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Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no.

main ©ESO 2024

April 19, 2024

The impact of stellar bars on quenching star formation: insights

from a spatially resolved analysis in the local Universe
Letizia Scaloni1, 2,⋆ , Giulia Rodighiero3, 4 , Andrea Enia1, 2 , Carlotta Gruppioni2 , Francesca Annibali2 , Laura
Bisigello5, 3 , Paolo Cassata3, 4 , Enrico Maria Corsini3, 4 , Viviana Casasola5 , Cristina Maria Lofaro6, 3 , and Alessandro
Bianchetti3, 4

Department of Physics and Astronomy “Augusto Righi”, University of Bologna, Via Piero Gobetti 93/2, I-40129 Bologna, Italy
INAF – Astrophysics and Space Science Observatory of Bologna, Via Piero Gobetti 93/3, I-40129 Bologna, Italy
Department of Physics and Astronomy “Galileo Galilei”, University of Padova, Vicolo dell’Osservatorio 3, I-35122 Padova, Italy
arXiv:2404.11656v1 [astro-ph.GA] 17 Apr 2024

INAF – Astronomical Observatory of Padova, Vicolo dell’Osservatorio 5, I-35122 Padova, Italy
INAF – Radioastronomy Institute of Bologna, Via Piero Gobetti 101, I-40129 Bologna, Italy
Institute of Astrophysics, Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH), GR-70013 Heraklion, Greece

Received XXX; accepted XXX


Context. Stellar bars are common morphological structures in the local Universe: according to optical and NIR surveys, they are
present in about two-thirds of disc galaxies. These elongated structures are also believed to play a crucial role in secular evolutionary
processes, since they are able to efficiently redistribute gas, stars and angular momentum within their hosts, although it remains unclear
whether they enhance or suppress star formation. A useful tool to investigate such an ambiguity is the Main Sequence (MS) relation,
which tightly links stellar mass (M⋆ ) and star formation rate (SFR).
Aims. The main goal of this work is to explore star formation processes in barred galaxies, in order to assess the relevance of possible
bar quenching effects on the typical log-linear trend of the resolved MS.
Methods. To this purpose, we carry out a spatially resolved analysis on sub-kpc scales for a sample of six nearby barred galaxies.
Multi-wavelength photometric data (from far-UV to far-IR) are collected from the DustPedia database and a panchromatic Spectral
Energy Distribution (SED) fitting procedure is applied on square apertures of fixed angular size (8 ′′ × 8 ′′ ), making use of the magphys
Results. For each galaxy we obtain the distributions of stellar mass and star formation rate surface densities and relate them in the
log Σ⋆ – log ΣSFR plane deriving the spatially resolved MS relation. Although significant galaxy-to-galaxy variations are in place, we
infer the presence of a common anti-correlation track in correspondence with the bar-hosting region, which shows systematically
lower values of SFR. Such a central quiescent signature can be interpreted as the result of a bar-driven depletion of gas reservoirs and
a consequent halt of star formation. This seems to point in the direction of an inside-out quenching scenario.
Key words. galaxies: evolution – galaxies: spiral – galaxies: star formation – galaxies: stellar content – galaxies: structure

1. Introduction formation. In particular, as found by several observational stud-

ies, there seems to be a consensus on the decline of the barred
Internal processes typically dominate the late-stage evolution of galaxy fraction from the local Universe up to z ∼ 1 by at least a
galaxies, when gravitational interactions and mergers become factor of two (e.g., Sheth et al. 2008; Melvin et al. 2014). More
less frequent as the Universe expands (Kormendy & Kennicutt recently, the unprecedented sensitivity and spatial resolution in
2004). Stellar bars are among the main internal drivers of the the NIR of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have given
secular evolution of disc galaxies, since they are able to shape us the chance to infer the evolution of the bar fraction at higher
the current properties of their hosts redistributing gas, stars and redshifts. Prominent elongated structures have been identified in
angular momentum within them (e.g., Athanassoula & Misirio- disc galaxies up to z ∼ 3.8 (e.g., Guo et al. 2023; Costantin et al.
tis 2002; Sheth et al. 2005; Debattista et al. 2006; Athanassoula 2023; Amvrosiadis et al. 2024), while Le Conte et al. (2023)
2013; Di Matteo et al. 2013; Sellwood 2014). presented a full census of observable stellar bars at z > 1. They
The pivotal role of bars in improving our understanding of pointed out that the incidence of bars in disc galaxies decreases
galaxy evolution is also supported by the fact that they are com- from ∼ 19% to ∼ 7% going from 1 ≤ z ≤ 2 to 2 < z ≤ 3. Consis-
mon morphological structures in the local Universe. According tent results were also obtained in a fully cosmological context,
to optical and near-infrared (NIR) surveys, between ∼ 40% and thanks to a new generation of high-resolution simulations (e.g.,
∼ 70% of nearby disc galaxies host stellar bars (e.g., Eskridge Fragkoudi et al. 2020; Zhao et al. 2020; Rosas-Guevara et al.
et al. 2000; Barazza et al. 2008; Aguerri et al. 2009; Nair & Abra- 2022).
ham 2010; Buta et al. 2015; Erwin 2018). The evolution of this
fraction over cosmic time may shed light on the epoch of bar The fact that both observational studies and simulations
present evidence of a significant population of barred galaxies

e-mail: [email protected] up to z ∼ 2 suggests that stellar bars are already in place in the
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early Universe, thus hinting at the possibility that bar-driven sec- et al. 2015; Barro et al. 2017; Santini et al. 2017; Pearson et al.
ular processes could potentially influence galaxy evolution over 2018; Popesso et al. 2019b; Daddi et al. 2022; Popesso et al.
billions of years. Bars are thought to form over time scales of the 2023). Galaxies exhibiting various rates of stellar production
order of a hundred million years, once a dynamically cold and (starbursts, SFGs, and passive galaxies) populate different re-
rotationally supported disc has settled (e.g., Ostriker & Peebles gions of the M⋆ – SFR plane. Therefore, their position with re-
1973; Sellwood & Wilkinson 1993). The onset of bar formation spect to the MS can be used as a diagnostic tool to identify their
occurs mainly when the stellar orbits of massive disc galaxies state of star formation and to figure out the origin of the colour
deviate from a circular path due to instabilities. bimodality of galaxies (e.g., Rodighiero et al. 2011; Renzini &
Whether the growth of stellar bars enhance or suppress star Peng 2015; Bisigello et al. 2018; Popesso et al. 2019a).
formation is still debated (e.g., Kim et al. 2017; Wang et al. A significant limitation in the understanding of the M⋆ – SFR
2020). However, there are indications supporting the hypothe- relation is that many studies have relied on the integrated proper-
sis that bars can suppress star formation (bar quenching) in a ties of galaxies without distinguishing among their morphologi-
region spanning from the central sub-kiloparsec (sub-kpc) to the cal components. A more advanced approach involves character-
end of the bar itself (e.g., Masters et al. 2010, 2012; Gavazzi ising this correlation on smaller scales, employing spatially re-
et al. 2015; James & Percival 2016; George et al. 2019a; Rosas- solved data. Thanks to high-spatial-resolution imaging and to the
Guevara et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2021), thus contributing to the advent of integral field spectroscopy (IFS) facilities, it was dis-
observed transition from active star-forming galaxies to passive covered that the MS relation is valid also locally, at kpc and sub-
ones (e.g., Man & Belli 2018). This could be due to the bar- kpc scales (e.g., Sánchez et al. 2013; Wuyts et al. 2013; Cano-
induced shock and shear, which stabilise the gas against collapse Díaz et al. 2016; Abdurro’uf & Akiyama 2017; Hsieh et al. 2017;
by increasing turbulence and, in turn, resulting in the inhibition Lin et al. 2019; Enia et al. 2020; Ellison et al. 2021; Casasola
of star formation (e.g., Haywood et al. 2016; Khoperskov et al. et al. 2022). This implies that the star formation activity origi-
2018). Another possible mechanism is related to the redistribu- nates from physical mechanisms that could be universal across
tion of cold gas along the length of the stellar bar. The torque various physical scales. There is a general consensus on the ex-
produced by this morphological structure perturbs the interstellar istence of such a "resolved" Main Sequence relation between the
medium (ISM), driving gas and dust inflow towards the galactic locally measured star formation rate surface density (ΣSFR ) and
centre (e.g., Casasola et al. 2011; Combes et al. 2013; Spinoso the stellar mass surface density (Σ⋆ ). However, its slope, zero-
et al. 2017). As a consequence, this boosts the star formation in point and scatter are subject to significant galaxy-to-galaxy vari-
the inner sub-kpc-scale area and depletes the bar hosting region ations, depending on the different morphological structures, SFR
of fuel for further star formation (e.g., George et al. 2019a, 2020; tracers, dust extinction correction, and fitting procedures (e.g.,
Newnham et al. 2020). Abdurro’uf & Akiyama 2017; Vulcani et al. 2019; Pessa et al.
The bar-quenching scenario, suggested by many recent ob- 2021, 2022; Casasola et al. 2022).
servations and simulations, predicts that bars can be responsible With the aim of probing the relevance of bar-driven quench-
for the onset of a fast star formation rate phase at their early ing, several observational works and simulations dealt with the
evolutionary stages, potentially triggering starburst events or fu- analysis of the integrated MS relation of statistically large sam-
elling an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN), accompanied by a ples of barred galaxies (e.g., Vera et al. 2016; George et al.
subsequent rapid consumption of gas, thus inducing a premature 2019b; Fraser-McKelvie et al. 2020a; George & Subramanian
quenching phase in their host galaxies (e.g., Spinoso et al. 2017; 2021; Rosas-Guevara et al. 2020, 2022). Instead, as far as we
Fraser-McKelvie et al. 2020a,b; George & Subramanian 2021; know, there are just a few studies that investigated the spa-
Géron et al. 2021). This could explain why some literature works tially resolved MS across different galactic structures, including
agree on the fact that barred galaxies have higher SFR than un- the bar (Pessa et al. 2021, 2022). Moreover, previous literature
barred ones, especially at the centre, along the length of the bar works are almost based on spectroscopic data or UV-to-optical
and within the circumnuclear region (e.g., Sheth et al. 2005; Zu- tracers of SFR (see Sánchez 2020, for a review).
rita & Pérez 2008; Ellison et al. 2011; Coelho & Gadotti 2011; In this work, we further investigate the MS relation at sub-
Prieto et al. 2019; Lin et al. 2020). While many other studies kpc scales for six barred galaxies in the local Universe, exploit-
pointed out that bars are most likely to be found in quiescent ing the power of multi-wavelength photometric data (from far-
galaxies, which are typically more massive, redder, and gas-poor UV to far-IR) collected in the DustPedia archive (Davies et al.
(e.g., Vera et al. 2016; Cervantes Sodi 2017; Géron et al. 2021). 2017; Clark et al. 2018) and building on the methodology pro-
In this context, it is worthwhile to further explore the impact posed in Enia et al. (2020). With this approach, we can retrieve a
of bar quenching by studying the star formation properties and reliable measure of the SFR, taking into account both the unob-
their dependence on the presence of the bar, especially through scured and the dust-obscured components, once a Spectral En-
the existing empirical correlations between the main structural ergy Distribution (SED) fitting procedure is applied. The final
parameters of galaxies. In particular, the stellar mass (M⋆ ) – star aim of this study is to get a more comprehensive view of the
formation rate (SFR) relation is one of the most useful tools in star formation processes in barred galaxies and to understand
modern astrophysics (e.g., Brinchmann et al. 2004; Noeske et al. whether the presence of the bar affects the typical log-linear
2007a,b; Salim et al. 2007). It is usually named the Main Se- trend of the resolved MS, at least in the inner regions.
quence (MS) of star-forming galaxies (SFGs) and it shows that The paper is structured as follows: in Section 2, we briefly
more massive galaxies host larger amounts of star formation than describe the data used in this work and our sample selection;
lower-mass ones. Many literature works hint that this log-linear in Section 3, we report the main steps of the employed method-
correlation is valid, with an intrinsic scatter of σ ∼ 0.3 dex, for ology for deriving M⋆ and SFR; in Section 4, we present our
local as well as for distant galaxies (up to z ∼ 6), for a wide results concerning the spatially resolved MS; in Section 5, we
range of stellar masses and considering different SFR tracers discuss the implications of our findings. Finally, in Section 6,
(e.g., Daddi et al. 2007; Pannella et al. 2009; Santini et al. 2009; we summarise our work and the main outcomes. Throughout
Oliver et al. 2010; Elbaz et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2012; Whitaker the paper, we will assume a ΛCDM cosmology with parame-
et al. 2012; Moustakas et al. 2013; Whitaker et al. 2014; Tasca ters Ωm = 0.308, ΩΛ = 0.692, H0 = 67.8 km s−1 Mpc−1 (Planck
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Collaboration et al. 2016) and a Chabrier (2003) Initial Mass taken from the HyperLEDA database (Makarov et al. 2014) and
Function (IMF). are those adopted by the DustPedia collaboration. Moreover, we
report the bar radius Rbar in kpc, as determined in previous stud-
ies based on photometric decompositions of images from the
2. Data and Sample Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4 G). In particu-
2.1. DustPedia archive lar, we retrieve the bar radius of NGC 1566 and NGC 3351 from
Muñoz-Mateos et al. (2013), while for all the other galaxies we
DustPedia1 is a research project that was developed to enable a refer to the work of Salo et al. (2015). Then, we show the to-
comprehensive characterisation of the cosmic dust in the local tal stellar mass and the total star formation rate, with the cor-
Universe and of its effects on multi-wavelength observations of responding uncertainties, of all the selected sources. These inte-
ISM in galaxies (Davies et al. 2017). grated properties are expressed respectively in units of M⊙ and of
The DustPedia sample consists of 875 galaxies that were ob- M⊙ yr−1 and are taken from the results of Nersesian et al. (2019),
served by Herschel (Pilbratt et al. 2010) and that lie within ∼ 50 paying attention to properly rescale them in accordance with a
Mpc, with an optical diameter D25 2 greater than 1 ′ . The com- Chabrier (2003) IMF. They derived the global properties of most
plete data set, which is publicly available to the scientific com- of the DustPedia sample using the aperture-matched photometry
munity, contains standardised multi-wavelength imagery and generated by the Comprehensive & Adaptable Aperture Photom-
photometry of the whole sample of galaxies, including both cus- etry Routine (CAAPR), which is presented in Clark et al. (2018).
tom reductions and archival data, spanning over five orders of On this photometric dataset, they modelled the panchromatic
magnitude in wavelength from ultraviolet to microwave (Clark SED employing the cigale fitting code (Boquien et al. 2019)
et al. 2018). and assuming the Salpeter (1955) IMF. We also indicate the size
in kpc of the square apertures adopted for the spatially resolved
analysis presented in this paper (i.e., the size of the cells). In par-
2.2. Sample selection
ticular, this value is related to the so-called pixel-by-pixel SED
To properly select a sample of barred spiral galaxies from the fitting procedure that is applied to a grid of square cells with 8 ′′
DustPedia database, we first put some constraints on the Hub- side, which corresponds to different physical sizes depending on
ble stage index T3 , restricting its range between 2 and 7. In this the galaxies’ distances. More details about the methodology are
way we exclude early-type galaxies, intermediate classifications explained in Sect. 3.
between lenticular and spirals and also the irregular ones. Then
we apply a cutoff in distance, at approximately 20 Mpc, and also 2.3. Sample description
impose a lower limit for the optical diameter D25 , considering
only galaxies with D25 > 4 ′ . Both these conditions ensure a se- This paragraph focuses on outlining the main characteristics of
lection of sufficiently close and extended galaxies, so that their the selected galaxies, building on previous literature findings and
central regions hosting the bar can be properly investigated with highlighting the most relevant to our analysis.
enough resolution. Furthermore, we focus on sources that have Firstly, it is important to note that although we decided to
a disc inclination of i < 65°, to avoid projection corrections. Be- rule out any possible strong AGN contamination, our sample in-
sides all this, we select only spiral galaxies that show a bar struc- cludes two galaxies, namely NGC 1566 and NGC 4579, in which
ture based on their known morphological classification. We also there are hints of activity in their nuclear regions. NGC 1566 is
exclude objects with peculiar structures and those hosting obvi- considered a low-luminosity AGN (LLAGN), but it shows a soft
ous AGN (according to the already existing literature). Indeed, X-ray spectrum that is likely explained with a luminous nuclear
the presence of a strong nuclear activity would largely affect the starburst (Tomás et al. 2022). Thanks to ALMA observations,
emission due to the star formation in most of the galaxy and es- Combes et al. (2014) found that the HCO+ (4-3) line is three
pecially in the central region, which is the one to be deeply inves- times stronger than the HCN(4-3), as expected when star for-
tigated in order to probe the relevance of the bar-driven quench- mation excitation dominates over AGN heating. Also, Vermot
ing. In the end, thanks to all the outlined constraints, we obtain a et al. (2023) suggested that the nucleus of this galaxy hosts both
sample as free as possible from any contamination, enabling us phenomena: very recent or ongoing star formation and an AGN
to more effectively distinguish the impact of the bar. (accretion disc + hot dust). The latter contribution is supported
The final sample consists of six objects: NGC 1566, by detection in optical and NIR spectra of associated emission
NGC 3351, NGC 3953, NGC 4579, NGC 4725, NGC 5236. Dis- lines (Smajić et al. 2015; da Silva et al. 2017). This galaxy is
tances, inclinations, sizes and integrated properties of the galax- characterised by variable nuclear activity and observations of the
ies under consideration are presented below and summarised in AGN in the outburst phase seem to identify disc instabilities as
Table 1. All the sources are identified by their own equatorial the cause of such variability (Parker et al. 2019). NGC 4579 is
coordinates (Right Ascension and Declination) at epoch J2000. classified as an intermediate LINER/Seyfert 1.9 spiral galaxy,
For each galaxy, along with the morphological type, we report: according to the classification of Ho et al. (1997). Subsequent
luminosity distance in Mpc, inclination, R25 (semi-major axis works, e.g., García-Burillo et al. (2009), considered this object
of the 25-th level isophote) size in kpc. All these quantities are a representative example of a LLAGN in which several mecha-
nisms can co-operate to transport the gas from the outer disc to
The DustPedia website is available at the central regions (spiral arms, bar, viscosity), thus feeding star
D25 is the major axis of the 25-th level isophote, which is the one at formation and possibly the AGN activity itself. More recently,
which the value of the surface brightness falls below 25mag/arcsec2 in
the B band.
this galaxy has been studied in terms of variability timescales:
The Hubble stage index T is a numerical value, running from -6 to Younes et al. (2019) found a lack of variability in the X-ray emis-
10, that is assigned to each morphological class of galaxies in the De sion and a broad Fe Kα line. They argued for an altered accretion
Vaucouleurs scheme. Negative values correspond to early-type galaxies geometry in LLAGN, compared to luminous AGN.
(ellipticals and lenticulars), while positive numbers correspond to late- We decided to include both of these objects in our sample be-
type galaxies (spirals and irregulars). cause their LLAGN appears to have only a marginal impact on
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Table 1. Main properties of the galaxy sample.

Galaxy RA Dec D i R25 Rbar log(M⋆ /M⊙ ) SFR Cell size Hubble
Name [deg] [deg] [Mpc] [°] [kpc] [kpc] [dex] [M⊙ yr−1 ] 8 ′′ [kpc] Type
NGC 1566 65.00160 −54.93781 6.14 47.9 6.31 1.2 9.57+0.15
−0.23 0.44 ± 0.08 0.24 SABb
NGC 3351 160.99035 +11.70355 9.91 54.6 10.17 3.8 10.10+0.09
−0.11 0.68 ± 0.15 0.38 SBb
NGC 3953 178.45425 +52.32653 12.47 62.1 10.89 2.8 10.13+0.11
−0.14 0.36 ± 0.29 0.48 SBbc
NGC 4579 189.43140 +11.81800 19.95 41.9 14.14 4.3 10.88+0.05
−0.06 0.57 ± 0.29 0.77 SBb
NGC 4725 192.61095 +25.50091 12.08 45.4 16.72 7.0 10.64+0.07
−0.08 0.58 ± 0.07 0.47 SABa
NGC 5236 204.25365 −29.86556 4.90 14.1 9.38 2.4 10.27+0.10
−0.13 4.20 ± 0.69 0.19 SBc

Notes. Galaxy name, coordinates in J2000 system reference, distances, inclinations, R25 sizes and morphological classifications (Hubble Type) are
the same adopted by the DustPedia collaboration, and come from the HyperLEDA database. Rbar sizes are taken from Muñoz-Mateos et al. (2013)
and Salo et al. (2015). The values of M⋆ (in logarithmic scale) and SFR are obtained from Nersesian et al. (2019). Cell sizes are referred to the
pixel-by-pixel SED fitting procedure (in this case, with 8 ′′ square size, reported in kpc).

the overall galaxy properties and on its energy budget (Casasola total star formation rate (SFR ∼ 4.2 M⊙ yr−1 , Leroy et al. 2021).
et al. 2015). This nuclear activity could at most affect the inner Furthermore, Della Bruna et al. (2022) observed that both stars
sub-kpc region. For example, de Sá-Freitas et al. (2023) masked and gas kinematics trace regular rotation along the main star-
a region of ∼ 2 ′′ at the centre of NGC 1566 in order to avoid forming disc as well as a fast-rotating circumnuclear disc of
any potential contamination in their analysis, which was based 30 ′′ (∼ 700 pc) in diameter, likely originating from secular pro-
on the derivation of kinematic and stellar population properties cesses driven by the galactic bar (as already reported by Gadotti
in the nuclear disc. This angular scale is smaller than our typical et al. (2020)). They also detected an extended ionised gas region,
aperture employed in the subsequent spatially resolved proce- which could, among other factors, be attributed to a bar-driven
dure (8 ′′ ). For this reason, we initially assume that AGN activity inflow of shocked gas.
in their nuclear region does not affect our data analysis, and then
we verify this assumption a posteriori by looking at the SED fit-
ting in the central pixels. (see Sect. 5). 2.4. Environmental properties
NGC 3351 is actively forming stars in its nucleus and in a The environment in which galaxies inhabit is believed to play a
circumnuclear ring (with a diameter of ∼ 0.7 kpc), as it is high- crucial role in their evolutionary paths (Dressler 1980; Poggianti
lighted by many multi-wavelength studies performed on sub-kpc et al. 1999). According to many observational works, late-type
scales (Elmegreen et al. 1997; Bresolin & Kennicutt 2002; Ma galaxies (spiral, blue and star forming) are more likely found
et al. 2018). Hα imaging of this galaxy shows that the bar re- in lower density environments, than early-type ones (elliptical,
gion is devoid of emission (James et al. 2009) and, according red and quenched), which are more numerous in groups, clus-
to James & Percival (2016), it is characterised by an old stel- ters and interacting systems (e.g., Casasola et al. 2004; Blanton
lar population. So far, literature has suggested that the nuclear et al. 2005; Peng et al. 2010; Boselli & Gavazzi 2014). Indeed,
starburst and the observed suppression of recent star formation there are several external processes that are commonly identi-
(∼ 10 Myr) in the bar region, which lacks neutral and molecular fied as responsible for this phenomenology and that can alter
hydrogen, are likely due to the influence of the bar itself (e.g., the effects of internal and/or secular processes, such as the ac-
George et al. 2019a). tion of a stellar bar. Among them, we can mention: ram-pressure
On the contrary, there are not many studies concerning stripping (Gunn & Gott 1972; Yun et al. 2019), mergers (Mihos
NGC 3953 and NGC 4725. The former has a rather low & Hernquist 1994), harassment (high-speed encounters between
bulge/disc ratio, suggesting that its inner regions are mostly galaxies; Moore et al. 1996), strangulation (cutoff of gas accre-
dominated by components other than the bulge, such as the bar tion; Kawata & Mulchaey 2008). In this paragraph we present
and ring (Castro-Rodríguez & Garzón 2003). Besides, the work the environment in which each of our barred galaxies is located,
of Staudaher et al. (2019) seems to show the presence of some in order to find out any possible influence.
leftover turbulent gas in this galaxy, resulting in a newly dis- NGC 1566 is the brightest member of the Dorado group
covered looping tidal stream. The latter, i.e., NGC 4725, was (Agüero et al. 2004; Kilborn et al. 2005) and belongs to a
identified as a double-barred galaxy by Erwin (2004), but de pair-like structure where its companion is the dwarf elliptical
Lorenzo-Cáceres et al. (2013) suggested that, at present, the in- NGC 1581 Rampazzo et al. (2022). Moreover, the work of Ela-
ner bar is playing a minor role in promoting major morpholog- gali et al. (2019) found that NGC 1566 has an asymmetric and
ical changes. Chiaraluce et al. (2019) attempted to measure its mildly warped HI disk. To explain this feature, they excluded the
nuclear radio emission, including this object among a sample of scenario of past interactions with other galaxies in favour of the
low-luminosity Seyfert galaxies (Véron-Cetty & Véron 2006). possibility of having experienced ram-pressure stripping from
However, their Very Large Array (VLA) observations produced the Intergalactic Medium (IGM), at least in its outskirts. How-
an unresolved image and a peculiar radio spectrum, which would ever, the high atomic gas fraction that characterises this galaxy
deserve further investigation to derive meaningful information hints at a subtle ram-pressure stripping effect, as expected in
from this source. galaxies’ groups.
Regarding NGC 5236, it has a grand design barred spiral We used the catalogue produced by Karachentsev et al.
morphology and hosts a nuclear starburst ring (Buta & Crocker (2013) to get the environmental properties of NGC 3351 and
1993; Calzetti et al. 2004; Knapen et al. 2010) leading to a high NGC 5236. This catalogue collects information about 869 galax-
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GALEX FUV SDSS g 2MASS J Spitzer 4.5 WISE 12 SPIRE 250

2 kpc

2 kpc

2 kpc

2 kpc

2 kpc

2 kpc


Fig. 1. Example of six bands imaging available for NGC 1566, NGC 3351, NGC 3953, NGC 4579, NGC 4725, NGC 5236 (from the DustPedia
archive). Each row represents a galaxy, while in columns we display the observations in different bands: GALEX FUV, SDSS g, 2MASS J, Spitzer
4.5 µm, WISE 12 µm, SPIRE 250 µm.

ies within 11 Mpc and includes three estimates of the “tidal in- support of this definition, we mention that NGC 5236 is present
dex”, which quantifies the local density environment. In particu- in the catalogue of isolated galaxies of Bettoni et al. (2003).
lar, we looked at the tidal index θ5 , determined by the five most For what concerns NGC 3953, Kourkchi & Tully (2017)
important neighbours. Positive values of this parameter indicate identified it as part of a group, whose main member is the barred
the membership in groups, while negative values correspond ei- spiral NGC 3992.
ther to isolated galaxies or to galaxies in the outskirts of a group.
NGC 3351 has a relatively high value of θ5 = 1.2 compared According to Vollmer et al. (2012), NGC 4579 is one of the
to the distribution of galaxies in the Karachentsev et al. (2013), brightest galaxies in the Virgo Cluster. It is an anemic galaxy and
meaning that it is in a mildly dense environment. On the other has a relatively small amount of neutral hydrogen, located inside
hand, NGC 5236 has θ5 = −0.1 and so it is a “field” galaxy. In its disk and concentrated in clumps (Cayatte et al. 1990). This
deficiency of gas content is thought to be a consequence of inter-
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actions with the Virgo Cluster’s intracluster medium, suggesting available magphys code (da Cunha et al. 2008). The methodo-
that ram-pressure stripping may have occurred in the galaxy’s logy that we adopt to perform the data analysis has been de-
outskirts (Koopmann & Kenney 2004). veloped and already used in previous works for a sample of lo-
NGC 4725 is the brightest member of the Coma I aggrega- cal star forming galaxies with a “grand-design" spiral structure
tion (Gregory & Thompson 1977) and seems to be interacting (Enia et al. 2020; Morselli et al. 2020). Our aim is to ensure a
with the neighbouring spiral galaxy NGC 4747 (Haynes 1979). fair comparison with their results about unbarred galaxies, since
Gravitational interactions between these two galaxies likely re- they have consistent global properties with respect to ours.
sulted in a gas-rich tidal tail that extends about 8 ′ (∼ 30 kpc) to In Enia et al. (2020) the procedure is summarised in three
the north-east of NGC 4747 and appears to contain two distin- main steps: (i) degradation of the resolution of each image to
guishable star clusters (Lee-Waddell et al. 2016, 2018). On the the worst Point Spread Function (PSF) that is available among
other hand, only a relatively small distortion in the HI distribu- all the photometric bands (i.e., that of the 350 µm image taken
tion is observed in NGC 4725. with the SPIRE instrument, characterised by a PSF FWHM of
24 ′′ ); (ii) set up of a grid of square cells of fixed size from which
to measure the flux at different wavelengths; (iii) derivation of
2.5. Multi-wavelength observations
the physical properties for individual apertures by performing
As briefly aforementioned, DustPedia provides us with multi- SED fitting to the available photometric data. We analyse every
wavelength observations, from ultraviolet to microwave. For selected source considering cells of 8 ′′ × 8 ′′ (corresponding to
both Spectral and Photometric Imaging REceiver (SPIRE; Grif- physical scales varying from 0.19 kpc to 0.77 kpc, as reported
fin et al. 2010) and Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrom- in Table 1), which is the pixel scale of SPIRE 350 µm maps.
eter (PACS; Poglitsch et al. 2010) data, the Herschel Science This choice is justified by the fact that we need a good balance
Archive (HSA4 ) was queried to find all Herschel photometric ob- between resolution and number of available photometric bands,
servations covering each DustPedia galaxy. The ancillary imag- in order to properly sample the SED, including the dust emission
ing data were gathered from other seven facilities that observed curve, and avoid a too low resolution that would not allow us to
large numbers of nearby galaxies: the GALaxy Evolution eX- investigate the bar region. Specifically, it is necessary to sample
plorer (GALEX; Morrissey et al. 2007), the Sloan Digital Sky the bar radius of each galaxy through, at least, three resolution
Survey (SDSS; York et al. 2000; Eisenstein et al. 2011), the Dig- elements (cells of 8 ′′ each), to get accurate information about
itized Sky Survey (DSS), the 2 Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS this morphological structure.
Skrutskie et al. 2006), the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer At this point, we highlight the fact that, throughout the paper,
(WISE Wright et al. 2010), the Spitzer Space Telescope (Werner we refer to the “region hosting the bar” as the approximately
et al. 2004) and Planck (Planck Collaboration I 2011). More in- annular region around the very central nucleus that extends up to
formation on the different data sets available can be found in the radius of the bar.
Enia et al. (2020) and references therein.
Thanks to the data derived from these multi-wavelength ob-
servations collected in the DustPedia archive, it is possible to ex- 3.1. Pre-processing and PSF degradation
ploit the power of such a complete multi-band photometric cov- The preliminary steps that are performed on each photomet-
erage, especially in providing a measure of the comprehensive ric observation are those related to the pre-processing and PSF
SFR in galaxies, directly taking into account both the optical and homogenisation phases, which start with the removal of fore-
dust-obscured components. For what concerns our work, we use ground stars by masking contaminating sources through an au-
observations from GALEX, SDSS, 2MASS, WISE, Spitzer and tomated procedure embedded in CAAPR. Subsequently, a back-
Herschel, going from the FUV (1516 Å) to the FIR (350 µm). ground estimation and subtraction are performed on each of the
However, it has to be noticed that not all of these data sets are ac- star-subtracted maps following the guidelines provided by Clark
cessible for the whole sample. Indeed, all 23 photometric bands et al. (2018). Finally, the resolution of all the stars and back-
are available only for NGC 3351, NGC 4579 and NGC 4725. ground subtracted maps is degraded to the PSF of SPIRE 350,
NGC 3953 is observed in 20 bands; GALEX filters (FUV, NUV) exploiting the kernels of Aniano et al. (2011).
and PACS 70µm photometry are not available for this object. In-
stead, 18 bands are accessible for NGC 1566 and NGC 5236,
which lack optical observations (the five Sloan optical filters). 3.2. Photometry and SED fitting
In Fig. 1 we show the selected galaxies as they are observed
in six different bands: FUV with GALEX, g-band with SDSS, J- In order to perform the pixel-by-pixel SED fitting, it is neces-
band with 2MASS, 4.5 µm with Spitzer, 12 µm with the WISE sary to measure the flux at each photometric band within the
and 250 µm with Herschel. An elongated morphological struc- apertures. To this purpose, we generate a grid using a customiz-
ture is clearly visible in all the galaxies, both in the SDSS op- able process, through which the user can choose the cell size
tical bands (when available) and in the NIR ones (2MASS and (8 ′′ × 8 ′′ , in our case) and the radius of the circle, centred on
Spitzer). the galaxy centre, within which the grid is built. Then, the fluxes
at the various wavelengths are measured in every cell through the
photutils v0.6 Python package (Bradley et al. 2019). Those at
3. Data analysis wavelengths shorter than 10 µm are also corrected for Galac-
tic extinction, thanks to the in-built module in CAAPR, based on
The primary goal of our data analysis is to obtain the spatially re- values in the IRSA Galactic Dust Reddening and Extinction Ser-
solved distributions of the two galaxy physical properties: stellar vice (Schlafly & Finkbeiner 2011). Subsequently, to give an es-
mass and star formation rate. In this respect, we carry out a SED timate of the flux errors, we use the error maps in the DustPedia
fitting procedure on sub-kpc scales, making use of the publicly archive, which are typically available for the Spitzer bands and
for the far-IR photometry. In cases where no error map is acces-
4 sible (i.e., the SDSS maps), the uncertainty for a given flux is
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Letizia Scaloni et al.: Spatially resolved indications of bar quenching

computed as the quadrature sum of the calibration noise and the Stellar masses are taken from the magphys output, while
root mean square (rms) of the maps, similarly to what has been SFR estimates are obtained by summing the unobscured compo-
done by the DustPedia collaboration (Clark et al. 2018). The out- nent (SFRUV ) and the one that is obscured by dust absorption and
come of this step of the data analysis is a photometric catalogue then re-emitted in the IR (SFRIR ). Such empirical approach takes
that contains the flux in the available photometric bands from into account the contribution of two extreme stellar populations:
far-UV to far-IR and the corresponding uncertainties, along with the UV emission from young stars and the obscured young stel-
the associated astrometric positions of the pixel/cell centres. It is lar component that is still hidden in the dusty molecular clouds.
worth mentioning that, for each cell, photometric bands that are The SFRUV contribution is estimated using the relation of Ken-
characterised by a Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) lower than 3 are nicutt (1998):
rejected. Additionally, if a specific aperture exhibits more than
10 rejected photometric bands due to an excessively low SNR, it SFRUV = 0.88 · 10−28 LUV,ν (1)
is excluded from the subsequent analysis. where LUV,ν is the luminosity at 150 nm, expressed in erg s−1
As already anticipated, we perform the SED fitting proce- Hz−1 and taken from the SED fit. The SFRIR component is also
dure using the magphys code. Through a Bayesian approach, it derived from the relation of Kennicutt (1998):
models the whole UV-to-FIR emission, assuming a balance bet-
SFRIR = 2.64 · 10−44 LIR (2)
ween the energy emitted at UV/optical/NIR wavelengths that is
absorbed by dust and the one re-emitted in the FIR. In order where LIR , given in erg s−1 by the SED fit, is the luminosity inte-
to fit the observed multi-wavelength photometry, magphys re- grated between 8 µm and 1000 µm (rest-frame), which is a mea-
lies on the Bruzual & Charlot (2003) stellar population synthesis surement of the energy that is absorbed by dust and re-emitted
code, which is used to compute the light produced by stars in at MIR and FIR wavelengths. In both cases, the relations have
galaxies. It predicts the spectral evolution of stellar populations been rescaled in accordance with a Chabrier (2003) IMF.
for varying star formation histories, which are described by a The SFR values are derived from the above empirical rela-
continuous model SFR(t) ∝ exp−γt with superimposed random tions in order to reduce their dependence on the grid of magphys
bursts, following Kauffmann et al. (2003). Galaxies are assumed templates with respect to the ones directly obtained from the
to produce stars according to this law from a certain forma- SED fit, which are, indeed, discretized and more dependent on
tion time tform , ranging between 0.1 and 13.5 Gyr, to the present. degenerate parameters like age, metallicity, and extinction. This
The typical values of the star formation time-scale parameter γ choice is also supported by what Enia et al. (2020) found for nor-
are approximately uniformly distributed over the interval from mal galaxies: the SFR computed as the sum of Equations 1 and
0 to 0.6 Gyr−1 , dropping exponentially around γ = 1 Gyr−1 . 2 and the one given by magphys turned out to be consistent (see
The models also include metallicities ranging from 0.2 to 2 Z⊙ . Appendix A).
To characterise the attenuation of starlight by dust, the two-
component model proposed by Charlot & Fall (2000) is em-
ployed (da Cunha et al. 2008). This accounts for the luminos- 4. Results
ity absorbed and re-emitted by dust in stellar birth clouds (i.e., In this Section, we outline the key findings of our analysis, start-
giant molecular clouds) and in the diffuse ISM in galaxies. The ing with the presentation of the spatially resolved distributions
infrared emission from molecular clouds is characterised by the of the stellar mass surface density Σ⋆ and of the star forma-
sum of three components: a component of polycyclic aromatic tion rate surface density ΣSFR . Figs. 2 and 3 display maps of
hydrocarbons (PAHs); a mid-infrared continuum associated with Σ⋆ and ΣSFR in the second and third columns, respectively. All
the emission from hot grains at temperatures between 130 and these plots also include: a solid black ellipse of semi-major axis
250 K; and a component of grains in thermal equilibrium with an equal to R25 , representing the 25-th level isophote of each galaxy,
adjustable temperature in the range of 30 – 60 K. For the diffuse and a dashed black ellipse with the same axis ratio as the 25-th
ISM emission, a component of cold grains with temperatures of isophote but rescaled in accordance with the bar radius.
15 – 25 K is included, too. Then, we show and analyze the spatially resolved MS rela-
Following Smith & Hayward (2018), the previously mea- tions of all the sources, which are collected in the first column
sured fluxes (in all the grid apertures) are given as an input to of Figs. 2–3. As it can be seen from these plots, the distribution
magphys for SED fitting in 8 ′′ side cells. The criterion that is of points (each one representing the values of Σ⋆ and ΣSFR in
adopted to establish if a fit has to be accepted or rejected is based a certain grid cell) is colour-coded according to the aperture’s
on a χ2 cut (Hayward & Smith 2015; Smith & Hayward 2018), normalised distance from the galaxy centre: dnorm . The normali-
where such a threshold value is fixed according to the number sation of this radial distance is performed with respect to the 25-
of photometric bands that are available for the selected objects. th level isophote. Specifically, the distance of each cell from the
In particular, since the galaxies of interest in this work are ob- centre is divided by the radial distance of the point lying on the
served in a number of bands that can vary from 18 to 23, we ellipse of the 25-th isophote along the direction identified by that
adopt a conservative threshold value of 25 for the minimum χ2 , cell. The points that are circled in red correspond to the square
remaining consistent with the choice made in Enia et al. (2020). apertures lying within the dashed black ellipse, so they are sam-
pling the bar region. In particular, once the bar radius is nor-
malised with the aforementioned procedure (Rbar,norm ), we iden-
3.3. Stellar mass and SFR estimates tify these points as the ones characterised by dnorm ≤ Rbar,norm .
For each galaxy, the best-fit MS is displayed as a black line,
Finally, the output of this spatially resolved SED fitting process, while the MS obtained in the work of Enia et al. (2020) for a
performed by the magphys code, consists of a wide range of sample of unbarred grand design spiral galaxies from the Dust-
physical properties. Specifically, we are interested in stellar mass Pedia archive is reported as a grey line. The latter is given by the
(M⋆ ) and star formation rate (SFR), which are the two quantities following expression:
that play a fundamental role in the characterisation of the Main
Sequence relation. log ΣSFR = 0.88 · log Σ⋆ − 9.05 (3)
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In the end, the fourth column of Figs. 2–3 collects the spa- Table 2. Parameters of the best-fit MS of each galaxy in the sample.
tially resolved maps that are colour-coded as a function of the
distance from the best-fit MS of each galaxy. Also in this case, Galaxy Name m±∆m q±∆q σ
the solid and dashed black ellipses mark the 25-th isophote and NGC 1566 0.89 ± 0.09 − 9.23 ± 0.71 0.31
the bar region, analogously to what is also represented in Σ⋆ and NGC 3351 0.94 ± 0.07 −10.06 ± 0.53 0.23
ΣSFR maps. NGC 3953 0.73 ± 0.10 − 8.38 ± 0.80 0.20
NGC 4579 1.69 ± 0.23 −16.54 ± 1.85 0.36
NGC 4725 0.99 ± 0.05 −10.69 ± 0.39 0.39
4.1. Spatially resolved distributions of M⋆ and SFR NGC 5236 2.29 ± 0.12 −20.31 ± 0.92 0.56
As already mentioned in Sect. 3.3, the stellar mass values of the Notes. Slopes (m), zero points (q), associated uncertainties (∆m and
single cells are obtained from the magphys output. Then, it is ∆q) and scatter (σ) of the fitted MS relations for the six barred galaxies.
straightforward to get the corresponding surface density by di-
viding the stellar mass of each grid element by its area. In all the
galaxies of our sample, the stellar mass surface density (second barred galaxies. The latter is computed as the standard devia-
column plots of Figs. 2–3) appears to smoothly increase, going tion of the residuals along the y-axis with respect to the best-fit
from the galaxy outskirts towards the inner regions, as expected MS. As already mentioned, the best-fit lines are shown as black
for the typical exponential growth of disk galaxies. Additionally, lines in the first column plots of Figs. 2–3. By comparing the re-
an almost spheroidal structure in the centre is evident in every solved MS relation of each of our barred galaxies with the one
galaxy and the stellar bar appears to be grafted onto it. obtained for normal spirals (Eq. 3, grey line, Enia et al. (2020)),
Regarding the distributions of ΣSFR (third column plots of we observe that the distribution of points typically lies below the
Figs. 2–3), obtained by dividing the sum of SFRUV and SFRIR relation found for unbarred galaxies, consistent with a systemat-
by each cell area, it can be noticed that the spiral arms are ically lower star formation rate at fixed stellar mass. This is valid
well traced in most of the galaxies, especially in NGC 1566 and for NGC 3351, NGC 3953, NGC 4579 and NGC 4725, while
NGC 5236. Relatively high values of star formation are typically NGC 1566 and NGC 5236 show higher values of ΣSFR , as is ex-
evident in several peaks along the spiral arms and in some of the pected from the presence of highly star-forming spiral arms and
very central regions (e.g., the nucleus of NGC 3351). The only nuclear regions. Furthermore, the common trend of MS bending
exception is NGC 3953, which shows an overall smoother distri- in the bar-hosting regions appears to anti-correlate with respect
bution of SFR density. Besides, it is possible to identify a nearly to the best-fit relations (black lines), although this effect is more
annular and more quiescent structure (lower values of ΣSFR ) that striking in some galaxies than in others.
coincides with the region that hosts the bar (the one enclosed by
While the properties discussed so far capture the overall
the dashed black ellipse). This is obvious in NGC 4725, but is
trend of the spatially resolved MS relation of barred galaxies,
also detectable in NGC 3351 and NGC 4579. The outermost re-
there are still several galaxy-to-galaxy variations that need to be
gions of all the selected galaxies exhibit the lowest star formation
highlighted. The best-fit MS of NGC 1566 is almost overlapping
with the MS of normal spirals and they are consistent within the
The most striking difference between the spatially resolved uncertainties. In NGC 3351, NGC 3953 and NGC 4725, we note
distributions of Σ⋆ and ΣSFR is that stellar mass clearly traces the that the slopes of the fitted MS relations are similar to those of
presence of the bar, while it is almost never visible in SFR maps. unbarred spirals, while the zero points have smaller values. On
the other hand, both NGC 4579 and NGC 5236 show a steeper
4.2. Spatially resolved Main Sequence relation slope of the fitted MS than the one found for unbarred galaxies,
meaning that the increase of SFR towards the galaxy centre is
The ultimate goal of this study is to probe the MS relation on more rapid. However, while NGC 4579 presents values of ΣSFR
sub-kpc scales for our sample of barred galaxies. Accordingly, that are globally lower than the typical trend of normal galaxies,
once the two physical properties of our interest have been ex- NGC 5236 stands out as a highly star-forming source.
plored in their spatial distribution, it is necessary to relate them Focusing on the inner regions of the galaxies, which are the
and analyse the distribution in the log Σ⋆ – log ΣSFR plane (first ones of interest, in order to better investigate the impact of the
column plots of Figs. 2–3). bar structure, we can point out that NGC 4579, NGC 4725 and
In general, going towards the centre of the galaxies, the stel- NGC 5236 (Fig. 3) are the ones with the most evident feature
lar mass density increases, as does the density of star formation of anti-correlation. Indeed, if the points associated with region
rate, according to the expected log-linear relation. Nevertheless, that hosts the stellar bar turn out to be arranged in a direction
the presence of a common decreasing feature arises when look- approximately orthogonal to the fitted MS, then the ΣSFR de-
ing at the overall trend of the MS in the central part of all these creases with increasing mass density. Moreover, going towards
barred galaxies. Indeed, a ‘bending’ of the MS relation is ob- the very centre of these three galaxies, it is remarkable that the
served in correspondence with the points sampling the region SFR density gets back to having an increasing trend as the stellar
where the bar is located, which are the ones circled in red. mass density grows, but these very central points still appear to
In most cases, the values of ΣSFR clearly tend to increase lie below the best-fit MS of each galaxy. This implies that the
again at the high Σ⋆ end. nuclear regions are less star-forming than what would be pre-
For each galaxy, the functional form of the spatially resolved dicted from Σ⋆ based on their own MS. The other three galaxies
MS relation is obtained by performing a linear fit, through the in our sample, namely NGC 1566, NGC 3351 and NGC 3953
Orthogonal Distance Regression function implemented in the (Fig. 2), exhibit a smoother decline of ΣSFR in the bar region.
scipy package of Python, of the values in the log Σ⋆ – log ΣSFR In particular, the MS of NGC 1566 is also more scattered than
plane, derived for all the cells within that galaxy. In Table 2, the others, reflecting the wider range of ΣSFR values that mostly
we display slopes m, zero points q (with their corresponding un- characterise the spiral arms winding. Besides that, unlike all the
certainties) and scatter σ of the fitted MS relations for all six other galaxies, in NGC 3351 we can notice that the closest points
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Letizia Scaloni et al.: Spatially resolved indications of bar quenching

Fig. 2. Results for NGC 1566 (first row), NGC 3351 (second row) and NGC 3953 (third row). From left to right, we show for each galaxy: i) How
the galaxy cells populate the log Σ⋆ – log ΣSFR plane with the corresponding best-fit MS (black line), as well as the MS found by Enia et al. (2020)
for unbarred galaxies (grey line). In this plot, each point is colour-coded according to the dnorm values and the ones sampling the bar-hosting region
(dnorm ≤ Rbar,norm ) are circled in red. ii) The spatially resolved distribution of the stellar mass surface density. iii) The spatially resolved distribution
of the SFR surface density. iv) The map representing the distance of each cell from the best-fit MS. In the last three columns, we display the 25-th
level isophote of semi-major axis equal to R25 with a solid black line and the rescaled ellipse enclosing the bar with a dashed black line.

to the galaxy centre lie above the best-fit relation, thus hinting at ciated with an almost annular region that is hosting the bar. This
a more active star-forming region than what would be foreseen pattern suggests that the typical MS bending observed at the high
by the MS, given their stellar mass density. Σ⋆ end, both in the spatially resolved relation (e.g., Abdurro’uf
& Akiyama 2017) and in the integrated one (e.g., Popesso et al.
2019a), can be due also to the presence of a stellar bar and not
4.3. Distance from MS only by the bulge, as usually suggested (e.g., Morselli et al.
Looking at the panels in the last column of Figs. 2–3, one can get 2019). However, it is still unclear which are the actual drivers
an idea of what is happening in each of these galaxies: the red of such a bending of the MS. For this reason, it could be cru-
cells correspond to regions that are less star-forming than what cial to investigate this correlation across different morphological
the fitted MS would predict, while the blue ones are associated structures (e.g., Pessa et al. 2022). The fact that the bar-hosting
with particularly active, starbursting regions. For what has been region is typically less star-forming and probably on the way
said so far, the central parts (including both the nuclear and the to be quenched (it shows lower values of SFR with respect to
bar hosting regions) of most of the selected objects appear to be what would be predicted by the scaling relation characterising
red, with suppressed or lower levels of star formation activity the disk) goes in the direction of the inside-out quenching sce-
compared to the global galaxy MS relation, or even quenched. nario, which is supposed to play an important role in driving
On the other hand, their spiral arms show a tendency to be active galaxies below the MS (e.g., Tacchella et al. 2015, 2018; Ab-
in star formation. On the contrary, NGC 3351 exhibits a star- durro’uf & Akiyama 2018). This observed feature could also
forming nucleus with a red (quiescent) annular region around it. suggest a co-evolution trend of the bar structure and the inner
bulge: the bar favours star formation quenching and, thus, makes
the bulge grow.
5. Discussion
The quenching track in the spatially resolved MS could be
The leading outcome of our work is the presence of an anti- more or less prominent: it is characterised by different slopes
correlating feature in the spatially resolved MS relations asso- depending on the host galaxy (Figs. 2–3). This variability can be
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Fig. 3. Same as Fig. 2, but for NGC 4579, NGC 4725 and NGC 5236.

interpreted as a consequence of the different evolutionary stages galaxies. In that case, basically half of the sample exhibits higher
in which the stellar bar is observed. More recently formed struc- values of ΣSFR in the nucleus, and the other half turns out to be
tures are probably still funnelling cold gas towards the inner re- more quenched. Even though we do not have sufficient statistics
gions of their hosts, thus resulting in higher values of star for- to infer the actual difference, the fact that our barred galaxies
mation rate and in a less obvious anti-correlation feature (e.g., are usually more quiescent in the central regions may suggest a
NGC 1566). On the other hand, during the late evolutionary possible effect of the bar presence. Indeed, this morphological
stages of stellar bars, the central regions of their host galaxies are structure is thought to be able to funnel gas both inwards and
expected to be nearly devoid of fuel for further star formation, as outwards and this can ignite starburst episodes, thus producing
a consequence of the previous rapid consumption of gas. This a rapid consumption of fuel for star formation and the onset of
could potentially result in a more pronounced quenching track a quenching phase (e.g., Fraser-McKelvie et al. 2020a; Géron
(e.g., NGC 4725), thereby also favouring the bulge growth. et al. 2021).
As already mentioned in Sect. 2.4, the environment in which Similar results pointing to a lower star formation in the bar
galaxies reside is believed to influence their properties and evo- region were also obtained in the work of Pessa et al. (2021),
lution. The galaxies in our sample are located in quite different based on spatially resolved SFR measurements from optical
environments: field, loose groups and clusters. Among the var- emission line maps, confirming the idea of ‘star formation
ious external processes, ram pressure stripping or gravitational deserts’ proposed by James & Percival (2018).
interactions may have influenced the outskirts of some galaxies, In an attempt to capture a possible common trend in the star
so we cannot completely exclude the effect of the environment. formation activity of barred galaxies, we compute the MS rela-
However, the presence of the anti-correlation track in the bar tion in the log Σ⋆ – log ΣSFR plane considering the accepted grid
region seems to be common to all six objects, although with dif- cells of all six galaxies (see Fig. 4). This is also done to provide
ferent prominence. Therefore, we conclude that the environment a fair comparison with the final Main Sequence relation found in
is not the main driver of the feature found in our results. At most, Enia et al. (2020) (Eq. 3). Simply looking at the distribution of
it could be responsible for scatter or second-order variations. points, it is evident that different galaxies populate distinct por-
In the majority of galaxies in our sample, the nuclear regions tions of the plane, resulting in a quite broad relation, where the
are less star-forming than the spiral arms, except for the case typical anti-correlation feature is barely discernible. This sug-
of NGC 3351, which appears to be still active in forming stars gests that there is significant variability from one galaxy to an-
in the very centre. A more obvious dual behaviour of the inner other, as it has actually already been highlighted in the presenta-
regions was pointed out by Enia et al. (2020) for their unbarred tion of our results (see Sect. 4). To find the overall best-fit MS,
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Letizia Scaloni et al.: Spatially resolved indications of bar quenching

1 fit: 1.09 logΣ? -11.18

the two galaxies hosting a LLAGN, and of NGC 5236, which
0.6 has no nuclear activity, as a comparison. According to our re-
MS Enia+20
sults, the SED fit in most of the central pixels of NGC 1566 does
0 not exhibit any peculiar feature that can be attributed to the in-
log(ΣSFR/M yr−1kpc−2)

fluence of an AGN (as clearly visible in the example shown in

Distance from MS
−1 0.2
Fig. 5). The only exception is for the pixel sampling the very cen-
tre of the galaxy, where the AGN contribution manifests as a par-
tial suppression of the PAHs features. Hence, we ultimately ex-
−2 0.0 cluded the very central pixel of both NGC 1566 and NGC 4579
from our analysis, to avoid any potential contamination. How-
−3 −0.2 ever, it is worth highlighting that this choice does not affect our
results, since the nuclear region still remains properly sampled.
Furthermore, looking at the SED fit in the pixels that are just
−4 slightly offset with respect to the very centre, we notice that there
is no obvious residual in the ∼ 3 – 8 µm range (covered by WISE
−0.6 and the IRAC camera on board of Spitzer), where the dusty torus
7 8 9 10 emission of the AGN would have appeared (e.g., Fritz et al.
2006). The absence of a significant excess in this wavelength
log(Σ?/M kpc−2) range with respect to the modelled continuum flux indicates that
the resulting amount of star formation is sufficient to explain the
Fig. 4. The overall Main Sequence relation. Each point represents the
values of the stellar mass and SFR surface densities of an accepted cell observed SED. This is also confirmed by the fact that, comparing
in one of the six galaxies of our interest. These points are colour-coded the SED fit in one of the central pixels of NGC 1566 with that
as a function of their distance from the MS (black solid line), which is of NGC 5236, there are no significant differences in the shape
derived from the linear fit of the black points, marked as thin diamonds. of the best-fit curve (left panels of Fig. 5). What has been said
The error bars correspond to the standard deviation of the data points so far is valid for both NGC 1566 (upper panels of Fig. 5) and
in each bin. The grey dashed line represent the best-fit MS obtained in NGC 4579 and supports our initial choice to include LLAGN-
Enia et al. (2020) for a sample of unbarred spiral galaxies. hosting galaxies in our sample, assuming that the presence of
a LLAGN would not significantly affect our SED modelling.
Concerning NGC 4579, we have to underline the fact that, even
we subdivide the mass density interval into 16 bins. Within each though the LLAGN seems not to have a relevant impact on the
bin, we compute the median logΣ⋆ and logΣSFR , while the error SED fitting of the central pixels, the suppressed SFR detected in
is taken as the standard deviation of the points inside the bin. the region hosting the bar may also be due to a radio jet cocoon
Besides, we fit our binned data points (black diamonds mark- and radio-jet-driven outflows into the multiphase ISM, as found
ers with associated error bars in Fig. 4) with a log-linear relation by Ogle et al. (2023). Additionally, comparing the SED fit in the
using emcee (Foreman-Mackey et al. 2013) and we obtain: innermost sub-kpc region of our galaxies with that obtained in
log ΣSFR = m · log Σ⋆ + q (4) one of the outer pixels, we notice that they have a similar shape,
supporting the idea of a negligible contribution of the LLAGN
where m = 1.09+0.24−0.25 and q = −11.18−1.82 dex. The global scatter
to the galaxy emission.
of this final fit is σ = 0.48 dex. The values for the slope and the Nevertheless, many controversial results emerged from pre-
zero point of the best-fit relation are consistent, within the un- vious studies when exploring the connection between the bar
certainties, with the ones found by Enia et al. (2020), reported in structure and the presence of a potential AGN (see Combes 2003,
Eq. 3. However, our relation is more scattered, indeed the scat- 2006; Jogee 2006, for reviews). More recently, while Cisternas
ter of the MS of unbarred galaxies turned out to be ∼ 0.27 dex. et al. (2013), Goulding et al. (2017), and Silva-Lima et al. (2022)
This implies that there is greater variability in the properties of claimed that bars are not among the main mechanisms driving
barred galaxies compared to the ones of unbarred objects, al- AGN feeding, Cisternas et al. (2015) and Alonso et al. (2018)
though these findings are based on limited statistics. Moreover, revealed that there could be an interplay between bars and AGN,
in Fig. 4, it is evident that the majority of data points are dis- supporting the idea of bar-induced nuclear activity. On the other
tributed below the MS of unbarred galaxies (grey dashed line). way around, Zee et al. (2023) suggested that the evolution of
Hence, barred galaxies are generally less star-forming than their AGN can regulate bars’ shape: these elongated structures can be
unbarred counterparts. This is also confirmed when looking at destroyed by the growth of central mass concentration and black
the integrated properties of the galaxies in our sample, compared holes. Shedding light on these disparate results concerning the
with those in the work of Enia et al. (2020). At the same range the joint evolution of bars, AGN and SF is still a highly debated
of total stellar mass, between 1010 − 1011 M⊙ , the star formation work in progress.
rates of unbarred galaxies are between 1 and 4 M⊙ yr−1 , while
barred galaxies show values of SFR well below 1 M⊙ yr−1 (with 6. Summary and conclusions
the only exception of NGC 5236, see Table 1).
As anticipated in Sect. 2, two out of six galaxies (namely In this work, we study the spatially resolved Main Sequence re-
NGC 1566 and NGC 4579) are characterised by low AGN ac- lation of six nearly face-on barred spiral galaxies in the local
tivity in their nuclear regions. Since the magphys code does not Universe, with the aim of unveiling the relevance of possible
account for a possible AGN contribution to the SED, we check bar-driven quenching effects. We take advantage of the publicly
its output by visually inspecting the SED fitting results obtained available DustPedia archive to collect photometric information
for the central pixels, where fluxes might be dominated by AGN from the UV to the FIR for the entire sample. Then, a panchro-
emission. In Fig. 5 we show the outcome for one of the central matic SED fitting procedure is performed on sub-kpc scales,
pixels and for one of the outermost pixels of NGC 1566, one of making use of the magphys code. We produce maps of stellar
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χ2 = 2.5
log10(fν / Jy)

χ2 = 5.2

log10(fν / Jy)
10−1 100 101 102

0.00 10−3
10−1 10 0
10 1
10 2

log10(λ/µm) 0.05 10−1 100 101 102

−0.05 −1
10 100 101 102

χ2 = 4.7
log10(fν / Jy)

χ2 = 2.6

log10(fν / Jy)
0.1 10−1 100 101 102

0.0 10−3
10−1 10 0
10 1
10 2

log10(λ/µm) 0.05 10−1 100 101 102

−0.05 −1
10 100 101 102

Fig. 5. Output of the magphys SED fitting performed in one of the central pixels and in one of the outermost pixels of NGC 1566 (upper panels)
and of NGC 5236 (bottom panels). The green data points are the observed fluxes in the available bands and the χ2 of the fit (black line) is reported
in the upper left corner of the plots. At the bottom of each sub-figure we also display the difference in dex between the observations and the
best-fitting model with the associated error bars, when not visible they are smaller than the corresponding markers.

mass and SFR surface densities and relate them in the log Σ⋆ – In future follow-up works, it would be useful to improve the
log ΣSFR plane. statistics by selecting a larger sample of barred galaxies in order
We outline our key findings below: to further investigate the role of bar quenching and to seek the
– All the selected galaxies show a peculiar feature in the re- actual causal relationship between bar formation and the central
solved MS relation: the bar hosting region tends to be off- ‘star formation desert’. In particular, it may be interesting to in-
set below the best-fit MS, whose slope is largely deter- clude barred and unbarred galaxies hosting AGN to investigate
mined by the dominant disc structure. Indeed, a trace of anti- if any systematic difference is found compared to galaxies with
correlation in correspondence with the annular region that no strong AGN activity. Moreover, high-resolution simulations
hosts the bar is clearly visible in the MS of every galaxy and (e.g., Illustris TNG) might be crucial in this kind of study to test
this hints at a suppressed SFR, which could be associated the reproducibility of the observed quenching trend and to re-
with the onset of a quiescent phase. We argue that stellar construct the history of bar formation and the evolution of SFR.
bars are mostly responsible for depleting gas reservoirs, thus In this way, one should also be able to better constrain the actual
halting star formation in the central regions. This supports impact of stellar bars on the suppression of SFR by quantifying
the inside-out quenching scenario and the idea that bars may this quenching mechanism over time from a cosmological per-
affect the typically observed bending of the MS at high Σ⋆ . spective.
– We confirm a large spread among barred galaxies in the
log Σ⋆ – log ΣSFR plane. Indeed, we infer a large scatter (0.48 Acknowledgements. We thank the anonymous referee for the useful comments
and suggestions that improved the overall work quality. L.S. acknowledges the
dex) around the best-fit relation with a slope of 1.09 and a financial support from the PhD grant funded on PNRR Funds Notice No. 3264
zero point of −11.18, suggesting that galaxy-to-galaxy vari- 28-12-2021 PNRR M4C2 Reference IR0000034 STILES Investment 3.1 CUP
ations are in place. C33C22000640006. G.R. and P.C. are supported by the European Union –
– The innermost central regions, typically associated with a NextGenerationEU RFF M4C2 1.1 PRIN 2022 project 2022ZSL4BL INSIGHT.
A.E., P.C., G.R., and E.M.C. acknowledge the support from MIUR grant PRIN
galactic bulge structure, are characterised by values of SFR 2017 20173ML3WW-001 and Padua University grants DOR 2021-2023. E.M.C.
that are lower than what would be predicted by the best-fit is also funded by INAF through grant PRIN 2022 C53D23000850006. A.B.
MS, with the exception of NGC 3351. and G.R. acknowledge support from INAF under the Large Grant 2022 funding
– Comparing our results with the ones obtained for a sample scheme (project “MeerKAT and LOFAR Team up: a Unique Radio Window on
of normal spiral galaxies, we notice that barred objects are Galaxy/AGN co-Evolution”). CG acknowledges the support from grant PRIN
MIUR 2017 20173ML3WW-001 “Opening the ALMA window on the cosmic
typically less star-forming than their unbarred counterparts, evolution of gas, stars, and supermassive black holes”, and co-funding by the Eu-
even though the slope and the zero point of our total MS are ropean Union – NextGenerationEU within PRIN 2022 project n.20229YBSAN
consistent within the uncertainties. “Globular clusters in cosmological simulations and in lensed fields: from their

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Letizia Scaloni et al.: Spatially resolved indications of bar quenching


In this section, we present the comparison between the SFRs
derived as the sum of the two empirical relations (Eqs. 1–2) and
the ones obtained from magphys. Similarly to what has been
done in the work of Enia et al. (2020), we tested the consistency
of these values of SFR producing the plot in Figure A.1. The
scatter of the relation, represented by the red-scale contours, is
given by the median absolute deviation and it has a value of ∼
0.15 dex, which is small. The fact that this tight distribution of
points is compatible with the 1:1 relation (black line) ensures
that the use of SFRs computed as the sum of Eqs. 1 and 2, instead
of those given by magphys, do not change the outcomes of this

log(SFRMAGPHYS/M yr−1)




−4.5 0

−5.5 −5.0 −4.5 −4.0 −3.5 −3.0 −2.5 −2.0
log(SFR/M yr−1)
Fig. A.1. Comparison between the SFR values obtained from magphys
(y-axis) and the ones used in this work (x-axis), derived as the sum of
SFRUV (Eq. 1) and SFRIR (Eq. 2). The red-scale contours are related to
the distribution of points and three density levels are highlighted. The
1:1 relation is represented by the black solid line.

Article number, page 15 of 15

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