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Beyond Audit: Auditing Remotely and

Delivering Value (Wiley Corporate

F&A;) 1st Edition Robert L. Mainardi
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Beyond Audit
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Beyond Audit
Auditing Remotely and
Delivering Value

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To my parents, Angelo and Lucy, who watch over me. I hope they are proud of
the son, brother, friend, and father they raised. And to my children, Robert and
Gabrielle, I will never stop loving and supporting you … always believe
in yourselves.

Preface xi

Acknowledgments xv

About the Author xvii

Chapter 1: What Happened 1

Audit Execution Challenges 2
Understanding Your Role 5
Critical Meeting Keys 7

Chapter 2: Understanding the Remote Approach 11

Traditional versus Remote Audit 11
Recognizing the Challenges 14
Responsibility Assignments 18
Communicating Critical Information 19
Audit Planning 22
Audit Fieldwork 24
Audit Reporting 25
Audit Wrap-Up 26

Chapter 3: Marketing the Internal Audit Department 29

Creating Your Audit Brand 29
Defining Internal Audit 30
Internal Audit’s Three Pillars 32
Explaining the Audit Phases 34
Dispelling the Myths 38

viii ◾ Contents

Chapter 4: Building an Effective Audit Team 41

Beyond Audit Learning Map 42
Skills Focus in the Remote Environment 44
Remote Business Partner Meetings 49
Agendas Drive the Meeting 50
Audit Status Memos 53
Remote Auditor Skills Profile 54
Beyond Audit Development Plan 59

Chapter 5: The Methodology – Objective Recognition 61

Improving the Audit Process 61
Beyond Audit – ORC Model 62
Identifying the Business Objective 66
Business Objective Identification Challenge 69
Business Objective Identification in a Remote Audit 70
Business Process Risks 73
Business Process Controls 75
Completing the Audit Planning 77

Chapter 6: Audit Fieldwork 79

Fieldwork Communication 82
Fieldwork Responsibilities 84
Workpaper Requirements 85
Beyond Audit – Baseline Workpaper Components 86
Sufficient Evidence 91
Workpaper Self-Review and Keys 93
Beyond Audit – Top 10 Keys to Managing Fieldwork 93

Chapter 7: The Methodology – Partner Results 101

Communicating Audit Results 101
Understanding the Audit Report Phase 102
Audit Report Foundation 104
Beyond Audit – Issue Discussion Keys 105
Audit Reporting throughout an Audit 106
Effective Internal Audit Report Components 107
Audit Report Challenges 119

Chapter 8: Internal Audit Value 121

Defining Real Action 122
Steps in Creating an Action Plan 125
Contents ◾ ix

Action Plan Adoption Process 130

CA Methodology Overview 132
Action Plan Tracking 137

Chapter 9: Internal Audit Dashboards 141

Dashboard Defined 142
Beyond Audit – DDIO Methodology 144
Audit Dashboard Functions 154
Audit Dashboard – Lessons Learned 159

Chapter 10: Communication Focus 161

Understanding the Communication Model 162
Message Delivery 165
The Value of Listening 168
Beyond Audit Advisor Approach 169
Internal Audit Relationships 173
Beyond Audit – Internal Audit Marketing 178
Beyond Audit – Meeting Facilitation Keys 179

Chapter 11: Analyzing Internal Audit 181

Beyond Audit – ARB Methodology 182
ARB Conclusion 197

Chapter 12: How Good Is Audit? 199

Introducing the Top Ten 200
Creating an Action Plan 220

Chapter 13: Focused on Learning 221

Remote Learning 222

Index 227

OR OVER THREE DECADES , I have been actively working in an
internal audit department or partnering with them to create the most
effective and efficient audit operations. That operational efficiency
measure has given way to determining if these departments are truly focusing
on the most critical risks their company is, might be, or could be facing. Too
often, internal audit departments get caught in a “drone army” mentality and
focus on moving the audit coverage forward without building any additional
business process knowledge or providing guidance to improve the overall
business process. While coverage is important and should be considered,
examining all aspects of an internal audit operation will prove to be invaluable.
At the time this book was written, companies and their employees are
developing plans in the hopes of resuming normal business operations and
activities. This is an excellent opportunity for internal audit departments
to pause and consider not only how effectively they execute their corporate
responsibilities, but also how much risk permeates in each phase of their
audit process as well as their entire audit methodology and the successful
compliance and execution of same. Throughout this book, there are references
to the Beyond Audit methodology, which has been developed to provide
insight, guidance, techniques, suggestions, and templates to improve your
current audit methodology. Additionally, it will introduce the Audit Risk
Barometer, which was created to allow audit departments to independently
and objectively assess their operations through a review of six individual and
distinct categories and deliver an overall audit process risk assessment to focus
and create targeted action plans to address opportunities for improvement.
The risk barometer facilitates an in-depth view of your current audit function
from the current methodology to the delivery of your audit products, which
generates the detailed support for the overall risk score and blueprint to address
the most impactful enhancements to improve the audit function.
This book addresses the need for internal audit departments to focus on
improving their own process in the new remote audit environment to ensure

xii ◾ Preface

they are working in partnership with the business owners to gain a clear
understanding of the business objectives and gather all pertinent information
and data to provide value-based recommendations which result in real change.
The only way to facilitate change is to ensure that the audit department recog-
nizes the critical skills required to be successful in the execution of remote audits
and continues the development of those skills to improve audit performance.
It should be noted that at the conclusion of each chapter, there will be a
link provided that will allow the reader to view a video summary of a particular
skill, technique, or template discussed in the chapter and or an interview with
a subject matter expert examining the concept that was detailed in the chapter.
Chapter 1 provides a discussion regarding the current state of internal
audit departments around the globe and the corresponding challenges they
are encountering when trying to execute and complete their audit plan, often
with only virtual access to their business partners. It also explains the critical
role the business partner plays throughout an audit and how internal audit
needs their participation.
Chapter 2 takes an in-depth look and analysis of being assigned to a
remote audit, especially for the first time, and all the challenges that executing
a remote audit engagement will present through each phase of the audit.
Included in the discussion will be suggested targeted techniques that provide
the audit team with the tools to stay on track and produce value focused results
and an introduction to the importance of the internal audit and business
partner relationship.
Chapter 3 outlines how to successfully market the internal audit depart-
ment to ensure all business partners understand what internal audit does
and, more importantly, why they do it. More than ever in this remote audit
environment, a clear communication of internal audit’s mission statement,
purpose, and partnership will be required to complete the audit engagement
Chapter 4 introduces the Beyond Audit Learning Map and personal devel-
opment plan process as well as the critical skills necessary for every auditor to
develop and foster to be successful at their level in the department. And while
communication will always be a critical skill for auditors to continually develop,
there are seven other skills discussed to consider in any development plan.
Chapters 5 through 8 provide the methodology details for the three main
audit phases: (1) planning, (2) fieldwork, and (3) reporting, plus the action plan
implementation phase to facilitate change in the business process. Each chapter
defines the phase and the specific objectives and corresponding requirements
needed to comply with the audit methodology.
Preface ◾ xiii

Chapter 9 presents and explains the audit dashboard process from the
objective of the dashboard, to development, to reporting, to required actions
needed to address gaps identified using audit performance data. Also included
in the dashboard discussion are techniques to identify specific metrics to be
tracked from your existing audit methodology and the corresponding metric
criteria requirements to score metric performance.
Chapter 10 is dedicated to the critical role that communication plays in the
internal audit department especially when operating in a remote environment.
The topics covered include the communication model and the significant chal-
lenges that the message medium plays in the delivery of information between
two parties. In addition, the Beyond Audit Advisor Approach is detailed to pro-
vide a suggested technique to produce effective communications.
Chapter 11 introduces the Audit Risk Barometer, which is an unfiltered,
honest assessment of the internal audit department’s operations as it relates
to six individual categories. This self-assessment process takes the participants
through a review of descriptive statements in each category, which are com-
piled for a total category score. The category scores are then totaled to calculate
the internal audit’s overall risk score. Three different risk scores alert the inter-
nal audit team as to their department’s strengths and weaknesses.
Chapter 12 provides the ideal profile of an exceptional, self-aware,
self-validating, high-performance internal audit department by discussing
the top 10 characteristics that support this definition of a world-class audit
organization. Both hard and soft department characteristics are discussed to
create a baseline for audit departments to maintain focus, provide ongoing
team and methodology development, and improve service to their business
Chapter 13 discusses the critical and continuous role that training and
development play in every internal audit department. While auditors should
take responsibility for their own development, the audit department provides
support and the proper learning environment to ensure audit development and
success. Also included in this chapter is the Beyond Audit Learning Map, which
details the suggested courses and topics for beginning auditors to provide a solid
foundation to establish their audit skills.

VEN THOUGH THE D EVELOPMENT of this book occurred at such
an odd time of isolation, I still had incredible support from so many peo-
ple. I want to say thank you to all of those people, both professionally
and personally, who experienced delays in response but waited patiently as I
focused on creating this book.
I owe the biggest thanks to my son and daughter, Robert and Gabrielle, who
sacrificed the most during the writing of this book. Even though I could not
give them the level of attention they deserved, they still diligently checked in on
me to ensure I remembered that I had kids. Even with their busy professional
careers, they found time to share with me during my book development and
writing breaks, and I deeply appreciated that. You have both turned out to be
incredibly successful, and I could not be prouder to tell everyone that you are
my children. Stay focused on your goals and never give up.
Thanks as always to my brothers, Jerry, Michael, and Stephen. All three of
them provide support for me, whether it is for computer challenges, guidance,
or office needs. No matter what, I can count on one of them chipping in to help
me address the issue. I know my parents would be proud of how close we have
stayed, and I could not be any luckier to have these guys in my life.
As always, a special thank-you to Barumbi for the constant inspiration
and support throughout this entire process. From the first book on con-
tinuous auditing to now, you have been a constant every single day, and I
know I could never replace you. I look forward to continuing to develop new
approaches and concepts with you and look forward to collaborating long into
the future. I could never replace the perspective, motivation, and insight you
share with me. Let us keep this thing rolling.
No acknowledgment would be complete without including Lieutenant
Colonel Henry “Pat” Campbell. Pat has been by my side for over 35 years
since we met at Penn State, and I could not ask for a better fourth brother.
Just like my brothers, I know that I can count on Pat and his wife, Laura, any
time I need support or have any other ridiculous request. The two of you are
amazing. I appreciate everything we have shared and look forward to seeing
xvi ◾ Acknowledgments

you soon. As I have mentioned to you before, I could never thank you enough
for the 21 years of service in the US Air Force. The sacrifices you made allow me
and countless others to enjoy their lives while you protected ours. I appreciate
what you have done, and the sacrifices Laura made while you were away. You
inspire me and every person you meet. Love you, brother.
In an unexpected acknowledgment, I must recognize three men that I lit-
erally owe for saving my life. How do you recognize and thank someone for
keeping you alive and above ground? Words do not really seem like enough,
but I will give it a try. To Dr. Martella, Dr. Sacchetti, and Dr. Tarditi, thank you
a million times over for identifying, correcting, and providing me the absolute
best care in fixing an unknown congenital defect that I was born with and no
one, except for you, noticed and replaced just in time. You and your families will
always be in my prayers and I am forever in your debt. Thank you so much for
allowing me to spend more time with my children. All three of you are amazing
and deserve the highest praise.
Thanks to Jonathan Marks, who is a constant source of critical industry,
business, and professional knowledge and always dedicates the necessary time
to provide insight into any topic. His intellectual property delivers a focused
vision for the most effective way to understand and analyze a process. He is
not only an invaluable source of intelligence but also a great friend. We have
collaborated on many learning events, presentations, and projects, and I look
forward to continuing those efforts going forward.
Thanks to my financial team, compiled of one amazing man, John Smith.
Mr. Smith, aka Sma Sma Smitty, is not only my business associate but also a
great friend. I appreciate the input, guidance, and support you have provided
to keep me in the game for over 13 years and am looking forward to our next
Thank you to my long-time friend, Dino Borghi, at Borghi’s by the Bay in
Stone Harbor, New Jersey, for always taking care of me, my family, and busi-
ness associates with unbelievable meals and unmatched service. It is beyond
fun cooking and working with you, as well as hanging out to do things we prob-
ably should not be doing. If I have to make a bad decision with anyone, you are
it. Give me a Hunge. You are the best.
As I acknowledged in my last book, there are so many business partners
and audit team members that I have collaborated and worked with over the
past three decades, and I truly appreciate all their hard work and contributions.
Thank you all for the support and effort that you provided, whether it was to
deliver a quality product to improve a business process or enhance the skills of
a particular audit team. I look forward to partnering with you again in future
About the Author

FTER TWO D ECADES IN the internal audit profession, Robert
started his own company in 2007, which partners with internal
audit, compliance, fraud, and business professionals to develop
and facilitate custom training as well as provide resources and assistance
in evaluating, creating, and implementing formal audit methodologies and
effective business processes. Prior to starting his company, Robert worked in
six different internal audit departments, most recently as the vice president
of Internal Audit for the Penn Mutual Life. Prior to joining Penn Mutual, his
work history included The Vanguard Group, Aetna, Prudential, Advanta, and
GMAC Mortgage.
As a professional keynote speaker and facilitator, Mr. Mainardi leads
programs to:

◾ Develop and maintain world-class internal auditing functions

◾ Evaluate internal audit risk via the Audit Risk Barometer
◾ Create, implement, and maintain continuous auditing programs
◾ Build learning maps to facilitate successful professional development
◾ Draft, finalize, and issue high-impact audit reports
◾ Deliver quality and value in a remote audit environment
◾ Improve communication and client relationship development
◾ Identify, recruit, interview, and maintain quality audit staff

Mr. Mainardi is an active member of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).

He is an internationally recognized featured speaker at accounting, audit,
fraud, and other professional association conferences. He received a BS degree
from the Pennsylvania State University, where he majored in Accounting
and Business Law. He also earned a master’s degree in Finance from Temple

xviii ◾ About the Author

University. Plus, he has merited the Six Sigma Green Belt certification from
the American Society for Quality, which recognizes the recipient for unique
expertise in problem-solving and statistical analysis. He also has earned the
Certified Financial Services Auditor (CFSA), Certification in Risk Management
(CRMA) designations, and the Qualification in Control Self-Assessment.
What Happened

H I N K B A C K F O R A MO M E N T. Do you even remember the begin-
ning of the year 2020, which started with such promise? You probably
made a couple of New Year’s resolutions. Maybe it was something
about your weight, exercise, or even your job. At work maybe you made a
commitment to improvement. This was going to be your year – you were going
to seek opportunities to lead jobs, take a leadership position, and maybe even
get promoted. No matter what goals you set for yourself, you were certain you
knew what you needed to do and how you were going to get there. You had
a plan.
The one factor every person has to consider when making a plan is to
ensure that all possible and potential roadblocks to achieving the goals are
identified and considered. Now, while there is no way to consider, document,
and explain every reader’s personal goals, I can definitely speak on the
objectives of an audit department. For more than three decades, I have been a
team member in an internal audit department and/or partnering with them
to create the most effective and efficient internal audit operation. And while
each department is unique, the methods, direction, discipline, execution, and
oversight of the operation remains the same. So, let us focus on the audit
department and how they entered the year with a plan and an energetic team
filled with optimism.
In the same vein that an individual would set yearly goals, so does the audit
function. The chief audit executive meets with the leadership team and dis-
cusses the company’s direction and how the internal audit department is going

2 ◾ What Happened

to partner with each of the business leaders to ensure the operations in every
division are being completed in the most effective and efficient manner. And
in order to provide that validation, internal audit will ensure that the process
design, implementation, execution, reporting, and oversight are producing the
intended outcome, no matter if the result is a physical production or a process.
The audit chief knows the key to delivering a value product to their clients is
to recognize that each process will produce an outcome; however, the internal
audit team must verify and validate the outcome is the intended or desired out-
come according to the business process requirements. With the stated objective
to provide this type of specific value to their clients, audit departments realize
the discipline, focus, effort, and dedication it takes to deliver.


When the audit leadership team reviews all of the pertinent business activity
data and comes together to discuss and create the annual plan, they consider
the barriers the team will face to produce their quality product. These barriers
include, but are not limited to, available hours both from a team and client per-
spective, data identification and availability, auditor experience and business
knowledge, allocated time, as well as unplanned events. Now, I can assure you
that when the audit leadership teams got together to build their 2020 plan,
many challenges were discussed that could stand in the way of completing their
audit plan. However, having the country shut down due to a virus was definitely
not one of them. That being said, the audits that were in progress and the ones
that remained on the plan when this pandemic hit the country must be com-
pleted. Multiple partners, both internal and external, need and rely on the audit
results in order to plan the company objectives moving forward. But how is an
audit department that relies on information, communication, and data from
its business partners expected to complete the audit assignments when mem-
bers of the department are no longer in an office where they can interact and
obtain the necessary and critical information required to provide the quality
validation of business operations?
As with any unplanned event, barrier, or obstacle, the team must adapt
and improvise in order to overcome the challenges encountered and complete
the assigned tasks. But how does an audit team or an auditor go about getting
the critical information without meeting with the client to explain the needs
and requirements in order to complete the job not only effectively but also
Audit Execution Challenges ◾ 3

accurately? Any auditor, whether experienced or not, will tell you that the
internal audit and business partner relationship is the key to unlocking access
to pertinent data and insight into the business process under review. Why is
this relationship so important? The bold fact of the matter is, no one – either
at work or in your personal life – is going to give you information regarding
what, when, and how they do what they do unless they know and trust you.
That is just human nature. And in your work life as an auditor, you already
know that you are not going to be a person whom the business teams look
forward to seeing on a regular basis. It is a stigma that has followed auditors
since the beginning of the profession. In its simplest terms, auditors are there
to ask the business personnel questions and verify that they are completing
their assigned tasks as described, hopefully, in the policies and procedures.
While the task at hand seems simple, any auditor will tell you it is a lot more
difficult than it sounds – a prime example of saying it is so much simpler than
doing it successfully.
So how does one accomplish this task of information gathering and
knowledge development if they are unable to meet with their clients in person?
This is where the auditor’s job becomes 10 times more challenging than it
was before the pandemic. The focus of audit departments worldwide has
shifted in the second and third quarter of 2020. It went from analyzing data,
partnering with a client to explain deviations, and developing value-added
recommendations to identifying new ways to obtain the necessary information
to do their jobs.
All internal auditors recognize the value that the business-level data has
in the successful execution of audit engagements. Audit teams have become
much more aware of how important communication, relationship building,
and marketing the audit department has become in this new remote environ-
ment. For so long, internal audit departments have not placed enough empha-
sis on marketing their department in an effort to establish a strong foundation
to build business partner relationships. If audit teams thought it was challeng-
ing before to get information from their business partners, they now face brand-
new hurdles to leap over when it comes to acquiring data and information in
this remote audit world.
The change that has been thrust upon the audit industry was not one that
could have been predicted, but it certainly must be addressed if audit teams
want to be successful going forward. There has been speculation that this
remote environment could last through the coming year. If it was not evident
before, each corporate executive and members of the corporate committees
4 ◾ What Happened

realize the critical role the audit department plays in the company and how
much the business teams, regulatory bodies, external auditors, executives,
and investors rely on the information produced and distributed from the audit
teams. In order to address the needs of their internal and external clients, audit
teams should take a step back and perform a self-evaluation of their internal
process to ensure they have the following:

◾ Communication as the cornerstone of their department

◾ A commitment to building strong client relationships
◾ Focus on identifying and gathering data from a pure source
◾ Test plan developed from the business objective
◾ A report identifying root cause and linked to specific corresponding actions

This reflection on audit department operations will show the reliance on

communication through all phases of an audit from the detailed plan through
testing to reporting and action plan development and adoption.
How else would auditors be able to accomplish their assigned tasks if they
did not have communicating effectively with clients as the number-one priority
regardless of the audit phase or task? Unfortunately, not all audit teams empha-
size client relationship development or communication skillsets when it comes
to audit execution. Why? There is a misconception that the audit team can and
will be given any data or documentation requested as mandated by the audit
charter and the audit committee. And while this is true, the charter or com-
mittee documentation does not mandate the specifics regarding delivery of the
requested data or information.
As every auditor will tell you, the work is never completed as quickly as
they would like it. Time is one of the only commodities that no one can get
more of – no matter what your position, job, or financial standings. There is
nowhere to buy more time, not even on Amazon. If there was an option, every-
one would take it. So, in the absence of being able to purchase more time, how
do auditors go about getting the information? The key is and always will be their
communication skills and relationship building. Remember, it was previously
mentioned that the relationship strength is how you unlock the key to infor-
mation. That strength will be based on the level of trust and experience your
client has had with you during previous audit engagements. Here is the best
explanation regarding the internal auditor and business partner relationship
that provides the most effective illustration of the need for constant focus and
development of a successful working relationship.
Understanding Your Role ◾ 5


The analysis and explanation start with a remarkably simple question. As

an auditor, could you do your job effectively without your business client?
The simple answer to that question is no. There is no chance for an auditor
to build effective (detailed) business knowledge, understand policies and
procedures, document the business objective(s), recognize workarounds,
gather pertinent business data, answer process questions, develop a detailed
test plan, validate potential deviations from the work standard, identify root
causes, create process-based recommendations, generate a clear, concise
report, and verify action plan implementation and adoption without client par-
ticipation. It would be a losing battle, not to mention a very time-consuming
approach filled with business process assumptions. No auditor would want
to generate an audit work file, and especially not an audit report, with-
out having a clear understanding of the business and its corresponding
Now flip the question around. Could the business team do their job and
complete their assigned responsibilities without internal audit involvement?
The unfortunate answer to that question is yes. Absolutely, without a doubt, the
business team could do their job with no internal audit help or intervention. If
you asked the business process workers, they would all probably say their prefer-
ence would be to perform their day-to-day responsibilities and activities without
having to deal with anyone from audit. The business teams view internal audit
as a nuisance, a bother, and an unnecessary interruption to their work. So, if
the business team prefers no outside audit interference, how are auditors to
go about breaking down the preexisting barrier that has been in existence for-
ever? The answer is, through a dedicated effort on the part of the auditors to
constantly be focused on the relationship.
While this fact of auditor “need” when it comes to client involvement
during audits is daunting, there is a glimmer of good news. The need is not
an insurmountable barrier but does represent a significant challenge to every
auditor. But to overcome this barrier, the auditor will have to recognize and
accept one indisputable fact when it comes to the internal audit and business
partner relationship. And that fact is, no matter what type of relationship is
being discussed – whether it is boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife, or
auditor and client – there is always one person in every relationship who wants
it a little more than the other. Okay. So, what does that mean? It means one
6 ◾ What Happened

person will always work harder and be more flexible to ensure the relationship
continues to grow and stay strong. Auditors must realize early on in the
relationship development process that we are the party recognizing we will
have to work harder and be more flexible than our business partner to ensure
the relationship stays strong and intact. What I must clarify for you is in
recognition that the auditor must put in more time, effort, and dedication to
foster the audit and client relationship. It does not mean in any way shape or
form that the auditor should bend the rules or requirements during the audit
itself. During the engagement, the auditor should keep the business partner
“in the know” and ensure the work, status of project request, completed
testing, preliminary results, and any potential issues should be reviewed,
discussed, and validated with the business partner to ensure they are never in
the dark when it comes to the audit status. While this might seem like common
sense, there are often times when auditors forget to communicate the details
of potential findings or work statuses. Surprises are fun and usually a good
thing, except during an audit. If you want to keep your relationships strong
with your business partners, always remember the role that clear, prepared,
supported communication plays in developing, fostering, and maintaining
relationships. Too often, auditors enter into exchanges (formal meetings or
hallway discussions) with clients unprepared. I know this is not something you
would do, but let us discuss the potential impact not only on the relationship
with your client but also the development of the auditor.
A critical point that must be emphasized here is being prepared. You can
never be too prepared for a meeting. Believe me, I know all the excuses for not
preparing effectively for a meeting. You could say, I do not want to prepare
too much because it will come off disingenuous. That is false. Being prepared
does not mean to memorize what you are going to say. If you memorize
what you want to say it will come off as fake and robotic. However, if you
prepare effectively, it will show you are committed to the topic, understand the
details, know where the data originated, and can effectively explain questions
regarding the subject matter. If you do not adequately prepare, how will you
know when to stop asking questions or when you have the information or data
required? The keys to effective preparation for any meeting with a client are
understanding the meeting objective and mastering the data to be discussed.
With these two keys, any auditor can effectively and confidently communicate
with the business partner. So, let’s touch on both, briefly, to ensure everyone is
on the same page.
Critical Meeting Keys ◾ 7


You would be surprised how many auditors go into a meeting with a client
without a meeting objective. As a thirty-year audit veteran, I will tell you there
were times when I relied on my experience to carry me through meetings.
Because I have been in hundreds and hundreds of meetings over my career,
I would tell myself that I would just “shoot from the hip” and use my “vast”
experiences to get through a meeting. What a mistake! As I got older and
hopefully wiser, I discovered no amount of experience can replace understand-
ing the meeting objective and being prepared to discuss and drive targeted
questions to address the meeting objective. Keep in mind, the meeting objective
is the purpose or reason you are having this meeting. Objective as a noun will
always mean purpose. Put yourself in the business partner’s shoes. They will
be thinking, why does the auditor want to get together to discuss this topic?
When you enter a client meeting and clearly understand the objective, you
are focused, recognize the questions needed to effectively facilitate, can keep
the meeting on track, and know when sufficient answers and evidence have
been given to address the objective. If you enter a meeting without an objective
or just with a list of questions, the meeting will feel disjointed, unorganized,
and ultimately have a negative impact on the relationship. It relays a sense of
unpreparedness to the meeting participants. You may have a list of questions
to ask your business partner, but there is always a reason you are asking those
same questions.
Starting the meeting by stating the specific objective creates that sense of
purpose and communicates to your business partner the need for attending.
Once the objective is clear, the discussion and questions that follow must link to
the specific meeting objective that was explained at the beginning. This under-
standing of meeting purpose focuses the auditor and helps direct the conver-
sation in a positive direction to the outcome. At the end of the meeting, there
is a sense of conclusion for the information needed as well as completion for
that part of the audit. That sense of accomplishment, even the smallest achieve-
ments, make a positive impact on your business partner as they see a focused
audit team effectively using time to complete the tasks at hand. Additionally,
the auditor and audit team project a confident, unified approach as they exe-
cute their audit methodology.
The second key is mastering the data. While mastering the data may seem
like a simple concept, understanding its value is a must. No matter what the
8 ◾ What Happened

audit assignment or task is, most auditors do not take the necessary time to
build their business knowledge. Let’s be honest with each other. How many
times have you been placed on an audit team but you never looked at the
planning documentation to understand the business objective or reviewed the
program to ensure you completely understand the section or steps you have
been assigned? I will admit it. I have made that error. Auditors do not want to
ask questions to other team members; there is a fear it will make them look
“not smart.” News-flash – questions are one of the greatest tools for an auditor,
whether the questions are internal to clarify an assignment, task, test step, or
acronym or if it is a targeted question to the business owner. Auditors will not
continue to learn unless they ask questions.
So let me get this straight: You are going to enter a business partner
meeting without clearly understanding the process, testing, or data you are
about to discuss (and question), and you think you will feel confident in that
meeting? You think the business partner is going to believe that the audit
team is there to provide guidance to assist them in doing their job (achieving
the business objective) in the most efficient and effective manner with less
rework? Not a chance. When it comes to the data, the auditor must not only
understand the details of what information is being questioned (even when the
meeting facilitator did not complete the testing in question), but also the source
of where the data originated. Too many times, audit and client meetings get
sidetracked because the auditor could not explain where the data in question
came from.
One of the critical factors when it comes to mastering the data is to ensure
and verify that the data source is pure. The best way to define pure when it
comes to the data source is to validate that the data you have received from the
client and are using in the testing is the complete, best source of data available.
Complete means it contains all of the pertinent fields required to complete the
business task. Also, verify the data is the most current and up to date available
at that time for testing. Once you have confirmed the data source is pure, you
can be confident when discussing the data there is no opportunity for the data
to be discounted. Auditors must be aware that experienced business owners
will respond to issues of potential exceptions or questionable business person-
nel actions by casting doubt on where the auditor got the data (the source). Do
not be blindsided; make sure you have obtained the purest source of data avail-
able. The business owner might try to twist the data itself, but there is no hiding
from data.
Critical Meeting Keys ◾ 9

In every one of the meetings you have with the business owner, prepare
effectively by confirming the meeting objective prior to the event and master-
ing the data. Then remember one additional key to effective meeting facilitation
and relationship building with your business partner: Never try to defend the
questions you are asking. When asking questions or clarifying potential excep-
tions with your business partner, always use the data to support (not defend)
the specific questions being asked. The data will drive the support for your mes-
sage and will always give you the confidence as you seek clarification for ques-
tions posed.
This book has been created based on the Beyond Audit methodology,
which has been developed with communication as the foundation to support
the learning and execution of internal audit activities from risk-based engage-
ments through to the communication of results to business partners and
committees. There are specific excerpts of the Beyond Audit methodology, tech-
niques, and templates mentioned throughout as well as references to access
on-demand videos and interviews ( illustrating critical
concepts, techniques, and templates. As you proceed through the pages, there
will be discussions of the skills and techniques to ensure the internal audit
team can successfully navigate the ever-changing demands and requirements
of remote auditing. Included in this remote environment lesson will be how the
focused skillset has changed, marketing your revised audit approach, ensuring
your audit team understands the internal audit mission and objective, and
review of the methodology keys from objective identification to execution,
reporting, and action plan adoption. Also, it includes new techniques to not
only evaluate your department’s efficiency but track audit’s progress when it
comes to key deliverables. As always, the book will wrap up with education,
training, and development suggestions so you can create a high-performing,
world-class audit team.
Understanding the Remote

NY TIME YOU A RE assigned an audit, the typical steps kick in as
you prepare and pull together the planning requirements according
to your specific audit methodology. At a minimum, you will establish
the audit in your database, select a team (unless you have been assigned one),
review previous audit work in the area, and begin the planning phase and
all the corresponding requirements. The good news is that all of the standard
audit activities you would perform for any audit will remain the same even
though you will now be performing this audit remotely. So, what is the big
deal? Whether the audit team is executing the audit in the office or within the
business unit (the preferred approach) or doing it remotely, the auditor will
still have to understand the business process, gather intelligence and data, test
the data, and report the results. Simple.


Performing an audit remotely is not as straightforward and simple as you might

think. There are thought perspectives that believe remote auditing is actually
easier than in-person auditing. Think about that – there are no business dis-
ruptions, which are a constant complaint from your client. The audit team can
just focus on the job at hand and evaluate the data and process under review.

12 ◾ Understanding the Remote Approach

While that may sound like the utopia of audit (no direct client interaction and
just review and testing), that is a bad assumption. Take a moment and consider
how challenging it is to get someone from the business team to meet with
you or give you inquiry access to their system; why no one from the business
team has time to take another auditor through the business process; how
long you have to wait for documentation you requested; why no one from the
business team has time to discuss potential findings. Now there are exceptions
where some audit clients are the most accommodating, open, and forthcoming
business partners and will provide the time, data, and information needed
to complete any audit request. But make no mistake about it, those types
of clients are few and far between. Most clients view audits as a disruption
to their day-to-day operations and no business personnel has time to waste
educating the audit team on the business operations that the process owners
believe the audit team should already know. I know it’s an unfair assumption,
but it is real.
To emphasize and illustrate the remote audit approach concept, let’s
discuss how we as traditional auditors can effectively and seamlessly switch
gears and go from the in-person approach to a remote evaluation of critical
business processes. As in every assigned audit, the auditor should begin with
an understanding of the audit objective. Unfortunately, most audit teams get
assigned an audit and never bother to review the annual risk assessment to
determine why this audit was included in the annual plan. The auditors just
figure that the annual planning was completed, and it was decided to include
this audit in the current year. What the auditors do not realize is that the
information compiled in the annual audit plan provides a solid foundation
as to what the business process includes, key personnel, systems utilized in
the business process, as well as any potential process risks. Also included in
the annual planning documentation is the audit history, which details when
the area was last reviewed, what the audit rating (opinion) was, and issues
identified that required management action. Auditors might not recognize
how valuable this information could be, especially when it comes to auditing
remotely. I will admit, not reviewing the annual planning documentation is
probably less impactful when executing a traditional audit but it is significantly
detrimental when performing a remote audit. Why? you may ask.
Compare the two approaches. In the traditional audit, you will get to meet
the key players in person during an opening conference and walkthroughs
and review the previous audit report (hopefully) as you plan. Conversely, in a
remote audit, you will be given the names of the key players, but never meet,
and you will not get to sit face to face with a processor during the walkthroughs
Traditional versus Remote Audit ◾ 13

and have to sort through those details via policies and procedures and follow-up
questions. Definitely not as easy as it may sound. Additionally, by reviewing the
annual planning documentation, the auditor receives valuable background
information on the business process as well as the context in which the review
was completed both from an annual perspective and previous audit. As we
discussed in the previous chapter, you can never prepare enough, and in
a remote audit, you have to prepare and plan twice as hard as before and
be dedicated to the details of your audit methodology. Take my advice on
this point and make your remote audit life much easier: Review the annual
planning documentation, ask questions to the person who completed it, gain
an understand of the business objective(s) and supporting processes, and set
an initial scope based on the objective(s) and previous findings from the last
audit. This first step in preparing for the remote audit will provide a solid
foundation for you to effectively plan and build a test approach to satisfy the
audit objectives and deliver a value-added report to your client.
After the review of the annual planning documentation and the audit team
identification, it is beneficial to have an internal team meeting with all auditors
who will participate on this project. Just like any other meeting, the facilitator
(project lead/in-charge) must adequately prepare for this overview meeting
with their audit team. Topics to be discussed and explained with include, but
are not limited to, the business unit background, business objective(s), pro-
posed initial scope, last audit’s report, rating and issues, any open actions, and
the reminder to be aware of how important communication is during a remote
audit. To clarify these topics, consider business unit background. This infor-
mation should detail the business unit’s location, staff size, turnover statistics,
management tenure, volumes for both transaction and dollar (if applicable),
and current systems used. When it comes to business objective(s), the auditor
has to understand what the purpose of this process under review is. More
simply put, the audit team must understand the role this particular business
process plays in the organization. Consider what product or information does
this group create and is it for internal consumption or is it for the public. If it
is for internal usage, another business unit or team is relying on this team’s
product and decisions will be based on the information provided. And if it is
for public consumption, the risks become even higher if the process is not
completed timely and accurately. Communication, as you will hear throughout
this book, is going to be the cornerstone and foundation for the success of
your audit function, especially while executing remote audits. One of the most
underrated concepts of communication with audit clients is the fact that solid
communication fundamentals start within your own audit team. When the
14 ◾ Understanding the Remote Approach

communication requirements are stressed and enforced within your audit

team, it becomes immediately transparent with your clients. Another benefit
to strong internal communications is it becomes a habit to speak to your
co-workers as it pertains to work challenges, client difficulties, or even clarify-
ing questions about the process under review. The audit team should be filled
with people who want to share all of their business and company knowledge,
audit and business experience, and suggestions on how to handle a difficult
task or client. Those individuals who openly share with their teammates create
a strong communication base and functional team. Highly communicative
teams not only create a strong, unified approach but also develop leadership
skills as they continually practice explaining (in detail) how the audit process
works, how the business process is focused on completing their assigned tasks,
and how this particular business process links to the overall objectives of the
company. Communication provides an avenue for ongoing development of
business process knowledge that pays dividends no matter what position you
have at the company.


Every audit you participate on will have challenges, but the remote audit will
exacerbate simple ones into much more difficulties throughout the audit.
Regardless of the audit type, the biggest challenge is availability of the client.
Whether the clients like it or not, they should be a key participant in every
audit due to their knowledge of the process, access and understanding of the
data, system knowledge, and overall process experience.
I think many times auditors take for granted the availability of client access
when executing a traditional audit. That luxury is missing during a remote
audit. I know this may seem like a simple concept, but it plays a huge role when
the auditor is trying to complete the planning process and is missing critical
data or information to close the loop on one particular process piece. Gone
is the time of getting up from your desk and finding someone in the process
area to question regarding the missing information. An auditor’s ability
to follow up, ask qualifying questions, or retrieve missing documentation
becomes much more complicated when they do not have immediate access to
the business team. And there is no telling when and if your business partner
is going to answer the phone to address the next question from their audit
Recognizing the Challenges ◾ 15

Another significant challenge during a remote audit will be obtaining the

detailed process steps from start to finish, especially if you are auditing an area
never reviewed before. Since there will be no documentation available from
the previous audit (completed process map), the auditor will be responsible to
obtain this process level information from their business client. Every auditor
knows how difficult it is to create a process map from scratch; it takes time to
review the most updated policies and procedures, examine supporting process
data, understand the systems used, draft an initial narrative, and then meet
with the client to clarify the understanding of the process as well as ask any
outstanding questions. All these steps are necessary to develop a complete
process map. In the nonremote world, you can expedite this process by sitting
down and getting a walkthrough of the process with your business partner
and asking clarifying question as you go along. However, in the remote audit
world, it is not possible to perform a walkthrough over the phone or even
in a videoconference. Trust me, it just does not work. That does not leave
the auditor with many options other than to dedicated the time and effort
it will take to become intimate with the policies and procedures (that you
hope exist or are up to date) along with all the other data and information
requirements to build a solid narrative of the process to be used to facilitate the
phone discussion with the client. The more detailed the understanding of the
business process, the more effective the process validation call will go with your
client. This type of exercise requires excellent communication skills to ensure
the auditor validates the process details and the business partner clearly
understands the questions being asked. As you read on, you will see how
communication skills are always at the foundation of success for any auditor in
every industry.

Understanding the Business Process

Remember during any type of audit, the auditor will be required to perform
independent research regarding the business process under review. The key
during this research period is to ensure that you are focused on the activities
in the area assigned. Do not waste time trying to build an understanding of
the processes like the personnel in the business unit. No matter how hard
you try and how much time you dedicate to learning any business process,
you will never know the detailed workings of the operation like someone who
is actually doing the job in the current environment. Your objective during
this research period is to ensure that you are reviewing the most up-to-date
16 ◾ Understanding the Remote Approach

information available regarding the business operations and are creating a

foundation of general knowledge of the process. You will then use your
communication skills to fill in the detailed nuances to the process.
The next step in this research part of planning is going to focus on any
previous audit activity, external exams or reviews, as well as open and closed
action items. The easiest one of these is going to be the previous audit activity.
This information is readily available to you along with the supporting evidence
and access to the individuals who performed the actual audit. I would suggest
reaching out to whoever completed the last review to get their perspective on
the area, business personnel, challenges encountered during the audit, and the
final report. Discussing these topics with the person directly involved with the
project will yield much more valuable information than just reading through
the documentation. Plus, it will save you time, and we all know that in every
audit, that is a precious commodity.
Another component during this phase that must be included is under-
standing the rules that the business operation is required to follow. These
rules include the established policies and procedures and all federal, state,
and local laws. It is important to note, especially during a remote audit, when
looking at the policies and procedures that you must be especially aware of the
details surrounding workaround scenarios. These types of scenarios include
exception processes, manual overrides, management discretion decisions, and
supervisory overrides. While all of these exist in most business processes, it
is important to ensure that you understand the situations that allowed these
types of transactions to occur.
The other critical detail that must be explained is what level of standard,
formal documentation is required when one of these workaround processes is
selected. Consider, the business team is performing their job by going outside
the normal order of processing. The documentation included must clearly
explain why this occurred and exhibit some level of approval. Hopefully, all
workaround scenarios are fully explained in the policies and procedures and
included the required documentation and approval required for each type.
The final workaround point to discuss is the validity of this type of transaction.
The key distinction in determining the appropriateness of a workaround is
pretty straightforward. While workarounds exist and are necessary in business
processes because no business process will be the same every day of the year,
the validation of workarounds is determined by the control environment.
What that means is that a workaround is appropriate if, and only if, it does not
bypass a critical control. If a workaround procedure is used to avoid a critical
or key control (approval, review, etc.), then it should be flagged and discussed
Recognizing the Challenges ◾ 17

as part of the standard policies and procedures. Keep an eye out for these types
of controls and be sure to inquire as to the frequency of their occurrence. This
type of information will provide insight to the day-to-day operations.
As you complete your independent research of the business process and
prepare to set up a meeting (in our remote audit, this will be a call), you must
obtain and verify that you have the appropriate client contact. During the initial
stages of a remote audit, you must ensure you have a client contact person who
can be reached for any process validation, system access, sample selection, and
data and documentation questions. Having an established client contact from
audit kickoff will expedite the critical step of information sharing throughout
the audit. Be aware and quickly raise the question within your own audit team if
you have been assigned a business partner contact who does not have the time,
information, or detailed knowledge to effectively and efficiently address specific
audit questions. Without an effective business contact, the remote audit will
stall on a regular basis. Keep your ears focused on identifying traits of a business
contact who is not ready for primetime during your audit.
If your contact is not reachable during normal business hours, is not able
to answer process questions without having to validate the information before
providing a response, and is consistently missing established deadlines for pro-
viding requested data, system access, or samples, you need to discuss the sit-
uation with your audit team and determine the root cause. Unfortunately, in
these scenarios, it could be the result of a lack of experience or process knowl-
edge or it could be because the business contact was instructed to review all
requests and questions with a third party in the business unit to ensure only
certain details and data are provided to the audit team. While it is usually a lack
of experience or knowledge causing the delays in responding, there have been
numerous instances where data and information was being scrubbed before
giving it to the audit team. In the end, if your audit planning approach is com-
plete and follows the Objective, Risk, Control process approach to be detailed
in Chapter 5, ultimately the data and corresponding testing will validate the
control environment and corresponding effectiveness. The only result of delay-
ing the delivery of information to the audit team is expanding the length of
the audit. So, when possible, be sure and verify you have a competent, knowl-
edgeable business contact for your remote audit. You can accomplish this by
building a rapport with the business contact during your relationship develop-
ment by asking for their background and tenure in the department. This type of
basic business experience knowledge usually provides a good indication of how
smoothly information will be exchanged throughout the audit.
18 ◾ Understanding the Remote Approach


Another factor that will contribute to the success of your remote audit will be
the assignment of work to be completed in each audit phase. This responsibil-
ity is no different in a regular audit, as compared to a remote audit. However,
the person responsible for keeping the audit on track should have a height-
ened awareness of the assigned task, along with the corresponding deadlines
for each, as the tasks can get out of control from a delivery standpoint much
easier on a remote audit. This is due to the fact that the audit team is usu-
ally physically dispersed during the remote audit and task delinquencies can
go unnoticed sometimes until it is too late.
To ensure remote assigned tasks keep to their assigned deadlines, the
project lead or in-charge has to remain diligent in the tracking and monitoring
of the business unit questions, data requests, and audit testing completion.
Any delays, missed deadlines, or audit work challenges must be identified
proactively and addressed with expediency. Too many times, the audit suffers
from a lack of oversight on remote audits because there is a lack of regular
and timely communication within the audit team. As previously discussed,
remember how critically important it is for the audit team to maintain a high
level of communication within the department and during audits to ensure
all team members are aware of the deadlines and the urgency to complete
assigned tasks on budget.
One caveat must be mentioned when it pertains to assigned budgets. A
budget is the documented estimate of time to complete a task, and it is based
on either historical data or a projection that was formulated from the testing
requirements to be completed. Keep in mind that budget estimates are just a
best guess. Although they should be regarded as a guide for how long any audit
task or testing should take to complete, budgets can and should be challenged
when they appear to be unrealistic. Do not ever rush or force the assigned work
just to fit into the budget number. That is a huge mistake. The moment you iden-
tify that there is no possible chance that you or any auditor could complete an
assigned task under that corresponding budget, say something. Do not try to
go faster to make the deadline just for the sake of the deadline. When that hap-
pens, whatever work or testing was supposed to be completed will get finished
within the budget but will ultimately have exclusions and mistakes, along with
a false sense of accomplishment.
One additional tip related to budgets: The moment you are certain there
is not sufficient time to adequately complete the assigned task within the
Communicating Critical Information ◾ 19

budget, reach out to your audit project lead and explain the need for additional
time. Make sure you detail the initial budget, data and work required, and
the time needed to review and conclude on the data. This will ensure you
have considered all aspects of the task and sufficiently supported the need
for additional time to complete the work adequately and accurately. In the
remote audit environment, the budgets tend to be more aggressive because
audit teams believe execution of the planning and fieldwork phase do not
need any buffer time built into the assignments because there is no time for
chatting about the work or relationship building. It is all about just getting
the information and data and doing the work. In actuality, the inverse is true.
In a remote audit, it takes more time for auditors to understand the process
requirements and data being provided, so more time needs to be allowed for the
audit team to ask qualifying questions to ensure the auditors fully understand
the process before attempting to evaluate for the planning phase or reperform
the process during fieldwork. So, before you begin a task or audit testing,
make sure you review the work being assigned, along with the corresponding
budget, and determine if the initial budget number matches the work assigned.
Auditors should always closely monitor their own work and ensure they are
delivering a complete quality product while communicating with the audit
project lead on any work challenges and potential deadline extensions. This
will assist the project lead in ensuring the business client during this remote
audit is up to date on the status of the audit work being completed in their
business area.


In an effort to keep your business partner “in the know” during this remote
audit, it is paramount to establish regular, formal status meetings through-
out the audit. The frequency of these status meetings is usually established in
the introduction or kickoff meeting. When I am leading an audit (especially
a remote one), I will suggest to my business partner that we should have a
weekly status meeting to ensure communication channels between the two
teams remain open, clear, and strong. Along with my weekly status meeting
request, I provide the need and benefits of the timing. When it comes to the
need, auditors have to realize that in any audit, getting the information to do the
job requires many requests (usually more than one per need) for information,
data, and explanation. To fulfill that need, we can establish a weekly meeting
to discuss the status of the audit as well as outstanding requests to date. This
20 ◾ Understanding the Remote Approach

meeting provides a perfect forum to facilitate active follow-up and communi-

cation of the work in progress, completed, and still to be done. Additionally,
auditors benefit by being well informed on any of their work in progress and can
communicate it back to their management team, keeping them informed of the
audit in progress. When you look at the weekly update meeting from the busi-
ness team side, tell them this meeting is to provide an up-to-the-moment status
on the audit, documentation and data requests, as well as any issues noted to
date. Business team management wants to be made aware of the issues because
it will provide an arena to clarify and potentially quantify the issues identified
in the status memo. Keep in mind that auditors never, ever put an issue in the
status memo until and unless it has been validated by the audit team as authen-
tic (poses a risk to the business unit achieving its objective(s)) with someone in
the business unit. Auditors do not want to go into a status meeting with an
issue that has not been validated because if they are wrong, it will impact their
credibility not only in this meeting, but also for the rest of the audit. Each time
an auditor brings up any issues from that meeting forward, it will be called
into doubt because of a single mistake made in a status update meeting. Ulti-
mately, though, I will leave the status meeting frequency up to my customer. If
my clients prefer to have a meeting every two weeks, that is their choice, but I
let them know the associated risks. Having a longer time between status meet-
ings does not impact the business partner as much as it does the auditor because
they could possibly have to wait 10 days to get an answer or a delivery status
on a requested item, which could impact their ability to complete the task and
meet the budget.
As referenced in the previous paragraph, to effectively facilitate this audit
status meeting, a formal status memo is created by the audit team and pro-
vided in advance to their business partner. This allows the business personnel
to review the document and prepare any questions regarding its contents and
obtain an update on any and all outstanding audit requests. As you complete
the audit status template, keep in mind there are a few specific objectives of the
template. First and foremost, the status memo provides a percentage comple-
tion status of each phase of the audit. It details the planning, fieldwork, and
reporting phase completion percentages. This provides your business partner
with a snapshot of the audit at any time and helps guide them on the time
remaining in an audit (which always seems like it is not soon enough for them).
Second, the status memo details any identified and validated issues that have
been noted to date. Remember that these items, to appear on the formal status
memo, must have been validated with someone in the business processing unit
to ensure the audit is interpreting the testing data accurately and fairly. Also,
Communicating Critical Information ◾ 21

there is a section below each issue requesting a proposed management action. It

is proven that the sooner you start discussing the issues and requesting a man-
agement response, the more effective the audit report phase. This additional
section assists in facilitating a root cause (Chapter 7) discussion and proposed
management action to properly address that cause and ultimately the identi-
fied issue. Third and just as valuable, the status memo details any outstanding
audit requests for documentation, data, or samples. Again, in an effort to facil-
itate what could be a challenging client discussion, the status memo indicates
when the request was made and that it still remains unfulfilled. From the date
requested, it is simple to see how long this item has been outstanding and allows
the auditor to explain that the work cannot be completed until that informa-
tion is received. This results in a longer audit, which neither the audit team nor
the business client wants. And finally, the status memo outlines the remaining
steps in the audit, including, where applicable, the projected target date (i.e.,
the draft report, final report, survey). Overall, the status memo provides a quick
snapshot of the audit status and gives the auditor an effective tool to facilitate
the meeting with confidence.
As discussed previously, relationship building is a critical part of any
audit and business partner relationship. Auditors leverage this relationship to
assist in the facilitation of all phases of an audit, from planning to action plan
implementation. We are going to discuss both the relationship values in every
phase of the audit and the need for audit to remain focused on relationship
With the unplanned emergence of remote auditing due to the pandemic,
business partner relationships have become even more important to the
success of every audit. These relationships fuel and drive the learning and
sharing of critical business process information and required data sharing. As
we go through the discussion of each audit phase, consider how focused your
audit team is currently on relationship building. Does your team dedicate the
time and resources it takes to foster and strengthen the audit and business
partner relationship? Is there an interaction with business personnel? Or is the
audit team too focused on getting the fieldwork completed and the final report
issued so they can move on to the next project? I totally understand. Finishing
outstanding audits helps the audit department move the coverage needle and
get closer to completing the communicated audit plan. However, being in audit
is not solely about completing the audit plan. Also, just because the team fin-
ishes the audit plan, does not translate into the audit department adding value
to the company and being seen as a true asset to business operations. The audit
department should be building on their existing audit knowledge, obtaining
22 ◾ Understanding the Remote Approach

a more detailed understanding of the business objectives and corresponding

processes, and providing value-added recommendations to their business
counterparts linked directly to the achievement of the confirmed business
objectives in the most effective and efficient manner. Unfortunately, those crit-
ical skills and business knowledge can only be developed from conversations
and exposure with the business partners. The business personnel have the
detailed information that can assist in auditor development. The knowledge
auditors can develop and build on will make them a more valuable partner
and asset to the business partners as audits continue to expand in scope and
criticality. So, let’s first examine each phase of the audit and discuss the role the
auditor and business partner relationship plays in the successful completion of
planning, fieldwork, and reporting.
To successfully complete any phase of an audit or any project, you must
have specific and clear understanding of the objective. Remember, when talk-
ing about an objective (as a noun, not an adjective), it means purpose. Once
you have identified the purpose, you can direct all efforts to building a stronger
understanding, work plan, and valued feedback to your business partner to
assist them in achieving their goals. Without this knowledge, how would you
know what topics to understand, red flags to looks for, data to test, and recom-
mendations to develop?


So, let’s first start with the audit plan. You have been given an audit and begin
to compile critical business process–level information related to a particular
business unit, which you may or may not have encountered before. Addition-
ally, it may be the first time the audit department has audited this particular
area, so there are no previous audit reports or documentation to provide any
background on your new assignment.
How do auditors approach such a task when they are beginning at ground
zero when it comes to information on this unknown business function? Most
auditors will do the obvious and go straight to the internet and research this
particular topic to see what most common information about this process is
available. They may go to their favorite audit-related internet site to try and
obtain more information or possibly “canned” audit programs related to their
Keep in mind that after your online research efforts are complete, the
information you have obtained is only a general overview and does not in any
Audit Planning ◾ 23

way, shape, or form represent the business processes within your company.
Every company and its corresponding business support processes have specific
requirements that are unique to their way of doing business. And those unique
business characteristics can only be learned from the business personnel and
not the internet. Thus, there is a mandatory need to establish a good working
relationship with the business partner to gain a baseline understanding of the
function. If this truly is a business function the audit department has never
reviewed, it is going to be critical for the lead auditor to ensure they explain
to their business contact the audit department objectives and how an audit
works. Again, while this may seem like an easy task, the audit leadership team
must ensure all auditors have the same knowledge of the audit function and
deliver a consistent message to audit clients regarding audit’s mission and the
required steps necessary to complete an audit. This will guarantee that all
audit clients are receiving the same message regarding the audit process and
the need for business partner involvement throughout the audit to ensure its
While auditors need to acquire business process knowledge during the
planning phase, they must recognize completing the task does not mean
acquiring the same knowledge as the business processing personnel. Too many
times, auditors in the planning phase exhaust the full planning budget diving
too deep into the intimate details of a business process. Getting “buried in the
weeds,” for a lack of a better phrase, usually means the audit team has gone
too far into the business process minutia, which, in the end, will not increase
the value of audit testing or the final report. During the planning phase, it is
important to remain focused on the key business processes, which drive the
achievement of the business deliverables (objectives). This is accomplished by
reviewing the business developed policies and procedures, available flowcharts,
and process walkthroughs with business personnel. The auditor should use
every meeting and interaction with business team members to strengthen
and foster the audit and business partner relationship. Auditors should spend
more time with their business partners explaining the learning approach
an audit requires and the corresponding reasons why it is so important. Let
your business partners know how important the information sharing (and
learning) is to an auditor during the planning phase as it sets the direction
and focus of the upcoming audit. Additionally, all knowledge gained will
be used in the development of the audit testing. With the proper business
knowledge sharing, the audit planning documentation can be executed with
minimal issues, questions, and business personnel disruption. Sufficiently
detailed planning documentation will provide a solid foundation for the audit
24 ◾ Understanding the Remote Approach

testing to be developed and executed, again, with minimal disruption to the

client. This type of approach seems pretty standard. Meet with the client; gain
an understanding; share information regarding the audit process; and learn
as much as you can during planning. Appears to be pretty straightforward and
simple. No – imagine trying to accomplish all of these things over the phone or
video call without being able to sit down in the same room with the person and
facilitate these critical discussions. I do not care how good a communicator
you may be. Executing these discussions remotely poses significant barriers to
success, not to mention an increased time commitment. If an initial planning
meeting with a client to explain the audit process, introduce the team, and
discuss the initial scope usually takes about an hour, consider doubling that
budget at a minimum if you are doing it remotely. And I am going to assume,
if this is a new client who has never been audited, the budget will be more
than double. I am not suggesting the time commitment is not worth it. On
the contrary, I believe it is not just worth it – it is mandatory. Do not skimp or
rush through the audit department overview (or any other parts) during the
introduction meeting with your client, because this meeting not only sets the
tone for the current audit but is also the foundation for the audit and business
partner relationship.


After the planning phase comes the audit fieldwork. During this phase, the
auditors must continue to work the audit and business partner relationship
each time client documentation or data is requested, clarification of a business
process step is required, or validation of a potential deviation from the business
processing standard is noted. In each one of the previously listed incidences,
the auditor is going to be required to communicate directly with the client to
obtain the information or gain an explanation of an unknown. This creates
the perfect opportunity for the auditor to build additional rapport with the
business partner in an effort to gain trust to strengthen the bond between
the two. Think about not only how critical these interactions are with the
client but also how difficult these can be to execute when it is being done
remotely. Being in audit over 30 years, I can attest to how challenging the
fieldwork phase is, especially when additional information, data, or detailed
explanations are needed to complete a test. Now complicate that need with
the facts of the client not being readily accessible or the questions requiring
answers are difficult. That is what remote auditors are facing on a daily basis.
Audit Reporting ◾ 25

During these remote audits, auditors may not know if a client is available for
questions or willing to answer the phone when it rings. And if the client does
answer, will the client have the time to discuss and explain the challenges the
auditor is facing, or will a new meeting have to be scheduled to address the
issues? Everyone in business knows how difficult it is to schedule business
meetings with representatives from multiple units. While this type of situation
will not stop the audit from progressing, it will impact the timing of the audit
testing and will result in the auditors having to reacquaint themselves with
the test requirements. All of these situations affect the timing of the targeted
audit completion.
Also, remember to prepare for this impromptu follow-up meeting with the
client, as the auditors must be ready with the exact topics, questions, and data
which are to be discussed in this call. If the auditor is not adequately prepared
for this call, I can guarantee you three things:

1. The call will not sound professional.

2. The audit client will not be happy with the interruption and lack of respect
regarding effective use of their time.
3. The auditor will not receive all of the information required to complete the
testing and possibly forget an item, which will require another call.

All three of these outcomes damage the audit and business partner
relationship, and in established relationships create unnecessary erosion. It
may not seem like a significant issue at the time, but the repeated calls or
interruptions due to a lack of preparation on the auditor’s part will create stress
on the relationship, which impacts the audit team’s ability to access critical
information to complete the audit in a timely manner (close to the allotted
budget) and establish a productive communication channel to facilitate issue
validation, root cause, recommendations, and action plan discussion needed
to deliver a value in the final audit report.


The relationship building in the audit report phase could be considered the pin-
nacle of the audit and business partner relationship due to the impact of the
interaction between the two groups during this final phase of the audit. Think
about how much back-and-forth there can be when the draft report is being
created. The audit status memo that was mentioned previously in this chapter,
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Hän pisti kynän käteeni. Minä istuuduin ja aioin juuri piirtää nimeni,
kun samassa satuin nostamaan silmäni ja huomasin vastapäätä
istuvan neitosen iskevän viekkaasti silmää tirehtöörille. Synkkä
aavistus tuli mieleeni. Nousin ja hellitin kynästä sanoen:

"Minun vähäpätöinen nimeni ei mene vekselissä. Korkeintaan se

kelpaa runonpätkän alle."

Ja kohteliaasti kumartaen minä poistuin.

Monta päivää ei kulunut, ennenkuin sain kirjeen, jossa vaadittiin

osakemaksun toista viidennestä. Tämän erän saatoin vielä omistani
ja Katrin säästöistä suorittaa; sitten tulisi sedän rahojen vuoro.

Kun taas tapasin tirehtöörin, istui hän allekirjoituksellaan

vahvistamassa joitakin uusia osakkeita. Otettuaan rahani hän laski
painostavasti kätensä pöydälle ja sanoi:

"Nämä ne vasta ovat osakkeita, joita kannattaa omistaa! Niitä jos

on muutama kymmen, ei tarvitse muuta kuin leikkelee kuponkeja ja
makaa ja syljeskelee kattoon."

Kysymykseeni selitti hän, että ne olivat kaivososakkeita ja tokaisi


"Saisiko luvan olla?"

Sanoin että olisi ollut kovin hauska päästä hiukan helpommille

päiville, mutta toistaiseksi täytyi vielä turvautua työntekoon, kun
minulla ei ollut varaa hankkia osakkeita. Mutta samassa minä
muistin jotakin ja sanoin:

"Sisarentyttäreni rahat kyllä, joita minä hoidan…"

Tirehtööri keskeytti minut kiihkeästi kysymällä:

"Paljoko niitä on?"

"Noin kymmenisen tuhatta."

"Missä ne nyt ovat?"


Tirehtööri katsoi minuun säälivästi.

"Pankissa! Mitä ne siellä makaavat? Paljonko pankki maksaa


Annoin halutun tiedon, vaikka mielestäni hänenlaisensa

liikemiehen piti kysymättäkin olla siitä selvillä. Tirehtööri alkoi pitää
esitelmää siitä, miten huono holhooja minä olin, kun käytin holhottini
rahoja pankissa vaivaisella viiden prosentin korolla, vaikka hyvät
osakkeet tuottivat 10—15, jopa 20 prosenttia. Eikö minulla ollut
järkeä päässä! Huomautin, että pankki sentään oli varmin
talletuspaikka, mutta hän sanoi:

"Vai varmin! Tokihan olette lukenut viimeaikaisista

pankkiskandaaleista? — No, ja missä pankissa rahat ovat?"

Minä annoin pyydetyn tiedon. "Kas sitä! Paraaseen paikkaan

olettekin pannut rahat! Juuri se pankki on perikadon partaalla. Olisi
somaa, jos sisarentyttönne menettäisi koko omaisuutensa."

Tirehtööri pyysi mitä vakavimmin minua sijoittamaan rahat

kaivososakkeihin, jotka varmasti tuottivat ainakin kymmenen
prosenttia Mainittuja osakkeita oli vain rajoitettu määrä tarjolla.
Katri oli kanssani yhtä mieltä siitä, että Sirkan rahat sopi sijoittaa
varmoihin osakkeihin. Tahdoin kuitenkin puhua Sirkalle itselleenkin,
mutta tyttö vastasi välinpitämättömästi:

"Kyllä eno sen asian parhaiten ymmärtää. Mutta tietysti kymmenen

on enemmän kuin viisi."

Aluksi kiinnitimme puolet rahoista osakkeihin. Tirehtööri otti minut

vastaan suurella kunnioituksella. Huomasin, että arvoni oli kohonnut
hänen silmissään viime käynnin jälkeen. Nähtyään minut hän heti
lopetti työnsä, vieläpä tarjosi ryypyn, jonka kohteliaisuuden kuitenkin
hylkäsin. Tirehtööri tuli hiukan hämilleen ja sanoi:

"Minäkin kannatan raittiutta, mutta kun tekee rasittavaa

istumatyötä, pitää joskus saada jotakin virkistävää."

Hän otti rahat ja sanoi saavani osakekirjat sitte kun johtokunnan

jäsenet olivat ne allekirjoittaneet. Muistin Katrin varoituksen ja vaadin
kuittia. Tirehtööri sanoi, että se oli tarpeetonta rehellisten miesten
kesken. Mutta kun huomautin, että olin vastuussa varoista, joita
hoitamaan olin joutunut, suostui hän kirjoittamaan kuitin.

Saadessaan kuulla asiasta sanoi Sirkka liikutettuna:

"Kuinka eno on hyvä! Millä voin palkita kaiken sen vaivan ja


Sirkka menee ja rakastuu silmittömästi, ja minun kasvatustaitoni

tekee kuperkeikan.

Jos herra tirehtööri ei ollutkaan mikään kirjallisuuden tuntija,

osoittautui hän pian ensiluokkaiseksi liikemieheksi. Hän oli oikea
todistus siitä, että oikea talousnero ei kaipaa korkeampaa sivistystä,
kun on vain hyvä puheenlahja ja tarvittava määrä hävyttömyyttä.

Kun yhtiön perustava kokous pidettiin, halusin minäkin olla

saapuvilla. Yhtiömiehistä sanottiin useita rakennusmestareiksi. Minä
pidin sitä hyvänä enteenä, koska uudesta talosta ammattimiesten
käsissä tulisi kunnollinen. Puheista päättäen olivat he perillä
yhtiötoimintaa koskevissa asioissa ja puhuivat asiaintuntijain tavoin
vekseleistä ja kiinnityksistä. Minä olin ainoa muukalainen joukossa.
En siis rohjennut pyytää puheenvuoroa, koska pelkäsin paljastavani
tietämättömyyteni ja joutuvani halveksituksi. Äänestyksissä kannatin
puheenjohtajaa, tirehtööriä, koska hän tuntui kaikessa tarkoittavan
yhtiön parasta.

Myöhemmin huomasin, että yhtiössä oli syntymässä

vastustuspuolue, vaikka se oli vähemmistönä. Enemmistö kannatti
tirehtööriä, ja tämä valvoi tarkkaan, että johtokunnan jäsenet ja
tilintarkastajat valittiin hänen hengenheimolaisistaan. Jos ken
rohkeni olla eri mieltä, sitä hän koetti saivartelulla, pilkkanaurulla,
jopa henkilökohtaisilla hyökkäyksillä musertaa. Minua ei huvittanut
heittäytyä taistelun pyörteisiin. Katsoin parhaaksi antaa sananvallan
ammattimiehille, koskei minun kirjallinen viisauteni ja
musiikintuntemukseni tässä mitään pyhittänyt.

Kokouksesta lähdettäessä antautui tirehtööri puheisiin minun

kanssani, ja se seikka nosti suuresti arvoani omissa silmissäni. Hän
piti minulle vielä kerran korkean veisun yhtiömme kunniaksi. Sanoi
perustaneensa kymmenittäin yhtiöitä, mutta tämä uhkasi voittaa
kaikki entiset. Onnelan osakkeista maksettaisiin jonkun ajan perästä
nelinkertainen nimellisarvo. Hänen osakkeistaan oli jo tarjottu
enemmänkin, mutta hän ei niitä möisi hinnasta mistään. Varoitti
minuakin sitä tekemästä, muutoin saisin katkerasti katua. Samalla
hän huomautti, että osakemaksujen kolmas viidennes oli ensi tilassa
suoritettava, sillä yhtiö tarvitsi rahoja vekseliensä lunastukseen.

Äkkiä hän muisti jotakin ja sanoi:

"Kuinkas on niiden sedän tyttären rahojen laita? Eiköhän ole

viisainta ottaa ne pankista ja sijoittaa tuottaviin osakkeihin? Tänään
kuului taas pahoja uutisia samaisesta pankista. Se voi romahtaa jo
huomenna, ja silloin on kaikki mennyttä."

Kotiin tultuani kerroin huoleni Katrille. Hänen neuvostaan

tiedustelin pankista, oliko tirehtöörin jutussa perää. Pankkiherrat
nauroivat ja kysyivät, kuka moista roskaa puhui.
Hienotunteisuudesta en maininnut nimeä, vaan että olin "varmalta
taholta" kuullut asian.
Kun kerroin tirehtöörille tästä, nauroi hän yksinkertaisuuttani.
Tietysti pankkimiehet olivat niin ovelia, etteivät menneet sellaista
tunnustamaan. Kuka siellä sitte talletuksiaan enää pitäisi!

Miten olikaan, — joka tapauksessa minä otin loputkin Sirkan

rahoista ja sijoitin kasvisvoitehtaan osakkeihin, jotka lupasivat suurta

Tuskin oli se kysymys saatu pois päiväjärjestyksestä, kun toisaalta

nousi uhkaava ukkospilvi elämäni taivaalle.

Sitä mukaa kuin Sirkka unohti surunsa, alkoi pääkaupungin elämä

vetää häntä pyörteisiinsä. Tunteellinen, herkkä ja avonainen luonne
otti nopeasti vastaan vaikutuksia.

Ensimäiset merkit painoi kaupunkilaiselämä hänen pukuunsa. Se

puoli menoerää paisui yhä suuremmaksi. Minä annoin aluksi kaikki,
mitä hän pyysi, mutta sittemmin heräsi minussa ajatus opettaa
hänelle säästäväisyyttä. Selitin, ettei ihmisen arvo riippunut siitä,
miten oli puettu; itsekin pidin neljä tai viisi vuotta samaa
vaatekappaletta. Tyttö vastasi nauraen, ettei sillä ollutkaan väliä,
miten "vanha" nainut mies oli puettu.

Olisin kenties kuitenkin kukistanut turhamielisyyden epäjumalan,

mutta Katri asettui tytön puolelle; hän sanoi, että nuoren tytön piti
käydä hyvin puettuna, etenkin kun ei tarvinnut keltään lainata. Minä
annoin asiassa sellaisen välipäätöksen, että Sirkka sai näyttää
minulle neulojan laskut. Mutta he selittivät yhdestä suusta, ettei
mieshenkilön sopinut urkkia, mitä kaikkea naiset tarvitsevat. Minun
täytyi tunnustaa itseni voitetuksi.
Sirkan kauneus ja soitannollisuus hankki hänelle pian ihailijapiirin,
joka liehui hänen liepeissään kuin mehiläisparvi kukan ympärillä.
Näimme usein ikkunasta, kun hän tuli koulusta jonkun keltanokan
seurassa, joka kantoi hänen kirjojaan tai nuottilaukkuansa. Alussa oli
hänellä miltei joka kerta uusi liehittelijä, joskus kaksi, jopa yhtaikaa
kolmekin, jotka kiihkeästi kilpailivat tytön suosiosta ja loivat
murhaavia silmäyksiä toisiinsa. Lopuksi jäi vain pari hupeloa, jotka
hän naisille ominaisella viekkaudella piti kiihoittamassa toistensa
rakkautta ja mustasukkaisuutta, kunnes näistäkin toinen väsyi ja jätti
aseman herraksi onnellisen voittajan.

Mutta niin pian kuin nuori tyttö jää yhden miehen saaliiksi, on hän
mennyttä kalua. Sirkka vetäytyi yksinäisyyteen, vaipui haaveiluihin ja
itki ilman syytä. Luulimme häntä sairaaksi, mutta hän antoi
kierteleviä vastauksia ja koetti välttää keskustelua.

Vaimoni naisellinen vaisto selitti pian arvoituksen:

"Ei ole epäilystäkään. Sirkka on rakastunut, usko tai älä", vakuutti


"Rakastunut! Siinä ijässä! Se olisi kauheata", pääsi minulta.

Katri nauroi:

"Ei se kauheampaa ole kuin miehenkään rakastuminen."

"On siinä ero kuin yöllä ja päivällä. Jos mies rakastuu, hoitaa hän
siitä huolimatta tehtävänsä, mutta nainen kulkee ja uneksii
rakastetustaan, unohtaen koko maailman. Korkeintaan hän sepustaa
Huomasin Katrin alahuulesta, että hän piti tätä väitettä hirveänä
loukkauksena koko naissukua kohtaan. Ajattelin jo hiukan lieventää
sitä myöntämällä, että rakastunut nainen joskus lisäksi neuloo
kirjoitusmaton tai palttoon nimikirjaimet sulhaselleen.

"Niin, näetkös, asia on se, että nainen ottaa alunpitäin

rakkautensa syvemmältä kuin mies. Kun nainen rakastaa, hän
rakastaa koko sielullaan; muu kaikki on hänelle toisarvoista. Mutta
miehelle rakkaus on sivuasia", innostui Katri.

Huomasin keskustelun luistaneen pois asiasta ja palautin sen

oikeille raiteille:

"Tästä asiasta riittäisi miehen ja naisen välillä kinastelua vaikka

tuomiopäivään saakka. Mutta kaikissa tapauksissa on syytä olla
varuillaan Sirkan suhteen, jos hän todella on saanut rakkauden
houreita päähänsä."

"Eikö mitä! Rakkaus kehittää naisen tunne-elämää ja syventää

hänen luonnettaan. Rakkaus se oikean taiteilijankin tekee."

Minun täytyi tunnustaa, etten ollut odottanut Katrilta tällaista

perinpohjaisuutta. Melkein liikutettuna sanoin:

"Sinä voit olla oikeassa. Mutta asialla on toinenkin puoli, ja se

hyvin ikävä. Mies, jota Sirkka rakastaa, saattaa tunnottomasti
käyttää väärin nuoren tytön kokemattomuutta. Sellaisia konnia on
Jumala paratkoon turmeltuneessa kaupungissa enemmän kuin

Katrin vakavista kasvoista huomasin, että asia hänestäkin oli

ajattelemisen arvoinen. Mutta hän koetti ottaa kaikki parhaimmalta
puoleltaan ja sanoi:

"Sirkka on vilkas, mutta hän ei ole kevytmielinen. Hän ymmärtää

torjua lähentelemisyritykset, jotka uhkaavat hänen mainettaan."

Katrin luottamus ei kuitenkaan voinut minua täysin rauhoittaa.

Päätin sen vuoksi vakavasti kehoittaa Sirkkaa karttamaan kaikkia
epäilyttäviä miestuttavuuksia.

Eräänä iltana pistäydyin Katrin tietämättä Sirkan luo. Sain kuulla,

että joku herrasmies oli käynyt hakemassa häntä ulos. Hänen
huoneessaan vallitsi epäjärjestys, aivan kuin olisi kiireessä vaihdettu
pukua. Pöydällä oli monenmoista pikkutavaraa: hajuvesipullo,
hammasjauhetta, jonkunlaista kauneusvettä, karamellilaatikko.
Piaanolla oli kukkakimppu, luultavasti ihailijalta saatu. Mutta ennen
muuta kiintyi huomioni keskeneräiseen kirjeeseen, joka oli unohtunut
pöydälle. En voinut vastustaa kiusausta vilkaista siihen. Kirjeen
tuttavallinen sävy ja monet viittaukset yhdessä vietettyihin
hauskoihin hetkiin ilmaisivat liiankin selvään, kelle se oli aiottu. Siinä
laskettiin pilaa "kraapaamisesta", opettajien antamista muistutuksista
ja kaikenmoisista pikkusynneistä. Istuuduin odottamaan syntipukin
kotiintuloa. Aikani kuluksi aloin rangaista piaanoa — siksi kunnes
saisin sen ihanan omistajattaren käsiini.

Vasta yhdentoista jälkeen tyttö tuli ja hämmästyi kovin minut

nähdessään. Nuhtelin häntä aluksi myöhäisestä ulkonaolemisesta.
Hän sanoi tulevansa toverin nimipäiviltä. Luotuaan lyhyen
silmäyksen pöydälleen hän huomasi kirjeensä ja katsoi minuun kuin

"Onko eno lukenut tämän kirjeen?"

Tuntien syyllisyyteni painoin pääni alas ja mutisin jotakin, mutta
sanat takertuivat kurkkuuni. Olin paljastettu…

"Kuinka eno on niin tuhma, että menee lukemaan toisten kirjeitä!"

Olin tullut syyttäjänä, mutta jouduinkin itse syytettyjen penkille.

Aloin tiedustella hänen voinnistaan, rahantarpeista ja muusta

sellaisesta. Sitte kävin valmistamaan päähyökkäystä: miksi oli Sirkka
typeryyttään rakastunut?

Mutta tuo veitikka teki kiertoliikkeellä minun suunnitelmani tyhjäksi.

Hän istahti äkkiä piaanon ääreen.

"Tahtooko eno kuulla Schubertia?"

Luonnollisesti tahdoin. Ja vastoin tahtoani tempasi sävelten tenho

minut valtoihinsa. Ja kun viimeinen akordi haihtui, olin unohtanut
maan ja taivaan ja koko tytön ja mitä varten olin tullut. En mahtanut
muuta kun kyynelsilmin puristaa tytön kättä ja sanoa:

"Miten ihana sävellys! Ja miten mainiosti sinä sen tulkitset!"

Mutta kotimatkalla minä tytön kepposta muistellessani puristin

nyrkkiä taskussani ja ajattelin: voi sinua julmettunutta!

Enkä kehdannut mainita Katrille sanaakaan siitä, minkä kovan

kolauksen minun kasvatusopillinen viisauteni oli saanut.

Oman kodin unelma lähenee toteutumistaan.

Pitkin talvea oli pidetty yhtiökokouksia, varsinaisia ja ylimääräisiä,

tehty päätöksiä ja purettu vanhoja.

Minä olin mukana milloin tilaisuus myönsi. Koskihan asia minuakin

läheltä. Toisinaan, kun keskustelu kävi riitaiseksi, lähdin kesken pois.
En näet voinut ymmärtää, miksi piti väitellä asiassa, jossa kaikkien
yhteinen etu oli kysymyksessä.

Tällävälin ilmestyi rakennustontille valtava tiilikasa. Se merkitsi,

että rakennustöihin vihdoin ryhdyttiin täydellä todella.

Eräänä päivänä tuli tirehtööri kovalla touhulla vastaani kadulla.

Hän suvaitsi antautua puheisiin. Kertoi olevansa menossa
raastuvanoikeuteen. Hänellä oli pari sotkuista vekseliasiaa. Kertoipa
hän avomielisesti itseään syytettävän vekseliväärennyksestä, mutta
hän kyllä toimittaisi toisen pojan "tiilenpäitä lukemaan". Ennenkuin
erottiin sanoi hän:
"Jahah, juu! Nyt voitte jonakin kauniina päivänä mennä
rakennuspaikalle. Siellä on perustus valmis, ja elleivät merkit petä,
päästään syksyllä omaan taloon."

On mahdoton kuvata, minkä riemun nämä sanat minussa

herättivät. Oma talo, oma koti! Sehän oli aina ollut rakkain
unelmamme, ihanne, jota kohti ponnistelimme puutteiden ja
vaikeuksien läpi. Kunnioituksemme ja kiitollisuutemme tirehtööriä
kohtaan kasvoi päivä päivältä. Hän se asiat järjesti ja kantoi päivän
kuorman ja helteen!

Kirkkaana talviaamuna käskin Katrin pukeutua. Matkan määrää en

maininnut, — aioin valmistaa hänelle yllätyksen. Aikomukseni oli
ottaa Sirkka mukaan; pieni aamukävely olisi tehnyt hänellekin hyvää.
Mutta hänen sanottiin lähteneen ulos automobiilillä parin
herrasmiehen seurassa.

Aamu oli mitä ihanin. Keväinen aurinko heloitti sinisellä taivaalla,

sulava lumi virtasi tuhansina pikkupuroina. Varpuset sirkuttivat
iloisina räystäillä. Kadut vilisivät hilpeitä jalankulkijoita, toiset
matkasivat ajurilla tai voimavaunuilla.

Uutisrakennus sijaitsi kaukana laitakaupungilla.

"Käännytään takaisin! Täällä tulee vastaan erämaa", sanoi Katri.

"Mennään vielä vähän matkaa! Minua huvittaa nähdä eräs

paikka", sanoin salaperäisenä.

Tulimme aukealle, jonka laidalla oli havumetsää, toisella lehtipuita

kasvava kumpu. Siinä se nyt oli! Perustus oli laskettu, etusivun pari
tiiliriviäkin muurattu.
Menimme lähemmäksi. Katri sanoi:

"Kukahan tännekin perustaa talon?"

Minä vain hymyilin vastaukseksi.

Silloin hän arvasi asian.

"Kuule, onko tämä meidän?"

Selittämätön ilo loisti Katrin kasvoista, koko hänen olemuksestaan,

ikäänkuin olisi aurinko sadepäivänä pilkistänyt pilvien alta ja
kirkastanut kaikki. Hän seisoi unelmiinsa vaipuneena, tarkasti joka
kiveä kuin tahtoen ottaa ne syliinsä ja hyväillä niitä sen vuoksi, että
ne ystävällisesti liittyivät yhteen tehdäkseen meille kodin, rauhaisan
sataman maailman myrskyissä.

En hennonut häiritä häntä. Vihdoin kysyin:

"Miellyttääkö sinua?"

"Vielä kysyt! Syrjässä vain on. Mutta niinpä olemmekin poissa

kaupungin pölystä ja kuumuudesta."

"Entä mikä näköala ja ympäristö! Se on toista kuin takapiha ja

ikuisesti yksitoikkoiset tiiliseinät. Täällä me elämme kuin sadun
lumotussa linnassa. Metsä ympärillämme humisee viihdyttävää
kehtolauluansa, avatusta ikkunasta meitä aamulla tervehtii lintujen
tuhatääninen kuoro, ja päivän päättyessä me käsikädessä istuen
katsomme, kun auringon kultainen kerä painuu metsän vihreään
Korkealentoisen runollisen esitykseni katkaisi samalla läheltä
kuuluva melu:

"S—nan rakennusmestari on tehnyt auttamattoman virheen! Eikö

se hulikaani sen vertaa ymmärrä! Jos minun silmäni hiukan välttää,
silloin menee kaikki päin seiniä."

Katri pelästyi luullen humalaisen räyhäävän. Mutta minä tunsin

tirehtöörin äänen. Mies tuli esiin tiilikasan takaa
rahastonhoitajattarensa — etten sanoisi rakastajattarensa — kera.
He kuuluivat kinastelevan jostakin rakennusta koskevasta asiasta.

Nähtyään meidät sanoi hän:

"Jahah, juu! Olette tulleet taloa katsomaan. Kannattaakin!

Näittekö, millaista h—tin hökkeliä tuohon viereen rakentavat! Tästä
tulee talo, ettei vertaa koko Helsingissä."

Hän tirkisteli Katria omituisin kiiluvin silmyksin, mikä ei jäänyt

huomaamatta hänen valppaalta vartijattareltaan. Katri joutui
hämilleen, katsoi toisaalle ja kuiskasi, että lähtisimme kotiin.
Tirehtööri kiipesi telineille ja pauhasi sieltä:

"Se rakennusmestarin lurjus on ottanut töihin niitä kirottuja

sosialisteja, jotka eivät tee muuta kuin laiskottelevat työmaalla ja
haukkuvat porvareja."

Sanoin olevan yhdentekevää, mihin puolueeseen työläiset

kuuluivat, kunhan vain talo tulisi hyvä, se oli pääasia.

Mutta tirehtööri uhkasi eroittaa töistä jokikisen sosialistin ja sanoi,

ettei taloon huolita niitä asumaankaan niin kauan kuin hän on
Samassa kuului telineiltä kolaus, ikäänkuin olisi jotakin pudonnut.
Näimme tirehtöörin nojaavan tukipuuta vasten ja pitelevän jalkaansa.
Ennenkuin ehdin kysyä, mitä oli tapahtunut, sanoi hän: "Nyt kävi
hullusti. Luulen, että katkaisin jalkani. Mutta olen
tapaturmavakuutettu, ja jos yhtiö kieltäytyisi maksamasta, pyydän
teitä todistamaan, miten onnettomuus tapahtui."

Hän vihelsi ajuria, mutta kun sellaista ei kuulunut, alkoi hän

surkeasti valittaen ja ontuen kävellä nojaten neidon käsivarteen.
Heidän mentyään kysyi Katri: "Tuoko on yhtiön isännöitsijä? Hän
näyttää olevan hävytön lurjus koko mies. En usko, että hän satutti

Minä kielsin häntä ajattelemasta pahaa miehestä, jolle me olimme

niin paljosta kiitollisuuden velassa.

Samassa tuli paikalle keski-ikäinen mies naisen ja kolmen lapsen

seurassa. Hän esitteli itsensä, sanoi olevansa yhtiön osakas; me
olimme joutumassa asumaan samassa huonekerrassa, vieläpä
aivan naapureina.

Käytin tilaisuutta kysyäkseni, mitä hän piti isännöitsijästä. Hän ei

sanonut tuntevansa tirehtööriä, mutta kaikesta päättäen tämä oli
tarmokas liikemies, jolla oli monipuolinen kokemus alallaan. Niin
kauan kuin johto oli hänen käsissään naapurini uskoi yhtiön

Minulle tuli mieleen äskeinen kohtaus ja sanoin:

"Hän satutti äsken pahasti jalkansa, tuskin pääsee pitkiin aikoihin

Mies katseli minua pitkään.


"Niin. Hädin tuskin kykeni omin avuin liikkumaan."

Toinen joutui yhä enemmän ymmälle.

"Hän tuli meitä vastaan tuolla ja käveli kuin ennenkin."

Nyt oli meidän vuoromme hämmästyä. Arvoitus selvisi, kun

myöhemmin kuulin, että tirehtööri nosti tapaturmavakuutusyhtiöltä
korvausta "työkyvyttömyydestään" kymmenen markkaa päivältä ja
että sairautta kesti viikkoja, jopa kuukausia. Siinä oli liikemiestä!


Edellämainittu käyntimme antoi uutta voimaa ja intoa

ponnistuksiimme. Tuntui ihanalta ajatella, että joka päivä seinät
kohosivat ja omakin kerroksemme pian nousisi. Iloamme eivät
suuresti häirinneet ikävät viestit, joita pian alkoi kuulua työmaalta.
Isännöitsijä oli joutunut erimielisyyteen työnjohtajien ja työläisten
kanssa. Hän oli jo eroittanut pari kolme rakennusmestaria ja otti
vihdoin itse johdon käsiinsä. Seurauksena oli, että
rakennustarkastaja määräsi revittäväksi osan seinää, joka oli tehty
rakennussääntöä sivuuttamalla. Se tuotti ajanhukkaa ja melkoisen
tappion yhtiölle. Lopuksi puhkesi lakko sen johdosta, että isännöitsijä
mielivaltaisesti eroitti työväkeä.

Sijoittaessani Sirkan rahat osakkeihin, en ollut muistanut, että

hänen opintonsa nielivät paljon rahaa. Tosin oli minulla pari
velkakirjaa, mutta toinen, joka sisälsi saatavan konkurssipesästä,
meni mitättömäksi sen vuoksi, että olin laiminlyönyt valvonnan.
Hätääntyneenä menin tirehtöörin luo ja pyysin peruuttaa viimeisen
sijoitukseni. Hän nauroi ja sanoi, ettei se voinut tulla kysymykseen;
kauppa oli sitova. Mutta luonnollisesti oli minulla oikeus myydä
osakkeet kelle halusin ja millaisilla ehdoilla hyvänsä, vaikka
kymmenkertaisesta hinnasta. Lopuksi hän ilmoitti, että minun oli ensi
tilassa suoritettava osakemaksujeni neljäs viidennes, koska yhtiöllä
oli lankeamassa vekseli.

Minä jouduin pahaan pulaan. Karhusin lauluoppilaitani, vaikka

tuntui siltä, että he huomasivat rahapulani. Onneksi oli minulla
nostamatta palkkio kyhäyksistä, jotka olin viimeksi julkaissut

Mutta miten ponnistinkin, en kuitenkaan onnistunut saamaan

tarvittavaa summaa. En voinut lainaankaan turvata, sillä Jumala on
antanut minulle sellaisen luonnon, että olen valmis antamaan muille
ainoat housuni, mutta en saa suutani auki, kun minun pitäisi
hommata tuttaviltani viitonen.

Katri tälläkin kertaa pelasti aseman. Hänellä oli parin kuukauden

palkka nostamatta. Hän oli sen säästänyt uuden puvun hankintaan,
mutta luovutti nyt mielellään sen.

Lukuvuosi läheni loppuansa. Sirkka oli käynyt kalpeaksi, laihtunut

ja kärsi päänkivistystä. Hän sanoi sen johtuvan paljosta istumisesta,
mutta minä arvelin siihen olevan muita syitä, vaikka pidin ne omina
tietoinani. Ensiksi päättelin hänen käyttävän erästä kapinetta, jonka
tarkoituksena oli tehdä vartalo siroksi ja hoikaksi. Toiseksi hän valvoi
liian paljon. Miltei joka ilta hän istui teatterissa tai konsertissa. Se oli
tietysti kehittävää sille, joka aikoi ottaa musiikin
elämäntehtäväkseen. Mutta se kulutti hermoja.
Vieläkin eräs seikka tuotti minulle paljon huolta. Hänellä oli aina
rahan tarve. Vaikka suoritin hänen täysihoitonsa ja koulumaksunsa,
ahdisti hän tavan takaa minua, ottaen rukoilevan ilmeen ja sanoen:
"nyt minä taas tulen kerjäämään enolta rahaa". Kielto ei olisi
auttanut, sillä silloin alkoi sataa — ja kuka mies kestää naisen

Päättelin, että hänellä oli salainen rahanreikä. Arvelin toverien

mahdollisesti lainailevan. Hän oli liian hyväsydäminen ja
uhrautuvainen kaikkia kohtaan.

Koulun päätyttyä aloimme hommata maallemuuttoa. Soittokone

piti ottaa mukaan, vaikka kulettaminen olikin hankalaa. En aikonut
antaa tytön juoksennella jouten koko kesää; soittaa hänen piti, jotta
sormenpäitä pakoittaisi.

Katri ei päässyt mukaan: hänen lomansa alkoi vasta juhannuksen

Siihen asti saisi Sirkka olla taloudenhoitajana.

Oli mitä herttaisin kesäaamu. Sirkka oli päivän kunniaksi kukitettu,

ja toverit tulivat saattamaan häntä.

Kun kello löi toisen kerran, alkoi yleinen itku ja suuteleminen.

"Pistäy katsomassa, miten koti valmistuu", muistutin minä.

"Minä teen toivioretken, ainakin kerran päivässä", lupasi Katri.

Kun kello soi kolmannen kerran, astuimme Sirkka ja minä junaan.

"Pitäkää nyt hauskaa!" toivotti Katri ja juoksi kauas jälessä

huiskuttaen nenäliinallaan, kunnes juna katosi näkyvistä.
Sirkka jäi vaunusillalle. Radan varrella seisoi nuori herra, joka alkoi
heiluttaa hattuansa hänelle junan kiitäessä ohi. Sirkka huusi jotakin
ja huitoi käsillään, taisi lentomuiskunkin lähettää. Sitte hän tuli
vaunuun ja alkoi lukea Emilie Flygare-Carlénin romaania.

Sulhasmiehiä tulee taloon, mutta minä näytän, mistä viisi hirttä on

poikki seinässä.

Kesä meni kuin siivillä. Syyskuun ensi päiväksi piti Sirkan saapua
kaupunkiin alottamaan viimeistä kouluvuottansa. Hän oli maalla
voimistunut, tullut päivänpaahtamaksi ja vereväksi. Soitellut hän oli,
ei sentään läheskään niin paljoa kuin minä olisin tahtonut. Enimmän
aikansa hän käytti rakkausromaanien lukemiseen ja haaveiluun —
siltä ainakin minusta näytti. Vähintään pari kertaa viikossa hän
kirjoitti rakastetulleen Helsinkiin, ja ellei ensi postissa tullut
vastausta, kävi hän hermostuneeksi ja arveli jonkun onnettomuuden
tapahtuneen. Tyttö-hupakko oli pihkaantunut nenännipukkaa

Minä olin koko kesän valmistanut suurta romaania.

Ennakkolaskujen mukaan piti siitä tulla maailmaamullistava.
Helsingissä viimeistelin tekeleen ja annoin sen urakalla Katrin ja
Sirkan puhtaaksikirjoittaa. Katri pani ehdoksi, että omistaisin
teokseni hänelle. Sirkka oli vaatimattomampi: pyysi kirjaa yhden
kappaleen, kun se ilmestyisi. Minun olisi omakätisesti kirjoitettava
siihen: "Sirkka Vanamolle kiitollisuudella tekijä". Lupasin siihen vielä
lisätä "ikuisella". Siitä hän taas lupasi olla ikuisesti kiitollinen.

Kun olin korjannut kirjoitusvirheet, joita Sirkan työssä oli vilisemällä

— ihmekös se, kun on rakastunut! — lähetin käsikirjoituksen

Heti kaupunkiin tultuamme menimme katsomaan, miten pitkälle

talomme oli edistynyt. Lakkoselkkaus oli vihdoin sovittu, työt jälleen
saatu käyntiin. Rakennuksen ulkopuolinen osa näytti olevan valmis.
Aloimme taas haaveilla, miten hauskaa tulee, kun Sirkkakin muuttaa
luoksemme ja saamme kuulla kaunista soittoa joka päivä.

Samassa näin tirehtöörin tulevan seuralaisensa kanssa

käsikynkässä kuin mies ja vaimo ikään. Katri ei voinut sietää moista
pariskuntaa ja tahtoi lähteä kotiin. Mutta mies oli huomannut meidät
ja sanoi:

"Jahah, juu! Onko oltu poissa, kun ei ole nähty kokouksissa? On

tehty tärkeitä päätöksiä, osakepääomaa koroitettu ja niin poispäin.
Konttorissa saatte kuulla tarkemmin."

"Rouva" katseli Katria sillä kateuden ja vihan sekaisella tunteella,

jolla vanha, ruma nainen aina silmäilee nuorta ja kaunista. Nostin
hattuani ja lähdin. Mutta tirehtööri lisäsi vielä:

"Teillä on maksamatta viimeinen erä osakemaksua. Se on

suoritettava ensi tilassa, yhtiöllä lankeaa näinä päivinä pari vekseliä."

Tieto ei tullut yllätyksenä, ja kuitenkin se teki minuun masentavan

vaikutuksen. Mistä sieppaisin yhtäkkiä ne rahat? Pohdin asiata pari
päivää ja yötäkin, pääsemättä askeltakaan pitemmälle. Kohta tuli
jyrkkään muotoon laadittu kirje, jossa sanottiin, että ellen heti
maksaisi puuttuvaa summaa, myytäisiin osakkeeni yhtiön sääntöjen
mukaan huutokaupalla. Säikähdin, mutta muistin samassa setäni,
joka usein oli ollut viimeinen turvani. Sydän kurkussa juoksin kuin
olisi tuli ollut nurkassa.

Setä oli huonolla tuulella, sadatteli ja noitui syksyä, joka oli niin
turmiollinen luuvaloisille. Kuuntelin kärsivällisesti valitusvirren
loppuun — muutoin ei olisi maksanut vaivaa edes puhua
rahapulastaan. Katsoinpa eduksi asialle muutamin valituin sanoin
huomauttaa, että setä oli viime aikoina tullut nuoremmaksi ja
terveemmän näköiseksi, niin etten ihmettelisi, vaikka joku nuori
neitonen vielä rakastuisi häneen.

Se oli kuitenkin taktillinen virhe, sillä setä sai siitä tervetulleen

aiheen kehua monia valloituksiaan naismaailmassa, eikä siitä
epistolasta tahtonut loppua tulla. Sitte hän tyrkkäsi minua
salaperäisenä kylkeen ja kysyi, joko minulla oli perillisen toivoa.
Vastasin, etten ollut vielä mitään virallista ilmoitusta saanut. Ukko
näytti pettyneeltä, tuumi, että alkaisi jo niinkuin olla aika.

Tullakseni lähemmäksi asiaa rupesin puhumaan oman kodin

hommasta. Hän tuntui olevan huvitettu ja sanoi:

"Vai että jo ollaan niin pitkällä! No, minkä niminen on yhtiö ja missä
talo sijaitsee?"

Saatuaan haluamansa tiedon hän jatkoi kyselyään:

"Suuriko on osakepääoma?"

"Osakepääoma! En ole muistanut kysyä", vastasin hämilläni.

Setä päästi aika naurun.

"Olet sinäkin yhtiömies, kun et tiedä yhtiön osakepääomaa! Entä

kuka on isännöitsijä?"

Mainittuani tirehtöörin kunnianarvoisan nimen kävi setä totiseksi ja

vaipui syviin mietteisiin.

"Sekö herrasmies!" pääsi häneltä vihdoin.

Minä istuin kuin tulisilla neuloilla; sydämeni alkoi lyödä kuin


"Tunteeko setä Esa Ansion?" kysyin.

Ukko katsoi minua pitkään.

"Jumalan kiitos, etten ole persoonallisesti tuttu sen miehen

Mutta —"

"Mutta —!" Tuntui kuin olisi maa vajonnut jalkaini alla.

Hän ravisti epäilevästi päätänsä ja sanoi: "Pelkään, että olet

joutunut veijarin kynsiin."

"Veijarin! Hyvä Jumala! Mitä sanotte!" huudahdin hypähtäen

kauhistuneena ylös kuin olisi käärme puraissut minua.

Setä huomasi hätäni ja sanoi:

"Niinkuin sanoin, en tunne lähemmin miestä, mutta olen kuullut

hänestä paljon pahaa ja tuskin ollenkaan hyvää. On paras olla
varuillaan sen herrasmiehen suhteen."
Mitä ristiriitaisimmat ajatukset riehuivat sekavissa aivoissani.
Tuntui kuin olisin tullut suljetuksi pimeään, sokkeloiseen luolaan,
josta oli mahdoton löytää tietä ulos.

Lopettaakseni tuskallisen vaitiolon sanoin: "Siinä tapauksessa on

viisainta, etten suorita penniäkään lisää yhtiölle." Setä hymähti.

"Siinä tapauksessa menetät kaikki, mitä jo olet pannut osakkeihin.

Lisäksi voi yhtiö velvoittaa sinut maksamaan eroituksen, jos
myyntihinta jää alle nimellisarvon."

"Ei koskaan", väitin minä jyrkästi.

Mutta setä selitti, että merkintä oli sitova, siitä ei mihinkään

päässyt. Yhtiölaki oli merkillisen ilkeä keksintö.

Kaikesta huolimatta hän antoi pyytämäni summan, mutta kehoitti

ottamaan tarkan selon yhtiön tilasta. Jos asema tuntui horjuvalta, oli
minun heti myytävä osakkeeni mihin hintaan hyvänsä, sillä parempi
pieni tappio kuin suuri.

Toistaiseksi en hiiskunut mitään Sirkan rahoista, vaikka alusta

lähtien ajattelin niitä enemmän kuin omiani. Jos tuhlasin omat rahani,
oli se yksityisasiani, mutta minulla ei ollut oikeutta vetää holhokkiani
samaan kadotukseen.

Kun lähdin tirehtöörin luo, päätin panna hänet ankaraan

ristikuulusteluun. Mutta hänen tavallinen kohteliaisuutensa ja
kaunopuheisuutensa riisti minulta aseet. Ajattelin, että noin
vakuuttavasti ei voinut puhua se, jolla oli petos mielessä. Kun
tiedustelin Sirkan rahoista, nauroi hän ja sanoi, että kaikki oli
varmassa tallessa, — ei ollut pelkoon kaukaisintakaan syytä.
Samalla hän jätti minulle kaivososakkeet. Pian saisin nostaa niistä

Verrattain rauhallisena lähdin kotiin. Katri sanoi, että jos Sirkan

monet ihailijat tietäisivät hänellä olevan kauneutensa ja
soitannollisuutensa ohella arvopapereita, kyllä pian sulhasmiehiä
tulisi taloon.


Ja olihan yksi, joka tiesi ja myöskin ymmärsi käyttää sitä


Eräänä päivänä tuli Katri ilmoittamaan, että joku herrasmies tahtoi

puhutella minua. Eteisessä seisoi nuori mies, joka juuri riisui
palttoota yltään. Sitte hän kiversi viiksiänsä, suoristi hännystakkinsa
ja järjesti kaulanauhansa — pelkäsi ehkä sen joutuneen niskaan
niinkuin minun oli käynyt. Saatuaan kaikki asianmukaiseen
järjestykseen astui hän juhlallisesti sisään, kumarsi ja esitteli itsensä
tuomari Johanssonina. Osoitin hänelle tuolin, ja hän käytti sitä

Kaikesta näkyi, että nuorukainen tahtoi tehostaa tärkeyttänsä. Hän

hiveli ensimäisiä viiksenitujaan, veti näkyviin kalvosimensa
osoittaakseen, että niiden puhtaus oli tyydyttävä, ja hypisteli
kellonperiään, jotka nähtävästi olivat nikkeliä.

Odotin, että vieras kertoisi, mitä hänellä oli sydämellään, mutta

hän näkyi odottavan, että minä kysyisin hänen asiaansa. Lopuksi
hän avasi suunsa ja sanoi syvämietteisesti:

"Siellä tuulee tänään. Taitaa valmistaa sadetta."

Johon minä sanoin:

"Ehkä herra palvelee meteoroloogisessa laitoksessa?"

Nuorukainen oikaisi hiukan nolona:

"Minulla on asianajotoimisto."

Kun ei minulla ollut mitään sitä vastaan muistuttamista, jatkoi hän:

"Tämä näyttää olevan hyvä talo. Onko täällä vuokrat kalliit?"

"Minä en ole täällä isännöitsijänä", vastasin siihen.

Huomattuaan, ettei keskustelu ottanut sujuakseen, sanoi hän:

"Pian on eduskuntavaalit."

"Mitä puoluetta herra edustaa?" kysyin minä.

Nuorukainen katsoi parhaaksi käydä itse asiaan.

"Olen kuullut, että te olette neiti Sirkka Vanamon holhooja. Ja

koska hänen vanhempansa ovat kuolleet, ajattelin kääntyä…"

"Kääntykää vain, koska tilaa on", kehoitin minä.

"Me rakastamme toisiamme…" jatkoi nuorukainen.

"Me…? Te ja minä…?"

Sulhasmies oli eksyä tolaltaan, mutta sai pian säikeestä kiinni:

Samassa tuli mieleeni sisar-vainajani viimeinen pyyntö, ja päätin

menetellä ankarasti, ettei kasvattini joutuisi keljun kelkkaan
istumaan. Kohdistin sulhaskokelaaseen murhaavan tulen ja sanoin

"Nuori herrasmies! En tunne katsantotapojanne, mutta olen siinä

ijässä, ettei minua miellytä kuulla puhuttavan palturia, kun on
vakavasta asiasta kysymys."

"Palturia! Suokaa anteeksi!" huudahti hän loukkaantuneena ja

alkoi hermostuneesti hivellä ylähuulensa haivenia.

"Pankaa mieleenne", jatkoin, "mitä nyt sanon. Ensiksi ei ole

tapana, että koulutytöt menevät naimisiin. Toiseksi kehoitan teitä
menemään kotiin ja tutkimaan sydäntänne, jos teillä sellainen on."

Tämän sanottuani osoitin hänelle sitä paikkaa, mistä tie kulki ulos.
Hän laski käden mahtipontisesti sydämelleen ja lausui kuin paras

"Vakuutan, että tunteeni neiti Vanamoa kohtaan ovat mitä


Ovella hän vielä kääntyi ja sanoi:

"Pyydän anteeksi! Neiti Vanamolla on talletuksia, ja minulla olisi

tilaisuus sijoittaa ne erittäin edullisesti."

Moinen julkeus kävi yli minun ymmärrykseni. Sanoin myrkyllisesti:

"Todella oiva näyte tunteittenne puhtaudesta! Mutta neiti Vanamon

talletuksista huolehdin minä. Teillä ei ole mitään tekemistä siinä
asiassa. Menkää — ja olkoon tämä käyntinne viimeinen niinkuin se
oli ensimäinen!"
Tuskin oli ovi sulkeutunut sulhasmiehen jälkeen, kun Katri, joka
tietysti oli kuunnellut oven takana, tuli ja sanoi:

"Mutta tuolla lailla ei sovi kohdella vierasta henkilöä! Hän teki

erittäin sivistyneen ja miellyttävän vaikutuksen."

"Teillä naisilla on oma tapanne katsella asioita. Kun miehellä vain

on moitteeton ulkoasu ja siro käytöstapa, on hän teidän mielestänne
kaiken vanhurskauden täyttänyt."

Katri ei antanut vaikuttaa itseensä. "Sirkka on kertonut, että hän

on erittäin lahjakas ja lupaava lakimies ja lisäksi hyvästä perheestä
— isä on valtioneuvos tai kunnallisneuvos."

"Kauppaneuvos kaiketi, koska pojalla näkyy olevan taipumusta

ahvääriin", sanoin minä ivallisesti ja jatkoin:

"Nuorukainen voi olla minkä neuvoksen poika hyvänsä, mutta

minun silmissäni hän on hävytön lurjus. Mies, joka rakastaa, ei ensi
työkseen kysy naisen talletuksia. Vai teinkö minä sillä tavalla, kun
kosin sinua?"

Katri joutui hämilleen ja sanoi: "Eihän minulla ollutkaan mitään.

Mutta ei se minusta rikos ole, jos sulhanen huolehtii tulevan
vaimonsa varojen tallettamisesta. Se osoittaa käytännöllistä älyä."

Tiesin hyvin, etten tässä asiassa saisi Katrilta viimeistä sanaa.

Lausuin senvuoksi:

"Elkäämme kiistelkö! Osoittakoon tulevaisuus, kumpi meistä on

oikeassa. Jos minä erehdyn, sen parempi Sirkalle. Mutta sisareni
viimeinen tahto on minulle pyhä, enkä ikänä hyväksy miestä, joka
ottaa Sirkan etupäässä rahojen takia."
Kaikesta päättäen oli tyttö ollut lähettyvillä ja saanut tietää,
millaisen vastaanoton sulho oli saanut. Hän oli kartteleva ja
harvasanainen. Nähtävästi olin koskettanut häntä arimpaan kohtaan:
loukannut hänen rakkauttansa. Eikä nainen koskaan salli sitä
rankaisematta tehdä.

Eräänä aamuna sain kustantajalta postipaketin — käsikirjoitukseni

oli hylätty. Se oli karvas pala, mutta nielaisin sen ääneti. Olin liian
ylpeä ilmaistakseni Katrille tappiotani. Itsepäisenä tarjosin kirjaani
toiselle kustantajalle ja levottomana odoteltuani pari viikkoa sain
vastauksen, tällä kertaa myöntävän.

Kirjani siis näki päivänvalon. Käänteentekevää ei siitä kuitenkaan

tullut. Arvostelu päinvastoin piteli sitä varsin kovakouraisesti. Mutta
kekseliäs kustantaja ymmärsi alleviivata sen ansiopuolet. Kun
muuan aikakauslehti kirjoitti: "Jos teos olisi rakenteeltaan kiinteämpi
ja esitystapa selvempää, olisi se taiteellisesti arvokas ja
mielenkiintoinen romaani", niin kustantaja lainasi lausunnosta
ainoastaan sanat "— — — taiteellisesti arvokas ja mielenkiintoinen
romaani". Sellainen arvostelu ei ollut hullumpi esikoisteoksesta!

Mutta Katrin ennustus viidennen painoksen keskenloppumisesta ei

ikänä toteutunut. Pahoin pelkään, että ensimäistäkin on vielä
melkoinen osa kirjakauppojen hyllyillä pölyttymässä.

Mikä todistaa, ettei kirjailijan ole hyvä käyttää omaa vaimoansa

arvostelijana — eikä toisenkaan muuta kuin hätätilassa!

Millaiseksi oma koti valmistui.

Kun tirehtööri mainitsi osakepääoman koroittamisesta, en

aavistanut, että se toimenpide koski minunkin kukkaroani.
Myöhemmin sain selville, että aijottiin laskea liikkeeseen
etuoikeutettuja tuhannen markan osakkeita ja että minunkin piti
lunastaa pari sellaista. Sanoin kiinnittäneeni omat rahani ja osittain
muidenkin varoja osakkeihin, joten minulla ei ollut tilaisuutta ottaa
lisää. Tirehtööri vastasi, ettei hän ryhdy turhaan väittelyyn. Jos en
hyvällä suostuisi, oli yhtiöllä keinoja minun pakoittamisekseni siihen.
Ellei osakepääomaa koroitettaisi, niin yhtiö menisi nurin, ja minä
menettäisin rahani. Sain siis valita kahden pahan välillä. Ja
tirehtöörin mielestä oli pienempi paha se, että minä hellitin hyvällä
pari tuhatta, jotta yhtiö pysyisi pystyssä.

Samoihin aikoihin oli yhtiön vuosikokous. Siitä tuli jyrykokous.

Ilmassa oli sähköä. Ilkeitä huhuja kulki miehestä mieheen. Talon
tiedettiin tulevan paljoa kalliimmaksi kustannusarviota. Ja koko
hökötys seisoi savijaloilla: vekselien vellovalla pohjalla. Yhtiön tilit
olivat sotkuiset. Vika oli johdossa. Hyökättiin rajusti tirehtööriä ja

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