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[What is living] [What is living]
1. Select the incorrect statement. 5. Reproduction is not synonymous with growth/cell
(1) Properties of tissues are not present in the division in :
constituent cells. (i) Bacteria (ii) Hydra
(2) All living phenomenon is due to underlying (iii) Planaria (iv) Unicellular alga
(v) Amoeba
(3) Properties of cellular organelles are also
(1) (i), (ii), (iv) & (v) (2) (ii) & (iii)
present in the molecular constituents of the
organelles. (3) (ii), (iii) & (v) (4) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v)

(4) The interactions result in emergent properties
at a higher level of organization. [What is living]
[NCERT PG. 5] 6. Which of the following statements regarding the
[What is living] response of living organism to external stimuli is
2. Among the following, select the correct statements. correct ?
A. In majority of higher plants & animals, growth (1) The External stimuli; can be physical,
& reproduction are mutually exclusive event. chemical or biological.
B. In non living objects growth is by (2) All organisms from prokaryotes to the most
accumulation of material on the surface. complex eukaryotes can sense and respond to
C. An isolated metabolic reaction outside the
environmental stimuli.
body of an organism performed in a test tube
(3) Self consciousness is a defining property of
neither living nor non-living.
living beings
D. All organisms from prokaryotes to Eukaryotes
can sense and respond to environmental cues. (4) Both (1) & (2)
(1) B, C, D (2) A, B, C [NCERT PG. 5]
(3) A, D, C (4) A, B, C, D [What is living]
[NCERT PG. 5] 7. Read the following statements:
[What is living] I. Yeast & Hydra can reproduce asexually by
3. Which of the following can multiply by budding.
fragmentation? II. Fungi multiply & spread easily due to the
A. Algae million of asexual spores they produce.
B. Fungi III. Fungi, filamentous algae & protonema of
C. Protonema of mosses mosses multiply easily by fragmentation.
(1) A and B only (2) A, B, C
IV. Planaria show true regeneration.
(3) A and D only (4) B and C only
V. In unicelled organisms reproduction & growth

[What is living] are exclusive events and are not inclusive or

4. Choose the correct one from given statements. synonymous..
(i) Plants do not respond to external stimuli/ How many of above statements are correct?
factors. (1) Four (2) Two (3) Three (4) One
(ii) Photoperiod affects reproduction in seasonal [NCERT PG. 4]
breeders. [What is living]
(iii) All organisms are aware of their surroundings. 8. Properties of tissues–
(iv) Human beings have self-conciousness. (1) Are present in the constituent cells
(v) Living organisms are self replicating, evolving (2) Are due to similar cells in them
and self regulating interactive systems capable (3) Are due to their similar origin
of responding to external stimuli. (4) Arises as a result of interactions among
(1) (i), (iii) & (iv) (2) (i), (ii), (iv) & (v)
constituent cells
(3) (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) (4) (i) & (iv)
Assignment 1
[What is living] [Taxonomical categories]
9. Extrinsic & intrinsic growth are found respectively in 15. Find the correct option in below diagram according
to taxonomical hierarchy.
(1) Housefly, Tiger
(2) Sandunes, Mossess
(3) Lion, Humans
4 5
(4) Mountains, Bouldens
1 2 3
[What is living]
10. Find which statement is incorrect ? Datura Potato Mango Wheat
(1) Both prokaryotes & eukaryotes can respond (1) 1-Solanum, 2-Poales, 3-Sapindales,
to external stimuli. 4- Monocotyledonae, 5- Dicotyledonae,
(2) Humans show consciousness & self 6- Angiospermae

consciousness both (2) 1- Polymoniales, 2-Sapindales, 3-Poales,
4- Dicotyledonae, 5- Monocotyledonae,
(3) Self-consciousness can be observed in all
6- Angiospermae
living beings. (3) 1- Angiospermae, 2-Dicotyledonae,
(4) Self-consciousness observed in human beings. 3- Monocotyledonae, 4- Angiospermae,
[NCERT PG. 5] 5- Poales, 6- Sapindales
[Diversity in living] (4) 1- Solanum, 2-Mangifera, 3- Triticum,
4- Dicotyledonae, 5- Monocotyledonae,
11. The number of species that are known and
6- Plantae
described range between : [NCERT PG. 10, 11]
(1) 1.7 to 1.8 million (2) 2.7 to 5.0 million [Taxonomical categories]
(3) 17.00 to 20.0 million(4) 30.0 to 40.0 million 16. In the following flow diagram, identify the correct
[NCERT PG. 6] categories according to taxonomic hierarchy.
[Taxonomical categories] Kingdom
12. Plants, dicots and wheat represent
(1) Taxa at different levels 4
(2) Taxa at same level
(3) Different levels of same taxon 5
(4) same level of same taxon
[NCERT PG. 8] 1
[Diversity in living world]
13. Modern Taxonomy involves 2
(1) External and internal structure
(2) Cell structure and development process 3

(3) Ecological information

(4) All of these Species
[NCERT PG. 8] (a) Primata, diptera and carnivora belongs to
[Diversity in living world] category ‘1’
14. ______ written at the end of the biological name, (b) Petunia, Datura and Solanum belong to same
after the specific epithet and is written in an family and it is category ‘2’
(c) Angiospermae belongs to category ‘5’
abbreviated form :
(d) Man and dog show maximum similarity at
(1) Name of author category ‘4’
(2) Name of locality (e) Category ‘3’ is same for lion, tiger and leopard
(3) Name of variety or subspecies Select the correct statements.
(4) Name of Genus (1) a, b, d, e (2) b, c, d, e
[NCERT PG. 7] (3) a, b, c (4) a, b, e
[NCERT PG. 10, 11]
Assignment 2
[Taxonomical Aids] [Taxonomical Aids]
17. Which of the following are true with reference to 21. Find wrong statements w.r.t. museums
taxonomical aids?
I. Museum may be set up in educational institute.
I. Separate taxonomic keys are required for each
taxonomic category II. Museum have collections of preserved plants
II. Herbarium is a store house of collected plants and animal specimens.
and animals specimens III. Specimens are not preserved in the jars in
III. Each statement in the key is called couplet preservative solution.
IV. Keys are used for identification purpose IV. Animal specimens may also be preserved as
(1) I & II (2) I & IV dry specimens.
(3) I & III (4) III & IV
V. Insects are preserved in insect boxes after
[NCERT PG. 13]
collecting, killing & pinning.
[Taxonomical Aids]

VI. Animals are usually stuffed and preserved.
18. Which of the following taxonomical aid includes
live specimens VII. Museums often have collections of skeletons
I. Taxonomical key II. Botanical Garden of animals.
III. Herbarium IV. Museum (1) I, II & IV (2) III, IV, V & VI
(1) I & II (2) II & III (3) III, V & VI (4) III only
(3) III & IV (4) II only
[NCERT PG. 12]
[NCERT PG. 13]
[Taxonomical Aids] [Taxonomical Aids]
19. How many statements are correct about 22. How many statements are wrong ?
Herbarium? I. Zoological parks enable us to learn about their
I. It is a store house of collected plants specimens food habits and behaviour of wild animals.
that are dried, pressed & preserved on sheets
II. Keys are based on similarities &
II. Sheets carry a label providing information
about place of collection & collector’s name etc.
III. Pair of contrasting trait is called lead.
III. It also serve as quick referral system in
taxonomical studies. IV. Each statement in the key is called couplet.
IV. Plant specimens are grown for identification V. Same taxonomical keys are required for plants
purpose and animals.
(1) one (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four (1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four
[NCERT PG: 12]
[NCERT PG: 13]
[Taxonomical Aids]
20. How many statements are wrong for Botanical [Taxonomical Aids]
Garden? 23. How many statements are wrong ?

I. Botanical Gardens have collection of living I. Flora, manuals, monographs & catalogues are
plants for reference means of recording description.
II. Plant species in these gardens are grown for
II. Flora is useful in providing information of
identification purpose.
species found in an area
III. Each plant in these gardens is labelled
III. Flora provides only an index of plants found
indicating its botanical / scientific name & it’s
families. in a particular area.
IV. Indian Botanical Garden, situated at Lucknow IV. Manuals contain the actual account of habitat
(India) and distribution of plants a particular area
V. National Botanical Research Institute situated V. Monograph contains information of many taxa.
at Howrah (India) (1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four
(1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four
[NCERT PG. 14]
[NCERT PG. 12]
Assignment 3
[Taxonomical Aids] [Taxonomical Aids]
24. Find how many are incorrect match :- 25. Find how many statements are incorrect :-
I. Taxonomical keys – Analytical in nature I. Botanical gardens are places for collection of
II. Monograph – Information of one Taxon dead specimens.
III. Museum –Ex-situ conservation II. Taxonomical keys are helpful in identification
of plants and animals both.
IV. Botanical Garden – In situ conservation
III. Herbarium is store house for collection of live
V. Zoological parks – Ex-situ conservation plants.
(1) One (2) Two IV. Monographs provide ex-situ conservation.
(3) Three (4) Four (1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four
[NCERT PG. 14] [NCERT PG. 13]


1. 3 2. 4 3. 2 4. 3 5. 2
6. 4 7. 1 8. 4 9. 2 10. 3
11. 1 12. 1 13. 4 14. 1 15. 2
16. 4 17. 2 18. 4 19. 3 20. 2
21. 4 22. 3 23. 3 24. 2 25. 3

Assignment 4

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