Villegas Ch2019

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Artificial intelligence as a support technique for

university learning
William Villegas-Ch Xavier Palacios-Pacheco Sergio Luján-Mora
Facultad de Ingenierías y Ciencias Departamento de sistemas, Department of Software and
Aplicadas, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Computing Systems,
Universidad de Las Américas, Quito, Ecuador Alicante, Spain
Quito, Ecuador [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract— Currently, universities seek to improve The proposed ES captures the knowledge of experts on
academic methods that come from a traditional model. different topics, as well as experts in education. This
Traditional models base learning on the experience of teachers functionality allows us to recommend suitable strategies that
and the development of activities. Studies carried out in the facilitate the scope and objectives proposed for a specific
educational field consider that not all activities generate university population [3]. The ES is able to interact with each
knowledge in students. The activities must adapt to the needs student and integrate into various computer systems to
of each student to build an efficient model that contributes to extract information to reach a conclusion. Students develop
learning. To solve this problem, education experts support different activities in learning management systems (LMS)
academic management in the use of information and
based on the resources provided by each teacher [4].
communication technologies. The inclusion of techniques such
as the analysis of educational data and artificial intelligence The information that the ES obtains from the LMS added
identify the deficiencies and needs of students. This work to the information obtained from the interaction with the
proposes the design of an expert system that interacts with student allows him to recommend specific activities to each
students and evaluates their responses with those of data student. Reaching this level of learning management
analysis systems to reach a conclusion and recommend guarantees effectiveness and can even nullify other problems
activities that align with the needs of each student. linked to student performance such as desertion. The paper is
divided as follows: Section II contains the theoretical
Keywords— artificial intelligence, expert systems, active
foundations that contribute to the design and implementation
learning, intelligent systems
of the proposed system. Section III contains the method in
which the entire development is systematically explained.
I. INTRODUCTION Finally section IV contains the conclusions obtained.
The contributions of information and communication
technologies (ICT) enrich the educational work. The II. THEORETICAL FOUNDATION
development of ICT demands a change in traditional learning
environments. The use of software and computerized A. Expert systems
educational materials as a resource to support teaching and ES use artificial intelligence techniques to respond
learning processes has become a necessity. In addition, they automatically to questions raised as if they were human
constitute a response to the problem that revolves around the experts. These systems are applied in many fields of
cognitive understanding of concepts and notions in knowledge due to their own nature and that are increasingly
classrooms [1]. Previous works analyze the advances that being perfected. In the educational field, they play a leading
help to learn by integrating new technological concepts in role due to the trends related to personalized education
education. A large percentage of research focuses especially through technological means [5].
on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in educational
processes. The inclusion of computer systems in universities
is increasingly necessary due to its flexibility and scalability B. Active learning
in educational management. An advantage of using ICT is Active learning involves the use of a set of more effective
the analysis of this data. This process allows detecting the and interesting experimental methods. With active learning,
academic problems that each student presents. Once the students assume greater responsibility for their own
problems are identified, methods and models can be education. It is characterized by very well structured and
generated to improve learning. challenging activities, with enough flexibility to adapt them
to the characteristics of the learning group and even at the
Several techniques allow the student to reflect on what individual level. The activities are organized so that the
they have learned. These techniques can be adapted to satisfy students develop them in face-to-face and virtual spaces or
diverse needs, everything depends on the tasks or activities the combination of them [6].
proposed to the student [2]. On the revealed ideas, it can be
considered that AI systems such as the expert systems (ES),
created for pedagogical and instructional purposes can III. METHOD
diagnose, debug and correct the development of student The process begins with the identification of the problem
learning. In addition, the system determines the cognitive that lies in the fact that not all students learn in the same way.
level of the student and helps him improve his weaknesses to There are several types of activities that are tailored to the
reach a higher level of learning. This work proposes the needs of each student, thus personalizing education. This
development of an ES that represents a response-oriented to educational method is known as active learning. The
the efficient decision making on teaching models and objective is to identify the needs of each student and
didactic activities. recommend a type of activity that meets these needs [7]. The
identification of needs, as well as the recommendation of

978-1-7281-1666-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

activities, it is possible to do it manually through human • Muddiest, it is a variation of a minute of paper; it is
experts. This method has many disadvantages ranging from a possible to give students a longer period to answer
biased identification under expert criteria, as well as high the question, at the end of a class period, or in a
error rates generated by the human component. natural break in the presentation.
To improve the recommendation of manual activities, • Reading Contest is a way to motivate students to
ICTs integrate systems capable of analyzing the parameters read the assigned material. Active learning depends
that define how each student learns and, based on these, the on students reviewing the resources available in each
system recommends activities automatically. Having a module of the LMS. The reading test is an effective
system that interacts autonomously without having a human measure of students' understanding so that the level
expert among students relieves the attitude of the student and of sophistication as readers is measurable.
this feels more confident when giving an answer. The
generation of an environment without pressures allows the • Puzzles / Paradoxes is one of the most useful means
answers provided to the system to be more reliable and of eliciting insights to students about a topic. A
unambiguous. However, this does not alleviate the process of puzzle or paradox related to the concept in question
the need to verify and detect if the answers are true. is presented, and the student is guided towards a
solution. By forcing students to work without
The participating university in the study has a data authority, the probability that they can critically
analysis platform integrated into a business intelligence evaluate the presented theories increases.
system. The result of the data analysis allows identifying and
classifying the students that present similar patterns. This is • Discussion students are asked to pair up and answer
an ideal starting point for the execution of an ES since these a question. This can be easily combined with other
data will be one of the inputs of the system. Another entry is techniques such as Questions and Answers.
the interaction with students; these data ensure that the • Conceptual Maps is a way to illustrate the
conclusions of the ES are effective when recommending connections that exist between the terms or concepts
each activity. covered in the course material, students construct
conceptual maps by connecting individual terms by
A. Analysis of learning activities lines that indicate the relationship between each set
To analyze the learning activities that the ES will of terms connected.
recommend to the students, it is necessary to define the roles
of each actor [8]. The first actor, are students who in a • Panel discussion round tables are especially useful
traditional study program are a passive part of learning. when students are asked to give class presentations
Passive learning is considered to be students who depend on or reports as a way to include the entire class in the
a second actor to acquire knowledge. This knowledge is presentation.
evaluated through different activities that demonstrate • Serious games that well-conceived can convey the
mastery of a topic. The second actor is the teacher who, idea more easily.
based on his experience and knowledge, imparts a specific
subject to the students. By moving from a traditional education, to a learning
methodology that adjusts to the needs of each student, their
Once the actors are defined, it is important to identify the participation and continuous reflection is promoted. The use
factors that influence the learning process. The identification of activities focused on learning promotes dialogue,
of factors allows us to discover the physiological and collaboration, development and construction of knowledge,
psychological states that favor the acquisition of knowledge as well as skills and attitudes. The activities must be
and skills in students. These factors influence the pace, motivating and challenging, capable of promoting an active
progress, efficiency, and accuracy that determine the kind adaptation to solving problems.
and quantity of learning improvement. In addition to these
factors, they also analyze hereditary factors that appear as B. Execution of the expert system
congenital problems that prevent the student from
developing their abilities to the fullest. Factors that refers to The ES interacts directly with the student. The
the environment and the elements that surround the student. communication protocol is through questions and answers
Currently, it is common to meet students who are parents or that allow the ES to solve problems quickly and much faster
mothers of families that means that they work all day. In than a human expert. The ES bases its conclusions on a
these cases, the important thing is the quality of interaction deterministic methodology that aligns with the needs
time and resolution of activities. Considering the outlined above [11]. For the development of ES the stages
participation of each actor in learning, the next step is to proposed by Weiss and Kulikowski [12] are considered, each
analyze the activities that contribute to knowledge. The phase must be properly analyzed and developed since this
activities involved in this study have been analyzed in directly influences the resulting quality of the ES; figure 1
previous works [9][10] that identify the method they use to shows the stages in the design of the ES.
improve learning, the recommended activities are:
• A minute of paper is a highly effective technique to
control the progress of the student, both in the
understanding of the subject and the reaction with
the course material. They are applied after reading a
resource within the Moodle activities.
Another working group is composed of experts in
educational psychology who seek methods through which
the student is interested in generating knowledge and not
only in obtaining a grade. A third group is made up of
experts in the use of LMS. The objective of this group of
experts is to create the activities proposed by the experts in
the themes and translate them into the platform, considering
the methodologies proposed by the second group of experts.
1) Expert system design
The design must be flexible and gather characteristics
similar to human behavior. This includes the ability to
acquire knowledge, the reliability that allows trusting the
results, the knowledge domain that provides solidity in a
process and the ability to solve problems. The design is
based on a Bayesian theorem, which is an algorithm based
on probabilistic theory and combines the Bayes theorem with
the expressivity of the directed graphs [13]. The directed
graphs allow representing a causal model by means of the
graphic representation of the dependencies between the
random variables and the causal influences [14]. The design
is constituted by the Bayes theorem where given two
variables X and Y, such that P (x)> 0 for all x and P (y)> 0
for all Y is fulfilled:

Fig. 1. Stages in the design of the ES.

It is used to know the a posteriori probability of a certain

C. Identification of the problem
variable of interest given a set of findings.
To identify the problem, the analysis of the student
environment is made. For this, general knowledge about the • Finding: determining the value of a variable, based
university, its components, characteristics, structures, and on a data (an observation, a measurement).
processes are extracted. The analysis of these parameters • Evidence: set of all the available findings at a given
contributes to the design of the ES allowing a global view of moment.
the current state of the applied learning model. The ES
analyzes the economic and psychosocial factors of the • A priori probability: the probability of a variable or
students and issues conclusions to recommend activities to subset of variables when there is no finding. It
each student. Common learning problems are based on facts coincides with the marginal probability P (x).
and rules of a domain. Next, the problems identified in this
investigation are listed according to the learning experts: • Probability a posteriori: the probability of a variable
or subset of variables given the evidence “e”. It is the
• Learning problems (Very High) conditional probability P (x | e).
• The needs of the student to offer solutions through The design of the ES based on Bayesian networks
personalized activities are not evaluated (Very high) constructs a decision tree that allows combining the
judgment of the experts with the available data and making
• Lack of feedback from the student (High) the inference between any set of variables [15]. The
• Disappointment in the target audience (Media) architecture of an ES is organized according to three main
elements that are; knowledge base, inference engine, and fact
• Ignorance of the method used by teachers (Media) base. To ensure the dialogue between the machine and the
human, additional components are required. The components
• Acceptance of the educational model is low
that act additionally are the human component, knowledge
acquisition systems, etc.
• There is no desire to learn in the student (Low)
E. Acquisition of knowledge
• The learning mechanism is not the most appropriate
(Low) In this phase, the information of the subject is supplied
and the knowledge engineers transfer this knowledge to a
D. Find human experts language that the ES understands. This stage requires great
dedication and maximum effort due to the different
In this phase, we work with expert teachers in different languages spoken by the different parties and the different
areas, the objective is to establish the questions that the experiences they have [16]. For the development of the ES,
system should ask the students and that serve as a guide to the technical knowledge of experts in the area of computer
obtain a precise conclusion. The design of activities is tools, networks, computer audit, robotics, etc. is used. These
another task that this group of teachers must perform areas of expertise are considered when contributing to
focusing on the improvement of learning.
engineering careers related to ICT. On the other hand, there • Reasoning mechanism that determines which rules of
are the experts in teaching who are in charge of crystallizing the knowledge base can be applied to solve the
the activities given by experts with a psychological tinge that problem.
contributes to the active learning of the students. Once the
experts are selected and they agree to give their knowledge, • Control strategy or conflict resolution strategy
they start playing the role of the “knowledge engineer”, who The function of the inference engine is to execute actions
is in charge of extracting the knowledge from the expert and to solve the problem from an initial set of facts and
giving it an appropriate representation, either in the form of eventually through an interaction with the user. The
rules or in another type of representation, thus forming the execution can lead to the deduction of new facts.
knowledge base of the ES.
The rules of inference are; Yes (conditions, antecedents,
F. Knowledge base premises); Then (actions, consequences, conclusions).
In this phase, the specialists provide knowledge engineers The rules model the general knowledge of the domain
with an orderly and structured knowledge base, and a set of and constitute the knowledge base, the long-term memory
well-defined and explained relationships. This structured and the implications. For example, if x is 45 years old and
way of thinking requires that human experts rethink, studies “then” x is a university student.
reorganize, and restructure the knowledge base. As a result, The design is based on providing the system with the
the specialist becomes a better connoisseur of his own ability to ask several questions that have been developed
specialty field [17]. Is must differentiate between knowledge with the help of human experts. The ES will process all the
and data, knowledge refers to statements of general validity, information through the aforementioned stages and reach a
such as rules, probability distributions, etc. The data refers to conclusion. The percentage in the uncertainty with which the
the information related to a particular application. For ES reaches a conclusion will depend on the allocation of
example, in the recommendation of a certain activity, the activities.
learning problems, the methods and the relationships
between them, are part of the knowledge, while the specific The questions that the ES makes to the students are
problems of a student are part of the data. The knowledge is designed in natural language and look for the interaction in a
stored in the knowledge base and the data is stored in the simple and direct way. Below are several questions used to
working memory. interact with the student, these questions seek to know if the
student is giving a true answer [18]. For example, “are you in
Forms of representation of knowledge: the computer tools course?” this answer the ES knows in
• Production rules advance since being integrated to the LMS knows the data of
the student, as well as the subject that is studying. This
• Semantic networks integration also benefits the system since it also knows the
• Frames time of use of the platform and the qualifications of the
students in each activity. These parameters allow handling a
The most used form of representation is by production greater volume of facts that the system uses to reach a
rules or also calls rules of inferences [38]. Most ESs are conclusion.
based on this type of representation, for this reason, the
design for this work considers this option due to their success • Hello, “X” how old are you?
stories, as well as the amount of existing information that • Are you in the computer course?
contributes to the development.
• Is the time you dedicate to the course enough?
The rules of production are of the type:
• Do you have access to computer tools?
• YES, Premise THEN Conclusion (YES TO THEN
B). • Is your use of computer tools good?
• Where both the premises and the conclusion, are not • Are the contents of the course easy to understand?
more than a chain of events connected by “Y” or “O”,
in general, would be: • Do you think that reading the contents reduces the
time you would devote to the development of
• IF Done1 AND / OR Done2 AND / OR ... DoneN activities?
THEN Done1 AND / OR ... DoneN
• Do practical activities strengthen your learning?
The facts are statements that serve to represent concepts,
data, objects, etc. The set of facts that describe the problem is • Have you done your activities with the use of videos?
the basis of facts. • Do you want to develop a case applied to business
G. The inference engine
• Does following an instruction manual to the letter
It is the supervisor and is responsible for extracting the
help improve your dexterity in the development of
conclusions based on the symbolic data applying the rules
that govern the system in which he works a change in the
rules results in different conclusions. The inference engine is The answers are given by five options that are: Yes, I
composed of three elements: think so, I do not know, I do not think so, No
• Interpreter of rules or inference mechanism
H. Recommendation of activities However, these tools need to follow processes that contribute
The process of recommendation of activities is based on both to the student and to the teachers. For this reason, the
three stages where; a) the profile of the user is loaded implementation of intelligent systems is an option that allows
directly from the data that the ES finds in the LMS however students to interact directly with the system.
as questions of courtesy the student's name and age are Intelligent systems by emulating human thought
asked; b) it extracts information from the available activities processes serve as an extension of creativity and problem-
and that adjusts to the needs of each student; c) initiates the solving abilities. In the selected context can be restricted to
recommender with the ES to compare the user's information the design of learning environments and in particular, to the
with the information stored in the knowledge base and definition of what will be the most effective activities to
recommends an activity. embed in this design. The activities are designed to facilitate
To understand the process carried out by the ES to that the students reach the objectives specified in the
recommend one or several activities, Table I is presented, curriculum design.
where the weights are established through which the system The problem that is presented to the designers of
can perform the calculations to reach a certain conclusion. educational environments is the number of variables that
This process is a basic example of the internal functioning of interact with each other and to be included for a design that
the ES where five unique values of probability are handled, includes active learning. The proposed system assists
which are: 1 = yes, 0.75 = I think so, 0.50 = I do not know, designers and tutors in the identification of the best activities
0.25 = I do not think so, 0 = no. given the scenario defined by the characteristics of the
learner and the context of learning. The ES identifies the best
TABLE I. ACTIVITY RECOMMENDATION PROCESS instructional strategies, receiving as inputs the largest
amount of data from the educational scenario. With the
included data, the ES identifies the pattern or combination of
Rapid tests


patterns that best adapts to the situation presented by the



Have user, recommending in this way the activities to be used by


ent of

the designer.
The validity of the results obtained allows highlighting
the role of the experts who contributed with their knowledge
Little time of 0 1 0.75 0 0 to deduce the relevant variables of each subject and its
development of importance in learning. With this contribution, it is possible
activities to carry out a multicriteria classification for the
recommendation of activities in a timely and efficient
manner. The result of the use of the ES allows us to
problems 0 0 0.75 1 1 recommend a variety of activities that contribute to active
improves your learning, using the multicriteria concept; it presents the result
learning of the optimal parameters of each activity based on the
Discussion on behavior of the students.
0 0 0 0.5 0
specific topics
What I do I 0 0.25 0.75 1 0.75
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