Newsletter 16 Summer 2023

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Newsletter 16 5th May, 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back after the long weekend. We have had a fantastic week, finishing with over fifty of our Maypole
and Sword dancers performing at the Hatfield House Living Crafts Exhibition today. We hope you enjoy the
weekend of coronation celebrations ahead, and look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday. Year 6 will
be doing their SATs tests every morning next week, and we all wish them the success they deserve.

Coronation Celebration Day

We all had a wonderful time on Coronation Celebration Day. We started the day with an
assembly about the coronation. Then there were a series of coronation themed activities for
the children to enjoy. In the afternoon there was a quiz, which was won (by one point) by St.
Giles, and a sing-a-long including traditional songs and two new ones learnt
for the occasion. We ended the day with a fabulous tea party. The children’s
manners and behaviour were an absolute credit to you all. The dressed up
bears looked amazing – we were very impressed with both the efforts people
had gone to, and how well loved the bears are too!

All of the children should have brought home a commemorative medal, or will be bringing one
home today. If your child has not received one, please let us know and we will sort it out.

E-Safety Evening Reminder

We hope to see you at the E-Safety information evening on Tuesday 16th May, at 7.00 p.m.

Whole School Photo

The children (and staff) were amazing on School Photo Day. The photographer came to find me after the picture
was taken to say we were the best school he has worked with this year. He said that the children were beautifully
behaved and very organised and the staff were excellent. We cannot wait to see the photograph and look forward
to displaying it in our reception area.

School Trips
We appreciate that things are increasingly tough financially for a number of families at the moment, and keep this
in mind when we plan day visits and residential trips. As with all schools, we rely on the voluntary contributions,
to cover the costs, and if not enough is received, an event may need to be cancelled. We will be reviewing timings
of trips next year, to avoid any payment request coming close together and also give more advance notice to help
with planning finances. The PTFA also kindly subsidise whole school events such as the Pantomime.

Where children qualify for Pupil Premium, we are able to provide some financial support. This is additional
funding which funds a range of school activities and services. On the Herts County Council website there is a
page on free school meals. If you think you may be eligible (even if you receive Reception and KS1 free meals
anyway) it is worth registering as this could provide extra funding in school, which your child will benefit from.
The link is here:
meals/free-school-meals.aspx Alternatively, please contact the school office, we can apply on your behalf.

Governors’ Day in School

We are very fortunate to have a full Governing Body, with enthusiastic, committed governors. Last week they
spent a day in school, speaking to the children and staff, taking part in lessons and attending a School Council
meeting. It was lovely to be able to share our school day with them, and we were delighted to hear how much
they enjoyed it too.

Hitchin Boys and Hitchin Girls Admissions

In the past, Codicote has been in the fortunate position of families having a choice between mixed or single sex
education. Some parents will be aware that the admissions arrangements for Hitchin Boys and Hitchin Girls
changed this year, as a result of a case brought against their oversubscription criteria. It was not what either school
wanted, as they have always served their wider community including village schools. The link to the details of
the case brought is here:

When the admissions criteria were published, the schools did not receive any comments against these, because
parents and carers did not realise the impact this would have; no children (apart from siblings) living in Codicote
or Knebworth were given places at the school this year.

If this is something which concerns you, now, or for the future, parents can make an objection to the admission
arrangements of any school or academy to the Office of the School’s Adjudicator expressing the view that the
new rules mean that children in these villages no longer have the choice of a single sex education, which appears
to discriminate against them. This needs to be done as a matter of urgency, by 15 th May 2023. The link is here:
school/community-and-voluntary-controlled-school-admission-arrangements.aspx. Parents may also wish to
contact the governing bodies at the relevant schools to express their concerns.

As a school we are certainly not promoting any school over another, but believe that all children should have the
same choices, wherever they live.
There has been great excitement in the school with the arrival of five new ducklings, which have hatched in
Year 2. We cannot wait to start their swimming lessons!

School Expansion
The end is in sight! The internal re-decorations are now being completed and the flooring laid. Outside, the
landscaping is progressing quickly. We expect the building to be ready before half term, and are looking forward
to re-locating the new furniture which is stored all around the school! Progress has been slower on the new
playing field but we are all working hard to make sure the existing field is in a fit state for us to use it in the
summer, and into the winter months.

Children’s sporting success

The children have been really successful in a number of recent sporting events, including the Girls’ Football
Team. The team was only set up in September, and has had a great season, winning this week’s game against
Peartree Spring 4-0. The match was played in a fantastic spirit and we are really proud of them.

Outside school, the children have also had a lot to celebrate. Elena from Year 6 has had great success in Karate
and has been selected to represent England in the World Championships in July. We wish her every success in
the competition.

Amelia C, also from Year 6 has won a number of swimming titles throughout the year, and has now been
accepted by the top swimming club in Hertfordshire.

We were also delighted to hear that the team Jaz and Izaac from Year 6 play in won their
league at the weekend. They have been playing in the under 12’s Codicote Sharks Football
Team, alongside some of our former pupils now in Year 7. The team has reached the Cup
Final which will take place at Letchworth Stadium on 14 th May at 9.40 a.m. All are
welcome to cheer the team on.

We know how hard the children have worked to achieve these results – they commit a lot of time to training and
always try their best.

Multi Sports Breakfast Club

There are places available in the Multi Sports Club which takes place on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8.00 a.m.
to 8.50. a.m. for children in KS2. This is run by Stevenage Football Club, with the sessions led by one of our
former pupils, Lucas Murley; there is a charge for each session. Booking details are available here:
Please remember that I am always happy to discuss any issues with you. Thank you for reading this newsletter.

Yours sincerely,

Liz Pollard

Community News

idance – Attached to this newsletter is a copy of the idance timetable for dance classes,
which take place in the village.

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