B Ing Level B Ok

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( Diisi Panitia)

1. “Putu datang dari Bali”

The English sentence is ….

a. Putu is Bali c. Putu likes Bali

b. Putu comes from Bali d. Putu want to go to Bali
2. Look at the picture!
Ferdy and his friends are eating at the…..

a. Park c. Shop
b. Kitchen d. Canteen
3. One hundred plus seventy five equals ......
a. One hundred and forty one c. One hundred and sixty five
b. One hundred and sixty one d. One hundred and seventy five
4. Nadia is cooking in the .....
a. Bathroom c. Dining room
b. Bedroom d. Kitchen
5. Natalia : Hi John, what did you buy at the shop yesterday?
John : My sister bought me an……..

a. Ice cream c. Cakes

b. Candy d. Cookies
6. Milk-cow-beneficial-is-beneficial-health-for.
The correct order is ….

a. Cow milk is beneficial for health.

b. Cow is milk beneficial for health.
c. Cow milk is for beneficial health.
d. Cow milk for health is beneficial .


7. Ten multiplied by nine is…..
a. Nineteen c. Fiveteen
b. Ninety d. Fourteen
8. Ten divided by two equals to …..
a. 10 c. 3
b. 4 d. 5
9. How many leaves are in the pictures?

a. Six c. Four
b. Two d. Three
10. I have two hundred and twenty three candies. In a number is…
a. 177 c. 163
b. 223 d. 173
11. Look at this picture!
They are…..

a. Doing laundry c. Eating

b. Cooking d. Running
12. My mother works in a hospital
The Indonesian sentence is ….

a. Ibuku adalah dokter c. Ibuku sedang di rumah sakit

b. Ibuku bekerja di rumah sakit d. Ibuku pergi ke rumah sakit
13. We can see lions, tigers, and elephants in the………….
a. Zoo c. Garden
b. Park d. Bathroom
14. Liam : You look so pale today, what happened?
Selena : I got the flu and ……. all day long.

a. Coughing c. Laughing
b. Sneezing d. Freezing
15. My grandmother works in the garden everyday. The underlined word means...


a. Kebun c. Sawah
b. Pantai d. Rumah

16. What is the second month of the year ?

a. January c. July

b. February d. April

17. They are in my bedroom. Except ……….

a. A bed c. A refrigerator
b. A lamp d. A clock
18. He is ……….
a. Happy
b. Excited
c. Cry
d. Sad
19. Hi, Kids. ……….. The baby is sleeping.
a. Don’t cry c. Don’t run
b. Be quiet d. Be noisy
20. Please ………. your before entering the house.
a. Take on, shoes c. Take off, shoes
b. Take on, boots d. Take off, boots
21. Show your ………. and get on the plane.
a. Ticket c. Picture
b. Money d. Bag pack
22. This is my bag. The Indonesian sentence is ……….
a. Ini adalah sebuah keranjang
b. Ini adalah sebuah tas.
c. Ini adalah tas saya.
d. Ini adalah tas dia.
23. a – That – tree – is – coconut
the correct order is ……….
a. Coconut tree is a that c. Is that a coconut tree
b. That tree is a coconut d. That is a coconut tree
24. Look at this picture! There are ……….

a. Five rings c. Five swords

b. Five shields d. Five crowns
25. I was ………. the plants when the phone rang.


a. Watch c. Draw
b. Watering d. Sing

26. We ………. playing football when my mom came..

a. Are c. Was
b. Is d. Were
Milly’s Pet
I have some pets at home. Can you guess what I pet? I don’t have any dogs. I don’t have
any cats. I don’t have any fish, and birds. I have a lot of rabbits! I take care of them by my self.
My dad made some cages in the yard. I clean the cages every day. The rabbits like to play
together near the cages. They hop in the grass. I sometimes hop with the rabbits, too. It’s so
much fun!
My rabbits love carrots very much, but they also like water spinach and fresh small green
leaves. They have colorful fur. Some of them have black fur, some of them have white and
brown fur. Their eyes are beautiful.
27. Does Milly have any pets?
a. Yes, she has c. No, she hasn’t
b. Yes, she does d. No, she doesn’t

28. Does she pet any cats?

a. Yes, she has c. No, she hasn’t
b. Yes, she does d. No, she doesn’t

29. What does she pet?

a. Dogs c. Fish
b. Birds d. Rabbits

30. Who made cages for the rabbits?

a. Milly’s dad c. Milly’s friend
b. Milly’s mom d. Milly’s rabbits

31. They love carrots very much. The word they refers to?
a. Milly c. The rabbits
b. Milly’s dad d. The cages

32. It’s a ………. today. We can’t play outside.

a. Sunny day c. Happy day
b. Cloudy day d. Rainy day

33. There are two seasons in Indonesia. What are they?


a. Rainy and dry c. Rainy and cloudy
b. Rainy and summer d. Rainy and winter

34. He is ………. on the ……….

a. Singing, floor
b. Writing, blackboard
c. Writing, paper
d. Standing, blackboard
35. My younger sister and I (read) a book in the bedroom, but my older sister (read) a book
in the living room.
a. Reading, reads c. Read, reads
b. Reads, reading d. Read, reading
36. Emilia is a dancer. She ………. everyday.
a. Dancing c. Dancer
b. Dance d. Dances
37. Dori : What time is it now, Andy?
Andy : It’s 10.45
How do we say 10.45?
a. Quarter past ten c. Forty five past eleven
b. Quarter to eleven d. Ten to quarter
38. Aiden goes to school at seven twenty and it takes fifteen minutes by bicycle to school.
What time does he arrive at school?
a. 7.25 AM c. 7.35 AM
b. 7.30 AM d. 7.40 AM
39. Is she wearing a blouse?
a. Yes, she is
b. Yes, she does
c. No, she isn’t
d. No, she doesn’t
40. The children wear F-U-R-I-M-N-O to school.
a. Unicorn c. Unable
b. United d. Uniform


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