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Name: Anagha P Sreedharan

Class: XII Science

Subject: Informatics Practices

Roll No:


Submitted in the partial fulfilment of requirement of CBSE



Under the supervision of

Mrs. Sharvari

(Mane’s International School, Ratnagiri)



This is to certify that the project work entitled “Employee

management system” have been carried out by Anagha P
Sreedharan and submitted to Mane’s International School,
Ratnagiri. It is certified that it is his/her bonafide work carried
out by him under my guidance.

Place: - Ratnagiri
Date: -

Mrs. Sharvari

(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner)


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my informatics
practices teacher Mrs.Sharvari for her valuable guidance during this
project. As well as, I am grateful to our principal Mrs. Suman Arora
for providing me with the beautiful opportunity to work on this
I would like to sincerely thank my family and friends for their
endless support and encouragement throughout the project.

1. Objective of project

2. Scope of project

3. Propose System

System Development Life

Cycle (SDLC)

5. Advantages of the system

6. Limitation of the system

7. Source Code

8. Bibliography

Objective of the project

The objective of this project is to let the students apply the programming

knowledge into a real-world situation/ problem and exposed the students how

programming skills helps in developing a good software’

1. Write programs utilizing modern software tools.

2. Apply object-oriented programming principles effectively when

developing small to medium sized projects.

3. Write effective procedural code to solve small to medium sized problems.

4. Students will demonstrate a breadth of knowledge in computer science, as

exemplified in the areas of systems, theory and software development.

5. Students will demonstrate ability to conduct a research or applied

Computer Science project, requiring writing and presentation skills which

exemplify scholarly style in computer science.

Scope of the project

This project is all about software for Employee management system. It

helps to have a full-fledged control over his/her employees. The project is

divided into 2 sections to make the programme easy to understand.

It receives user name and password to log in and register. It keeps the

record of user salary, his department of working, his performance in the

office. It adds a new employee, his salary, department, updates an existing

salary, list of employees, age and his performance.

Proposed System
Today one cannot afford to rely on the fallible human beings of

be really wants to stand against today’s merciless competition where not

to wise saying “to err is human” no longer valid, it’s outdated to

rationalize your mistake. So, to keep pace with time, to bring about the

best result without malfunctioning and greater efficiency so to replace the

unending heaps of flies with a much-sophisticated hard disk of the


One has to use the data management software. Software has been

an ascent in atomization various organisations. Many software products

working are now in markets, which have helped in making the

organizations work easier and efficiently. Data management initially had

to maintain a lot of ledgers and a lot of paper work has to be done but

now software product on this organization has made their work faster and

easier. Now only this software has to be loaded on the computer and work

can be done.

This prevents a lot of time and money. The work become fully

automated and any information regarding the organization can be

obtained by clicking the button. Moreover, now it’s an age of computers

of and automating such an organization gives the better look.

System Development Life Cycle

The system development life cycle is a project management
technique that divides complex projects into smaller, more easily
managed segments or phases. Segmenting projects allows managers to
verify the successful completion of project phases before allocating
resources to subsequent phases.
Software development projects typically include initiation,
planning, design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance
phases. However, the phases may be divided differently depending on the
organization involved.
For example, initial project activities might be designated as
request, requirements-definition, and planning phases, or initiation,
concept-development, and planning phases. End users of the system
under development should be involved in reviewing the output of each
phase to ensure the system is being built to deliver the needed

Phases of System Development Life Cycle

 Initiation Phase
The Initiation Phase begins when a business sponsor identifies a
need or an opportunity.
The purpose of the Initiation Phase is to:

Identify and validate an opportunity to improve business

accomplishments of the organization or a deficiency related
to a business need.
Identify significant assumptions and constraints on solutions
to that need.
Recommend the exploration of alternative concepts and
methods to satisfy the need including questioning the need
for technology, i.e., will a change in the business process
offer a solution?
Assure executive business and executive technical
sponsorship. The Sponsor designates a Project Manager and
the business need is documented in a Concept Proposal. The
Concept Proposal includes information about the business
process and the relationship to the Agency/Organization.
Infrastructure and the Strategic Plan. A successful Concept
Proposal results in a Project Management Charter which
outlines the authority of the project manager to begin the

Careful oversight is required to ensure projects support

strategic business objectives and resources are effectively
implemented into an organization’s enterprise architecture. The
initiation phase begins when an opportunity to add, improve, or
correct a system is identified and formally requested through the
presentation of a business case. The business case should, at a
minimum, describe a proposal’s purpose, identify expected
benefits, and explain how the proposed system supports one of the
organization’s business strategies. The business case should also
identify alternative solutions and detail as many informational,
functional and network requirements as possible.
 System Concept Development Phase
The System Concept Development Phase begins after a business
need or opportunity is validated by the Agency/Organization
Program Leadership and the Agency/Organization CIO.

The purpose of the System Concept Development Phase is to:

Determine the feasibility and appropriateness of the

Identify system interfaces.
Identify basic functional and data requirements to satisfy the
business need.
Establish system boundaries; identify goals, objectives,
critical success factors, and performance measures.
Evaluate costs and benefits of alternative approaches to
satisfy the basic functional requirements.
Assess project risks
Identify and initiate risk mitigation actions, and develop
high-level technical architecture, proves models, data and a
concept of operations, this phase explores potential technical
solutions within the context of the business need.
It may include several trade-off decisions such as the
decision to use COTS software products has opposed to
developing custom software or reusing software
components, or the decision to use an incremental delivery
versus a complete, onetime deployment.
Construction of executable prototypes is encouraged to
evaluate technology to support the business process. The
System Boundary Document serves as an important
reference document to support the information Technology
Project Request (ITPR) process.
The ITPR must be approved by the State CIO before the
project can move forward.


 Planning Phase

The planning phase is the most critical step in completing

development, acquisition, and maintenance projects. Careful
planning, particularly in the early stages of a project, is necessary
to coordinate activities and manage project risks effectively. The
depth and formality of project plans should be commensurate with
the characteristics and risks of a given project. Project plans refine
the information gathered during the initiation phase by further
identifying the specific activities and resources required to
complete a project.
A critical part of a project manager’s job is to coordinate
discussions between user, audit, security, and network personnel to
identify and document as many functional, security and network
requirements as possible. During this phase, a plan is developed
that documents the approach to be used and includes a discussion
of methods, tools, tasks, resources, Project schedules and user
input. Personnel assignments, costs, project schedule, and target
dates are established.
A Project Management Plan is created with components related
to acquisition planning, configuration management planning,
quality assurance planning, concept of operations, system security,
verification and validation, and systems engineering management

 Requirements Analysis Phase

This phase formally defines the detailed functional user

requirements using high-level requirements identified in the
Initiation, System Concept and Planning phases. It also delineates
the requirements in terms of data, system performance, security,
and maintainability requirements for the system. The requirements
are defined in this phase to level of detail sufficient for systems
design to proceed. They need to be measurable, testable and relate
to the business need or opportunity identified in the Initiation
Phase. The requirements that will be used to determine acceptance
of the system are captured in the Test and Evaluation Master Plan.

The purposes of this phase are to:

Further define and refine the functional and data

requirements and document them in the Requirements
Complete business process reengineering of the functions to
be supported (i.e., verify what information drives the
business process, what information is generated, who
generates it, where does the information go, and who
processes it)
Develop the test and evaluation requirements that will be
used to determine acceptable system performance.

 Increased productivity

 Richer employee experiences

 Actionable insights

 Secure information

 Compliance support

 Support for remote workers

 Improved engagement and productivity

 Key insights about your workforce


 Cost of setup , installation, and training

 Loss of subjectivity

 Difficulty of Analysis

 Insufficient information

 Time consuming

 Human errors

 No method to trace details

 Non-secure

 Restrictions in the users.


 Show all records :-

This module is used to show all the employee records.

 Add records :-
This module is used to enter the new employee record.

 Search records :-
This module is used to search a particular employee record on particular
searching criteria.

 Delete records :-
This module is used to delete a particular employee record on particular

 Graphical representation:-
This module is used to display a employee record in graphical

 Update record :-
This module is used to update a particular employee record.

 Exit:-
This module is used to exit from a employee record management system.
#table creation
import mysql. connector as sql
conn=sql. connect (host= ‘localhost’, user= ‘root’, passwd= ‘manager’,
database= ‘employees’)
cur = conn. cursor ()

#cur. executes (‘create table user table (username varchar (25) primary key,
password varchar (25) not null)’)
print (‘================WELCOME TO START EMPLOYEE
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM============================’)
import datetime as dt
print ( ())
print (‘1. REGISTER’)
print ()
print ()

n=int (input (‘enter your choice=’))

print ()

 if n== 1:
name=input (‘Enter a Username=’)
print ()
passwd=int (input (‘Enter a 4 DIGIT Password=’))
print ()
V_SQLInsert= “INSERT INTO log_id (user_id, password) values (“+ str
(passwd) +”, ‘“+ name +”’)”
cur. executes(V_SQLInsert)
conn. commit ()
print ()
print (‘USER created successfully’)
import mainp

 if n==2:
name=input (‘Enter your Username=’)
print ()
passwd=int (input (‘Enter your 4 DIGIT Password=’))
V_Sql_Sel= “select * from log_id where password=’ ”+str (passwd) + “ ‘
and user_id= ’ ” +name+ “ ’ ”
cur. executes(V_Sql_Sel)
if cur. fetchall () is None:
print ()
print (‘Invaild username or password’)
print ()
import mainp


import time
print (“/t/t/t”, time. Crime ())

import mysql. connector as sql

conn=sql. connect (host= ‘localhost’, user= ‘root’, password= ‘manager’,
database= ‘employees’)
mycursor=conn. cursor ()

 def menu ():

c= ‘yes’
c=input (“do you want to continue or not (yes or No) :”)
while (c== ‘yes’):
print (“2. employee registration”)
print (“3. employee details”)
print (“4. update salary”)
print (“5. employees list”)
print (“6. know the number of employees”)
print (“7. work experience”)
print (“8. know your salary”)
choice=int (input (“ enter the choice: ”))
if choice==1:
login ()
elif choice==2:
resister ()
elif choice==3:
details ()
elif choice==4:
elif choice==5:
em_list ()
elif choice==6:
em_count ()
elif choice==7:
em_perform ()
elif choice==8:
salary ()
print (“exit”)
else: print (“Thank You”)

 def login ():

import sys
user_id=input (“enter USER ID:”)
pwd=int (input (“enter the password :”))
if user_id == ‘vishal’ and pwd ==6054:
print (“welcome to EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ”)

print (“invalid user id and password”)

sys. exit ()

 def register ():

import mysql. connector as sql

conn=sql. connect (host= ‘localhost’, user= ‘root’, password= ‘manager’,

database= ‘employees’)
mycursor=conn. cursor ()
v_em_no=int (input (“enter your employee ID”))
v_em_name=input (“enter your name:”)
v_em_dept=input (“enter department you want to join: “)
v_em_salary=input (“enter your salary:”)
v_em_age=int (input (“enter your age:”)
v_sql_insert=” insert into office values(“+int(v_em_no) +”, ‘ “
+v_em_name+” ’, ‘’+v_em_dept+” ’, “+str(v_em_salary)+”, “+str(v_em_age)

mycursor. execute(v_sql_insert)
conn. commit ()
print (“congrats you have joined successfully”)
print (“ registered successfully “)

 def details ():

import mysql. connector as sql
conn=sql. connect (host= ‘localhost’, user= ‘root’ ,password= ‘manager’,
database= ‘employees’)
mycursor=conn. cursor ()
mycursor. excute (“select* from OFFICE”)
results=mycursor. fetchall ()
conn. commit ()
for x in results:
print (x)

 def em_salary ():

import mysql. connector as sql

conn=sql. connect (host= ‘localhost’, user= ‘root’, password= ‘manager’,

database= ‘employee’)
mycursor=conn. cursor ()
nam=input (“enter your name”
mycursor. excute (“update office set
em_salary=em_salary+em_salary*10/100 where
em_name+ ‘{}’ “. format(nam))
conn. commit ()

 def em_list ():

import mysql. connector as sql
conn=sql. connect (host= ‘localhost’, user= ‘root’, password= ‘manage’, data
ase= ‘employee’)
mycursor=conn. cursor ()
mycursor. excute (“select em_name from office order by em_name asc”)
list_=mycursor. fetchall ()
for x in list_:
print (“total employees are”, a)
print (“unable to show the list”)
def em_count ():
import mysql. connector as sql
conn=sql. connect (host= ‘localhost’, user= ‘root’, password= ‘manager’,
database= ‘employees’)
mycursor=conn. cursor ()
mycursor. execute (“select coun(distinct em_name) from office”)
count=mycursor. fetchchall ()
for x in count:
print (“ number of employees:”, x)
conn. commit()

 def salary ():

nam=input (“enter your name:”)
a=mycursor. execute (“select em_salary from office where em_name= ‘{}’ ”.
mycursor. execute(a)
salary=mycursor. fetchall ()
for x in salary:
print( x, “is your current salary”,nam )
 def em_perform ():
v_em_no=int (input (“enter your employee ID”))
v_em_name=input (“enter your name:”)
v_em_dept=input (“enter department you want to join: ” )
v_em_performance=input (“enter your performance:”)
v_sql_insert= “insert into em_performance values(“+str(v_em_no)+’’, ‘
“+v_em_name+” ’, ‘ “+v_em_dept+” ’, ‘ “+v_em_performance+” ’,
mycursor. execute(v_sql_insert)
conn. commit ()
print (“performance added”)

 Sumita Arora Class XII Informatics Practices








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