រឿង សត្វស្ទាំង និងមិត្តសម្លាញ់

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mmritLt1~mW tflBmfiJll~~tiWHiJtm!

1 tm!'i~mHmfiJll
, .
w'lmmgtflBw'lmrnnmHw w'lmTIHW
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tm !'i~1tt1etutltmg tflBfij!JHntiWlhltmtl~ttll tmWtmtmgtflBtbI~[U
m~l;f 1 11ritl1fij!JtiWe:f1mmWtLj:iU1l1fiU~ei 1 tmtnJH~'i:JtruJttlm
mfiJll~~tmglhltmtflBU~tiWeti 1 tmtnJlU~etitmg tflBtrn]tiw
lhltml:hmg tmW11tei~teimUL~fiJtl1munitU~mUt~ 1 tm!'i~u~e
tLtlitmgtflBmbiilntiWtflBtblgum tin lhltm 1 '

It was a big jungle, where the hawk family lived. The hawk family
consisted of Mr. Hawk, Mrs. Hawk and their three little babies.
Deep inside the jungle, three lived Mr. Leo - the lion. He was
mighty big and looked very ferocious . Near the tree, where the
hawks lived , there was a big lake. Just near the lake, there also
, lived Mr. Kingfisher. And deep down in the lake, lived Tork - the
turtle .

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ttl tHli Hl rut t:l ~H1.n tl mrmtmm mnt:ltl1 t:l ru fiEl ') m tiJ 11 tl m m:;l El Elllil ru
VtJ "" ....., 1
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t9ifil2f2ltltb1[lrum "TItl!~n tmtl~lteitrymnHi'!ftB2m:nru ritLmm~i

9mgtmtlunNUt:ltimtltfilrunM tnEltiJ9tm'ihmlihfltlHM Uitl" ~ HlrutEllg
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~tltb1[lrun~tltm1rumElfilttiJei 11nUlElt:llnt1ElmTimnruttlTInj1rut9jtl
1tiNBllilrut9ifil2nntlmm " t~hmtlmtiijtlHeift?imHrumrunUlEl? " nntl
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']nUlEltl:jrut 9jtlm tUl~ Hnm HElUl Elmi 9tElg tn ElTInJfq Leim munnt:lru
1MmitL~ ru \i1tlt 9jei tElU tltEl gBtl tn EltiJ~tmtt:l rulMt Eli!:i tl t Lrl~t Ltli LrlH
gltltnEltiJ~HH~ntt:lrurMtmUtl~tLtlimgtltltt:l'~ ~ ,

One day, While Mrs. Hawk was feeding some soft worms to her
babies, she said to her husband, "Dear, we must find some
friends. it is so lonely here, all along in the tree." Mr. Hawk, who
was busy reading the newspaper, raised his head slowly, put
down his spectacles and said, "With whom shall I make friends?"
"Why, there is the kingfisher, who lives across the lake. Then
there is the lion, who lives in the deep forest, and there is the
turtle, who lives down in the lake, "replied Mrs. Hawk .
t8U@1thH'itunmririfim~ruijlElmfiliP'iJmU'im .' rl~tU'imrifit~ilmfl1
c::.I 0) 0,) d ... . ....
ru1;j tl3rumfU9trn ~ ru1;j fiijlElfg1~HElttijrmfUrlrmilfifitRiJjjHfi~fi
d c. v 000 It • V 0 d
mfi!,j1mmH~l'i~Elil£l1rmilmmtmu ~ tLfi1mHfitgjeifg1m~rufi ijlEltgi
c::I> Colo) C>I c.I "'" c:s 0 C>I d """
~UmlimElilUfijtl3 ruf1 Lm:ll mUmElil Hto!) fi ~ ~fim 91ilUfiijl EljjilH~ l'i1 rl

mlimBil£l1tii1il@9f1l1rutg1lJmHmfU1rrifiilfUUj1wij~tii1il~il ~ H~RB -
milHfl1ijlEl~u~£l1tllHJ~ijlwmrutEl1g tlfi tl3rumei~metirunEl!f1fi ~mu
t~H\iei1tiJgjilw1iltitm ~
tihUlfitJ ru1;fm~mLjjjil 1tJrifim~ru BilUfij
tl3ru~L~m~tmr ~ijlmltgirnHu9tlJiltEl1tiJgjil
~ tJrifiil~ Bil\iEl~jj'J
milUmfl1rlfit~mHfitHru ~
" ~ . .

So, the next day, Mr. Hawk put on his hat and flew to the den of
Leo, the lion. Leo welcomed his guest and very soon, they
became friends. Next, Mr. Hawk met Mr. Kingfisher and Tork -
the turtle, and a bond of a friendship was formed between them.
And Mrs. Hawk was very happy. All the freinds would meet and
dine together. Tork, who was an excellent musician, played the
fiddle, while Leo sang song. Mr. Hawk and Mr. Kingfisher would
dance to the tune of the fiddle, while Mrs. Hawk and her three
little babies looked on.
t ~ 1;! mmsLm st L~U mfi ij"limn tn1:n ~ fij 9Hli ri l:lt u·m:m ~ ~ fit m:n St rg l:l1 i'i
fij9t'1humw~trnl:ltm]1;!mt~ ~t~~I'itj:iHSmS~Uurggfij9run1;!mtfim ~
tsimrn'1l1titH'itlru LmstLmnl:lumfi f\tum3lfi~Umi~g~i'im1rrl ~t~
tsimrnttlrn~fitj:i~j1tmH trgl:lm~rturrlritLms""]g LfUlUt~LmstL~g,l:l
umMt~l:l~f ~ tt:l1m0mi:itrgl:l m~fL~gjUtgi~g1rrlWs ~i'imml:luf\ws
rJtmTh~tt:lfitsiti'iJJUl:ltmg1;!mmu ;

One day, three hunters came to the forest. They searched the
whole day for a game, but could find none. When it was evening,
the three planned to return back home. But while trying to find
their way. Finally, they decided to spend the night next to the lake
fi 9Jftm Lm El Ltl mtlTI Ell NUlEl fl1tmG ~m Btl fUUflfmli t un m'tl 'tmmttl rum
• 0 ~ 0""" c:. "t> C>I.

tlL1:llldUfUt!!fil11f!lltl ~ LmEltLmntlUEllllUlElEltmmm tEl ! ~fltmtl~ll

tEli9mmnmmUmg" tmmmdirutH dhrutlllltimijUlEltEliLt1lltrjJll ~
'8 tm m~tIlmm m ~ rim NUl milt; ~ flt ciJ mfi1:lll Uil ruttlflt Eli ~h Ell mn ~
d ':l 001. "0

~ElmmrutEllg fim1~fml1 LmEltLtl91UEllfltEllg}\:mtmtl21tl ~

Now, it happened that the three hunters decided to rest under

the very tree in which the hawks had their nest. "Let us stay here
to night," they said, "and see what we can fine in the morning."
So they made beds of leaves for themselves and lay down to
sleep. But, it was intertie and the hunters kept shivering in the cold.
tt31 m0Hlli uin:iHl mi 9TI~ nlm i:J mtl IT mfi Nt un nHlJ tl UH~ ill ~ rmm Btl
hmtru1f)Jn'l mnBn'[jJ:r1~t5tlmi~tlfi1mt'gBtru1tmmri ~ hbllitmg
ttljtl~U)mlmgJlmgJiltgitrumtmg!litTIfUl1~tl!j1fi~~mfln ~ \ji:J'lmrJ
~tlmut~ ml{J fittlj tlJIi Nt Uil nmru rmtl ~tl ~ ~tlH1Y1 ill Btl ~tl ~
b1Jlt11lBRJtl \ji:J 'lmrJ ~ nmry!lim ttlj fUfltl ry !lilm i:J t lbl'ili:l1:l11i1i:J tTIfUl1
~mrJ1mgtm21li~ntTItgHt~HltJifi ~ ~t~flmfi1Hlnlmt11ltlB tlmg~n
tTIHi:JHlliRJiltllilB\ji:Jm!liruJumijli:J91rutmfUlg ~

At last, the hunters got UP, gathered dry leaves and twigs and
made a fire beneath the tree. Soon thick smoke rose up to the
sky and awoke the hawk family. The babies began to choke with
the smoke and started twittering aloud. Mr. and Mrs. Hawk tried
to silence their babies knowing that if the hunters came to know
of their presence, they might do harm; but it was vain.
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mrntBlg LmBtUl1flfiUlBBtmtm:h mmBrnfUt~tltlt9? · fUt~mBlg

TItllWtrntltmjru ! l;j! fUt~tlgBU1l1Hli titlWqfiHli9tBlg ~ gBmUmtl

tBlgBtlrnfiUlBt~Hli~tl9tljll ~ tm~~tymJim ljfimUltjJflUlBthfi
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mmmitlltLt;mgi~mljtl mrntBlgtljtlmtigmBm~mgjM HJJmf21

tm~1DrnUmgwqfimhlf~lt:l ~

" Did you hear that?" said one of the hunters. ''That was the cry
of birds! There are young ones in that nest. they will fetch a good
price in the market." And so, the hunters put more wood on the
fire, and the fire blazed up. The fire became bigger and bigger,
until it almost touched the hawk's nest!
mruimg~S~tlmtJt~HtUunrurmtl2imlf1rutinHmihli21TI ~ f21tlQjfi
BrmrumimBf21m~rum . ~nUlltlmmLmg!J1fmnru ufitlUi~hmJimli
B~~~ruHfitlmTIglB •Lm]ltJmiLUlUTInJm~mmtlmi 9iSgmmLmg!J1N
nnru ! hblmmg f21m~rufiUlmtJirmhnrJtlnTInJ dlHJLUlU iHiiUtlrl~
• = =
HlruUlSi1'i~HtJtl ~

The little hawks began to cry louder out of fear. Seeing the
danger, Mrs. Hawk said to her husband, "We must ask our
friends to save us. Go to Mr. Kingfisher and tell him what danger '
we are in. " Mr. Hawk immediately flew with all speed to Mr.
Kingfisher's nest and told him about the trouble.
UfiJulBBtllltllm •t1mtlli'irJ911'il! §Bil~tllmi
, HBUlj~tlJ~H~rJlU1'il
milFiJrnR ihnBtuht~9jutmrJqmuhlUJtu1~rifJil1~ ~ 3llil:mru
ttjrurifJilHWlrutm ~tigtm rJqfi t'SHJb1JilUlnH1JB 'JJUhl11UfiJ i1l::nstm ~
tigtmQilUil ~ tBimruttjrurifJiltbl!llrumfim~tmtmB1tb11flR U1BmJil
tmtrn~'SHtruhrng ~

"Fear not, friend," said Mr. Kingfisher, "I will help you." Not
wasting another moment, the two friends flew back towards the
hawk's nest. While Mr Hawk flew down to the nest to comfort his
children, Mr. Kingfisher flew to the lake. Now during the time that
Mr. Hawk was away, one of hunters had climbed up the tree. ...
· .'

Lm9t~!ffimUlrjJtgJmmtJrutlmJttfimn1rif1l:l UfiJttJrurqL~tl1mumflUlB
t]~~ rut m!"i l:lUl:lJijfl 9 9 gf)JlUmn1D t glUg fiUl:l Ulij fUlmm t rnt5l:lrru~
Hn1tm ~ ~blrut~mLmBttbl flUlB~gHfimQ) tUlmttHuml:llhnfi HmflUlB
U~1~t5l:lt~l:l1Q)~l:lmj~ ~ t5l:lflmUt~m)1g:fil:lt~l:l~l:lmj~~t~tl1
~~l:lmj~urU fl2LUl:lgggf)JlUmll:l:fimg1Ugfi§1~mQ)riUl:ltml:ltLGBttJ1 ~

Just as the hunter neared the nest, Mr. Kingfisher dived into the
lake and flapped his wings. As a result, the water from the lake
splattered and doused the fire . Down came the hunter from the
tree and the three men made another fire. This time, the fire was
even bigger .But , once more, Mr.Kin gfisher put it out, splashing
water from the lake.
t81 my mq 8Th ~Fi gm til lm st U19itlth:nfiN til SUtl'l iit~ tlt gJ tl1 '1l ~ tl
mJn ~ tm'1l~tJIlg ~tlQlN2rmm mjfilEi~tltbl[lrutli· uilJ'BtliniitsJm
tsimrumu 'Jts g tutlisth lm stlb1~ fi runG mtlum iitEJgtsitnu~iit~tl1ll
mg~tlttfim~tltmg ~ f1JB'UtlmUtgilUlum~il1llB'il~mtmtllJlmgi" ~
~tIi g~tltbl[l ruN lUlU1llUilJ billU filnil W1.) s NUlsmrl Ht ~il 1llB'ilmii lmtl

Not to be outdone, the hunters made yet another fire. Mrs. Hawk
noticed this and said to her husband, "Mr. Kingfisher would be I
tired soon, if these wicked men keep lighting the fire again and I
again. Go and ask Tork to help." So Mr. Hawk asked Mr. /
sher to rest, while he called on Tork, from the bank.
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Ht~fi jjfi fiUlBHfitl~1H11~Lmtltthtml1B1ifi1Jlfil1gHfiLj:iULmijJmmu

fltl~ ~ flmtl'ifi
,, '="
IV ru
~ mrutmg V W"

Ht lliin fi Ul Bfu mii nntlt run ru m" t e;'('="j fi H1 BUml HUl mll Hm fi il91l:ltml
\J ... _ lIl d "
t~ r ~

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mg ? ~ U~UHfitylm~rufiUlmHunULUlUHt~fimLmgHtn~mmtlru
~ 0.> 0.> 0 .::11 0) 0.> C •
Btltnm\lltlmmgrnnnr!i!B ~ rutummg Ht~fifi91t:!l1ifimfijfl mm
o.>C 1" c#

tmtllJltn1B ttnmfiLtl1:jtl~rutgintlgfi

Tork, the turtle came to the bank, with this nightcap carelessly
thrown around his ears. her rubbed his eyes lazily, took a deep
yawn and said, "What is the matter, dear Mr. Hawk, that you
come to me at this hour of the night?" Mr. Hawk briefed Tork
about the danger he was in . When Tork heard this, he pulled up
his nightcap with extra energy and then dived into the water.
ht1miJmmqjfiH.fit3~lhthrurufi'ilil~tWH1;fru~dt'ilH}t1~git5tl '1 tmUtt3ru
fiUl Ul mNt1 tlhi rJ rn tlt Hrumi rJu fi m nJ hlitl
"V t I 0:::0
Hi rul
fi fhil Bru fi'ilil t3 mOl gi
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t5tlmltlrUlfU '1 LmBtLt1mBmrQ1iit~rumltl~tltBimrutt3ru~fiteinn'2l

t5tlUl mrugitTI lj1H 'JtBlg ~ ntTIUl BU):l1git5tl ~tlt 9jTI '1

Soon, Tork came up with a lump of damp clay and went towards
the fire. When the hunters were busy looking up at the nest of
the Hawk, Tork put out the fire with the clay. The hunter saw that I

the fire was out and they were very surprised. But they lit up the

fire immediately.
~lmlg mruttlrumU!jfifi~l:ltmUlg~n~~rutgi!:i\:lt~l:l LmStL~f\Ulsnll~il
cs do> ...... c!."., • ~
Oil 0 c::./CS" cs
ttflru~mfimUumgjl:lm ttfl~~mrul:l~ru~ru~Qs~l:ltsmg~ ? \iHrul:l
tgi rdrulUm U!j mm gtgi tmrurufiil Bfiij HSfij LBlUHltfll H~ ruL~ fimni
CIol ell . ~ Q 0> C>I C ~ C ".,
trul:l ~ mruruLmSttflStillrummmg mO!lfifiLtl~tl\irutgi!:il:l9fi fil!t~
LmstLmn\:ltmgUlsttllgt2'UHli tmruUml:ltrulfitig!:il:l9fi {~BJrnBlnu
eo) "'" CSQ .0) old 0.> '

mO!lfi '1 mrutlli~HtO!lfifQfi!:il:ltLrngtUfimmSg~l:lfiUlsttflHgim trn

rnl;j t~BJLUlUtUl:lnigll:lgj1ru ' ~

this time when Tork was putting the clay, the hunter saw him.
They cried: "Why should we bother to get the young hawk? Let
us kill this turtle. He will make a fine breakfast for all of us."
Hearing this, Tork dived into the water. But the greedy men took
of their shirts and prepared to jump into the water to catch Tork.
Seeing that Tork was in great trouble, Mr. Hawk flew to Leo and
told him the whole story.
HmUlJ RUl2BflJHllrn .. §Bl:ltgi!'l~1tsglJ1t1 .. 1 ti19j1rDrntl~iRmITt~t1
tg~nUlHgimBti1linr¢itl '1 tsitm]jttlru~nHmntlrutnJiUtl rulJ f\nlib]
o C>I 0 • COol 0 0<>" 0
liH'tHl1tl TI n ~ tl blJl t1l1 t1mTI lit UIl n mnmm ru lJ Ul 2m 1Jl b] tutin t1l1tl21tl 1

0) '? 0_ 0 ~. t> 0 v
t bl ruttl rulm 2 t lC191tlTIUl 2£1 tut rutl U'iUlt1m tutm ~mm ltunflHt:lltll ntll
" <SCI>." d. "d

21Lirn ~nttlltl2tl~TI!'l~1tsg lLit1n~nti"inUl2mtgi gltllt1l1l:ltruJ2 1

<:::of C>. C>I d C>I C>I C>I 0 d .... •
tsimrutSlmnj 2tlHtUllnnUlst9jtlt1mrutmn tUltllf21tln2t1l1tlltgim2
~mj;'jrn .. linUl2~tllmTImf11~mrutltsit~tsg" 1 mrutSlg rulJ ~n BtlTInJ
f\Ul2b]~t1 tUltllBt1l1tllrn .. djtgH~R!'i tt1t1J~" 1 miHTI1" H~~~ru!i1

Leo, the lion said: "I will come at once." And the two friends
started for the hawk's nest. When they come near the lake, Leo
saw that the men were trying to catch Tork. Immediately, Leo let
out a loud roar. When the hunters heard the roar, they cried in
fear, "Now we shall all be killed." And away they ran, as fast as
they could. Then Mr. Kingfisher and Tork came up, and the
hawks said: "You have saved us today." And Leo, Tork and Mr.
Kingfisher smiled and said, "What are friend for?"

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