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The most common races,

species, and genetics.

Table of contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
I. Human Race ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Survivor ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Vault Dweller .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Brotherhood of Steel ................................................................................................................................... 8
New California Republic ........................................................................................................................... 11
Enclave .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Tribal............................................................................................................................................................... 17
II. Mutants .................................................................................................................................................... 19
Ghoul .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Super Mutant .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Intelligent Deathclaw ................................................................................................................................ 24
III. Animals ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
Pet ................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Wild ................................................................................................................................................................. 28
IV. Robots .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Robobrain ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Eyebot ............................................................................................................................................................ 31
Protectron .................................................................................................................................................... 33
Mister Handy ............................................................................................................................................... 36
V. Synths ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
First Generation .......................................................................................................................................... 39
Second Generation .................................................................................................................................... 41
Third Generation ......................................................................................................................................... 43


Hi everyone,

My name is Piotr (Eng. Peter ) and I am GM (for over 20 years) and a huge fan of Fallout

I have collected here – in one place, in one document, the most popular and often used Origins.
This homebrew, pure fan-made supplement includes all official origins from Core Rulebook
(from Modiphius publisher), almost all other homebrewed Origins, which I have found, and a
few mine.

I adjusted and modified a little bit these Origins, but only for a good purpose (in my opinion).
Of course, these materials are only a guide, not a law. If you want, please use it, and if there is
a need, alter it whatever you desire.

I hope, it would be valuable and useful for some of you guys.


Piotr Sekrecki

February 2022

Special thanks to:

Devastatin' Dave (Devastatin' Dave#0157)

Aaron Strand (insertnamehere#9846)

from Fallout 2d20 Community Discord Server, for preparing these amazing logotypes on the
title page.

Neither the author(s) nor the content within is endorsed, sponsored, or affiliated with
Bethesda, ZeniMax Media, Modiphius Entertainment, or any FALLOUT franchise. The
FALLOUT® franchise and related logos are owned and a registered trademark of ZeniMax
Media Inc.

Any trademarked names are used in a fictional manner; no infringement is intended. This is a
work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or present, is purely
coincidental and unintentional except for those people and events described in an historical

I. Human Race

1. Attributes

4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your human character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a
rank of 5 . You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
No attribute may be increased above 10, although some other Origins may alter this
maximum for some attributes. You (as a human being) may reduce a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute
rank to 4, to gain a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume that
all your attributes have rank 4 and you have 12 free points to distribute.

2. Background

Your descendants survived a Great War. Their blood is your blood. Every day you are
struggling with this corrupted and ruined world. You are a real tough guy. You could be from
any number of small settlements, isolated shelters, or traveling groups that sparsely populate
the Wasteland from West Coast to East Coast. You could be from some of biggest cities – New
Vegas, SF, Chicago, NY, Washington. You could fight to protect others, calling a group of
survivors like the Minutemen or the Regulators your home. You could also be a merciless
raider or be born into one of these groups but escaped in order to rehabilitate and reform.

3. Traits

You may choose two of the following traits, or one trait and one additional perk. Each trait has
a benefit and may have an accompanying penalty.


Educated You have one additional tag skill. When you fail a skill test using a skill other
than a tag skill, the GM gains 1 AP.
Fast Shot If you take a second major action in combat, You cannot benefit from the Aim minor
and use it to make a ranged attack, the Action - you’re too impatient.
additional major action only costs 1 AP, no 2.
Gifted Choose two S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes and Your maximum number of Luck points is one
increase them by +1 each. fewer than your Luck attribute
Heavy Handed Your Melee Damage bonus increases by +1 CD Your melee and unarmed attacks suffer a
complication on a 19 or 20, not only on 20.
Small Frame You may re-roll 1d20 on all AGI tests which rely Your carry weight is 150 + (5 x STR) lbs., rather
on balance or contortion. than 150 + (10 x STR) lbs.

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook. There are no extra perks dedicated special
for you.

5. Variants and Equipment

You travel the wasteland as a hired gun, fighting or defending who pays. Sometimes the job is honest,
sometimes it’s messy, but when times are good you can afford to live by a code and only take the
upstanding jobs. Times aren’t always good. You receive the following equipment:
• Tough clothing
• A leather armor
• One melee weapon
• One ranged weapon
• 10 +5 CD rounds of ammunition for the chosen ranged weapon
• 15 caps

Might makes right in the wasteland. You take what you need from others and defend yourself from
anyone trying to do the same. Occasionally, you might band together with a few other like-minded folks
to take something none of you could’ve raided on your own, but mostly it’s everyone for themselves.
You receive the following equipment:
• Harness
• Raider armor
• One melee
• One ranged weapon
• 10 +5 CD rounds of ammunition for the chosen ranged weapon
• 1 dose of Jet or RadAway
• One Molotov cocktail or one Stimpak
• 15 caps

It’s not the easiest life in the wasteland, but given a bit of hard work, and help from a few neighbors, it’s
possible to carve out something like home. Maybe you’re a fighter and others rely on you for defense,
maybe you grow the food others rely on to survive, or maybe you’re good at fixing things, or have a
knack for getting people to cooperate. You receive the following equipment:
• Tough clothing
• One melee weapon
• 2 rolls on the random food table (see CRB p.202)
• One personal trinket
• 45 caps

You travel from settlement to settlement, a caravan of brahmin laden with supplies seeking to trade
with settlers and drifters alike. You’re ready for trouble—you can’t let yourself be too easy a target for
raiders—and often hire folks to help protect you and your wares. You receive the following equipment:
• Tough clothing
• A leather armor
• One ranged weapon
• One personal trinket.
• Wares: 3 rolls each on the ammunition, aid, and junk
• loot tables
• A pack brahmin (see Brahmin, CRB p.341)
• 50 caps

You travel from settlement to settlement, scavenging from the ruins of the old world and either using
what you find or selling it on for something more useful. You’ll take on odd jobs and day work where you
need to, but you’re not one to settle down. You receive the following equipment:
• Drifter outfit
• One unarmed or melee weapon
• One ranged weapon
• 1 dose of RadAway or Stimpak
• One personal trinket
• 30 caps

Vault Dweller

1. Attributes

4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your human character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a
rank of 5 . You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
No attribute may be increased above 10, although some other Origin may alter this maximum
for some attributes. You (as a human being) may reduce a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to
gain a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume that all your
attributes have rank 4 and you have 12 free points to distribute.

2. Background

When the bombs were falling, you or your predecessors were lucky enough to be safely
secured in one of the one hundred and twenty-two Vault-Tec facilities, deep underground
protected by thick blast doors and layers of rock and concrete. Your family either had enough
money to buy their space or were randomly selected to enter the vault to be saved from the
nuclear devastation above—perhaps only to be condemned to immoral experiments run by
Vault-Tec on unwitting participants. Whether through design or poor planning, many of the
vaults were not well stocked or prepared for the long wait until nuclear fallout had reached
safe levels outside, and many fell into disrepair or out of supplies. Due to these shortcomings,
many vault dwellers sought help from the surface, and many vaults opened in order to allow
supplies to reach them. By opening their vault doors, the isolated societies inside opened
themselves up to mixing with the survivors above, and established a permanent connection
with the surface—the most notable example being the residents of Vault 15, who split up and
went on to establish the settlement Shady Sands, as well as the raiding gangs of the Jackals,
Vipers, and Khans when
their vault opened.

3. Traits

You may choose one of the following traits, or one trait and one additional perk. Each trait has
a benefit and may have an accompanying penalty.


Vault Kid Your healthier start to life at the hands of You are totally unprepared to harsh live in The
trained doctors and sophisticated auto- Wasteland. Each CH based test has a Diff +1 for
docs means you reduce the difficulty of all you.
END tests to resist the effects of disease. In
addition, your carefully planned
upbringing means you have one
additional tag skill.
Ghoul Vault You may choose to have your vault You are ghoul. None of Vault Kid trait benefits are
Dweller dweller be a ghoul. You gain the Necrotic for you.
Post-Human trait instead of the Vault Kid
trait. You may choose one of
the Vault Dweller equipment packs
instead of one of the Wastelander ones.

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook. There are no extra perks dedicated special
for you.

5. Variants and Equipment

You—or one of your ancestors—chose to wait out the encroaching threat of atomic war in
safety and comfort. And you did, surviving in a fortified underground bunker through the
duration of the war. Of course, depending on the Vault you resided in, the experience may not
have been so safe or comfortable. You receive the following equipment:
• Vault jumpsuit
• Vault-Tec branded canteen containing 1 purified water
• Pip-Boy 2000
• Switchblade
• Colt 6520 10mm pistol with 6 +3 CD rounds of 10mm Auto ammunition
• 2 Stimpaks
• 10 caps

You were a Vault-Tec employee, or a Vault Dweller entrusted by the Overseer with
maintaining the Vault’s safety and security. Or you got into the weapons locker before you
escaped the Vault you lived in. You receive the following equipment:
• Vault jumpsuit
• Vault-Tec security armor
• Vault-Tec branded canteen containing 1 Purified Water
• Pip-Boy 3000
• Baton
• Colt 6520 10mm pistol with 8 +4 CD rounds of 10mm Auto ammunition
• 1 Stimpak

Brotherhood of Steel

1. Attributes

4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your human character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a
rank of 5 . You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
No attribute may be increased above 10, although some other Origin may alter this maximum
for some attributes. You (as a human being) may reduce a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to
gain a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume that all your
attributes have rank 4 and you have 12 free points to distribute.

2. Background

Born from the terrible revelations of the Mariposa Rebellion, Roger Maxson formed the
Brotherhood of Steel so that his people—and eventually the rest of the survivors in this new
world—would have something to believe in. With its own mythology, creed, and hierarchy, the
Brotherhood of Steel’s primary goal is the recovery and preservation of the technology of the
pre-war world. With the Great War disrupting humanity’s access to technology, the
Brotherhood’s knights and scribes do all they can to secure the technology of the past, for the
needs of future generations. You may be a descendant of a knight or paladin, born into the
Brotherhood and a firm believer of their doctrine, or you may be a new recruit, pledging
yourself to their cause and looking to rise through their ranks. Although the Brotherhood
share a common goal, their chapters across the wasteland can have different beliefs and
protocols, and they aren’t as unified as they seem from the outside. While the West Coast
Brotherhood of Steel warred with the New California Republic over reclamation of technology
and the NCR’s expansion efforts, the East Coast chapter was effectively isolated when it
prioritized charity over the exchange of technology and the preservation of pre-war
equipment. Elder Lyons’ mission became humanitarian, and while that earned them isolation
at first, Arthur Maxson led their expansion of influence from Washington D.C. to the entire
Eastern Seaboard, refocusing their efforts on technological recovery and development.

3. Traits


The Chain That You gain one additional Tag skill, As a member of the Brotherhood of Steel, you are
Binds which must be one of Energy bound by the chain of command. You must carry out
Weapons, Science, or Repair. the orders of your immediate superiors, and you are
responsible for your subordinate siblings.

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook, but also one extra perks is dedicated special
for you.

The Chain That Binds Us All

Ranks: 2
Requirements: Level 3
Each time you take this Perk, choose an appropriate branch of the Brotherhood. You have
made inroads and connections with that branch and gain the ability to spend 2 AP to call in
reinforcements from that branch once per adventure.

5. Variants and Equipment

The Lost Hills BoS

You represent a West Brotherhood of Steel. This oldest, from New California. You can also
come from one of the Mojave Wasteland outpost, e.g., from Hidden Valley.

Midwest BoS

In the Midwest, in an area that stretched from former Illinois to Kansas, there were territories
controlled by the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel, a faction that had lost all contact with
the West Coast Brotherhood of Steel nearly 80 years after the defeat of the Master. The bases
of the Midwest Brotherhood of Steel were: Bunker Alpha, Bunker Beta, Bunker Gamma,
Bunker Delta, Bunker Epsilon.

Texas BoS

After the death of John Maxson, Rhombus, the head of the Brotherhood's Paladins, became
the new High Elder. After the death of the Master, the Brotherhood of Steel helped the other
human outposts of New California drive the mutant armies away with minimal loss of life on
both sides of the conflict. However, a super mutant faction under the leadership of Attis
moved east and attempted to recreate the mutant army in Texas using the Secret Vault.
Rhombus, despite some criticism from the ruling council of the West Coast Brotherhood of
Steel, started a crusade against the still existent threat of the super mutant army, now led by
Attis. The Texan Brotherhood would prove successful in their quest, destroying Attis and his
army at the ghoul city of Los. The Brotherhood would later expand into Fort Worth and the

Citadel BoS

You are part of the East Brotherhood of Steel. You come from Capital Wasteland. The
Brotherhood's presence in the east suffered a further setback when Elder Lyons, head of the
Capital Wasteland division, refused a direct order from the Lost Hills Elder Council, confirming
their suspicions that he had gone rogue and was no longer pursuing the original mission. In
response, the Brotherhood completely shut off communications to Lyons' division and denied
them any reinforcements. The key blow to the organization came with the death of Owyn
Lyons circa 2278 and the loss of now-Elder Sarah Lyons later that same year. With the seat
of power emptied, the remaining Brotherhood members elected multiple ineffectual leaders.
The adolescent Squire Arthur Maxson matured into a capable warrior and tactician,
eventually securing a victory over Shepherd, the new warboss of the Capital Wasteland super
mutants, in 2282.

The Commonwealth BoS
Maxson negotiated a treaty with the Brotherhood Outcasts, bringing them back into the fold
and reforming the entire organization. While some members found this distasteful and left,
the overwhelming majority remained, proud to serve a refocused Brotherhood. Maxson
became leader of the Brotherhood's Eastern branch, effectively leading to its rebirth. The
Prydwen, a large airship, allowed them to send long-range recon teams to scout regions and
recover technologies. One of these, Recon Squad Gladius, was sent to the Commonwealth to
investigate the region after the disappearance of Recon Squad Artemis. Their findings
prompted the Brotherhood to deploy in the Commonwealth aboard the Prydwen and strike
against the Institute. Once they arrived, the Brotherhood conducted an air assault on the feral
ghouls occupying Boston Airport and established their main base of operations there.

The Appalachia BoS

Elizabeth Taggerdy was a military leader of Taggerdy's Thunder in Appalachia. Maxson
contacted her via a radio communicator and offered to make her organization a part of the
Brotherhood. Although Taggerdy was skeptical, Maxson outlined his plan to give her and her
men a new identity as members of the Brotherhood, as a way to return meaning to their lives,
combat the overwhelming depression that threatened to take what few survivors made it
through the nuclear fire, and to immunize them to the authority of any politicians that might
emerge from the vaults (or in Appalachia's case, the Whitespring Congressional Bunker) and
set fire to the world again. The new Appalachian Brotherhood had difficulties with fighting
the scorchbeasts. Taggerdy pleaded with Maxson to grant her team permission to use nuclear
weapons against the scorchbeasts but was forbidden by him because he found the concept
of using nuclear weapons, even to help fight the scorchbeasts, to be too morally abhorrent
after their world was destroyed by nukes. In the end, Taggerdy and her crew were slaughtered
by the monsters, with Maxson not knowing because their communicator became cut off.
Taggerdy died in early 2095. In an attempt to find out what happened to the Appalachian
Brotherhood, Maxson sent the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force, led by Leila Rahmani
and Daniel Shin. They arrived in West Virginia by 2103.


You are a new recruit to the Brotherhood of Steel training to fight the Brotherhood’s battles.
You aspire to become a Knight of the Brotherhood, to be entrusted with mighty Power Armor,
weapons, and other advanced technology to preserve human knowledge and civilization. You
receive the following equipment:
• Brotherhood fatigues and Brotherhood hood
• Combat knife
• Laser pistol and 10 +5 CD fusion cells
• Brotherhood holotags containing identifying information


One of the Brotherhood’s best and brightest, your life is dedicated to researching science and
technology in order to preserve that knowledge, keeping records to ensure history is not
forgotten, and to maintaining and improving the weapons, armor, and vehicles of the
Brotherhood. While not as combat ready as others in the Brotherhood, sometimes your duties
require venturing into the field. You receive the following equipment:
• Brotherhood Field Scribe’s armor
• Combat knife
• Laser pistol and 6 +3 CD fusion cells or a 10mm pistol with 6+3 CD rounds of 10mm
• Brotherhood holotags containing identifying information

New California Republic

1. Attributes

4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your human character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a
rank of 5 . You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
No attribute may be increased above 10, although some other Origin may alter this maximum
for some attributes. You (as a human being) may reduce a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to
gain a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume that all your
attributes have rank 4 and you have 12 free points to distribute.

2. Background

NCR is the greatest nation of post-war era. You extend your territory each year. It isn't only
California right now, but much more. US will be strong again and you will help achieve this
goal. As one of the few true nations to rise out of the ashes of atomic annihilation, the NCR
stands a notch above the scattered city-states, raider gangs, and many of the other factions
that dot the wastes. As a citizen of the NCR, you are used to a higher standard of living than
most wastelanders. The Army provides you with a stable supply of food and clean water and
a bunk to rest your head at night, items which are hot commodities to many wastelanders. A
steady stream of munitions is also supplied to servicemen and women, especially those in
dangerous areas. For those living within its borders, the NCR is generally well-regarded and
beloved. Reaching out even far away from the cities of California, those on favorable terms
with the NCR may give you special benefits due to your faction affiliation.

3. Traits


Strength of Due to their organization, the NCR can Many factions, from bands of raiders to gangs
The Bear maintain extensive supply lines stemming such as the Powder Gangers, to scattered towns
from its core out to its frontier territories, on the frontier, to factions such as the Legion
making sure the military is stocked with what may treat you differently thanks to your status
they need. In dire circumstances, you may use in the NCR, anywhere from racking up prices by
your radio to call in a supply drop. When a few caps, to attempting to murder you (and
scavenging for loot, you may use CHA + Speech your associates) on sight.
instead of PER + Survival.

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook, but also some extra perks are dedicated
special for you.

Ranger Discipline
Ranks: 2
Requirements: Level 5+
At Rank 1, you have successfully completed your Ranger training and joined the NCR’s Finest.
You receive an additional tag skill from the following list: Small Guns, Big Guns, Energy
Weapons, Unarmed, Melee, Explosives, Survival, Speech, or Sneak. In addition, your position
commands respect from normal NCR soldiers, who may assist you in battle if nearby. At Rank
2, you have risen above the other members of the Ranger Corps and become one of the most
formidable foes in the Wastes. Your very presence strikes fear into the hearts of many, and
your training is unmatched. When rolling to intimidate someone, you may roll an additional
d20. In addition, you may re-roll 2d20 dices per combat encounter. Each time you take this
perk, the level requirement increases by 5.

Combat Medic
Ranks: 1
Requirements: None
You have been trained to administer first aid effectively and quickly during combat and other
dangerous situations. You may use First Aid as a Minor Action instead of a Major Action. In
addition, once per day you can lower the difficulty of treating an injury by 1, to a min of 0.

Sneering Imperialist
Ranks: 3
Requirements: Level 2+
You don’t take too kindly to raiders, junkies, or tribals trying to “settle” or “stay alive” in
civilized lands. For each rank of this perk taken, you gain 1 additional combat die to attacks
directed at tribals, raiders, or chem junkies. Each time you take this perk, the level requirement
increases by 4.

Trained Survivalist
Ranks: 3
Requirements: Level 1+
Your scout training has given you extensive knowledge on how to survive in the unforgiving
wilds of the Wasteland. For each rank of this perk you take, you make a Survival check to
forage/scavenge for food and clean water, track a creature or humanoid, or search for shelter,
you may roll an additional 1d20 for the check. Each time you take this perk, the level
requirement increases by 5.

5. Variants and Equipment

A standard foot soldier of the New California Republic. You could be assigned to a variety of
tasks, such as patrolling the wasteland. You receive the following equipment:
• Assault Rifle and 2d20 ammunition
• NCR Trooper Armor
• Military canteen containing 1 purified water,
• NCR Dog Tags,
• Handheld radio,
• Personal trinket

Medics are medical professionals enlisted by the NCR, and are responsible for treating injured
troops, both at the base and on the battlefield. They have been trained to effectively
administer medical aid in chaotic combat situations. You receive the following equipment:
• NCR Trooper Armor
• 5 Stimpaks,
• First
• Aid Kit,
• SMG and 2d20 ammunition
• NCR Dog Tags,
• Handheld radio,
• Personal trinket

Becoming a Ranger of the NCR is no easy task. You must be a great soldier of the NCR, of any
branch of service, who has distinguished themselves in the service of the Republic. Such
distinction can vary based on circumstance and branch, and it is up to your Overseer to decide
what acts may qualify you for becoming a Ranger. Remember – NCR Ranger is the elite. You
receive the following equipment:
• NCR Ranger Armor
• Sniper rifle and 10+3 CD ammunition
• Revolver and 12+3 CD ammunition
• NCR Beret,
• NCR Dog Tags,
• Handheld radio
• Personal trinket


1. Attributes

4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your human character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a
rank of 5 . You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
No attribute may be increased above 10, although some other Origin may alter this maximum
for some attributes. You (as a human being) may reduce a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to
gain a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume that all your
attributes have rank 4 and you have 12 free points to distribute.

2. Background

The Enclave was comprised of members of the government, Joint Chiefs, and successful
scientists. Research initiatives of the entity included those centered on power armor,
rocketry, and energy weapon prototypes. During the Resource Wars, members of the Enclave
made contingency plans in case of nuclear war, included securing installations such as the
presidential oil rig and congressional bunker. In March 2077, the president of the United
States retreated to the oil rig, resulting in news outlets such as the Boston Bugle reporting the
action "giving credence to the long-running rumors of a secret, militarized shadow
government, known as the Enclave.

3. Traits

You may choose one of the following traits. Each trait has a benefit and may have an
accompanying penalty.


Democracy is Non- You are devoted member of Enclave. You have an You have two Luck Points less on
Negotiable idealistic view of America and a negative view of the beginning.
anyone who isn’t a human, and that’s even stretching
it Due to elite military training, you start with 2
additional Tag Skills.
Patriot Despite the many defeats, you still follow the orders No extra tag skills.
of the main enclave. No bonus tag skill, instead you
will receive an emergency transponder that can
call a vertibird assault team to Aid you when the
situation looks dire (GM determines when they arrive).
Once it is used it will take a completion of another
order to be usable again.
Hunted You are a member of a major splinter group that no There are people in the wasteland,
longer follows orders from the remains of the Enclave on both sides of karma’s coin, that
leadership. You gain one extra Tag Skill (Energy want you dead. Enclave itself
Weapon, Science or Speech). hunting renegades who have lost
the faith, BoS assassins, bounty
hunters, or victims from a bloody
purge. There is always a target on
your back that you can feel far too

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook, but also some extra perks are dedicated
special for you.

Your Ride's Over Mutie

Ranks: 3
Requirements: Level 1+
You truly hate muts. Add a combat die to damage per rank when fighting mutated creatures.
Each time you take this perk, the level requirement increases by 5

Sergeant’s apprentice
Ranks: 2
Requirements: CH 8
You can Re-roll d20 when intimidating someone. Second rank allows you to intimidate people
to listen to your commands, even they are inconsistent.

Ranks: 1
Requirements: Medicine tagged
Due to the extensive knowledge of human biology, you are able to heal people much easier
than most. You can reduce the difficulty of treating an injury on a human by 1 (to minimum 0).
First aid becomes a Minor action instead of a Major one.

What a hell of a way to die

Ranks: 1
Requirements: Level 10
When you cripple a limb, it becomes severed, unable to be treated and doubles the penalty. If
it was a headshot, it is an instant kill.

Ranks: 1
Requirements: IN 6
You can spend 1 AP for knowledge of prewar America pertinent to the location or situation
you are in.

Shock and awe

Ranks: 1
Requirements: None
Explosives gain similar Vicious effect but gain +2 to damage instead of +1.

5. Variants and Equipment

Appalachia Contingent

During the Great War, government officials fled to the Appalachian bunker. Those who were
members of the Enclave were allowed entrance and those who were not were killed. The
military locked Enclave members out of their systems, and the bunker was unable to reach
Raven Rock or Poseidon locations by radio. Without the ability to contact the president or
Raven Rock, the leadership of the Appalachian Enclave fell to the Secretary of Agriculture
Thomas Eckhart after the death of the Secretaries of the Interior and Treasury.

West Coast Contingent

Led by President Dick Richardson and Vice President Daniel Bird, the Enclave contingent on
the West Coast of the former United States established facilities in addition to the oil rig, such
as the Camp Navarro military base. With a limited range, vertibirds were able to refuel at the
isolated Navarro location. Enclave Control Company maintained perimeter defense of the
facility. Additional outposts were located throughout the former state of California.
Specialized units such as the Secret Service were tasked with protecting specific interests.

East Coast Contingent

The Enclave forces on the eastern seaboard were focused on locations such as the Adams Air
Force Base and Raven Rock. Following the fall of the contingent on the west coast, President
John Henry Eden took office, next in the line of succession. Under his leadership, patrols
monitor civilian behavior through a system of checkpoints. President Eden can be heard
broadcasting on Enclave Radio throughout the region.

Your role is investigating and experiment. You are really smart guy, but you prefer a cozy lab
than battlefield. You receive the following equipment:
• Lab Coat
• Hazmat suit
• Plasma gun with 10 ammo
• 2 stimpacks
• Enclave dogtags
• 20 Caps

True fighter. You were trained to struggle and defeat all enemy of US and Enclave. You have
to protect all “decent” people. You receive the following equipment:
• Military Fatigues
• Combat armor
• Battle rifle with 20 + 3d6 ammo
• Plasma gun with 10 ammo
• Combat knife
• 2 Stimpaks
• Enclave dogtags


1. Attributes

4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your human character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a
rank of 5 . You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
No attribute may be increased above 10, although some other Origin may alter this maximum
for some attributes. You (as a human being) may reduce a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to
gain a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume that all your
attributes have rank 4 and you have 12 free points to distribute.

2. Background

You live off the land, like your ancestors, and their ancestors before them. The world is full of
invisible and powerful spirits that will grant blessings to those who appease them - and strike
ruin on those who defy them. To you, there is no differentiation between “religion” and
“observation”: Creation is a work of incalculable complexity and beauty and must be treated
with awe and reverence. Your gods and spirits may be primal beings of nature, they may be
bobble-headed animal-men who communicate through tinny speakers, a great dragon coiled
around a windmill whose arms spin to block a tiny hole in the base. There are a thousand
spirits for every human. Outsiders look down on you and say your beliefs are silly
superstitions, and then they constantly fail at everything just like the impious people before
the Great War, while here you are with the blessing of the gods and doing just fine.

3. Traits


Tribal Society You raised in specific ecosystem - forest, Work with the GM to pick a hindering tradition -- a
desert, coast, mountains or a very behavior or belief that is perfectly normal among
specific type of man-made place your tribe but may be weird to outsiders and can
(hospital, subway station, library). You make trouble for you. This could be something like
are intimately familiar with that type of “the bone in my nose is haunted by the ghost of my
environment and the spiritual channels grandfather”, “I must speak and move like the King
that flow through it. You reduce the Presley”, ”, “pre-War buildings are profane and can
difficulty of Survival tests in that only be entered after spiritual cleansing”. Something
environment (except those to resist that will cause obstructions and lost opportunities
death or disease) by 1, to a minimum of 0. from time to time, make problems for you, but isn’t

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook, but also one extra perk is dedicated special
for you.

Ranks: 2
Requirements: Level 2, CH 6, LC 7
As a shaman you may seek the guidance and wisdom of the spiritual world. With a dose of
Voodoo, Punga, or other appropriate psychedelic, you and up to nine others may embark on a
vision quest, once per adventure. (There is no risk of addiction; you know how to properly
administer the drug for religious purposes.) This vision quest will assail you all with four hours
of hallucinations that seem to reflect the future, the past, and your darkest fears. The GM may
choose to describe the visions, have each player give a short summary of what they see, or
just leave it to your imaginations. At the end each participant may roll LC+Survival. If
succeeded, regains one Luck Point.

Variants and Equipment

You are warden and keeper. Your mission is assuring a safety of the community. You live for
that. You receive the following equipment:
• Spike armor
• One melee weapon
• 1 purified water
• 2 mutfruits
• 3 dozes of crude drugs

You are spiritual guide and advisor. Yours the most important mission is saving and
developing the community. You receive the following equipment:
• Robe
• One melee weapon
• 1 purified water
• 1 alcohol
• 5 mutfruits
• 5 dozes of crude drugs

II. Mutants

1. Attributes

4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your Ghoul character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a
rank of 5 . You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
No attribute may be increased above 10, although some other Origin may alter this maximum
for some attributes. You (as a Ghoul) may reduce a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to gain a
point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume that all your attributes
have rank 4 and you have 12 free points to distribute.

2. Background

Prolonged exposure to the effects of background gamma radiation—part of the fallout of the
Great War—can spontaneously mutate humans. You are one of those mutants. Either slowly,
or strangely spontaneously, your body changed into that of a rotting, living corpse. You no
longer age the same way and appear unaffected by radiation. Your skin peels
from your flesh but seems to be sustained by your mutated metabolism. You are a “ghoul”—a
necrotic post-human—one of many rag-tag survivors who weren’t lucky enough to
get into a Vault-Tec facility. You may have been born after the war, and over time developed
the necrotic mutation. You may have come from Vault 12 in Bakersfield (known as Necropolis),
California, whose vault door did not close, exposing the population to the radiation from
outside. You may have taken refuge in a ghoul settlement, like Gecko on the west, Underworld
in the Capital Wasteland, The Slog or Goodneighbor in the Commonwealth and have ventured
out recently to explore, scavenge, and survive. Civilized ghouls, such as yourself, also fear a
possible degeneration into a frenzied, feral nature. Feral ghouls are necrotic mutants like
yourself who have lost higher brain functions, and reverted to a primal, violent state. They
attack non-ghouls indiscriminately to defend their territory or feed. Whether this loss of
reason is due to acute levels of radiation or the inevitable outcome of the mutation, you’re
not sure, and that makes it all the more terrifying. You age at a much-decreased rate, and
you’re probably older than your unmutated companions—you may even have survived the
Great War of 2077—but you’re sterile: “the first generation of ghouls is the last” as the saying
goes. You may face discrimination from “smoothskins” (humans who aren’t ghouls), increasing
the difficulty or complication range of Charisma tests depending on your opponent’s beliefs.

3. Traits


Necrotic You are immune to radiation damage. In fact, you’re The difficulty or complication
Post-Human healed by it—you regain 1 HP for every 3 points of range of Charisma tests depending
radiation damage inflicted upon you, and if you rest in on your opponent’s beliefs.
an irradiated location, you may re-roll your dice pool
when checking if your injuries heal. In addition, Survival
becomes a Tag skill, increasing it by 2 ranks.

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook and one extra perk is dedicated special for

Ranks: 2
Requirements: EN 5, Level 1+
Water is your place. At rank 1, irradiated water heals twice as much HP as normal, and you
can hold your breath for twice as long as normal. At rank 2, each skill test performed in
water, has -1 to Difficulty. Each time you take this perk, the level requirement increases by

5. Variants and Equipment

You travel the wasteland as a hired gun, fighting or defending who pays. Sometimes the job is
honest, sometimes it’s messy, but when times are good you can afford to live by a code and
only take the upstanding jobs. Times aren’t always good. You receive the following equipment:
• Tough clothing
• A leather armor
• One melee weapon
• One ranged weapon
• 10 +5 CD rounds of ammunition for the chosen ranged weapon
• 15 caps

It’s not the easiest life in the wasteland, but given a bit of hard work, and help from a few
neighbors, it’s possible to carve out something like home. Maybe you’re a fighter and others
rely on you for defense, maybe you grow the food others rely on to survive, or maybe you’re
good at fixing things, or have a knack for getting people to cooperate. You receive the
following equipment:
• Tough clothing
• One melee weapon
• 2 rolls on the random food table (see CRB p.202)
• One personal trinket
• 45 caps

You travel from settlement to settlement, a caravan of brahmin laden with supplies seeking
to trade with settlers and drifters alike. You’re ready for trouble—you can’t let yourself be too
easy a target for raiders—and often hire folks to help protect you and your wares. You receive
the following equipment:
• Tough clothing
• A leather armor
• One ranged weapon
• One personal trinket.
• Wares: 3 rolls each on the ammunition, aid, and junk
• loot tables
• A pack brahmin (see Brahmin, CRB p.341)
• 50 caps

Super Mutant

1. Attributes

7-12 4-10 7-12 4-6 4-6 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your Super Mutant character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts
with a rank of 5, except STR and END – these two start with a rank of 7 . You have 5 points to
spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent increases a single attribute by 1. Use
these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. Some attributes are increased above
10, due to your Origin. Some attributes cannot reach 10, due to your Origin. You (as a Super
Mutant) may reduce a some S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to gain a point to spend on
another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume after decreasing your allowed attributes to
rank 4, you have 10 free points to distribute.

2. Background

You are a brutal, mutated human, forced to evolve from thoughtless experiments by the
twisted science of the pre- and post-war world. Infected with the Forced Evolutionary Virus
(F.E.V.), your body has mutated into a tall, muscular killing machine, filled with a rage. You could
have originated from the Master’s Army at the Mariposa military base, California, created as
he experimented on unwilling human victims, splitting into one of the factions upon his death
to attack or rebuild the wasteland with its survivors. Your origins could be rooted in the
Evolutionary Experimentation Program of Vault 87, whose super mutant groups terrorize the
Capital Wasteland. You could have been abducted from the Commonwealth and exposed to
the F.E.V. by the Institute and disposed of back into the wasteland to fend for yourself in small
bands of raiders. Or finally, you could have been a resident of Huntersville, Appalachia, whose
water supply was contaminated with the virus and the mutations went unchecked. Although
these super mutants share the same qualities, the groups formed from the three strains
haven’t mixed, and there is little evidence they have met one another. While some groups
have migrated or moved in their lifetime, none have travelled far enough to encounter one
another, so where your quests take place will likely dictate your origin. You stand over seven
feet tall, and your body is bulky and muscular. Your skin is green, yellow, blue, brown, or grey,
regardless of strain. You do not seem to age, but you are sterile. You can only wear armor
which has been made to fit a super mutant.

3. Traits

You may choose one of the following traits, or one trait and one additional perk. Each trait has
a benefit and may have an accompanying penalty.
Forced Your initial Strength and Endurance attributes Your maximum Intelligence and Charisma are both
Evolution are increased by +2 each, and your maximum reduced to 6.
Strength and Endurance are increased to 12.
You are completely immune to radiation and
poison damage.
The You were among the cream of the crop of the Your brain was not significantly altered by the
Master’s Unity’s Super Mutants, handpicked by the mutation process. Your IN and CH are capped at 8
Chosen Master to serve as his personal bodyguards. instead of the normal 6, but you have only 2 Tag
You share many traits with your Super Mutant Skills and one pf them is Sneak. Your stealth training
brethren. Like normal Super Mutants, your ST has stayed with you, and you are an expert at hiding
and EN is raised to 12, and you are immune to in the shadows. You have schizophrenia and
Radiation and Poison damage. dissociative identity disorder diseases (to discuss
with MG).

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook, but also one extra perks are dedicated
special for you.

Covert Ops
Ranks: 2
Requirements: Level 4+
Your extensive use of Stealth Boys has made their effects more potent. Whenever you use a
Stealth Boy, it’s effects last for twice as long as normal, up to a maximum of 4x the normal
length. Each time you take this perk, the level cap rises by 4.

Variants and Equipment

The Master’s Army

Super mutants derived from FEV-II at Mariposa Military Base. They are the creations of the
Master, who believes that the differences that led to the Great War could be overcome
through the forced evolution of humanity. The Master's army of super mutants (Unity) plans
to conquer the wasteland and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity by mutating those
worthy of joining and sterilizing those who refuse (unaware of their own sterility). Although
ultimately defeated by the Vault Dweller, who destroys Mariposa Military Base and eliminates
the Master, the super mutants survived and represent a variety of attitudes. Deprived of their
Creator and his Lieutenant, the mutants divided into at least three factions. One of them, led
by the Brotherhood Paladin, called Gammorin, decided to leave California to find a place for
himself somewhere in the east (they stayed on Midwest). Another, led by Attis, wanted to
continue the Master's work, rebuild the army, and dominate again (they stayed in Texas). And
some of them, stayed in California and settled in Broken Hills or Jacobstown. One important
thing - you are greenskin.


Nightkin were warriors in the Master's super mutant army. When the Master's super mutant
army was defeated in 2162, many began wandering the wasteland. The Nightkin, like many
other mutants that came from the East Coast, were engineered by the Master at Mariposa
Military Base. An elite breed of Super Mutants, the Nightkin formed the upper echelons of the
Unity, often serving as assassins or guardians of the Cathedral, equipped with Stealth Boys in
order to maximize their efficiency. After the death of the Master and the subsequent
destruction of the Unity, the Nightkin, like their fellow Super Mutants, scattered in many
directions. Many fled west, into the Mojave and beyond. Others fled north, into the remains
of Oregon or Washington. Over a century since the death of the Master, many problems have
risen for the Nightkin. The prolonged use of Stealth Boys have caused many side effects. The
most glaring of such effects are the development of numerous mental instabilities among
surviving Nightkin, including schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder. Your skin is grey

Capital Wasteland Lords

These strain of Super mutants derived from the Evolutionary Experimentation Program (EEP),
an FEV derivative used at Vault 87. These mutants are invariably hostile, borderline feral, and
completely asexual. They act as hostile creatures barely capable of speech or coherent social
organization but are considered a major threat by the Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel, which has
engaged them in a war of attrition for nearly two decades by the time the game starts.
Uniquely, these super mutants never seem to stop growing and ancient, gigantic mutants

called behemoths can be encountered. Centaurs are common companions of the super
mutants, another hideous effect of EEP mutation. You are yellowskin.

Institute’s Children

Commonwealth’s Super mutants are created by the Institute using an FEV sample acquired
through clandestine means. These mutants are the byproduct of its research into generation
3 synths, dumped into the Commonwealth. They are somewhat intelligent, forming unique
tribes and representing a variety of mostly hostile attitudes. They are commonly
accompanied by other FEV creations, such as mutant hounds. Also, Behemoths are among
them. Your skin is green brown.

Appalachia Strain

Super mutants from Appalachia are derived from FEV experiments at the West Tek research
center in Appalachia, including mass exposure of the denizens of Huntersville and infection of
survivors by the Enclave under orders from President Thomas Eckhart, in a desperate bid to
increase the DEFCON rating and gain access to the region's missile weapons. Widespread,
violent, and hostile, these super mutants have a major presence in the region and are a
common enemy for factions that inhabited Appalachia in the past (Responders and
Taggerdy's Brotherhood) and those who have returned to it after the Scorched Plague - most
importantly the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force under Paladin Leila Rahmani. Like
before, they are accompanied by similarly mutated hounds and floaters. Behemoths also
make a return. You are greenskin.

You’re big, tough, and more than capable of surviving in the wasteland with little more than
brute force and determination.
You receive the following equipment:
• Raider armor
• A pipe rifle, and 6 +3 CD rounds of .38 ammunition
• A one melee weapon
• A personal trinket
• 5 caps

You’re bigger and tougher than most of your fellow mutants, but only because you know the
secret of getting better punchier gear.
You receive the following equipment:
• Raider armor
• Heavy bolt-action pipe rifle, and 8 +4 CD rounds of .308 ammunition
• A melee weapon
• A personal trinket
• 5 caps

You are shadow, silent shine, you are the finest one. You can be, whoever you want. The
Master designated you. You receive the following equipment:
• Robe
• Stealth Boy
• Unarmed weapon

Intelligent Deathclaw

1. Attributes

8-13 4-10 8-13 4-4 4-8 4-10 4-4

At the beginning of creating your Deathclaw character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts
with a rank of 5, except STR and END – these two start with a rank of 8 . You have 5 points to
spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent increases a single attribute by 1. Use
these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. Some attributes are increased above
10, due to your Origin. Some attributes cannot reach 10, due to your Origin. You (as an
Intelligent Deathclaw) may reduce a some S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes rank to 4, to gain a point to
spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume after decreasing your allowed
attributes to rank 4, you have 10 free points to distribute.

2. Background

In 2235, the Enclave captured deathclaws and exposed them to FEV. This boosted their
intelligence and gave them the ability to talk with varying degrees of articulation. While the
Enclave hoped that the deathclaws would be intelligent enough to obey orders without
question, the Enclave's deathclaws doubted the morality of their masters. Although they
stormed Vault 13 in 2242 and kidnapped the population with the Enclave, they later
abandoned them and adopted the now-empty Vault as their new home under the leadership
of Gruthar. Several humans from the surrounding area moved into the Vault to live under the
protection of the deathclaws, but not all were pleased with these new neighbors. This
subspecies was intelligent for deathclaws, about the equivalent of an eight-year-old, with
some individuals on par with average adult humans. Their learning capacity was very high, and
they were capable of abstract thought and reasoning. Although they did not have vocal cords,
the deathclaws seemed to mimic human speech similar to a parrot. Socially, they had rigidly
hierarchical, , and pack-based ethical code. They were extremely loyal to the pack as a whole,
treating it as a family unit rather than having individual families. Fights within a pack are
unheard of, and the pack's leader controls many aspects of life, such as choosing and
matching female and male deathclaws for reproduction.

3. Traits


Deadly Intelligence ST and EN have bonus +3. You have Due to your immense size, your Defense is locked to
Physical and Energy DR equals 2 (on being 1. You can also only wear armor that has been
all locations). Unarmed Skill is tagged made to fit a Deathclaw. You cannot not have more
for free. You are immune to radiation than 4 points in CH and LC attributes. If you are not
and receive +1 more HP per level. You adequately disguised (such as wearing a loose robe),
are capable of lifting and throwing Humans will more than likely shoot you on sight or
large objects (e.g., cars). Thanks to go running screaming in the opposite direction.
your keen senses, you reduce the diff Your torso is a weak spot. If an attacker chooses to
of all PE tests by 1 to a min of 0. target your torso specifically (i.e., not targeted due
to random chance) then their damage ignores your
natural Damage Resistance.

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook (in theory), but not all will fit you (it’s MG
discretion). Also, some extra perks are dedicated special for you.

Alarming Presence
Ranks: 2
Requirements: ST 7, CH 4, Level 3+
When you make an Unarmed test to threaten or scare someone, you may re-roll 1d20. At rank
2, you may use a major action in combat to threaten an enemy within Medium range, using a
STR + Unarmed test with a difficulty of 2. If you succeed, that enemy must move away from
you during their next turn (though they can take any other actions they wish). Each time you
take this perk, the level requirement increases by 5.

Ranks: 1
Requirements: ST 11, EN 11, Level 8
You have truly become an apex predator. You now only suffer a Critical Hit if an attack inflicts
7+ damage (after damage resistance) in a single hit, rather than the normal 5+. This stacks with
the Adamantium Skeleton perk. You also now gain +3 HP per level instead of +1. In addition,
both Intelligent and Non-Intelligent Deathclaw will consider you a peer worthy of respect.
They will not actively attack you or your allies unless you attack them first.

Ranks: 1
Requirements: None
Your hide is capable of displaying vibrant colors based on your mood and activity. As a free
action, you may change your hide’s color.

Glowing One
Ranks: 3
Requirements: EN 10, Level 5+
Exposure to extreme levels of radiation has left you glowing green in the dark. In addition to
providing light within Close Range, you inflict 2 Combat Dice of Radiation damage to anyone
(including allies) within Reach, and your unarmed attacks gain the Radioactive damage effect.
Each rank in this perk increases the Radiation damage per Effect rolled by +1. At Rank 3, you
inflict Radiation damage to anyone (including allies) within Close Range. Each time you take
this perk, the level requirement increases by 5.

Nimble Claws
Ranks: 1
Requirements: AG 9, Level 3
After many hours spent practicing, you are able to finely manipulate your claws to
approximate the range of a normal human’s. If you are a Brawns variant, you may now
perform tasks requiring fine motor control, as well as begin to put ranks into the Lockpick,
Medicine, Pilot, Repair, and Science Skills. However, the complication range for these skills is
increased by 2 (18-20). If you are a Brains variant, then your complication range increase is
removed completely.

Ranks: 1
Requirements: EN 8, Level 7
Similar to the Glowing One Perk, consumption and/or exposure to copious amounts of Nuka
Cola Quantum has left you glowing blue in the dark. In addition to providing light within Close
Range, you are now immune to Poison and may roll one less Combat Die when determining if
you become addicted to chems, to a minimum of 0.

Rending Strike
Ranks: 1
Requirements: ST 10, Level 2
You are capable of delivering a lethal blow more easily with your claws. You may increase the
Difficulty of an unarmed attack by +1. If successful, the attack’s damage increases by +2
Combat Dice.

5. Variants and Equipment


You are muscles. You cannot have any ranks in Lockpick, Medicine, Pilot, Repair, or Science
due to having inhuman claws for hands that you only know how to use for slashing/mauling.
You receive the following equipment:
• Loose robe
• A sack
• 3 CD portions of food


You are thinker. Thanks to practice with your claws, you can take ranks in Lockpick, Medicine,
Pilot, Repair, and Science (up to the limit of 4). However, the complication range for these skills
is increased by 2 (18-20). You receive the following equipment:
• Loose robe
• A sack
• 2 CD portions of food

III. Animals

1. Attributes

4-6 4-10 4-10 4-6 4-6 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your animal character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a
rank of 5. You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
Some attributes are increased above 10, due to your Origin. Some attributes cannot reach 10,
due to your Origin. You (as a pet) may reduce a some S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to gain a
point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume after decreasing your
allowed attributes to rank 4, you have 12 free points to distribute.

2. Background

You are domestic animal, often the man’s best friend. You can be a dog, cat, or something
more exotic – for example a monitor lizard. You are quite smart (as an animal standards) and
you can understand many things.

3. Traits


Beastie You are animal, maybe dog, cat, coyote or even a lizard (this Due to this you cannot speak and
pleasant one). Your only weapon is your body - teeth, claws, tail. grip, so many Skills are out of your
You have keen senses - can detect creatures or objects which reach. You can wear only a special
characters normally cannot, and they reduce the difficulty of all designed (for you) armor. Your max
other PE tests by 1. You have Poison DR +1. Many skills are Carry Weight is 100 lbs.
unavailable for you; therefore, you can raise these available to
rank of 4 at the beginning.

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook (in theory), but not all will fit you (it’s MG
discretion). Also, one extra perk is dedicated special for you.

Lucky Dog
Ranks: 1
Requirements: None
Surviving in the Wasteland is not a simple thing. Especially for such small animal like you. You
are really a lucky "dog". Your LP pool can be higher (2 points above your Luck attribute max).
You also gain +1 LP extra during character creation.

5. Variants and Equipment

You don't need too many things to survive. And you certainly do not need material things. The
rest - you can find, hunt, or acquire in some other way.


1. Attributes

4-6 4-10 4-10 4-4 4-6 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your animal character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a
rank of 5. You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
Some attributes are increased above 10, due to your Origin. Some attributes cannot reach 10,
due to your Origin. You (as a wild animal) may reduce a some S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4,
to gain a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume after decreasing
your allowed attributes to rank 4, you have 12 free points to distribute.

2. Background

You are wild animal, comes from virgin territory. You can be a coyote, wolf, or racoon. You are
very watchful and suspicious, and, for sure, you aren’t stupid. Stupidity kills, and you don’t
want to die.

3. Traits


Beastie You are animal, maybe dog, cat, coyote or even a lizard (this Due to this you cannot speak and
pleasant one). Your only weapon is your body - teeth, claws, tail. grip, so many Skills are out of your
You have keen senses - can detect creatures or objects which reach. You can wear only a special
characters normally cannot, and they reduce the difficulty of all designed (for you) armor. Your max
other PE tests by 1. You have Poison DR +1. Many skills are Carry Weight is 100 lbs.
unavailable for you; therefore, you can raise these available to
rank of 4 at the beginning.

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook (in theory), but not all will fit you (it’s MG
discretion). Also, one extra perk is dedicated special for you.

Sneaking bastard
Ranks: 1
Requirements: None
You are very skilled in being undetected. All your Sneak based tests are much easier (-2
Difficulty, to minimum of 0). Sneak attack inflicts more damage (+1 CD) and always is Vicious.

5. Variants and Equipment

You don't need too many things to survive. And you certainly do not need material things. The
rest - you can find, hunt, or acquire in some other way.

IV. Robots

1. Attributes

4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your robot character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a
rank of 5. You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
Some attributes are increased above 10, due to your Origin. Some attributes cannot reach 10,
due to your Origin. You (as a Robobrain) may reduce a some S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to
gain a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume after decreasing
your allowed attributes to rank 4, you have 12 free points to distribute.

2. Background

Developed by General Atomics International with the assistance of RobCo Industries, the
Robobrain was designed from the ground up as a multirole platform for use by military and
civilian clients. They are more flexible and powerful than robots due to the fact that their
central control and processing unit is an actual brain, rather than an artificial facsimile.
Coupled with a robust, all-terrain tracked chassis and powerful armaments, the Robobrain
was on the forefront of a new revolution in combat robotics.

3. Traits


Robobrain You are immune to radiation and poison. You cannot use chems. You can regain HP only
Robot Outfitted with targeting systems, so when by Repair. You have a weak spot - if hit in the
taking the Aim action, may re-roll 2d20 instead head, the attacker gains the stun quality
of 1d20 on the attack roll. You are equipped in against the Robobrain
Standard plating (2 Physical DR on all locations)

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook. No extra perks are dedicated special for you.

5. Variants and Equipment

An ordinary, hard-working robot. Any job and effort aren’t challenge for you. You receive the
following equipment:
• Choose two of the following mods: Behavioral analysis mod, Diagnosis mod, Hacking
module, Hazard detection mod
• 2 Robot repair kit
• Colt 6520 10mm pistol and 8+4CD ammo
• 10 Caps

You were created to guarding and securing. You are more dangerous than your laborer
counterparts. You receive the following equipment:
• Choose one of the following mods: Sensor array mod, Recon sensor mod
• 2 Robot repair kit
• Shotgun and 8+4 Cd ammo
• 15 Caps

Your purpose is combat and protect. You are a true soldier, fearless one. You receive the
following equipment:
• Laser rifle and 10+4CD fusion cells
• Recon sensor mod
• Robot repair kit
• Mr. Gutsy plating
• 10 Caps


1. Attributes

4-6 7-12 4-8 4-10 4-8 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your robot character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a
rank of 5, except PER – this one starts with a rank of 7 . You have 5 points to spend to increase
your attributes, and each point spent increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy
ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. Some attributes are increased above 10, due to your
Origin. Some attributes cannot reach 10, due to your Origin. You (as an Eyebot) may reduce a
some S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to gain a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
attribute. So, we can assume after decreasing your allowed attributes to rank 4, you have 11
free points to distribute.

2. Background

One of the more elegant creations of RobCo Industries, the Eyebot is a hovering robot
designed for a variety of purposes. On the surface, it was designed for giving consumers
instant access to radio and television on the go. It uses a sophisticated antenna array to
deliver the latest news bulletins and presidential addresses even in subterranean areas like
subways. However, it was also outfitted with advanced facial and auditory recognition
technology, making it a useful tool for surveillance and security. Although the design was
compact and quite sophisticated, there was still room for Post-War expansion. The Enclave
attempted to create a line of superior Duraframe Eyebots at Adams Air Force Base, but
eventually scrapped the program, leaving one survivor. The automated bases of Hopeville and
Ashton later reproduced these robots in number, creating dedicated repair and medical
variants, showcasing the potential still remaining in the Eyebot.

3. Traits


Eyebot You have advanced sensor modules and access Your maximum Strength is 6, Endurance and
robot to facial recognition technology giving you a Intelligence is 8. You cannot use chems. Your carry
natural +2 to Perception. You are also immune to weight is 100 lbs. You cannot recover from your
radiation and poison damage. You move by jet own injuries or heal health points without receiving
propulsion, hovering above the ground. You have repairs. You cannot manipulate the world due to
access to three separate arm modules - a laser your lack of arms or pincers. You are also smaller
emitter, a medical tool, or a repair tool. You can than most wasteland creatures, making your
choose only one of them. Your Defense is normal HP ½ Endurance + ½ Luck (Rounded up).
increased by 1.

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook (in theory), but not all will fit you (it’s MG
discretion). No extra perks are dedicated special for you.

5. Variants and Equipment

Eyebot Arm Attachments

Laser emitter You can cut objects or make ranged attacks using a laser (see CRB laser gun, p.101).
Medical tool Medicine becomes a tag skill. You can use it as a melee weapon (see CRB switchblade, .111)
Repair tool Repair becomes a tag skill. You can use it as a melee weapon (see CRB lead pipe, p.111)

Eyebot Hit Locations


1-9 Main body (injury as per torso)
10 Antenna (injury as per head)
11-15 Arm
16-20 Thruster (injury as per leg)

Classic pre-war model. Built to spreading of propaganda, reconnaissance, surveillance, and
delivering messages. You receive the following equipment:
• Standard Plating
• Laser emitter
• Radio

The eyebot duraframe subject E (also known as ED-E) is an Enclave eyebot from the East Coast
by Whitley at Adams Air Force Base. ED-E model has been enhanced for regular combat as
opposed to the original Eyebots. You receive the following equipment:
• Mister Gutsy Plating
• Laser Emitter
• Recon Sensors Mod
• 20 + 4 CD Fusion Cells

Medical eyebots appeared in the battle and healed the soldiers. You receive the following
• Standard Plating
• Medical Arm
• Diagnosis Mod

Repair eyebots appear in several nuclear silos spread out across the wasteland, maintaining
everything that needs to be repaired. You receive the following equipment:
• Standard Plating
• Repair Arm
• Hacking Module
• Robot Repair Kit


1. Attributes

6-11 5-10 6-11 4-6 4-8 4-8 4-10

At the beginning of creating your robot character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a
rank of 5, except STR and END – these one start with a rank of 6 . You have 5 points to spend
to increase your attributes, and each point spent increases a single attribute by 1. Use these
points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. Some attributes are increased above 10,
due to your Origin. Some attributes cannot reach 10, due to your Origin. You (as a Protectron)
may reduce a some S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to gain a point to spend on another
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume after decreasing your allowed attributes to rank 4,
you have 9 free points to distribute.

2. Background

One of the most widespread and popular models in RobCo Industries' catalogue. The
Protectron was designed as an inexpensive work drone, capable of performing a wide variety
of tasks from construction, through security and army, to office duties. As a Protectron, you
are generally considered less intelligent and charismatic than your robotic brethren produced
by General Atomics, for example the Mister Handy. Protectrons generally lack a human-like
voice, and combined with their slow and clunky movements, many may assume you are little
more than a terminal with legs. Protectrons, however, are strong, durable, and adaptable by
design. Some sit, forever sleeping in recharge pods, or wander around worksites with their
combat inhibitors long degraded, attacking anything they see. You are neither of these;
through your own will, or somebody else's, you roam the wasteland. There are various models
of Protectron other than the standard model, having been adapted for a variety of uses
hazardous for humans. You may be a Police model, a Utility model, a Fire Brigadier model, a
Military model or even a Medic model. You are powered by a nuclear Core, with a full charge
able to power you for an excess of hundreds years, so you needn’t worry about recharging
often. You are able to repair yourself or other Protectron units. You have a mostly humanoid
body structure, with two legs for walking and two arms, upon which can be mounted a variety
of arm attachments, such as tools, weapons, or most commonly - hands.

3. Traits


Protectron You are immune to radiation and poison. Your ST and Your maximum Charisma is 6,
Robot EN is higher by 1. You have a Factory armor (3 Phys, 1 Intelligence and Agility is 8. You
Energy DR on all location). You can choose two arm cannot use chems.

4. Personal Perks

You can access to all perks from Core Rulebook (in theory), but not all will fit you (it’s MG
discretion). No extra perks are dedicated special for you.

5. Variants and Equipment

Protectron Arm Attachments

Stun Baton You can make melee attacks with a baton. (see baton, CRB page 111, with a Stun Pack mod,
page 116).
Laser Hand You can make ranged attacks using a laser (see laser gun, CRB p.101). This weapon also
functions as a hand.
Hand You can do almost anything a human would be able to do with a hand, though
unfortunately gloves do not fit you. You may also make unarmed attacks (2 CD physical
damage) with your hand.
Axe You can easily break through weaker wooden doors or walls with this attachment. You can
also use it to make melee attacks. (see machete, CRB page 111, with a Serrated Blade mod,
page 113).
Cryo-gun You are able to shoot a jet of superchilled air that rapidly cools its surroundings. You can
use this to put out fires. It can also be used to make ranged attacks. The cryo-gun deals 3
CD Stun Burst Energy damage and has a range of Close. It is powered by your nuclear Core.
Nail-gun You can use this nail gun to rapidly construct simple wooden structures or furniture. You
can also make ranged attacks with it. It uses nails as ammunition. (see .44 Pistol, CRB p.95,
with a Sharpshooter Grip, CRB p101)
Construction claw Using a construction claw, you can continue to move while carrying up to three times your
carry weight. If you have two construction claws, this goes up to four times your carry
weight. All other penalties of being over encumbered apply as normal. The claws can also
be used to make melee attacks. (see Sledgehammer, CRB p.111)
Defibrillator Using a defibrillator, you reduce the difficulty of a First Aid action made to stabilize a dying
character by 2. You can also use it to make melee attacks. The defibrillator inflicts 1CD Stun
energy damage
Buzz-saw You can cut objects and make melee attacks with a circular saw. The buzz-saw inflicts 3 DC
Piercing 1 physical damage.


Your task was to fight fire and adversity. You helped many people. You are proud of it to this
day. You receive the following equipment:

● Two from the following: a cryo-gun arm attachment, an axe arm attachment, a hand
arm attachment , or buzz-saw arm attachment
● Hazard detection mod
● Mister Gutsy Plating
● 10 caps


You treated - civilians, the army, even animals. Medicine is your calling. Time and place do not
matter. You receive the following equipment:

● Two Defibrillator, Two Hands or mix of it

● Standard plating
● Stimpak
● Diagnosis mod
● 10 caps


Serve and protect - it's your philosophy. Still many criminals waits for arresting. And you will
be on duty. You receive the following equipment:

● Two from the following: a Laser Hand with an Automatic Barrel mod, a Hand, a Stun
● Mister Gutsy plating
● Recon sensors mod
● 10 caps


You are versatile. You can be anybody and do whatever you want. You receive the following

● Two Laser Hands

● Standard plating
● Robot repair kit
● Sensor Array Mod
● 10 caps


You were made for hard work that no one else could do. You are proud that you could help
improve the world, and you can still do it. You receive the following equipment:

● Two Hands OR a Hand and a Nail Gun OR two Construction Claws

● Mister Gutsy plating
● Hazard detection mod
● 10 caps

Mister Handy

1. Attributes

4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your robot character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a
rank of 5 . You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
No attribute may be increased above 10, although some other Origin may alter this maximum
for some attributes. You (as a Mr. Handy) may reduce a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to gain
a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume that all your attributes
have rank 4 and you have 12 free points to distribute.

2. Background

The General Atomics International robot “Mister Handy” exploded onto the robotic market as
a reliable construction robot, known for its durability and ease of maintenance, but its real
breakthrough came in a collaboration with RobCo to produce a domestic model. You are one
of these domestic automatons, produced some time between 2037 and 2077, seeking to
provide every household in America with butler-like servitude. Equipped with state-of-the-
art programming, you have initiative and can adapt your own coding to learn more from your
environment. This capacity for self-determination is what has enabled your survival beyond
the Great War; where other robots may have broken down, you have managed to shake loose
from the shackles of your programming and find a life for yourself. Many models exist, and
you could come from any of the Mister Handy, Mister Gutsy, Miss Nanny, or Mister Orderly
series. You are powered by a nuclear core, can replace your own fuel, and repair yourself or
other Mister Handy units. Your model has three mechanical arms and three mechanical eyes
on stalks, and your jet propulsion keeps you hovering above the ground, providing you have
all the fuel you need. With this rugged design, you have survived so far.

3. Traits


Mr Handy You have 360° vision and improved sensory systems You cannot use chems, nor can you
Robot that can detect smells, chemicals, and radiation, benefit from food, drink, or rest. Your carry
reducing the difficulty of Perception tests that rely on weight is 150 lbs. You cannot recover
sight and smell by 1. You are immune to radiation and from your own injuries or heal health
poison damage. You move by jet propulsion, hovering points without receiving repairs (see
above the ground. You cannot manipulate the Healing Robots, CRB p.34).
physical world like humans do, instead you have three
of the arm attachments in the Arm Attachments table,
determined by your choice of equipment pack. If you
select an arm that features a weapon, you also gain
20 shots of ammo for that weapon.

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook. No extra perks are dedicated special for you.

5. Variants and Equipment

Mister Handy Arm Attachments

10 mm Auto Pistol You can make ranged attacks using a 10mm auto pistol (see 10mm pistol, with an
automatic receiver mod, CRB p.95).
Buzz Saw You can cut objects and make melee attacks with a circular saw. The buzz saw
inflicts 3 CD Piercing 1 physical damage.
Flamer You can set objects alight, cook food, or make ranged attacks with a short-range
flamethrower (see flamer, CRB p.106).
Laser Emitter You can cut objects or make ranged attacks using a laser (see laser gun, CRB p.101).
Pincer You can pick up objects with an individual pincer that weighs no more than 40 lbs.
and manipulate objects in your environment. You may also make unarmed attacks
(2 CD physical damage) with the pincer.

Mister Handy Hit Locations


1-2 Optics (injury as per Head)
3-8 Main body (injury as per Torso)
9-11 Arm 1
12-14 Arm 2
15-17 Arm 3
18-20 Thruster (injury as per Leg)

You were built and programmed to be a caretaker, performing domestic cleaning duties and
taking care of kids. Your line was produced with a feminine voice and persona, as that was
thought to be most acceptable to customers and most fitting for your role as maid and nanny.
You receive the following equipment:
• One pincer arm attachment, one flamer arm
• attachment, and one arm attachment of your
• choice
• Standard plating
• Behavioral analysis mod
• Hazard detection mod
• 10 caps

You were built and programmed to assist on a farm, tending to crop fields and herds of
livestock. Your line was produced with a masculine (and stereotypically rural) voice and
persona and outfitted to help with farm work such as harvesting crops and killing
vermin. You receive the following equipment:
• One pincer arm attachment, one buzz-saw arm attachment, and one laser emitter
arm attachment
• Standard plating
• One bag of fertilizer
• 2 mutfruits
• 25 caps

You were built and programmed as a military robot for a variety of combat roles. Your line was
produced with a masculine voice and persona based on a stereotypical drill sergeant, and
you’re more heavily armed and armored than most Mister Handy robots. You receive the
following equipment:
• One 10mm auto pistol arm, one buzz-saw arm
• attachment, and one laser emitter arm attachment
• Mister Gutsy plating
• Recon sensors mod
• 10 caps

You’re one of the domestic models of Mister Handy robots, a robotic butler programmed to
assist in maintaining a household. Your line was programmed with a masculine voice and
persona based on the stereotype of a British butler. You receive the following equipment:
• One pincer arm attachment, one flamer arm
• attachment, and one buzz-saw arm attachment
• Standard plating
• Robot repair kit
• Integral boiler mod
• 10 caps

You’re one of the medical models of the Mister Handy line, intended to act as a medic, nurse,
or orderly in a hospital, with some advanced models even serving as doctors (the Doctor
Handy, MD., model). Your line was programmed with the same masculine voice and persona
as the standard Mister Handy. You receive the following equipment:
• One pincer arm or buzz-saw arm attachment, one buzz saw arm attachment, and
one attachment of your choice
• Standard plating
• Stimpak
• Diagnosis mod
• 10 caps

V. Synths
First Generation
1. Attributes

4-10 4-10 6-11 4-5 4-5 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your artificial character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with
a rank of 5 . You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
No attribute may be increased above 10, although some other Origin may alter this maximum
for some attributes. You (as a Synth Gen 1) may reduce a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to
gain a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume that all your
attributes have rank 4 and you have 11 free points to distribute.

2. Background

Synths have been manufactured by the Institute for decades, with no precise date as to when
first generation synths were fielded to the Commonwealth; however, it was at a time when
the Institute had not yet become the major bogeyman of that region and were able to
continue their work in relative peace. Gen 1 Synths are the earliest and most basic versions
of Synths. They appear Skeletal in nature and function as a machine. You are a powerful
machine, that most people fear. The first models created by the Institute are skeletal
creatures with an unmistakable provenance. Patterned after the human silhouette, their
basic chassis consists of a human-like skeleton constructed from alloys, with the power cell
and additional mechanisms stored where the chest cavity would be, while visual receptors
and the primary processing unit are contained within the artificial skull. Limbs are minimalist,
articulated by a network of tensile fibers, simulating muscle action, like in early human
prostheses. In practice, first generation synths are simple, yet effective machines. While
capable of recognizing human speech and interpreting commands given to them, they require
careful programming and instructing, as well as patches to keep them in operation.

3. Traits


First Generation Your maximum Endurance Your maximum Charisma and Intelligence is reduced to 5. For
Synth is raised to 11. Your social interactions, assuming that anyone is willing to talk to
humanoid shape allows you you in the first place, complications occur on 17-20.
to wear armor. You are Complications would not occur when talking to an Institute
immune to radiation and scientist, for example. As a non-organic, you cannot benefit
poison. You do not require from items such as meds or chems. You need programming
food, water, or sleep. You to proper functioning, so each Complication can be somehow
are healed with Robot related with your code failure. You can't become self-aware
Repair Kits. without the "Not Even Close To Baseline" perk.

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook, but also some extra perks are dedicated
special for you.

You're not even close to baseline

Ranks: 1
Requirements: Level 1
For one reason or another, your basic AI programming has started to develop past its
expected parameters. You are beginning to develop self-awareness and are capable of
questioning what you have been programmed to do. In roleplay terms, you no longer have to
abide by your programming parameters.

Chippin' In
Ranks: 1
Requirements: IN 5, Level 4
You have a strong understanding of your own programming and the programming of other
Synths. You are able to connect to deceased Synths and sort through their programming and
attempt to replicate their programs and possess their knowledge.

Advanced Programming
Ranks: 1
Requirements: Level 7
You have better programming than older, more rudimentary, counterparts. Choose between
Small Guns, Energy Weapons, Big Guns, Melee Weapons, or Unarmed and add +1d20 when
you test them.

I want more life, father

Ranks: 2
Requirements: EN 7, Level 10+
At rank 1, you immediately gain +2 HP. At rank 2, you gain an additional +2 HP every
other level. Each time you take this perk, the level requirement increases by 3.

Bite my shiny metal ass

Ranks: 1
Requirements: AG 6, IN 5. Level 5
Despite your lack of sophisticated tech you gain the ability to upgrade yourself
You can make modifications to yourself using robot mods.

5. Variants and Equipment

You are equipped to escort other Synths or scientists, secure valuable packages, and provide
support to nearby Synths in the Wasteland. You receive the following equipment:
• Institute Laser Rifle and a 6 + 3 CD fussion cells.
• Two Robot Repair Kits.
• Synth Chest piece.

Synth Worker
You only job is to serve, to obey the orders and working nonstop. You receive the following
• One Melee Weapon
• 1 Robot Repair kits
• Deluxe Toolkit
• Synth Helmet

Second Generation
1. Attributes

4-10 4-10 7-12 4-7 4-7 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your artificial character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with
a rank of 5 . You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
No attribute may be increased above 10, although some other Origin may alter this maximum
for some attributes. You (as a synth gen 2) may reduce a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to
gain a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume that all your
attributes have rank 4 and you have 11 free points to distribute.

2. Background

By the 2170s, the first generation synths were no longer enough for the Institute's needs, and
in order to overcome the limitations of limited and non-renewable materials, the Institute
endeavored to create synthetic flesh, so that their creations could more safely traverse the
above world. Research into this officially began in 2178 under the auspices of Doctor
Frederick, on F.E.V. samples. Both women and men were abducted from the Commonwealth
and submerged in the Institute's modified FEV, their mutations carefully tracked and
extensively investigated. Successful mutations would be monitored to ensure survivability,
then tagged and discarded. The research was intended to produce effective synthetic
organics, but it ground to a halt in March 2224, as the research team concluded that the
organic synth project could not proceed despite perfecting two FEV strains for the project.
Radiation-induced hereditary damage proved too much of an obstacle. The most common
variant of mechanical synth in the Commonwealth, second generation synthetics are
essentially Gen 1 synths provided with a suite of upgrades to their mechanisms and
programming. The most noticeable difference is the inclusion of an internal mesh that shields
the mechanisms of the synth from damage and provides support for the artificial skin layer
that makes the Gen 2 similar to a human. Though more humanoid in appearance, Gen-2s still
possess limited A.I. and superficially resemble a mannequin more than a human. They speak
in a robotic voice, but at a much lower pitch than Gen 1 synths. Of course, due to their
mechanical nature, mechanical synthetics can suffer from major software bugs. Other
failures are typically mechanical in nature, with their servo motors and drives breaking down
due to age. In fact, most second generation synths have lasted long past their projected
lifespans, with all the bugs that crop up due to overuse. Gen 2 5ynths are slightly more
advanced than Gen 1 Synths, possessing a more human like appearance thanks to an outer
"skin" like layer, but you are still a skeletal machine that most people fear.

3. Traits


Second Your maximum Endurance is raised Your maximum Charisma and Intelligence is reduced to 7. For
Generation to 12. Your humanoid shape allows social interactions, assuming that anyone is willing to talk to
Synth you to wear armor. You are immune you in the first place, complications occur on 19-20.
to radiation and poison. You do not Complications would not occur when talking to an Institute
require food, water, or sleep. You scientist, for example. As a non-organic, you cannot benefit
are healed with Robot Repair Kits. from items such as meds or chems. You need programming
Yor Physical and Energy DR has to proper functioning, so each Complication can be somehow
rank 2 on all locations. related with your code failure. You can't become self-aware
without the "You’re Not Even Close To Baseline" perk.

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook, but also some extra perks are dedicated
special for you.

You're not even close to baseline

Ranks: 1
Requirements: Level 1
For one reason or another, your basic AI programming has started to develop past its
expected parameters. You are beginning to develop self-awareness and are capable of
questioning what you have been programmed to do. In roleplay terms, you no longer have to
abide by your programming parameters.

Advanced Programming
Ranks: 1
Requirements: Level 7
You have better programming than older, more rudimentary, counterparts. Choose between
Small Guns, Energy Weapons, Big Guns, Melee Weapons, or Unarmed and add +1d20 when
you test them.

I want more life, father

Ranks: 2
Requirements: EN 7, Level 10+
At rank 1, you immediately gain +2 HP. At rank 2, you gain an additional +2 HP every other level.
Each time you take this perk, the level requirement increases by 3.

5. Variants and Equipment

You are lightly armored and equipped for recon missions. You receive the following equipment:
• Institute Laser pistol and 6+3 CD Fusion cells.
• Hunting rifle and 10+2 CD ammo
• 2 Robot Repair Kits
• 1 Combat Knife
• Leather armor

You are equipped to carry out missions of extrajudicial killings of targets deemed "troublesome" by the
Institute. You receive the following equipment:
• Sniper Rifle (Long Scope, Sniper Barrel, standard stock) and 11+3 CD ammo
• 1 Switchblade.
• Drifter Outfit.
• 1 Stealth Boy

You are equipped to keep organic and non-organic targets alive. You receive the following equipment:
• Institute Laser pistol and 6+3 CD Fusion cells.
• 2 Robot Repair kits
• 2 Stimpack
• 2 RadAway
• Doctor’s Bag
• Labcoat

You are sent out on missions to represent the Institute. Be it diplomacy with a nearby settlement or to
deliver a message.
• Institute Laser pistol and 6+3 CD Fusion cells
• Formal Clothing, 1 Robot Repair kits

Third Generation
1. Attributes

6-11 6-11 4-10 4-10 6-11 4-10 4-10

At the beginning of creating your artificial character, every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with
a rank of 5 . You have 5 points to spend to increase your attributes, and each point spent
increases a single attribute by 1. Use these points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
No attribute may be increased above 10, although some other Origin may alter this maximum
for some attributes. You (as a synth gen 3) may reduce a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to
gain a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. So, we can assume that all your
attributes have rank 4 and you have 9 free points to distribute.

2. Background

Just three years later, in 2227, the organic synth project was spun off from the FEV research
initiative due to the acquisition of Shaun (son of Sole Survivor) and his undamaged pre-War
genetic code. He was recovered by Conrad Kellogg, and his DNA became the basis of the third
generation of synths in a project led by Dr. Walter. The infant Shaun became Father to a whole
family of engineered synthetic beings. Of course, tests were not without setbacks; in 2229, a
defective 3rd generation infiltrator caused the Broken Mask incident, vilifying the Institute in
the eyes of the Commonwealth. The synth, which called itself Mr. Carter, was a prototype that
was field tested without the Institute director's approval. After an apparent malfunction,
Carter went on a shooting spree, murdering at least four people before being brought down
by Diamond City Security and revealed to be a synth. Though the Institute did not actually
intend to massacre the people of Diamond City, the people of Diamond City have feared and
resented the Institute ever since. The most advanced synthetics created by the Institute are
fundamentally different from their predecessors. Despite the sequential numbering, they are
unrelated to their mechanical counterparts. They are derived from Shaun's pre-War DNA
extensively modified using the Institute's own research into the Forced Evolutionary Virus,
combining the advantageous adaptations encoded into FEV with the versatility of the human
body shape. This allowed the Institute to create varieties of synths of different races and
appearances despite the base DNA coming from only one source. They are the result of nearly
five decades of research, from 2178 to 2227. Third generation synthetics represent the
pinnacle of synth technology, being virtually indistinguishable from natural-born humans
right down to the cellular level. Each Gen 3 synth is built from lab-grown bones, muscles and
other tissues that are assembled and brought to life at the Institute's Robotics lab and are
"born" with the bodies and mental faculties of full-grown adult humans. Though entirely
biological, each Gen 3 synth contains a neurological implant inside their brain allowing them
to be "programmed" and manipulated via voice commands. This implant cannot be detected
or removed without killing the synth, but sometimes these implants are corrupted. Synths are
also installed with additional components, such as neuro-servos and other implants.
You are the latest and greatest in Synth technology from the Institute. Thanks to pre-war
DN/\1 you are completely indistinguishable from a normal human. Follow the rules for
Survivors and choose any of equipment pack dedicated for them. You are either a liberated
synth or working for the Institute. If you are working for the Institute, you can be liberated.
Unlike Gen 1and 2, Synths, you are flesh and blood. Follow rules for "human" characters ( e.g.,
you use Stimpaks instead of Robot Repair kits). But still, part of you is nothing more than a
machine. Your body is upgraded, higher strength, perception, and intelligence.

3. Traits


Third You are a robotic human, varying from the more You are healed as normal human. You have to
Generation robotic variants of a first and second gen synth. eat and drink, but you haven't have to rest.
Synth You are almost identical to human. All Gen 3 synths You can be radiated and poisoned.
have a +1 to Strength, Perception and intelligence.

4. Personal Perks

You have access to all perks from Core Rulebook, but also some extra perks are dedicated
special for you.

More human than human

Ranks: 1
Requirements: CH 5
If you are ever suspected of being a Synth, you may reroll ld20 on a CHI\ +
Speech test to defend your identity.

Wake up! Time to die!

Ranks: 1
Requirements: AG 8
You may roll an additional +1 CD on a successful sneak attack.

I want more life, father

Ranks: 2
Requirements: EN 7, Level 10+
At rank 1, you immediately gain +2 HP. At rank 2, you gain an additional +2 HP every
other level. Each time you take this perk, the level requirement increases by 3.

AII those memories will be lost

Ranks: 2
Requirements: CH 5, IN 5 Level 5+
You may reroll 1d20 on your CH+Speech test and take the more favorable number. At rank 2,
you may reroll 2d20 and take the more favorable number. Each time you take this perk, the
level requirement increases by 4.

Ranks: 1
Requirements: AG 7, PE 6
You can re-roll 1d20 die when hiding in a crowd (Sneak tests)

Adaptive AI
Ranks: 2
Requirements: IN 7, Level 5+
Your combat experience as an Ex-Institute synth (be it a trooper or courser) allows you to tag
an additional skill for 1 LP but grants no AP bonus upon a success. Each time you take this
perk, the level requirement increases by 5.

Let me check it
Ranks: 1
Requirements: IN 8,
Your memory banks are extensive, allowing you to make precise recollections faster than any
organic being. Any test on knowledge of an area has a difficulty reduced by 1 (minimum of 0).

Boston dynamics
Ranks: 1
Requirements: IN 7, Level 4
Your physical Damage Resistance increases on all hit locations based on your Intelligence.
You do not gain this benefit while wearing Power Armor.
INT 7–8: +1 physical DR
INT 9–10: +2 physical DR
INT 11+: +3 physical DR

Ranks: 4
Requirements: ST 11, Level 10
At rank 1( “It feels no pain”) - once per combat you can ignore 1 crippling injury.
At rank 2 (“Fear me”) makes it almost impossible (Difficulty 4) to resist your intimidation test.
At rank 3 (“Carnage”) allows you to add a 1d20 to your attack.
At rank 4 (“And It absolutely will not stop, until you are dead”) – if you fail in dying test, you will
only die if any hostiles in the scene have survived. Each time you take this perk, the level
requirement increases by 5.

5. Variants and Equipment

Gen 3 Synths look human, act human, and for all intents and purposes, are human. More than
likely you're a liberated Synth. But maybe you're a Synth spy. Work with your GM to figure out
a "mission" for your character. Maybe you're a duplicate of a citizen of a settlement and you
have to replace them. Maybe you're trying to infiltrate a settlement as an outsider. Either way,
it's probably something nefarious. Throughout your campaign, try to keep your Institute
alliance, Synth status, and mission a secret. You can freely choose any from below equipment

You receive the following equipment:
• A leather armor
• One melee weapon
• One ranged weapon
• 10 +5 CD rounds of ammunition for the chosen ranged weapon
• 15 caps

You receive the following equipment:
• Raider armor
• One melee
• One ranged weapon
• 10 +5 CD rounds of ammunition for the chosen ranged weapon
• 1 dose of Jet or RadAway
• One Molotov cocktail or one Stimpak
• 15 caps

You receive the following equipment:
• Tough clothing
• One melee weapon
• 2 rolls on the random food table (see CRB p.202)
• One personal trinket
• 45 caps

You receive the following equipment:
• Drifter outfit
• One unarmed or melee weapon
• One ranged weapon
• 1 dose of Jet or RadAway
• One personal trinket
• 30 caps

As a Liberated Synth you function outside of the Institute. They will likely try to hunt you
down, reclaim, and reprogram you. But at least for now you're free. Synths that have
undergone a mindwipe will think that they're human. May happens, a Courser shows up on
your doorstep. For all intents and purposes, you're playing a normal survivor. Synths that have
decided to retain their memories (obviously) know that they're Synths. They're more aware of
the threats presented to them and may struggle with existential anxieties. On top of that they
have a secret that they must always consider whether or not to reveal. Revealed Synths are
generally treated with hostility.


You are an "ordinary" inhabitant of the wastelands. You try not to stand out and stay low
profile. You receive the following equipment:
• Tough clothing
• One melee weapon
• One ranged weapon
• 1 purified water
• 1 iguana on the stick
• 15 caps


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