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Darrin Donnelly
Also by Darrin Donnelly


The Five Inner Beliefs That Make You Unstoppable


Times May Change, But the Rules for Success Never Do

How a Commitment to Positive Thinking Changes Everything


A Story About Finding Your Purpose and Following Your Heart
Copyright © 2019 by Darrin Donnelly.

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Shamrock New Media, Inc.

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Cover design by Damonza.

Print version ISBN-13: 978-0-578-51286-0

Print version ISBN-10: 0-578-51286-6

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Sports for the Soul
Stories of Faith, Family, Courage, and Character.

This book is part of the Sports for the Soul series. For updates on
this book, a sneak peek at future books, and a free newsletter that
delivers advice and inspiration from top coaches, athletes, and
sports psychologists, join us at: .

The Sports for the Soul newsletter will help you:

- Find your calling and follow your passion
- Harness the power of positive thinking
- Build your self-confidence
- Attack every day with joy and enthusiasm
- Develop mental toughness
- Increase your energy and stay motivated
- Explore the spiritual side of success
- Be a positive leader for your family and your team
- Become the best version of yourself
- And much more…

Join us at: .

To Laura, Patrick, Katie, and Tommy;
who are everything to me.

Title Page
CHAPTER 1: Prefight
CHAPTER 2: Fired
CHAPTER 3: Everything Is a Choice
CHAPTER 4: The Fight Against Fear
CHAPTER 5: Faith vs. Fear
CHAPTER 6: The Fear of What Other People Think
CHAPTER 7: Round One
CHAPTER 8: The Fear of Change
CHAPTER 9: Round Two
CHAPTER 10: The Fear of Making the Wrong Decision
CHAPTER 11: Round Thre e
CHAPTER 12: The Fear of Missing Out on Something Better
CHAPTER 13: Round Four
CHAPTER 14: The Fear of Not Being Good Enough
CHAPTER 15: Round Five
CHAPTER 16: The Fear of Failure Being Permanent
CHAPTER 17: Round Six
CHAPTER 18: The Fear of Being "Due" for a Setback
CHAPTER 19: Round Seven
CHAPTER 20: Postfight
About the Author

You become what you think about most.

Neuroscientists tell us that our brains are rewired based on the
intensity and repetition of the thoughts we think. This is not a
metaphor. The neural pathways in your brain are actually rewired by
the consistent thoughts you think. The more often and the more
intensely you think about something, the more proficiently those
positive or negative thoughts drive every subsequent thought you
think, decision you make, and action you take. If you think negative
thoughts over and over again, your mental outlook will quite literally
get “stuck in a rut.”
Everything you do follows your mental outlook. That is how “you
become what you think about,” as psychologists say. And that is why
it’s so important to protect your mindset and proactively take control
of your thoughts.
Fearful thinking is one of the most damaging and destructive
thought patterns you can fall into.
Fears are usually repetitive —you tend to ruminate about them
over and over again. Fears are also intense —they can weigh you
down and make it hard to think about anything else. This
combination of frequency and intensity is why fear is such a
damaging emotion.
Your fears hold you back from living the life you were born to live.
If you’re ever going to achieve success, happiness, and peace of
mind, you must first defeat your fears.
Fear is the strong, unpleasant emotion that expects something
bad to happen. It is the root cause of every negative thought that
eats away at your self-confidence and every worry that keeps you up
at night.
Fear is the voice that makes you doubt yourself. It is the voice
that tells you to quit, that you shouldn’t bother trying, and that you
don’t have what it takes to be successful.
Being in a state of fear makes you tight, timid, and indecisive. It
makes you worry incessantly about all the things that could go wrong
in the future.
Whenever you find yourself worrying, stressing, procrastinating,
or questioning your potential—fear is getting the best of you.
The good news is that fear can be defeated. You can win the
inner battle against fear and this book will show you how to do it.
Specifically, there are seven common fears you must learn to
defeat if you want to live a happy and successful life:
1) The fear of what other people think.
2) The fear of change.
3) The fear of making the wrong decision.
4) The fear of missing out on something better.
5) The fear of not being good enough.
6) The fear of failure being permanent.
7) The fear of being “due” for a setback.
In some form or another, every major worry and self-destructive
thought is rooted in one of these seven fears.
Like previous books in the Sports for the Soul series, this book is
an inspirational fable set in the world of sports. It’s the story of a
boxer, Mickey McGavin, who must learn to defeat the seven fears
that are holding him back—in the ring and in life.
Each time he learns to defeat one of these debilitating fears, it
propels him closer to his ultimate goal: a shot at the heavyweight
championship of the world. Mickey learns from a wise trainer that he
must first defeat the fear in his mind if he’s going to have any chance
of defeating his opponent in the ring.
This is a story about what happens when a man unleashes his
true potential by overcoming his fears. It’s a story about how to
become fearless in the face of adversity.
Boxing is the metaphor for life in this story, but the techniques
used for defeating fear are universal. No matter your profession, fear
is your ultimate opponent. The boxer who fears losing his next fight
must contend with the exact same fears the salesperson has about
the next sale, the speaker has about the next speech, the
entrepreneur has about the next product launch, or you may have
about taking the risk and going after your biggest dreams.
To defeat fear, you must have a fighter’s mentality. You must
attack fear head-on. That’s the only way to beat it.
I believe there is an inner power locked inside every person and
the only way to unleash it is to develop a fearless attitude that
dreams big and attacks life.
The thoughts we choose to think make us who we are. This book
will show you why it’s so important to conquer your fears and why
victory—in sports, in business, and in life—always favors the
There’s no reason to let fear hold you back any longer. You can
choose to be fearless. You can choose to be victorious in the game
of life.

Darrin Donnelly
“He who is not courageous enough to take risks
will accomplish nothing in life.”

Patterson vs. McGavin

I hear the sound of the crowd rumbling through the cement walls that
surround me in the locker room. The undercard fights are over. The
anticipation is rising for the main event.
I’m sitting on a high table, my eyes downward, watching as the
official assigned by the state athletic commission takes out a black
marker and initials the white tape on my fists, indicating that he has
okayed the tape-job he just watched Terry, one of my cornermen,
Andre, my manager and trainer, picks up one of my boxing gloves
and holds it open as I slip my right hand inside for a tight fit. Then the
left. As each hand slips snugly into the glove, I feel power —like an
ignition switch has just been flipped on.
Terry quickly ties the glove strings around my wrists, then runs
tape around them. The state official again scribbles his initials over
the tape.
Both gloves are secure. I’m locked in.
“Good luck to you,” the official says to me with a nod.
“Thanks,” I say, my voice higher and quieter than I expect.
He exits our locker room and I bang my gloves together twice. I
move my head quickly from one side to the other and I hear two
quick pops in my neck as it loosens up. I slide off the table. As my
feet hit the floor, I inhale deeply and exhale slowly.
This is it. It’s go time.
My name is Mickey McGavin. Eight years ago, I was a faceless
Kansas City bartender dreaming of becoming a world-class boxer.
Tonight, I’m fighting for the heavyweight championship of the world in
a match that will be seen by millions of boxing fans.
Everything I’ve been through—all the sacrifices I’ve made, all the
ups and downs, all the struggles and frustrations, all the lessons
learned—has led me to this moment. The opportunity of a lifetime .
And yet, I’d rather be almost anywhere else in the world than
where I am right now.
That’s the fear talking.
I’m about to face the most dangerous man on the planet: Bruno
Patterson. To fight fans, he’s known as “The British Bomber” and it’s
a nickname that suits him well. He is the undefeated, undisputed
heavyweight champion of the world. He is 6-foot-6, 265 pounds, and
his combination of size, power, and hand speed has captivated the
sports world and revived boxing’s heavyweight division. While most
fighters his size tend to rely on long jabs and an advantageous reach
to wear down smaller opponents, Patterson is a knockout artist who
uses brute force to dispose of his opponents quickly. In a few
moments, he will try to do the same to me.
I’ve seen the damage he can do. Like everyone else, I’ve
watched his devastating knockouts again and again. Twice, I’ve seen
him knock top-ranked fighters out cold. Just eight months ago, he
faced the world’s No. 1-ranked heavyweight contender, Terrance
“T.N.T” Thompson, and Patterson knocked him out in the third round.
The weary contender suffered a broken jaw and had to be carried
out on a stretcher .
Two years ago, I fought Thompson myself and I was the the one
who got knocked out. This is yet another reason why I’m a huge
underdog in tonight’s fight.
Standing in the locker room, I replay Patterson’s brutal knockouts
in my head. Over and over, I see him landing power shots that
opponents don’t wake up from. In my head, the opponent Patterson
is knocking out starts to look a lot like…me . I see his fist slamming
into my jaw. I see my face hitting the canvas. I see myself limping
back to the locker room, my head tucked in shame.
That’s fear trying to take control of my mind.
Fear says to run. Fear says you don’t deserve to be in the same
ring with Patterson. Fear says you’re going to get hurt. Fear says
you’re going to embarrass yourself in front of the world.
Fear reminds me that I’m nothing more than a “tune-up” fight for
the champ. He wants a quick win and an easy paycheck before his
next real fight against the sport’s latest No. 1 contender. I’m ranked
No. 6 and, with a record of 33-5-1, do I even deserve to be ranked
that high?
Fear reminds me that I’m a 12-to-1 underdog. I’m only here
because I got “lucky” in my last two fights and because the No. 1
contender—the fighter who “deserves” this match—wanted more
time to prepare for his title shot. It’s been reported that two young,
up-and-coming contenders turned down this fight. They have futures
to worry about. I don’t. I’m 31 years old and running out of time. This
is my lone shot at achieving something truly great in this sport. Lose
tonight and I’ll never again get an opportunity like this. I probably
never should have gotten this opportunity in the first place. You don’t
belong in this ring , fear says.
But fear is a liar.
I’m all too familiar with these feelings right before a fight. Fear
gets loudest at these moments. I’ve heard fear screaming at me like
this before every fight I’ve ever been in, regardless of who my
opponent was—the ranked contenders with impeccable records and
the journeyman fighters with losing records. I felt this fear before my
amateur fights as a kid. I felt this fear before football games back in
high school and college. I’ve heard fear’s lies before taking tests,
before job interviews, before my wedding day, before anything of
importance .
Different degrees of fear for different events, but fear nonetheless.
Fear tells me I’m not good enough, that I don’t deserve something
this important to me.
The fear is far more intense tonight. The physical danger I’m
about to face has heightened the fear to a nearly unbearable level.
“Fear is simply confirmation that what you’re about to do is very
important to you,” Andre told me years ago. “Recognizing your fear
isn’t admitting weakness; it’s admitting reality. You can’t defeat an
opponent by pretending it doesn’t exist. And fear is the biggest,
baddest opponent you’ll ever face.”
I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Andre. He’s the former world
champion who saved my career and turned me into the fighter—and
the man—that I am today.
Andre has always reminded me: the bigger the moment, the
bigger the fear.
Tonight, the fear is bigger than it’s ever been before. I have to
defeat it. It’s starting to overwhelm me. My heart is beating loud and
fast, my hands are shaking slightly, sweat gathers on my forehead.
I wish I could close my eyes and travel an hour-and-a-half into the
future. I wish I could wake up after the fight. How did I do? Win or
lose, at least it would be over.
That’s the fear talking. It won’t shut up.
“You’ll never defeat the opponent in the ring until you first defeat
the fear in you,” Andre has told me many times over the last eight
years. I can’t let fear win.
I force myself to replace the image of getting knocked out by
Patterson with new visions: me landing the knockout punch and
sending the champ to the canvas, me withstanding his biggest blows
and holding my ground, me lifting the championship belt high above
my head after tonight’s match, and me embracing Rachel after the
fight with the belt flung over my shoulder, just like Rocky and Adrian
in the movies.
I remind myself that the anticipation is always worse than the
actual fight. It’s the moment before an event when fear is the
loudest. Once the event starts, all I can do is act. And action
conquers fear .
It’s time to take action.
Andre’s hands are now covered by leather punching mitts. He
holds them up in front of me. My targets. I unleash several
combinations. Pop-pop-pop. Side-to-side, side-to-side. Pop-pop,
pop-pop. It’s a training sequence I’ve been through thousands of
times. I don’t have to think. I let go. I snap crisp, powerful punches at
the mitts.
The fear dissipates just a little bit more with each punch.
Action conquers fear.
That’s another message Andre has repeated often through the
years. The man knows more about fighting—in the ring and out—
than anyone I know.
And he’s right. With each punch, the fear gets pushed out of my
A few more combinations, with the power behind my punches
intensifying each time. Then Andre throws off the mitts. He steps in
front of me and looks me in the eye.
“You’re ready for this,” he says. “You weren’t ready four years
ago. You weren’t ready one year ago. You weren’t ready last week.
But you are ready now . Everything you’ve been through, everything
that has happened to you, it all happened for you, bringing you to
this moment. There are no accidents. You’re here—right now—
because you were born to be here. You’re here because you
deserve it. God doesn’t make mistakes. You wouldn’t have this
opportunity if you weren’t ready for it. There’s nowhere else in the
world you’re supposed to be right now than right here in this very
moment. You belong here.”
I nod, feeling adrenaline rush through my veins, blasting away the
fear that’s been trying to thicken up my blood.
Terry helps me put my robe on as Andre says, “Believe me with
your whole heart when I tell you: you are ready . This is your
moment. You’ve built yourself into a champion. That champion is
inside you…waiting. It’s time to unleash it.”
I nod again and punch my gloves together. I take another deep
breath, releasing more fear. Gotta get it out of my system. Throwing
punches helps. Deep breathing helps. Empowering self-talk helps.
I’m strong, I‘m healthy, I’m blessed , I say to myself. With God by
my side, I can accomplish anything .
With every inhale, I envision pure power filling up my body. With
every exhale, I envision fear leaving and evaporating in the air. This
visualization technique is one of the first things Andre taught me
back when he started training me.
“Let’s go,” Andre says .
He turns and leads the way as he pushes open the heavy locker-
room door.
The crowd noise is louder in the hallway outside the locker room.
A guy in a suit holding a walkie talkie says to us, “Ready?”
Andre nods. The guy in the suit says something into his walkie
talkie and then holds it up to his ear. He nods, looks to us, and says,
“Follow me.”
We follow him down the hallway and stop in front of a black
curtain. Behind that curtain, my destiny awaits. Fear rises again, not
as powerful as it was just moments ago. Still, it’s there, this time in
my stomach. I bounce on my toes, trying to stay loose, trying to stay
active. I take a deep breath and try to exhale the fear.
The lights go out in the arena behind the curtain. The crowd lets
out a deafening roar.
I hear the opening chords of my entrance music: “I’m Shipping Up
to Boston” by the Dropkick Murphys. I’m not from Boston and I’m not
even sure what the song is about, but the Celtic beat and loud
guitars always get me jacked up. The crowd loves it too. The curtain
opens and the crowd roars even louder.
As I begin my walk down the aisle, a spotlight shines on me and
the house lights slowly come back on, illuminating the sold-out
I don’t make eye contact with anyone, but I can feel the crowd
that surrounds me jumping to the beat of the song as I make my way
up the aisle. I focus my eyes on one thing and one thing only: the
ring. It sits there, under the lights, waiting for me.
This is the gladiator walk. That moment before the biggest battle
of my life.
Once I’m in the ring, I block everything out. I bounce lightly,
staying loose, moving side-to-side.
Then, the house lights go out and a new song begins. My
opponent, the heavyweight champion of the world, makes his way to
the ring amidst entrance music of his own and pyrotechnic
explosions along the way. I couldn’t tell you what the song was or
exactly what type of pyro effects shot off around him. It’s all a blur to
me. I’ve got my eyes directed at the canvas floor as I throw light
punches into the air.
I can’t allow myself to be distracted.
I can’t allow myself to be intimidated.
When Bruno Patterson finally enters the ring, I immediately notice
his size. He looks bigger and stronger than he did at yesterday’s
weigh-in. I notice his height and wonder how I can possibly go toe-
to-toe with a guy this tall. His massive traps, shoulders, and biceps
represent the shear force that is about to destroy me. Patterson is
suddenly much more imposing than he was just 24 hours ago.
You don’t stand a chance with this guy , the voice of fear says.
Fear makes its physical presence known in my stomach once again.
I make eye contact with Patterson. He gives me an icy stare and
fear gets louder: He’s a killer and you’re his prey .
That’s exactly what Patterson—and every other fighter I’ve faced
—wants me to feel.
The first step in defeating fear is recognizing its voice. That’s
another lesson Andre taught me. Recognize it, block it, then battle it
back. Don’t passively allow fear to have its way with you.
I counter fear with a message of my own: This is my night. I am
unstoppable. I am a champion.
“This is your night,” Andre says behind me—almost as though he
can read my thoughts. “You’re ready. Tonight, you’re the greatest
fighter in the world. Embrace who you are. Unleash the champion
inside. ”
I trust Andre. His words carry more weight than the voice of fear
inside me. When he tells me to embrace the champion that I am, I
feel my chest puff out and my chin lift higher. I stare at Patterson and
Bring it on, Bruno. I’m ready for you.
Patterson flashes a confident smirk, breaks our stare-down, and
turns to wave at the crowd.
The announcer does his thing, but I don’t hear a word of it. I tune
everything out.
Patterson and I meet in the center of the ring, the referee gives
final instructions, and we touch gloves without saying a word.
Back to my corner one last time before the fight. Facing my
corner, I bow my head and say a quick prayer. After I make the Sign
of the Cross, Andre grabs my shoulders, looks me straight in the
eyes, and says, “Unleash it.”
He doesn’t tell me to “prove it.” He doesn’t tell me to “earn it.” He
tells me to “unleash it.”
It’s his way of saying, you already have the power, you’ve already
put in the work and preparation. You don’t have to prove anything.
You simply have to unleash the champion that you are .
I nod, then turn around to face Patterson across the ring in his
corner. I feel at least a foot taller than I did just moments ago. One
last exhale followed by a big inhale.
Exhaling the fear, inhaling the power.
All the energy in this arena is focused on us and I’m going to
harness it.
The bell rings.
The crowd cheers.
Patterson and I converge in the center of the ring and the combat


If someone had told my 23-year-old self that I’d be fighting for the
heavyweight championship of the world in eight years, I would have
never believed it. I would not have believed it because my 23-year-
old self thought his boxing career was over after just six fights.
“I think it’s time for you to retire,” my first trainer, Marco, said to
me two days after the sixth fight of my professional career.
Marco was considered the top trainer in Kansas City and when I
risked everything to chase my dream of becoming a pro boxer, I
begged him to train me. He told me he didn’t train heavyweights, but
if I could lose 35 pounds and drop down to cruiserweight (a weight
class with a 200-pound limit), he’d consider it. Six months later, I
showed up at his gym weighing 198. He trained me—reluctantly—for
the next 18 months.
Marco called me into his office the Monday after my third loss—a
fight I lost by technical knockout after Marco threw in the towel late in
the third round. The loss dropped my record to two wins, three
losses, and one draw.
As I sat in his office, I had stitches over my black-and-blue right
eye and the left side of my face was swelled up to the point that it
looked like I had stuffed my cheek with marbles.
“Look at yourself,” he said, leaning back in his creaky metal chair
behind his messy desk. “This sport ain’t for you.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” I said.
“It’s time to move on,” Marco said, now fumbling through papers
on his desk as though he’d lost interest in me.
“What are you talking about?” I said, realizing this wasn’t some
type of motivational ploy. “Move on to what?”
“A new career.”
“You’re firing me? ”
“It’s for your own good,” he said. “Look, kid, I train contenders.
I’ve seen what happens to fighters like you.”
“Fighters like me?”
Marco looked up at me. “Yeah, fighters like you. Guys who start
boxing because they think it’ll prove their manhood or something.
Guys who should’ve never stepped into the ring in the first place and
now they don’t know when to quit. I’ve seen it before. Guys like you
don’t end up so good and I don’t want any part of it. I train
“How do you know if I’m a contender? I’m just getting started.”
“Two years, six fights, you’ve never had a winning record. I’ve
seen enough. I gave you a shot, Mickey. It’s time to move on.”
Marco said it so matter-of-factly, barely making eye contact with
me as he turned his attention back to the jumbled stacks of paper on
his desk. He either didn’t know or didn’t care that he was stomping
on the dream I’d carried with me since I was nine years old.
“Just like that, you’re quitting on me?” I said.
Marco shrugged as he looked back up at me. “Whaddaya want
from me? We tried, it didn’t work out. Not everyone is born to be a
champion. You got plenty of things you can do with your life. Go
back to college, finish your degree. Half the guys I train don’t have
high school degrees. They need this world, you don’t. You got
options, they don’t. I’m doing this for your own good. You’ll thank me
I had heard it all before. People thought I was crazy for leaving
college to chase my dream of becoming a professional boxer. I had
spent three years playing football on a half-scholarship at a Division
II college when I decided it was now-or-never if I wanted to become
a fighter. From the outside, I understood how it must have looked: a
rarely-used fullback at a small college who saw one too many Rocky
movies and suddenly decided he was going to become a pro boxer.
But that’s not how it happened.
I started boxing when I was nine, less than a year after my mother
left our family and never came back.
When she left, Dad was blindsided. His life was turned upside
down. A traditional, old-school kind of guy, Dad never imagined he’d
be a single father raising four boys on his own. But, that’s exactly
where he found himself in his forties, catching naps between jobs
while he tried to provide for his sons.
My dad was a cop and he worked long hours. He was always
trying to get overtime to make ends meet and when he wasn’t
working as a cop, he was doing odd jobs like building decks, hanging
drywall, and picking up bartending shifts at Gerry’s Pub—a legacy
that I would later continue.
Whenever I did see my dad, he was kind, but quiet—always
distant and stewing about something. He worked hard to provide for
us—that I knew—but I never really got to know him.
Less than a year after my mom left, Dad got fed up when two of
my older brothers nearly got kicked out of school for a prank they
pulled. Dad wasn’t going to put up with that. He signed all four of us
up at a place called Bruno’s Gym. It was a local boxing gym started
by two cops decades ago as a way to keep kids out of trouble. Dad
had been recommending the gym to kids he met on the streets for
years. I guess he figured if it was a good enough way to keep those
kids out of trouble, it would be good enough for his own kids.
We were told to be there every day after school. Dad’s intention
may have been to simply keep us busy and out of trouble, but the
sport of boxing changed my life. My older brothers liked the sport
okay, but going to the gym every day felt like something they had to
do, not something they wanted to do.
I, on the other hand, fell in love with boxing. The gym became my
second home. I couldn’t wait to get there each day after school. It
was the place where I felt safest—the place where the world made
sense to me. It was a place where I felt like I fit in.
Dad somehow managed to send us to Catholic school (he knew
he wouldn’t be around enough to teach us the importance of faith
himself). Coming from a single-parent household was uncommon at
my school and I was jealous of all the kids who had smiling moms
and dads picking them up from school and organizing get-togethers
with other kids. I hated hearing about all the fun weekend activities
everyone else got to participate in with their families. I was self-
conscious about the hand-me-down clothes I wore. I was small for
my age and struggled in most sports. I would hear about parties that
everyone except me got invited to. In those early grade-school days,
I was insecure and felt like a loner—like I didn’t really belong.
But at Bruno’s Gym, all the kids were from single- parent homes
and each of us rarely saw the parent we did live with. I didn’t feel like
an outcast at Bruno’s. In fact, the gym made me feel lucky because I
saw kids who had it worse than me. At least I had my brothers. At
least I had a father who loved me—even if I didn’t see him much.
And though I was small for my age, I took to boxing much better
than other sports. (It helped that boxing grouped you by weight
class, so I was able to compete against kids my size.) I loved being
at the gym. I loved the action of boxing, the sweat, the blood, the
contact, the competition, the soreness after a grueling workout, and
the camaraderie with the other fighters. I loved the feeling of pushing
myself further each day—walking out of the gym and being able to
say to myself, Today, I got better .
I also loved how in boxing nobody could deny you what you
earned. It didn’t matter who you were or where you came from; if you
worked hard, you got results. It was the one area of my life where I
felt like I was in control. If I worked hard enough, there was nothing
and nobody that could stop me.
As I grew up, boxing became my life’s passion and I dreamed of
becoming a champion. I competed in a few amateur tournaments,
winning one and finishing third in two others.
Halfway through high school, I finally hit a growth spurt and
quickly surpassed a lot of the guys my age. Everyone urged me to
focus on football. Though I loved boxing, they said football was a
much more “practical” sport to play and that I might be able to earn a
scholarship if I focused on it. They were right. I earned a half-
scholarship to a small local college. Though I still found myself
daydreaming about one day returning to boxing, football was my
In the winter of my junior year at college, one of my brothers
called to tell me Dad had suffered a massive heart attack. By the
time I made it to the hospital, Dad had passed away. He was 55
years old and had died just one week after retiring from the police
That moment changed everything for me.
I realized that tomorrow was promised to no one.
All his life, Dad looked forward to retirement—it was that
“someday” when he would be able to spend more time with his sons,
he told us. But that someday never came. He was gone before he
could experience it.
I spent the spring semester pondering my future and questioning
what I was doing with my life. What are my dreams? Life is short, am
I living it the way I should be? What would I be if I could be anything?
These questions kept bringing me back to the sport I had fallen in
love with when I was nine years old.
If boxing is what you want to do with your life, why aren’t you
doing it? I asked myself. Time moves fast and you’re not getting any
younger. What are you waiting for? Nobody’s going to hand you your
dreams. If you want it, you have to go out and get it.
I couldn’t ignore my passion any longer. I told my position coach I
was leaving college to pursue a boxing career and he laughed me
out of the room. He told me I was making the biggest mistake of my
life. He was the first of many to express such a sentiment.
The only people who supported this dream of mine were my three
older brothers and Rachel, my high school sweetheart and the
woman I married just three months before Marco gave me the boot.
Rachel knew how passionate I was about boxing. She knew how
much this dream meant to me.
But when I told Rachel about Marco firing me, she wasn’t exactly
“Maybe he’s right,” she said after initially trying to console me.
“Now that we’re married, maybe it’s time for you to go back to
school, start teaching, and then we can start a family.”
Up to this point, after paying Marco management and training
fees, I hadn’t made a dime as a fighter. In fact, I was losing money
chasing this dream. I was a bartender at night—mainly because it
freed up my days to train, but also because it paid me just enough to
cover meals and training.
Rachel had graduated from college and started an entry-level
office job. We were sitting on maxed-out credit cards, zero savings,
and tens of thousands of dollars in student-loan debt. The hole we
were digging was getting deeper each month and I wasn’t
contributing anything to stop the bleeding.
I could understand Rachel’s reaction. From a financial
perspective, me retiring from boxing made perfect sense. It would be
the responsible thing for me to do.
Plus, this was part of the deal. I had promised Rachel (and
myself) that if fighting didn’t work out, I’d go back to school. But I
didn’t expect my boxing career to end so quickly. Just six
professional fights? One of my three losses was a six-round draw
that could have easily gone my way. One was a split-decision after
four rounds—another one that could have gone my way. Give me
those two fights and I’m 4-2, a much more respectable start to my
It wasn’t supposed to end this way—not this fast, not with a losing
record, and not with such an embarrassing final match (I had been
bloodied and knocked down three times before Marco threw in the
towel to end the fight).
In the days after Marco fired me, I began to accept the fact that
my dream of making it as a pro boxer was over. It was time to move
on. Just like so many people had told me, it was a silly idea from the
start. It was time to grow up and be a husband who could contribute
to his family.
I started looking into the application process at some local
colleges while asking for more shifts at Gerry’s Pub, the bar I worked
Everyone was right about me. I didn’t belong in a boxing ring. I
had wasted the last two years of my life and I was making a fool of
myself trying to prove I could be a successful fighter.
Who am I kidding? I’m embarrassing myself thinking I could make
it in boxing .
Just like that, the dream was over. Over before it ever began. I
tried and failed miserably. That was that.
Or so I thought.
I would learn later that every setback is a setup for something
greater. Though I didn’t know it at the time, getting fired by Marco
ended up being one of the best things that ever happened to me.

I was working behind the bar and feeling sorry for myself on a quiet
weeknight at Gerry’s Pub when Andre Holiday walked in. I
recognized him right away.
The former super middleweight champion of the world was a
legend in Kansas City. A local hero who rose to the very top of his
profession and inspired the sports world with his courageous story. I
was only two years old when he won his title in 1989, but he was a
hero to me just like he was to everyone else in this city.
He walked into the bar with his chest high and his broad
shoulders pushed back. He looked like he would probably fight as a
heavyweight these days, but as a strong and trim heavyweight. He
was sharply dressed and had a pronounced bounce in his step. He
exuded confidence, but also flashed an approachable smile.
As he walked into the bar, he nodded at the first person he saw—
a patron who did a quick double-take before asking if he could shake
Andre’s hand and take a picture with him. “Of course,” Andre said
with a smile. As the patron snapped the selfie, Andre held his fist up
to the guy’s chin—a pose every former champion seems to have
If it hadn’t been for the gray stubble in his beard, I would have
thought Andre was still a pro athlete.
After taking a picture and signing an autograph for the guy who
first noticed him, Andre walked up to the bar and I extended my
hand. “Welcome to Gerry’s, champ.”
He shook my hand. A very firm handshake, one of the firmest I’ve
ever shaken. The guy still had dynamite in his fists.
“What can I get you?” I asked.
“Just a water,” he said. “I’m here on business.”
“Yeah? Looking for someone?”
“I’ve already found him. I’m here to see you.”
The surprised look on my face made him laugh.
“You’re Mickey McGavin, aren’t you?”
“I am,” I said, wondering why this former world champion was
looking for me.
“Well, I hear you’re retiring from the fight game, but you look too
young to retire.”
“It’s not by choice,” I said with an uncomfortable chuckle.
“Everything is a choice ,” Andre shot back. “And the choices
you make, make you. ”
“My trainer gave me the boot,” I said. “It wasn’t my decision.”
“But you haven’t been looking for another trainer, have you?”
I lowered my eyes. “Uh…I guess not.” I had reasoned that if the
best trainer in the city didn’t want anything to do with me, why would
any other trainer?
“So, there you go,” Andre said. “You made the choice to accept
your trainer’s opinion that you should retire. I believe there are two
types of people in this world: Those who believe success is a
choice and those who make excuses for why they’re not
successful. ”
I shot Andre a defensive glare. “You trying to kick a man when
he’s down?” As I said that, the stitches above my still-bruised right
eye gave me an itch, reminding me how I must have looked at the
moment .
“Not at all,” Andre said with a smile. “I came here to tell you I think
it’s a mistake.”
“What’s a mistake?”
“You retiring,” Andre said. “I’ve watched you fight. I think you’ve
got something. It’s raw and it only seems to come out when you’re
not overcome with fear, but it’s there. I think you’ve got something
special and it would be a mistake to walk away.”
I took a moment to wrap my head around what was happening.
One of the city’s most beloved heroes, a former world champion and
a man I had never met before, just walked into the bar looking for me
, a beat-up fighter that the sport had quickly chewed up and spit out.
And this champion wanted to talk me out of quitting. Where was this
coming from?
“I think you’re the first person to tell me it would be a mistake for
me to stop fighting,” I said.
“I don’t doubt that,” Andre said. “And I believe it’s that type of
thinking that is keeping you from becoming the fighter you could
become. You just need to find the right man to guide you. You need
to find someone who can help you overcome all that fear holding you
“What are you proposing? ”
Andre smiled big. “Mickey, I’d like to be your trainer.”
It’s hard to put into words just how surreal this moment was. Here
I was, at one of the lowest points in my life—coming to terms with
the fact that my dream of pro boxing was over because nobody
wanted anything to do with me—and in walks a former world champ
to not only tell me I should keep fighting, but also that he wants to
train me.
You have to understand who Andre Holiday was and what he
meant to this city. He climbed the boxing ranks back in the 1980s—a
time when boxing’s middleweight division was the best it had ever
been with fighters like Sugar Ray Leonard, “Marvelous” Marvin
Hagler, Thomas “The Hitman” Hearns, and Roberto Duran
dominating the sport.
Andre became a popular fighter because of his perseverance. He
lost four times in his career, but avenged each one of those losses.
In 47 professional fights, he was knocked down sixteen times…but
never knocked out. He had an almost miraculous ability to get back
up from the canvas and take back the fight.
In 1989, at the age of 29, it was finally Andre’s turn to stand atop
his crowded division and he became the undisputed super
middleweight champion of the world.
But that’s not what Andre Holiday is best known for. What he’s
best known for is what happened after he won the title.
A week after winning the belt, Andre bought himself a new car to
celebrate the victory. On a rainy summer night, he lost control of that
car and crashed it into a telephone pole.
He survived the gruesome wreck, but spent weeks in the hospital.
He broke multiple bones and smashed up his left hip and shoulder.
Despite several surgeries and months of intense rehab, Andre’s
shoulder and hip never fully recovered. He couldn’t snap punches
the way he once did and to this day he walked with an uneven gait—
though Andre had turned his would-be limp into a confident bounce.
An instant after reaching the top of his profession and seeing his
years of hard work pay off with a world championship, his career was
over. It was a story that could have been just another unlucky
tragedy in the sports history books .
But that’s not where this story ends.
What made Andre Holiday one of the most beloved sports figures
in this city’s history was how he responded to his career-ending car
When it was clear he could no longer participate in the sport he
loved so dearly, Andre reexamined his life and his faith. He went to
college, earned a degree in Psychology, and got heavily involved
with his church. Soon, he was showing up on TV delivering
inspirational messages about how everything happens for a reason.
He became a sought-after motivational speaker, then a bestselling
author, then a serial entrepreneur, and then a real estate developer.
Wherever he went, he preached a message of faith, hope, and
optimism. His enthusiasm was contagious. He endeared himself
even more to the city with his unending charitable work and
fundraising efforts. He was always lending a hand, always helping
raise money for various causes.
Everyone loved the champ. For his feats in the ring, yes, but also
for being the walking embodiment of optimism and perseverance. He
believed anything was possible and whenever you read his books or
heard him speak, you came away believing the same thing.
And now, here he was, talking to me as I served drinks at Gerry’s
Pub and trying to convince me not to quit on my dream.
Feeling as though this was all just a little too good to be true, I
asked Andre, “Why me?”
“I told you, because I see something special in you,” Andre said.
“My old manager just fired me because he was certain there isn’t
anything special in me.”
“I know,” Andre said, “and I was ecstatic to hear that Marco has
such poor judgment. You see, I’ve been scouting local fighters for
awhile now and you caught my attention several months ago. But,
since you already had a trainer, I didn’t want to step on anybody’s
“Are you a religious man, Mickey?”
That caught me off guard. I shrugged and responded awkwardly.
“Sort of. I pray, I believe. I need to get better about it.”
“Well, I believe too. And when I hear God calling, I listen. For a
long time, I’ve felt called back to boxing. I just turned 50 a few weeks
ago and it hit me that I’m not getting any younger. It’s time to start
the next chapter of my life and that chapter is my return to the sport I
love—the sport that taught me so much about life.
“I’ve been looking for someone I feel called to train. When I watch
you fight, Mickey, I see something special buried underneath all that
fear and I want to help you unleash it. When I heard Marco dropped
you, I knew God was intervening, telling me you were the one—the
one I needed to train. I don’t know how I know, I just do.”
“You keep mentioning fear,” I said. “You think I fight scared?”
Andre nodded. “I do. But I can help you conquer your fear. And
once you learn how to knock out your fear, you can start knocking
out your opponents.”
I liked the sound of that.
“Life is all about the choices you make,” Andre said. “I’m offering
you a choice right now. I’m a trainer who has never trained anybody
before and you’re a fighter who has never had a winning record.
What do you say we give each other a shot? ”
Andre stuck out his hand for me to shake.
When you find yourself fired by your previous trainer and a former
world champion shows up out of the blue, extends his hand, and
offers to train you, you don’t turn him down.
“How can I possibly say no?” I said.
I shook his hand and felt electricity. I knew my life was about to

The first lesson Andre taught me not only changed the way I saw
myself as a fighter, it changed the way I saw the world.
“I went through the film of all your fights last night and I’m
surprised you won any of them,” Andre said.
I turned my head away from the heavy bag I was punching. “Gee
thanks, Coach.”
This was my first week of training with Andre. He had a large
country estate outside of the city. On his property was a big barn,
which he converted into his own personal boxing gym. That gym
became my new training facility.
“I’m serious,” Andre said. “If it hadn’t been for the couple times
you stopped thinking and unleashed your power, you never would
have won a fight.”
I wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be a compliment or an insult,
but I continued to work the heavy bag as I listened.
“You barely ever show your power,” Andre continued. “You’re
always dancing. And wincing. Dancing and wincing. I can see the
wheels turning when you fight. You think too much. You’re too tight.
You fight scared.”
At that, I threw one big power shot to the heavy bag, then
dropped my hands and turned to Andre. “Is this supposed to
motivate me or something? If it is, it isn’t working.”
“I’m just telling you what I saw. You fight scared. You let fear
dictate the fight. I’m wondering why you do that. What are you afraid
of when you’re in that ring?”
I shrugged, annoyed. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“There were a few times where you stopped thinking during your
fights. You loosened up, let go of the fear, and started fighting. That’s
when you looked special. Raw, but special. Unfortunately, those
were rare moments. I want you to tell me what you’re afraid of.”
“Marco taught me that it was good to be afraid in the ring. He told
me fear is a weapon. He said fear is a good thing because it
motivates you, it makes you try harder, it makes you respect your
Andre handed me a water bottle. This was his way of telling me it
was time to take a break and listen to him. It was time to pause the
physical training and focus on the mental training.
“A lot of trainers think that way,” Andre said. “Marco is right that
fear can be used as a powerful weapon. Mike Tyson famously said
he used fear as a weapon, but he used fear as a weapon against his
opponents. He intimidated his opponent so much before the fight
that it was over before it began. Tyson believed that if he could fill his
opponent with fear, he could easily win the fight. And he was right.
But notice that his opponents were the ones full of fear. Fear was a
weapon only if he could force his opponent to be more scared than
he was. Think about that the next time somebody tells you fear is
good for you. If fear is good for you, why did champions like Tyson
want their opponents to be full of it?”
“I guess I didn’t think about it that way,” I said before taking a swig
of water.
“Tyson knew that if his opponent was full of fear, that opponent
would be timid. He would be tight and anxious. He would be
indecisive and he would make more mistakes. That made him an
easy target.”
“But being afraid of your opponent makes you try harder,” I said.
“If I don’t fear my opponent, I won’t be as motivated to work hard
preparing for him. That would be reckless of me. I won’t protect
myself if I don’t think my opponent is capable of hurting me.”
“There’s a difference between being fearless and being arrogant,”
Andre said. “The arrogant person is someone who deludes himself
into thinking he’s so good he doesn’t need to prepare. But that’s
false bravado. That’s trying to hide from fear. It doesn’t work.
“It’s important to define fear properly: Fear is the strong,
unpleasant emotion that expects something bad to happen. If a
fighter doesn’t train hard and prepare for his opponent, then he can
rightly expect bad things to happen in the ring. You should be full of
fear if you haven’t properly prepared for something. On the other
hand, proper preparation and hard training should eliminate fear.
“It’s like the kid who thinks he’s so smart he doesn’t need to study
for the test. That’s not being fearless; that’s being arrogant. Only if
the kid puts in the hours to study can he walk into test day with the
fearless confidence that helps him ace the test. Preparation
eliminates fear.
“The guy who thinks he doesn’t need to prepare isn’t fearless,
he’s delusional. The fighter who doesn’t prepare for his opponent
should be afraid. Only the fighter who has thoroughly prepared has
earned the right to be fearless.
“Action and preparation conquer fear. We will train away your
“But isn’t it important to listen to your fears?” I asked. “Don’t your
fears tell you when you should or should not do something?”
“Your instincts tell you when something is dangerous,” Andre said.
“But that’s not the same as fear. Your instincts tell you not to cross
the street in heavy traffic. You don’t need the emotion of fear to tell
you that.
“You see, fear is an emotion. A very powerful emotion. Often
times, we hear people talk about fears and instincts as if they’re the
same, but they’re not.
“Again, let’s make sure we properly define fear. Fear is the strong,
unpleasant emotion that expects something bad to happen. Your
instinct is your alert system that tells you to do or not do something
based on past events—either learned or experienced. Instincts are
good for you; fears are not.”
Andre was making me see fear in a new way. I was one of those
people who thought listening to your fears and listening to your
instincts were the same thing. I had been taught by my previous
trainer that fear was good for me.
“You’re saying fear won’t make me a sharper, more dangerous
fighter?” I asked.
Andre shook his head. “It’s just the opposite. The fearless fighter
will always be sharper and more dangerous than the fearful fighter.
The fighter full of fear will be tight, timid, and indecisive because he’ll
be overthinking everything—afraid to trust his instincts. The fearless
fighter will be confident—he’ll be able to let go and trust his instincts
in the ring. Once that bell rings, you need to be fearless.”
“And you think I’m a fearful fighter?”
“I do. And we’re going to change that. Fear is the biggest,
baddest opponent you will ever face. Until you win the fight
against fear, you’ll never win the fight in the ring. ”
“And how do I win the fight against fear? ”
“You approach it just like any other opponent. The first thing you
have to do is recognize it. A fighter can’t dodge or block a punch he
doesn’t see coming. It’s the same with fear. You have to identify
exactly what it is you fear before you can defeat it.
“I watch you in your fights and I see that you’re afraid of
something big. What are you thinking about in that ring? What is the
exact fear holding you back?”
“Fear of failure, I guess. I don’t want to screw up. I don’t want to
“Fear of failure is too vague,” Andre said. “Every fear is ultimately
a fear of failure. You have to determine why you’re afraid of failing.
What are the consequences of failure that scare you? Dig deeper.
What is it you’re really afraid of? Why are you afraid of failing?”
As I thought about it, I could feel the fear twisting in my stomach. I
imagined the consequences of another defeat. Would that be the
end of my career again ? Would Andre keep training me if I lost
another fight?
Memories of messing up in the ring rushed back into my mind. I
saw myself getting hit with the exact punch Marco told me to watch
out for. I saw Marco rolling his eyes and shaking his head at me.
“What’s your problem?” he would ask me. “Why can’t you fight the
way I tell you to fight?”
I thought of all those people who said I was crazy for trying to be
a boxer. I saw them smirking about my dream. I envisioned them
laughing when they heard about me losing another fight.
I saw myself walking around with a black eye and a swollen face,
everyone I passed shaking their head and making some joke about
how it’s not against the rules to duck.
Then I saw myself searching for a new job, a new career,
something that had nothing to do with boxing. A career I didn’t want.
All the while, I heard voices saying, “I told you so.” I saw Marco
laughing, my old football coach laughing, friends shaking their heads
and saying, “I hope you learned your lesson.” The lesson being not
to chase stupid dreams, I suppose.
“You want to know what I’m afraid of?” I finally blurted out to
Andre. “I’m afraid of proving everybody right. I’m afraid of losing
another fight and having to listen to all those people who told me
what an idiot I was for trying to be a pro boxer. Everyone who said I
didn’t belong in this sport. I’m afraid of having everyone who said this
was such a silly dream laughing at me and telling me what a waste
of time it was. I’ve heard enough of that and I don’t want to hear it
again. But that’s exactly what’s going to happen if I lose.”
Andre leaned back and let my words hang in the air. He smiled
big and said, “That’s good.”
“How is that good?”
“You just identified the exact fear that is eating away at you. And
it’s one of the most destructive fears there is: the fear of what other
people think. I can show you how to beat it.”

“Before we get into how to defeat a specific fear, you have to

understand what a dangerous opponent fear is,” Andre said. “Most
people don’t realize there’s a battle against fear taking place inside
of them. They certainly don’t realize all the damage fear is doing in
their lives. Fear ruins people’s lives.
“Your fight against fear is the most important fight of your life and
the last thing you want to do is underestimate just how powerful fear
is. Fear is the most devastating opponent you will ever face.”
“You make it sound like fear is evil,” I said.
“It is. When negative things are going on, dig deep enough and
you’ll usually find fear as the root cause—either your fear or
someone else’s fear. Fear is the driving force behind all the hate,
negativity, anger, and sadness in this world. Fear may not be the
sole cause of every negative situation, but it always makes the
situation worse, and it will always make the situation last
“Fear is the source of all your stress and every worry that keeps
you up at night. Fear takes any obstacle that life hands you and
makes it bigger. It takes a loss—any type of setback—and amplifies
it. Fear makes everything worse. Fear will drag you down and make
every problem harder to recover from.”
“And I suppose that includes losing boxing matches?” I said.
“No doubt about it. Luckily, I learned early in my career just how
devastating fear can be for a fighter. I later learned how devastating
it can be for every other aspect of life. The fighter who is fearful of
getting blindsided in the ring is no different than the salesman fearful
of blowing his next sales call, the speaker fearful of giving his next
speech, or the entrepreneur who fears losing his business. The
emotions are the same. No matter what your goal is, the fear of
failing to achieve that goal is driven by the same, powerful emotion.
The more important the goal is, the bigger the fear is.
“You will never achieve any important goal until you first
defeat the fear that stands between you and that goal—the fear
that tells you, ‘Don’t go for it, it’s too risky, you’re not good
“If fear is so powerful, how can it be stopped?” I asked.
Andre smiled. “Luckily for all of us, there’s a powerful countering
force on the other side of fear. Fear is an emotion created by your
beliefs and expectations. So is faith. The battle against fear is a
battle between fear and faith.
“Remember the definition of fear: Fear is the strong, unpleasant
emotion that expects something bad to happen. Well, faith is the
opposite. Faith is the strong, pleasant emotion that expects
something good to happen. These two emotions are inside you,
competing against each other. The emotion you choose to feed most
will win. How do you feed your emotions? With self-talk.
“It’s just like boxing. You can dance around the ring and avoid
everything your opponent throws at you, but you can’t run and dodge
forever. To win the fight you have to eventually counter your
opponent’s punches with punches of your own. You defeat fear the
same way. When you hear the voice of fear talking, you have to
counter it with faith. You have to repeat statements of faith over and
over again in order to drown out the voice of fear. That’s how you
feed your faith and defeat your fears—by taking control of the way
you talk to yourself.”
“Sounds simple enough,” I said.
“Simple, but not easy,” Andre said. “For some reason, it’s a lot
easier to let the voice of fear have its way. That’s the default we fall
into. Maybe it’s because we’re bombarded by messages that stoke
our fears twenty-four-seven. Media and marketing companies know
that fearful messages get attention. They know fear sells.
“It’s sad because all that fear only makes things worse. Think
about it; fear is the reason why people do evil and self-destructive
things. Nobody wakes up one morning thinking, ‘How can I ruin
someone’s life today?’ Instead, they let their fears run wild. They act
out of desperation. They feed their fears, they live in fear, then they
act out of fear. They let fear control them. If people would stop
feeding their fears and start feeding their faith, the world would
be a much happier place.
“Fear negatively affects everything: our work life, our home life,
our families, our culture. Everything. ”
“Sounds to me like fear is more powerful than faith,” I said.
“Actually, we get to decide which side is more powerful,” Andre
said. “You get to decide which voice wins the battle. And you decide
by choosing which voice to feed. Fear can’t control you if you
don’t let it. You can choose to counter fear with faith. You’re in
“That’s why I don’t agree with coaches or business leaders who
try to motivate by fear. All that does is feed your fear, making it
bigger and stronger.
“Acknowledge fear, yes. Just like any other opponent or obstacle,
you can’t pretend it doesn’t exist. But don’t feed the voice of fear.
Don’t let your fears get bigger. Don’t let fear consume you. It will
destroy you if you keep feeding it.”
“And you think I’ve been doing that?” I asked.
“I do. I see it in your eyes. I see it in how you move in the ring.
Being in a state of fear makes you tight, timid, and indecisive. It
makes you so afraid of messing up that you never let go and
trust your instincts. You can’t perform at your best when you’re
operating in a state of fear. ”
This was the second time Andre had described fearful fighters as
tight , timid , and indecisive . Each time he said those words, they
struck a chord with me. In the ring, I was so afraid of messing up or
forgetting something Marco told me that I always felt like my arms
were restricted. I was afraid to unleash them and do something
reckless. I didn’t want to throw power shots because I might miss. I
didn’t want to go low because my opponent might go high. I didn’t
want to get in close because my opponent might catch me with an
uppercut. I was always envisioning negative consequences. I was
overthinking everything.
Tight , timid , indecisive . Unfortunately, those words described
my fighting style perfectly.
“It’s been said that what you fear is what you create ,” Andre
said. “This is because the things you focus on most tend to
become your reality. Fear is a powerful emotion, but so is faith.
Faith believes in a positive future. Fear believes in a negative future.
The emotion you give more power to ends up becoming your reality.
“All my life, I’ve seen this concept play out—in and out of the
boxing ring. The emotion you feed most tends to become your
“If a basketball player steps to the free-throw line petrified of
missing his free throw, what do you think will happen?”
“He’ll probably be too nervous to make the shot,” I said.
“Exactly. And if a salesman is so afraid of not making a sale that
he exudes desperation, do you think he’ll make the sale?”
“Right again. And if someone interviewing for a dream job is so
fearful of not getting the job, do you think that person will interview
well or do you think the company will go with the person who
portrayed confidence and optimism?”
“I think I get the point,” I said.
“Good, because it’s the same thing in boxing. If a fighter goes into
a fight scared to death of making a mistake and getting knocked out,
what do you think is likely to happen?”
“He’ll probably get knocked out,” I said, knowing firsthand how
true this was.
Andre nodded. “Exactly. Most battles are won before they are
ever fought. The guy who is so afraid of all the bad things that
might happen is probably going to experience a lot of bad
things. But the guy who has the faith that he can withstand the
bad things that happen and counter them with good things—
well, that guy is probably going to experience a lot of good
“The more powerful the emotion, the more likely it becomes
reality. This happens because a powerful emotion will drive
everything you do—all the actions you take, the words you speak,
the decisions you make, and the thoughts you think.
“Everything you do is ultimately rooted in either faith or fear.
When you feed your fear, bad things tend to happen. When you
feed your faith, good things tend happen. It’s really that simple.”
As Andre spoke, I could feel his passion. It was contagious. I
could see why he had become so popular as a motivator. He spoke
from the heart. He spoke from hard-won experience.
“It’s important to remember that both faith and fear live in the
unknowable future,” Andre said. “Neither is reality at the moment.
Both faith and fear are nothing more than the beliefs you have
about your future. Fear makes you afraid of what the future
might bring. Faith makes you excited about what the future
might bring.
“When you approach the day in fear of all the bad things that
might happen, you’re going to be timid and you’re going to doubt
your abilities. You’ll go through the day feeling bad about yourself,
like you have no control over anything that happens. You’ll go
around dreading what life might throw at you next—you’ll
procrastinate and you’ll be afraid to make decisions.
“However, when you approach the day in faith, believing that you
have the power to go out and make things go your way, what
happens? You get a lot more done. You believe in yourself. You trust
your instincts and abilities. You feel good about yourself. You make
confident decisions. You start making things happen for you instead
of letting things happen to you. You get excited to see what’s next.
“Fear feeds all the negative qualities that make you feel bad
about yourself: self-doubt, self-hatred, and despair. Faith feeds all
the positive qualities that make you feel good about yourself: self-
confidence, self-love, and hope.
“When you choose faith over fear, you create a positive
destiny for yourself. This is why I like to say, Victory favors the
fearless. ”
I nodded as Andre spoke. The way he described fear, I could see
how I had been letting it control me. I had been heading into every
fight, every training session, and every day with thoughts of fear
running through my head. Fear of failing. Fear of getting laughed at.
Fear of whether I had made the right decision leaving college. Fear
of what Marco would say if I made a mistake. Fear of letting down
my wife.
I was starting each day with the fearful dread that something bad
was going to happen instead of believing I could make something
good happen. I was letting fear dictate all my thoughts, actions, and
decisions. I was living in fear without even realizing it.
Where was my passion? Where were the thoughts of victory and
glory? Where was the excitement for what I might achieve instead of
the fear of what I might fail at?
“I’m tired of letting fear control me,” I said, almost unaware that I
had said it out loud.
“That’s what I like to hear,” Andre said. “Let’s start by beating the
biggest fear you’re dealing with right now: the fear of what other
people think.”

Andre decided we might as well get in some road work as we talked

about the fear I was struggling with. We started on a run through the
quiet, hilly backroads that surrounded his property.
“We’ve got to do something about your fear of what others think.”
Andre said as we trotted side-by-side on a cool, misty afternoon.
“It’s hard enough dealing with whatever adversity life throws
your way. You only make it worse by worrying about what the
critics will think of you.”
“I don’t know how I got this way,” I said. “I used to take pride in not
caring about what others thought. It’s why I made the decision to
pursue this career in the first place. I did it despite what everyone
else thought I should do. Now, I can’t stop thinking that everyone
else must have been right. ”
“I’ve seen this fear hold many people back,” Andre said. “It’s one
we all must learn to defeat.
“Let’s start by figuring out exactly when this became a fear for
you. You say you used to not care what others thought. When did
that change?”
I thought about it for a moment as we jogged and said, “I guess it
was shortly after I decided to become a pro boxer. People were
telling me what a bad idea it was. I could tell even my trainer, Marco,
thought it was silly. I started wondering if they were right. I trained
hard and I was motivated, but in the back of my mind I couldn’t
shake the worry that maybe I was being irresponsible for chasing
this dream.”
Andre nodded. “Makes perfect sense. You were doing something
different, something the rest of the world thinks is impractical. After
the initial excitement of deciding to pursue your dream, the reality of
what a long and difficult road it was going to be set in. And you had
naysayers jumping at the chance to reinforce doubts in your mind.”
“Exactly,” I said, starting to get a little winded.
“Any time you chase a big dream, there are going to be critics and
naysayers telling you not to,” Andre said. “That’s how you know it’s a
worthy dream. Critics want to lock you into paths that fit their
expectations for you. And I’ve got news for you—you’ll never win
over those critics. You could be undefeated right now and you’d have
those same people trying to derail your dream, saying you haven’t
fought anybody yet, saying you got lucky, saying you need to get a
real job because the odds are so stacked against you.
“Critics will never stop criticizing you because they can’t stand the
idea of someone they know chasing their dream and succeeding. It
makes them question themselves. It makes them wonder what they
could have been if they’d taken the risk and tried something different.
And they hate to think about that.”
Even with a bad hip, Andre glided along with an easy-looking
stride as we worked our way up an inclining road.
“Don’t let other people’s opinions determine your goals and
dreams,” Andre said. “It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks
about you. It only matters what you think about you. Only you
know if you’re giving your personal best and becoming the best
you that you can be. No one else can possibly know that, so
their opinions shouldn’t matter to you. ”
The road leveled out and there were now thick woods on both
sides of us. This was the perfect place to run, surrounded by nature
and free from distractions.
“It’s hard to ignore critics I come into contact with every day,” I
said. “These are friends and people I work with. These voices are
everywhere . Everyone at Marco’s gym thought I didn’t belong in
“First off, you need to realize people aren’t thinking about you as
much as you think they are,” Andre said with a smile. “Whether we’re
talking about friends, coworkers, competitors, reporters, or anyone
else who makes demeaning comments about you, once you’re out of
sight, you’re out of mind. People have enough problems of their own.
They don’t have time to be worrying about yours.”
Andre’s words cut my ego down to size and I immediately felt…
better . It was silly to think dozens of people were obsessing over
whether I’d make it as a boxer, but that’s how I felt at times—those
times when I was doubting myself.
“Secondly,” Andre continued, “if proving yourself to critics is the
driving force behind your decisions, you’ll never be successful. Why?
Because there will always be critics you can’t satisfy. Trust me, I
went through this.
“Anyone who has accomplished anything of note will tell you that
you can never satisfy the critics. People said I wasn’t good enough
when I was just getting started. They said it when I was climbing up
the ranks. They even said it when I won a world title—claiming the
division wasn’t as good as it used to be.
“No matter how successful you are, there will always be people
who think they know better than you. There will always be naysayers
who try to put you down and people who want to see you fail. No
matter how successful you are, there will always be people you can’t
win over, so stop trying to. Trying to please critics will only hold
you back from reaching your potential. ”
I was lucky to have a guy with Andre’s perspective training me.
He started at the bottom and rose to the top. Then, he got knocked
from the top of one profession and had to start over in another.
Because he was such a hero around here, I assumed people always
adored him, but I could tell as he spoke that he’d dealt with way
more critics than I ever realized. It’s easy to assume there are
people out there who never have to deal with the problems you’re
dealing with, but that just isn’t true. Everyone has problems they’re
dealing with behind the scenes.
“After the car wreck that ended my career, there were a lot of nice
things said about me,” Andre said as we began up another incline,
this one steeper than the last. “But there were also people who said I
must have been speeding, I must have been partying, I must have
been drinking. None of those things were true. These people said I
was getting what I deserved. It hurt me to hear that, but I realized it
was coming from jealous people who like to see others fail. A lot of
people in this world love to see others get knocked down
because it validates their decision to not go for something
special—to not chase their dreams. They want to be able to say,
‘See, that guy went for his dreams and it didn’t work out so great
after all.’ It validates their decision to stay on the sidelines in life.
“I remember telling people I was going to college after my
accident and seeing the look on their faces. ‘You? College? You
don’t have the brains for college.’
“I remember starting my first business, giving my first speech,
writing my first book. Every single time there were critics lined up to
tell me what a foolish idea it was, how the odds of being successful
were so slim, how it was all such a waste of time.
“It’s kind of funny when you think about, Mickey. All the things
critics said you should be doing—going to college, starting a career
—are things they said I shouldn’t be doing. They said you didn’t
belong in boxing; they said I didn’t belong outside of boxing.
“The world is full of people who will find the negative in every
situation. You will never be good enough in their eyes. What
matters is whether you’re good enough in your eyes. That’s it.
That’s all that matters. That’s not being self-absorbed, that’s
recognizing the truth. Nobody knows you as well as you do. You
have to block out the opinions of others.”
“And how do I do that?” I said, now sweating hard and panting as
Andre glided along. This was the first road work I had done since
being fired by Marco and it was showing.
Andre glanced my way and took mercy on me by slowing down
his pace as we reached the top of the steep hill we’d been climbing.
We were now above the wooded area we had run through.
“Whenever you hear the critics, remember this,” Andre said.
“There are two types of people in this world: those who believe
success is a choice and those who make excuses for why
they’re not successful. The critics are jealous of those who dare to
go for greatness. They’re always blaming, whining, and making
excuses for why they haven’t achieved more. They love to make
themselves out to be victims. They cut other people down, hoping to
make themselves look better. It’s sad.
“Always remember what the critics and naysayers represent.
Remember that there are doers and there are critics. There are
achievers and there are excuse-makers. When you hear critics
running their mouths, remember what side of the line they’re on. And
remind yourself what side you’re on.”
I liked what I was hearing. Andre’s words made me see critics in a
new light. After jogging for a good quarter-mile, I asked Andre about
another source of naysayers.
“What about the naysayers who don’t want to see me fail?” I
asked. “What if they’re people who care about me and don’t want to
see me get disappointed?”
Andre gave another knowing nod. “I call them the doubters. They
may not be naysayers and they may not be critics, but they are
doubters just the same. They love you. They want what’s best for
you. But they don’t know you like you know you.
“They don’t know what you know. They don’t see what you see.
They don’t know what God put in your heart. They don’t have the
purpose that you have. Therefore, you have to respond to the
doubters the same way you respond to the critics: remembering that
nobody knows you as well as you know you. If the doubters truly
love you, they will respect that and support you.”
We went a little further before I blurted out another source of fear
that had been weighing on me.
“And what if I’m afraid of letting down the people who are
depending on me?” I asked. “I fear letting down my wife. She’s
depending on me. My future kids are depending on me. What if I fail
and I’ve wasted my time and money chasing a fruitless dream? I’m
not only failing myself, I’m failing my family.”
Andre came to a stop and I did the same. I was taking deep
“The problem isn’t caring about the people close to you—the
problem is letting fear be your motivator ,” Andre said.
“Remember, fear is an emotion driven by your expectations. Like
every other fear, fearing that you’re going to let someone down
makes you timid, tight, and indecisive. That’s what fear does. It
stresses you out and eats you up inside.
“This is why you have to ignore the voice of fear and listen to the
voice of faith. Instead of being motivated by what might happen
if you let people down, you should be motivated by what might
happen if you lift people up.
“If you’re thinking about what will happen if you let people down,
fear is the motivator. If you’re envisioning what you can do to lift
people up, faith is the motivator. Fear makes you focus on what
you don’t want to have happen. Faith makes you focus on what
you do want to have happen. Cancel out your fearful visions of bad
things happening and replace them with faith-filled visions of good
things happening.”
As Andre explained the difference between these two motivating
forces, I started to feel different. Fear as a motivating force feels
restrictive and heavy. It makes you afraid of the future. Faith as
a motivating force feels freer and lighter. It makes you look
forward to the future.
“It all comes back to that inner battle inside of you,” Andre said.
“When fear tries to talk down to you, don’t just sit back and let it keep
talking. Fight back with self-affirming statements of faith.
“When fear says, ‘You will fail and people will laugh at you.’
You have to say, ‘I will succeed and people will be inspired by
“When you stand up to fear, make sure your self-talk is
always in the first person: I will, I can, I am.
“When fear says, ‘You will fail and let people down.’ You say,
‘I will succeed and lift people up!’
“When fear says, ‘You don’t belong here, you don’t have what
it takes.’ You say, ‘I am listening to my heart and living my God-
given purpose. I have the power to succeed.’
“These two competing voices are both addressing what might
happen in the future, but these two voices have much different
opinions on how it will play out. The voice you listen to most will be
more likely to play out in reality.”
Andre turned towards me and lightly punched his fists together
twice to indicate a fight between two sides. “No matter the
situation, fear and faith are constantly battling each other. You
get to choose which side wins by choosing which side to feed. ”
Andre took a deep breath as he looked upward.
“The fear of what other people think will prevent you from
becoming the person God made you to be,” he said. “Don’t try to be
someone you’re not. Don’t worry about what others might think of
you. Don’t compare yourself to others. Follow your heart. Be the best
that you can be. Only you know if you’re living up to your potential.
“You can win a fight and have people praising you on the outside,
but if you know in your heart you didn’t train your best or you didn’t
give your best during the fight, then you need to hold yourself
accountable. At the same time, you can lose a fight and hear all the
people saying, ‘I told you so,’ but if you gave your absolute best in
training and if you left everything you had in the ring, then you will
know in your heart you were the best that you could be. That’s what
it means to succeed and that’s why your honest opinion is the only
opinion that matters.
“Don’t give your power to anyone else. Your only goal
should be to become the best version of you , not the best
version of somebody else .
“Whenever you find yourself worrying about what others think,
counter the fear by saying, ‘I can’t control what others think, all I
can control is what I think. I will be the very best me that I can
be. That’s all I can control. ’
“As long as you’re doing the right thing and giving the very best
that you can, who cares what anybody else thinks?”
“Right,” I nodded. “Who cares?”
“Of course, this doesn’t mean you shut out all outside opinions
and advice,” Andre said. “You want to learn from those who want to
help you succeed. You want to listen to those who are capable of
helping you become the very best you can be.”
I knew what Andre was getting at and gave him a sarcastic smile.
“And let me guess, you’re one of those people I should be listening
He laughed. “Yes, indeed. And my opinion is that your
conditioning needs some serious improvement. Let’s get moving.”
We started jogging again and I felt lighter. The heavy fear of what
other people thought slowly lifted off my back as I ran.
Over the next several weeks, every time I replayed a snarky
comment or envisioned people laughing at me, I immediately asked
myself, Am I giving my best? Am I becoming the best that I can be?
Am I chasing my dream? If I am, then who cares what anyone else
These questions shifted the power from them to me . It reminded
me that only I know if I’m giving my best. Only I know if I’m chasing
the dream in my heart. If I know I’m giving my best and chasing my
dream, that is all that matters.
The opinions of others slowly lost their power over me.
It didn’t matter what anyone else thought of me. It only mattered
what I thought of me.

Patterson vs. McGavin

In most boxing matches, each fighter will settle into a role as either
the attacker or the reactor, the brawler or the dodger, the puncher or
the counter-puncher. Whatever you want to call it, the fighter on
offense brings the fight to his opponent. The fighter on defense
reads and reacts, counters every move, and waits to strike when the
moment is right.
Neither strategy is necessarily better than the other. Floyd
Mayweather, Jr. made an entire undefeated career out of being a
defensive fighter, utilizing his quickness, dancing away from his
opponents while stinging them with pinpoint-accurate jabs and
patiently waiting for the perfect knockout opportunity. Mike Tyson
was very much an offense- minded fighter, preferring to unleash his
stunning power on opponents as quickly as he possibly could.
Most fighters tend to do a little of both. They usually have a plan
heading into the fight regarding the role they expect to execute, but
depending on how the fight goes, the prefight strategy will often get
scrapped and a fighter must adapt into a role he didn’t expect.
However it plays out, at any given point in a fight, one guy is usually
on offense and one guy is usually on defense. One fighter is moving
forward and attacking while the other fighter is backing up and
But every once in a while, you see two fighters who come out with
the same offense-first mentality. They both enter the ring in attack
mode and refuse to back off and play the defensive game. Neither
fighter is willing to concede the offensive role. When this happens,
epic battles ensue.
It happened when “Marvelous” Marvin Hagler and Thomas “The
Hitman” Hearns fought each other in 1985. The fight only lasted
three brutal rounds, but to this day it’s known as “The War” and it’s
considered one of the greatest fights of all time.
It happened whenever Micky Ward and Arturo Gatti fought each
other in the 2000s, marking the greatest trilogy of fights so far this
And it’s happening on this night when I face Bruno Patterson for
the world heavyweight championship.
Everyone in the arena expects me to play defense early.
Conventional wisdom says that the only way to beat a guy with
Patterson’s power is to play smart defense, avoid his power as best
you can, and let him punch himself out as the fight goes on. Maybe,
just maybe, you can survive until the later rounds and then land a
knockout blow on the worn-out power-puncher.
It’s the strategy Muhammad Ali used against George Foreman in
the legendary “Rumble in the Jungle” fight in 1974. The boxing world
had never seen a fighter with Foreman’s power and Ali relied on
quickness, an unnatural ability to withstand Foreman’s power, and
his famous “rope-a-dope” tactic to let the bigger man punch himself
out for seven rounds. In the eighth, Ali pounced on the worn-out
Foreman and scored one of history’s greatest knockouts. Ever since,
fighters and trainers have been trying to follow some form of Ali’s
strategy when facing more powerful opponents .
Everyone expects me to do the same against Patterson. It’s
exactly what most fighters have tried against him. I’m sure it’s
exactly what Patterson is expecting me to do.
According to the critics, it’s the only way I’ll have a chance of
surviving against such a superior fighter.
These are the same critics who say I don’t belong in this fight.
They say I’m nothing more than a tune-up and an easy paycheck for
the champ. They say this is the final bow for my good-but-not-great
career and they smugly laugh that if I don’t avoid Patterson’s power,
I’ll leave the ring in a stretcher.
But I can’t control what anyone else thinks and therefore I don’t
care what anyone else thinks. I control what I think.
Eight years ago, I stopped caring what others thought of me and
started focusing on what I could to do to become the very best
fighter I could be. My career took off when I overcame the fear of
what others think.
I’m not going to worry about what others think tonight. I’m going to
control my thoughts and fight my fight. If I lose, then I lose. But at
least I go out giving my best and not catering to what the critics think
I should do.
I will not let Patterson dictate the fight. If I go down, I’m going
down swinging.
Andre and I have devised a plan that should catch Patterson off
guard. I will be the aggressor in Round 1. I will not let him bring the
fight to me. I will strike first.
Seconds into the first round, the two of us are throwing power
shots at each other in the center of the ring. Right and left, right and
left, the sounds of thunder as our heavyweight blows pound into
each other. He lands a hook to the side of my jaw and I counter with
a hook of my own that connects squarely under his eye.
Not thinking, just fighting.
Boom-boom, boom-boom. Some land and some miss. Some of
our shots slam into shoulders and gloves, some slam into each
other’s faces. Neither of us wrap up during this first chaotic half-
minute of the fight. The roar of the crowd is louder than anything I’ve
ever heard during a fight. They weren’t expecting this and they like
what they’re seeing.
I finally stagger Patterson with a shot to the temple and he takes
a few steps back. The first sign of give by either of us.
I pounce, but by the time I close the distance between us, the
heavyweight champ catches me with an uppercut to my chin and I
back off a step, feeling woozy for a split-second. Just like that, he
gains the edge.
Back-and-forth we go like this.
After we both land hooks simultaneously, we separate. I take a
big breath for the first time and watch him do the same.
But neither of us wants to let the other man breathe. He steps in
and throws a straight right. I lower my head and bulldoze in with a
power combination to the body, attacking his ribs.
I back him into the corner and continue on in destroyer mode,
throwing hooks to the body until he wraps me up—the first wrap-up
of the fight.
He’s surprised, he’s uncomfortable. I can feel it.
The referee steps in and separates us. After a short pause in the
action as we wait for the ref to get out of the way, I go in strong
again, but Patterson catches me with a stiff left jab to the center of
my face. My eyes blur with water and I stumble back awkwardly. He
smells blood and now I’m the one backing up as the champ charges
Next thing I know, I feel the ropes behind me. I’m backed into a
corner, trying to protect my face from the flurry of big hooks he’s
throwing at me.
Instead of wrapping him up, I get in close and push him off me.
“Don’t push,” I hear the ref warn, but I see that I’ve surprised
Patterson with my strength. I’ve sent a message: I’m stronger than
you realize and I will not be intimidated .
I step to the right and for a moment or two, we both dance around
each other, sizing one another up, catching our breath. Then, at the
exact same moment, we both go back into aggressor mode and
we’re in the center of the ring brawling just like we were at the start
of the round.
Fists are flying and Patterson finally pulls back, putting some
distance between us. I catch him with a straight left. I make good
contact, but he barely reacts. I move in to follow-up, but he’s too
quick and pops me with a tight right hook to the jaw—his hands so
fast I never see it coming. It’s not a direct hit, but enough to catch my
attention and knock me off-balance .
I back off and shuffle to the right—trying to put some distance
between us while he tries to close in on me.
Back-and-forth we go. One fighter pouncing, then the other
I finally hear what sounds like two pieces of wood clanking
together outside the ring. It’s the ten-second warning, indicating
there are ten seconds left in the round.
The sound brings relief, but I tell myself to finish strong. Patterson
must be telling himself to do the same because we both start
throwing wild power shots as fast as we can in the center of the ring.
Again, some of these shots are hitting shoulders and gloves, but a
few are slipping through and doing damage.
The bell rings. The first round is over.
I exhale and the crowd gives us a roaring ovation as we head
back to our corners.
I’ve just fought the greatest round of my life and Patterson barely
But neither did I.
I feel like I’ve just fought ten rounds, not one. My shoulders burn.
There’s no way I can keep this pace up. I’m exhausted .
I reach my corner and Andre says with a smile, “Great job, great
job. Look at him, he’s exhausted.”


I won my first five fights with Andre training me, which improved my
record to 7-3-1. For the first time since turning pro, I had a winning
record and I was fighting with confidence. With Andre in my corner,
we were also starting to generate some local publicity and crowds
were growing with each of my fights.
Up to that point, however, my opponents had been either young,
unproven fighters or past-their-prime journeymen with losing records.
Finally, it was time to take the next step and go up against a proven
The twelfth fight of my career was against an up-and-coming
cruiserweight with a 10-1-1 record. The guy was generating buzz
and this would undoubtedly be the toughest test of my young career
The fight also proved to be a pivotal moment in my journey as a
I had never faced a fellow cruiserweight with so much speed and
quickness. Throughout our fight, he danced away from me while
stinging me with well-timed jabs. For seven rounds, fans booed their
disapproval while I awkwardly chased my opponent around the ring.
He never did any real damage to me, but his stellar defensive skills
prevented me from landing anything of significance.
In the eighth and final round of our fight, knowing that I needed to
score a knockout, I desperately threw wild punches at my opponent
and somehow connected with an over-the-top haymaker that sent
him to the canvas. He didn’t get back up.
I scored the knockout with just 30 seconds left. The judges’
scorecards showed me losing every other round in the fight. Had the
fight gone 30 more seconds, I would have lost in a lopsided
unanimous decision.
The Monday after my come-from-behind victory, I met with Andre
to review tape of the fight. I was ecstatic and feeling on top of the
world as we sat in the makeshift office Andre had set up in the
corner of his gym. As we watched a replay of the fight, I winced at
seeing myself clumsily stumble after my opponent as he pinged me
with jabs. I looked completely outclassed. I couldn’t wait to get to the
eighth round and see myself floor the guy.
But after watching the first three rounds, Andre turned it off.
“I’ve seen enough,” Andre said.
“What are you doing?” I said. “We haven’t gotten to the good
“I know how it ends,” he said.
While I was proud of myself for finding a way to win, Andre wasn’t
“Is something wrong?” I asked. “I just had the biggest win of my
career and you’re acting like I let you down.”
“I’m the one who let you down,” Andre said. “We need to make a
change. I’ve known we needed to make this change for a while now
and by waiting as long as a I did, I almost cost you a fight.”
“What change? What are you talking about costing me a fight? I
won, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, you won, but you weren’t the better fighter on Saturday.
That guy made you look foolish for seven rounds. I’m proud of how
you didn’t quit and how you took over at the end, but you should’ve
easily lost that fight. You know I’m right about that.”
I couldn’t deny Andre’s point after seeing the judges’ scorecards
and watching the replay of the early rounds.
“What’s this change you’re talking about?” I asked.
“I think it’s time you move up to heavyweight.”
“Not this again,” I said.
Andre had mentioned the idea a few times over the last year, but I
kept telling him I was more comfortable as a cruiserweight.
“Why are you so resistant to this idea?” Andre asked. “You’ve
held your own at cruiserweight, but your God-given talent is power
and I know there’s a lot more power inside you—we just have to
unleash it. You can’t reach your full power potential when you’re
keeping the pounds off to make weight in this division.”
“A fighter should avoid the heavyweight division if possible,” I
“Says who?” Andre asked.
“Said Marco. He told me I’d have an advantage fighting as a
cruiserweight because there were fewer fighters with the discipline to
make weight in this division. You get into the heavyweight division
and you’re dealing with more size, more power, and more
competition. He said cruiserweight is a safer, more controlled
environment. He said there are too many variables in the
heavyweight division.”
“Marco never trained a heavyweight. Isn’t it a little odd to accept
his advice?”
“In this case, I think he’s right. As a cruiserweight, I’m stronger
than a lot of the guys I face.”
“But not quicker,” Andre said. “Each fighter needs to fight in the
division that is right for him and great fighters play to their strengths;
they don’t try to be someone they’re not. You’re a more natural
heavyweight. I think you’ll have more success there. It’s time to
I shook my head. “I know that guy made me look slow on
Saturday, but for the first time in my career, I feel like I’m on the right
track and I don’t want to mess that up. Remember, I’ve won six-
straight fights. I think we need to stay the course.”
“I think you’re wrong,” Andre said. “We can’t just stay the course .
That’s fear talking.”
“How is that fear talking? I don’t want to change just because of
one fight. Staying the course makes practical sense.”
“Even before Saturday, I saw signs of trouble. Yes, you’ve been
winning, but your opponents have been giving you more problems.
They’re studying you and utilizing their speed to avoid your power.
Winning these last six fights has clouded your judgment and created
a new fear: the fear of change.
“You fear making a change will disrupt the success you’ve had,
but that’s another one of fear’s favorite lies. Fear makes people
afraid to change, even if the change will be better for them. The man
who refuses to change will never reach his full potential. ”
“That may be,” I said, “but you’re talking about a major change.
I’ve never fought as a heavyweight before. Those guys are bigger
and stronger than me. I’d have to change the way I eat, change the
way I train, change the way I fight. I’d have to change everything
we’ve spent the last year working on.”
“It’s important to make changes when life tells you it’s necessary,”
Andre said. “I would never suggest changing simply for the sake of
changing. But I do believe in adapting to new situations and playing
to your strengths. The way you fight; you’re meant to be a
heavyweight. The only thing holding you back is fear.
“The change in weight class isn’t as major as you think. Lots of
fighters make this move when the time is right. Evander Holyfield
spent his first years as a pro in the cruiserweight division. He moved
up and become a dominant heavyweight champ. Why don’t you think
you can do the same?”
“Maybe someday, but now is not the time,” I said. “I’m comfortable
where I am.”
“To achieve greatness, you have to leave your comfort zone ,”
Andre said. “You have to push yourself. You have to change. It’s a
hard thing to do. Nobody likes change. People get comfortable
where they are and they don’t want to risk losing what they’ve got.
But to become the best you’re capable of becoming, you have to be
willing to do uncomfortable things. You have to be willing to change.
“It’s not going to get any easier to change someday down the line.
If you know you’ll eventually have to change, there’s no sense in
“Why can’t we just work on making me a quicker fighter?” I asked.
“Wouldn’t switching divisions be the same as running from my
problems? ”
“Not at all,” Andre said. “We’re maximizing your strengths. We’re
adapting to the competition. Every great fighter has to do that. Every
great team has to do that. Every great business has to do that. Think
of the business that is stuck in the middle of the pack in their market.
If they could adjust their product, move their location, or alter their
marketing plan to be number one in a different market, shouldn’t they
do it?”
“I suppose.”
“Of course they should. It’s Marketing 101. You want to position
yourself in a market you can dominate. Why be average in one
market if you’ve got a better shot at dominating a different market?
The only reason businesses don’t do that is they’re afraid of change.
They’ve been doing something one way for so long that they fear the
uncertainty of changing. Same goes for the guy who knows he’d be
better off in a different line of work, but he stays in a job he hates
because he’s afraid of change. People who are afraid of change will
never reach their potential.
“The same goes for you. Right now, you’re a cruiserweight with
heavyweight power, but average cruiserweight speed. That’s worked
okay for you up to this point. But let me tell you, the guys you face as
you climb in this division are only going to get quicker and faster. If
you make the move to heavyweight, you’ll become a fighter with
heavyweight power and cruiserweight speed. And we can start
adding more power today—I’ve got a feeling there’s a lot more
power inside you, we just have to bring it out. In the heavyweight
division, you will be playing to your strengths. It’s where you belong.
Why wait?”
“Because things are going well and I don’t want to mess it up,” I
said, getting frustrated with Andre’s insistence on changing.
Andre shook his head. “That’s fear talking. Yes, things are going
well, but they could be going better. And that’s my point. If you want
to achieve greatness, you have to be willing to make changes,
no matter how uncomfortable those changes might be in the
short-term. To move forward, you have to be willing to get
uncomfortable. That’s true in boxing and in life.
“The fear of change is one of the most destructive fears there is.
People are petrified by the thought of change. They worry about
changes in their job, changes in their family, changes in the
economy. They worry themselves sick about all these changes. Most
people want everything to stay the same. They will do almost
anything they can—no matter how self-destructive—to avoid change.
Yet, isn’t it ironic that the only constant in life is change itself?”
What Andre was saying made sense, but the thought of changing
still made me squirm. Why did I have such a negative reaction to the
“I know I didn’t look great on Saturday, but you can’t deny the
success we’ve had over the past year.” I said, continuing to make my
case for keeping things the same.
“There are times when success can be more dangerous than
failure,” Andre said. “Success can make you complacent. It can
make you rest on your laurels. Success can also cloud your
judgment and prevent you from seeing problems that are arising.
You start coasting along, thinking if you just keep everything exactly
the same, the success will continue. But right when you think you
have everything figured out, that’s when you get blindsided.
“I’ve learned there’s no such thing as staying the same. At any
given time, you’re either moving forward or falling backwards.
Trying to keep things the same and trying to avoid change leads
to falling backwards.
“Mickey, you’re a good cruiserweight, but you could be a great
heavyweight. Jimmy Johnson, the famous football coach, used to
ask his teams, ‘Do you want to play it safe and be good or do
you want to take a chance and be great? ’ You can play it safe,
keep everything the same, and be a good cruiserweight. Or, you can
take a chance, make the change, and be a great heavyweight. Don’t
let the fear of change keep you from taking the risks necessary
to achieve greatness.
“You saw the tape, you know it’s time for change.”
“What if I change and it doesn’t work?” I said. “I don’t want to
make some big change, then lose and wish I’d stayed a
“With every change comes risk, there’s no way around that,”
Andre said. “But not changing brings a greater risk. That’s what most
people don’t realize. It’s a greater risk not to change when you
know in your heart that’s what you need to do.
“I want you to reach your full potential as a fighter. I want you to
become one of the most powerful punchers in the world and the only
way we can do that is if you move up to heavyweight. As a
cruiserweight, your power potential will always be held in check due
to the weight restrictions. As a heavyweight, you’ll be quicker than
most your opponents and we’ll be able to add as much power as
possible. We’ll be playing to your strengths. We’ll be unleashing your
full potential.”
“When you put it like that, it makes sense” I said, feeling better
about the idea. “But it’s still a risk.”
“Of course, it’s a risk,” Andre said. “Every change carries risk.
You have to ask yourself if the risk is worth the reward. I believe
it is. But it really doesn’t matter what I believe. The choice is yours.”
I let out a huff of frustration. “Everything you’re saying sounds
right. It makes sense. So, why is it so hard for me to pull the trigger
on this?”
“Because of fear,” Andre said. “But, just like every other fear, the
fear of change can be defeated. You defeat it the same way you
defeat other fears. You defeat it with faith-filled self-talk. And
sometimes, simply redefining your fear is enough to defeat it.”
“What do you mean, redefine it?”
Andre walked over to a large whiteboard along the wall of his
makeshift office. He grabbed a marker and wrote: CHANGE
Underneath that line, he wrote: GROWTH EQUALS SUCCESS .
“From now on,” Andre said, turning back towards me, “whenever
you hear the word change , flip it to growth in your mind.
“When you hear it’s time to change , that can cause fear and
anxiety. So, flip it in your head. Tell yourself it’s time to grow .
“When fear says, ‘You should seek safety by refusing to
change,’ you counter that with, ‘I will seek victory by choosing
to grow.’
“A refusal to change is what some people call a fixed mindset,”
Andre continued. “It operates under the notion that there’s no room
for growth, everything is what it is, and therefore there’s no reason to
change. A fixed mindset doesn’t believe you can change or get
better. It doesn’t believe you can grow. It doesn’t believe trying to
change will make any difference. A fixed mindset is wrong, of
course, because everything and everyone is constantly changing.
Nothing stays the same. There’s no such thing as static
success. At any given time, you’re either growing or you’re
dying. Trying to maintain is the same as going stagnant, which
leads to dying—to losing.
“On the other hand, a willingness to change leads to growth.
Some people call this a growth mindset. It recognizes that no matter
where you are, there’s always room for improvement, room for
growth. Nobody is stuck, no failure is permanent. To win—in sports,
in business, and in life—you have to continuously grow. And
the only way to grow is through change. Change equals growth
and growth equals success. ”
Andre turned back to the whiteboard and underlined the last line
he wrote several times: GROWTH EQUALS SUCCESS .
“Don’t look at change as something scary,” Andre said as he
turned back to face me. “Don’t look at it as something that can
hamper your success. Instead, see change as something that is vital
to your success.
“When you get to be my age, you’ll probably find that you fear
aging. Most people do. I did. But then I reminded myself that aging is
just another form of changing and changing is growing. I remind
myself that growing older is a good thing.”
Once again, Andre had a way of making me see things differently.
Nobody likes to change, but everyone likes to grow. And yet,
changing and growing are the same thing .
“I don’t think it’s time for you to change as a fighter,” Andre said. “I
think it’s time for you to grow as a fighter.
“Whenever fear says to avoid change, remind yourself it’s
time to grow. ”
Over the next four months, I put on fifteen pounds and moved up
to heavyweight. My first fight as a heavyweight wasn’t nearly as
intimidating as I thought it would be. Andre was right, I felt more
natural fighting as a heavyweight. I was more comfortable in the ring.
For the first time in my boxing career, I felt like the faster fighter. I
won with a second-round knockout against a much slower opponent.
I would win seven more heavyweight fights over the next year. At
16-3-1, the boxing world was starting to take notice.
But with more success came more important decisions.

Patterson vs. McGavin

“Change of plans,” Andre says to me as I sit on the stool in my
corner between Round 1 and Round 2. “He’s more uncomfortable
than I thought he’d be. I want you to stay in attack mode in Round 2.
Take it to him.”
Our game plan heading into the fight was to come out swinging
with everything I had in Round 1. We thought my best chance at
scoring a surprise knockout would come in the first round, since
Patterson would be expecting me to keep my distance. However, we
knew this strategy would be risky because it would deplete my
energy. Our plan prior to the fight was to attack in Round 1 and then
back off and play more defense in Rounds 2 and 3. We thought this
would allow me to catch my breath if I didn’t score a first-round
knockout and it would also keep Patterson unsure of what I’d do
But Andre was scrapping our original plan. And this new plan was
If I stay in attack mode, I’m setting myself up for a shorter fight. A
pace like this can’t last long.
The idea that Patterson might be vulnerable if I could take him
into the later rounds was essentially being scrapped by Andre.
Staying in relentless attack mode for Round 2 was declaring a new
game plan for the fight: knock him out or get myself knocked out—a
game plan all the critics would call crazy.
“Can you keep it going?” Andre asks. “You got it in ya?”
“Absolutely,” I say.
When a weightlifter maxes out on reps, reaching the point where
he can’t possibly hit another rep, he then racks the weight, rests for a
minute, and finds himself amazingly rejuvenated. Just sixty seconds
after depleting his muscles of all their energy, he’s ready to bang out
another set of reps. He won’t hit as many reps as he did during the
previous set, but he’s refreshed and ready to try .
The same thing happens in boxing. One minute after burning up
my shoulders and feeling like I’ve exhausted my system to the point
that I’ll barely be able to go another round, I now find myself
reenergized and anxious to reenter destroyer mode.
“Good,” Andre says as I stand up in my corner, waiting for the
Round 2 bell. “Give it everything you’ve got. We’re going all in.”
I nod and bang my gloves together, ready to pick up where I left
This change in plans is a risk, but isn’t everything?
Working with Andre over the years, I’ve learned to trust his
judgment and adapt quickly. I’ve learned not to fear change. Change
equals growth and I have grown a great deal as a fighter over the
last eight years. To become a champion, you must continuously
grow—and you can’t grow if you’re not willing to change.
I look across the ring and see Patterson standing in his corner.
Fear comes back.
He’s not heaving anymore. His arms aren’t dangling in exhaustion
as they were when he walked to his corner at the end of Round 1.
Just like me, he’s rejuvenated .
His head is tilted downward, he looks at me with menacing eyes,
just below his lowered brow, as if to say, “How dare you challenge
me like that?” His muscular shoulders, his massive traps. For a
moment, I swear he looks just like a bull ready to kick up dirt, barrel
forward, and trample his prey.
He’s not uncomfortable. He’s not backing down. He’s just getting
In my mind, I suddenly doubt the change in plans. What if Andre
is wrong? Patterson doesn’t look uncomfortable. He looks just the
opposite, like he loves this kind of fight. What if our original plan was
“Remember, you’re not fighting against Patterson, you’re fighting
against fear,” Andre shouts. “Whatever you do, don’t let fear win!”
It’s a reminder of the most important lesson Andre ever taught
me: to defeat any opponent or obstacle, you first have to defeat
fear. Fear is the ultimate enemy. The battle between faith and
fear is ongoing and never-ending. And you get to decide who
Fear is trying to get in my head.
Fear is trying to make me doubt.
I will not be defeated by fear.
The bell rings.
After a brief hesitation in my corner, I rush towards Patterson and
we meet near the center of the ring, just like we did in Round 1.
No fear , I tell myself.
No fear .
We unleash big shots and the thunderous sound of our gloves
slamming each other’s heads, shoulders, and bodies begins again.


“I just don’t think I’m ready,” I said to Andre as we sat outside a
corner coffee shop in the Brookside neighborhood of Kansas City. “If
I fight this guy and lose, I may never get another shot like this.”
“I know I don’t have to tell you that’s fear talking,” Andre said.
It was a brisk mid-January morning, but the sun was shining and
the coffee kept us warm. It had been two months since my last fight
and I was undefeated in my first eight fights as a heavyweight, which
brought my record to 16-3-1. Andre and I were meeting to discuss
who my next opponent would be.
At this point in my life, Rachel and I had our first son, but we still
lived in a small apartment. I continued to work nights as a bartender
to make ends meet. Though I was having success in the ring, Rachel
and I were struggling financially.
On the other side of the street I admired the big, tall oak trees and
traditional bungalow-style homes that lined the sidewalks of a
residential neighborhood. They were nice, well-kept, family-sized
homes, but not obnoxiously-large mansions. There was a unique,
old-school charm to the neighborhood. I dreamed of someday
moving out of our cramped apartment and raising my kids in a
neighborhood like this one.
“This guy’s tough, he’s the real deal,” Andre said. “But I think
you’re ready. Fear is telling you you’re not.”
I had been offered the chance to fight Alex Brutka, a 14-0 fighter
from Ukraine ranked No. 18 in the world. If I accepted the fight, it
would be featured on national TV as part of the undercard for a
bigger main event. It should have been a no-brainer to accept this
invitation, but I was hesitant. I had put off the decision for two weeks
and Brutka’s camp was getting impatient.
“I’m not afraid of him,” I said. “The whole thing just feels a little
rushed. I’ve never fought on TV before. This will be the first time
most people see me fight and we really don’t know anything about
this guy except that he fights left-handed, he’s knocked out
everybody he’s faced, and he’s ranked higher than anybody I’ve
fought. Is that really the best way to introduce myself to the boxing
I had only fought one other left-handed fighter up to that point in
my career and I’d never faced a fighter ranked in the Top 20 before.
Brutka was quickly rising up the rankings and there were whispers
that he could be the next big challenger in the heavyweight division.
“All it takes is one little mistake,” I continued, “and the world sees
me get knocked out. If that happens—if I don’t look my very best—I
might never get another fight of this magnitude. I know it’s time for
me to take the next step, but I’m not sure this is the guy I should do it
against. Why not fight an orthodox fighter? Why not an opponent we
know more about? This guy’s been fighting overseas and we don’t
know anything about the fighters he’s been facing.”
“You’re having a hard time coming up with excuses,” Andre said.
“He’s left-handed? He’s from overseas? We haven’t studied his
opponents? Give me a break. We’ll train for him just like we train for
every other fighter. I don’t think your fear has anything to do with
those things.”
“Yeah? What do you think it has to do with?”
“I think you’re feeling good about how well you’ve been doing
over the last year. You’re happy being undefeated as a heavyweight
and you’re afraid to take the next step. You’re afraid to grow, just like
you were before you made the move to heavyweight.”
“I’m not afraid to grow,” I said. “I want to grow. I want to take the
next step. I want to start earning a living in this sport. What I’m afraid
of is making the wrong decision. This is a pivotal moment in my
career. I want to make sure we pick the right opponent for my first
fight on national TV.”
“Who did you have in mind?” Andre asked. “Give me another Top-
20 heavyweight you’d rather fight and we can set it up.”
Andre was calling my bluff. I didn’t have another fighter in mind.
“I’m sure we can find somebody who’s a better fit,” I mumbled.
“The fact is,” Andre said, “you can find reasons why any
opponent of Brutka’s caliber isn’t right. Delaying the decision isn’t
going to make a fight like this any easier.
“Whenever you face a difficult decision, you have to deal with the
possibility that you might choose wrong. That’s life. Is Brutka the
wrong opponent for you? Are you ready for a fight on national TV?
These are tough questions, but indecisiveness is a sign of
“Ouch,” I said, cringing at being called weak .
“Teddy Roosevelt once said, ‘In any moment of decision, the
best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is
the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. ’ It’s
better to be wrong than to be indecisive.
“Fear creates indecisiveness and indecisiveness makes you
weak. If you’re so afraid of being wrong that you never make a
decision, you’ll never be a champion and you’ll never be a strong
leader. It’s the willingness to be wrong that allows you to make
good decisions. ”
“I don’t get it,” I said, feeling as though I was missing something.
“I want to be right, regardless of how long it takes to make the
decision. How is that a weakness?”
“Being indecisive is a sign of weakness because it lets fear win,”
Andre said. “You show me a weak leader and I’ll show you
someone who’s afraid to make decisions. Great achievers will
sometimes make poor decisions, but they’ll never make weak
decisions. They don’t inch forward in timid indecisiveness. Right or
wrong, they charge forward with confidence and purpose.”
“But it doesn’t matter how strong and confident they are,” I said.
“If they’re wrong, they’re wrong—and they’ll regret their decision.”
Andre shook his head side to side and smiled. “That’s where
you’re wrong. The fear behind indecisiveness is the fear of what you
can’t control, the fear of an uncertain future. But nobody can know
for sure what will happen in the future. No matter how much time you
spend trying to make the perfect decision, you will be wrong
sometimes. Accept that. The difference between champions and
everyone else isn’t that champions always make the right
decision, the difference is what they do after the decision is
made. Wrong or right, they move forward and adapt along the
“Fear says, ‘Don’t move forward until you’re absolutely
certain in your future. Don’t make a decision until you’re sure
you can’t be wrong. ’
“But you see, that’s impossible. It’s impossible to see the future
and never make a wrong decision. If you’re waiting to be certain
you’ll make the right decision, you’ll never make any decision at
“That’s what great leaders mean when they say they’d rather be
wrong than weak. If you spend all your time waiting and
procrastinating on a decision that needs to be made, you’ll never end
up moving forward. You’ll weakly wait on the sidelines until you get
run over by someone who did move forward. Hesitating is a sign of
weakness; moving forward is a sign of strength.
“You have to counter the voice of fear by saying ‘I will attack and
adapt. I will not wait to be certain I’m right because I’d be
waiting forever. Instead, I will fail forward and adapt as I go
along. I will learn as I go.’
“That’s what it means to be strong. Accept that you might be
wrong, but don’t fear being wrong. Know that you can adapt to
whatever happens. You will have setbacks, but you have what it
takes to overcome all of them. That’s how a champion thinks.”
Once again, Andre was making me see things as I never had
before .
“Don’t procrastinate,” Andre said. “Don’t be afraid to get out there
and try something different. Tough decisions aren’t going to go away
on their own. You can’t avoid them. Make your decision and move
forward. If you’re wrong, so what? That will get you one step closer
to being right. The sooner you make a decision—right or wrong—the
sooner you can adapt to whatever happens next.”
“Even if that means losing a fight on national TV?” I asked.
“Hell yes! You’re never going to be ready for fighters like Brutka
until you start fighting fighters like Brutka. There’s no magic solution
or perfect timing. If you get in there, give it your best, and come up
short, we’ll learn from it and we’ll adapt for the future. But you can’t
start adapting until you first start attacking.
“You are going to make wrong decisions. You are going to
lose fights. That’s part of life. You can’t avoid it. The key is to
quickly learn from those defeats and keep moving forward.
Don’t procrastinate and avoid difficult challenges. Attack and
adapt. ”
“But what if I lose and I don’t get another shot like this?” I asked.
“That’s fear talking,” Andre said. “You’ll get plenty of shots if you
keep attacking and adapting—learning, growing, and refusing to give
up. That’s true whether your dream is to start a new business, write
a book, pursue a new career, or become heavyweight champion of
the world. There will be failures and setbacks along the way, but
there will always be new opportunities. And with each failure, you’ll
come back wiser and stronger.
“Nobody is going to be right all the time; that’s part of life. Get
over it. What you have to do is get out of wait-and-see mode and
get into attack-and-adapt mode. The quicker you make your
decision, act on it, and adapt as needed; the quicker you will
start achieving your goals. ”
“What about the danger of rushing into an important decision?” I
asked. “I don’t want to rush into something I’m not ready for.”
“I’m not suggesting you recklessly throw yourself into a decision
without proper preparation,” Andre said. “But there comes a time
when enough is enough. There comes a time when you must
acknowledge that you’ve gone from being prepared to being afraid.
A time comes when you’ve got to stop procrastinating and
overanalyzing, and you’ve got to start attacking and adapting.
“Nobody will ever be the perfect opponent for you. Everyone will
present unique challenges. But it’s time to start facing better fighters
if you want to become a better fighter. The only way to get better is
to take on new challenges. Like anything else in life, the more you
challenge yourself, the better you will get. What are you waiting for?”
It was a good question. What was I waiting for? I basically had
two options: keep fighting local club fights against inferior opponents
or take the leap and put myself on the line by facing a ranked
“I don’t know what I’m waiting for,” I said. “You really think I’m
ready for this?”
“I do,” Andre said. “But it doesn’t really matter what I think, does
it? What matters is what you think. You can’t half-ass a big challenge
like this. You have to be all in. If you take this fight, you have to be
fully committed. You have to eliminate the fear completely or you’ll
keep questioning the decision anytime something doesn’t go exactly
as planned—and there will always be something that doesn’t go as
planned. ”
“I know you’re right,” I said. “I need to go all in. I just wish I could
flip a switch and be confident that this is the right decision.”
“You can,” Andre said. “You can be confident knowing that
regardless of what happens once your decision is made, one fact
remains: the most aggressive person usually wins. That’s true in
sports and it’s true in life.
“What’s more important than the decision you make is your
attitude and your effort after it’s made. That’s what determines
your results. The person with the most aggressive attitude and
the most relentless effort usually wins. He wins the fight, he wins
the job, he wins the sale.
“Here’s a simple fact of life: Most problems can be solved
quickly by simply attacking them hard and adapting to whatever
happens next. When problems arise, don’t sit back and
passively hope they go away. Attack your problems with
aggression. Aggressively find the solution. Attack and adapt to
whatever is going on. Attack and adapt. Attack and adapt. The
person with this mindset usually wins.
“If you remember that, it will take the pressure off of your decision.
Why? Because wrong decisions are quickly turned into right
solutions when you attack and adapt . It’s what you do after the
decision is made that matters more than the decision itself.”
“I never thought of it that way,” I said, a phrase I often repeated
during my conversations with Andre.
I felt a sense of peace wash over me with the realization that it’s
what I do after the decision that matters most. I had been tying my
stomach in knots about whether I should or shouldn’t take this fight,
but that was fear talking. At some point, you have to just go for it.
Then, attack and adapt.
“The time to consider all the angles is before the decision is
made,” Andre said. “And we’ve done that. I think it’s time we take the
“But remember, once the decision is made, there can be no
retreat. You have to keep moving forward no matter what
happens. Don’t look back; attack and adapt. ”
I smiled as I looked up at the bright blue sky.
“What are you thinking now?” Andre asked.
“I’m thinking what a relief it is,” I said. “What a relief it is to put the
decision behind me and start moving forward. Right or wrong, it’s
time to start attacking. ”
Andre banged his fist on the table. “That’s what I like to hear. I’ll
call Brutka’s camp right now. Meet me at my place in an hour. It’s
time to start training.”
Eight weeks later, I faced Alex Brutka on national TV. He knocked
me down in the third round, but I regrouped, attacked, and adapted. I
won the fight with a knockout in the ninth.
Winning the Brutka fight gave me a new level of confidence and
opened up more opportunities for me. Over the next two years, I
would win nine more fights. Some of those fights were against local
club fighters, but three were against ranked contenders. Two fights
were on national TV and a third was on the undercard of a major
Pay-Per-View event.
My record climbed to 26-3-1 and I rose to No. 13 in the world
rankings. I was still a long way from a world-title shot, but I was
moving up in the world of boxing.

Patterson vs. McGavin

By the time we get to Round 3, the pace of our fight has slowed
some. For two rounds, the heavyweight champion and I have
attacked each other with punches strong enough to break jaws,
collapse lungs, and do permanent damage to your average man.
But we are not average. We’re two of the top heavyweights in the
world. We’ve spent most of our adult lives training to reach this level.
He’s the greatest in the world and I am his worthy opponent.
That’s what I tell myself. I tell myself I’m worthy. I tell myself I
belong in this ring.
I want to believe it. I have to believe it.
Andre and I knew coming into this fight that the third round would
be critical. Patterson has defeated 25 of his 28 previous opponents
within the first three rounds. Fighters can’t handle his power and
hand speed.
I must make it past Round 3. If I can make it to the fourth round,
Patterson will be facing something he isn’t used to, something he
didn’t expect, something that makes him uncomfortable. So much of
boxing comes down to simply making your opponent uncomfortable.
Those who are best at attacking and adapting to whatever happens
usually win.
I’m obviously not the only fighter to recognize how crucial the third
round is. Ever since Patterson won the title, opponent after opponent
has tried to survive the early rounds with him. They’ve all tried to
avoid or withstand his power in the hopes that he will punch himself
They’ve all tried and failed.
Up to this point, I’ve surprised Patterson with my strategy. I’ve
refused to retreat. He didn’t expect me to come out swinging in the
first two rounds. He expected me to dance around the ring after
feeling his power and seeing his hand speed. He expected me to
back away and keep my distance .
But I didn’t. I came out attacking in the first round and continued it
in the second.
Now we enter the pivotal third round.
There’s pressure on me to make it past three. But I remind myself
there’s pressure on him to end it in three.
I’ve attacked and attacked hard in this fight, but fatigue is setting
in. I must adapt.
The third round brings more pauses and tie-ups than the first two
rounds. We’re both tired and we both know we have to be more
efficient with our punches.
That doesn’t mean I have to back off and dance away from the
champ. Throwing power punch after power punch in the center of the
ring is not the only way I can try to make Patterson uncomfortable.
Even if I’m fatigued, Andre and I believe that cutting off the ring
should be enough to keep him off-balance.
It’s a risk. We’re not certain it will work. I could be setting myself
up for eating an uppercut that ends the fight, but I can’t allow him to
dictate the fight. This is the best plan of attack we have for the
moment and if it doesn’t work, I’ll adapt.
I spend the third round relying more on footwork than punching
Patterson and I are both orthodox fighters. That means we fight
with our left foot and left shoulder forward. We throw jabs with the
left hand and most power shots with the right.
To cut off the ring means that I will try to own the center of the
ring. Mentally, I draw a diagonal line from one corner to the other
going right through the middle of the ring. I refuse to let him cross
that line.
Whenever he moves to his left (my right), I step forward with my
left foot and slide to the right with my right foot. Whenever he moves
to his right (my left), I again step forward with my left foot, but this
time I take a short step with my right foot and then slide to the left
with my left foot.
This sounds simple, but it’s a skill that must be practiced for
years; it must be hammered into a fighter’s instinct to be effective.
Andre has spent eight years drilling this type of footwork into me.
The past couple months have been particularly intensive. Now, I do it
without thinking. It’s pure instinct. As long as I don’t let fear get the
best of me, my feet will move instinctually based on whatever
Patterson’s feet do. When you take out the fear, you’re able to
rely on instincts and training.
My goal is to make Patterson move to his right more often than
not when executing this strategy. This is because it’s harder for an
orthodox fighter to land accurate punches when he’s moving to his
Of course, none of this strategy will work if I can’t withstand the
punches Patterson hits me with. As Mike Tyson once famously said,
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”
Late in the third, I receive my so-called “punch in the mouth.” This
punch is actually a straight right that lands square in my face. It feels
like he has shoved my nose into my brain. My eyes go hazy with
water and I feel blood immediately release from my nose. Before I
can react, he connects with a left hook to my jaw. I feel a slight
buckle in my knees. I wobble backwards as the crowd roars with
This is it. This is a make-or-break moment. This is where I go
down like all the rest of Patterson’s hapless opponents.
That…or I make my stand.
Patterson smells blood and he closes in on me lightning fast. He
throws violent punches at me as I back into a corner. Right-left, right-
left, aiming for my head.
I put my gloves up to protect the sides of my face and he
immediately reacts with an uppercut that lands just below my chin.
Again, I feel my knees weaken.
“Wrap him up,” I hear Andre yell from my corner.
I throw my arms around Patterson’s massive frame and try to pull
him close enough that he can’t move his arms and throw another
shot. He tries to wiggle an arm loose and push me off, but I don’t
budge. I sense his frustration. The ref yells, “Break.”
We do as we’re told. The ref briefly places an arm between us
and then yells, “Fight!”
Patterson immediately pounces, but I’m ready. I pull back just
enough for him to miss with a right hook and with the right side of his
face exposed, I land a perfectly-timed left hook that rattles
Patterson’s jaw. I see his eyes droop for just an instant. He’s hurt.
Now it’s Patterson who is staggering backwards and I’m the one
After the shots I took, my footwork is a little off and I awkwardly
move towards him with clumsy punches. He regroups quickly and we
find ourselves near the center of the ring again .
He tries to wrap up and I go to the body. Hard.
When facing a fighter who is bigger, stronger, and has a reach
advantage (all things that describe Patterson in this fight), your best
bet is to go to the body when you get in tight. On some occasions,
you can score a surprise knockout if you manage to land a direct hit
to his liver or if you hit him with a perfectly-timed punch to the ribs
just as he exhales. But even if you don’t knock out your opponent
this way, you can pound the strength out of him as the fight goes on.
Experienced fighters will tell you it’s the body shots that do the most
damage in a fight. The head shots that score the highlight-reel
knockouts usually open up only after the body shots have weakened
an opponent.
I slam away at Patterson’s midsection as he wraps his arms
around me. Just as the ref tells us to break, I hear the bell ring.
I’ve made it through Round 3. It might not have been the way
Andre and I had planned and with blood flowing from my nose I
might not look like I’m in control of the fight, but by attacking and
adapting I know I have the champion in trouble. I don’t know if I’ve
won or lost any of the first three rounds according to the judges’
scorecards, but I do know Patterson is in more trouble than he
expected to be in. Maybe—just maybe—fear has started to creep
into his mind.
Making it this far is a crucial victory for me. I know it. Patterson
knows it. Everyone watching knows it.
Only three times has Patterson been pushed this far in the past
and those matches were early in his career. He’s being pushed
further tonight than he has been in years.
They said I was a tune-up fight for Patterson’s next big bout. They
said I was a set-up. Everyone thought this fight would be over in
three rounds…with me lying on the canvas floor.
The critics questioned whether I deserved this title shot—whether
I belonged in this ring tonight—and I have answered those
I’m here because I belong here.
I’ve earned my way here and now it’s time to attack and adapt to
whatever happens next.


By the time I turned 28, a young fighter from the U.K. named Bruno
Patterson had seemingly come out of nowhere to captivate the
boxing world. He was steamrolling his way through the heavyweight
division and unifying the belts with knockout after knockout.
Meanwhile, I was now ranked No. 13 with a record of 26-3-1.
Over the previous two years, I had fought in nationally-televised
fights four times and won all four. In fact, I had not lost a fight since
Andre had become my trainer.
Despite improving my record and moving up in the rankings, I was
still working three nights a week as a bartender. I hadn’t “made it” as
a pro boxer. And with a wife and (now) two kids at home, I was
anxious to start earning a living from the sport.
Whenever you see fighters on TV, you might assume they are
earning big bucks and living off their earnings in the ring. In most
cases, you’d be wrong.
The purse you see doesn’t all go to the fighter. It breaks down like
this. For my first nationally-televised fight against Brutka, I was on
ESPN’s undercard and received a purse of $15,000. But, that
doesn’t all go to me—far from it. I also have to pay my training fees
(gym time, sparring partners, equipment fees, and so on) for roughly
eight weeks of training. Getting to train in Andre’s barn-turned-gym
made these fees minimal for me, but we had started training some at
local gyms in the city for sparring and other specific reasons. I was
luckier than most fighters when it came to training costs, but they still
ran close to a grand for two months of training. After fees, you have
to pay your trainer, which is typically ten percent of the purse, and
then your manager, which is one-third of the purse. Because Andre
was both my trainer and manager, that meant he earned about
$6,500 for my ESPN fight—and he earned every penny of that. Up to
that point, Andre had spent nearly four years training and managing
me without a dime to show for it.
After paying those fees, I was left with about $7,500 before taxes
for my fight against Brutka. And that fight was by far the biggest
payday of my career at the time. For the local club fights I usually
fought in, I was lucky to earn $1,000, which meant I usually came out
in the red after training fees for those fights.
My point of revealing all this is to make it clear how hard it is to
earn good money in pro boxing. Only the elite-level fighters are able
to make a living in this sport.
Most fans don’t know this, which is why I would run into people
who couldn’t understand why I was bartending two nights after
fighting on national TV.
So, you can imagine my excitement when a guy from Fox Sports
named Jay Wilson called me up and asked if I’d be interested in
doing some TV work. He had seen me give a few interviews and
thought I could do well as a guest commentator.
Jay invited me to do a “trial run” as a guest broadcaster for one of
Fox Sports’ boxing telecasts. I guess I did a pretty good job because
he offered me a paid gig for the next month’s broadcast and then the
next one and the next one .
In the year after Jay approached me, I fought three times (winning
all three against good-but-not-great fighters) and did six broadcasts.
I was now 29-3-1 and on the verge of cracking the Top 10. That’s
when Jay offered me an amazing opportunity.
“I think it’s time for you do this fulltime,” he said. “We’re prepared
to offer you a two-year deal that would pay you more than what
you’re getting for your fights. I think you could make a career out of
this. And let’s be honest, you’re not getting any younger. You’re a
good fighter, but you have to be realistic—how far do you think you
can really go with a guy like Patterson taking over your division?”
“You want me to retire from boxing?” I asked. “Why can’t I keep
doing both—the broadcasting and the fighting?”
“Because we’re about to expand our coverage,” he said. “We
need someone fulltime. Maybe you could fit in a fight here and there
if you have an itch to scratch, but TV would have to be your priority.”
“I’ll have to think about it,” I said.
Jay shook his head in disbelief. “I gotta ask you, why would you
want to keep fighting? You’d make more money broadcasting and
you wouldn’t have to train and worry about getting your head handed
to you in the ring. It seems like an easy choice to me. You’ve had a
career you can be proud of, but it’s time to think about your future.
We’re offering you a much easier lifestyle.”
Jay was offering me a great opportunity. I again asked for some
time to think about it and he told me to be quick because if I wasn’t
interested, they had someone else in mind—this job wasn’t going to
wait for me.
It was another big decision that would alter my future. I met with
Andre to discuss it.
We met for breakfast at a diner not far from my apartment. I
asked him what he thought I should do.
“I’m not surprised,” Andre said. “You’re good on TV. It was only a
matter of time before you got offered a bigger role.”
“Thanks,” I said, almost apologetically.
Andre didn’t show any anger or resentment. This surprised me.
Because of Andre I was now the No. 11-ranked heavyweight
contender in the world. He had spent the last six years training me
and I was finally being considered a legit contender. And yet, here I
was, thinking about retiring just as I—make that w e —were about to
make it to the elite level of boxing.
Andre was digging into a pile of pancakes. I had barely touched
my plate.
“Any thoughts on what I should do?” I pressed.
Andre shrugged. “You have to do what’s best for you and your
family. If you’ve lost your passion for boxing, there’s no sense in
His casual response made me defensive.
“I haven’t lost my passion,” I said. “I just don’t want to look back
and regret not taking this opportunity when I had the chance. You
know as well as anybody, I can’t fight forever.”
Andre nodded. “That’s true. None of us can do anything forever.
You have to go where your heart is. If you’ve lost the fighter’s heart,
you have to hang up the gloves. Don’t even think twice. You’ll get
crushed if your heart’s not in it.”
“I haven’t lost my heart,” I snapped.
Andre looked up at me, surprised at my defensiveness. “Take it
easy. All I’m saying is if you’re not all in in this sport, you’ll not only
lose, you’ll get hurt…bad. This is an area where it’s not my job to
change your mind. If you’re not all in, you need to be all out. ”
“You’re making it sound like I’ve lost my courage or something,” I
said. “I haven’t. I know I can go further in this sport. It’s been my
dream since I was nine. I love boxing.”
“Okay, so if you still love it, why would you even consider walking
away from it?”
“Because I also love my family and I have to think about our
future. I’m being offered a great opportunity.”
“You’ve also earned a great opportunity in the ring,” Andre said. “If
this is about money, you know a big payday is right around the
“It’s not just the money,” I said. “Jay said some things that got me
thinking. Things about how high I can really expect to climb and all
the risks involved with boxing. I’m wondering if it’s all worth it.”
“If what’s worth it?” Andre asked.
“All the pressure, all the training, all the uncertainty, all the critics
—everything that goes with trying to make it in this sport. It’s…
exhausting. There was a part of me that naively thought once I was
winning, once I was climbing the ranks, I would feel more certain
about my future. I thought I’d get things figured out and feel less
pressure. Turns out, it’s the op posite.”
Andre chomped on a sausage link as if he’d heard it all before.
“Every fighter comes to this crossroad at some point. That moment
where they wonder if all the blood, sweat, tears, and yes, pressure ,
is worth it. But I got news for you: any worthy goal is going to have
pressure. That’s not limited to boxing.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” I said, staring out the window and
watching the traffic go by.
I heard Andre set his fork down on his plate and ask, “What’s that
supposed to mean?”
I turned and looked Andre in the eye. “It means, I love boxing, but
maybe there is an easier path than this.”
He leaned back in the booth and smiled. “There it is,” he said
slowly. “I see it now.”
“See what?” I asked.
“I see a new fear that has developed inside of you: The fear of
missing out on something better. The voice of fear is telling you there
must be an easier path than the one you’re on.”
Up to that point, I hadn’t considered that fear might be voicing its
opinion on the matter. I had also never considered that the urge to
go down an easier path could be caused by fear.
“The fear that you might be missing out on something better or
easier is toxic,” Andre said. “We live in a culture bombarded by
advertisements that constantly promise quick fixes and shortcuts.
Whether it’s losing weight or making more money, you’re always
being told there’s an easier way to do it than whatever way you’re
trying. When you accept that false promise—the belief that there
must be an easier way—it leads to subpar performance. Why?
Because you always have one foot out the door—convinced there
must be an easier path than the one you’re on. This creates a lack of
commitment. Whenever things get tough, you look to jump ship. It’s
really sad to think of all the great things that were never
accomplished because someone failed to fully commit themselves to
the task at hand.”
I didn’t like the accusation I was hearing.
“Hold on a second,” I said, putting my hand up to stop Andre from
continuing. “This wasn’t my idea. I didn’t go looking for an easy way
out. They came to me. They offered me this job out of the clear blue
sky. I have to consider it. I’m not quitting the fight game because
things got too tough for me. ”
“That’s not what you said a minute ago,” Andre said. “You said
you wondered if there was an easier path. I think this has a lot less
to do with the job offer you got and a lot more to do with the level of
competition you know you need to start facing.”
That one hurt and I raised my voice. “I’m not afraid of the
“Oh yeah? Then why have you spent the last year fighting guys
ranked behind you instead of in front of you? Why have you been
content to stay just outside the Top 10? Why have you been ducking
the top contenders?”
I didn’t have a good answer.
“You know it’s time to start facing the best heavyweights in the
world,” Andre said. “And I think you’re afraid. You’re afraid that you
might be missing out on something easier. You’re afraid that maybe
you don’t have what it takes and so maybe you need to find a
shortcut to the top. But guess what? There are no shortcuts to the
top. To be a champion, you have to do hard things. You have to
go through things most people aren’t willing to go through. You
have to embrace the pressure and break through plateaus. You
have to keep moving forward, no matter how hard it gets. There
is no other way. There are no shortcuts or backdoors to the top.
The only way to the top is to bust through each wall that stands in
your way.”
“And what if I lose?” I said. “Let’s say I turn down the TV deal and
start facing Top 10 contenders. If I lose, what do I have to show for
it? Those networks aren’t going to call me up after I’ve dropped three
fights and been sent into an early retirement. You know how this
world works. I’m getting attention right now, but I’m one loss away
from obscurity.”
“Mickey, I can’t guarantee you’ll win your next fight. Nobody
knows what tomorrow will bring. But let me ask you this, did you start
fighting so you could one day become a broadcaster or because you
wanted to become a champion?”
Andre had a way of asking questions that cut to the heart of the
“Things are always going to be tough in this line of work,” Andre
said. “The pressure is always going to be building. And if the way
you react to it is by fantasizing about how much easier some other
job would be, then you’re not committed. You’re not committed to
doing whatever it takes to succeed. And if you’re not all in, you’ll get
beat by somebody who is. Believe me.”
Why was I fantasizing about another job? Why was I avoiding top-
ranked contenders?
“Fear is getting the best of you,” Andre said, as though he could
hear what I was thinking. “The voice of fear is in your head and it’s
keeping you from becoming your best.
“Fear says, ‘The grass is always greener. There’s an easier
way somewhere else. Don’t waste your time and effort here.
Keep your options open.’
“When you hear that voice, you have to say, ‘I am all in . There
are no shortcuts, there are no hacks, there is no easier path.
There is only one way forward and that’s through grit and
perseverance. Every day I work towards my dream is a day I get
closer to making that dream a reality. Success does not require
shortcuts; success requires total commitment. I am totally
“You’ll never get to where you want to be with one foot out the
“Burn the boats, right?” I said, referring to a story Andre once told
me about a general who led his troops to a battle overseas. Once
the general’s army arrived at their destination in enemy territory, he
had the boats they arrived in burned at sea. The message was clear:
there was no way to retreat. It was victory or death.
“Exactly,” Andre said. “Burn the boats! When you give yourself
an option for retreating, you’ll never reach your destination.
Once you have a goal you’re passionate about, you’ve got to be
completely committed to doing whatever it takes to accomplish that
goal and you’ve got to eliminate all other options.
“With any opportunity you get offered, you have to ask yourself,
‘Will this get me closer to my goal? Will this get me closer to
becoming a champion?’ If the answer is no, then don’t even consider
it. If you’re always looking for shortcuts or ways to retreat,
you’ll always find excuses for not reaching your destination. ”
“What about safety nets?” I asked. “Aren’t there times when I
should prepare for the worst? Shouldn’t I make sure I have a
contingency plan?”
“Sure,” Andre said. “You have to be willing to adapt to changing
circumstances. But a backup plan should be exactly that: a backup if
things go wrong, not a way to avoid doing the work required for
“The problem a lot of people run into is that they set their goals
high, then realize it’s hard work making big dreams come true.
Suddenly, a much less ambitious Plan B starts to look better. They
retreat to Plan B not because Plan A wasn’t working, but because
Plan B looked easier. They lower their ambitions. They convince
themselves they don’t really need to achieve their biggest goals.
They can be content with smaller goals and smaller dreams. This is
a mistake because what they find is that going after smaller goals
often requires just as much work as going after big goals. They trade
one set of obstacles for another. Lowering your ambition is
usually just a way of giving someone else more control of your
life. And with that comes a whole new set of challenges.
“Attack and adapt, but don’t ever lower your aim. And don’t
delude yourself into thinking there’s some magical path where
everything will always be a breeze. A career in broadcasting is
competitive too and it will have all kinds of challenges you haven’t
even thought of.”
That statement caught me off guard and I’m sure the look I gave
Andre revealed that I hadn’t stopped to consider those challenges .
“Whatever you decide to do,” Andre said, “you have to go all in on
it. You have to get rid of the idea that some other path will be a walk
down easy street. That’s the type of thinking that causes you to lose
your focus, enthusiasm, and commitment for the job at hand.”
When Andre said the words focus and enthusiasm , it made me
think of how I’d spent the last week with my mind racing about doing
something other than boxing…and how it made me feel anxious and
uninspired. Broadcasting wasn’t my passion. Maybe it would be
someday, but not this day. I was a fighter. That’s what I wanted to be
and I was entering the prime of my career. Why would I throw that
away? I was passionate about boxing. When I was thinking about it, I
was excited. When I was considering another career, it made me
anxious. Those emotions were trying to tell me something.
But I still had a lingering fear about missing out on this
opportunity. What if I was being too stubborn? What if I was trying to
force a career in boxing when I was better suited for the broadcast
“You’re right,” I said. “I haven’t been as focused as I need to be.
But I also can’t help wondering if maybe the world is trying to tell me
something. Maybe this job opportunity is God’s way of telling me it’s
time for something different. Every fighter has to retire at some point.
Isn’t it important to know when to quit? I’m all for perseverance, but
sometimes it is time to move on, right?”
“Here’s the thing,” Andre said. “If you start losing your way in the
ring, if you lose your passion, you’ll know then—and only then—that
it’s time to move on. And when that day comes, you’ll be able to
handle it. God will give you the grace to handle what comes then—
and only then. I really believe that. When that day comes, you’ll have
to trust that God has a new plan for you. But only when that day
comes .”
“How will I know when that day arrives?” I asked.
“When what you’re doing is no longer something you’re
passionate about. And I don’t mean for a couple days or weeks
when you’re discouraged after a setback or exhausted from the work
you’ve put in. I mean when you feel in your heart that the fire isn’t
what it used to be. When the fire goes out, it’s time for something
“Has the fire gone out for you, Mickey? Because I don’t see that. I
look at you and I see a man who is still passionate about boxing, but
a man who has suddenly been offered something that looks easier. If
you’ve lost your passion, it’s time to hang it up. If you’re questioning
whether there’s an easier path, well, that’s fear talking.”
I could see the difference now.
“The fire inside is alive and well,” I said.
Andre smiled. “That’s what I thought.
“You can’t let fear distract you. When Fear says, ‘The key to
success is knowing when to quit and move on.’ You have to
say, ‘The key to success is refusing to quit and continuing to
move forward.’ Tell yourself again and again, ‘I refuse to quit.’
“Stay on the journey you are meant to be on. Don’t go looking for
shortcuts. The journey to something great won’t be easy. Embrace
that it’s hard. That’s what makes it fun! That’s what makes it exciting.
Most things worthwhile aren’t going to be easy in life.
“No matter what path you take, tough times will come. But nothing
is wasted if it’s for a worthy cause. The hard times will make you
better as long as you refuse to let them make you bitter.
Whether you succeed or fail at reaching your destination, it’s the
journey that makes you a better person. Trust me on this.
“Never let fear’s promise of an easier path talk you into quitting on
your dreams.”
I could see Andre was particularly passionate about this topic. As
a champion who was forced out of the career he loved due to a freak
car accident, I could understand why. The idea of me throwing away
everything we had worked so hard for in order to chase something
easier clearly fired him up.
“The truth is,” Andre continued. “Every path will have its own
rough patches along the way—so you might as well make sure
you’re on a path you’re truly passionate about. The only way
through the rough patches is by not allowing yourself a way to
“If I go down, I need to go down swinging—something like that?” I
“You got it!” Andre said. “Don’t defeat yourself by looking for
something easier.”
It was time to recommit myself to my passion. It was time to
recommit myself to becoming a champion.
“I think it’s time,” I said, feeling a surge of adrenaline inside me .
“Time for what?” Andre asked.
“Time for me to give it everything I’ve got,” I said. “No regrets. I’m
in. I’m all in. If I go down, I want to go down against the best. Let’s
take the next step. I’m ready for a top contender.”
“Now you’re talking,” Andre said.
Later that day, I called Jay, thanked him for the offer, but told him I
was committed to becoming the best fighter I could be, which would
not allow for a fulltime job as a broadcaster. He was surprised by my
answer and told me I was throwing away the opportunity of a
“No,” I said, “becoming a champion is the opportunity I can’t throw
He laughed at that and said, “Champion, huh? Good luck ever
beating a guy like Bruno Patterson.”

Patterson vs. McGavin

Everyone is familiar with “tipping-point moments” in life. It’s that
moment when you realize, my plan is working, things are turning my
way, this is actually going to happen .
The end of Round 4 in my fight against the heavyweight
champion is one of those tipping-point moments.
I have controlled this round. I’ve frustrated Patterson with my jab,
I’ve attacked his body whenever he’s tried to wrap me up, and I’ve
continued to effectively cut off the ring, not allowing him to dictate the
fight. Each of these tactics make Patterson more and more
And now, late in the fourth, I duck a wild right hook of his and
counter with a left hook of my own that slams into Patterson’s
exposed jaw. The crowd “oohs,” sweat flies, Patterson’s head snaps
back. He instinctively extends his big arms, trying to grab me—for a
moment he looks like a zombie in a movie, sluggishly moving
towards me.
But I don’t let him wrap up. I hit him with a hard left jab as I take a
step back and move to the right. He stumbles forward and I connect
with a right hook that lands just above his left eye. His head wobbles
and he plows into the ropes.
This is my chance.
I close in quickly and go to the body as he protects his face.
Right-left-right. Power shots aimed at his ribs. If I can just slip in an
uppercut, I’ll send him to the canvas.
But Patterson is the heavyweight champion of the world, the most
dangerous fighter on the planet. He knows what I need to do and
even if he’s not thinking clearly at the moment, his instincts take over
and he pulls me in tight, locking his left arm around my right arm to
ensure I can’t throw another punch.
He buys just enough time to gather himself and reestablish his
fighting stance after the ref has us break.
He’s able to avoid any more major damage for the remainder of
the round, but I see a cut has opened above his left eye.
As the bell rings, the crowd is in a frenzy and I notice just the
slightest wobble as Patterson walks back to his corner.
I don’t know if I’ve won any of the first three rounds on the judges’
scorecards, but I’m certain I just won Round 4.
This is my turning point.
Despite the voice of fear trying to distract me, I’ve stayed
committed to Andre’s instructions. I’ve gone all in and refused to
waver. Patterson is uncomfortable and I’ve proved I can hurt him.
This could happen. This could actually happen. I could walk out of
the ring tonight as the heavyweight champion of the world.
Somebody’s going to defeat Bruno Patterson. Somebody,
someday, is going to take his title away. Why not me? Why not now?


Four months after turning down the broadcasting offer and

recommitting myself to boxing, I found myself about to face the
world’s No. 4-ranked heavyweight contender: Isiah Wheeler.
The fight would be featured on Showtime, it would be the biggest
payday of my career, and it would be an opportunity for me to
establish myself as a legitimate heavyweight-title contender.
Wheeler was 25-0 and the former cruiserweight champion. He
made the move up to heavyweight a year earlier and everyone was
expecting him to soon challenge Patterson for the title. Wheeler
would be the quickest fighter I had faced since moving up to the
heavyweight division .
For ten weeks, I trained harder than I ever had before. I knew
Wheeler’s speed and quickness would be a major challenge for me
—after all, it was ironic that I had moved up to the heavyweight
division primarily to avoid fighters as quick as Wheeler and now, in
the biggest heavyweight bout of my career, I’d be facing a fighter
with elite cruiserweight speed.
The advantage I had was power. I was now fighting at 235
pounds while Wheeler fought at a trim 205. If I could catch him, I’d
be able to hurt him. But that was a big if . Each of the previous
heavyweights Wheeler faced thought the same thing, but he
defeated them both.
On the night before the fight, self-doubt crept in. I couldn’t get
over the feeling that Wheeler was out of my league. Did I really
belong in the same ring with a boxer as skilled as him? This guy was
born to be a champion. He was the son of a former champion and
had been training since he could walk. A guy like Wheeler was
destined for success.
People had been grooming Wheeler to be a world-class boxer
since he was a baby. Who was I? A guy people had laughed at when
I said I wanted to be a boxer. A guy who was good…but not great.
Certainly no t elite. Who was I to think I could go toe-to-toe with a
born fighter like Isiah Wheeler?
Those were the thoughts running through my head when I asked
Andre, “You really think I’m ready for this guy?”
I’m sure that wasn’t what Andre wanted to hear the night before
the biggest fight of my life. He had to be getting tired of my fearful
responses to each new step in my career. I had been afraid to turn
heavyweight, afraid to face Alex Brutka on TV, and for the past two
years I had been afraid to face a fighter ranked higher than me. Now,
after agreeing it was time to aim higher, I was afraid I might be
aiming too high.
We were sitting on the balcony outside my hotel room,
overlooking the famous Las Vegas Strip. When I looked out at all the
flashing lights, I didn’t feel the excitement those lights were meant to
induce. I felt dread. I felt fear. My opponent—the most elite fighter I
had ever prepared for—was waiting for me. My future was waiting for
me and I wasn’t sure I was ready.
But if Andre was irritated by my fearful question, he didn’t show it.
“You are absolutely, one hundred percent ready for this guy,” he said
without a hint of doubt.
“I hope so,” I said, a weak attempt at trying to match his
“That doesn’t sound very convincing,” he said with a smile.
“I don’t know what my problem is. I can’t stop thinking that I’m
about to face the very guy we hoped to avoid by moving up to
heavyweight a few years ago.”
“I might not have liked your chances against him at 195, but I love
your chances at 235,” Andre said. “He hasn’t experienced power like
yours. And he’s not gonna like it.”
“If I can catch him,” I said. “Back in my cruiserweight days, I
couldn’t catch guys like him.”
“You’re faster than you were back then. And much stronger. Yes,
he’s quicker than you. You know this and I won’t sugarcoat it. But we
trained to get you ready for that. You’re going to cut the ring off and
when there’s nowhere else for him to run, he’s gonna feel your
power. Every fighter has strengths and weaknesses. Don’t be
intimidated by his strengths—let him be intimidated by yours . ”
“He’s incredibly talented,” I said, doing a horrendous job of
focusing on the positives.
“And so are you.”
“He’s flawless in the ring. He never makes mistakes. Honestly, I
wonder if I’m taking this fight too soon. If I lose, how far do you think
I’ll drop in the rankings?”
“What the hell kind of talk is this?” Andre barked, finally getting
fed up with my negativity. “You’re acting like the fight has already
been decided. Last I checked, two fighters are entering that ring
tomorrow night, not just one.”
“I’m trying to be realistic,” I said.
“I hate that word,” Andre said.
“Yes, realistic . It’s a word mediocre people love to use. It’s
nothing more than an excuse. What’s realistic or not is
determined by you . It’s determined by your effort and your
attitude. Saying victory is unrealistic before you even step in
the ring makes you a loser before you even try. ”
“I’m just saying, I need a little luck if I’m going to pull this off,” I
said. “I’ll give it everything I’ve got, but this guy’s been fighting since
he was in diapers. He won gold in the Olympics. He’s in another
league than me. If I’m going to beat him, I’ll need to catch some
breaks. I’ll need him to make some mistakes. I’ll need some luck. I’ll
“—Just stop, will ya?” Andre interrupted my rant. “It’s not luck that
you need, it’s courage. You’re more prepared for this fight than
you’ve ever been before and you’ve got a great opportunity sitting in
front of you. The only thing getting in your way is fear.”
“This isn’t the voice of fear talking,” I said. “It’s the voice of
Andre pursed his lips and shook his head slowly. He wasn’t hiding
his disappointment at what I was saying. He looked away from me
and said, “Haven’t I taught you anything?”
“You’ve taught me everything,” I said.
“If there’s one fear I can’t stand more than any other, it’s the fear
that says you don’t deserve success,” Andre said. “It’s the fear that
says your fate has already been decided and that nothing you do will
make a difference in the outcome. That fear tells you to quit before
you even try. That’s the fear I hear talking right now.”
Andre believed that success was a choice and that the choice to
persevere and never give up would always make a difference. He
had constantly preached that message to me. He believed that
refusing to quit was the most important ingredient in a winner. He
could not stand quitters.
“I’m not quitting,” I said. “Don’t misunderstand me. I’m going to
give it everything I have tomorrow night. I’m just trying to prepare
myself mentally for the fact that this might not go my way. I don’t
want to be a Pollyanna. I’m trying to be realistic.”
“How can you give it everything you’ve got if you think winning
isn’t realistic ?”
“That’s not what I meant,” I said.
“That’s what you said,” Andre countered.
“All I’m saying is I could use some luck. That’s what I’m praying
for tonight. Wheeler is more talented than me. That’s not an opinion,
that’s a fact. He’s much more experienced than me. He’s much
faster than me. Those are facts.”
Andre took a deep breath and composed himself. “That’s fear
talking. Fear will never stop trying to make you doubt yourself if you
don’t shut it up.”
He turned to me and continued. “Your destiny is not determined
by luck or fate. It’s determined by your effort and your attitude .
“When you say you need luck, what you’re saying is you don’t
think you control your destiny. You’re making yourself a victim of
circumstances. You’re saying you don’t think you’re good enough.
You’re saying you don’t think you deserve success. That’s fear
attacking your self-image.”
“What’s wrong with hoping for a little luck?” I asked. “You don’t
believe in luck?”
“I know all about luck,” Andre said with raised eyebrows and a
smirk. “I’ve experienced both sides of luck plenty of times. But what
I’ve learned about luck is that it eventually evens out. Throughout
your life, you’ll end up getting a fairly-even dose of good luck
and bad luck. It’s how you respond to luck—good or bad—that
makes the difference. ”
“Well, I’m hoping for a little more good luck tomorrow,” I said with
a smile.
“Hoping for luck is a waste of time.” Andre was no longer smiling.
“There’s nothing you can do about random luck. All you can control
is how you respond to it. That’s what you should be focused on. But
fear doesn’t want you to focus on that. Fear wants you to obsess
and worry about the things outside of your control. Fear wants
you to think your destiny is determined by luck. Fear wants you
to be fatalistic.
“You’ve got to counter the voice of fear with the voice of faith.
Fear says, ‘Your future has already been decided and you don’t
have the luck, talent, or whatever else you think you need to be
successful.’ Fear says, ‘You’re not good enough; you don’t
deserve success.’
“Fight fear by saying, ‘I get to decide what I deserve. I have
everything I need to create the destiny I desire. I have the power
to make or break my future.’
“This idea that you don’t have what you need to be successful or
that you’re a victim of luck—that’s what fear wants you to believe.
That’s a victim’s mentality. It’s disempowering to think that way. The
moment you start to believe that your actions, your thoughts,
and your decisions won’t make a difference in your destiny is
the moment you’ve chosen to think like a victim instead of a
“You see, fear wants you to look for excuses. Fear wants you to
focus on your competition. It wants you to focus on their advantages
and how talented they are. That’s how fear breaks down your self-
image. That’s how fear eats away at your confidence.
“You need to focus on you—what you can do. You have to believe
in yourself and your ability. You have to focus on your talent, your
advantages, and your decisions.
“You need to constantly be telling yourself, ‘ I have the
power. I’m in control of my destiny.’ Never give away that
“The fear of not being good enough or not deserving success
makes people quit on their dreams. They see someone else
achieving great things and think those achievers must have
something special—something they don’t have. Or, they blame luck
—thinking life’s winners must have had all the lucky breaks. But the
truth is, a lucky streak will only get you so far. In the long run, those
who succeed make the decisions and sacrifices it takes to succeed.
I’ll say it again: Your destiny is determined by your effort and
your attitude—not by luck or fate. ”
“But let’s face it, Andre, not everyone has what it takes to be a
champion,” I said. “And you know what? That’s okay to admit. I’d
rather be honest about it. I may not ever reach the top of this
mountain, but I’ve climbed pretty high. And I’m proud of where I am,
regardless of what happens tomorrow.”
“There it is again.” Andre shook his head. “The voice of fear loud
and clear.
“Fear says, ‘Who do you think you are to deserve success?
Don’t aim too high because you might end up disappointed.
You don’t have the talent, the experience, or the luck to deserve
success. ’
“You need to be saying, ‘Why not me? If someone else did it,
so can I!’
“The bigger you dream and the harder you work, the higher
you will climb. Aim high because your aim will determine your
destination. That’s how a champion thinks.
“You limit yourself when you limit your expectations of what you’re
capable of. You can achieve anything anybody else has if you’re
willing to work for it and if you believe in yourself. You have to
believe that. You have to believe that you, Mickey McGavin, will soon
be the heavyweight champion of the world. Nothing less. You have
to believe you’re the best before you can ever hope to become
the best. ”
As Andre spoke, I was getting pumped up. Though we had talked
about one day competing for world titles, I had never actually
pictured myself reaching that level. I just wanted to get into the
conversation, to prove that I could be “successful” in some sort of
vague definition. I never really pictured myself as one of the best
boxers in the world. Why was that? Why was I afraid to dream bigger
and aim for the very top ?
A pessimistic answer to those questions popped into my head.
“Maybe I don’t want to lie to myself,” I said. “Maybe I don’t want to
aim too high and get disappointed.”
“That’s dangerous thinking,” Andre said. “We all tend to become
what we expect ourselves to become. ”
“But I will face better fighters,” I said. “I will face more talented
opponents. Sometimes you can do your best and still lose—no
matter how much you believe in yourself.”
“Sure, you’re going to fall short sometimes,” Andre said. “I know
as well as anybody how life can throw setbacks at you and I know
what it’s like to lose in the ring. Every single loss hurts like hell. I’m
not saying if you aim high and believe big, you will always win. What
I’m saying is if you aim high and believe big, you will always succeed
“What’s the difference?” I asked .
“You know the answer to that,” Andre said. “I’ve been telling you
this for years. Success is being the very best that you can be. If you
believe in yourself and choose to aim as high as possible, you’ll
reach your full potential—whatever that may be. In the process,
you’ll win a lot more often than you’ll lose. But, if you don’t believe in
yourself and if you choose to lower your goals and expectations,
you’ll never come close to reaching your full potential. And you’ll lose
fights you should have won.
“But this isn’t really about winning or losing in the ring. It’s about
becoming the very best that you can become. That’s all that matters.
That’s what success is.
“Your greatest destiny is not your win-loss record. Your greatest
destiny is reaching your full potential. A man who fails to reach his
potential will never experience the destiny he was made for. You
—and only you—get to determine if you will reach your full potential.
“Nobody ever regrets aiming for the top. Even if they don’t
reach the very top, they still end up a lot higher than they would
have if they had lowered their aim.
“You have to aim for the top if you ever expect to reach your full
potential. You have to believe you’re the best if you want to become
the best. Think anything less of yourself and you’ll fall short of your
“Stop focusing on what you can’t do and what you don’t have.
Whether you choose to believe you can or you can’t, you’ll tend
to prove yourself right. And how you choose to see yourself is up
to you.
“When you start obsessing about your opponents and convincing
yourself they are better than you, you’ll fall right into fear’s trap. Fear
wants you to focus on what you don’t have; you need to focus on
what you do. Fear wants you to focus on why you can’t win; you
need to focus on why you can.
“The focus has to be on you —what you can do to be the best you
can be. If you focus on everything your competition can do, you’ll
start looking for excuses for why you can’t be as good as them. And
once you start looking for excuses, you’ll have no trouble finding
Andre was making me realize how pointing out all of Wheeler’s
strengths was empowering him, not me. I could see why my
comments made Andre angry. All the reasons I gave for why I
needed luck or why I wasn’t in Wheeler’s league were simply
excuses for why I couldn’t beat him.
“The fact is,” Andre said, “what affects the outcome of a
situation more than anything else is your effort and your
attitude. Let the other guy worry about himself. Let everyone else
worry about good luck and bad luck. You need to be focused on your
effort and attitude because that’s the only thing that will make the
difference tomorrow night. Everything else is just fear getting
between you and your destiny.
“Don’t let fear limit your potential. I can’t guarantee that self-
confidence will ensure you victory, but I can guarantee that self-
doubt will ensure you defeat.
“You can beat this guy. But it won’t have anything to do with luck.
It will have everything to do with your effort and your attitude. You’ll
get some bad luck and you’ll get some good luck tomorrow night, but
luck won’t be the difference-maker. It never is. The difference-maker
is effort and attitude.”
Inside, I could feel self-confidence rising and self-doubt fading
My fate is determined by me , I said to myself. I have the power to
control my destiny .
“Mickey, I don’t know whether you’ll win or lose tomorrow,” Andre
said. “But I do know that you can win. I also know that victory favors
the fearless. If you let fear fill you with self-doubt, you’ll ruin your
chances of success before the fight even begins. You’ve got to
believe in yourself. You’ve got to believe you deserve success.
You’ve got to aim for being the very best. If you lower your aim
because of self-doubt, you’ll spend your whole life
underachieving. You’ll never know what you could have
achieved if you had only dared to believe you were capable. ”
Andre paused to let his words sink in, then continued, “You can’t
control a lot of the things life throws at you, but it’s the things
you do control that make all the difference. That’s true in boxing
and that’s true in life. You know this. I’ve been telling you this for
years. So when I hear you wishing and hoping for luck, it fires me up.
Luck won’t make the difference tomorrow—you will make the
“I will make the difference,” I said with confidence in my voice. “I
have the power to decide my destiny.” It felt good to say those works
out loud.
Andre nodded and, for the first time that night, gave me a
genuinely proud smile. “You control your destiny. You deserve
success. Don’t ever forget that. Don’t give away your power. Don’t
go looking for excuses or hoping for lucky breaks. Have the faith in
yourself that says, ‘I can make the difference. I have what it takes to
succeed. I control my destiny.’”
As Andre spoke those words, I repeated them internally. I felt my
chest expand. I felt empowered .
“The fear of not being good enough is all about your self-image
and it goes well beyond boxing,” Andre said. “How you see yourself
determines how you think, act, and live your life. Your self-
image is one the most important factors in determining your
quality of life. Don’t ever believe the lie that says you’re not good
enough or that you don’t deserve to be successful. If you believe
there’s no way to succeed, you won’t. If you believe there is a
way, you’ll find it. ”
Over the next fifteen minutes, Andre and I talked over our
strategy for the Wheeler fight. As we talked about all the advantages
I had over Wheeler, my confidence soared. For a moment, I
wondered if I was getting too confident.
“Are you sure all this talk about self-confidence won’t backfire?” I
asked. “Are you sure I won’t become too confident and do something
Andre laughed. “There’s really no such thing as being too
confident. Too arrogant, yes. But not too confident. There’s a
“Confidence is the belief that you have what it takes to overcome
any challenge that comes your way. Arrogance is the belief that
you’re so wonderful nothing will be a challenge to you. We’ve talked
about this before. Arrogant people get exposed quickly and they
back down in the face of adversity. Confident people step up in the
face of adversity because they know they can. See the difference?”
“I do,” I said. “You’re saying arrogant people don’t prepare
themselves for the challenges they’re about to face. Confident
people expect challenges, and then expect to overcome them. ”
“You got it.”
The next night, I entered the ring overflowing with confidence. For
the first time in my career, I saw myself as a championship-level
fighter. Everyone thought Wheeler was in line for a title shot, but why
not me? I believed I had the ability to beat him.
And I did.
It wasn’t an easy fight. He was the quickest fighter I’d ever gone
up against. But I caught him with a few big shots in the third round. A
few more in the fourth round. And in the fifth round, I landed a right
hook to his jaw that dropped him to the canvas and ended the fight.

Patterson vs. McGavin

I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up. My shoulders are
burning, my arms are heavy, and my lungs are on fire. The minute
between rounds feels like ten seconds. This pace can’t continue
much longer. One of us is going to give. And it ain’t gonna be me.
I know it won’t be me because I have hurt the world champ. I
know I’ve hurt him because he comes out in the fifth round and does
something I’ve never seen him do before. He backs off.
For the first time in his career, “The British Bomber” does not
charge out of his corner looking to end the fight. Instead, he goes on
defense. He keeps his distance and holds me off with his long jab .
It’s smart boxing. A fighter with such a reach advantage should
use it—especially if he needs a breather. But Patterson has never
really done this before (he’s never needed to) and his change in
strategy gives me confidence. It tells me the champ is hurting. It tells
me the champ doesn’t like this fight. It tells me the champ is
uncomfortable. And it tells me there’s no reason I can’t become the
I have the power to win this thing. I am in control of this fight. I
have what it takes to become the next heavyweight champion of the
I’ve been using this kind of self-talk for months, but now, in this
ring, I have zero doubt that I speak the truth. I know I have what it
takes to do what many said couldn’t be done. I believe in myself. I
believe that right here, right now I’m the best fighter in this ring—and
that would make me the best heavyweight fighter in the world.
I slip below Patterson’s long jab and throw power shots to the
body. I connect twice, but he quickly wraps me up. I hear the crowd
grumble. The first four rounds were slugfests and the fans don’t like
this change in pace.
The ref breaks us up and Patterson dances backwards. I chase,
but I’m too eager. He tags me with a stiff jab to my forehead and
then another to my nose.
I finally slip underneath one of his long left jabs and go to the
body again, but this time he wraps me up before I can do any
The crowd boos again and the ref has to separate us.
This is how most of the fifth round goes. I’m getting frustrated
right along with the crowd.
I’m glad to know I have the champion uncomfortable, but I also
have to acknowledge this isn’t the type of fight I expected either. I
want to end this thing.
The experts predicted the only way I could beat Patterson is if I
somehow took him the distance, but I don’t want this fight to go the
distance. I don’t want to take him into the later rounds. I’m
exhausted. I can barely catch my breath between rounds and my
arms are quickly losing strength. I want to end this fight and I want to
do it with a knockout.
I hold both my gloves up near my temples as I crouch and move
side to side. This is known as the peekaboo technique and it’s
something I’ve used effectively at times throughout my career. It
allows me to get in closer while still protecting myself from a hook I
might not see coming.
I move side to side quickly, slip underneath one of Patterson’s
jabs, and then bull-rush my way inside. This time I don’t go to the
body. I move upward and throw a tight left uppercut that glances off
the side of Patterson’s jaw, just missing. I follow that up with a sharp
right hook that does land.
The crowd cheers. Patterson stumbles backwards.
This is it. I’ve got him. This is my chance.
I throw a straight left that lands right on his chin. He backs into the
corner and I connect with a solid right hook to the cheek. I throw a
left that misses wildly and hits his shoulder, then a big right that is
just a bit off target.
I’m one big punch away from ending this thing.
Keep punching , I say to myself. Keep punching. He’s gonna fall.
He’s gonna fall.
I throw punches while the crowd roars the loudest it has all night.
They smell the climax of the fight. This is it.
Then—a blinding flash of white light. My head snaps back. I hear
a loud ringing in my ears. Suddenly, I can’t feel my legs. Or my arms.
Or my chin .
Patterson has just landed a ferocious uppercut that I never saw
I didn’t feel it either. I only feel the aftermath of it.
In a split-second, the fight has changed. My mind says, Step
back, step back , but my legs don’t follow the command the way I
expect. I stumble awkwardly backwards while trying to push
Patterson away from me.
Big mistake.
As I extend my left arm to push him away, it exposes the left side
of my face and opens me up to a vicious right hook from Patterson.
Another white flash of light and suddenly I feel the back of my
head bang on the canvas floor.
I hear ringing in my ears and I’m not sure where I am or what is
happening. It’s like I’ve drifted into a dream state.
It takes me a moment to realize I’m lying on my back. Then I
remember I’m in a boxing ring… looking up at bright lights hanging
over that ring…in a fight against the heavyweight champion.
It all comes back to me.
I look to my left and see Patterson’s cornermen celebrating.
Where’s the ref? Is the fight over? What happened?
I look to the right and see Andre yelling and motioning for me to
get up—though I don’t hear him. The ringing sound in my ears has
now given way to a muffled sound all around me—like I’m
I roll over, get up on one knee and the ref appears in front of me.
He looks to the timekeeper outside the ring and then yells, “FIVE” as
he holds up five fingers.
“SIX.” I can hear clearer with each second he counts.
I pop up. Now standing, I nod aggressively at the ref.
He stands in front of me and continues to count. “EIGHT.”
“I’m good,” I say. “I’m good!” I panic. I want him to stop counting.
“You okay?” the ref says. “You okay to continue?”
“Yes!” I shout.
The ref places his hands on my gloves and presses me backward
a step.
“Come towards me,” he says. He wants to see if I can walk
without falling back down.
I do as I’m told and I’m a little wobblier than I expect.
For a moment, I see doubt on the ref’s face. I see indecision in his
“I’m ready!” I shout, desperately hoping he doesn’t call the fight.
“You sure?” he asks.
“Positive,” I say.
He nods, quickly rubs my gloves against his chest, and the fight
I spend the rest of Round 5 hanging on for dear life.
As Patterson comes after me, I do my best to throw disruptive
jabs. They don’t do any damage, but they do enough to keep him at
a distance and show the ref I’m still fighting.
Patterson lands several more big shots as the round goes on. I
wrap up when I can and it’s now me the crowd is booing for slowing
down the fight.
I take more punishment in Round 5 than I’ve ever taken in any
round of my career. Blood runs over my left eye, making it difficult to
see. I feel my left eyebrow swelling up fast. I feel a knot below my
right eye throbbing.
Somehow, I’m still standing when the bell rings to end the round .
Patterson throws his hands in air as he heads back to his corner.
He has taken control of the fight and he knows it. Everybody knows
I gingerly make my way back to my corner. My head throbs with
I can handle this , I tell myself. I’m a champion. I can handle
whatever adversity comes my way.
I’m pleading with myself to believe it.
“Can you go on?” Andre asks me when I reach my corner.
I don’t answer.
At that moment, I don’t want to answer. I’m afraid of what I might


After my fifth-round knockout of Isiah Wheeler, my career changed
overnight. Suddenly, I became “a serious contender” in the
heavyweight division. Articles worldwide declared I would soon be
offered a shot at Bruno Patterson’s heavyweight title and the purse
would be…well, life-changing.
As I soared up the rankings, my popularity followed—especially in
my hometown of Kansas City. Up to that point, most people showed
up at my local fights more to see Andre Holiday in the corner of his
protégé. That changed after the Wheeler fight. I became the city’s
new “overnight sensation.” (An overnight sensation that took six
years and 34 fights to create. )
I was now the No. 3-ranked heavyweight contender and we set
up a bout in Kansas City’s Sprint Center against the No. 18-ranked
contender. I was a heavy favorite to win and the fight was more of a
homecoming event than it was a title-contention matchup. That didn’t
stop the fight from selling out.
I couldn’t believe it. In less than two years, I had gone from
fighting in small area casinos and half-filled auditoriums to selling out
the biggest arena in the city. I didn’t disappoint my fans and scored a
knockout in the third round.
This brought my record to 31-3-1 and I was offered a fight against
the undefeated and No. 1-ranked contender, Terrance “T.N.T.”
Thompson. The winner of the fight would be in line to fight Patterson
for the heavyweight title.
Thompson was a destroyer. He had a stocky, muscular build and
his fighting style reminded many of the great former champ, Joe
Frazier. Thompson’s fists were like cement blocks, but he also had
excellent footwork and the stamina to go the distance when needed.
I went into the fight confident. Despite opening as the underdog
when the fight was first announced, I was the favorite by the time the
bell rang. That was a testament to my growing popularity, the experts
said. And I fought like the favorite.
I came out blasting away at Thompson, trying to prove I wasn’t
intimidated and hoping to score an early knockout. After I won the
first two rounds, Thompson caught me with a brutal right to the jaw
that dropped me in the third. I got back up, but I was never the same
after that knockdown.
In the fourth round, Thompson knocked me down again. I beat
the count and Thompson pounced quickly. He had me up against the
ropes and pounded away at will. Just before the referee stepped in
to stop the fight, Thompson delivered an uppercut that snapped my
head back and knocked me out cold as I fell through the ropes and
landed in a crumpled mess outside the ring.
It was the knockout of the year and it would be replayed hundreds
of times. According to the boxing media, the lopsided loss “exposed”
me as an inferior fighter who couldn’t compete with the best.
I took two months off to heal and get my head straight. We
decided to schedule my return to the ring in Kansas City against an
opponent ranked outside the Top 20 rankings. This was supposed to
be a “tune-up” fight for me—a way to ease back into the ring after my
loss to Thompson. While there was much less enthusiasm than my
previous hometown fight, we still had a good crowd at the Sprint
Center…a good crowd that watched me get knocked down three
times before finally getting TKO’d in the second round.
It was ugly. I left the ring bloody and embarrassed.
In just two fights, I had gone from one of the most popular up-
and-coming fighters in America to a boxing joke. “Need a punching
bag that still draws a crowd? Call Mickey McGavin.” Contenders
from all over the country called to set up fights with me. They wanted
an easy knockout.
Now 31-5-1, I dropped out of the Top 10 rankings and had to face
the reality that I would likely never again compete at an elite level. I
was 30 years old and whatever “it factor” I once had seemed to have
come and gone.
I took another couple of months off to recuperate and do some
soul-searching. After three weeks of not returning Andre’s calls, I
finally agreed to meet with him. It was time to tell him that I had
decided to retire.
“Thank you for all you’ve done for me, Andre, I never would have
climbed as far as I did without you.”
“What do you mean as far as you did ?” Andre said. “We still have
higher to climb. This thing ain’t over.”
We were meeting at Gerry’s Pub for dinner, sitting in a booth near
the back. It seemed fitting that the place where Andre first talked me
out of retiring would be the same place where I told him my career
was over.
“This isn’t easy to admit,” I told him without flinching, “but it’s time
for me to hang up the gloves. I’ve had doubts in the past, but this
time I know in my heart it’s time to move on. I’m certain of it.”
My conviction surprised Andre. He leaned back and asked,
“You’re sure about this?”
I nodded. “One hundred percent.”
Andre raised an eyebrow, studied me for a moment, then flashed
a slight smile and shook his head. “Nah, I don’t think you are.”
Now I was the one surprised. “Look, you said I would know in my
heart when it was time to move on. Well, I know. Now is that time.”
Andre again shook his head. “I look at you and I don’t see a man
listening to his heart. I see a man listening to his fear.”
I huffed. “Here we go again.”
“I’m serious. I look in your eyes and I see somebody trying to fake
conviction. I see you trying to be assertive and tell me you know it’s
time to go. But you’re covering up something. I think you’re trying to
cover up fear.”
“This isn’t fear,” I said. “I know it’s not ending the way we wanted
things to end, but does it ever? We took it as far as we could. I’m too
old. I just don’t have it anymore. And I’m holding you back. You’ve
got other fighters to train now. They deserve your time. They’re the
future. I’m the past.”
“Let’s cut the pity party,” Andre said. “You know how I know fear is
driving this decision? Because you’re making excuses and feeling
sorry for yourself.”
The truth hurt and I got defensive. “I’m not feeling sorry for myself.
This isn’t about me. I’ve got a wife and three kids to worry about. You
saw what happened to me in those last two fights.”
“You’re letting fear win,” Andre said.
“You know, not everything is about fear.”
“Yes, everything is. Every decision you make is ultimately
rooted in fear or faith. You lost a couple fights and you feel bad
about yourself. You’re doubting yourself. You’re embarrassed. You’re
letting all those old fears come back.
“I look at you and I see a fighter who is in the prime of his career.
You’re stronger, faster, and wiser than you’ve ever been. The only
thing stopping you is fear.”
“Did you even watch my last fight? I got destroyed. It’s one thing
to lose to a guy like Terrance Thompson. It’s quite another to get
dominated by a guy who isn’t even a contender.”
“You got beat by fear,” Andre said. “You went into that fight afraid
that what Thompson did to you would repeat itself and that’s exactly
what happened. And now, you’re letting that same fear force you into
an early retirement.
“You fear that a past failure will repeat itself. You fear that if you
step in the ring, what happened in your last two fights will happen
“You’re right,” I said. “I do fear it will happen again. You know
why? Because that’s what happens when fighters lose their touch.”
“The only thing you’ve lost is your courage,” Andre said. “You fear
that the failure you experienced is a permanent failure. Well, here’s
what I can tell you about that. I’ve lived on this earth for 57 years and
I’ve learned something very important in my lifetime: Nothing in life
is permanent. And that includes failures. Not a single failure I’ve
had has ever been permanent. Not a single one! ”
I gave Andre a look that told him I wasn’t buying it. “How can you
say that after everything you’ve been through?”
“Sure, there were times when things didn’t go the way I planned,”
Andre said, “but when I look back on my life, I see how each of those
setbacks were setups for something better. What I thought was a
problem actually just propelled me to something better. Every time I
got knocked down—in the ring or out—it taught me important
lessons that made me stronger and wiser for the future. Every
sudden change in my plans led me to a better plan. Every door that
got slammed in my face led to a new door that took me down a
better path. Every devastating loss eventually led me to a greater
victory—in some way. I believe it’s all part of God’s plan.
“When I say that no failure is permanent, I’m not saying
everything will always go according to your plans. I’m saying that
every setback can be a setup for something better if you’re open to
new ways, new paths, and new solutions.
“Everyone suffers heartbreaks in life. But in every situation,
those who fight through the fear and the temporary pain will
come back and tell you that what was devastating at the time
eventually opened the door to something better.
“Every single failure I experienced always faded away and led to
something better. Not some of the time, all of the time. Every
problem had a solution. Every failure was only temporary. I wish I
could go back to my younger self and remind him of this a hundred
times. Every setback, loss, or failure is only temporary. Failure
is never permanent. Unless you choose for it to be. ”
“Why would anyone choose for a failure to be permanent?” I
“They don’t do it consciously. It happens by default if you let fear
have its way. That last fight of yours, you didn’t lose to your
opponent—you’re a much better fighter than him. You lost to fear.
You lost to the fear that what happened against Thompson would
repeat itself. And what have I always told you about fear?”
“What you fear is what you create,” I said.
“Exactly. You went into that fight afraid that you were going to get
knocked out again and that’s exactly what happened. You feared that
a past failure would repeat itself. You let that fear run through your
head over and over again. Sure enough, that fear became your
reality. You chose fear over faith and that’s what you got.
“A past failure will repeat itself if you choose to empower your
fear. A failure will become permanent if you choose to quit.”
“But Andre, if I lose a fight, I drop in the rankings. That’s not a
fear, that’s a fact. When I lost to Thompson, I blew my title shot,
permanently .”
“Give me a break,” Andre said with a laugh. “Do you know how
many fighters have bounced back from a tough loss to become
champions? The list is virtually a who’s who of history’s great
“That may be, but there are also plenty of fighters who never got
another chance after they got knocked out.”
Andre lifted a finger to stop me. “Do you see what you just did
there? ”
“I just told you how common it is for fighters to get beat and come
back better off, and you just told me how some fighters never do.
That’s fear talking loud and clear. Fear makes you focus on the
negative potential outcome. Fear makes you focus on why
something good can’t happen. Champions focus on why something
good can happen.
“What you choose to focus on tends to become your reality.
If you focus on all the past examples of failures, you’ll be drawn
to living out negative outcomes. If you focus on past examples
of successful people who bounced back from adversity, you’ll
be drawn to living out positive outcomes.
“You get to choose what you focus on. And the choice you make
determines your future.”
“Hold up a second,” I said. “I’m not some dour pessimist. You’ve
taught me the power of optimism. I try to look at the bright side of
most things. But you have to admit, some failures are permanent.
Sometimes you get injured and you never get better.”
I cringed after that last sentence left my mouth, remembering that
I was talking with a man who suffered a career-ending car wreck just
one week after becoming a world champion.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean you,” I said awkwardly.
Andre smiled. “Don’t apologize. You’re bringing up a great point,
one that I’ve had a lot of time to think about over the years.
“You’re right, when the car wreck happened, it ended my boxing
career. The best surgeons I could find tried to put my hip and
shoulder back so I could fight again, but it wouldn’t happen.
“At the time, boxing was everything to me. I mean everything . It
was all I ever wanted to do and all I could ever see myself doing.
When it was finally clear that my career was over and there would be
no comeback, I had two options. I could wallow in self-pity, do the
whole ‘why me?’ thing, and accept that my best days were behind
me—that’s what fear wanted me to do. Or, I could choose to believe
that this was happening for a reason, that the end of my boxing
career was setting me up for a better future than I had planned. I
could choose to believe that my best days were ahead of me and not
behind me. That’s what faith wanted me to do.”
“And you chose faith,” I said .
“Wrong. For about a year, I wallowed in self-pity. I was miserable
to be around. I was jealous of everyone and I complained about how
unfair life was. Anytime somebody suggested a new career path, I
made an excuse for why I wasn’t meant to be anything other than a
pro boxer. I believed life had handed me defeat—a permanent defeat
that robbed me of my destiny.
“Eventually, though, I got tired of listening to fear. I realized that if I
had started with nothing and became champion of the world in
boxing, I could do the same thing in other areas of life. I realized I
had a choice. Everything is a choice. I could choose to keep feeding
the voice of fear, which said I was a permanent failure. Or, I could
start feeding the voice of faith, which said this setback was a setup
for something bigger and better.
“If you choose to believe that an obstacle is actually an
opportunity for something better, an amazing thing happens.
You start seeing obstacles differently. Whenever you experience
a setback, you immediately start searching for the opportunity
that will come from it. You create new opportunities by
choosing to believe that every obstacle is an opportunity.
“I’ve learned that God will not allow anything to happen that he
can’t bring a greater good out of. I can look back now and say with
one hundred percent certainty that if I didn’t suffer through that
tragedy right when I did, I wouldn’t be where I am now. Had my
career not ended at the time that it did, I would’ve probably followed
the path of most champions. I would have had a few title defenses
and then someone else would’ve taken the crown and that would’ve
been that. Maybe I would’ve tried a few comebacks here and there,
but my life would have peaked as a 29-year-old super middleweight
champion and the world would’ve soon forgotten about Andre
“But the car wreck forced me to reevaluate everything. It forced
me to change, to grow . It forced me to consider that I might be
capable of so much more than I ever thought before. It forced me
into a closer relationship with God. It led me to college, which is
where I met my wife—never would have met her otherwise. It forced
me to try things I never would have tried had I taken the normal path
of an ex-champion. It forced me down a new path, a path I know I
would not have taken if it hadn’t been for my career ending when it
“Because I went through what I went through, it gave me
resilience, humility, and wisdom. It also made me more relatable to
people. They started seeing me differently. They saw me not as
someone who had a genetic gift for boxing, but as someone who had
to overcome great setbacks in life—just like everyone else. If I had
not gone through that, I would not have had the compelling story I
have now—a story that led me to such a rewarding and prosperous
career as a speaker and writer.
“This all happened because I started feeding my faith instead of
my fear. I took what happened and chose to turn it into an
opportunity instead of passively believing my best days were behind
me. I’m much happier with my life now than I ever would have been
had I simply peaked as a champion.
“When your time is up as a boxer, I’ll make sure to help you find
your next opportunity. But that time is not now, when you’re healthy,
strong, and in the prime of your career. Had I wallowed in self-pity
after my car wreck, I would have let fear win. If you walk away from
boxing right now, you will be letting fear win. Much different
circumstances, but still the same opponent.”
“Hard to argue with that story,” I said. Andre’s story was inspiring
and enlightening, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that my situation
was different. (Why, after a setback or disappointment, do we all
have a tendency to do that? Why do we have a tendency to think our
problems are so much bigger than someone else’s even though
reality makes it clear this is not the case?)
“But,” I said, “it doesn’t change the fact that I blew the biggest
opportunity of my career. Nobody is ever going to consider me a top
contender after those last two beatings I took.”
“The fear of failure repeating itself, the fear of failure being
permanent, the fear of missing an opportunity that never comes back
—it’s all the same fear,” Andre said. “And fear is a liar. There’s really
no such thing as a once-in-lifetime opportunity. You’ll always have
new opportunities—as long as you don’t listen to the voice of fear
saying you will never get another chance.
“Here’s the key: when you miss an opportunity, you have to
actively go out and create the next one . Don’t wait around
feeling sorry for yourself. Get back up and go find a new
opportunity. Take the next shot.
“Like I’ve always told you, regardless of whether the past was
good or bad, you control your destiny now. When things don’t work
out as you planned, don’t sit around wishing and waiting for
something better to fall into your lap, go out there and create
something better. Create your destiny.
“Your future is determined by what you do next , not by what you
did or didn’t do in the past. Whether you won or lost the last fight,
the next fight is more important simply because it’s the next
one—it’s the next opportunity.
“That’s true in sports and it’s true in life. No matter what failures
you’ve encountered or what problems you’re struggling with, the
season always starts tomorrow. Nothing in life is static.
Everything is constantly changing. It’s what you do next that
matters most.
“You have to attack and adapt. Learn from your mistakes and
come back stronger and wiser. Champions move on quickly from
failure. Champions charge forward with faith and confidence. They
know they will be wiser and stronger the next time, regardless of
what happened the last time.
“You’re not stuck, Mickey. You haven’t lost your touch. Your career
isn’t over and you haven’t missed your best opportunities. Your
future is up to you. You have the power to change everything from
this moment forward. Don’t believe for one second that any
failure in the past has decided your fate. Failure is never
permanent because every obstacle is an opportunity for
something better. Every setback is a setup for something better.
If you choose to make it so. ”
As I sat listening to Andre, I realized that for the first time in
months I was starting to get excited about entering the ring again. I
had spent too long feeling sorry for myself and dreading what
tomorrow might bring. Now, I was feeling optimistic about what I
could do next.
“Like everything else,” Andre said, “this all comes down to that
battle inside you. That battle against the voice of fear.
“The voice of fear says, ‘Failure is permanent, so don’t bother
trying again.’ You have to say, ‘Failure only makes me better,
stronger, and wiser. Just like everything else in life, failure is
never permanent. I am unstoppable!’
“When you get knocked down—in the ring or anywhere else
in life—fear says, ‘Stay down and accept your defeat.’ You have
to tell yourself, ‘Get up and keep fighting!’
“Mickey, you get to choose which voice you want to empower.
The decision is yours. You need to tell yourself, again and again, ‘I
have the power to create my destiny. The past is the past and
failure is never permanent. My future starts today and I have the
power to determine what happens next. ’”
I liked what I was hearing. It was time to stop feeding the voice of
fear and start feeding the voice of faith.
By the time I left the pub that night, my comeback had begun. I
was at Andre’s gym the next morning and we soon booked my next
Over the next ten weeks of training, whenever I found myself
mentally replaying one of my painful defeats, I reminded myself, “No
failure is permanent. I have the power to create my destiny. ”
Whenever I started beating myself up for the mistakes I made or
the losses I endured, I told myself, “The past is the past and
there’s nothing I can do about it. What matters most is what I do
next. ”
When pictures of me getting knocked out floated into my mind, I’d
feel my stomach churn. But instead of stewing on this negative
fantasy, I’d replace it with thoughts of me ducking a big punch and
countering with a knockout blow of my own.
Most of all, I kept reminding myself, “My future is determined by
me! It’s what I do next that matters most. ”
We all tend to live in our own heads. We can waste so much time
fixating on negative things—regrets about past mistakes or worries
about future failures. What a waste of time those negative thoughts
I won my comeback fight against a Top-40 opponent and then I
was presented with a fresh, new opportunity.
Terrance “T.N.T.” Thompson was getting ready to face “The British
Bomber” Bruno Patterson for the heavyweight title on a major pay-
per-view event. The promoters wanted to showcase Patterson’s next
likely opponent on the undercard. So, the No. 2-ranked contender
offered me a match.
The experts thought I’d be an easy knockout—a way to hype up
the next top contender. Though I was knocked down once early in
the fight, I got back up and ended up dominating the later rounds. I
scored three knockdowns during the twelve-round fight that went the
distance. The judges gave me a unanimous-decision victory and it
wasn’t even close. Each judge scored the fight with me winning at
least eight of the twelve rounds.
After my upset victory, I watched from my locker-room TV as
Patterson knocked out Thompson in the third round to retain his title
and reinforce his dominance of the boxing world. It was a
devastating knockout. Thompson suffered a broken jaw and was
carried out of the ring on a stretcher.
My victory propelled me to No. 6 in the heavyweight rankings and
though all the experts didn’t think I deserved a shot at the title,
Patterson was running out of opponents to mow down. He wanted a
tune-up fight and an easy payday before the next top-ranked
contender rolled in to challenge him. I was offered that shot.
After getting knocked out in back-to-back fights, fear had told me
to stay down and call it quits. But Andre had taught me to get up and
create my destiny.
Instead of accepting my fate as a fighter who came close but fell
short, I now had the opportunity to fight for the heavyweight
championship of the world. It would be a life-changing payday and
the chance to prove that no failure, mistake, or setback is
permanent…if you don’t let it be. We are not defined by what
happens to us, we are defined by how we respond to what
happens to us.
No matter what adversity we have gone through, what matters
most is what we do next.
Of course, the boxing world was only asking one question prior to
my fight with Bruno Patterson: If Patterson had so easily defeated
Thompson—the fighter who literally knocked me out of the ring—
what chance did I possibly have against the champion?

Patterson vs. McGavin

I sit on the stool in my corner after barely surviving the previous
round. The ringing in my ears has stopped, but I still feel like I’m
“What round is it?” I ask Andre.
“We’re heading into the sixth,” he says. “Are you okay to
continue?” This is the third time he’s asked me that question.
I nod.
My head is throbbing. There’s no way to hold it that doesn’t hurt.
It’s hard to think. I’m exhausted from head to toe.
My cutman, Gus, goes to work on my battered face. First, he
presses a towel against the cut above my left eye. He holds the
towel in place with one hand as he shoves cotton swabs soaked with
adrenaline chloride into my nostrils with the other. This is to stop my
nosebleed, which restarted after the beating I took in Round 5.
Once the swabs are securely stuffed towards my brain, Gus
presses an endswell—a small piece of smooth, freezing-cold metal
—across the upper ridges of my cheekbones, trying to flush away
the blood that is pooling there. This commonly-used method to
reduce swelling may look soothing when you see it done on TV, but I
can assure you it’s not. The ridges of your cheekbones and
eyebrows don’t respond kindly to someone pressing a metal object
as hard as possible against them.
After working the endswell, Gus frantically shifts his attention to
closing the cut above my left eye. He spreads the wound wide apart
with his fingers as he presses a cotton swab soaked in adrenaline
chloride directly into the open wound—and yes, this is as painful as it
sounds. Gus uses adrenaline chloride on almost everything. The
solution is supposed to constrict the blood vessels and dam up the
Now that he has stopped the bleeding above my left eye, Gus
applies an ice pack to the welt just below my right eye.
You don’t have to be a doctor to know that I’m in rough shape.
The bleeding and the swelling can be slowed, but it can’t be stopped
if I keep taking punches. It’s only a matter of time before one or both
my eyes swell up to the point that the ref will have to call the fight.
There’s no way I’ll last to the twelfth round in this condition.
With my headache worsening, my lungs burning, the metallic
taste of blood running down my throat, and my face throbbing, I
wish, for a moment, that this was all over.
I’m not in this guy’s league. He’s too strong. He’s too fast. He’s
winning this fight. I wish I was lying down somewhere—anywhere—
resting, relaxing, and recuperating for an hour, a day, a week. Every
muscle and bone in my body wants nothing more than to…rest. I
gave it my best. I just don’t have what it takes.
“I know what you’re feeling right now,” Andre says, interrupting my
thoughts. “You’re sore, you’re tired, and you’re in pain. But all that is
I look at Andre for an explanation.
“It’s good because it means you’re alive,” he says. “Patterson
gave you the best he has and you’re still here. You took his very best
shots and this thing ain’t over. He can’t believe you’re still standing.
Nobody in this arena can. Nobody except the men in this corner.
“You got knocked down, but you got back up. That’s all that
matters. Who cares what happened in that last round? It’s already in
the past. It’s over and done with. None of it matters. The pain is only
temporary. It’s what you do next that matters most. It’s what you do
after you get hit with adversity that determines your destiny.
“Mickey, this is your moment. This is your time. This is when you
make the choice to be a champion or not.”
As Andre says these words, I’m reminded that fear wants me to
surrender. Fear is telling me I’m not good enough. Fear is telling me
to quit. I have to counter the voice of fear.
This fight isn’t over. My fate has not been decided. I control my
destiny. What I do next is what matters most.
“Seconds out,” the referee yells, telling the cornermen to exit the
I stand up slowly. Gus rubs his concoction of Vaseline and more
adrenaline chloride into my wounds. The purpose is two-fold: to
restrict the blood vessels and to create a slick surface that punches
will slip off of.
The bell rings and Round 6 begins.
As expected, Patterson comes rushing out of his corner. He
assumes, correctly, that I’m still rubbery from the beating I took in the
last round.
He gives me everything he has. Big, powerful punches. He’s
trying to end this fight and my only defense is to pull him in close and
try to avoid getting caught with an uppercut as I do so. The pain
worsens with each blow he lands, but he’s also missing quite a few.
Fatigue has made him less accurate.
I throw just enough punches to show the ref I’m defending myself.
Patterson backs off after his initial flurry. He’s tired too.
Halfway through the round, Patterson throws a wild shot that
grazes my chin. Unfortunately, I clumsily trip over my own feet trying
to avoid the punch and I go down. I’m back up quickly, but the ref
gives me a standing-eight count. I plead my case that it wasn’t a
knockdown because I tripped. The ref ignores my pleas.
Late in the round, I hit the canvas again. This time, it’s not a trip.
Patterson lands a left to my right temple, making my ears ring again
as I dizzily fall to the canvas.
I’m on one knee as the ref counts and, for a moment, I consider
letting him finish the count. I hear the voice of fear whispering in my
ear, Stay down .
But then, a thought rushes into my mind like a freight train
blasting out of a dark tunnel. The thought says: Stay down and
regret it forever or get up and make history right now .
I pop up to a standing position and feel a surge of adrenaline. If I
ever needed proof of just how powerful self-talk is, this is that proof.
A quick change from negative to positive self-talk makes me feel like
a new man.
Suddenly, I’m refreshed and reenergized. Not 100 percent, of
course, but better than I’ve felt since the second round. I feel alive . I
don’t think about the pain and soreness. I’m sure it’s still there, but I
don’t feel it because I don’t think about it. Instead of envisioning
myself as the hurting, bleeding man who just got knocked down for
the third time in two rounds, I envision myself as a warrior who has
just taken the best his opponent has and is still standing tall. I almost
feel like raising my arms in victory right then and there.
Fear says to stay down. I say to stand tall.
“Bring it on,” I yell to Patterson who is standing in the corner
across from me as the ref finishes counting to eight.
The microphones near the ring pick up my challenge as I motion
for Bruno to come my way. The crowd hears and sees this and they
let out a rumble of excitement. That rumble builds to a thunderous
ovation by the time the ref tells us to fight again.
Bruno Patterson gives just the slightest shake of his head. He
can’t believe I’ve gotten back up. He’s got to be wondering what he
has to do to keep me down.
We reengage at the center of the ring.
I will not go down again.


A week before the biggest fight of my life, I started to get this

ominous feeling like something very bad was about to happen.
Though I was nearing the end of the best training camp I’d ever had
and I felt great physically, I couldn’t shake the fear of impending
After our training session for the day, I got cleaned up and asked
Andre if I could talk with him.
“Of course,” Andre said. “Have a seat.”
I sat down on the edge of the ring canvas, which stood in the
center of Andre’s empty gym. The place had grown into a fully-
operational boxing facility over the years and Andre now trained a
few other fighters. We were the last ones here on this night .
In the eight years since Andre started training me, my relationship
with him had grown into one of trust and respect. I could talk to him
about anything and everything. We were like family. He no longer
had to pry the negative thoughts and fears out of me. I was no longer
embarrassed to tell him the truth about whatever feelings I was
struggling with. I recognized when I needed his guidance.
“There’s negative noise in my head,” I said. “I can’t quite put my
finger on it.”
“What kind of negative noise?” Andre asked.
“It’s a feeling,” I said. “A feeling that maybe this is as good as it
gets and I’m about to fall hard.”
“You don’t think you can go toe-to-toe with Patterson?”
Andre had spent the last few months constantly reinforcing all the
reasons why he thought I was going to be a matchup nightmare for
the heavyweight champ. He had repeated those reasons so often
that I believed them too.
“It’s not that,” I said. “I know I can go toe-to-toe with him. I know
I’ve got what it takes to win.”
“Then what is it?”
“Lately, I’ve been thinking about how lucky I am,” I said. “I mean,
next week I’m getting a shot at the heavyweight championship of the
world. How crazy is that? It wasn’t long ago that I was just a beat-up
bartender wondering what I should do with my life. If you hadn’t
started training me when you did, who knows how different my life
would be right now. At home, things are incredible. I have a wife who
loves me and three healthy kids. We just bought a new house. What
more could I ask for? Everything has been going so great lately. I
feel so lucky, so blessed.”
Andre chuckled. “How is any of this bad?”
“None of it’s bad. And that’s the problem. It’s a little too good. I
feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. I feel like things have
been going so well for me lately that I’m heading for a fall. I’m just
waiting for something to knock me back to reality—like I’m due for
something bad to happen.”
Andre’s face turned serious as he listened to me. He nodded as if
he knew exactly what I was feeling.
“That’s another one of fear’s favorite lies,” he said. “The fear that
you’re due for something bad is a tough fear to shake. It’s tough
because it’s rooted in past beliefs and experiences that are very
strong emotionally. It’s caused by something someone said to you
repeatedly or something painful you experienced. Usually some of
both. Is there anything in particular that happened in your past that
might have planted the seeds for this fear to grow?”
I thought about it for a few seconds and said, “Yes, things I was
told and things I experienced. I look back on my life and I see that
every time things started going really well, it wasn’t long before
something bad happened.”
“Like what?”
“Growing up, whenever things were going well in our house, my
dad used to say, ‘Enjoy it now because it’s only a matter of time
before things change.’ I know he meant to enjoy life’s good times,
but whenever he said that, it always gave me a feeling of dread, of
“As it would anybody,” Andre said.
“And whenever something negative happened, he would shake
his head and say, ‘There’s always something going wrong, isn’t
there?’ My dad saw life as one long string of problems with a few
good times sprinkled between them. He was a great man, but he
liked to point out how the good times never lasted. And you know
what? He was right. Whenever things were going great for us, it was
only a matter of time before something really bad happened. Like my
mom leaving our family right when I was getting to know her. Like my
dad passing away right after celebrating his retirement. Look at my
career in the ring. Every time I conquer one fear and take the next
step, something comes along to stop me in my tracks and knock me
back to reality.”
“Life is always changing,” Andre said. “There will always be new
obstacles, but you can turn those obstacles into opportunities. You
know this. We’ve talked about it a lot.”
“I know,” I said. “But this is different. This is a fear that says
because things have been going so well, it’s time for a reality check
—like the good times aren’t meant to last. It’s such a strong fear. I
know I sound like a pessimist, but I can’t shake this feeling.”
Andre gave another knowing nod. “It makes sense that this fear
would show up right now. You’re one week away from fighting for the
very pinnacle of your profession. You know how special and rare it is
to reach this level. You know how hard you’ve worked to get here.
Most fighters never come close to reaching the heights you’ve
reached. It’s only natural that you’d have to face the fear of losing
what you’ve worked so hard to achieve.”
“That’s exactly it. I feel like the guy who is a few feet away from
the mountaintop and I’m just waiting to slip and fall all the way back
down. Like once I start slipping, there will be no stopping my fall.
“How do I defeat this fear? It’s weighing me down.”
“You already know how to defeat it,” Andre said.
I smiled. “Then I guess I could use a reminder.”
“The fears you’ve dealt with over the years have all been
different, but the solution to defeating each of them has always
been the same: What you focus on is what you tend to create. If
you want to change your attitude or your circumstances, simply
change what you’re focusing on. Shift your focus from fear of a
negative outcome to faith in a positive one.
“Right now, the voice of fear is telling you that you’re due for a
setback. It’s telling you to get ready for some bad times because
things have been going too good, right?”
I nodded.
“And that fear has been reinforced by the things you heard and
experienced growing up. That’s what makes it a tough fear to defeat.

I nodded again, waiting for Andre’s guidance on how to defeat this
stubborn fear.
“You were conditioned from a young age to see life this way,”
Andre said. “You’ve been told to expect something bad after
experiencing something good—maybe not in those exact terms, but
the things you heard your father say created this belief in you. And,
as you know, your beliefs and expectations tend to become your
“The messages we receive when we’re young lay the foundation
for our beliefs and that’s not always a good thing. Those negative
beliefs we’ve embraced—often unknowingly—have to be rooted out.
“Your mom left you when you were young, right?”
“Yes,” I said. “When I was nine.”
“I dealt with something similar,” Andre said. “I never knew my
father and let’s just say my mother would not have won any
parenting awards. So, you and me both—from a very young age—
were given the message that love is fleeting. It might be here one
day and gone the next.
“You said your dad repeated the message that good times would
never last and that something bad was always right around the
corner. Well, that message obviously got into your head. Doesn’t
mean it was intentional or that your dad was a bad guy. As a cop, he
surely saw a lot of rough stuff. You told me once how devastated he
was when your mom left. Those pains probably made him jaded.
From everything you’ve told me about your dad it sounds like he
loved you, but some of his pessimistic views were clearly passed on
to you.
“Here’s the important thing to understand: the beliefs that were
passed down to you don’t have to be accepted by you. You can
change your beliefs. You get to choose what you believe now and
you can make sure those beliefs help you instead of hurt you.
“If you believe you’re due for something bad to happen, you’re
going to find bad things to focus on. Do you think that helps you or
hurts you?”
“Obviously, it’s going to hurt me,” I said. “But that is how life goes.
The good times always seem like precursors to bad times.”
“Believing that it’s time for a setback becomes a self-fulfilling
prophecy,” Andre said. “If you think something bad is about to
happen, you’ll tend to create the circumstances for experiencing
something bad. But the opposite is true as well.
“Whatever you go looking for, you’ll tend to find. Go looking
for bad things to happen and you’ll find bad things to
experience. Go looking for positive opportunities and you’ll find
them all around you.
“The beliefs you have and the things you choose to focus on
create the environment you’re most likely to experience.
“It all comes back to what you’re choosing to focus on. Your
focus is your aim. Whatever you aim for, you’re more likely to
hit. And even if you don’t hit the bullseye, you still end up close to it.
“Let’s look at how focus affects pain. As a fighter, you know all
about pain. Whether it’s the pain you feel in your legs during a hard
run or the pain you feel after a world-class heavyweight slams his fist
into your face, you get to choose what you focus on in those
moments. Focus on the pain, and you’ll feel more pain. Focus on
how tired you are and how much everything hurts and you’ll feel
weaker. Your focus will amplify the pain.
“It’s in those moments when you have to teach yourself not to
focus on the pain, but to instead focus on the desired result or the
positive consequences of pain. Focus on moving forward despite the
pain and the pain lessens. Focus on fighting through the pain and
the pain dissipates. Focus on the strength that comes from pain and
the pain gives way to feelings of strength.
“What you focus on determines what you experience. Focus on
the pain and you’ll experience more pain. Focus on bad things and
you’ll notice all kinds of bad things around you. Focus on your
weaknesses and you’ll feel weaker. Focus on making excuses and
you’ll find excuses to make. Focus on your fears and they’ll only get
“If someone believes they’re due for a setback, where is their
“The setback,” I said.
“Exactly. And if they’re focused on experiencing a setback, they’ll
find one to experience. If you aim for a setback, you can’t be
surprised when you have one.
“See how this works? The beliefs we hold onto drive
everything. What you believe will determine what you focus on,
which will determine what you experience.
“The fear of being due for a fall isn’t based on reality—it’s based
on a belief. You can choose to change your beliefs. Choose to
believe you’re due for something bad and you’ll experience
something bad. Choose to believe that good things are coming your
way and you’ll find the good in even the roughest situations. It’s all
up to what you choose to believe and focus on.”
“This all sounds great,” I said, “but you’re making it sound like if I
just believe everything is going to work out for me, it will. That’s not
how the world works.”
“I suppose that depends on how you define ‘working out for you ,’”
Andre said. “If you think I’m saying you will never experience any
setbacks in life as long as you don’t go looking for them, you’re
misunderstanding me. You better believe I didn’t go looking for a
career-ending car wreck a week after winning a world title.”
Andre’s reminders of what he experienced were always well
timed. He wasn’t some head-in-the-clouds Pollyanna who had lived
a charmed life. He had been through life’s peaks and valleys and his
beliefs were hard-won.
“Sometimes you will lose,” Andre said. “In the ring and in any
other area of life. That’s true no matter what you’re focusing on or
how positive your expectations are. But I believe that even life’s
defeats can ‘work out for you ’ if you choose for them to.
“When you experience setbacks, you can choose what you focus
on. You can focus on the pain of defeat. You can feel sorry for
yourself and wallow in self-pity. Or, you can focus on what you
learned from the setback. You can focus on all the ways that what
you went through will make you better, stronger, and wiser.
“Whatever you go looking for, you will find. Fear wants you to
go looking for the negatives. It’s up to you to go looking for the
“Your spiritual beliefs can also affect this fear of impending due. If
you believe God is out to get you, just waiting for you to mess up,
then you’ll likely view the world as one big obstacle course where
you’re afraid of what might come next. If you believe God is out to
help you, always by your side and giving you the strength and
guidance to battle through whatever obstacle you may face, then
you’ll be excited about what might come next.
“I believe that no matter how bad a situation is, God will always
bring a greater good out of it. It might not always be in this lifetime,
but it will happen. Ultimately, that’s the greatest faith there is and it’s
the foundation for everything I believe. That faith has played out in
my life. All the setbacks, defeats, and tragedies I’ve gone through
have led me to something greater.
“With God’s help, every tragedy can be turned into a triumph—I
really believe that. No fear or defeat or setback is greater than the
power of God. That belief forces me to focus on the positives that
can come out of any negative situation. It keeps my focus on hope
and strength and courage.
“Your inner beliefs determine your focus and what you focus on
determines what you experience. Don’t hold onto any beliefs that
empower fear. Choose only beliefs that empower you .
“Mickey, I can’t sit here and tell you that you’ll never lose another
fight if you only expect good things to happen. But I can tell you that
expecting bad things to happen will almost certainly assure you of
Andre’s words lingered in the quiet gym. He was right, of course.
Expecting a defeat would all but guarantee a defeat.
“The good news,” Andre continued, “is that it’s not as hard as you
may think to change the beliefs that have been imbedded within you.
Just like conquering any other fear, it starts with recognizing the
source of the fear. You’ve done that. Now you simply have to use
your self-talk to combat those fears and to shift the focus from fear to
“When fear says, ‘Bad things are headed your way.’ Reverse
it. Immediately say, ‘ Great things are coming my way.’
“When fear says, ‘Focus on the pain you feel.’ You say, ‘I am
stronger than my pain.’
“When fear says, ‘You’re due for a setback.’ You say, ‘With
God by my side, I can accomplish anything.’
“Repeat these empowering words over and over. Fear wants you
to think you have no control over your future or the beliefs you’ve
accepted from your past, but fear is a liar. You can conquer each
and every fear you face by simply shifting the focus from fear to
faith. Aim for what you want to have happen and not what you
don’t. ”
Over the next few days, as I prepared for my championship fight
with Bruno Patterson, I made sure to start each morning in quiet
prayer. I spoke openly with God, asking him for help, and then telling
myself again and again, “Great things are coming my way!”
It sounded a little silly at first, like I was forcing myself to believe
something I wasn’t quite sure of. But the more I said it, the more I
believed it. And the more I believed it, the more I felt it. I felt more
confident, refreshed, and inspired to tackle the day ahead. I felt
lighter—the pressure, fear, and worry lifting from my shoulders.
The confidence Andre had in God’s power and goodness was
contagious. In the days leading up to the fight, I made my self-talk
more spiritual than usual. I repeated phrases such as, I am blessed,
I am strong, I am protected by God. God is taking care of me. With
God by my side, I can accomplish anything.
A couple hours before my fight with Patterson, alone in my locker
room, I whispered a little prayer: “Thank you for this moment, thank
you for being here with me. Whatever happens in the future, I trust
you to guide me on the path I’m supposed to be on. I refuse to worry.
I trust you with it all. Fill me with your love. Fill me with your power.
Make me the best that I can be. Whatever happens happens. I trust
you with the results. I trust you with everything.”
That little prayer brought me a sense of peace I had never before
felt prior to a fight.
I promised myself right then that I wasn’t ever going to let fear—
any fear—have the upper hand on me. Though fear would continue
to attack me throughout the night, I knew that with God’s help I could
defeat it.
I knew that though I may or may not win the fight against Bruno
Patterson, I would win the fight against fear. That was all that
mattered to me.
I promised myself to defeat fear and to leave the results in God’s

Patterson vs. McGavin

As I stand to begin Round 7, my vision is blurred in the lower half of
my right eye and in the upper half of my left eye. Gus has done all he
can to slow the swelling, but I know it’s only going to get worse as
this fight goes on. Time is not on my side.
As strange as it may sound, especially considering how beaten
and bloodied I must look, I feel more confident right now than I have
all night.
Something happened in Round 6 after I hit the canvas for the
third time. I realized I have taken the worst punishment the champion
can dish out…and it wasn’t as bad as I had feared it would be.
Often times, the best way to defeat fear is to experience the very
thing you fear. Everything I feared about facing Bruno Patterson—
getting caught with an uppercut I never saw coming, getting knocked
woozy and not being able to defend myself properly, exerting myself
into exhaustion too early in the fight, getting cut, breaking my nose,
getting pummeled by those powerful punches I saw him drop so
many other top fighters with, getting knocked down and wondering if
I could get back up—all those things I was afraid of before the fight
have happened to me. And as I head into the seventh round, I
realize none of it was that bad. It wasn’t that good, either, but it
wasn’t as bad as I had made it out to be in my mind.
The fear of impending doom is almost always worse than the
reality of experiencing whatever it is we fear. I have absorbed the
champion’s very best shots and the fear of what those shots would
do to me was much worse than the reality of experiencing them.
“Attack and adapt,” I hear Andre shout from behind me.
Once again, it’s perfectly-timed advice from my friend and mentor.
The things I have feared have happened and I will now do the only
thing I know to do in the face of fear: attack and adapt .
Seconds before the bell rings to start Round 7, I say to myself: I
am strong. I am healthy. I am blessed. God is by my side. Nothing
can stop me.
The bell rings.
I surprise even myself how quickly I rush out of my corner.
Adrenaline fires through my body. I no longer feel the throbbing in
my head. I no longer feel the burn of fatigue in my arms and legs. I
no longer fear running out of time. I’m completely in the moment,
focused only on the task at hand. Everything else fades away. All I’m
thinking about is attacking and adapting, trusting my instincts.
What you focus on is what you experience. If I focus on the
pain or what has happened thus far in the fight, that is what I will
experience. If I focus on attacking and adapting in this very moment,
that is what I will experience.
I choose to attack and adapt.
I use the peekaboo technique once again to get in close to
Patterson. He flings a jab at my forehead. It lacks the pop it had
earlier in the fight.
I slip inside and land a punishing right uppercut to his ribs just as
he exhales. It lands with a loud thud. It’s the type of perfectly-timed
shot that would drop most fighters. But Patterson isn’t like most
fighters. He’s the heavyweight champion of the world. He grimaces
and falls towards me, trying to protect the left side of his rib cage.
He’s so tall that I feel his gloves come down on the back of my head
as he tries to pull me close enough that I can’t punch anymore.
As he pulls me closer, I come up hard with a left uppercut that
lands under his chin. It snaps his head back and I feel his arms
To the ribs I go again, machine-gun style: right-left-right-left-right-
left, as fast as I can throw them.
Instincts tell me to adapt and I raise my gloves to protect my head
just as the champ throws a right hook at me. I block his punch, take
a step back, and fire two quick left jabs at his face.
He’s in trouble. He reaches for me with outstretched arms. I slip
underneath and land a right hook to his ribs. This time the loud thud
is accompanied by a crunch as I feel his ribs give. I’ve just broken
one or more of them. I’m sure of it.
The champion lowers himself as if he was on an elevator.
He takes a knee and holds his left side as the ref sends me to my
corner. I’ve scored a knockdown with a body shot.
Patterson winces with every breath he takes as the ref counts in
front of him. Famous fights have ended on body shots. I hope this
one will too.
As the referee hits seven, Patterson stands up and nods to the
question he is asked. He’s going to continue.
The fight resumes and I move in cautiously, just in case he’s
playing possum. I throw a couple left jabs at him, trying to get him to
retaliate. I want to see how he throws his left. If it’s weak and
restricted, I’ll know he’s in a lot of pain…and in big trouble.
I throw two more cautious jabs as he holds his left elbow tight
against his ribs and dodges me. He finally retaliates with a straight
right that misses.
I instinctually counter with an overhand left that comes down hard
on his right eyebrow. It’s a shot that lands so squarely I don’t even
feel it—sort of like hitting a baseball with the sweet spot of the bat.
Almost immediately, I see blood. I’ve reopened the cut above his
left eye. The crowd cheers as Patterson staggers backwards.
I throw a straight left that backs him into the corner. He pulls his
gloves to his face in a defensive position.
I throw a right hook that gets blocked by his forearm, but I follow
that up with a quick left hook that connects with the side of his head.
I see an opening in his guard and nail him with a straight right to the
face, followed by a left uppercut that lands underneath his chin.
I’m not thinking. I’m not fearing. I’m completely in the moment,
trusting my instincts.
Attack and adapt. Attack and adapt.
I feel the crowd’s roar all around me.
I go downstairs and land a right hook to his ribs. Patterson lets
out a grunt of agony.
As he drops his left shoulder to protect his rib cage with his elbow,
I land the most devastating, perfectly-placed right hook I’ve ever
It connects with the left side of his jaw. I see the bottom half of the
champ’s jaw swing to the right and it’s lights out for Bruno Patterson.
As he falls to the canvas, his mouthpiece spills out.
He lands first on his knees, then falls forward and hits the canvas
He’s not out cold, but I can tell he doesn’t know where he is as he
rolls to his side.
As the referee counts, Patterson tries to reaches for a rope to pull
himself up, but he loses his balance and his massive arm awkwardly
slips between the bottom two ropes.
He pulls his arm away from the ropes and then gets on his hands
and knees. He holds that position, tries to catch his breath, and then
looks up towards me. He shakes his head slightly and I can see he’s
done. He’s not trying to get up anymore.
The referee reaches the count of ten and the bell rings multiple
times as the crowd thunders.
The fight is over.
I have won one of the most dramatic and action-packed
heavyweight championship bouts ever fought.
Andre is the first person into the ring and he’s followed by a
swarm of reporters, cornermen, and boxing officials.
I raise my arms in victory and for the first time since Round 7
began, I realize how tired they are.
My adrenaline gives way to exuberance. Make that, relief . I really
don’t know if I’m more excited to be the heavyweight champion of
the world or relieved to have the toughest fight of my career over
I wrap my arms around Andre for a tight hug. “Thank you,” I say.
“Thank you for everything.”
“You did it,” Andre says. “I’m proud of you!”
As he says those words, I think of my dad. I can feel him saying
the same thing.
I look up to the heavens.
“Thank you,” I say quietly. “Thank you.”

Patterson vs. McGavin

I have celebrated the victory with Andre, my family, and my
cornermen. I’ve been checked over and stitched up by the on-site
doctors. I have answered all the post-fight questions from reporters.
Finally, I make it back to my hotel room and after a hot shower I
fall, cautiously, into my bed. Rachel is beside me, already asleep.
Since the fight ended, I’ve been rushed from one thing to the
next. Now, I am alone with my thoughts. I want to take in this surreal
moment before I fall asleep.
I am the heavyweight champion of the world.
It doesn’t feel real. I’m half-expecting to wake up from a dream .
Lying on my back for the first time since being knocked to the ring
canvas earlier this evening, I slowly untense my tired and aching
muscles. I feel my body sink into the bed. I don’t think I’ve ever been
more grateful for a place to rest.
I close my eyes and think with amazement about how all this
Ten years ago, I left college to pursue my dream of becoming a
professional boxer. Eight years ago, I was fired by my manager,
before meeting the man who would change my life. Less than two
years ago, I thought it was time to hang up my gloves and retire.
Tonight, I am the heavyweight champion of the world.
I reflect on how I got here. How I went from being a timid,
indecisive fighter loaded with fear and uncertainty to becoming the
fearless fighter who just knocked out the unbeatable Bruno
How did this happen? How?
I smile. My face hurts when I smile, but I smile anyway. I can’t
believe it. My wildest dream has come true.
My life changed when Andre Holiday started teaching me how to
defeat my fears. Fear held me back from being the man I was
capable of becoming. When I stopped listening to the voice of fear, I
started becoming the man I was born to be. Once I learned to defeat
fear, everything changed.
Andre taught me that everything in life is a choice. Especially how
we deal with fear. We get to choose whether or not we’re going
to let fear defeat us. It’s our choice, no one else’s.
Whenever I see someone wallowing in self-pity or engaging in
self-destructive behavior, I now know that I’m seeing someone giving
in to their fears. They are letting fear hold them back. They are
letting fear defeat them.
I was once that person. I promise myself to never again be that
No matter what happens from this moment on, in the ring or out, I
know that I can move forward in faith—the faith and confidence that I
am more powerful than the fear that tries to stop me. Fear will never
again get the best of me.
When fear throws its best punches at me, I will counter them with
power shots of my own.
When fear says, “You don’t belong here, nobody thinks you have
what it takes.” I will say, “I am listening to my heart and living my
God-given purpose. I have the power to succeed. ”
When fear says, “Seek safety by keeping everything the same.” I
will say, “I seek victory by changing and growing. ”
When fear says, “Don’t make a decision until you’re certain you
can’t be wrong.” I will say, “There is no such certainty, I move
forward by attacking, adapting, and learning as I go. ”
When fear says, “It’s time to move on, it’s time to quit, there’s an
easier way than this.” I will say, “I am all in . I am moving forward
with grit and perseverance. Success does not require
shortcuts; success requires total commitment. ”
When fear says, “You’re not good enough. You don’t deserve
success.” I will say, “I have the power to determine what I
deserve. The bigger I dream and the harder I work, the higher I
will climb. ”
When fear says, “Because you failed, you will fail again. Stay
down and quit!” I will say, “Because I failed, I am stronger and
wiser than ever before. Get up and keep fighting! ”
When fear says, “You’re due for a setback, bad things are headed
your way.” I will say, “I am blessed, I am strong, I am protected by
God. Great things are coming my way. ”
Fear is the ultimate opponent. Just like the opponents I face in the
ring, the only way to defeat fear is to fight back. I will never again sit
back and passively accept fear’s favorite lies. I will fight back with
positive, faith-filled self-talk. I will not let fear defeat me. Not in the
ring and not in any other area of my life.
As long as I do not allow fear to defeat me, I can live with
whatever results I get.
Andre once told me, “There are two types of people in this
world: Those who believe success is a choice and those who
make excuses for why they’re not successful. ”
Everyone is walking into the unknown. Nobody knows what
tomorrow will bring. You can choose to walk forward in faith or fear.
Champions choose faith. Champions choose to be fearless. Why?
Because victory favors the fearless.
Everything is a choice. I choose to be fearless.
DARRIN DONNELLY is a writer and entrepreneur. He and his
products have been featured in publications such as The Wall Street
Journal , Sports Illustrated , Fast Company Magazine , and
newspapers, websites, and radio outlets all over the world. He lives
in Kansas City with his wife and three children.

Donnelly can be reached at or on Twitter:

Sports for the Soul
Stories of Faith, Family, Courage, and Character.

This book is part of the Sports for the Soul series. For updates on
this book, a sneak peek at future books, and a free newsletter that
delivers advice and inspiration from top coaches, athletes, and
sports psychologists, join us at: .

The Sports for the Soul newsletter will help you:

- Find your calling and follow your passion
- Harness the power of positive thinking
- Build your self-confidence
- Attack every day with joy and enthusiasm
- Develop mental toughness
- Increase your energy and stay motivated
- Explore the spiritual side of success
- Be a positive leader for your family and your team
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- And much more…

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Collect each book in the
Sports for the Soul series…


The Five Inner Beliefs That Make You Unstoppable


Times May Change, But the Rules for Success Never Do

How a Commitment to Positive Thinking Changes Everything


A Story About Finding Your Purpose and Following Your Heart

Book No. 1 in the Sports for the Soul series…

Think Like a Warrior

by Darrin Donnelly

In this bestselling inspirational fable, a college football coach at the end of his rope
receives mysterious visits from five of history’s greatest coaches: John Wooden,
Buck O’Neil, Herb Brooks, Bear Bryant, and Vince Lombardi . Together, these
legendary leaders teach him the five inner beliefs shared by the world’s most
successful people. The “warrior mindset” he develops changes his life forever—
and it will change yours as well.
Book No. 2 in the Sports for the Soul series…

Old School Grit

by Darrin Donnelly

An old-school college basketball coach who thinks like John Wooden and talks like
Mike Ditka enters the final NCAA tournament of his legendary career and uses his
last days as a coach to write letters to the next generation revealing his rules for a
happy and successful life: the 15 rules of grit. Consider this book an instruction
manual for getting back to the values that truly lead to success and developing the
type of old school grit that will get you through anything.
Book No. 3 in the Sports for the Soul series…

Relentless Optimism
by Darrin Donnelly

A minor-league baseball player realizes his lifelong dream of making it to the

majors is finally coming to an end. That is, until he meets an unconventional
manager who teaches him that if he wants to change his outcomes in life, he must
first change his attitude. This book will show you just how powerful a positive
attitude can be and it will teach you how to use positive thinking to make your
biggest dreams come true.
Book No. 4 in the Sports for the Soul series…

Life to the Fullest

by Darrin Donnelly

An inspirational high school football fable that pays homage to the holiday classics,
It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol , this is a story about fathers and sons.
It’s a story about faith, family, and community. Most of all, it’s a story about having
the courage to follow your heart and live your true purpose .

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