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Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Cypher 151 5 5 4 4 3 6 3 10 3+

Any chaos space marine army or imperial guard may take him. He counts as 1 elites
choice. He is an independent character and must be used exactly as shown and may
not be given any additional wargear.

Wargear: Master crafter bolt pistol and master crafted plasma pistol.

Special Rules
Space Marine: Cypher and his fallen angels benefit from “they shall know no fear”

Fallen Angels: If you include cypher he may also include a squad of Fallen Angels.
These are treated as a unit of Chaos space marines as from normal codex Chaos.
These Fallen Angels hate the dark angels with a fiery passion and must assault them if
possible. Note if Cypher joins the Fallen Angels and they are forced to assault he
must do so too.

Animosity: The very presence of Cypher ferments discord and animosity amongst the
troops he leads. If Cypher joins a squad (with the exception of Fallen Angels) roll a
D6 at the start of each turn for as long as he remains with the unit. On a roll of 1 the
members have -1 to their leadership for the rest of the turn. This does not apply to
other independent characters or vehicles.

Divine Protection: If Cypher is ever killed or reduced to zero wounds he vanishes

from battle so remove him from play. If mission-specific rules require him to be
captured he is only captured on a 6. Of course he will probably escape later whisked
away by his mysterious patron.

Gunfighter: Cypher is a master marksman and can aim and shoot with two pistols.
He may shoot two weapons in the shooting phase one with his master crafted bolt
pistol and once with his master crafted plasma pistol. If cypher remains stationary he
may rapid fire both his pistols. Such is Cypher’s skill with pistols he counts as being
armed with a power weapon and gains +1A for being armed with two close combat

Hunted By Dark Angels: The name of Cypher carries millennia of hatred for the Dark
Angels. The Deathwing and Ravenwing have hunted him throughout the galaxy. All
members of the Deathwing, Ravenwing and Dark Angel characters must charge
Cypher or Fallen Angels if able to do so in the assault phase.

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