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Name Evelyn Zheng (7Cl)

Investigating the Periodic Table

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1. Who is attributed with the creation of the first modern periodic table?
Dimitri Mendeleev

2. As far as chemists are concerned, atoms are made of:

Protons, neutrons, and electrons.

3. The rows in the periodic table are called periods.

4. The columns in the periodic table are called Groups/families.

5. Elements with similar chemical properties are in the same groups and families.

6. Electrons are layered into shells.

7. How many electrons are in the outermost shell of atoms in:

Group 1 elements 1. Group 15 5.

Group 2 elements 2. Group 16 6.

Group 13 3. Group 17 7

Group 14 4. Group 18 8
Name Evelyn Zheng (7Cl)

8. The metals are on the left side of the periodic table.

9. Gasses are on the right side of the periodic table.

10. The Halogens are in Group 17 and are among the most reactive elements on the periodic

11. Why is fluorine difficult to isolate?

It is extremely reactive.

12. Chloros means what? Green-yellow

13. Bromos means what? Stinky, smelly.

14. Iodos means what? Purple

15. The bonds in nitrogen triiodide are very weak, while those in nitrogen gas

are very strong.

16. The word halogen means to produce salt.

17. The rightmost group on the periodic table is called noble gasses.

18. Helium’s name derives from the word Helios (Sun in Greek).

19. The first Noble Gas discovered was Argon.

20. Argon’s name derives from the Greek word for Argos.
21. The most notable characteristic of the Noble Gasses is lazy, inactive, (audience lols)
Name Evelyn Zheng (7Cl)

22. Equal volumes of gasses have the number of molecules.

23. The two rows that are separated and located at the bottom are called the lanthanides and

24. Hydrogen gas exists as hydrogen atoms bound together.

25. What are all of the diatomic elements?

Br, I, N, Cl, H, O, F

26. Hydrogen reacts with Oxygen to form H2O

27. Hydrogen gas was discovered by Henry Cavendish and named by

Antoine Laviosior.

28. Hydrogen’s name means water maker.

29. When oxygen gas reacts with other substances, it usually takes

electrons. In other words, it is positive and the other substance is

Negative Therefore, oxygen is a good reactor (drama queen)

30. Oxygen’s name means Acid former.

31. Lavoisier names nitrogen Azote, which means lifeless.

32. Soda is Sodium Carbonate. Its formula is: Na2CO3.

Name Evelyn Zheng (7Cl)

33. Potash is potassium Carbonate. Its formula is: K2CO3.

34. Why did Lavoisier think that soda was an element?

It couldn’t be broken down

35. The traditional name for calcium carbonate is Calcite. Its formula is:

36. What is unique about quick lime?

It breaks when water is poured on it.

37. Where do the “alkali metals” and the “alkaline Earth metals” get their name?
The fact where it still remained solid at room temperature when it was dissolved in

38. Alkalis are also called .

39. Several elements are classified by how they react with water.

40. Is Lithium more dense or less dense than water? yes.

41. Lithium reacts with oxygen to form lithium oxide, with formula

42. Group I metals react with water to form hydrogen gas and metal hydroxides.

43. Sodium explodes in water due to the build up of positive charge.

charge when the metal ionizes. This results in a Colombic

explosion, because the like charges repel.

Name Evelyn Zheng (7Cl)

For questions 44 - 46, fill in the blank with a number (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.)

44. When lithium reacts with oxygen, the compound formed has a ratio of OXYGEN atoms

of lithium per every one atom of oxygen.

45. Magnesium is in Group number 2. It reacts with oxygen to form

magnesium oxide, which has atom of magnesium per atom of oxygen.

46. When Scandium reacts with oxygen, the atoms combine with a ratio of Sc2O3.

atoms of Scandium per every ⅔ atoms of oxygen.

47. Carbon reacts with oxygen to form CO2

48. When dissolved in water, does CO2 form acidic or basic solution? acidic.

49. What is the name of the acid formed by carbon dioxide in water? Carbonic acid.

50. What does the name “Phosphorus” mean?

51. The element sulfur is also known as brimstone, which means

stone that brings light.

52. Sulfur burned in pure oxygen emits what color of light? BLUE AND PURPLE.

53. The product of the reaction between sulfur and oxygen forms Sulfuric acid acid when
dissolved in water.

54. Which element has the highest melting/boiling point of all nonmetals? Carbon

55. What is the hardest substance known? Carbon, Diamond.

Name Evelyn Zheng (7Cl)

56. Which material would make the best frying pan: iron, graphite, or diamond? Why?
Diamond because it is a great conductor of heat.

57. Two atoms that form a bond have electrons filling into bonding orbitals. The reason

that neon can’t form bonds is because electrons would go in to special orbitals called


58. Which metal has the highest melting/boiling point of all elements? Tungsten.

59. What are the two densest elements on the periodic table?

60. If you were trying to create fake gold bars, what element (other than gold) would you use
to fill in the center? Why?
Tungsten because it has the same density.

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