Practice of Business - Assessment Brief

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Task Brief

Module Title: The Practice of Business

Assessment Title: Understanding an organisation and its context

Individual/Group: Individual
Weighting: 100%
Submission Date: Check in your MyHallam webpages

The Task

Write a report to show that you can apply relevant theory to help understand an organisation and
the context in which it operates. You may wish to choose an organisation about which you have
some initial knowledge, e.g., you might be one of its customers, you could have been an
employee or it might be an organisation that operates in a context in which you would like to
develop your career. However, remember to use relevant sources to provide evidence for what
you know about the organisation and its context.

In your report, apply theory and concepts from the module and your own reading to show how
you understand:

 The form of the organisation

 The important factors in the organisation’s environment
 The stakeholders that the organisation ought to recognise
 The variation that is evident in the organisation’s customers
 How the organisation uses the marketing mix to create value

The report should be a maximum of 3000 words in length and students should submit a copy of
the report as an MS Word document to both the formal submission point and the Turnitin
submission point. Both submission points are in the Assessment tab of the module Blackboard

Sources of information for this task will be wide and varied. In general terms, you should use both
data and theory sources, all of which should be listed in a Reference list at the end of the report.
The word count does not include your reference list, figures, properly used tables and appendices.

The report will be marked against the criteria set out in the marking grid. Refer to the assessment
criteria to help complete the assessment.

Assessment Criteria for the Individual Coursework Report

Criteria Fail Satisfactory PASS Good PASS Very Good PASS Excellent PASS
& 0% to 39% 40% to 49% 50% to 59% 60% to 69% 70% to 100%
Weighting Grades 0 to 3 Grades 4 to 6 Grades 7 to 9 Grades 10 to 12 Grades 13 to 16

Outline of theories No description of Limited description Some description of Wide ranging Thorough description of
theories of theories theories description of theories theories

Evidence of a link to Very poor Some evidence of Reasonable evidence of Very good evidence of Excellent evidence of
leading a business evidence of link to link to leading a link to leading a link to leading a link to leading a
leading a business business business business business
Report No logical Some structure The basics are Effective structure. Logical and coherent
Structure structure present but with satisfactory. Reasonable Themes are developed, structure. Good
weaknesses structure logical arguments development of
followed through arguments
Writing Poorly written, Readable but some Satisfactory style The work is reader Reader friendly with
Style hard to follow and major weaknesses adopted in terms of friendly. The discussion coherent development
disjointed in writing style development of points are generally of arguments
discussion points well-developed throughout
Referencin Very poor or Poor style adopted Reasonable style with Good style overall Correct style
g lacking some weaknesses consistently adopted

Foundation Year - Generic Grade Descriptor: relationship between indicative outcome to Grade Point and equivalent percentage
Outcome Grade range % General Characteristics
Exceptional knowledge, understanding and confidence to deal with advanced terminology, principles and concepts; worked autonomously whilst also evidencing a
much broader breadth and depth of reading/research than was required; has used additional material to go beyond the requirements of the given brief;
16 93 - 100 96
exceptional demonstration of relevant skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied knowledge to critically evaluate/synthesis/analyse in the pursuit to
solve complex problems; exceptional communication/presentation; performance in all areas beyond expectation.
15 85 - 92 89 Excellent knowledge, understanding and confidence to deal with terminology, (and more advanced) basic principles and concepts; taken direction very well whilst
also evidencing a broader breadth and depth of reading/research; has used set material and additional material to address all of the requirements of the given
14 78 - 84 81 brief; excellent demonstration of relevant skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied knowledge and attempted to solve basic and complex problems set;
13 70 - 77 74 excellent communication/presentation.
12 67 - 69 68 Very good knowledge and understanding to deal with terminology, basic principles and concepts; taken direction well; used set material and additional material to
11 64 -66 65 address almost all of the requirements of the given brief; very good demonstration of relevant core skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied
(Very good)
10 60 - 63 62 knowledge and attempted to solve basic problems with some complexity; very good communication/presentation.
9 57 - 59 58 Good knowledge and understanding to deal with terminology, basic principles and concepts; taken direction; used set material and limited additional material to
8 54 - 56 55 address almost all of the requirements of the given brief; competent demonstration of relevant core skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied basic
7 50 - 53 52 knowledge and attempted to solve basic problems; good communication/presentation.
6 47 - 49 48 Basic knowledge and understanding to deal with terminology, basic principles and concepts; taken some direction; used set material and addressed the basic
5 44 - 46 45 requirements of the given brief; adequate demonstration of relevant core skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied some basic knowledge and
4 40 - 43 40 attempted to solve basic problems; basic communication/presentation.
3 30 - 39 35 Very basic knowledge and understanding of the subject and its underlying concepts; taken little direction naively follows or does not engage with set material;
largely fails to address any requirements of the brief; insufficient demonstration of relevant skills in preparation for undergraduate study; limited knowledge
2 20 - 29 25 applied in attempt to solve basic problems; communication shows limited clarity, poor presentation.
(Unsatisfactory) Insufficient or no evidence of knowledge and understanding of the subject and its underlying concepts; taken little direction, naively follows or does not engage
1 6-19 10 with set material; largely fails to address any requirements of the brief; little or no demonstration of relevant skills in preparation for undergraduate study; no
knowledge applied and or attempt to solve basic problems; communication shows no clarity, poor presentation, structure not coherent.
ZERO 0 0-5 0 Work absent, work not submitted, penalty in some misconduct cases.

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