes post on my Twitter a trade idea I have. If I get overwhelmingly
positive support and feedback, I get a little bit concerned because making
money in the market is about having an edge. And if everyone agrees with
you, that probably isn't that much of an edge.
○ As you master the fundamentals and technicals required for strong trading
hypotheses, have the strength to stick to your convictions and go against the

Congratulations on making it to the end of the first episode. In our next lesson, we're going
to go over what it takes to truly make money trading. Be sure to review the recommended
readings and complete the assignments!


The course has just begun, let your curiosity run wild and dive into anything that peaks
your interest.

Podcast: Lessons from the greatest traders in history. (Ray Dalio, Paul Tudor Jones and
many more)

Market Meditations Ultimate Crypto Wealth Guide - One stop shop to learn all things
crypto, trading, self improvement, investing and generally reaching financial freedom.

Episode 1


The hardest step to mastering trading is making the commitment to show up every single
day. That's the number 1 reason people fail, they give up before they have a chance to
succeed. Today's focus are actions that increase your chances of never giving up and
making it through to the end.

Tell one friend/family member that you will be taking Koroush AK’s trading course. Explain
why you are taking this course and ask them to hold you accountable for watching the
videos every week and completing the assignment.

Even better if you can get them to join you on this journey.


SUBSCRIBE TO MY FREE TELEGRAM: I’ll post all episode summaries, additional

readings, and assignments exclusively in this community so make sure to subscribe.

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