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Draft version April 19, 2024

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IMBH Progenitors from Stellar Collisions in Dense Star Clusters

arXiv:2404.11646v1 [astro-ph.GA] 17 Apr 2024

Elena González Prieto,1 Newlin C. Weatherford,1 Giacomo Fragione,1 Kyle Kremer,2 and Frederic A. Rasio1

1 Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration & Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) and Department of Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
2 TAPIR, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

Very massive stars (VMSs) formed via a sequence of stellar collisions in dense star clusters have
been proposed as the progenitors of massive black hole seeds. VMSs could indeed collapse to form
intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), which would then grow by accretion to become the super-
massive black holes observed at the centers of galaxies and powering high-redshift quasars. Previous
studies have investigated how different cluster initial conditions affect the formation of a VMS, in-
cluding mass segregation, stellar collisions, and binaries, among others. In this study, we investigate
the growth of VMSs with a new grid of Cluster Monte Carlo (CMC) star cluster simulations—the most
expansive to date. The simulations span a wide range of initial conditions, varying the number of
stars, cluster density, stellar initial mass function (IMF), and primordial binary fraction. We find a
gradual shift in the mass of the most massive collision product across the parameter space; in particu-
lar, denser clusters born with top-heavy IMFs provide strong collisional regimes that form VMSs with
masses easily exceeding 1000 M⊙ . Our results are used to derive a fitting formula that can predict the
typical mass of a VMS formed as a function of the star cluster properties. Additionally, we study the
stochasticity of this process and derive a statistical distribution for the mass of the VMS formed in
one of our models, recomputing the model 50 times with different initial random seeds.

1. INTRODUCTION servations of candidate proto-globular clusters at high-

Although the dynamical evolution of dense star clus- redshifts (e.g., Vanzella et al. 2023; Mowla et al. 2022).
ters has been studied extensively for decades, the details Globular clusters (GCs), being some of the densest
of the cluster formation stages and their initial condi- environments in the Universe, host numerous exotic ob-
tions remain highly uncertain. Efforts to tackle these jects and transient phenomena arising from strong dy-
open questions are taking place both theoretically and namical interactions, including direct physical collisions.
observationally. In particular, the latest cosmological Previous studies have shown that young star clusters,
simulations are approaching the resolution necessary to the likely progenitors of GCs, may produce stars with
robustly track formation of bound clusters in a range of masses greatly exceeding the maximum mass in the stel-
galaxy types and redshifts (e.g., Ma et al. 2020; Grudić lar initial mass function (IMF) through successive stel-
et al. 2023; Rodriguez et al. 2023). Even so, resolv- lar collisions and mergers (e.g., Sanders 1970; Quinlan &
ing cluster formation in these large cosmological simula- Shapiro 1990; Lee 1987; Ebisuzaki et al. 2001; Portegies
tions remains challenging because of their multi-scale Zwart & McMillan 2002). These so-called very mas-
nature. On the observational side, the James Webb sive stars (VMSs) have been the focus of considerable
Space Telescope (JWST) has opened a new window into previous theoretical work because they are natural pro-
star cluster formation, with several studies reporting ob- genitors for intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs).
The collisional process to form a VMS begins imme-
diately after the segregation of the most massive stars
Corresponding author: Elena González Prieto deep into the core of the cluster. Due to the Spitzer
[email protected] instability (Vishniac 1978), these stars cannot achieve
energy equipartition and the core develops a high ve-
locity dispersion, which promotes stellar collisions. For
2 González Prieto et al.

sufficiently dense clusters, growth will start as a result of 2009), and pulsar acceleration measurements (Kızıltan
stellar collisions and mergers. As the mass of a merger et al. 2017).
product grows, so does its collision cross-section, result- The likelihood of a cluster forming a VMS depends
ing in even more collisions. This results in a positive on various physical properties, among which is the IMF,
feedback loop that can rapidly produce a VMS of hun- which remains poorly constrained to this day, especially
dreds to thousands of solar masses. at high stellar masses. Although many studies of GCs
To study VMS formation in star clusters, Gürkan et al. assume a canonical Kroupa IMF (Kroupa 2001), obser-
(2004) investigated the effects of mass segregation and vations suggest that it may not be universal (e.g., De
core collapse. This was accomplished through the imple- Marchi et al. 2007; Bartko et al. 2010; Haghi et al. 2017;
mentation of Monte Carlo simulations in systems where Wirth et al. 2022). Furthermore, several studies have
parameters such as the cluster density profile, stellar shown that the IMF strongly impacts the dynamical evo-
IMF, and initial star count were systematically varied. lution and survival of GCs (e.g., Chernoff & Weinberg
This study found that the mass of the collapsing core 1990; Chatterjee et al. 2017; Giersz et al. 2019; Weath-
was always close to ∼10−3 times that of the total clus- erford et al. 2021).
ter mass. Remarkably, this follows the observed corre- In particular, Weatherford et al. (2021) explored the
lation between central BH mass and total host mass in impact of the slope of the IMF (at the high-mass end)
many astrophysical environments (Ferrarese & Merritt on the compact object population. This study found
2000). Note, however, that Gürkan et al. (2004) did not that in addition to producing more BHs, clusters with a
account for the effects of stellar evolution. top-heavy IMF also produce substantially more binary
Freitag et al. (2006a,b) performed the first cluster sim- BH (BBH) mergers, especially those involving (or result-
ulations that included precise treatment of stellar colli- ing in) production of upper-mass-gap BHs (e.g., Spera
sions and followed the evolution of the cluster and for- & Mapelli 2017; Takahashi et al. 2018; Marchant et al.
mation of a collisional runaway. Particularly, Freitag 2019; Farmer et al. 2019) and IMBHs. The latter is due
et al. (2006b) studied runaway collisions in young star to three factors; top-heavy IMFs produce heavier stars
clusters by varying physical parameters such as cluster and therefore heavier BHs, but also lead to several times
mass, size, and initial concentration. These studies con- more stellar collisions—due to scaling of stellar radii and
firmed that when the core collapse timescale is shorter gravitational focusing with mass—and more hierarchical
than the main-sequence (MS) evolution timescale for the mergers.
most massive stars (t ≈ 3 Myr), the cluster will undergo Another physical parameter that influences the rate
a collisional runaway. However, these studies did not of dynamical interactions in star clusters is the primor-
incorporate the role of binaries in the runaway process, dial binary fraction (e.g., Heggie & Hut 2003; Chatterjee
which have an important role in the evolution of the et al. 2010; Fregeau & Rasio 2007). Since binaries have
cores of star clusters. a larger interaction cross-section than single stars, they
VMSs are often assumed to be progenitors of IMBHs offer a larger effective area for encounters to take place.
(e.g., Ebisuzaki et al. 2001; Portegies Zwart et al. 2004; As shown in previous studies by González et al. (2021)
Gürkan et al. 2006; Giersz et al. 2015; Mapelli 2016). In and González Prieto et al. (2022), increasing the binary
an early study, Ebisuzaki et al. (2001) introduced the fraction for high-mass stars (M > 15M⊙ ) to 100%, more
collisional runaway formation scenario for IMBHs and in line with observed binary fractions in the Galactic
discussed the possibility that these IMBHs will even- field (e.g., Sana et al. 2012a; Moe & Di Stefano 2017),
tually sink to the Galactic center and be the seeds for dramatically increases the number of massive stellar col-
super-massive BHs (SMBHs). The possibility that mas- lisions and thus results in more massive BHs.
sive collision products could avoid the pair-instability In this paper, we re-examine the formation of VMSs
regime and directly collapse into a massive BH (e.g., while self-consistently modeling stellar and binary evo-
Spera et al. 2019; Di Carlo et al. 2019, 2020) has recently lution. We cover systematically the parameter space,
been confirmed via hydrodynamic simulations of stel- extending boundaries in cluster size, density, and mass.
lar collisions and the product’s ensuing evolution (Costa Furthermore, we fully explore the stochasticity of this
et al. 2022; Ballone et al. 2023). The possible presence process and derive statistical distributions for the
of IMBHs at the centers of GCs has also been studied masses of the VMSs. In Section 2, we describe the
for many years (see Greene et al. 2020, for a review). physical prescriptions and parameters varied in this
Tentative evidence of massive BHs at the cores of GCs study. In Section 3, we analyze the formation of VMSs
includes velocity dispersion signatures in nearby GCs in our models, while Section 4 presents a simple equa-
(e.g., Noyola et al. 2010; Jalali et al. 2012; Baumgardt tion to estimate the most massive star formed through
2017), accretion signatures from radio observations (e.g., collisions in a cluster. We discuss the resulting BH pop-
Maccarone 2004; Paduano et al. 2024), hypervelocity ulation in Section 5 and present a statistical study of
stars (e.g., Edelmann et al. 2005; Gualandris & Porte- our models in Section 6. Finally, in Section 7, we discuss
gies Zwart 2007), observations of ultra-luminous X-ray the implications and caveats of this study.
sources (e.g., Colbert & Mushotzky 1999; Farrell et al.
Growth of Massive Stars in Star Clusters 3

2. METHODS 2.2. Physical Prescriptions

2.1. Cluster Simulations Modified Radii Prescriptions for Massive Stars: Stel-
We perform our simulations using Cluster Monte lar evolution is an active area of research, with many un-
Carlo (CMC), a Hénon-type Monte Carlo code that mod- certainties, especially in the high-mass regime. Agrawal
els the evolution of star clusters (see Rodriguez et al. et al. (2020) studied the uncertainties in massive stellar
2022, for the most recent overview). CMC incorporates evolution models by comparing different stellar evo-
prescriptions for various physical processes such as two- lution codes, finding a notable disparity (see their
body relaxation (Joshi et al. 2000), treatment for stellar Figure 8) between the current extrapolation of maxi-
collisions (Fregeau & Rasio 2007), and direct integra- mum radius for massive stars in the Single Stellar
tion of small N -body strong encounters using Fewbody Evolution code (SSE) and Modules for Experiments
(Fregeau et al. 2004). Finally, the population synthesis in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA). In particular, for
code COSMIC is fully integrated into CMC to treat stellar stars with a zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) >40 M⊙ ,
and binary evolution (Breivik et al. 2020). the predicted maximum stellar radius in SSE (used in
We run a set of 324 simulations (listed fully in Ta- COSMIC) is an order of magnitude higher than the one
ble 1) that systematically investigate a broad spectrum predicted by more detailed stellar evolution models such
of initial cluster properties. First, the grid varies the ini- as MESA.
tial number of objects in the cluster—both singles and To correct for this likely overestimation of the stel-
binaries—in the range N 1 = (4, 8, 16, 32) × 105 . Second, lar radius, we have truncated the radius of any star
to examine the impact of cluster density, we vary the with a ZAMS mass M ≥ 40 M⊙ to a maximum value
cluster’s initial virial radius rv /pc = (0.5, 1, 2). Both of 103 R⊙ . So if a star in our simulations reaches a
the values for N and rv are motivated by earlier work stage in its evolution where it is assigned a stellar radius
demonstrating that clusters with these initial conditions >103 R⊙ , we simply re-scale the radius—and the radii
evolve into GCs similar to those observed in the Milky of the core and convective envelope, proportionately—to
Way (Kremer et al. 2020a; Rui et al. 2021). this prescribed limit. While more precise extrapolations
While past studies have explored the role of the IMF of stellar radii are currently under investigation, this
and binary fraction independently, the present work ex- provisional change prevents an artificially large collision
amines their combined effect on the cluster. We assume cross-section, thereby ensuring a more accurate collision
a typical primordial binary fraction of fb = 0.05 for stars rate. We have rigorously tested these new prescriptions
born less massive than 15 M⊙ and vary the high-mass on thousands of stars, confirming that it does not alter
binary fraction fb,high = (0.05, 0.25, 1.0) for stars born their stellar evolution from default SSE assumptions.
more massive than 15 M⊙ . We sample primary stellar Stellar Collision Products: The properties of a colli-
masses from the Kroupa (2001) multi-component power- sion product depend on the details of the collision and
law IMF, internal structure of the stars. Due to the large un-
certainties in isolated high-mass stellar evolution—let
alone the hydrodynamic complexities of post-collision

 0.08 ≤ m/M⊙ ≤ 0.5
evolution—we adopt the conservative choice of setting

ξ(m) ∝ m−2.3 0.5 ≤ m/M⊙ ≤ 1.0 (1) the total mass of the collision product M3 equal to the

 −α3

m 1.0 ≤ m/M⊙ ≤ 150.0 . sum of the masses of the colliding stars (M3 = M1 +M2 )
for collisions involving two MS stars. This assumption
To vary the IMF, we choose three different values for of mass conservation is motivated by hydrodynamic sim-
α3 = (1.6, 2.3, 3.0), corresponding to the approximate ulations of stellar collisions in globular cluster-like envi-
95% confidence interval around the canonical value, ronments (e.g., Lombardi et al. 1996; Sills et al. 2001;
α3 = 2.3 (Kroupa 2001). For each set of initial condi- Costa et al. 2022; Ballone et al. 2023). In the case of
tions, we run three statistically-independent realizations a collision between a giant star and a MS star, we as-
of the same cluster. See Section 6 for a detailed discus- sume that the resulting object has the core of the gi-
sion of the number of realizations necessary to resolve ant star (Mc3 ) embedded in the envelope of both stars
key behavior. (M3 = M1 + M2 and Mc3 = Mc1 ).
The product of all stellar collisions must be rejuve-
nated since new gas is introduced into the envelope and
potentially the core of the new star—giving opportunity
to burn more fuel. We assign the rejuvenated effective
1 It is worth noting that as we reach the upper limit of the range
age of the merger product to be
for the initial number of objects, the computational time becomes tMS3  M1 t1 M2 t2 
quite expensive, posing a practical challenge to detailed resolution t3 = frejuv + , (2)
M3 tMS1 tMS2
of the high-N parameter space. For instance, one simulation of
a cluster with N = 32, rv = 0.5, α3 = 1.6 and fb,high = 1.0 took where (tMS1 , tMS2 , tMS3 ) are the MS lifetimes of the
∼ 570 hours using 52 CPUs from Northwestern’s supercomputer. two collision components and the collision product while
4 González Prieto et al.

(t1 , t2 ) are the stellar ages of the two collision compo- Breivik et al. (2020) for a discussion of these rejuve-
nents. frejuv is a coefficient that determines the level of nation prescriptions as well as the choice for frejuv .
rejuvenation experienced by the collision product. We
adopt frejuv = 1 by default and refer the reader to

Table 1. List of cluster models

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Model N rv α3 ffb,high Mclus M⋆,max1 M⋆,max2 M⋆,max3 Mmodel,max Ncoll × fmassive

[×105 ] [pc] [105 M⊙ ] [M⊙ ] [M⊙ ] [M⊙ ] [M⊙ ] (M > 15M⊙ )

a0 4 0.5 1.6 0.05 8.5 1059 929 1502 530+301

−210 5.06
a1 4 0.5 1.6 0.25 9.3 1145 1348 1424 687+302
−221 8.83
a2 4 0.5 1.6 1.0 12.4 1691 1579 1688 855+375
−286 34.97
a3 4 0.5 2.3 0.05 2.4 358 465 306 300+178
−113 0.06
a4 4 0.5 2.3 0.25 2.5 475 376 362 387+184
−130 0.26
a5 4 0.5 2.3 1.0 2.7 556 661 659 483+253
−177 0.89
a6 4 0.5 3.0 0.05 1.6 98 145† 130† 196+138
−81 < 0.01
a7 4 0.5 3.0 0.25 1.6 137 145† 173 251+159
−98 0.01
a8 4 0.5 3.0 1.0 1.7 245 243 219 313+219
−132 0.02
b0 4 1 1.6 0.05 8.5 149† 156 179 291+127
−99 0.18
b1 4 1 1.6 0.25 9.3 263 336 241 376+93
−92 1.43
b2 4 1 1.6 1.0 12.4 355 295 397 468+140
−130 7.47
b3 4 1 2.3 0.05 2.4 145† 175 148† 164+75
−53 < 0.01
b4 4 1 2.3 0.25 2.5 145† 149† 186 211+70
−55 0.02
b5 4 1 2.3 1.0 2.7 198 290 196 264+103
−76 0.09
b6 4 1 3.0 0.05 1.6 95† 145† 130† 106+63
−40 < 0.01
b7 4 1 3.0 0.25 1.6 95† 145† 130† 139+67
−48 < 0.01
† † †
b8 4 1 3.0 1.0 1.7 95 145 130 172+98
−63 < 0.01
c0 4 2 1.6 0.05 8.5 205 149† 233 159+87
−59 0.04
c1 4 2 1.6 0.25 9.3 245 190 252 206+85
−62 0.18
c2 4 2 1.6 1.0 12.4 281 250 268 257+113
−83 1.33
c3 4 2 2.3 0.05 2.4 145† 149† 148† 89+50
−33 < 0.01
c4 4 2 2.3 0.25 2.5 145† 149† 220 116+53
−37 < 0.01
c5 4 2 2.3 1.0 2.7 232 243 199 145+76
−50 0.01
c6 4 2 3.0 0.05 1.6 95† 145† 130† 59+39
−25 < 0.01
c7 4 2 3.0 0.25 1.6 95† 145† 130† 76+46
−30 < 0.01
c8 4 2 3.0 1.0 1.7 95† 145† 130† 95+66
−40 < 0.01
d0 8 0.5 1.6 0.05 17.1 1947 1194 549 637+365
−236 8.83
d1 8 0.5 1.6 0.25 18.7 1460 1806 1718 820+342
−253 19.32
d2 8 0.5 1.6 1.0 24.8 2310 1950 2167 1027+490
−337 84.59
d3 8 0.5 2.3 0.05 4.8 482 656 504 360+188
−126 0.14
d4 8 0.5 2.3 0.25 5.0 728 420 817 465+190
−136 0.42
d5 8 0.5 2.3 1.0 5.4 502 526 549 582+273
−187 1.73
d6 8 0.5 3.0 0.05 3.3 152 200 170 237+145
−90 < 0.01
d7 8 0.5 3.0 0.25 3.3 159 190 201 304+161
−102 0.01
d8 8 0.5 3.0 1.0 3.3 203 334 235 379+225
−145 0.05
e0 8 1 1.6 0.05 17.1 230 186 217 350+147
−110 0.61
e1 8 1 1.6 0.25 18.7 345 322 252 451+119
−100 2.27
e2 8 1 1.6 1.0 24.8 358 327 331 566+189
−143 16.39
e3 8 1 2.3 0.05 4.8 149† 148† 149† 196+72
−56 0.01

e4 8 1 2.3 0.25 5.0 217 350 149 254+62
−49 0.04
e5 8 1 2.3 1.0 5.4 230 231 265 317+112
−78 0.19
e6 8 1 3.0 0.05 3.3 134† 126† 137† 128+62
−42 < 0.01

Table 1 continued
Growth of Massive Stars in Star Clusters 5
Table 1 (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Model N rv α3 ffb,high Mclus M⋆,max1 M⋆,max2 M⋆,max3 Mmodel,max Ncoll × fmassive

[×105 ] [pc] [105 M⊙ ] [M⊙ ] [M⊙ ] [M⊙ ] [M⊙ ] (M > 15M⊙ )

e7 8 1 3.0 0.25 3.3 134† 126† 137† 166+62

−47 < 0.01
e8 8 1 3.0 1.0 3.3 134† 181 137† 207+103
−66 < 0.01
f0 8 2 1.6 0.05 17.1 149† 267 167 190+104
−70 0.12
f1 8 2 1.6 0.25 18.7 258 251 238 248+107
−74 0.28
f2 8 2 1.6 1.0 24.8 365 311 321 309+146
−99 2.57
f3 8 2 2.3 0.05 4.8 230 201 149† 108+51
−38 < 0.01
f4 8 2 2.3 0.25 5.0 255 252 149† 139+55
−40 < 0.01
f5 8 2 2.3 1.0 5.4 227 256 211 173+85
−55 0.01
f6 8 2 3.0 0.05 3.3 134† 158 137† 70+41
−27 < 0.01
f7 8 2 3.0 0.25 3.3 134† 158 137† 91+47
−31 < 0.01
† †
f8 8 2 3.0 1.0 3.3 212 126 137 113+68
−42 < 0.01
g0 16 0.5 1.6 0.05 34.4 657 925 449 761+447
−298 18.18
g1 16 0.5 1.6 0.25 37.6 1763 2424 2049 987+494
−325 47.94
g2 16 0.5 1.6 1.0 49.9 2507 2700 2874 1241+739
−423 285.44
g3 16 0.5 2.3 0.05 9.7 542 492 655 427+218
−150 0.31
g4 16 0.5 2.3 0.25 9.9 647 858 542 552+225
−160 0.77
g5 16 0.5 2.3 1.0 10.8 942 791 1176 696+351
−224 2.92
g6 16 0.5 3.0 0.05 6.6 149† 177 157 281+162
−102 0.01
g7 16 0.5 3.0 0.25 6.6 222 387 227 364+183
−116 0.02
g8 16 0.5 3.0 1.0 6.7 529 309 335 454+266
−165 0.1
h0 16 1 1.6 0.05 34.4 274 249 216 420+198
−137 1.63
h1 16 1 1.6 0.25 37.6 317 401 383 541+205
−143 6.65
h2 16 1 1.6 1.0 49.9 385 458 483 673+289
−197 43.26
h3 16 1 2.3 0.05 9.7 149† 161 149† 236+85
−67 0.01
h4 16 1 2.3 0.25 9.9 195 272 236 303+77
−62 0.07
h5 16 1 2.3 1.0 10.8 352 371 302 378+141
−103 0.42
h6 16 1 3.0 0.05 6.6 149† 142† 136† 154+67
−47 < 0.01
h7 16 1 3.0 0.25 6.6 149† 142† 136† 199+68
−51 < 0.01

h8 16 1 3.0 1.0 6.7 149 155 140 248+121
−76 0.01
i0 16 2 1.6 0.05 34.4 233 180 196 230+139
−87 0.3
i1 16 2 1.6 0.25 37.6 291 244 271 297+156
−99 1.19
i2 16 2 1.6 1.0 49.9 257 333 309 372+220
−129 6.16
† †
i3 16 2 2.3 0.05 9.7 149 243 149 129+63
−44 < 0.01
i4 16 2 2.3 0.25 9.9 241 182 238 166+73
−49 < 0.01
i5 16 2 2.3 1.0 10.8 216 263 192 208+102
−70 0.03
i6 16 2 3.0 0.05 6.6 149† 142† 136† 84+46
−31 < 0.01
i7 16 2 3.0 0.25 6.6 149† 179 136† 109+55
−36 < 0.01
i8 16 2 3.0 1.0 6.7 149† 190 136† 136+84
−50 < 0.01
j0 32 0.5 1.6 0.05 68.6 757 796 695 920+674
−387 47.75
j1 32 0.5 1.6 0.25 75.1 3427 4251 4553 1184+775
−447 131.15
j2 32 0.5 1.6 1.0 99.6 5545 26864 3590 1479+1072
−588 950.73
j3 32 0.5 2.3 0.05 19.3 827 1057 894 518+289
−188 0.55
j4 32 0.5 2.3 0.25 19.8 770 701 887 663+335
−210 1.68
j5 32 0.5 2.3 1.0 21.5 1491 1083 973 828+517
−294 7.08
j6 32 0.5 3.0 0.05 13.1 161 282 220 340+197
−124 0.01
j7 32 0.5 3.0 0.25 13.1 344 264 307 438+227
−143 0.04
j8 32 0.5 3.0 1.0 13.3 360 466 619 546+359
−202 0.19
k0 32 1 1.6 0.05 68.6 242 347 262 501+323
−191 5.79
k1 32 1 1.6 0.25 75.1 371 286 334 651+349
−217 16.91

Table 1 continued
6 González Prieto et al.
Table 1 (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Model N rv α3 ffb,high Mclus M⋆,max1 M⋆,max2 M⋆,max3 Mmodel,max Ncoll × fmassive

[×105 ] [pc] [105 M⊙ ] [M⊙ ] [M⊙ ] [M⊙ ] [M⊙ ] (M > 15M⊙ )

k2 32 1 1.6 1.0 99.6 542 508 451 810+500

−287 109.65
k3 32 1 2.3 0.05 19.3 231 213 179 283+126
−89 0.04
k4 32 1 2.3 0.25 19.8 276 268 175 365+138
−96 0.17
k5 32 1 2.3 1.0 21.5 342 288 348 456+222
−141 1.04
k6 32 1 3.0 0.05 13.1 147† 145† 147† 184+84
−56 < 0.01
k7 32 1 3.0 0.25 13.1 147† 166 147† 239+92
−66 < 0.01

k8 32 1 3.0 1.0 13.3 169 145 232 300+161
−99 0.01
l0 32 2 1.6 0.05 68.6 305 251 180 274+205
−113 0.95
l1 32 2 1.6 0.25 75.1 235 265 291 357+238
−135 2.44
l2 32 2 1.6 1.0 99.6 320 321 381 443+319
−180 15.78
l3 32 2 2.3 0.05 19.3 149† 149† 232 154+90
−56 < 0.01
l4 32 2 2.3 0.25 19.8 220 186 180 201+106
−68 0.02
l5 32 2 2.3 1.0 21.5 209 174 195 248+161
−91 0.09
l6 32 2 3.0 0.05 13.1 147† 145† 147† 101+57
−37 < 0.01
l7 32 2 3.0 0.25 13.1 165 145† 219 131+70
−46 < 0.01
l8 32 2 3.0 1.0 13.3 210 145† 220 163+110
−63 < 0.01

Note— Columns 2–6 list the initial physical parameters of our clusters, including the initial number of objects, virial radius, absolute value of
the high-mass stellar IMF slope (α3 ), high-mass binary fractio, and cluster mass. Columns 7–9 list the mass of the most massive star formed
in each realization of the same model. The dagger indicates masses that result from stellar IMF alone (i.e., those that do not experience any
collisional growth). Column 10 lists the mass of the most massive star as predicted by the fitting formula described in Section 4, with the
error bars indicating the 95% confidence interval. Finally, column 11 records the number of binary–single and binary–binary interactions
involving the merger of at least two stars that are both more massive than 15 M⊙ , normalized by the initial number of massive stars sampled
in the cluster. This gives a rough sense of the number of collisions per massive star in each model.

the high-mass binary fraction does not significantly in-

crease the total binary fraction. Consequently, clusters
3. VMS FORMATION will not experience significant heating from the addition
To study how the formation of a VMS depends on the of these primordial massive binaries alone and the pro-
initial conditions of a star cluster, we closely examine cess to form the VMS can proceed uninterrupted. The
the formation process of the most massive star in each trend is less pronounced for lower-N runs and lower-
cluster, denoted as M⋆,max . Figure 1 shows the mean density clusters, which tend to yield more diffuse clus-
mass of the most massive star formed through stellar ters where the collisional rate is reduced. Overall, it is
collisions across the three realizations performed at each evident that the slope of the IMF and the virial radius
point in the model grid. The plot reveals a consistent have the strongest effect on the collisional formation of
trend: as the number of initial objects increases and the a VMS in a star cluster.
cluster becomes more compact (indicated by a smaller By examining each section within the parameter space
rv value), M⋆,max also rises. Furthermore, clusters born more closely, we can learn more about the physical pro-
with a top-heavy IMF (α3 = 1.6) feature a collision rate cesses driving the formation of the massive star. Fo-
in the first 10 Myr that is ≈4 times higher than those cusing on models with a virial radius of 2 pc, we find
born with a canonical IMF (for typical GCs born with that M⋆,max never exceeds 400 M⊙ across all initial con-
N = 8 × 105 ). As a consequence, for a given combina- ditions. The formation of the massive star typically
tion of N and rv within the grid, a more top-heavy stel- involves a few stellar interactions, or in most cases,
lar IMF (smaller α3 ) results in higher values of M⋆,max , one binary–single or binary–binary interaction result-
since a higher number of stellar collisions facilitates the ing in the collision of more than two stars. These less-
growth of the VMS. concentrated models, unlike their denser counterparts,
A comparable correlation occurs in the case of the do not have as strong of a correlation between M⋆,max
high-mass binary fraction, where a higher primordial and the slope of the IMF or the high-mass binary frac-
fraction of massive binaries increases the mass of the tion. This can be explained by massive binaries taking
VMS. This is a result of an increased rate of massive a longer time to segregate towards the cluster center,
star collisions due to the presence of massive binaries thus limiting their ability to significantly increase the
in the cluster, which ultimately facilitate the formation collision rate and trigger a runaway process.
of a more massive star. Furthermore, since massive Models with virial radius of 1 pc are initially more
stars are rare compared to low-mass stars, increasing dense, allowing us to begin observing the onset of the
Growth of Massive Stars in Star Clusters 7







— fb,high = 1.0

32 × 105 — fb,high = 0.25

— fb,high = 0.05

16 × 105

Stellar Mass [M ]
8 × 105 103

4 × 105

0.5 1 2
rv [pc]
Figure 1. The mean mass of the most massive star formed in a cluster based on its initial conditions. Specifically, the
horizontal axis specifies the cluster’s initial virial radius rv , and the vertical axis specifies its initial number of objects N (both
singles and binaries). Within each box in the rv –N grid, we present a 3x3 sub-grid to distinguish models with different high-mass
stellar IMF slope α3 = (1.6, 2.3, 3.0), from left to right, and high-mass binary fraction fb,high = (0.05, 0.25, 1.0), from bottom to
top. The size and color of the circles reflect the mass of the most massive star formed at each set of initial conditions (averaged
over all three realizations).
formation of a VMS via a sequence of stellar collisions. ucts of binary coalescences, which increase as the pri-
The trend becomes apparent as the slope of the IMF be- mordial fraction of binaries increases. When combined
comes shallower, which is equivalent to a leftward move- with a slightly denser cluster, this mechanism facilitates
ment within each 3x3 box in Figure 1. Most notably, in the formation of a VMS.
models with α3 = (1.6, 2.3) and fb,high = 1, the forma- Finally, models with initial virial radii of 0.5 pc repre-
tion of M⋆,max primarily occurs through a few collisions sent the densest clusters in the grid. Within this subset,
(typically between 2 or 3) that involve massive stars. In we observe a greater diversity of pathways leading to the
contrast with the formation channel described for the formation of massive stars. In models with a top-light
2 pc models, the stars involved in these collisions are IMF (α3 = 3.0), the progenitors of massive stars ex-
slightly more massive than those initially sampled from perience multiple collisions both during their MS stage
the IMF. These unusually-massive stars tend to be prod- and their giant phase. These collisions typically result
8 González Prieto et al.

lar collisions. Particularly, we begin see the exponential

c8 2 growth of a star in <3 Myr.
a0 0 To further illustrate how the channels for forming
l8 0 M⋆,max vary across different regions of the parameter
Mass [M ]

j2 0 space, Figure 3 depicts the cumulative distribution of

103 the total number of stellar collisions leading to the for-
mation of M⋆,max in each model. In the leftmost panel,
models with lower rv consistently exhibit a richer dy-
namical history, aligning with the expectations that
denser clusters will experience higher collision rates.
The middle panel reveals a subtler trend, but the overar-
102 ching message remains that a top-heavy IMF enhances
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 the collision rate. In the rightmost panel, although the
Time [Myr] trend appears less distinct for varying binary fraction
values (as expected from the results shown in Figure 1),
Figure 2. The collision history for the most massive star we still observe that a higher binary fraction enhances
formed in models c8, a0, l8 and j2 listed in Table 1. The num- the collision rate. It is important to emphasize that we
ber following the underscore indicates the realization (cho- only fix one physical parameter per panel, so the range
sen to be the one that yields the median VMS mass). The of total number of stellar collisions exhibited by each
massive star formed in model c8 (shown as a dot) does not line is a consequence of the diverse formation channels
experience any growth. across the entire gird.
To gain a more detailed understanding of the dynam-
in a mass gain of approximately 16 M⊙ per collision. ics within the core of the clusters that form a VMS, we
Most importantly, these collisions tend to occur at later closely analyze in the top panel of Figure 4 the evolution
cluster ages, roughly t > 4 Myr. For models with a of the Lagrange radii (enclosing the specified percent-
canonical IMF, the average mass gain is ≈37 M⊙ per ages of the cluster’s mass). We pay particular attention
collision. A detailed analysis of the collisional histories to the evolution of objects within the 1% Lagrange ra-
of M⋆,max reveals that the significant (and fast) mass dius in models a1, a4, and a7, which differ only in α3
accumulation primarily arises from a series of massive (and thereby cluster mass). Notably, the behavior of the
binary-mediated interactions resulting in the merger of innermost particles demonstrates that a top-heavy IMF
more than two stars. This enables a very rapid increase results in a more pronounced core contraction, which
in mass and forms a single VMS on timescales shorter facilitates the formation of a VMS. Although we show
than 4 Myr. Finally, in models with a top-heavy IMF only the α3 -dependence of the Lagrange radii evolution
(α3 = 1.6), we typically observe more than one VMS in Figure 4 (with a fixed value for N , rv , and fb,high ),
forming on a timescale < 3 Myr. In these clusters, mul- similar trends exist when comparing models with differ-
tiple massive stars promptly scatter with each other in ent N , rv , or fb,high . In particular, a deeper collapse is
the center of the cluster and merge, triggering the start typically seen for models with smaller rv .
of a more extreme runaway process. The average mass It can also be seen in Figure 4 that in models where a
gained per collision in these models is ≈71 M⊙ . very massive star forms, the initial core collapse occurs
In Figure 2 we show the collisional history for M⋆,max on a timescale shorter than the MS lifetime for the most
across models spanning from the least dense and least massive stars (t⋆ ≈ 3 Myr, marked as a vertical dashed
massive to the most dense and most massive (repre- line). This agrees with previous studies that found a
sented by the four corners of Figure 1). Among each runaway process only occurs when tcc < t⋆ (e.g., Freitag
set of three realizations, we selected the one yielding the et al. 2006a). After 3 Myr, mass loss due to supernovae
median VMS mass as a representative case. From the and corresponding remnant ejections form natal kicks
figure, we see that the star that experiences the most halts core collapse. This leads to a re-expansion of the
growth is not necessarily the most massive star initially core, resulting in a decrease in density, effectively pre-
sampled from the stellar IMF (shown by the initial mass venting a runaway process. To account for this, we have
of the VMS in model l8, which is below the IMF’s upper included the time of the first supernova for each cluster
bound). Furthermore, the star in model c8 (indicated in Figure 4 (shown as vertical dotted lines). Except for
by a dot) does not experience any growth via collisions. the model with α3 = 1.6, the core begins to re-expand
The star in model l8 also does not experience significant as the first supernova event occurs, averting an extreme
growth, as that model only differs from c8 in the initial collisional runaway.
number of objects. As we move towards denser and ini- For the model with α3 = 1.6 (and many dense clus-
tially more top-heavy IMF models shown in yellow and ters), the initial re-expansion is due to a combination
blue, we see the formation of a VMS via successive stel- of factors. First, as the core contracts, many objects
sink towards the center of the cluster. This increase in
Growth of Massive Stars in Star Clusters 9




rv = 0.5 α3 = 1.6 fb,high = 1.0
0.2 rv = 1 α3 = 2.3 fb,high = 0.25
rv = 2 α3 = 3.0 fb,high = 0.05
100 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 103 104
Total Number of Collisions
Figure 3. The cumulative distribution of the total number of collisions that contributed to the formation of the most massive
star in each of the models. Each panel shows the distribution across all model realizations, differentiated by virial radius (left
panel), high-mass stellar IMF slope (center), and high-mass binary fraction (right).
central density forms new binaries through three-body runaway process halts once the core re-expands. As a re-
binary formation, which in turn heats the core (Cohn sult, we are not in a regime (unlike previous studies, e.g.,
et al. 1989). Furthermore, the collisions that formed the Freitag et al. 2006a,b) where an extreme collisional run-
massive object have extracted some of the (negative) away scenario causes the entire cluster core to collapse
potential energy of the cluster. Thus, once the series of and form a VMS with a mass ∼10−3 times the cluster
collisions stops, the cluster begins to re-expand. In cases mass. Instead, we observe smaller-scale runaways that
where a very massive star does not form, like model a4 enable the cluster to re-expand and continue its evolu-
with a canonical stellar IMF (purple curve), it is a com- tion. This can be primarily attributed to the delay in the
bination of mass loss due to supernovae and three-body core collapse timescale because of updates in stellar evo-
binary formation that drives the core re-expansion. lution prescriptions and the role of binaries in heating
To demonstrate how the initial core collapse con- up the cluster core. Consequently, none of our models
tributes to the formation of a VMS, we present the col- reach core collapse during the initial 10 Myr. The future
lisional history of M⋆,max in run a1 in the lower panel fate of such clusters (beyond the 10 Myr modeled in this
of Figure 4. Each distinct colored curve within the di- paper) falls outside the scope of our current study, but
agram represents a separate branch in the evolutionary will be investigated in a subsequent publication.
process. At about 2.3 Myr, three separate massive stars
form, each weighing approximately 700 M⊙ . This occurs 4. FITTING FORMULAE
precisely when the core undergoes its initial contraction. Carefully mapping the different evolutionary out-
The stars formed in the yellow and magenta pathways comes of clusters across a broad physical spectrum
merge, giving rise to a star of roughly 1000 M⊙ . While requires an extensive, high-resolution grid of simula-
the core begins to re-expand, the merger product under- tions. However, this task is rather computationally
goes gradual mass loss due to stellar winds. At approx- impractical, so we develop a simple fitting formula that
imately 4.5 Myr, this star collides with a star of mass can be used to estimate M⋆,max for a cluster, based
400 M⊙ , resulting in a collision product with a mass of upon the model grid explored in this paper. We begin
approximately 1100 M⊙ . with a simple power-law formula for the dependence of
It is important to note that at any given time in a clus- the maximum stellar mass on N , rv , α3 , and fb,high :
ter, more than one VMS might be present, which is not
depicted in the figures in this paper. Our study focuses M⋆,max

on assessing the extent of runaway phenomena occur- =A· (α3 )−ω (fb,high )γ . (3)
M⊙ 105 pc
ring within the initial 10 Myr of the cluster’s lifetime.
This takes into account whether or not the massive stars To determine the values of the coefficient A and the
formed in the cluster have enough time to sink to the power-law exponents, we perform a Bayesian inference
cluster center due to dynamical friction and merge. technique known as nested sampling (see Skilling 2006,
In general, although VMSs form during the initial core for a review of the method), computing the parameters
collapse (core contraction) in our cluster simulations, the constraining the model using the nestle package (Shaw
10 González Prieto et al.

Table 2. Best-fit Values for Equation (3)

Lagrange Radii [N − body units]
t? tSN1 tSN2 tSN3
101 α3 = 1.6
α3 = 2.3 Parameter Value Corresponding Variable
α3 = 3.0
A 716 ± 184 N/A
0 η 0.26 ± 0.13 N
10 β 0.87 ± 0.23 rv
ω 1.59 ± 0.39 α3
γ 0.16 ± 0.09 fb,high

Note—The best-fit values for the fitting formulae

10−1 shown in Equation (3) obtained using the nested
sampling method (Skilling 2006).

α3 = 1.6
tion timescale for the massive stars, promoting earlier
and more frequent massive collisions.
Stellar Mass [M ]

With this model to predict the onset of VMS forma-

tion, we aim to extend predictions across a broader range
of cluster initial conditions. Figure 5 shows the pre-
dicted maximum stellar mass distribution across models
of diverse fb,high , rv , and α3 parameters. To obtain pre-
dictive model outcomes, we extract 1000 samples for ev-
ery data point across the parameter space by randomly
drawing from the parameter distribution listed in Ta-
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 ble 2. Subsequently, we calculate the mean of the 1000
Time [Myr] samples as well as the 95% credibility region, illustrated
in Figure 5 as a solid line and shaded region, respec-
Figure 4. Upper Panel : The time evolution of the Lagrange tively.
radii— from top to bottom enclosing the 99%, 50%, 10%, and To qualitatively demonstrate the performance, we
1% of the cluster’s total mass—for simulations (a1, a4, a7) in overplot the data obtained from the CMC simulations,
Table 1. These models all have N = 4 × 105 , rv = 0.5 pc, revealing strong agreement as the majority of the data
and fb,high = 0.25. We vary α3 = (1.6, 2.3, 3.0) shown in falls within the 95% confidence interval. Discrepancies
black, purple, and green curves, respectively. The dashed between the model and data occur in regions where
vertical line represents the main-sequence lifetime for the the initiation of the collisional runaway becomes highly
most massive stars in the cluster (t = 3 Myr). The dotted stochastic, leading to substantial variance in the mass
vertical lines show the time of the first supernova in each of the most massive star. This is the case for the model
cluster model. Lower Panel : The collisional history of the with N = 32×105 , rv = 0.5 pc, α3 = 1.6, and fb,high = 1
three most massive bodies in the simulation with a top-heavy
(model j2 in Table 1), where the stochasticity is appar-
ent in the three data points for M⋆,max .
IMF (α3 = 1.6), distinguished by color. Two of these massive
To assess the accuracy of the predictive model, we
stars (blue and purple) merge at t ≈ 2.3 Myr and the remnant
computed additional simulations with rv = 4 pc, shown
(colored blue) merges with the third massive star (yellow) at
in Figure 5. These simulations were not utilized in the
t ≈ 4.4 Myr to form the final VMS.
parameter estimation process for determining the best-
fit model. Instead, they are only used to demonstrate
et al. 2007; Mukherjee et al. 2006; Feroz et al. 2009). the performance of the model. We see that the mean
This method restricts mass priors by sampling within masses from our CMC simulations fall within the 95%
likelihood contours, demonstrating excellent efficacy in confidence interval of the predictive model. We also note
high-dimensional parameter estimation. We refer the that the model under performs in some clusters. This
reader to the Appendix to learn more about the perfor- discrepancy arises from the fact that in our simulations,
mance of the fit. if the cluster does not experience a significant number
We use a uniform prior from 10−3 –103 for A and from of collisions, the most massive star at any given time
10−3 –101 for each of the exponents. We find that the typically corresponds to the most massive star initially
data is best described by the values in Table 2, which sampled from the Kroupa IMF, often around 150 M⊙ .
shows that the parameters that have the most signifi- Thus, it is to be expected that CMC models with low
cant effect on the estimation of M⋆,max are rv and α3 . densities and top-light IMFs will not form collisional
This is expected since a smaller virial radius leads to a products with masses much higher than the IMF upper
higher overall collision rate and a shorter mass segrega- limit. This is shown by the flat evolution of the max-
Growth of Massive Stars in Star Clusters 11

imum stellar mass as a function of virial radius of the González et al. 2021; Weatherford et al. 2021; González
CMC data plotted in Figure 5. Currently, our fitting for- Prieto et al. 2022).
mulae does not take into account the assumed IMF, so
the prediction for the maximum mass is allowed to go 6. CMC STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
below the IMF upper limit.
Given the inherently statistical nature of the Monte
It is important to note that this fitting formula is in-
Carlo algorithm, we now investigate whether simulations
trinsic to our assumed stellar evolution prescriptions. As
with identical macroscopic initial conditions but differ-
such, it may not hold for clusters with different stellar
ent random seeds (which set the exact initial stellar posi-
treatments and physical assumptions (e.g., an Elson pro-
tions and velocities) yield a statistical mass distribution
file), or for clusters that deviate significantly from the
for M⋆,max . In Figure 7, we present the distribution of
parameter space covered by our model suite (e.g., very
stellar masses from a set of 50 simulations with an initial
low-mass or very high-mass clusters). Moreover, in the
population of 16 × 105 objects, a virial radius of 1 pc,
denser clusters, the mechanism through which a mas-
α3 = 1.6, and a high-mass binary fraction of 1. For qual-
sive star forms is stochastic, so we expect considerable
itative comparison, we also overplot the first three runs
variance in mass within those regimes.
in orange. These specific initial conditions were chosen
5. MASSIVE BH FORMATION because they represent one of the densest regions in our
current grid, often resulting in the formation of a VMS
An essential question stemming from this research with a mass of a few hundred M⊙ . While these models
is the fate of the massive stars in these clusters, and are to some extent stochastic in nature, an examination
whether the formation of the runaway object has an im- of Figure 7 reveals that the stellar masses roughly fol-
pact on the compact object population. In Figure 6, low a Gaussian distribution centered at 440 M⊙ , with a
we show the spectrum of BH masses formed across the spread of 50 M⊙ (the Gaussian is added for illustrative
first 10 Myr of our cluster models. For all values of N, purposes, using the mean and standard deviation of the
as rv decreases (moving left in each row), there’s a no- data). While the distribution appears to cover a broad
table increase in the number of BHs formed within or be- range of stellar masses, it is much narrower than the
yond the upper–mass-gap (assumed here to be between spread of masses shown across the entire grid explored
40–120M⊙ , but boundaries are uncertain; e.g., Spera & in this study (see Figure 1).
Mapelli 2017; Takahashi et al. 2018; Farmer et al. 2019). In all 50 realizations, the formation of the massive
This agrees with the findings of González Prieto et al. object results from a series of stellar collisions occur-
(2022) who showed that denser clusters exhibit higher ring during binary–single and binary–binary interac-
rates of stellar collisions, facilitating the formation of tions. Figure 8 illustrates the cumulative distribution
BHs in the upper-mass-gap and IMBH regimes. of the total number of collisions that contributed to the
When increasing the initial number of objects while formation of M⋆,max in each of the 50 cluster models. To
maintaining a constant rv (moving downward in each emphasize the collisions that significantly contribute to
column), we observe that the total number of massive mass buildup, we show in orange those collisions where
BHs formed increases for dense models. This is due to the colliding star is more massive than 15 M⊙ . As de-
the increased “mass budget” as the number of initial picted, for most runs, the massive star forms after a few
objects grows, which allows more stars that were not (≈3–5) stellar collisions. In numerous cases, more than
previously massive BH progenitors to merge and pop- one star merges during a binary-mediated interaction.
ulate the massive BH region. This is also apparent in To account for this, we also plot in black the number
the decrease in BHs with masses in the range 4–10 M⊙ . of interactions that resulted in collisions. It is evident
Furthermore, within each panel, a higher binary frac- that the number of interactions follows a narrow distri-
tion often correlates with the formation of more massive bution with a mean of approximately 2.7 and a stan-
BHs, alongside a lower α3 value. This is also consistent dard deviation of 1.68. Thus, across all 50 simulations,
with the general trends we observe in Figure 1. there is a high level of consistency in the number of in-
Crucially, these BH spectra solely represent the initial teractions that M⋆,max undergoes. This marks the first
10 Myr of the cluster’s evolution and do not constitute a time we have been able to characterize the realization-
complete sample of the full BH population. In fact, due to-realization variability of CMC models with high reso-
to the rejuvenation prescriptions outlined in Section 2 lution, even in the densest and most stochastic regimes.
and lower-mass stars, there are BH progenitors left in The consistent agreement in the low number of colli-
most clusters at that time. We defer more detailed anal- sions required for the formation of a VMS emphasizes
yses of the long-term population and retention of com- the importance of studies using precise hydrodynamic
pact objects to future studies. Nonetheless, the pres- simulations to understand and model the properties of
ence of such a diverse population of massive compact collision products (Costa et al. 2022; Ballone et al. 2023).
objects in these clusters hints at the possibility they
could significantly contribute to numerous gravitational-
wave events (Rodriguez et al. 2019; Kremer et al. 2020b;
12 González Prieto et al.
α3 = 1.6 α3 = 2.3 α3 = 3.0
400000 fb,high = 0.05
104 800000


fb,high = 0.25



fb,high = 1.0



1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
rv [pc]

Figure 5. The maximum stellar mass as a function of initial cluster parameters, as given by the fitting formula Equation (3).
The shaded region represents the 95% credibility region. The mean of the CMC data is over-plotted, with the error bars indicating
the maximum and median values obtained in our models. Additional models that were not utilized in the parameter estimation
process but are used to demonstrate the performance of the predictive model are shown in triangles. Supplementary versions of
this Figure with the axes instead showing α3 and fb,high are available as a Figure Set in the online journal.
7. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Table 2), the maximum mass reached depends strongly
7.1. Summary on the high-mass slope of the stellar IMF, the initial
cluster density, and the high-mass primordial binary
This paper presents findings from an extensive grid fraction.
of CMC simulations tracking the dynamical evolution of 2. We have derived a fitting formula that can be used
star clusters during the first 10 Myr of their lifetime to estimate the mass of the VMS as a function of ini-
across a spectrum of initial conditions. We particularly tial cluster conditions. While this equation depends on
focus on the formation process of VMSs, which are likely specific assumptions regarding stellar evolution and col-
progenitors of IMBHs. The results from this study can lision prescriptions, it serves as a useful tool to evaluate
be condensed into three principal findings: the potential for a collisional runaway before performing
1. Clusters that start with sufficiently high densities computationally-expensive N -body simulations.
experience a phase of core contraction at early times. 3. At the end of our simulations, some of the VMSs
If this contraction precedes the first supernovae in the have collapsed to form a BH in the upper-mass-gap or an
cluster, it leads to the formation of a VMS through a col- IMBH. These massive BHs will sink to the center of the
lisional runaway instability. In order of importance (see cluster and participate in dynamical encounters that will
Growth of Massive Stars in Star Clusters 13
100 N = 400000; rv = 0.5 N = 400000; rv = 1 N = 400000; rv = 2




100 N = 800000; rv = 0.5 N = 800000; rv = 1 N = 800000; rv = 2



dN/d(log MBH)

100 N = 1600000; rv = 0.5 N = 1600000; rv = 1 N = 1600000; rv = 2




100 N = 3200000; rv = 0.5 N = 3200000; rv = 1 N = 3200000; rv = 2




101 102 103 101 102 103 101 102 103

MBH (M )

Figure 6. Normalized BH mass distribution for all models listed in Table 1. Models with fb,high = 1 are depicted in black, those
with fb,high = 0.25 in magenta, and models with fb,high = 0.05 in green. The solid lines represent models with α3 = 1.6, dashed
lines denote models with α3 = 2.3, and dotted lines correspond to models with α3 = 3.0. The blue-shaded region indicates the
upper-mass-gap (defined here between 40–120 M⊙ ) while an arrow marks the start of the IMBH regime (M > 120 M⊙ ).
result in interesting signatures such as tidal disruption McMillan 2002; Devecchi & Volonteri 2009; Tagawa
events, and binary mergers. In particular, BBH mergers et al. 2020) or hierarchical stellar-mass BH mergers in
containing a more massive component are potentially dense clusters (e.g., Davies et al. 2011; Kroupa et al.
very important LIGO/LISA sources (Rodriguez et al. 2020; Atallah et al. 2023).
2019; Kremer et al. 2020b; González et al. 2021; Weath- The clusters modeled in this work could be similar to
erford et al. 2021; González Prieto et al. 2022). the massive star clusters that are believed to be proto-
Observations of very high-redshift quasars have GCs. These clusters are thought to be massive and
sparked debates concerning the formation mechanisms dense, with low metallicity. Our models can thus help
for supermassive BHs. Various proposed channels that constrain the initial properties of clusters that might be
can explain the rapid formation and growth of super- the birth place of the seeds for the very high-redshift
massive BHs include the direct collapse of massive Popu- quasars observed by many telescopes, including JWST.
lation III stars (e.g., Stacy et al. 2012; Hirano & Bromm
2017; Kimura et al. 2021) or massive clouds (e.g., Loeb 7.2. Caveats and Future Work
& Rasio 1994; Oh & Haiman 2002; Mayer et al. 2010), The study of the evolution of single massive stars
or the formation of BH seeds via repeated stellar merg- is currently an active area of research. As an added
ers (e.g., Quinlan & Shapiro 1990; Portegies Zwart & layer of complexity, most massive stars are observed in
14 González Prieto et al.

Even more uncertain are properties of the collision

Probability Density Distribution

Data products. This aspect is particularly relevant to this

Gaussian study, since we investigate the formation of massive
stars resulting from numerous stellar collisions. Here,
we adopt the simple “sticky sphere” prescription for stel-
lar collisions, assuming there is no significant mass loss.
Freitag et al. (2006b) showed that this assumption is
a good approximation in old clusters with low velocity
0.002 dispersion of the type considered here. Nevertheless,
because this prescription is the most “optimistic” sce-
nario, the results of this study are upper limits in the
0.000 formation of VMSs in star clusters.
300 400 500 600 700 A major source of uncertainty concerns the interior
Maximum Stellar Mass [M ] structure and radius of the collision product, particu-
larly the effective size of the product. In cases where
Figure 7. Distribution of the maximum VMS mass the VMS experiences exponential growth, the timescale
across all of the 50 realizations of the model with N = between collisions is shorter than the Kelvin-Helmholtz
1.6 × 106 , rv = 1 pc, α3 = 1.6 and fb,high = 1.0. This cap- timescale. This implies that the collision product does
tures the stochasticity in the outcomes of the collisional run- not have time to relax back into equilibrium before the
away. The values from the first three runs are shown in next interaction. This is known as the “transparency
orange. A Gaussian with the same mean and standard devi- problem” (Lightman & Shapiro 1978). The hydrody-
ation is shown in black. namics of an interaction that involves this kind of object
and another star are not well understood and need to
be explored in future studies.
There have been remarkable strides in the field of
modeling stellar collision products. In particular, re-
1.0 cent studies led by Ballone et al. (2023) simulated the
collision of two massive stars using the smooth particle
0.8 hydrodynamics (SPH) code Starsmasher. The study
found that the resulting stellar remnant only experi-
enced 12% mass loss during the merger. Costa et al.
(2022) modeled the evolution of this collision product

using PARSEC and MESA, concluding that a BH in the

upper-mass-gap was formed as a product of the collision.
All collisions
These studies represent some of the first steps towards
0.2 Massive collisions
carefully modelling collision products. They also shine
Interactions light on the fact that this process is very intricate and
0.0 the outcome depends on the properties of the colliding
2 4 6 8 10 12
Total Number of Collisions objects. Thus, detailed modeling of the hydrodynamics
of stellar encounters and the properties of stellar merger
Figure 8. The cumulative distribution of the total number products is essential to better understand VMS growth
of collisions that contributed to the formation of the most and IMBH formation from VMSs.
massive VMS in each of the 50 realizations of the model is In future studies, we plan to research the prolonged
shown in blue. The orange line specifically denotes the to- impact and eventual collapse of these VMSs in star clus-
tal number of collisions where the colliding star had a mass ters. By running a subset of the models to a Hubble
≥ 15 M⊙ . The total number of interactions the star experi- time, we aim to study cluster morphology, hyperveloc-
enced is shown in black. ity stars, and tidal tails.

close binary systems, making their modelling even more 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

challenging (e.g., Sana et al. 2012b; Moe & Di Stefano Support for E.G.P. was provided by the National Sci-
2017). As a consequence, we must make assumptions ence Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Pro-
when modeling the evolution of these massive stars. A gram under Grant DGE-2234667. Support for K.K. was
crucial parameter is their stellar radii, which is poorly provided by NASA through the NASA Hubble Fellow-
constrained for massive stars. As outlined in Section 2.2, ship grant HST-HF2-51510 awarded by the Space Tele-
this has been partially addressed in this study by the re- scope Science Institute, which is operated by the Asso-
scaling of the stellar radii, but more accurate modeling ciation of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.,
is needed. for NASA, under contract NAS5-26555. Our work was
Growth of Massive Stars in Star Clusters 15

supported by NASA Grant 80NSSC21K1722 and NSF

Grant AST-2108624 at Northwestern University. This
research was also supported in part through the com-
putational resources and staff contributions provided
for the Quest high-performance computing facility at
Northwestern University, which is jointly supported by
the Office of the Provost, the Office for Research, and
Northwestern University Information Technology.
16 González Prieto et al.



As detailed in Section 4, we used nested sampling for the parameter estimation of Equation (3); for a comprehensive
overview, refer to Skilling (2006). Our choice of priors includes a flat prior for A ranging from 10−3 –103 and from
10−3 –101 for each exponent. Our sampler utilizes 103 active points with a threshold of d log(z) = 0.1, defined as
the ratio between the estimated total evidence and the current evidence. Despite experimenting with different priors,
active points, and thresholds to enhance accuracy, we observe no significant differences in the results. In Figure 9, we
present the corner plot derived from our parameter estimation, which shows the correlation between parameters in the
off-diagonal plots and the marginal distribution of each parameter along the diagonal. From this figure we can see that
the priors we provided are broad enough, suggesting that the search area is not excessively limited. To demonstrate
the predictive model’s performance within the parameter space explored in this paper, we reproduce Figure 1, and
overlay the mean value for each set of initial conditions using magenta, based on 1000 samples generated from the
parameter distributions listed in Table 2. As detailed in Section 4, the model performs well overall, with exceptions
in regions characterized by high stochasticity.
0.5 1.2




Figure 9. Corner plot for the parameters of the nested sampling fit—Equation (3)—to the distribution of maximum stellar
mass from a collisional runaway.
Growth of Massive Stars in Star Clusters 17







— fb,high = 1.0

32 × 105 — fb,high = 0.25

— fb,high = 0.05

16 × 105

8 × 105

4 × 105

0.5 1 2
rv [pc]
Figure 10. As in Figure 1, the size of the black circles shows the average mass of the most massive VMS formed in a cluster
with the given initial conditions. In this version, we also overlay in purple the predicted mean mass derived from 1000 samples
obtained from sampling values predicted by Equation (3).

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