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Introduction 6.3.


10th semester
63th lecture

Ort I Name I Datum Seite 2

Climate Action ‐ an interdisciplinary challenge
Limiting climate change and its effects (Climate Action,
SDG 13) is one of the central social tasks of our time.
This course addresses measures to combat climate
change) from various disciplines, with the aim of initiating
further research in this area. The topic of energy plays a
central role, but many other interdisciplinary topics of
sustainability also contribute to climate protection.

Seite 3
Framework „Interdisciplinary Competences“
Participants from different studies

Seite 4
Participating AURORA Universities since 2022

» University of Innsbruck (Austria)

» University of Duisburg‐Essen (Germany)
» University of Iceland (Iceland)
» University of East Anglia (UK)
» Universitá degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy)
» Palacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic)
Seite 5
Cooperation with Aurora‐Hub „Sustainability and
Climate Change“
Centre for Global Cooperation Research (University
Duisburg‐Essen, DE);

See also
Aurora Course Catalogue‐‐catalogue/

Seite 6
Mag. Dr. Irene Häntschel‐Erhart
UIBK, Vice Recotr for Digitalization and Sustainability
Lecture 6.03.2024
Digitalization and Sustainability

Fields of sustainability at UIBK:

‐ Sustainable Mobility
- Green Office – Student Office for Sustainability
- Green Office Campus Technik
- Sustainability Week

Seite 7
Green Office – Campus Technik
Team Projects Contact
 Photovoltaics E‐Mail:
 More sustainable food go‐[email protected]
 Cargo bike
 Waste separation and In Person:
avoidance ICT‐Building at Campus
 Lots of cool events  Technik

06. March 2024

Green Office
(The Interface between students, university members & University of Innsbruck)

The Green Office is the student-led office for sustainability Vizerektorat für
at the University of Innsbruck Digitalisierung und
Hirn Straße 7, Erster
Stock, im SOFA‐Raum
UIBK:‐office/team/ 6020 Innsbruck

Seite 9
März 24 Titel oder Vortragender Seite 10
Lindsey Nicholson
UIBK, Institute of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences (ACINN)

Key‐Note Lecture 6.03.2024

A 'more than scientific' approach to
motivating climate change mitigation
„My research focuses on understanding the relationship between
glaciers and climate in order to better understand how the climate
system works and how glaciers, and related earth systems, will change
in the future. “

Fields of research: glaciologist, geomorphologist and climate scientist

Ass. Prof. in Research Group Ice and Clima: Alpine and Tropical Glaciology,
Glacier Mass Balance Monitoring, Global Scale Glaciology, Polar Meteorology, Ice
Core Studies, Climate Dynamics, Climate Modelling

Seite 11
Seite 12
Andri Snaer Magnason

Seite 13
Andri Snaer Magnason: “On Time and Water: – A History
of Our Future” Translated from Icelandic by Lytton Smith,
You can say this book is about “Water and Time”. Over the next
hundred years, the state of water on Earth will change
fundamentally. Most glaciers outside the poles will melt
significantly, sea levels will rise, Earth's temperature will
increase accompanied by droughts and floods, and the pH of
the ocean will change more than in the last 50 million years. All
of this will take place during the lifetime of a child who is born
today and, like my grandmother, will live to be 95 years old.
Earth's greatest forces have left the geological time scale and
are now changing on a human scale. Changes that previously
took a hundred thousand years now happen in a hundred
years. Such a pace is amazing; it affects all of life on earth and
the foundations of everything we think, decide, produce and
believe. It affects everyone we know and everyone we love.
Seite 14
Main topic in the current semester

» Time
» Change
» Energy Transition, Sustainability Transition, Social Change
» Responsibility to act

Climate Action
Seite 15
Introduction to the lecture series „climate
protection“ SS2024
» Lecture series Climate Protection ‐ Climate Action within the
framework of "Interdisciplinary and Generic Competences“
and Aurora (Aurora European Universities Allianz)
» Literature list (See Olat, overview, without claim to
completeness, different lists in German and English)
» Lectures so far (all recordings since WS 2019 on YouTube –
mostly German, since SS2022 English), recommendations for
lectures on the fundamentals of climate change‐klimaschutz.html.en

» Assignment and examination modalities

» Climate Action and Sustainable Development Goals SDGs
(see also lecture series Sustainability Goals)
» Programme in SS 2024
Seite 16
Seite 17
Date Speaker Lecture
Lindsey Nicholson (UIBK, Institute of
Key‐Note: A 'more than scientific' approach to motivating climate
06.03.2024 Atmospheric and Cryospheric
change mitigation

Albana Ilo (TU‐Vienna, Institute of Energy System of Systems ‐

Energy Systems and Electrical Drives) the way to accomplish the energy transition
Esther Blanco (UIBK, Institute of Public
20.03.2024 Including Donors in Payments for Ecosystem Services
Rainer Pfluger (UIBK, Unit Energy Long Term Decision Making for Climate Neutrality in a Transient Energy
Efficient Buildings) System

Patrick Kupper (UIBK, Institute for Just Transition? The current energy and climate crisis in historical
History and European Ethnology) perspective

Oliver Schrot (Klimakoordinator Stadt

29.05.2024 Climate Action in Austrian Cities: Current state and future outlook
Linz, Geschäftsführer Zwanzigvierzig)

Bioinspiration and Climate Protection ‐ What can we learn from nature

Thorsten Schwerte (UIBK, Institute of
12.06.2024 in terms of handling energy and resources, and how can we transfer
these into technological, social, and economic methods?

Hermann Held (Universität Hamburg,

Centre for Earth System Research and Climate Targets in the Area of Conflict Between Cost Benefit Analysis
26.06.2024 Sustainability) and Precaution
+ Abschlussveranstaltung im Anschluss

Program SS 2024 → always Wednesdays at Hörsaal 4, GeiWi‐TurmSeite

Innrain 52e from 15:30 to 17:00 (in presence and virtual)
Albana Ilo
TU‐Vienna, Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives

Lecture 13.03.2024

Energy System of Systems ‐

the way to accomplish the energy transition
Integration von verteilter Energieerzeugung bzw. Intelligenter Netze
und ihrer Auswirkungen auf Übertragungs‐ und Verteilnetze.

Fields of research: The architecture of the future power systems. The realisation
of the “Energiewende” (energy transition).

E370-01 Forschungsbereich Energiesysteme und Netze

Seite 19
Esther Blanco
UIBK, Institute of Public Finance

Lecture 20.03.2024
Including Donors in Payments for
Ecosystem Services

Fields of research: Ecosystem Services, Public Goods, Common Pool Resources,

Governance, Incentives, Economics, Global South, Greenwashing, Donations.

Esther Blanco is Professor of Economics at the Institute of Finance at the

University of Innsbruck, deputy head of the “Economy, Politics & Society”
research area and coordinating lead author of the Austrian climate report
(AAR2, Chapter 5)

Seite 20
Rainer Pfluger
UIBK, Unit Energy Efficient Buildings

Lecture 17.04.2024
Long Term Decision Making for Climate
Neutrality in a Transient Energy System
„Long‐term decisions regarding our future energy system and the
development of existing buildings and infrastructure must be made as
accurately as possible today.“

Fields of research: Energy efficient buildings and building technology

Unit Energy Efficient Building: Increasing energy efficiency and the use of
renewable energy in old and new buildings based on an integrated approach.

Seite 21
Patrick Kupper
UIBK, Institute for History and European Ethnology
Lecture 15.04.2024
Just Transition? The current energy and
climate crisis in historical perspective

Fields of research: transnational economic, social and environmental history

of European modernity, integrating approaches from global history and the
history of technology and science.

Seite 22
Oliver Schrot
Climate coordinator for the city of Linz,
managing director of Zwanzigvierzig

Lecture 29.05.2024
Climate Action in Austrian Cities: Current
state and future outlook
„Understanding the climate crisis as a cross-cutting issue.
Looking for solutions in the combination of technology and
culture. Accompanying people in the climate-social
transformation. Urbanity. That's what drives me!

Climate Coordinator Linz: Transformation to a climate-neutral industrial city

Zwanzigvierzig: Greenhouse gas accounting, monitoring and reporting,
Environmental Social Governance (ESG), Climate networks and
partnerships - Climate-related special projects of all kinds

Seite 23
Thorsten Schwerte
UIBK, Institute of Zoology

Lecture 12.06.2024
Bioinspiration and Climate Protection ‐ What can we learn from
nature in terms of handling energy and resources, and how can we
transfer these into technological, social, and economic methods?

Fields of research: Flexibility and development of the cardiovascular system

(physiology), Bionics and bioinspired research and development (bionics
and product development), Geoinformation systems in biological research

Seite 24
Hermann Held
Universität Hamburg,
Centre for Earth System Research and Sustainability

Lecture 26.06.2024
Climate Targets in the Area of Conflict Between
Cost Benefit Analysis and Precaution
Professor at the University of Hamburg (W3) / departments of
geosciences and macroeconomics; Head of the Research Unit
‘Sustainability & Global Change’ at the Center for Earth System
Research & Sustainability

Fields of research: Integrated Assessment of climatic change mitigation options

interdisciplinary work on climate and economy, assessment of insurance schemes.
Integrated modelling in multi‐disciplinary settings, uncertainty propagation in
complex non‐linear Earth system models, Development of methodologies for the
derivation of robust (climate policy) advice

Seite 25
Task description SS 2024
(details see PDF on Olat)
» 1.) Suggestion/wishes for future speakers/lectures in
» 2.) Research publications/contributions on the topics of
» 3.) Approaches, contributions and solutions to climate
protection from your field of study
» 4.) Literature from your field of study
» 5.) Research question from your field of study

Seite 26
1. Topics/Speakers for WS2024/25
» Suggestions for interesting topics for future lectures
» Interesting guests/speakers?
(please give area of expertise and place of work as well as
a suggestion for the topic/content of the lecture)

Please note: The focus of the lecture series is climate

protection / climate action (not climate change

Seite 27
2. Literature review on publications/contributions on
the topics of SS2024 + short description of content
» Give a short literature review on all of the topics of
lectures in SS2024 which are:
‐ Energy systems for the energy transition
‐ Economic instruments for protecting climate and
‐ Decision making for climate neutrality
‐ What can we learn from energy and climate history
‐ Climate action at the local level
‐ Bioinspriration for climate protection
‐ Climate targets and economy (cost benefit and precaution)

Seite 28
3. Approaches, contributions and solutions to
climate protection from your field of study
» Please give examples of useful solutions from your field
of study that are either already in use or that could be
used in the future and could make valuable
contributions to climate

4. Literature from your field of study

Seite 29
5. Research question from your field of study
» Which research question from your field is either
completely or only partially unsolved. Write down this
research question and name the methods which are
suitable for answering this research question

Seite 30
Bibliography and video references for the lecture
series on OLAT (recommendations, no claim to completeness)
» Agenda 2030 ‐ Resolution of the General Assembly
» Scientific literature (IPCC, APCC, Reference National
Energy and Climate Plan, The World in 2050...)
» Scientific basics
» Links to videos that are good preparation for SS 2023

Seite 31
Klimawandel MOOC (KliMo): Selbstlernkurs
Wissenschaftliche Grundlangen

Seite 32
Keynote of 24th International Passive House Conference 2020:
Stefan Rahmstorf (Potsdam Institut)
Climate crisis: What we know and what we can do about it

Seite 33
Dr. Georg Kaser,
Former Dean of the Faculty of Geo‐ and Atmospheric Sciences
Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences (ACINN)

Climate, the Climate System and Climate Change


Seite 34
Em.O.Univ.Prof. Dr.phil Helga Kromp‐Kolb
(formerly BOKU) – Institute for Meteorology and Climatology – Center for Global
Change and Sustainability, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

Klimawandel, Klimakrise, Klimakatastrophe: zwischen

Wissen und Wissenschaft

Seite 35
Youtube‐Channel ‐ Ringvorlesung Klimaschutz
since 2019 ( 5 years, 10 semesters, 63 videos)

Seite 36
Programmes of SS2024 and all previous lectures:‐

Seite 37
Mind‐Map of Climate Protection and Sustainability
(German only)‐

Seite 38
Agenda 2030 (193 countries signed ‐ in force since 2016):
• This Agenda is an action plan for people, the planet and prosperity. …
• We are determined to free humanity from the tyranny of poverty and deprivation and to heal
and protect our planet. …
• The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets we proclaim today show…
...They are integrated and indivisible.... (

All SDG are important

and they are indivisible,
but in the series lecture
we fokus on
SDG13 „Climate Action“

Seite 39
Goal 13: Take urgent action to address climate change and its impacts

13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate‐related hazards and

natural disasters in all countries.

13.2 Integrate climate action into national policies, strategies and planning.

13.3 Enhance education, awareness, human and institutional capacity in climate

change mitigation, adaptation, mitigation and early warning .

Seite 40
SDG 13 Climate Action
Herbert Formayer ‐ Institute for Meteorology and Climatology (BOKU)

Seite 41
Green Office
(The Interface between students, university members & University of Innsbruck)

The Green Office is the student-led office for sustainability Vizerektorat für
at the University of Innsbruck Digitalisierung und
Hirn Straße 7, Erster
Stock, im SOFA‐Raum
UIBK:‐office/team/ 6020 Innsbruck

Seite 42
Green Office – Campus Technik‐office‐campus‐technik/

Seite 43
Initiative Nachhaltige Universität Innsbruck
(Sustainability initiative of the UIBK)

Events and Info

on local climate action

E‐Mail: initiative‐[email protected]

Seite 44
forum n
(Sustainability initiative of the Students)
(Transnational through “hoch n”)

E‐Mail: initiative‐[email protected]
HP‐Site (through UniNEtZ):‐n/
HP‐Site (through Allianz):‐forum‐n/

Seite 45

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