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1. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź (A, B, C lub D).

1 Tonia and Joan are ...... friends.

A we B us C our D ours
2 ...... any apples on the table?
A There is B There are C Is there D Are there
3 Michael ...... got a TV in his room.
A hasn't B haven't C doesn't have D don't have
4 ...... you like football?
A Is B Are C Do D Does
5 I ...... a tie at school.
A never wear B wear never C am never wearing D never am wearing
6 Sandra ...... to music last night.
A listen B listens C listened D listening
7 Cats are ...... pets than dogs.
A good B better C best D the best
8 I think scientists ...... a way to save the planet in the future.
A find B finds C are finding D will find
9 My brother ...... swim at the age of five.
A must B should C could D can
10 My house is ...... the baker's and the park.
A between B next to C opposite D in front of
11 Did you ...... the Old Town in Prague?
A see B saw C seen D seeing
12 She's the woman ...... works in the bakery.
A whose B who's C which D who
13 They have got this car. It’s …………………
A their B theirs C our D us
14 Tom ……………….. to the swimming pool every weekend.
A don’t go B won’t go C doesn’t go D go
15 You mustn’t ……………….. sweets to be fit.
A eating B to eat C eats D eat
16 ‘Are you going to the disco tonight?’ ‘ Yes I ………………..’
A am B would C will D do
17. ……………….. are my friends, Bill and Kate.
A This B These C That D It
18 I ……………….. swim – I want to learn soon.
A haven’t B can’t C am not D not
19 When ……………….. your homework?
A do you do B does you do C do you D are you do
20 I love listening ……………….. music.
A for B at C at D to
21 Where ……………….. you yesterday morning?
A are B was C is D were
22 ……………….. there a park near here?
A Has B Is C Are D Does
23 I like ……………….. films on YouTube.
A watch B watches C watching D watched
24 There are ……………….. good shops in this city.
A some B any C the Da
25 I ……………….. a lot of photos in my free time.
A have B do C make D take


2. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź (A, B, C lub D).

1 We've got a new ………………… – come into the kitchen to see it!
A wardrobe B fridge C armchair D sofa
2 Your dad's brother is your ………………… .
A uncle B aunt C niece D nephew
3 Jane's ………………… because she goes running a lot.
A plump B long C fair D slim
4 Put on a warm coat – it's really ………………… today.
A chilly B cloudy C foggy D sunny
5 Can you take this book back to the ………………… for me, please?
A museum B library C bank D zoo
6 I ………………… camping every summer.
A do B make C go D play
7 A swimming ………………… teaches people how to swim.
A instructor B assistant C guide D agent
8 She felt ………………… because her sister borrowed her coat without asking.
A worried B excited C relieved D angry
9 Sue ………………… her leg in three places and will be in plaster for months.
A cut B sprained C broke D twisted
10 ………………… warming means the ice caps are melting.
A Global B Air C Climate D Public
11 The film was ………………… – I nearly fell asleep!
A funny B scary C boring D depressing
12 Police officers should be ………………… as they often face dangerous situations.
A brave B patient C sociable D polite
13 You can't go to school – you've got a(n) ………………… of 39°C!
A allergy B rash C fever D cramp
14 She’s so ………………… – she always tells everyone what to do.
A bossy B moody C untidy D selfish
15 We need to get a lot of shopping so let’s use a ………………… .
A plastic bag B box C trolley D wallet

3. Dopasuj pytania (1-6) do odpowiedzi (a-h). Jedna odpowiedź została podano dodatkowo i nie
pasuje do żadnego pytania.

1. Can you help me fix my bike, please? ______

2. Could you take these documents to my office? ______
3. Will you give me a hand with my history project? ______
4. Do you mind giving me a lift to the station? ______
5. Would you like me to carry these boxes upstairs? ______
6. I wonder if you could look after my dog ______

a) Yes, of course. Where shall I put them?

b) Sorry, but I’m still busy doing mine.
c) Yes, sure. How long for?
d) All right. I’ll go and get the tools.
e) No problem. What time then?
f) No, it’s OK. I can manage to take them on my own.
g) No thanks. I’m full.

4. Przetłumacz na język angielski podane w nawiasach fragmenty, tak, aby otrzymać logiczne
i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.

1. I can't go out tonight. (Uczę się) ____________________________________ for an exam.

2. (Zawsze odrabiam) _______________________________________ my homework in my
3. My brother (nigdy nie był) __________________________________________ to Cracow.
4. (Co robiłaś) ______________________________________________ yesterday at 7 p.m.?
5. (Nie było dużo) __________________________________________ people at the concert.
6. What's (najdroższa rzecz) ___________________________________ you've ever bought?

5. Przeczytaj uważnie tekst i odpowiedz na pytania pełnymi zdaniami.

Tabitha's Incredible Journey

About two o'clock yesterday afternoon Carol Ann Jones smiled for the first time in a week. Her cat,
Tabitha, was back at home with her at last.

Seven days ago, Carol Ann said goodbye to Tabitha and put her in a special cage in the back of a Boeing
707 flight from London to New York. Then Carol Ann got on the plane. When the plane arrived in New
York, Carol Ann waited for Tabitha. But there was no pussy cat. The flight attendant told her, “I opened
the cage door to get her. But she was very frightened and she ran away. I called her, but I'm sorry, I
couldn't catch her. And now we can't find her.”

Everyone looked for Tabitha but nobody could find her anywhere. The next day the plane returned to
London, but still there was no sign of the missing cat. Then the Boeing 707 flew back to New York. Still
no Tabitha.

But the flight attendant knew Tabitha was on the plane. She could hear the cat's miaow, but she didn't
know where the noise was coming from. Finally, the air company gave Carol Ann permission to get on
the plane. She wanted to look for Tabitha.

The cat heard Carol's voice and began to miaow again, but this time very loudly. She was in a space under
the floor at the back of the plane. It was a very small place. Nobody knew how she got there. At last they
rescued her and Carol Ann and her cat were happy again.

Tabitha isn't a fat cat now. She lost a kilo in her week on the plane. And now if Carol Ann wants to fly
anywhere she flies alone. Tabitha stays at home.

1. Where was Carol Ann going when she lost the cat?
2. How long was Tabitha lost for?
3. What happened when the flight attendant opened the cage door?
4. How did the flight attendant know that Tabitha was on the plane?
5. Where was Tabitha hiding?
6. Tabitha wasn't the same when she was found. Why not?

6. Napisz e-maila do kolegi z Anglii, w którym opiszesz swojego przyjaciela/przyjaciółkę (50-100

słów). W swoim e-mailu uwzględnij:
• his/her age
• his/her appearance/look
• what country is he/she from
• what school is he/she in
• what his/her favourite school subject is
• what his/her favourite colour is
• what his/her favourite sport is
• who his/her favourite famous person is















Spój Zakr Popr

ność es awno
Treść i środ ść RAZEM
logik ków środ
a język ków
wypo owyc język
wied h owyc
zi h

Punktacja 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2

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