Motion To Suppress The Accused's Second Statement

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Filed: 4/15/2024 12:20 PM

Carroll Circuit Court

Carroll County, Indiana


) ss:

Plaintiff )
v. )


Comes now the accused, Richard Allen, by and through counsel and moves this

Court to suppress all statements from his October 26, 2022 interrogation at the hands

of law enforcement Jerry Holeman who failed to read Rick Allen his Miranda rights,

while yelling and swearing at Rick Allen, lying to Rick Allen and attempting to

intimidate Rick Allen behind a closed door in a tiny interrogation room at the

Lafayette Police Post. Additionally, a key portion of the videotaped interrogation

provided to the defense is missing. The missing portion of that video is the beginning

of the interrogation when Miranda should have been read.

In support of said motion, the accused states the following:

First interrogation

1. Law enforcement officers requested Rick Allen to appear at the

Delphi Police Station to answer questions and on October 13, 2022,
Allen voluntarily went to the station and sat down with police
thinking he was assisting them in solving the Delphi murders since
he had been on the trails earlier on the day that the victims
disappeared. Rick wanted to help out any way he could and that is
clear in the video. This video was previously provided to the Court on
September 18, 2023. The October 26, 2017 interview is being sent to
the Court overnight via certified mail for the Court’s review.

2. The two officers that interviewed Rick Allen on that day were Tony
Liggett and Steve Mullin.

3. Rick was read his Miranda rights and signed an advisement of rights
form, which is normal protocol for law enforcement before an
interrogation begins.

4. For the first roughly three-quarters of the interview, it is apparent

from the interview, Rick believed he was assisting the police in their
investigation and search for those that murdered the victim in the
Delphi case.

5. However, eventually when it became obvious that Liggett and Mullin

were actually pointing the finger at Rick Allen as the killer. At one
point in the interview Rick said: “I don’t want to be somebody’s fall
guy, and we’re going to try to make pieces of a puzzle fit somewhere
they don’t fit so we can close this thing…I’m not saying you guys –
please don’t think I’m questioning your integrity. That…that’s not
what I’m saying.”

6. However, when the Liggett and Mullin amped up the intensity of

their questioning, (even positioning their bodies closer to Rick), Rick
said the following: “It’s over. I was perfectly fine. I was cooperating.
I was going to give you my phone and then, you know, when you
started reading all these documents – that’s at the – here’s my thing
is. I feel like you guys think I done this. So, I’m done. You do what
you need to do. It’s your job. I understand that, but you better fucking
leave my reputation out if it. So you do what you need to do, and then,
like I said, when you do find this guy, I’ll expect the apology.” Rick
then described how police were trying to ruin his reputation by
accusing him of the murders in public, even groping him as they
patted him down in the street. Rick was expressing that the mere act
of mentioning his name as a possible killer or patting him down on a
public street as if he were a criminal would ruin his reputation and
was greatly upsetting.

7. Liggett and Mullin did read Rick Allen his Miranda rights before
they began their interrogation, and additionally Rick Allen was
aware that he had freedom of movement as he (Rick) ultimately stood
up and walked out of the interrogation room.

8. However, at the end of the interview (that turned into an aggressive

interrogation) Rick made it clear that he no longer wanted to talk to
law enforcement.

9. Within hours of the first interrogation, Liggett drafted an affidavit
for search warrant. Judge Diener then signed the warrant to search
Rick’s home and vehicle. On that day, Rick Allen’s vehicle was also

10. The defense will not be seeking this first interrogation to be


Second interrogation

11. On October 13, 2022, Kathy Allen (Rick’s wife) and Rick Allen asked
the State Police when they could pick up their vehicle that had been
seized. They were told that they could pick it up in a couple of days.

12. On October 17, 2022, either Kathy or Rick contacted the State Police
to determine how and when they could get their vehicle back that
had been seized, as they were in need of that vehicle as Kathy and
Rick were having difficulty sharing only one vehicle as they worked
in two different places and needed two vehicles.

13. After a few phone calls with State Police, finally on October 26 th, Rick
and Kathy were scheduled to arrive at the State Police Post in West
Lafayette at 9 am to pick up their vehicle.

14. On October 26, 2022, Rick Allen drove with Kathy to the West
Lafayette Police post to retrieve their vehicle that had been seized 13
days earlier by law enforcement.

15. State Police had told Rick and Kathy that upon arrival their car
would be released, but never mentioned anything about additional

16. When Rick and Kathy arrived at the station, Holeman met them at
the front and said he just had a few things he wanted to clear up
before he released the vehicle. Holeman requested Rick to follow him
to the interrogation room without Kathy. Rick complied.

17. Kathy was not allowed to participate in the questioning. She was told
she could wait in the lobby.

18. Rick arrived with Holeman into the interview room.

19. However, for unknown reasons the video provided to the defense is
missing the beginning portion of the interview when procedural
matters are typically handled by law enforcement, such as the
reading of Miranda, advisement of rights and confirming with the
suspect that he is free to leave, if in fact the suspect is free to leave.

20. In this case, either (a) the camera was only turned on after they
(Holeman and Rick) were already minutes into the interview because
the video provided to the defense does not show Holeman and Rick
entering the room, sitting down and beginning the interrogation or
(b) the camera was recording the entire time, but the beginning of
the interview was later edited out before being turned over to the
defense in February 2024.

21. Either way, the beginning of the interaction between Holeman and
Rick in the interrogation room when introductions are typically made
and Miranda rights are always reviewed is missing. In the 70+ years
of experience between co-counsels, this is highly unusual, especially
on a high-profile case of this nature.

22. The defense has not been provided with any report explaining this
missing part of the video.

23. To make matters more suspicious, Holeman claims in his November

1, 2022, report (memorializing his October 26 interrogation of Rick
Allen) the following: “I asked Mr. Allen if he remembered the other
detectives reading him his Miranda rights and he said yes. I told him
he was free to go at anytime and that the door was unlocked.”

24. Holeman’s report doesn’t identify who the other investigators are
that purportedly reviewed Miranda with Rick.

25. Holeman’s report doesn’t detail when, where or how these purported
investigators purportedly reviewed Miranda with Rick.

26. Holeman’s words quoted in paragraph 23 above appear nowhere on

video. In other words, Holeman is not shown asking Rick Allen about
his rights, nor is Holeman viewed telling Rick Allen that he is free to

27. In his report, Holeman indicates that those words were stated to Rick
Allen at the very beginning of the interview. The beginning of the
interview is missing.

28. The defense has diligently searched through the discovery for any
Miranda/Waiver of Rights form signed by Rick Allen on October 26,
2022. The defense has found none.

29. The defense has diligently searched through the discovery for any
reports by State Troopers who were on duty that day (such as Jay
Harper and David Vido) who would have potentially read Rick his
Miranda rights on October 26, 2022. The defense has found no such

30. Just as Brad Holder’s February 17, 2017 interview is missing; just
as the mimicked crime scene found on Holder’s social media page is
missing and still has not been turned over to the defense (but the
defense thankfully located in Georgia); and just as Rick’s original
taped statement to Dan Dulin in front of a grocery store in February
2017 is missing, the beginning portion of Holeman’s interview with
Rick Allen is also missing.

31. The defense has diligently searched through the discovery for audio
or video by any law enforcement from October 26, 2022, in which it
can be seen or heard that Rick Allen was read his Miranda rights or
told that he was free to leave. The defense has found none.

32. Therefore, at this time, it appears to the defense that Jerry

Holeman’s claims in his report that Rick Allen was asked about his
Miranda rights and told he was free to leave are false and that key
video evidence that would prove as much is missing.

33. The following are true and accurate depictions of what occurred at
Allen’s October 26, 2022, interrogation, as shown on the videotape of
said interrogation that was not missing or deleted but was actually
provided to the defense:

a. On video, Holeman never read Rick Allen his Miranda rights,

nor mentioned them to Rick Allen.

b. Rick Allen was placed in a tiny, confined room without


c. Rick Allen was placed in a tiny, confined room and Holeman

shut the door.

d. Rick Allen was placed in a tiny, confined room with Jerry

Holeman while the door was shut.

e. A considerable size difference existed between Rick Allen and
Jerry Holeman.

f. A power differential existed as Holeman was a State Trooper

in his home court (Lafayette Police Post) while Rick Allen was
a CVS worker from Delphi who had only driven to West
Lafayette to pick up a vehicle he and his wife needed for

g. Rick Allen was never told that he was being videotaped.

h. When Jerry Holeman would leave the room, he told Rick Allen
to “sit tight” (at the 9:25 and 45:20 marks) or “hang on one
second” (at the 16:40 mark). In other words, Jerry Holeman
told Rick Allen that he (Allen) could not leave.

i. When Jerry Holeman would leave the room and tell Rick to
“sit tight”, he (Holeman) would shut the door.

j. Jerry Holeman lied to Rick Allen during the interrogation

several times, including the following:

i. At the 7:10 mark, Jerry Holeman told Rick Allen that

“We have experts that say that’s you on the bridge and
that’s your voice on the video.” (There is no evidence
that supports this statement; Jerry Holeman lied to
Rick Allen).

ii.At the 15:25 mark, Holeman told Rick Allen that “Experts
are saying that’s you on the video” and “Experts are
saying you said “Down the Hill”. (There is no evidence
that supports this statement; Jerry Holeman lied to Rick

iii.At the 15:07 mark, Holeman tells Rick that witnesses saw
a gun in his pocket. (There is no evidence that anyone
claims to have seen a gun in Rick’s pocket. Holeman lied
to Rick Allen)

iv.At the 39:05 mark Holeman states: “I’m not lying to you
about anything. Everything I’m telling you is fact. The
experts say you said ‘go down the hill’.” (Holeman was

lying to Rick about many things, and not everything
Holeman told Rick was a fact)

v.At the 42:33 mark, Holeman said “I’m not lying to you,
Rick. That’s unethical. (Holeman had been lying to Rick)

k. Jerry Holeman told Rick Allen in what was supposed to be an

exploratory interview: “the prosecutor and the other
investigators...they want to see you…lock you up and throw
away the key.”

l. Jerry Holeman barked at Rick Allen in what was supposed to

be an exploratory interview: “If you don’t tell me, you’re going
down for this.”

m. Jerry Holeman told Rick Allen in what was supposed to be an

exploratory interview: “Do you realize the death penalty is on
the table for this?”

n. At various times, Jerry Holeman yelled at Rick Allen,

including using profanity-laced language while accusing Rick
Allen of the murders.

o. Rick Allen asked Holeman to stop the interview. Rick said “I’m
done” early into the interrogation at the 12:05 mark, but
Holeman continued his interrogation.

p. The State Police never turned over the vehicle to Kathie Allen
after Rick Allen was arrested. Returning the vehicle to Rick
and Kathy was merely a subterfuge to get Rick to the police
post to be interrogated.

The Law

34. The Indiana Supreme Court dealt with a very similar fact pattern in
State v. E.R., 123 N.E.3rd 675 (2019) which reversed the Indiana
Appellate Court, holding that E.R.’s constitutional rights had been
violated, therefore suppressing his statements.

35. In State v. E.R., the accused had voluntarily driven to the police
station at the request of the police to answer question concerning an
allegation of inappropriate touching.

(In this case, Allen voluntarily arrived at the station to pick up a vehicle
but unlike E.R., Allen was unaware that he would be asked questions
once he arrived at the Lafayette Police post)

36. The following occurred when E.R. was interrogated, compared to

when Rick Allen was interrogated:

a. E.R. was interrogated in a small, windowless room.

(Rick Allen was interrogated in a small windowless room).

b. Law enforcement officers failed to provide Miranda warnings

to E.R. (video shows that Holeman failed to provide Rick Allen
his Miranda warnings)

c. Multiple times law enforcement told E.R. to “sit tight”.

(On multiple occasions, Holeman told Rick Allen to “sit tight”
when he (Holeman) would leave the interrogation room)

d. In E.R.’s interrogation, Law enforcement actually told E.R.

that he (E.R.) was able to walk out of the interrogation room
door if he wanted. E.R was also told that he (E.R.) did not have
to even talk to law enforcement if he didn’t want to. Still, the
Indiana Supreme Court found that even with those particular
statements by law enforcement to E.R., it was not enough to
cause E.R. to feel free to leave.
(Contrast E.R.’s interrogation with Rick Allen’s interrogation.
On video, Jerry Holeman never told Rick Allen that he was
free to leave, nor did Jerry Holeman ever tell Rick that he
(Rick) did not have to talk to law enforcement).

e. In E.R., the police “significantly undercut any initial message

of freedom when they dramatically changed the interrogation
atmosphere” when a second officer entered the room and
became more aggressive.
(Although there was only one officer involved (Holeman), that
officer started the interrogation in a much calmer manner
before amping up the intensity, ultimately erupting with
cursing and yelling at Rick Allen)

f. The officers did not tell E.R. that he (E.R.) wasn’t under
(Holeman never told Rick Allen wasn’t under arrest. In fact,
when Rick Allen continually denied having anything to do
with the murders, as well as words to the effect that Holeman

had made up his mind so go ahead and “arrest me”, Holeman
never told Rick, “you are not under arrest”).

g. Police never told E.R. that he (E.R) could end the interrogation
at any time.
(Holeman never told Rick Allen that he could end the
interrogation at any time).

h. The officers repeatedly told E.R. to explain what happened,

coaxing him to “tell us now so that we know that you’re being
honest with us and not lying.”
(Holeman repeatedly told Rick Allen to explain what
happened and attempted to coax Rick Allen to talk to him for
a variety of reasons).

i. In E.R., “The officers were explicit that they believed E.R. had
engaged in the accused conduct” and “their questions were
accusatory – not exploratory…”
Throughout the interrogation, Holeman explicitly told Rick
Allen that he (Holeman), the prosecutor and other law
enforcement officers all believed that Rick Allen had engaged
in the accused conduct (murder) and Holeman’s questions
throughout the entire interrogation were accusatory, not
exploratory. Included in the videotaped interrogation are the
following exchanges that highlight the accusatory – not
exploratory – nature of Holeman’s interrogation of Rick Allen:

Jerry Holeman: You’re going to drag your fucking wife

and your daughter through this
because you’re too fucking bullheaded
to get out in front of this and admit you
made a mistake. And whatever the
fuck happened out there we’ll never
fucking know because you’re too big of
a fucking (inaudible).

Jerry Holeman: The evidence clearly indicates you are

involved in this.

Rick Allen: No.

Jerry Holeman: It fucking does.

Rick Allen: It doesn’t. I’m telling you that there is
no way that a bullet from my gun was
used in these murders.

Jerry Holeman: And I’m telling you that we had this

fucking round on February 14, 2017,
and it’s been secured in a fucking
laboratory, and we’ve tested other

Rick Allen: You could have taken it from

somewhere else then, because it’s not

Jerry Holeman: I did not take it from somewhere else.

It was logged in. It was taken. It was
photographed. You think we fucking
took a round and threw it down by the
dead girl’s foot? This ain’t fucking TV.
This is realistic.

Rick Allen: I’m telling you I can’t explain

something that…

Jerry Holeman: And I’m telling you that fucking

analysts explain it. You can’t get past

Jerry Holeman: I’m not on video

Rick: Neither am I.

Jerry Holeman: Four or five witnesses didn’t see me out


Rick: Me either.

Jerry Holeman: My round out of my gun wasn’t 6 inches

away from a dead girl.

Rick: Mine neither.


Jerry Holeman: I don’t think you’re a bad person.

Rick: What kind of good person kills two


Rick Allen: You’re gonna pay for what you’ve done

to my wife. You want to fuck with me,
fuck with me but you leave my wife out
of this. Fuck. Leave me out of this.

Jerry Holeman: No. You’re involved in this. Your

fucking round is is there Rick.

Rick Allen: No. It’s not.


Jerry Holeman: You’re guilty of something. You’re

guilty and I know it and I’m gonna
fucking prove it.

j. Police questioning of E.R. was prolonged, lasting almost an hour.

The questioning was “sustained and relatively drawn out,
especially compared to roadside traffic-stop questioning.”
(Holeman’s questioning of Rick Allen was nearly three times
longer than law enforcement questioned E.R.. Holeman’s
prolonged questioning lasted two hours and 41 minutes. Of
course, that represents the length of the questioning that was
actually videotaped. Since there is missing videotape, the entire
length of questioning is unknown. The questioning was sustained
and drawn out over that time, especially when compared to
roadside traffic-stop questioning)

k. The officers continued the interrogation of E.R. past the time he

(E.R.) was supposed to pick up his daughter.
(Rick went to the station to pick up his vehicle, but Holeman
never mentioned anything about where or how Rick or his wife
were to pick up the car)

l. At the conclusion of the interrogation, E.R. was allowed to leave

and return home. This fact is mentioned in the Court of Appeals
opinion, but not the Supreme Court opinion.

(Rick Allen was not free to leave as he was handcuffed and
arrested on camera after over 2 hours and 40 minutes of denying
involvement in the murders.

37. The facts involving Holeman’s handling of Rick Allen’s interrogation

are more egregious than those facts in E.R. in several ways.

38. For example, the Indiana Supreme Court found that E.R.’s
constitutional rights had been violated even when E.R. had been
allowed to leave the police station, while in the case at hand,
Holeman knew the entire time that he was interrogating Rick Allen
that at the end of the interview he (Holeman) would be arresting Rick
Allen as Allen did not make any statements to Holeman that were
not already known. The entire interview was Holeman accusing…
and Rick denying.

39. Law enforcement clearly knew ahead of Rick Allen’s interrogation

that they would be arresting Allen for the murders. However, rather
than arrest Rick Allen at his home or work or after pulling him over,
Holeman waited until he had one more opportunity to interrogate
Rick Allen without Miranda.

40. Holeman knew that Rick had walked out of the October 13, 2022
interrogation with Mullin and Liggett and therefore it was unlikely
that Rick would answer any more questions with Holeman unless
Rick felt he was not allowed to leave. Miranda would be a nuisance
that would likely cause Rick to walk out on Holeman, the way that
Rick walked out on Liggett and Mullin. If so, Holeman would not be
able to secure a confession that he (Holeman) clearly wanted to
secure on his own.

41. According to State v. E.R., a defendant is required to show by a

preponderance of the evidence that he was subjected to custodial

42. The videotaped interrogation of Rick Allen shows by a preponderance

of the evidence that Rick Allen was subjected to a custodial

43. Additionally, the defendant is required to allege custodial

interrogation in the absence of Miranda warnings.

44. The videotaped interrogation of Rick Allen shows that Holeman did
not provide Rick Allen with Miranda warnings and then subjected
Rick Allen to a custodial interrogation.

45. Furthermore, E.R. is required to point “to some evidence that his
statements were made in violation of his constitutional rights.”

46. The videotaped statement of Rick Allen provides a whole host of

evidence (as detailed herein) that statements made by Rick Allen on
the day in question violated both his state and federal constitutional
rights against self-incrimination.

WHEREFORE, the accused, Rick Allen, requests this Court to suppress all

statements made by Rick Allen at his October 26, 2022 interrogation and to issue a

finding that Jerry Holeman and the State Police violated Rick Allens Constitutional


Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Andrew J. Baldwin

Andrew J. Baldwin, #17851-41


I certify that I have served a copy of this document by the County e-filing system
upon the Carroll County Prosecutor’s Office on 15th day of April, 2024.

/s/ Andrew J. Baldwin

Andrew J. Baldwin, #17851-41
150 N. Main Street
Franklin, Indiana 46131


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