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Topic 3 SLOP Booklet

Redox I

Name: ______________________________
Class: ______________________________
Teacher: ______________________________

The term redox is used by chemists as an abbreviation for the processes of reduction and oxidation. These
processes usually occur simultaneously. Redox reactions include processes such as burning, rusting and
respiration. Originally, chemists had a very limited view of redox, using it to account for the reactions of
oxygen and hydrogen. Nowadays, our ideas of redox have been extended to include all electron-transfer

Redox Reactions
Redox Reactions are very common, and chemists have identified multiple ways to classify either an
oxidation or reduction process.

Oxidation Reduction
Gain of Oxygen Loss (Removal) of Oxygen
Loss of Hydrogen Gain of Hydrogen
Loss of Electrons Gain of Electrons
Increase in Oxidation Number Decrease in Oxidation Number

A redox reaction is a reaction one in which one substance is reduced and another oxidised.
In each of the following reactions identify whether the underlined species has been oxidised, reduced or
neither using the above classifications as a guide.
1. Mg(s) + CuO(s) → MgO(s) + Cu(s)
2. NH3(aq) + H+(aq) → NH4+(aq)
3. Fe2O3(s) + 3C(s) → 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g)
4. 2Fe(s) + 3Cl2(g) → 2FeCl3(s)
5. 2Ag(s) + Cl2(g) → 2AgCl(s)
6. State the electronic configuration of Sodium and Magnesium.
7. Explain why Magnesium has a higher first ionisation energy than Sodium.
8. Explain why Magnesium seen in Q1 has a higher melting and boiling point than Sodium, in terms of
bonding and structure.

We first encountered ionic equations in Topic 5. Ionic equations have been developed to remove chemicals
(IONS) that might otherwise over complicate the chemistry of a reaction. In reactions involving ionic compounds
dissolved in water, some of the ions may not be involved in the reaction. The ions which need to be removed are
known as spectator ions.
9. HCl(aq) + KOH(aq) → KCl(aq) + H2O(l)
10. KBr(aq) + AgNO3(aq) → KNO3(aq) + AgBr(s)
11. 2Al(s) + 3CuCl2(aq) → 3AlCl3 + 3Cu(s)
12. Cl2(g) + 2NaBr(aq) → 2NaCl(aq) + Br2(l)
It is important to be able to differentiate through what is differing but similar terminology in terms of “equations”.
Balanced Symbol Equation Show the number and formula of elements and compounds in the reaction.
Ionic Equations Show all the dissolved ions as separate particles removing spectator ions
Half Equations Show what happens to one element at a time in terms of the gain and loss
of electrons.

Half Equations is an ionic equation which is used to describe either the gain, or the loss, of electrons in a redox
reaction. It involves only one element.
If we look at the example from Question 12 above:
Cl2(g) + 2NaBr(aq) → 2NaCl(aq) + Br2(l)
Cl2(g) + 2Br-(aq) → 2Cl-(aq) + Br2(l)

In the above reaction the more reactive halogen, in Chlorine, has displaced the less reactive halogen,
We can see the balanced symbol equation on the first line, and the ionic equation upon the second.
However, this reaction can be shown as two half equations.

Chlorine is gaining electrons, so is being reduced. Bromine is losing electrons, so is being oxidised.
Cl2(g) + 2e- → 2Cl-(aq) 2Br-(aq) → Br2(l) + 2e-

What do we notice about the above equations?

If we add the two half-equations together, it leads to the full ionic equation. As the electrons on either
side of the equation must cancel each other out.

Complete the half-equations by balancing the species and adding electrons, or by writing the half-equations of
the stated process.
13. Cu2+(aq) + _____ → Cu(s)
14. Li+(l) + ____ → Li(s)
15. _Br-(aq) → Br2(l) + ____
16. Zn2+(aq) + ____ → Zn(s)
17. O2-(aq) → O2(g) +
18. Oxidation of Iron to Fe2+.
19. Reduction of Fluorine
20. Oxidation of Aluminium.
21. Reduction of Sulfur.
For the following questions combine the stated equations from differing questions, or the two equations used in
the example to write a full ionic equation ensuring electrons are cancelled.
22. Q13 and Q17
23. Q20 and Q16
24. Q13 and Q18
25. Q19 and Oxidation of Chlorine
26. Explain why it is easier for the Fluorine to gain an electron and be reduced in terms of atomic
structure and
27. Which ion F- or Cl- would form a stronger ionic bond with Na?
28. Draw a dot cross diagram for NaF.
29. State the electronic configuration of Copper.
30. State the electronic configuration of the Cu2+ ion.
31. Explain why Copper forms the configuration you’ve stated in Q29 rather than the configuration
[Ar] 4s23d9.

Oxidation Numbers
The oxidation number of an element represents the number of electrons lost or gained by an atom of that
elements in a compound or ion. Chemists use them to keep track of electrons transferred or shared during
chemical changes.
Oxidation Numbers make it significantly easier to recognise redox reactions.
Oxidation Number have specific rules which need to be followed as detailed below.
Oxidation Number Rule Oxidation State
Uncombined Element (not in a compound) 0
In monoatomic ions Charge on the Monoatomic Ion
e.g. Copper(II) ion = +2
e.g. Chloride ion = -1
Group 1 Element +1
Group 2 Element +2
Aluminium +3
Hydrogen +1 when bonded to non-metals
-1 when bonded to a metal
Oxygen -2 except in peroxides (-1) e.g. H2O2
Fluorine -1 always
Halogens except Fluorine (Cl, Br, I) -1 except when bonded to O, N or F then +1
Neutral Molecules/Compounds Sum of oxidation numbers is zero
Polyatomic Ions (e.g. NO3- or NH4+) Sum of oxidation numbers is the ions charge.
NOTE: Oxidation states are always shown as SIGN then NUMBER e.g. +3 rather than 3+

Worked Examples
Oxidation Number of Aluminium in Al3+
Al3+ = Monoatomic Ion, so the oxidation number = +3
Deduce the oxidation number of nitrogen in HNO3

Deduce the oxidation number of Sulfur in H2SO4

Deduce the oxidation number of Manganese in MnO 4-

Deduce the oxidation number of Chlorine in NaClO

32. Determine the oxidation number for all the elements within the following compounds.
Compound Element #1 oxidation number Element #2 oxidation number Element #3 oxidation number
LiCl Li = Cl =
ZnI2 Zn = I=
Mg3N2 Mg = N=
KF K= F=
CuO Cu = O=
PbI2 Pb = I=
Cu2O Cu = O=
SnS2 Sn = S=
FeBr3 Fe = Br =
CaH2 Ca = H=
SF6 S= F=
Al2O3 Al = O=
H2O2 H= O=
NaClO3 Na = Cl = O =
K2SO4 K= S= O =
BaCO3 Ba = C= O =
AlPO4 Al = P= O =
NH4+ N= H=
NO3- N= O=
Cr2O72- Cr = O=
PO43- P= O=
KCuCl2 K= Cu = Cl =
CO32- C= O=
MnO4- Mn = O=
MnO42- Mn = O=
HCO3- H= C=
ClO3- Cl = O=

33. Work out the oxidation number of the named elements:

NH3 NO2 KNO3 NO2- N2H4

H2S SO2 SO32- H2SO4 HSO3-

V2O5 VO2+ VO2+ V(H2O)63+

34. Explain, using your Pauling Scale, why Chlorine always has an oxidation of -1, except when bonded to
Nitrogen, Fluorine or Oxygen?
35. Pure water ionises to form H3O+ and OH- ions, although only to a very small extent. Draw dot-and-cross
diagrams of these ions. Use dots (•) for the hydrogen electrons and crosses (x) for the oxygen electrons.
36. State the oxidation number of hydrogen and oxygen in water.
37. State the shape, and explain the bond angle of a molecule of water.
38. Explain why both water and carbon dioxide molecules have polar bonds but only water is a polar molecule.
39. Draw a diagram to show the hydrogen bonding between two molecules of water.

Oxidation Numbers and Systematic Naming
The oxidation number concept is often important in naming compounds. The names of inorganic compounds are
increasingly systematic.
For a compound containing just two elements in the name. The ending is “-ide”, the more electronegative
element comes second in the name. e.g. Sodium Sulfide, Na2S or Carbon Dioxide.
The systematic names of more complex molecular compounds, such as HClO and H2CrO4, are obtained by
reference to the oxidation number of the constituent elements which can have variable oxidation numbers.

HClO Chloric(I) acid (Hypochlorous acid)

HClO3 Chloric(V) Acid
H2CrO4 Chromic(VI) acid
NOTE: The “-ic” ending is for the acid in which the central atom has it’s highest oxidation number.
The systematic names of giant ionic compounds follow a similar pattern, with the constituent elements which
have variable oxidation states being used to differentiate the compound.

FeSO4 Iron(II) Oxide

Fe2O3 Iron(III) Oxide
Cu2O Copper(I) Oxide
CuO Copper(II) Oxide

An oxyanion is a negative ion with an oxygen ion present. The name always ends in –ate to show that oxygen is

NO3- Nitrate(V) ion

NO2- Nitrate(III) ion
SO42- Sulfate(VI) ion
SO32- Sulfate(IV) ion

Use Oxidation States to name the following Use the names of the compounds to state the
compounds listed below. symbol formulae for the compounds.
40. SnO2 54. Copper(I) Sulfide
41. FeCl2 55. Copper(II) Chloride
42. FeCl3 56. Tin(II) Oxide
43. Mn(OH)2 57. Vanadium(III) Chloride
44. CrO3 58. Nitrogen(IV) Oxide
45. VO3- 59. Nitrogen(V) Oxide
46. SO32- 60. Lead(IV) Iodide
47. VO2+ 61. Cobalt(III) Nitrate(V)
48. PCl3 62. Potassium Sulfate (VI)
49. PCl5 63. Explain what the octet rule is.
50. Cr2O72- 64. Explain why Sulfur is able to
51. NaClO expand it’s octet.
52. NaClO3 65. State the systematic
53. Why is it not necessary to refer to Sodium name of SO42- ion.
Chloride of Magnesium Oxide using their 66. State the bond angle, shape
systematic names? and explain why for SO42- ion.

Identifying Redox Reactions using Oxidation Numbers
Oxidation numbers help us to identify redox reactions. In the equation for any redox reaction, at least one
element changes to a more positive oxidation number, while another changes to a less positive oxidation
number. No change in oxidation number means it isn’t a redox reaction.
Identifying redox reaction simply by looking for some of the changes Oxidation
defined in our first lesson is difficult, you will come across equations Reducing Agents Loses Electrons
Oxidation Number increases
where this is difficult to do, this is where oxidation numbers prove
Oxidising Agents Gains Electrons
Oxidation Number decreases

Worked Example
H2S(g) + Cl2(g) → 2HCl(g) + S(s)
+1-2 0 +1-1 0
The oxidation number of S has increased, from -2 to 0, so it has been oxidised.
The oxidation number of Cl has decrease, from 0 to -1, so it has been reduced.
Since both oxidation and reduction have taken place, the reaction is a redox reaction
Partial Example 1
Na2O(s) + H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq)

Partial Example 2
CaO(s) + H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2

Partial Example 3
2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(aq) → NaCl(aq) + NaClO(aq) + H2O(l)

Which element has changed oxidation numbers? ________________

What has happened to this element which is different?

This is an example of a __________________________ reaction

Oxidising Agent: Species that oxidises another species by removing one or more electrons. The oxidising agent
gains electrons and is therefore, reduced | Electron acceptor.
Reducing Agent: Species that reduces another species by gaining one or more electrons. The reducing agent
loses electrons and is therefore, oxidised | Electron donor.
It is incredibly easy to get mixed up on these terms above as initially it’s confusing.

TASK: Chemsheets Redox Reactions or not

67(a). In a dry container, a fluoride of silver reacts with sulfur to produce disulfur difluoride. Complete
the equation for this reaction. State symbols are not required.

S8 + …….AgF2 → ………S2F2 + ………AgF

(b) Explain, by using the oxidation numbers of all the atoms, whether or not this is a redox reaction.
Complex Half-Equations (Acidic Conditions)
Recall from earlier in the topic that a half-equation shows what happens to one element at a time in terms of the
gain and loss of electrons. Earlier we wrote simpler half-equations, which typically involved a single species e.g.

Zn → Zn2+ + 2e- | Cl2 + 2e- → 2Cl- | Zn → Zn2+ + 2e- | O2 + 4e- → 2O2-

The steps follow the same general trend:-

1. Work out the oxidation numbers for the element being oxidised/reduced.
2. Add electron equal to the change in oxidation number to balance the charges.
3. Check the overall charge is equal on both sides.

Now for something slightly more complex!

Worked Example
Write a half equation for the oxidation of V2+ to VO3- in acidic conditions
The steps to write this half-equation follows these steps:-
1. Balance the species, which isn’t H or O on each side of the equation
2. Add H2O(l) molecules to either side to balance the Oxygen atoms.
3. Add H+(aq) ions to either side to balance the Hydrogen atoms.
4. Add e- to either side to balance the charges.

V2+(aq) → VO3-(aq) 1 Vanadium atom of each side of eq.

V2+(aq) + 3H2O(l) → VO3-(aq) Add H2O molecules to balance O atoms
V2+(aq) + 3H2O(l) → VO3-(aq) + 6H+(aq) Add H+(aq) ions to balance H atoms.
V2+(aq)+ 3H2O(l) → VO3-(aq) + 6H+(aq) + 3e- Add e- to balance charges.

Partial Example 1
Write a half equation for the oxidation of ClO 3- to Cl- in acidic conditions
ClO3-(aq) → Cl-(aq) + 3H2O

Partial Example 2
Write a half equation for the oxidation of S2O32-(aq) to S4O62-(aq) in acidic conditions

68. Sn2+(aq) → Sn4+(aq) 81. Give the systematic name for KMnO4.
69. SO32-(aq) → SO42-(aq) 82. KMnO4 is a strong oxidising agent, explain
70. Cl-(aq) → Cl2(aq) what is meant by this term.
71. FeO42-(aq) → Fe3+(aq) 83. Would you expect the melting point of
KMnO4, to be higher or lower than water?
72. Cr2O72-(aq) → Cr3+(aq)
Explain why in terms of bonding and
73. H2O2(aq) → O2(aq) structure.
74. ClO3-(aq) → Cl2(aq)
75. SO2(aq) → SO42-(aq)
76. BrO3-(aq) → Br2(aq)
77. C2O42-(aq) → CO2(g)
78. MnO4-(aq) → Mn2+(aq)
79. Identify whether the underlined species has
been oxidised or reduced in the above
equations using oxidation numbers.
80. Give the systematic name for the MnO4- ion.
Complex Half-Equations (Alkaline Conditions)
As we know, reactions can take place in solutions, redox reactions are not limited to only take place in acidic
conditions, they can occur in alkaline conditions also, balancing half-equations in these scenarios is slightly
different to acidic conditions.
The steps to write this half-equation follows these steps:-
1. Using the step detailed on the last page, balance the full half equation as if under acidic conditions.
2. Add the same number of OH- ions for H+ ions present on both sides of the equation.
3. Combine H+ and OH- ions on the same side to form H2O molecules.
4. Cancel out any species present on both sides of the equation.

Worked Example
Write the half equation for the reduction of Cl2 to Chlorate(I) ions in the presence of cold aqueous
hydroxide ions.
Cl2 → ClO-
Cl2 → 2ClO- These are the step we would normally undertake to
Cl2 + 2H2O → 2ClO - write the half equation under acidic conditions.
Cl2 + 2H2O → 2ClO + 4H
- +

Cl2 + 2H2O → 2ClO- + 4H+ + 2e-

Cl2 + 2H2O + 4OH- → 2ClO- + 4H+ + 2e- + 4OH- Add OH- ions for the H+ ions present on both sides.
Cl2 + 2H2O + 4OH- → 2ClO + 4H2O + 2e
- - Combine H+ and OH- ions on the same side to form
H2O molecules.
Cl2 + 2H2O + 4OH- → 2ClO- + 2H2O + 2e- Cancel out the water molecules that appear on each
Cl2 + 4OH- → 2ClO- + 2H2O + 2e- Final half equation in alkaline conditions

Partial Example 1
Write a half equation for the oxidation of ClO3- to Cl- in alkaline conditions
ClO3- + 6H+ + 6e- → Cl- + 3H2O

Complete the following examples below

84. PbO2(aq) → PbO(aq) 93. Deduce whether Nitrogen has been
85. MnO4-(aq) → MnO2(aq) oxidised or reduced using your answer to
86. Fe2+(aq) → Fe3+(aq) Q91 to justify it.
87. NH3(aq) → N2H4(l) 94. If the 11g of hydrazine was vaporised,
88. Chromium(III) Hydroxide is oxidised to what volume would it occupy at RTP?
Chromate(VI) ion (2- charge). 95. Hydrazine has a melting point of 275K,
89. Antimony Trihydride is oxidised to explain why it’s melting point is higher
Antimony. than expected for a simple molecular
90. Bromate(V) ion (1- charge) is reduced to compound.
Bromide ions. 96. Draw a dot-cross diagram to represent
91. The reaction of 11g of N2H4 with excess the bonding in N2H4.
H2O2 according to the following reaction 97. Would you expect Hydrazine to be soluble
yields 35g of HNO3. What is the percent in water.
yield? 98. Draw a dot-cross diagram to represent
7H2O2(aq) + N2H4(l) → 2HNO3(aq) + 8H2O(l) the bonding in HNO3.
92. State the oxidation number of nitrogen in
both hydrazine (N2H4) and nitric acid.

Full Ionic Equations
Half-equations can be used to construct full balanced ionic equations for redox reactions, because when the
electron lost from an atom, molecule or ion is oxidised in one half-equation it must equal the number of
electrons gained by the reduction of another species in the second half-equation.
The important factor for writing full ionic equations for processes is that the number of electrons balance.

Worked Example 1
Write the full ionic equation for the oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) and Chlorine to Chloride ions.
Fe2+(aq) → Fe3+ (aq) + e- and Cl2(g) + 2e- → 2Cl-(aq)

Worked Example 2
Write the full ionic equation for the oxidation of Cu to Cu(II) ions and the reduction of HNO 3 to
Cu(s) → Cu2+(aq) + 2e- and HNO3(aq) + H+ + e- → NO2(aq) + H2O(l)

NOTE: Chemsheets Combining Half Equations

99. Combine the equations from Q68 and Q75.
100. Combine the equations from Q70 and Q71.
101. Write a full ionic equation for the reaction in which sulphur dioxide is oxidised to SO 42- ions by
acidified iodate(V) ions IO3- which are themselves reduced to iodide ions.
102. Fe2+ ions are oxidised to Fe3+ ions by ClO3- ions in acidic conditions. The ClO3- ions are reduced to Cl-
ions. Write the overall reaction.
103. Write the full ionic equation for the disproportionation of IO- into I- and IO3-.
104. Potassium dichromate(VI), K2Cr2O7, can be used to accurately determine the concentration of other
chemicals, such as sodium thiosulfate, Na2S2O3.
Four chemistry students were given a solution of sodium thiosulfate with a concentration of
approximately 0.1 mol dm−3 and asked to determine its exact concentration using potassium
dichromate(VI) solution. They were each given separate tasks to carry out as described below.
(a) The first student was given the task of making up a potassium dichromate(VI) solution. A mass of
14.71 g of K2Cr2O7 was weighed out, dissolved in deionized water, the volume made up to 250 cm 3
in a volumetric flask and the mixture shaken. Calculate the concentration of this potassium
dichromate(VI) solution, in mol dm−3.
(b) The second student was asked to calculate the mass of potassium iodide that would be required to
add to 0.00250 mol of potassium dichromate(VI) to ensure complete reaction. The equation for the
reaction is:- Cr2O72−(aq) + 14H+(aq) + 6I−(aq) → 2Cr3+(aq) + 3I2(aq) + 7H2O(l)
Calculate the minimum mass of potassium iodide, KI, required and hence suggest a suitable mass
to use if the potassium iodide is to be in excess.
(c) The third student was given the following equation:- I2(aq) + 2S2O32−(aq) → 2I−(aq) + S4O62−(aq)
This student was asked to estimate the titration reading at the end-point if a solution that
contained 0.00260 mol of iodine was in the conical flask and the concentration of sodium
thiosulfate was about 0.16 mol dm−3. Calculate the volume of sodium thiosulfate solution, in cm 3,
that would have been added at the end-point of the titration.
(d) Write the ionic half-equation for the oxidation of chloride ions. State symbols are not required.

Balancing Equations using Oxidation Numbers
Oxidation numbers and a change in oxidation numbers can be used to balance chemical equations also, both full
chemical equations and full ionic equations depending on the reaction given.

Worked Example 1 – Use oxidation numbers to balance the following equation

…..SO2(g) + …..H2O(l) + …..Ag+(aq) → …..SO42- (aq) + …..H+(aq) + …..Ag(s)

1. Identify the elements whose oxidation numbers have changed.

• S changes from +4 to +6; this a “2 electron” change.
• Ag changes from +1 to 0; this is a “1 electron” change.

So the ratio of SO2 to Ag+ is 1:2: This change the equation to:-
…..SO2(g) + …..H2O(l) + 2Ag+(aq) → …..SO42- (aq) + …..H+(aq) + 2Ag(s)
2. Now need to balance the H and O atoms.
There is 4 O atoms on the right-hand side; so we need an additional water molecule on the left.
…..SO2(g) + 2H2O(l) + 2Ag+(aq) → …..SO42- (aq) + …..H+(aq) + 2Ag(s)
There is now 4 H atoms on the left-hand side so we need an additional 4 hydrogen ions on the right.
…..SO2(g) + 2H2O(l) + 2Ag+(aq) → …..SO42- (aq) + 4H+(aq) + 2Ag(s)
Finally check for charges.
Left hand side: Total charge is +2 | Right hand side: Total charge is 2- + 4 = +2
Equation is balanced.

Partial Example 1 – Use oxidation numbers to balance the following equation

…..Fe2+(aq) + …..ClO3-(l) + …..H+(aq) → …..Fe3+ (aq) + …..Cl-(aq) + …..H2O(l)

1. Identify the elements whose oxidation numbers have changed.

• -
• -

So the ratio of …... to …… is …:…: This change the equation to:-

…..Fe2+(aq) + …..ClO3-(l) + …..H+(aq) → …..Fe3+ (aq) + …..Cl-(aq) + …..H2O(l)
2. Now need to balance the H and O atoms.
There is ..O atoms on the left-hand side; so we need an additional water molecule on the right.
…..Fe2+(aq) + …..ClO3-(l) + …..H+(aq) → …..Fe3+ (aq) + …..Cl-(aq) + …..H2O(l)
There is now ….H atoms on the right-hand side so we need an additional …. hydrogen ions on the left.
…..Fe2+(aq) + …..ClO3-(l) + …..H+(aq) → …..Fe3+ (aq) + …..Cl-(aq) + …..H2O(l)
Finally check for charges.
Left hand side: Total charge is ……….….. | Right hand side: Total charge is ……………..
Equation is balanced.

Complete the following questions

105. …..Cu(s) + …..H+(aq) + …..NO3-(aq) → …..Cu2+(aq) + …..H2O(l) + …..NO(g)
106. …..SO32-(aq) + …..H2O(l) + …..Ce4+(aq) → …..SO42-(aq) + …..H+(aq) + …..Ce3+(aq)
107. …..MnO4-(aq) + …..H+(aq) + …..SO32-(aq) → …..Mn2+(aq) + …..H2O(l) + …..SO42-(aq)
108. …..IO3-(aq) + …..H+(aq) + …..I-(aq) → …..I2(aq) + …..H2O(l)
109. …..Cl2(aq) + …..OH-(l) → …..Cl-(aq) + …..ClO3-(aq) + …..H2O(l)
110. …..Co3+(aq) + …..H2O(l) → …..Co2+(aq) + …..H+(aq) + …..O2(g)

Redox Chemistry Review
111. Chlorine reacts with sodium hydroxide to make household bleach:-
Cl2(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) → NaCl(aq) + NaClO(aq) + H2O(l)
a. Complete the ionic half-equation for the reaction of ClO- with acidified potassium iodide
by balancing the half equation:- ClO-(aq) → Cl-(aq)
b. Complete the half equation for the reaction of I-(aq) to form I2(aq).
c. Write an overall ionic equation for the reaction between ClO- and I- ions in acidic
d. Chlorine reaction with water, explain what type of reaction this is making reference to
oxidation numbers. Cl2(aq) + H2O(l) ⇋ HCl(aq) + HClO(aq)

112. Molecules of NH3, H2O and HF contain covalent bonds, the bonds in these molecules are polar.
a. Explain why the H-F bond is polar.
b. State which of the molecules NH3, H2O or HF contains the least polar bond.
c. Explain why the bond in your chosen molecule from part (ii) is less polar than the bonds
found in the other two molecules.
d. Explain why H2O has a bond angle of 104.5°.
e. Draw a diagram to show two molecules of ammonia attracted to each other and identify
the type of intermolecular force responsible ensuring to include partial charges and lone
f. Ammonia can react in acidic conditions to form.

113. When heated, iron nitrate, is converted into iron oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen.
4Fe(NO3)3(s) → 2Fe2O3(s) + 12NO2(g) + 3O2(g)
A 2.16g sample of iron nitrate was completely converted into the product shown.
(a) State the oxidation number of iron in both iron nitrate and iron oxide.
(b) Hence give the systematic name of Fe(NO3)3, Fe2O3 and NO2.
(c) Calculate, the amount, in moles, of iron nitrate in the 2.16g sample. Give your answer to an
appropriate number of significant figures.
(d) Calculate the amount, in moles, of oxygen gas produced in this reaction.
(e) Calculate the volume, in cm3, of nitrogen dioxide gas at 293°C and 100kPa produced from
2.16g of iron nitrate in this reaction.
(f) State a name for this type of reaction that iron nitrate undergoes.
(g) Suggest why the iron oxide obtained is pure, assume a complete reaction.

114. When Iodide and Peroxodisulfate ions, S2O82-(aq) react, it produces sulfate (VI) ions and iodine.
g. Write the half equation for the conversion of peroxodisulfate ions to sulfate(VI) ions.
h. Write the half equation for the conversion of Iodide ions to iodine
i. Write the full ionic equation for this reaction process.
j. Identify the oxidising agent and the reducing agent in the above reaction.
k. Define, in terms of electrons, an oxidising agent.
l. Define, in terms of electrons, a reducing agent.
m. This reaction is catalysed by Fe2+ or Fe3+ ions, why are they not included in the reaction?


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