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Grade 7
Complete 2nd Quarter
header: Christine Joy M. Puriza
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● name
● picture

The learners demonstrate their multiliteracies and communicative competence in

evaluating Philippine literature (prose) for clarity of meaning, purpose, and target
Content Standard
audience as a foundation for publishing original literary texts that reflect local and
national identity.
The learners analyze the style, form, and features of Philippine prose (short story
and novel); evaluate prose for clarity of meaning, purpose, and target audience; and
compose and publish an original multimodal literary text (short story) that represents
their meaning, purpose, and target audience, and reflects their local and national
Analyze literary texts as expressions of individual or communal values within
(patterns and motifs).

Objective At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
a. Cognitive: Identify the patterns and motifs as expression of individual or
EN7LIT-II-1 _ communal values in literary texts
Analyze literary
texts as
b. Affective: Practice the value of generosity
expression of
individual or
communal values c. Psychomotor: Identify patterns/motifs and values in the given literary text
within (patterns
and motifs).

Analyze patterns and motifs in literary text
Analyze literary
texts as
expression of
individual or
communal values
within (patterns
and motifs)

Pagpapahalaga Generosity (Social)

Practice the
value of

Value Concept: Generosity is related to the topic because in the main activity There is a given short
(Explain in 2 to story entitled "The Giving Tree." In this story, a tree keeps giving to a boy without
3 short sentences asking for anything back. The word "tree" is repeated a lot, showing the value of
to answer the generosity.This pattern of giving reflects both individual and communal values,
question: How is emphasizing the importance of generosity in fostering meaningful relationships and
this value related it reminds us of how connected we are to nature.
to the topic?)

Values Short Story Analysis


Main Activity
Phase of the LP
for the actual

Archetypes, Motifs, and Plot in Drama (English II Reading) | Texas Gateway.


OSU School of Writing, Literature and Film. (2021, October 26). “What is a
Motif?”: A Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers [Video].
Six (6) YouTube.
Sanggunian Team, D. (2023, August 21). Motifs in Literature & Art: Definition & Usage.
(in APA 7th
edition format, Daisie Blog.
INDENT please) Salud, J. (2010, May 12). Detailed lesson plan (ENGLISH, MATH, SCIENCE,
FILIPINO) [Slide show]. SlideShare.

Values and Character Education | values education strategies. (n.d.).


What is a Motif? || Oregon State Guide to Literary Terms. (2023, July 19).
College of Liberal Arts.

Digital Materials:
● Simple Booklet (Routine)
● Heyzine Flipbooks (Main Activity)
● Emaze (Abstraction)
Mga Kagamitan
● Jamboard APP (Closure Activity)
● SEESAW APP (Assignment/Agreement)
● Jotform ( Evaluation)

PLAN based on
the subject
assigned to you

A. Routine
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Attendance checking
- Classroom rules
-Presenting of Objectives



B. ***Main Activity

Activity: Short story read and Analysis


Directions: The students will read and analyze the short story entitled “The Giving
Tree” and after, they will answer the following questions.

C-A- Processing Questions Expected Answer


C 1. What was the Title of the The title of the short

given short story? story that we have
read is The giving

C 2. What is the story all about? The story is all

Practice the about the giving tree
value of and a boy
generosity (A)
C 3. What was the tree given to The tree gave the
the boy? boy shade to rest,
apples to eat and
branches to play on

A 4. How would you describe The tree is generous

the character of the tree and kind because it
when she gives a boy gives the boy
apples to eat, a place to everything he needs,
play and shade to rest? like apples to eat, a
place to play, and
shade to rest. It
doesn't ask for
anything in return, it
just wants to make
the boy happy.

A 5. If you were the tree, would Yes, because it is a

you do the same ? Why? good thing to do.

A 6. Can you think of a time I remember my

when someone was kind mother when she
and giving to you, like the gave me everything
tree was to the boy? I wanted. She gives
me money everyday.

B 7. What can you do to show I would give my

your generosity like the friend help when she
tree was to the boy? needed
unconditional love
to my family every



● Definition of patterns/motifs in literary texts

● Example of patterns/motifs in the story
Developmental Analyzing literary texts as expressions of individual or communal values within
Activity patterns and motifs involves looking for recurring themes, symbols, or narrative
elements that convey deeper meanings or messages about the characters, societies,
or cultures portrayed in the text.

When we read a story or a book, we can look for special patterns or repeating
ideas. These patterns are like puzzles that help us understand what the story is trying
to tell us. Sometimes, authors use certain pictures, words, or events over and over
again to show us important things about the characters or the world they live in.


Let's imagine we're reading a story about a brave little mouse named Max who goes
on an adventure to find a magical cheese that can save his village. As we read, we
notice that the author keeps talking about the color red. Max wears a red scarf, he
meets a red bird on his journey, and the magical cheese is hidden in a red cave.

Now, we can think about why the author keeps using the color red. Maybe red
represents courage and bravery, showing us that Max is very brave to go on his
adventure. Or maybe it symbolizes danger, telling us that Max is facing a lot of scary
things on his journey.

This is an example of a pattern or motif in the story. By paying attention to these

patterns, we can understand more about what the author wants us to learn from the
story, like being brave, helping others, or facing our fears.

Analyzing literary texts for patterns and motifs helps us discover the deeper
meanings and messages hidden within the story, allowing us to learn important
lessons and understand the values of the characters and their communities.

Activity: Short Story Analysis


Directions: The students will read, Identify and analyze the given patterns/motifs
and values found in the short story entitled “The Necklace” by guy de maupassant.
They will put their answer in the Jamboard App.

"The Necklace" is about a woman named Madame Loisel who really wants to look
fancy and rich. She borrows a beautiful necklace from her friend to wear to a fancy
party, but then she loses it! Madame Loisel and her husband have to work really hard
and borrow money to buy a new necklace just like the one she lost. They spend
years paying off their debts, only to find out that the necklace they lost was actually
a fake!



Excellent (4) Accurate identification of

relevant patterns/motifs and
values, insightful analysis and
interpretation, clear and
organized presentation on
Jamboard App.

Proficient (3) Mostly accurate identification

of relevant patterns/motifs and
values, satisfactory analysis and
interpretation, clear presentation
on Jamboard App with minor

Developing (2) Partially accurate summary,

identification of some
patterns/motifs and values,
limited analysis and
interpretation, presentation on
Jamboard App lacks clarity or

Needs Improvement (1) Inaccurate or incomplete

summary, limited identification
of patterns/motifs and values,
inadequate analysis and
interpretation, unclear or
disorganized presentation on
Jamboard App.

Directions: The students will carefully read and understand each number. Select the
correct answer.


1. What are patterns and motifs in literary texts?

a) Main events in the story
b) Descriptions of characters and settings
c) Different writing styles used by authors
d) Recurring themes, symbols, or narrative elements

Evaluation 2. Which of the following is an example of a pattern or motif in a story?

a) The repeated word of bear
b) Frequent changes in setting
c) New characters introduced in every chapter
d) A single event that happens only once in the story

3. Why is analyzing patterns and motifs important in understanding a story?

a) Helps in predicting future events
b) Allows for easier forgetting of the story
c) Reveals deeper meanings and messages
d) Promotes memorization of story details

4. How can we learn important lessons from literary texts?

a) By focusing on writing styles
b) By ignoring repeating elements
c) By guessing outcomes of main events
d) By identifying recurring themes or symbols

5. As the sun rose high in the sky, a bunny named Benny hopped through the
forest, searching for a hidden treasure. Along his journey, he noticed bright
red berries , red apples tempting him with their red juicy sweetness. What
value is emphasized through the use of the color red in the story?
a) Happiness and joy
b) Peace and tranquility
c) Courage and determination
d) Creativity and imagination

Correct Answer:
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. C

Directions: The students will find a short story and Identify the patterns/motifs and
values reflected in the given literary text. Put your answer using the Seesaw App.
Assignment/ EXAMPLE:


Excellent (4) The student accurately identifies

patterns/motifs, provides
insightful explanations,
analyzes values effectively,
presents ideas clearly and

coherently, and demonstrates a

deep understanding of the text.

Proficient (3) The student mostly identifies

patterns/motifs, offers
satisfactory explanations,
analyzes values adequately,
presents ideas clearly with
minor organizational issues, and
shows a good understanding of
the text.

Developing (2) The student partially identifies

patterns/motifs, provides limited
explanations, analyzes values
inconsistently, presents ideas
with some clarity but lacks
organization, and demonstrates
a basic understanding of the

Needs Improvement (1) The student struggles to identify

patterns/motifs, lacks coherent
explanations, fails to analyze
values effectively, presents
ideas unclearly with significant
organizational issues, and
demonstrates a limited
understanding of the text.

Important reminders for submitting your lesson plan. Please check the box before each item to indicate

completion and ensure the quality of the lesson plan.
1. Done with language consistency
✔️ 2. Translate what needs to be translated
✔️ 3. Followed the correct LP format
✔️ 4. Reviewed grammar & spelling : English/Filipino
✔️ 5. Followed the APA 7th edition format with indention
✔️ 6. Removed ALL the professor’s red comments from column 2 and transfer it to
feedback column below the evaluator’s blue comments

✔️ 7. Used royal blue font for the revision made based on the professor’s comments
✔️ 8. Used age-appropriate activities and images
✔️ 9. Ensured that the abstraction/lecture phase contains what is in the DLC ONLY
✔️ 10. Included appropriate cognitive and psychomotor processing questions
✔️ 11. Followed the principle of assessment and highlighted the correct answers
✔️ 12. Utilized understandable directions and explanations

✔️ 13. Ensured that all links are active and can be accessed
✔️ 14. No imaginary or fictional activities were created.

✔️ 15. Identified the correct and most natural value to be integrated into the topic or lesson
✔️ 16. Identified the appropriate term for the value integration strategy
✔️ 17. Added three red asterisks (***) on the actual phase where value integration will be

✔️ done. (example: *** Main Activity)

18. Included the value and affective objective in the 1st column of the phase where the

✔️ actual value integration will be done

19. Used the processing questions table template for actual values integration phase
✔️ 20. Highlighted (yellow) the three (3) PQs intended for values integration
This is to indicate that I completed all of the reminders before passing my lesson plan.
Name: Christine Joy Puriza
Year and Section: 3-12 BVE
Date & Time Submitted: March 7, 2024 at 11:54 AM

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