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No. of Printed Pages : 4 Q.

8 Zero Division Error is an __________ (CO-7)

Roll No. .................. 170853
Q.9 Expand OOPS. (CO-9)
5th Sem. / Computer Engg. Q.10 Define Polymorphism. (CO-9)
Subject : Python Comp. Prof. Using Python
Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. : 100
Note: Very Short answer type questions. Attempt any
SECTION-A ten parts 10x2=20
Note:Objective type questions. All questions are Q.11 Define Union Operation on sets. (CO-2)
compulsory (10x1=10)
Q.12 Write two keywords used in Python. (CO-1)
(Course Outcome/CO)
Q.13 Define Inheritance. (CO-9)
Q.1 Define ASSERT statement. (CO-2)
Q.14 Name type of constructors in python. (CO-4)
Q.2 ^ Searches string in the given expression form
the __________ (CO-4) Q.15 Define Filters. (CO-8)

Q.3 Write the extension of the module file in Python. Q.16 List any two operators of Python. (CO-2)
(CO-2) Q.17 Lower ( ) function outputs__________ (CO-5)
Q.4 Write the use of function OPEN (). (CO-5) Q.18 Define Module. (CO-5)
Q.5 Len (tupple) function returns________ (CO-10) Q.19 Write the use of DIR function in python. (CO-4)
Q.6 Min (list) function shows__________ (CO-10) Q.20 What is TRY Statement? (CO-5)
Q.7 Define comment in Python. (CO-2) Q.21 Write the use of Assert statement. (CO-2)
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Q.22 Write the use of File Pointer in Python. (CO-5) Q.32 Explain the greedy match in Python. (CO-10)


Note:Short answer type questions. Attempt any eight Note:Long answer type questions. Attempt any three
questions. 8x5=40 questions. 3x10=30

Q.23 Define List and its three operations. (CO-10) Q.33 Define Topples in Python. Explain various
operation of Topples. (CO-9)
Q.24 Briefly explain Dictionary. How it is created in
Python? (CO-5) Q.34 Explain class and objects. How it is
implemented in Python. (CO-9)
Q.25 Write in brief about history of Python. (CO-1)
Q.35 How a function is created in Python. Explain the
Q.26 Write a program of find the largest of three no's.
procedure to execute the function with
example. (CO-5)
Q.27 Explain while loop in python. (CO-3)
Q.36 Explain the following :-
Q.28 Explain SYS module used in python. (CO-4)
a) Simple character matching in python.
Q.29 What is Exception? How it is handle in python. (CO-10)
b) Difference between OOP and Procedural
Q.30 Describe file and how it is opened in python. Programming. (CO-9)
(Note: Course outcome/CO is for office use only)
Q.31 Write the special characters used in a regular
expression. (CO-10)

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