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Kubernetes Secrets Handbook: Design, implement, and maintain production-grade Kubernetes Secrets management solutions
Kubernetes Secrets Handbook: Design, implement, and maintain production-grade Kubernetes Secrets management solutions
Kubernetes Secrets Handbook: Design, implement, and maintain production-grade Kubernetes Secrets management solutions
Ebook688 pages4 hours

Kubernetes Secrets Handbook: Design, implement, and maintain production-grade Kubernetes Secrets management solutions

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About this ebook

Securing Secrets in containerized apps poses a significant challenge for Kubernetes IT professionals. This book tackles the critical task of safeguarding sensitive data, addressing the limitations of Kubernetes encryption, and establishing a robust Secrets management system for heightened security for Kubernetes.
Starting with the fundamental Kubernetes architecture principles and how they apply to the design of Secrets management, this book delves into advanced Kubernetes concepts such as hands-on security, compliance, risk mitigation, disaster recovery, and backup strategies. With the help of practical, real-world guidance, you’ll learn how to mitigate risks and establish robust Secrets management as you explore different types of external secret stores, configure them in Kubernetes, and integrate them with existing Secrets management solutions.
Further, you'll design, implement, and operate a secure method of managing sensitive payload by leveraging real use cases in an iterative process to enhance skills, practices, and analytical thinking, progressively strengthening the security posture with each solution.
By the end of this book, you'll have a rock-solid Secrets management solution to run your business-critical applications in a hybrid multi-cloud scenario, addressing operational risks, compliance, and controls.

Release dateJan 31, 2024
Kubernetes Secrets Handbook: Design, implement, and maintain production-grade Kubernetes Secrets management solutions

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    Kubernetes Secrets Handbook - Emmanouil Gkatziouras

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    Kubernetes Secrets Handbook

    Copyright © 2024 Packt Publishing

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    First published: January 2024

    Production reference: 1120124

    Published by

    Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Grosvenor House

    11 St Paul’s Square


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    ISBN 978-1-80512-322-4

    To my father. A mentor for life and the best teacher I had. At every milestone reached, you have your own share of credit.

    – Emmanouil Gkatziouras

    To my grandmother for her kindness, my grandfather for his wisdom, and my partner and best friend, Mercedes Adams, for her love, patience, and continuous support.

    – Rom Adams

    To my wife. A beacon of love and strength in my life. Your support and care have shaped every success I’ve achieved. In every moment, your presence is a blessing beyond measure.

    – Chen Xi


    In today’s digital landscape, the orchestration of containers has revolutionized how we build, deploy, manage, monitor, and scale cloud-native applications. Among the myriad tools available, Kubernetes has emerged as the de facto platform for container orchestration, empowering teams to streamline development and deployment processes like never before.

    However, as we venture deeper into this realm of agility and efficiency, the critical aspect of security often becomes a concern relegated to the background. The management of Secrets – those sensitive pieces of information ranging from credentials, API keys, and other sensitive data – is a paramount challenge to organizations. Mismanagement of these Secrets can lead to substantial cyberattacks that jeopardize not just an organization’s data but also its reputation and trust. Even the accidental mismanagement of Secrets, such as Secrets being mistakenly stored in a code repository such as GitHub, can greatly increase the attack vector on both Kubernetes platforms and the applications that they host.

    This book stands as a beacon in the sea of Kubernetes knowledge, guiding practitioners and enthusiasts alike through the intricate landscape of security and Secrets management within Kubernetes. It is a comprehensive guide that not only illuminates the potential vulnerabilities but also offers robust strategies and best practices to fortify your cloud-native applications and Kubernetes platforms.

    With a meticulous approach, the authors delve into the core concepts of Kubernetes security, dissecting every layer of its architecture to unveil potential vulnerabilities and common pitfalls. Furthermore, they navigate the complex terrain of Secrets management, presenting battle-tested methodologies and tools to safeguard these invaluable assets.

    From encryption in transit and encryption at rest to Secrets integration with CI/CD pipelines and mechanisms for identity and access management, this book thoroughly details the arsenal of security features Kubernetes offers, empowering you to craft and deliver a robust security strategy. It will arm you with practical insights and real-world examples, providing a hands-on approach to managing your Kubernetes Secrets against ever-evolving cyber threats.

    As cloud-native application development continues its rapid evolution, the importance of securing our digital environments and artifacts cannot be overstated. This book is an indispensable companion, a guiding light for anyone navigating the Kubernetes ecosystem, ensuring that security and Secrets management remain at the forefront of their endeavors. It will cover Secrets management across multiple cloud providers and secure integration with other third-party vendors.

    Prepare to embark on a journey that not only enhances your knowledge but also empowers you to fortify the foundation of your digital endeavors. When it comes to Kubernetes Secrets management, security should be built in, not bolt-on, and this book will arm you with the tools, techniques, and processes to ensure that your Secrets remain just that…secret!

    Chris Jenkins, Principal Chief Architect, Global CTO Organization, Red Hat Inc.


    About the authors

    Emmanouil Gkatziouras started his career in software as a Java developer. Since 2015, he has worked daily with cloud providers such as GCP, AWS, and Azure, and container orchestration tools such as Kubernetes. He has fulfilled many roles, either in lead positions or as an individual contributor. He enjoys being a versatile engineer and collaborating with development, platform, and architecture teams. He loves to give back to the developer community by contributing to open source projects and blogging on various software topics. He is committed to continuous learning and is a holder of certifications such as CKA, CCDAK, PSM, CKAD, and PSO. He is the author of A Developer’s Essential Guide to Docker Compose.

    Rom Adams (né Romuald Vandepoel) is an open source and C-Suite advisor with 20 years of experience in the IT industry. He is a cloud-native expert who helps organizations to modernize and transform with open source solutions. He is advising companies and lawmakers on their open and inner-source strategies. He has previously worked as a principal architect at Ondat, a cloud-native storage company acquired by Akamai, where he designed products and hybrid cloud solutions. He has also held roles at Tyco, NetApp, and Red Hat, becoming a subject matter expert in hybrid cloud. He has been a moderator and speaker for several events, sharing his insights on culture, process, and technology adoption, as well as his passion for open innovation.

    Chen Xi is a highly skilled Uber platform engineer. As a tech leader, he contributed to the secret and key management platform service, leading and delivering Secrets as a service with a 99.99% SLA for thousands of Uber container services across hybrid environments. His cloud infrastructure prowess is evident from his work on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and the integration of Spire-based PKI systems. Prior to joining Uber, he worked at VMware, where he developed microservices for VMware’s Hybrid Kubernetes management platform (Tanzu Mission Control) and VMware Kubernetes Engine for multi-cloud (Cloud PKS). Chen is also a contributing author to the Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) exam.

    About the reviewers

    Brad Blackard is an industry veteran with nearly 20 years of experience at companies such as Uber, Microsoft, and Boeing. At Uber, Brad led multiple technical initiatives as a leader in the Core Security organization, including Secrets management at scale. Most recently, Brad has served as head of engineering for DevZero, a start-up focused on securely improving developer experience and productivity, and he continues to serve there as an advisor.

    Ethan Walton is a staff security engineer with a background in Kubernetes, DevOps, and cloud security. He has been active in the space since 2019, with work spanning platform engineering, cloud infrastructure consulting at Google, and leading cloud security initiatives within growing engineering organizations. Ethan is certified as a Google Cloud Professional Cloud Network Engineer and is an avid technology enthusiast. Outside of work, Ethan is also heavily invested in Venture Capital and helping to discover transformational technology start-up companies that will help shape the future.

    I’d like to thank my family and especially my mother, father, and better half, Alexandra, for understanding the time and commitment it takes to continue pursuing my passion in the ever-changing world of technology. Day in and day out, this would not have been possible without them every step of the way. Thank you, and thanks to all the great technology trailblazers who continue to make every day an exciting day to work in this field.

    James Skliros, a seasoned lead engineer, has shaped the digital landscape for over two decades, and he is renowned for spearheading projects and showcasing exceptional expertise in DevOps, the cloud, and Kubernetes. His adeptness at developing innovative initiatives and enhancing operational efficiency in DevOps is evident throughout his career. Evolving from a system administration background, he now focuses on architecture and solution design, emphasizing a passion for cloud security. Beyond his professional endeavors, he remains dedicated to technology, contributing insightful blogs and articles to his employer and personal platform.

    I want to extend my deepest gratitude to my incredible wife, who has been my unwavering support during both the highs and lows of my career journey. Her steadfast encouragement has allowed me to persist in achieving my goals. Additionally, I appreciate Innablr for providing a growth-oriented workplace. Their support has played a key role in my career progression, and I am sincerely thankful for the opportunities they’ve offered.

    Table of Contents


    Part 1: Introduction to Kubernetes Secrets Management


    Understanding Kubernetes Secrets Management

    Technical requirements

    Understanding Kubernetes’ origins and design principles

    From bare metal to containers

    Kubernetes overview

    Kubernetes design principles

    Kubernetes architecture

    Getting hands-on – from a local container to a Kubernetes Pod

    Secrets within Kubernetes

    Secrets concepts

    Storing Secrets on Kubernetes

    Why should we care?

    Security exposures



    Walking through Kubernetes Secrets Management Concepts

    Technical requirements

    What are Kubernetes Secrets, and how do they differ from other Kubernetes objects?

    Different types of Secrets and their usage scenarios


    Kubernetes service account token

    Docker config

    Basic authentication

    TLS client or server

    Token data


    Creating, modifying, and deleting Secrets in Kubernetes

    data and stringData

    Updating Secrets

    Deleting Secrets


    Kubernetes Secrets configuration in different deployment scenarios

    Secret usage among environments

    From development to deployment


    Requirement for managing Secrets, including secure storage and access control

    Secure storage

    Access control

    Git and encryption


    Securing access to Secrets with RBAC

    RBAC introduction

    RBAC and Secrets


    Auditing and monitoring secret usage

    minikube note



    Encrypting Secrets the Kubernetes-Native Way

    Technical requirements

    Kubernetes-native encryption

    Standalone native encryption

    Native encryption with an external component

    Going further with securing etcd

    Linux system hardening

    Linux data encryption




    Debugging and Troubleshooting Kubernetes Secrets

    Technical requirements

    Discussion of common issues with Kubernetes Secrets

    Helm and Helm Secrets

    Secret application pitfalls

    Debugging and troubleshooting Secrets

    The describe command

    Non-existing Secrets

    Badly configured Secrets

    Troubleshooting and observability solutions

    Best practices for debugging and troubleshooting Secrets

    Avoiding leaking Secrets


    Part 2: Advanced Topics – Kubernetes Secrets in a Production Environment


    Security, Auditing, and Compliance

    Technical requirements

    Cybersecurity versus cyber risk


    Cyber risk


    Compliance standards

    Adopting a DevSecOps mindset




    Compliance Operator


    Kubernetes logging



    Disaster Recovery and Backups

    Technical requirements

    Introduction to Secrets disaster recovery and backups

    Importance of disaster recovery and backups for Secrets management

    Practical case studies – the importance of backup Secrets

    Backup strategies for Kubernetes Secrets

    Geo-replication/cross-region replication

    Point-in-time snapshots to immutable storage

    Writing to multiple places during transit

    Secrets versioning and backup considerations

    Choosing a backup strategy

    Security guidance for backup

    Tools and solutions for backing up Kubernetes Secrets



    HashiCorp Vault

    AWS Secrets Manager

    Azure Key Vault

    Disaster recovery for Kubernetes Secrets

    DRP in a Kubernetes environment

    Regular testing and updating

    Tools and solutions for disaster recovery in Kubernetes

    Effective Secrets recovery scenario during a crisis



    Challenges and Risks in Managing Secrets

    Technical requirements

    Grasping the complexities of Secrets management systems

    General security risks in Secrets management

    Secret zero

    Secret access ballooning

    Secret valet parking

    Secret sprawl

    Secret island

    Challenges and risks in managing Secrets for Kubernetes

    Security risks to manage Kubernetes Secrets

    Mitigation strategies


    Part 3: Kubernetes Secrets Providers


    Exploring Cloud Secret Store on AWS

    Technical requirements

    Overview of AWS Secrets Manager




    Cloud-based features

    Secrets Store CSI Driver

    How Secrets Store CSI Driver works

    Integrating AWS Secrets Manager with EKS

    EKS cluster on AWS


    Kubernetes logs on CloudWatch

    AWS Secrets Manager logs on AWS CloudTrail

    KMS for AWS Secrets encryption

    Provisioning KMS

    Using KMS with EKS



    Exploring Cloud Secret Store on Azure

    Technical requirements

    Overview of Azure Key Vault

    Azure RBAC and access policy

    High availability

    Logging, auditing, and monitoring

    Integration with other Azure components

    Introduction to Workload Identity

    Integrating an AKS cluster and Azure Key Vault

    Configuring the Terraform project

    Provisioning the network

    Provisioning the AKS cluster

    Creating a Key Vault

    Auditing and logging

    Azure Key Vault for secret encryption



    Exploring Cloud Secret Store on GCP

    Technical requirements

    Overview of GCP Secret Manager


    High availability

    Logging, auditing, and monitoring

    Integration with other Google Cloud components

    Introduction to Workload Identity

    Integrating GKE and GCP Secret Manager

    Configuring the Terraform project

    Provisioning the network

    Provisioning a secret on Secret Manager

    Provisioning the GKE cluster

    Adding the CSI plugin for Kubernetes Secrets

    Auditing and logging

    GKE security posture dashboard

    Integrating GKE and KMS



    Exploring External Secret Stores

    Technical requirements

    Overview of external secret providers

    Secrets Store CSI Driver

    External secret store providers with CSI plugins

    Secrets Injector

    HashiCorp Vault

    Using HashiCorp Vault as a secret storage

    Vault and CSI Driver

    Vault hosted on Kubernetes

    Development mode versus production mode

    CyberArk Conjur

    How Conjur works

    Qualities for securely managing Secrets

    High availability

    Encryption of data

    Secure access


    Integration with Kubernetes




    Integrating with Secret Stores

    Technical requirements

    Configuring external secret stores in Kubernetes

    Secret consumption in Kubernetes

    Integrating with external secret stores

    Kubernetes extensions and API mechanisms

    Pod lifecycle and manipulation mechanisms

    Specialized Kubernetes patterns – SealedSecrets

    Secret Store CSI Driver for Kubernetes Secrets

    Service mesh integration for secret distribution

    Broker systems in Secrets management

    Security implications and best practices

    Practical and theoretical balance



    Case Studies and Real-World Examples

    Technical requirements

    Real-world examples of how Kubernetes Secrets are used in production environments

    Qualities of Secrets management in production

    Secrets management from a CI/CD perspective

    Integrating Secrets management into your CI/CD process

    Risks to avoid with Secrets in CI/CD pipelines

    Best practices for secure CI/CD Secrets management

    Lessons learned from real-world deployments

    Case study – Developing Secrets management

    The Keywhiz Secrets management system at Square

    Managing the Secrets lifecycle from end to end in a Kubernetes production cluster

    Finalizing your decision on comprehensive Secrets lifecycle management

    High SLAs as the key to business sustainability

    Emergency recovery – backup and restore

    Not just storing but provisioning Secrets

    Secrets rotation

    Authorization sprawl issue

    Tagging, labeling, and masking on the client side

    Auditing and monitoring on the server side

    Ensuring secure Secrets distribution

    Decommissioning and revoking Secrets

    Responsibility, on-call support, penetration testing, and risk evaluation



    Conclusion and the Future of Kubernetes Secrets Management

    The current state of Kubernetes

    Native solutions

    External solutions

    The future state of Kubernetes

    Food for thought and enhancements

    How to share your thoughts

    Continuous improvement

    Skill acquisition

    Start early, fail fast, and iterate

    Automation as a strategy and Everything as Code (EaC)

    Threat modeling

    Incident response



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    Kubernetes Secrets management is a combination of practices and tools that help users to securely store and manage sensitive information, such as passwords, tokens, and certificates, within a Kubernetes cluster and keep them safe and secure. Securing Secrets such as passwords, API keys, and other sensitive information is critical for protecting applications and data from unauthorized access. Developers who understand Kubernetes Secrets management can help ensure that Secrets are managed securely and effectively, reducing the risk of security breaches. Many industries and regulatory frameworks have specific requirements for managing sensitive data. By learning Kubernetes Secrets management practices, developers can ensure that their applications comply with these requirements and avoid potential legal or financial penalties.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for software and DevOps engineers and system administrators looking to deploy and manage Secrets on Kubernetes. Specifically, it is aimed at the following:

    Developers who are already familiar with Kubernetes and are looking to understand how to manage Secrets effectively. This could include individuals who are already using Kubernetes for application deployment, as well as those who are new to the platform and looking to learn more about its capabilities.

    Security professionals who are interested in learning how to securely manage Secrets within a Kubernetes environment. This could include individuals who are responsible for securing applications, infrastructure, or networks, as well as those who are responsible for compliance and regulatory requirements.

    Anyone who is interested in using Kubernetes to deploy and manage applications securely, and who wants to understand how to effectively manage Secrets within that environment.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1

    , Understanding Kubernetes Secrets Management, introduces you to Kubernetes and the importance of Secrets management in applications deployed on Kubernetes. It gives an overview of the challenges and risks associated with managing Secrets, the objectives, and the scope of the book.

    Chapter 2

    , Walking through Kubernetes Secrets Management Concepts, covers the basics of Kubernetes Secrets management, including the different types of Secrets; their usage scenarios; how to create, modify, and delete Secrets in Kubernetes; and secure storage and access control. It also covers how to securely access Secrets with RBAC and Pod Security Standards, as well as auditing and monitoring secret usage.

    Chapter 3

    , Encrypting Secrets the Kubernetes-Native Way, teaches you how to encrypt Secrets in transit and at rest in etcd, as well as key management and rotation in Kubernetes.

    Chapter 4

    , Debugging and Troubleshooting Kubernetes Secrets, provides guidance on identifying and addressing common issues that arise when managing Secrets in Kubernetes. It covers best practices for debugging and troubleshooting Secrets, including the usage of monitoring and logging tools, ensuring the security and reliability of Kubernetes-based applications.

    Chapter 5

    , Security, Auditing, and Compliance, focuses on the importance of compliance and security while managing Secrets in Kubernetes. It covers how to comply with security standards and regulations, mitigating security vulnerabilities, and ensuring secure Kubernetes Secrets management.

    Chapter 6

    , Disaster Recovery and Backups, provides you with an understanding of disaster recovery and backups for Kubernetes Secrets. It also covers backup strategies and disaster recovery plans.

    Chapter 7

    , Challenges and Risks in Managing Secrets, focuses on the challenges and risks associated with managing Secrets in hybrid and multi-cloud environments. It also covers strategies for mitigating security risks in Kubernetes Secrets management, guidelines for ensuring secure Kubernetes Secrets management, and the tools and technologies available for Kubernetes Secrets management.

    Chapter 8

    , Exploring Cloud Secret Store on AWS, introduces you to AWS Secrets Manager and KMS and how they can be integrated with Kubernetes. It also covers monitoring and logging operations on Kubernetes Secrets with AWS CloudWatch.

    Chapter 9

    , Exploring Cloud Secret Store on Azure, teaches you how to integrate Kubernetes with Azure Key Vault for secret storage, as well as the encryption of Secrets stored on etcd. It also covers monitoring and logging operations on Kubernetes Secrets through Azure’s observability tools.

    Chapter 10

    , Exploring Cloud Secret Store on GCP, introduces you to GCP Secret Manager and GCP KMS and how they can be integrated with Kubernetes. It also covers monitoring and logging operations on Kubernetes Secrets with GCP monitoring and logs.

    Chapter 11

    , Exploring External Secret Stores, explores different types of third-party external secret stores, such as HashiCorp Vault and CyberArk Secrets Manager. It teaches you how to use external secret stores to store sensitive data and the best practices for doing so. Additionally, the chapter also covers the security implications of using external secret stores and how they impact the overall security of a Kubernetes cluster.

    Chapter 12

    , Integrating with Secret Stores, teaches you how to integrate third-party Secrets management tools with Kubernetes. It covers external secret stores in Kubernetes and the different types of external secret stores that can be used. You will also gain an understanding of the security implications of using external secret stores and how to use them to store sensitive data using different approaches such as init containers, sidecars, CSI drivers, operators, and sealed Secrets. The chapter also covers the best practices for using external secret stores and how they can impact the overall security of a Kubernetes cluster.

    Chapter 13

    , Case Studies and Real-World Examples, covers real-world examples of how Kubernetes Secrets are used in production environments. It covers case studies of organizations that have implemented Secrets management in Kubernetes and lessons learned from real-world deployments. Additionally, you will learn about managing Secrets in CI/CD pipelines and integrating Secrets management into the CI/CD process. This chapter also covers Kubernetes tools to manage Secrets in pipelines and the best practices for secure CI/CD Secrets management.

    Chapter 14

    , Conclusion and the Future of Kubernetes Secrets Management, gives an overview of the current state of Kubernetes Secrets management and future trends and developments in the field. It also covers how to stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices in Kubernetes Secrets management.

    To get the most out of this book

    You should understand Bash scripting, containerization, and how Docker works. You should also understand Kubernetes and basic concepts of security. Knowledge of Terraform and cloud providers will also be beneficial.

    If you are using the digital version of this book, we advise you to type the code yourself or access the code from the book’s GitHub repository (a link is available in the next section). Doing so will help you avoid any potential errors related to the copying and pasting of code.

    Download the example code files

    You can download the example code files for this book from GitHub at

    . If there’s an update to the code, it will be updated in the GitHub repository.

    We also have other code bundles from our rich catalog of books and videos available at

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    Conventions used

    There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

    Code in text: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: The kms provider plugin connects kube-apiserver with an external KMS to leverage an envelope encryption principle.

    A block of code is set as follows:


    kind: EncryptionConfiguration


      - resources:

          - secrets


          - aesgcm:


                - name: key-20230616

                  secret: DlZbD9Vc9ADLjAxKBaWxoevlKdsMMIY68DxQZVabJM8=

          - identity: {}

    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:

    apiVersion: v1

    kind: ServiceAccount




    : arn:aws:iam::11111:role/eks-secret-reader

      name: service-token-reader

      namespace: default

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    $ kubectl get events


    11m         Normal    Pulled              pod/webpage                              Container image nginx:stable

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