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Kick Tolerance Concept and Calculation for Well Design

Kick tolerance is the maximum gas volume for a given degree of underbalance
which the circulation can be performed without exceeding the weakest formation
in the wellbore.

There are two important factors used for determining the kick tolerance
• Kick Intensity – It is the different between the maximum anticipated formation
pressure and planned mud weight. For example, the planned mud weight is 13.0
ppg and the possible kick pressure is 13.5 ppg. Therefore, the kick intensity is
0.5 ppg (13.5 – 13.0).
A zero kick intensity (swabbed kick scenario) should be used for a know area
where you have less uncertainty about an overpressure zone.

• Kick Volume – It is a gas influx entering into the wellbore from the formation.
Gas kick is always used for well control calculation because it is the worst case
scenario. The kick volume should be realistic figure which personal can detect
the influx on the rig. In a larger hole, it allows bigger influx volume than a small
Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure (MAASP) and Kick
Weakest formation point in the open hole is assumed to be at the shoe depth of
the previous casing. The well bore will be fractured if a summation of hydrostatic
and surface pressure exceeds the weakest pressure (Leak Off Test pressure).
The maximum surface pressure before breaking the formation is called
“Maximum Allowable Shut In Casing Pressure” (MASICP).
Make it simpler for your understanding. MASICP is the total of kick tolerance
budget. It consists of pressure from kick intensity and hydrostatic pressure loss
due to gas.
Kick Tolerance Example Calculation
Previous casing shoe (9-5/8” casing) at 6,000’ MD/ 6,000’ TVD

Predicted formation pressure at TD (10,000’MD/10,000’TVD) = 14.0 ppg

Pore pressure uncertainty = 1.0 ppg

Planned mud weight = 14.5 ppg (0.754 psi/ft)

Gas gradient = 0.1 psi/ft

LOT = 16.0 ppg

Hole size = 8-1/2”

Drill Pipe = 5”

BHA + Drill Collar = 7”

Length of BHA+Drill Collar = 400 ft

Annular capacity between open hole and BHA = 0.0226 bbl/ft

Annular capacity between open hole and 5” DP = 0.0459 bbl/ft

Calculation Steps
Maximum anticipated pressure = 14.0 + 1 = 15.0 ppg

Maximum Allowable Shut In Casing Pressure (MASICP) = (LOT – MW) x 0.052 x

Shoe TVD

Maximum Allowable Shut In Casing Pressure (MASICP) = (16 – 14.5) x 0.052 x

6,000 = 468 psi

Kick Intensity = 15.0 – 14.5 = 0.5 ppg

Underbalance due to kick intensity = 0.5 x 0.052 x 10,000 = 260 psi

As you can see, when the well is in underbalance condition (260 psi), the shoe
will not be broken because the MASICP is more than underbalance pressure
(468 > 260).

We know that 0.5 ppg kick intensity we will have 208 psi (468 – 260 = 208 psi)
before shoe broken.

It means that gas bubble can replace mud in equivalent to 208 psi before
fracturing the shoe. With this relationship, we can determine height of gas kick by
the following equation.

Height of gas kick = remaining pressure, psi ÷ (mud gradient, psi/ft – gas
gradient, psi/ft)

Height of gas kick = 208 ÷ (0.754 – 0.1) = 318 ft.

Determine gas kick volume base on height of gas kick
We need to separate into two cases and compare the smallest volume.

1st case – Gas at the bottom

Volume of gas kick = Annular capacity between open hole and BHA x Height of
gas kick

Volume of gas kick (bbl) = 0.0226 bbl/ft x 318 ft = 7.2 bbl

2nd case – Gas right below casing shoe

For this case, we need to convert gas at the shoe to the bottom condition by
applying Boyle’s Laws.

Volume of gas kick = Annular capacity between open hole and 5” DP x Height of
gas kick

Volume of gas kick (bbl) = 0.0459 bbl/ft x 318 ft = 14.6 bbl

Convert to the bottom hole condition

Volume at the bottom = (volume of gas kick at shoe x Leak off test) ÷ formation

Leak off test = 0.052 x 16 x 6,000 = 4,992 psi

Formation pressure (gas kick condition) = 0.052 x 15 x 10,000 = 7,800 psi

Volume at the bottom = (14.6 x 4992) ÷ 7800 = 9.3 bbl

We can compare the kick volume from two cases like this.

1 st case : kick volume = 7.2 bbl

2nd case : kick volume = 9.3 bbl

The smallest number must be selected to represent maximum kick volume

therefore kick volume is 7.2 bbl.

We wish this article could help you get more understanding about Kick Tolerance

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