Lesson 6

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Lesson Plan 6

Theme of the lesson.


Teacher’s name: Hodzhakulova A.A

Date: 11.04.2024

Grade:7 Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Healthy problems 2

Learning objectives(s) uses talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on
that this lesson is the world
contributing to: deduces meaning from the context with little support in all extended talk on a limited
range of general and curricular topics understands the detail of an argument on a growing range of familiar general and
curricular topics, including some extended texts

Lesson objectives:  understand the main points in texts

 read a limited range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts and use speaking and
listening skills to provide sensitive feedback
 use speaking to begin to link comments with some flexibility and listening skills to
provide feedback, understand the main points in texts

Value link: Be friendly, respect each other, be responsible.


Part of the lesson/Time Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the lesson Organization The aim: To At the organization CD player
moment: develop Ss moment T tries to award
Warming-up speaking skills and active Ss. «The praise» Microphone
1.Greeting. create friendly method is used to
3 min. cards
Ask about the atmosphere evaluate Ss with phrases
weather. like:
Efficiency: By
telling the wishes “Good job!
they show their
appreciations . Well done!”

Pre-learning “Art gallery” game Ss Look at the Descriptor: Whiteboard

used to revise the cards
«Brainstorming» method vocabulary of -know new words
Identify them
10 min. previous lesson. -can translate them Cards
Name them.
T shows cards with
Total: 1point
different food and Label pictures in
asks Ss to name exercise 1. Student’s book
Aim: make them Praise Ss who has more
T asks Ss to do involved to the cards and could name the
exercise 1 on page lesson. cards.
92. Label the
picture. Efficiency: Ss
refresh their mind
In before starting new
differentiation theme.
part «Interpreter »
method was used to
check up student’s
knowledge and
After that T
introduces the aim
and theme of the

Middle of the lesson «Read and Think» Ss read the text Descriptor: Whiteboard
method is used to
Presentation part. start new lesson. T -can get general idea Student’s Book
asks Ss to look at
the exercise 2 on
8 min. page 92. T task is to
read the text and be
ready to answer
questions. Total: 1point

«Answer my Ss answer the T praise active Ss with Whiteboard

questions» questions in phrases such as: “Good
exercise 3 p92 job! Student’s book
T asks Ss to answer Poster
the questions Speak according to Well done!” “One more
the theme. time, please”

6 min. T asks Ss to listen Ss listen to the task Descriptor: Whiteboard

to Paul and
Complete daily -listen and complete Student’s book
complete his daily menu Poster
menu. -discuss
Discuss it
Aim: make them Total: 2 points
involved to the


To develop Ss
critical thinking
skills and reading

«Verbal support»
method is used to
help Ss use new
words in the

8 min. T gives exercises Ss look at the Descriptor: Whiteboard

5 .6 on page 92. questions
“Speaking time” -ask and answer the Student’s book
task. Ask and answer questions
T asks Ss to answer
the questions Total: 1point
Aim: to work with


To develop Ss
listening skills and
writing skills
«Verbal support»
method is used to
help Ss use new
words in the

5 min T asks students to Ss do exercise 7 on Descriptor: Whiteboard

look at exercises page 92.
and 7 on page 92 -can share ideas-1point. Student’s book

T gives the task to -make menu-1 point Poster

make their own Make up their own
menu -can work in pairs -
daily menu “Think, 1point.
pair and share” Speak about it
method is used in
this task

Aim: develop


Ss use new
vocabulary and
practice it with

pair,share» method
is used to develop
their speaking and
listening skills.

End of the lesson. The Ladder method Ss use their stickers Descriptor: Whiteboard
was used as a to show their
reflection. T asks knowledge Use key phrases Student’s book
Ss to stick their according to the effectively. Poster: Success
Reflection Ladder.
stickers to the lesson -can speak about daily
Success Ladder. menu
Green- I understood

Yellow-I have -can answer the questions

Individual work: some questions - 2points.

5 min. Red-I need a help.

Ss evaluate each other
and encourage classmate
Aim: To know how with phrases like:
many Ss got the
theme. Well done! Brilliant!
Good job! I like it!

Ss can use colors to

show how much do
they remember.

method is used to
finish the lesson.

DIFFERENTIATION – how do you plan ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to Health and safety
to give more support? How do you plan check learners’ learning? rules
to challenge the more able learners?

During the lesson some tasks differentiated Reflection at the end of the lesson and teacher Provide some
by outcomes of the students and by their summary provides support for progress and physical exercises
abilities. achievement, and challenge to thinking and for learners
All learners memorize the opinion of the setting future objectives.
speaker of curricular topics. During the activity teacher after each right
Most learners improve interaction between answer gives feedback with the method: “The
students through discussion. Praise”.
Some learners describe basic information “You are right”
about themselves and others. “Great!”
Well done, you can say the topical words
correctly, at home repeat words again and learn
by heart.
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?
Did all learners achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan and
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform
my next lesson?

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