Subject:-Big Data Computer / IT

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Q.28 List various sources of Big Data. (CO1) No.

of Printed Pages : 4 180854B/170854B

Roll No. ..................
Q.29 Briefly explain HDFC. (CO2)
Q.30 Explain working of Map Reduce. (CO3) Computer / IT
Q.31 Write a note on Hadoop cluster. (CO2) Subject:- Big Data
Q.32 Explain architecture of HIVE. (CO4)
Time : 3Hrs. M.M. : 100
Q.33 List different sources of Big Data. (CO1)
Q.34 List different functionalities of Hadoop. (CO2)
Note: Multiple choice questions. All questions are
Q.35 Write a note on Array and Matrices. (CO5) compulsory (10x1=10)
SECTION-D Q.1 Which of the following is type of Big Data (CO1)
Note: Long answer type questions. Attempt any two a) Structured b) Unstructured
questions out of three questions. (2x10=20)
c) Hybrid d) All of the above
Q.36 What is Hadoop. Explain structure of Hadoop in
Q.2 Choose the primary characteristics of big data
detail. (CO4)
among the following. (CO1)
Q.37 Write a note on any two.
a) Value b) Variety
a) Reading data in ‘R’. (CO5)
c) Volume d) All of the above
b) Five dameons of Hadoop (CO2)
Q.3 What are the main components of big data? (CO2)
c) Pig (CO4)
Q.38 Explain Big Data in detail. List advantages and
c) Map Reduce d) All of the above
characteristics of Big Data. (CO1)
Q.4 Which of the following platform does Apache
(Note: Course outcome/CO is for office use only)
Hadoop runs on. (CO4)
a) Cross Platform b) Compiler
c) Unix-like d) Debian
Q.5 What is HIVE? (CO4)

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a) Relational SECTION-B
b) An open source data warehouse Note: Objective type questions. All questions are
c) A language compulsory. (10x1=10)
d) OLTP Q.11 Array is one dimensional (T/F) (CO5)
Q.6 HDFS stands for __________? (CO2) Q.12 Define Pig. (CO4)
a) Hadoop Distributed File System Q.13 List two applications of Big Data. (CO1)
b) Hyper Distributed File System Q.14 Define ‘R’. (Co5)
c) Hadoop Data File System Q.15 Define Data Frame. (CO2)
d) None of the above Q.16 Give one example of Big Data. (CO1)
Q.7 _______has world largest Hadoop Cluster? (CO2) Q.17 ‘R’ is used for statisctical computing (T/F). (CO5)
a) Apple b) Amazon Q.18 Name one running mode of Hadoop. (CO2)
c) Facebook d) Microsoft Q.19 Define Sorting. (CO7)
Q.8 What are different features of Big Data Analytics? Q.20 The are 5 Vs in Big Data (T/F). (CO1)
a) Open source b) Scalability Note: Short answer type questions. Attempt any twelve
c) Data Recovery d) All of the above questions out of fifteen questions. (12x5=60)
Q.9 What is the minimum amount of data that a disk can Q.21 List various applications of Big Data. (CO1)
read or white in HDFS? (CO3) Q.22 Differentiate between Hive and Pig. (CO4)
a) Byte Size b) Block Size Q.23 List various modes of Hadoop. (CO2)
c) Heap d) None of the above Q.24 Explain architecture of Map Reduce. (CO3)
Q.10 Hadoop common package contains which files? Q.25 Explain the difference between Job Tracker and Task
(CO2) Tracker. (CO2)
a) msi b) jar Q.26 Ellaborate when Pig should be used. (CO4)
c) exe d) None of the above Q.27 What are ordered and unordered factor in ‘R’. (CO5)
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