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PT Rekadesindo Mandiri (RDM) was initially established to provide planning, engineering

and management consultancy services, especially in the field of Environmental

Management. In its development, currently it also includes consultancy services in the field
of Civil Engineering, such as Transportation Planning, Traffic Management Planning, Road
Network Engineering, Bridges, Ports, Irrigation, as well as Civil Engineering planning to
support agricultural, plantation, fishery and livestock activities. . There are also further
developments towards the field of computerization, such as creating simulation programs,
databases, and digitizing mapping and information systems.
PT Rekadesindo Mandiri is an independent company and has no relationship with any
contractor company. However, they often collaborate with similar consulting companies, both
international consultants and national consultants. The following is a list of foreign
consultants who have collaborated with PT Rekadesindo Mandiri both as Lead Firm and as
1. Black & Veatch (United State of America)
2. Mot MacDonnald (United Kingdom)
3. Yachiyo Engineering, Co.Ltd, Pacific Consultant International; Oriental Consultant;
Nihon Suido (Japan)
4. Korean Rural Consultant; Dohwa Engineering; (Korea)
5. SMEC; Cardno Emerging Markets; GHD; IRMAsia (AUSTRALIA)
6. PT. Witteveen and Bos; DHV (Natherland)
In the company's operations for approximately 30 years, many international financing
institutions have trusted PT Rekadesindo Mandiri to carry out consultancy services,
including: The Asian Development Bank (ADB), the International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (IBRD) of the World Bank , The Japan Bank for International Cooperation
(JBIC), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Australian Agency For International
Development (AUSAID) now changed to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

PT Rekadesindo Mandiri, headquartered in Jakarta. Currently, the total number of expert

personnel involved reaches more than 40 people, of whom are qualified as experts in the
fields of civil engineering, environmental engineering, urban/spatial planning, geology,
computers and information systems, geodesy, soil and foundation mechanics, and fisheries.

PT Rekadesindo Mandiri also collaborates closely with leading state and private universities
in order to expand their professional capacity. This collaboration allows the experts involved
to always be able to follow developments in science and technology, especially applied
science in fields that are in line with the company's scope of services.

PT Rekadesindo Mandiri has 20 years of experience in work in the field of Spatial Planning,
both Detailed Spatial Planning, Spatial Planning, Regional Spatial Planning and other spatial
planning work, such as Monitoring and Evaluation of Space Utilization, Synchronization of
Space Utilization Programs, etc. Since taking part in spatial planning work in early 2000, PT
Rekadesindo Mandiri has carried out and completed spatial planning work in locations from
Sumatra to Papua, so we dare to say that PT Rekadesindo Mandiri has experience and
human resources that are reliable and competent.
Specifically, for RDTR work, since 2019, PT Rekadesindo Mandiri has been working on
RDTR with integration into OSS in accordance with the needs and regulations of the
Government of the Republic of Indonesia in an effort to make investing easier.
Below we present work experience in the field of spatial planning over the last 10 years.
1. Penyusunan Matek dan Ranperkada RDTR Kabupaten Tanggamus/ Preparation of
Technical Material and Draft Regional Head Regulations (Ranperkada) for RDTR
Tanggamus Regency (2023)
2. Penyusunan Matek dan Ranperkada RDTR Kabupaten Manggarai Barat/ Preparation
of Technical Material and Draft Regional Head Regulations (Ranperkada) for RDTR
West Manggarai Regency (2023)
3. Penyusunan RDTR di Kawasan Wisata Ende Kelimutu/ Preparation of RDTR in the
Ende Kelimutu Tourism Area (2021)
4. Analisis dan Penyusunan Konsep RDTR Kawasan Perkotaan di Kabupaten Kutai
Kartanegarai/ Analysis and Preparation of the RDTR Concept for Urban Areas in
Kutai Kartanegarai Regency (2021)
5. Analisis dan Penyusunan Konsep RDTR Kawasan Perkotaan di Kabupaten
Kpulauan Mentawai/ Analysis and Preparation of the RDTR Concept for Urban Areas
in Mentawai Island Regency (2021)
6. Kompilasi Data dan Delineasi Lokasi RDTR OSS Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara
Tahun 2020/ Data Compilation and Location Delineation of RDTR OSS Kutai
Kartanegara Regency 2020
7. Kompilasi Data dan Delineasi Lokasi RDTR OSS Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai
Tahun 2020/ Data Compilation and Location Delineation of RDTR OSS Mentawai
Island Regency 2020
8. Materi Teknis RDTR Kabupaten Kutai Timur/ RDTR Technical Materials for East
Kutai Regency (2019)
9. Penyusunan RDTR Kawasan Strategis Provinsi Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa
Timur/ Preparation of RDTR for the Strategic Areas of West Java, Central Java and
East Java Provinces (2014)

For RDTR work, PT Rekadesindo Mandiri has human resources whose average experience
is 10 years or even more. In the experience of carrying out RDTR work, especially RDTR
OSS, there is a need for core experts/key staff and also other experts who all work together
in completing the work until the substance is approved.
Experts who are key staff in RDTR's work are:
1. Team Leader/Urban and Regional Planning Expert
 The scope of the assignment is:
a. Develop methodology, work plans and assignment schedules for work
implementation teams;
b. Prepare and ensure quality control of all RDTR documents as stated in the
activity targets and outputs;
c. Lead and coordinate all activities of team members in carrying out work;
 The Experts we have are:
a. Ashri Prawesti D, ST, MSiP
b. Margaret Arni Bayu Murti, ST, MSi
c. Arisngatiasih, ST, MT
d. Lia Lugina, ST

2. Geographic Information Systems/Mapping Expert

 The scope of the assignment is:
a. Carrying out Satellite Image corrections in the planning area by carrying out
GCP/ICP and orthorectification;
b. Conduct a toponymic survey;
c. Create base maps, plan maps and thematic maps.

 The Experts we have are:

a. Afif Hanafiah, ST
b. Ade Wahyudi, SSi
c. Budi Wibowo, SSi
d. Herlina Andriyani Puspitasari, SSi

3. Environmental Expert/Environmental Management

• The scope of the assignment is:
a. Carry out an analysis of the carrying capacity and capacity of the
b. Develop recommendations for environmental management in the planning
c. Prepare KLHS documents that are integrated with RDTR;

 The Experts we have are:

a. Rani Hapsari, SKel, MSi
b. Ari Rahayu, ST, MT
c. Endah Mubiarti, ST, MT
d. Djoko Prajitno, SP

4. Legal/Legislative Expert
 The scope of the assignment is:
a. Reviewing laws and regulations related to the preparation of the RDTR;
b. Prepare academic texts and draft regional regulations

 The Experts we have are:

a. Slamet Riyanto, SH, MH
b. Siti Nur Intihani, SH, MH
c. Siti Chadijah, SH, MH
d. Ari Widiarti, SH, MHum

These experts are supported by other experts such as:

1. Infrastructure Expert
a. Eko Agus Priyono, ST, MT
b. Ir. Bona Siregar
c. Ir. Tajuddin
d. Eben Haezer, ST

2. Architectural Expert
a. Meydian Sartika Dewi, ST, MArs
b. Adrian Leonardi, ST
c. Yessy Carpina Dewi, ST, MT
d. Delia Nurul Widiastuti, ST

3. Development Economist
a. Budi Nurwahyuni, SE, MP
b. Yose Muhammad, SE
c. Suratmi S, SE, MM
d. Dalizanolo Hulu, SE, ME

4. Geologist
a. Indra Andra Dinata, ST
b. Dika Bahtera Prasaja, ST
c. Susanto Kusnadi, ST
d. Santika Tristi M, ST

5. Information Systems Expert and Visual Communication Design

a. Devictor Kale Dara, SKom
b. Ratno, ST
c. Jamaludin, S. Kom, M.Kom

PT Rekadesindo Mandiri was founded in 1991 as an Engineering and Management

Consultant to provide planning, engineering and management consultancy services,
especially in the field of environmental management. In its development, currently
consultancy services in the field of spatial planning are also included.
In line with increasing awareness and attention to the importance of maintaining
environmental sustainability, PT Rekadesindo Mandiri has decided to play an active role by
offering broader consultancy services in the field of waste/waste handling and management,
both originating from industrial and domestic/community activities, management waste,
providing clean water, environmental management, and environmental impact analysis
(Amdal). It is hoped that this service coverage can make a real contribution to
environmentally sound development. For this reason, PT Rekadesindo Mandiri is currently
supported by an adequate team of experts, both in terms of quality, quantity and type of
Currently, the capacity and experience of experts and supporting staff, which cover various
fields according to the company's scope of services, have made it possible to offer reliable
and quality consulting services. Apart from that, close collaboration with research centers at
several leading universities and several national and international consultants, adds to the
company's potential in providing maximum service and services.
In summary, the development of PT Rekadesindo Mandiri is as follows:
a. Period 1991-2000
• providing consultancy services in the field of environmental management in the form of
planning for clean water supply, waste processing and waste water treatment;
• providing civil and planning consultancy services in the form of road and bridge
planning, weir and irrigation building planning, urban drainage planning;
• provide consultancy services in the field of environmental management in the form of
preparation of AMDAL, environmental evaluation studies, and UKL/UPL;
b. Period 2001-2010
• continue to provide services as in the previous period
• providing consulting services in the field of technical management in the form of
management consultants for implementing infrastructure programs, community
empowerment management consultants, and technical assistance and guidance
• providing consultancy services in the field of spatial planning in the form of preparing
spatial plans, regional spatial plans, and regional and urban development planning;
c. Period 2011-present
• continue to provide services as in the previous period;
• providing consultancy services in the field of environmental management in the form of
environmental planning studies and strategic environmental studies {KLHS);

PT Rekadesindo Mandiri's technical capabilities are proven by various experiences in

several fields as mentioned above, both experience in carrying out work with APBN and BLN
funds. Major jobs that have been handled by PT Rekadesindo Mandiri include:

 Detailed Engineering Design (DED) and Supervision of Road and Bridge in Aceh, China
Engineering Consultant (CECI) as Lead Firm;
 West Java Environment Management Project (WJEMP)-the Ministry of Public
Works/World Bank (GHD, Pty, Ltd as Lead Firm)
 Technical Advisory Services (TAS)-Infrastructure Reform Sector Development Project
(IRSDP)-National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas)/Asian Development Bank
(Black & Veatch Engineering as Lead Firm)
 Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (IMEU) at National Development Planning
Agency (Bappenas)/Asian Development Bank (KRC Engineering as Lead Firm)
 Denpasar Sewerage Development Project II (DSDP II)-the Ministry of Public
Works/JICA (Yachiyo Engineering Consultant as Lead Firm)
 Jakarta Sewerage System (JSS)-the Ministry of Public Works/JICA (Yachiyo
Engineering Consultant as Lead Firm)
 Accelerating Infrastructure Delivery through Better Engineering Services Project (ESP)-
Consultancy Services for: Project Preparation Consultant (PPC) Firm for Preparation of
Feasibility Study (FS) and Detailed Engineering Design (DED) for the Wastewater
Management System in Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia Loan No. 3455-INO
(PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia as Lead Firm)
 Accelerating Infrastructure Delivery through Better Engineering Services Project (ESP)-
Consultancy Services for: Project Preparation Consultant (PPC) Firm for Preparation of
Detailed Engineering Design (DED) for Wastewater Management System in Mataram
City, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia (PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia as Lead Firm);
 Accelerating Infrastructure Delivery through Better Engineering Services Project (ESP)-
Project Preparation Consultant (PPC) Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply
System in Polewali Mandar and Majene Regencies in West Sulawesi Province,
Sulawesi Island, Indonesia (PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia as Lead Firm)
 Kota Depok Local Environmental Strategi IBRD Loan 4612-IND, Credit 3519-IND (Kota
Depok 3-2)
 Consultancy Services For Guideline Of Integrated Urban Development Planning And
Land Management (TOR 29) Loan ADB 1572 - INO

Meanwhile, in terms of managerial capabilities, PT Rekadesindo Mandiri is staffed by

practitioners who are reliable in running the company, both aspects of company
management in general including administrative, financial, marketing management and also
specifically project management. The good cooperation with national and international
consultants that has been established so far proves that the company management is very
reliable and competent in the field of consultancy services.
The following is brief data on PT Rekadesindo Mandiri and the company's organizational

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