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13 MARET 2024

Hana Nur Aini, S.T., M.Eng

Pembagian batuan beku berdasarkan :
▪ Lingkungan pembekuan magma ▪ Warna
• Leucocratic (mafic mineral < 30%)
• Plutonik
• Mesocratic (mafic mineral 30 – 60%)
• Hypabisal • Melanocratic (mafic mineral 60 – 90%)
• Volkanik • Hypermelanic (mafic mineral > 90%)
▪ Tekstur ▪ Kandungan silika
• Asam (kandungan silika > 66 %)
• Faneritik
• Menengah (kandungan silika 52 – 66 %)
• Porfiritik
• Basa (kandungan silika 45 – 52 %)
• Afanitik • Ultrabasa (kandungan silika < 45 %)
CLUES TO Petrology @ Rosana 2012
IGNEOUS ROCKS Celestian & Celestian, 2006


TEXTURE Ultramafic
GRAINED Can see crystals. Usually Ca n s e e c ry s t a ls wi t h Can see crystals — lots of Composed of 90-
gray or pink. Can see somewhat more light colored flat shiny cleavage surfaces. 100% olivine
(You can see quartz - gray, glassy grains. feldspar grains than dark
different Can see feldspar - pink, colored minerals. A mix of light Usually black to greenish
minerals) buff, or white. and dark but with no quartz. Salt black. PYROXENITE:
& pepper appearance. Composed of pre-
dominately pyroxene


GRAINED Usually gray, pink, Light to dark gray. Normally has Usually black or rust red.
Composed of pre-
(You can NOT pastel. Might see small small black crystals May have some or lots of
dominately amphiboles
clear, rectangular crystals. gas bubble holes, some
see crystals, for Sometimes banded. holes may be filled. May
(such as hornblende)
the most part) see small green grains.

OBSIDIAN: Black, red, green, GLASS

GLASSY PERLITE: Usually pearly gray. May contain Apache Tears.
PUMICE: LOTS of gas bubble holes, very lightweight, will float on water. Abrasive.


(2 grain sizes)
TUFF: Compacted volcanic fragments generally less than 4mm diameter (ash)
FRAGMENTAL VOLCANIC BRECCIA: Mixed tuff and angular large (>32mm diameter) fragments
AGGLOMERATE: Mixed ash and rounded/sub-rounded large (>32mm diameter) fragments
Asas klasifikasi :
• Sederhana, dan
• Mudah dipergunakan.
Klasifikasi yang rumit akan menimbulkan kesukaran dan

• Dua sifat yang sangat penting dalam batuan beku

adalah sifat kimia dan sifat mineralogi.
• Batuan dengan kumpulan mineral tertentu, akan
memiliki susunan kimia tertentu pula, tetapi susunan
kimia batuan yang sama belum tentu mencerminkan
kumpulan mineral yang sama.
Mineral Penyusun Batuan Beku
• Mineral utama (essential minerals)
• Mineral variasi (varietal minerals)
• Mineral pengiring (accessory
Mineral pembentuk batuan beku
berdasarkan kejadiannya, dibedakan
menjadi :
• Mineral Primer
Terjadi pada saat proses pembentukan
• Mineral Sekunder
Terbentuk pada saat setelah proses
pembekuan batuan (leburan silikat) Mineral Asesoris dan mineral
berakhir : sekunder : Pyrrhotit • Tourmalin
 Mineral deuteric • Spinel Zirkon
Rutil • Topas
 Mineral ubahan • Magnetit Sphene / Titanit • Zeolit
• Ilmenit Apatit
• Pyrit Garnet
Secara garis besar klasifikasi batuan beku dapat
dilakukan secara :
• Mode/Modal, susunan mineralogi batuan yang sebenarnya
• Normatif, susunan mineralogi batuan diperhitungkan berdasarkan
perhitungan kimia (kandungan mineralnya)
• Batuan dengan kandungan mineral normatif-nya sama, belum tentu sama
mode-nya apalagi teksturnya.
• Klasifikasi yang berlaku sekarang merupakan hasil perkembangan dari usaha
sebelumnya, mungkin sejak von Leonhard (1823) atau Werner.
• Selain jenis mineral, jumlah mineral merupakan hal yang penting dalam
klasifikasi, sehingga klasifikasi yang sekarang berlaku tergolong dalam
klasifikasi mineralogi secara kuantitatif (persentase volume), selain itu,
tekstur juga dijadikan unsur klasifikasi.
Klasifikasi batuan beku secara normatif

• Klasifikasi H. Rosenbusch (1907-8)

• Klasifikasi Moorhouse
• Klasifikasi Johannsen
• Klasifikasi R. B. Travis (1955)
• Klasifikasi Kuno (1976)
• Klasifikasi Miyashiro dan Kushiro (1979)
• Klasifikasi Streckeisen (1976)
Klasifikasi Streckeisen

• Membuat klasifikasi atas dasar hasil kelompok kerja tatanama batuan yang
dibentuk oleh IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences, Comunission of
• Mengklasifikasikan batuan beku ke dalam kelas, orde dan famili

Kelas (berdasar % volume mineral mafit (M)-nya) :

- Kelas A menunjukkan M kurang dari 90%, dibagi menjadi :
• Kelompok plutonik (berbutir kasar)
• Kelompok volkanik (berbutir halus)
- Kelas B menunjukkan M lebih dari 90%
Field Classification of QAPF Igneous Rocks

Tiap kelompok dibagi atas dasar kedudukan batuan

dalam tetraeder ganda, dengan sudut – sudut Q, A, F,
dan P
Q = kuarsa, tridimit, kristobalit
A = feldspar alkali : ortoklas, mikroklin, sanidin,
pertit, anortoklas, albit (An0 - An5)
F = feldspartoid (leusit, nefelin, sodalit, nosean,
analcin, hauyne, cancrinite)
P = Plagioklas (An5 – An100), skapolit
Klasifikasi Streckeisen untuk
batuan beku berbutir kasar
Q kuarsazolit
Klasifikasi Streckeisen untuk 90 90

batuan beku berbutir kasar granitik- granodiorit


60 60
feldspar alkali
granit monzodiorit-kuarsa
sienit-kuarsa- monzogabro-kuarsa
feldspar alkali diorit-kuarsa
sieno- monzo- gabro-kuarsa
granit granit anortosit-kuarsa
10 35 65 90
feldspar-alkali 20 20
sienit- monzonit-
kuarsa kuarsa monzogabro
5 5
A sienit
monzonit- P diorit
foidan foidan gabro
10 10 anortosit
10 50 90
monzosienit-foid monzosienit- diorit-foidan
feldspar alkali gabro-foidan
monzogabro- anortosit-foidan
60 60 gabro-foid


QAPF = 100

Klasifikasi Streckeisen untuk
batuan beku berbutir halus
Klasifikasi Streckeisen untuk
batuan beku berbutir halus
Klasifikasi Streckeisen untuk batuan gabroik

90 90

gabro* 65 65 anortosit
gabronorit troktolit Anortosit
norit 90 90
35 gabro-olivin 35
gabronorit-olivin gabro* 65 65
norit-olivin (mela-) gabronorit gabro-hornblende
norit (meso-)
10 10
batuan ultramafik plagioklasan Batuan Ultramafik
Px Ol 35 35
gabronorit-piroksen-hornblende (mela-)
Plag norit-piroksen-hornblende
10 10
Batuan Ultramafik
norit gabro* Px Hbl
norit- gabro- piroksenit- hornblendit-
klinopiroksen ortopiroksen hornblende piroksen
piroksenit plagioklasan plagioklasan hornblendit
10 10 plagioklasan plagioklasan
5 piroksenit plagioklasan 95
Opx Cpx
Klasifikasi Streckeisen untuk batuan ultramafic
90 90

peridotit- peridotit-
piroksen hornblende
40 40
piroksenit- hornblendit- hornblendit-
olivin hornblendit
olivin- olivin- olivin
hornblende piroksen
10 10

Px Hbl Ol
piroksenit * piroksenit- hornblendit- hornblendit *
90 90
hornblende piroksen

harzburgit wehrit

40 40

ortopiroksenit- klinopiroksenit-
olivin websterit-olivin olivin piroksenit-
10 10
piroksenit *
Opx Cpx
ortopiroksenit websterit klinopiroksenit
Klasifikasi R. B. Travis
▪ Berdasar jumlah feldspar alkali atau plagioklas terhadap jumlah
seluruh feldspar
• alkali feldspar > 2/3 dari total feldspar
• alkali feldspar 1/3 – 2/3 dari total feldspar
• Plagioklas > 2/3 dari total feldspar
• Sedikit atau tanpa feldspar
▪ Kelompok 1 dan 2 dibagi lagi berdasarkan jumlah kuarsa
• kuarsa > 10%
• kuarsa < 10% ; foid < 10%
• foid > 10%
▪ Kelompok 3 dibagi lagi berdasarkan jumlah k-feldspar terhadap
jumlah total feldspar, jenis plagioklas, jumlah kuarsa, jumlah foid dan
jumlah piroksen.
▪ Kelompok 4 dibagi berdasarkan mineral piroksen, olivin, mineral
FeMg, foid.
▪ Tekstur dan mineral asesoris, indeks warna memegang peranan pula
selain komposisi kimia rata-rata
Modal Classification Of Igneous Rocks
Based on percent mineral abundance
GRANITE is a coarse to medium-grained rock that forms from the cooling of
magma deep within the Earth (intrusive). It is made up mainly of varying
amounts of the minerals: quartz, orthoclase, muscovite, biotite and
hornblende. The name is from the Latin granum, for “grains”.
Granite - intrusive Pegmatite a Special Case

PEGMATITES are classified as

intrusive igneous rocks, but
there is a difference. They
are VERY coarse grained and
strictly speaking are not
crystallizing out of a magma.
The coarse grained nature is
the result of crystal growth in
aqueous solutions rather than
in the molten liquid state.
The resulting freedom of ion
motion allows the crystal to
quartz grow much larger in a shorter
length of time. (*)

Petrology @ Rosana 2012 23

DIORITE is very similar to granite, but is distinguished in the
hand specimen by the absence of visible quartz.

Generally it has a salt and pepper appearance (about ½ black

and ½ white).

GABBRO is a coarse-grained rock that is high is iron &
magnesium-bearing minerals (pyroxenes, amphiboles,
plagioclase feldspar, olivene). The rocks will be dark in
color, somewhat heavier than granitic rocks and devoid of

Black minerals are primarily amphibole (like

hornblende) and plagioclase feldspar. (*)
composed of 90-100%
olivine. As a result it is
characteristically olive-
greens in color.

This material is thought to

have originated in the
upper mantle of the Earth.

Petrology @ Rosana 2012 26

RHYOLITE’S name comes from the Greek rhyo, from rhyax,
“stream of lava”. It is formed when molten rock with the same
composition as a high silica granite oozes (rhyolite is VERY
viscous and does not really flow) to the Earth’s surface; and
therefore cools quickly so only microscopic-

sized crystals develop. The volcanoes that produce rhyolite are

very explosive varieties such as Mt. St. Helens, Krakatoa and
O’Leary Peak (AZ). Frequently it is banded due to flow alignment of
different associated minerals (quartz, feldspar, mica, and
hornblende). (*)
Andesite porphyry

ANDESITE is the fine-grained equivalent of

DIORITE. It tends to be a darker gray than
rhyolite and is often porphyritic, with visible
The larger crystals (or phenocrysts) represent a period of
time during which the magma was cooling relatively slowly;
the smaller crystals represent a period during which the rate
of cooling was accelerated.
Basalt porphyry

BASALT occurs as thin to massive lava. flows,

sometimes accumulating to thicknesses of thousands
of feet and covering thousands of square miles. The
volcanoes that produce basaltic lavas are relatively
quiet, such as the Hawaiian Islands volcanoes. Basalt
Klasifikasi Batuan Berdasarkan
Kandungan Kimia
Batuan harus segar
Analisa kimia batuan umumnya dinyatakan dalam oksida
Unsur kimia yang umum dianalisis adalah :
➢ SiO2
➢ Al2O3
➢ Fe2O3
➢ FeO
➢ MnO
➢ MgO
➢ CaO
➢ Na2O
➢ K2O
➢ TiO2
➢ P2O5
➢ H2O
Berdasarkan tingkat kandungan silika (SiO2)

• Asam : SiO2 : > 63%

SiO2 > 70% (granit, rhyolit)
SiO2 63 – 70% (dasit, granodiorit)

• Menengah : SiO2 : 63 – 53%

SiO2 57 – 63% (high silika, andesit, leuco diorit)

• Basa : SiO2 : 45 – 53% (basalt, gabro)

• Ultra basa : SiO2 : < 45% (peridotit, nephelinit, piroksenit )

Klasifikasi batuan beku berdasarkan
kandungan alkali dan silika
(Na2O + K2O dan SiO2)

• Carmichael (1974)
• Whitford (1975)

Na2O+K2O (wt %)
• Miyashiro dan Kushiro (1977)
• Le Bas dkk (1985)
• Wilson (1989)

SiO2 (wt %)

Klasifikasi Batuan Pluton berdasarkan diagram TAS (Wilson, 1989)

Whitford (1975)

I. Tholeiitic Series
II. Calc – Alkaline Series
III. High-K Calc – Alkaline Series
Pembagian jenis magma
berdasarkan kandungan
potasium dan silika

• Kuno (1966) :
1. Golongan toleit
2. Golongan Kalk-alkali
3. Golongan high K.Kalk-alkali
4. Golongan shoshonite
Pembagian Magma Alkali dan Subalkali
Berdasarkan Kandungan Alkali Silika
Pembagian Magma kalk Alkali dan Toleit Berdasarkan Kandungan Alkali,
Oksida Besi dan Magnesium (Irving & Baragar, 1971)

Dasarnya adalah kandungan alkali (Na2O + K2O), oksida

besi (FeO + Fe2O3) dan oksida magnesium (MgO)
Penentuan Magma Asal (Pearce, 1977)
Tahap Diferensiasi
(Thornton & Tuttle, 1960)
• Berdasarkan kandungan indeks mineral
hitam (mafic index) dari batuan sebagai
hasil pembekuannya

• Mafic index (MI) : 100 (FeO + Fe2O3)

FeO + Fe2O3 + MgO

• Felsic Index (FI) : 100 (Na2O + K2O)

Na2O + K2O + CaO
Additional Slide
The Classification of
Igneous Rocks Into Suites
Igneous rocks are classified
on several different criteria,
including color, mineral
composition, and chemistry.
The classification based on
igneous suites is a chemical
classification. There are four
major suites summarized in
the table below.
The Classification of Igneous
Rocks Into Suites
Igneous rocks are classified on
several different criteria,
including color, mineral
composition, and chemistry.
The classification based on
igneous suites is a chemical
•Komatiite - An igneous suite distinguished by the presence of
ultramafic lavas, including "noncumulate" rocks ranging in
composition from peridotite to Basalt or andesite, and cumulate
rocks ranging from peridotite to mafic Gabbros. The lavas
commonly exhibit spinifex texture. All rocks of the series have low
Ti and Fe/Fe+Mg, and high Mg, Ni, Cr. Ultramafic komatiites are
restricted to the Archean and are associated with rifting centers.
•Tholeiite - a silica-oversaturated Basalt, characterized by the
presence of low-calcium Pyroxenes (orthopyroxene and/or
pigeonite) in addition to clinopyroxene and calcic plagioclase. In
contrast to the calcalkaline suite, these are iron enriched rocks.
Tholeiites are characteristic of rifting sites and have shown up as
enormous volcanic outpourings of flood Basalts (to 9 km thick and
1 200,000 km2) of predominantly Quartz-tholeiitic lava.
•Calcalkaline - a series of igneous rocks in which the weight percentage of
CaO = K20+Na20, and the weight percent of silica is between 56-61% (over-
saturated). Includes many intermediate rocks
(monzodiorite, Diorite, Quartz Monzonite, and Quartz Diorite, as well as many,
but not all, Granites and Rhyolites). Calcalkaline rocks differ from Basaltic
rocks by lacking a strong iron-enrichment. Calcalkaline rocks are one of three
series of volcanic rocks generated along subduction zones and emplaced in
volcanic arcs. Toward the trench they are replaced by tholeiitic rocks and away
from the trench by alkaline rocks.
•Alkalic - rock suites in which the total of alkali oxides (Na20+K20) exceeds that
of Ca0 at a silica content less than 51% (undersaturated), of which
alkali Basalts are the most important, but also including Syenites,
nephaline Syenites, and phonolites (silica undersaturated, alkali feldspar and
feldspathoid-rich analogues of Granites and Rhyolites). Alkaline suites occur in
a wide variety of tectonic situations, including rifting centers (bimodal
associations), subduction zones (both continental margin and island arc),
oceanic islands (including hot spots such as Hawaii; alkali Basalts), strike-slip
(transform), and within Proterozoic (but not Archean) stable Cratons
independent of orogenic activity. They appear to be late fractionation stages in
the evolution of magmas.

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