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GHMC Byelaws | Vasavi Infra Solu ons

Procedure for submission of Online Building Applica on

A. Procedure to register on DPMS
 Visit GHMC website:
 On the GHMC homepage click on “DPMS – Submission of Building
Applica ons Online”.
 Registered user can login with creden als: user id and password.
 New user can register using the link Click Here for “Architect / Engineer/
Surveyor Registra on” or “Ci zen Registra on” as may be the case.
 All mandatory details as required and specified in the registra on form
should be duly filled to successfully register into DMPS.
 A er successful comple on of the registra on process, a confirma on
message with the registered User-Id and Password will be sent through
SMS/email that is provided by the applicant at the me of registra on.
 The login creden als shall be used to enter into the DPMS system to submit
applica ons/verify status of applica on/ upload necessary documents/
conduct pre-DCR/ respond to queries raised by GHMC/ receive approvals and
proceedings/ download accorded approval proceedings and drawings.

B. Procedure to submit new applica on:

 Login into DPMS using the login creden als (user id and password).
 Click the “New Applica on” op on in the Applica ons Tab.
 When the “New Applica on” page opens there are different informa on tabs
on the top of the page which need to be filled.
 In the General Informa on Tab fill in the details regarding the proposal
(proposed construc on) and site details. Fields highlighted with Asterix (*) are
mandatory and need to filled necessarily.
 In the Applicant informa on tab fill all details regarding
Architect/Engineer/Surveyor Informa on, Applicants, Structural Engineer and
Developer Informa on. This informa on shall be supported with requisite
documents as deemed necessary and specified in the applica on form.
 In the applica on checklist tab, check the details furnished and the
documents submi ed to complete the standard part of the applica on. Click
the “Save” bu on to generate a temporary file number which can be used for
all future references during the process of applica on submission. This
temporary file number will remain valid ll the payment is made a er which a
permanent file number will be generated.
 Click open and fill the details in the “Plot Details”, “Land Details” and
“Building Details” tabs individually. Save each page/ tab individually before
moving to the next tab since data will be lost if the tab is not saved before
moving to the next tab.
 Select the Geo Loca on Tab and select the Plot co-ordinates in the displayed
Google Map.The La tude and Longitude coordinates are updated

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GHMC Byelaws | Vasavi Infra Solu ons

automa cally. Now enter the Plot measurements with reference to the
coordinates and save the page.
 In the next tab, “Documents” tab, upload the documents as specified in the
applica on.
 Now upload the Auto Cad drawing of the proposals in Pre DCR format and
submit the proposal.
 Once the above process is complete, click the Payment page and pay the
processing fee of applica on through Online Integrated Payment Gateways.
 Once the payment is successfully made, permanent file number is generated.
This file number will also be informed to the ci zen/architect through SMS to
the registered mobile number
 The applicant may check the status of the applica on by logging into the
DPMS system and checking the “Submi ed Applica ons” folder
 Status of the file is automa cally updated on the website and SMS message
will be sent on periodical process of stage wise approval i.e inspec on,
shor all le er/rejec on le er, fees in ma on le er, permission plan and
 A er final approval, the building permission order and sanc on plan will be
sent through Email and also will be available in Architect/Owner login for
view and download purpose.


Residential Front Setback Back Setback

min. of 1m or 5%
min. of 1.5m or 5%
Upto 9m of the plot width,
of the plot width,
(30ft) whichever is greater.
whichever is
min. of 1.5m or 5%
btn 9 to min. of 2m or 5% of
of the plot width,
12m (30 to the plot width,
Road width

whichever is
40 ft) whichever is greater.
min. of 2m or 5%
btn 12 to min. of 2.5m or 5%
of the plot width,
18m 4(0 to of the plot width,
whichever is
60 ft) whichever is greater.
min. of 2.5m or 5%
min. of 3m or 5% of
above 18m of the plot width,
the plot width,
(60ft) whichever is greater.
whichever is

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Commercial buildings
min. of 3m or 5% of the plot width,
Front Setback
whichever is greater.

min. of 2m or 5% of the plot width,

Side Setback
whichever is greater.

min. of 2m or 5% of the plot width,

Rear Setback
whichever is greater.

Building Height Restrictions:

No. of floors or
Plot area
200 -
300sq.m Stilt parking +
(2152 - 3230 2floors / 10m ht
Built-up area
400 /floor <= 2200sqft
Stilt parking + 4
sq.m(4305.56 / floor including
sq.ft) common

The maximum number of floors allowed in Hyderabad can be increased by

obtaining special permission from the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
(GHMC). The GHMC will consider your request for special permission based on
the following factors:

 The size of the plot.

 The abutting road width.
 The proposed height of the building.
 The location of the building.
 The impact of the building on the surrounding area.

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House permission cost in Telangana:

Built-up area Fees
Note: These fees are subject to
Upto 100sq.m (1076 change, so it is always best to
sq.ft) check with the GHMC for the
latest rates.
101 - 200 sq.m (1087-
2152 sq.ft) IN ADDITION, there may be other charges
associated with obtaining house permission,
such as the cost of submitting plans and the
201 - 300 sq.m cost of an inspection. These charges will vary
(2163.54-3229.17 30,000
depending on the specific circumstances.

Important Note: These fees are only for house

301 - 400 sq.m (3230- permission. There may be other fees associated
4305.56 sq.ft) with the construction of a house, such as the
cost of obtaining a building permit and the
cost of connecting to utilities. These fees will
Above 401sq.m vary depending on the specific circumstances.
(4316.32 sq.ft)

LRS (Layout Regularisation Scheme)

LRS - If not Opted:

Less than Rs. 3000/  You will not have to pay the LRS fee.
sq. yard
 You will have more freedom in
designing and constructing the house.
From Rs 3,001/ sq.
 You can start construction
yard to Rs 5,000/ sq. 30%
yard immediately.

From Rs. 5001/ sq.
yard to 10,000/ sq. 40%
 You may not be able to get a loan from
a bank or financial institution.
From Rs. 10,001/ sq.  You may face difficulty in selling the
yard to 20,000/ sq. 50% house in the future.
yard  You may be subject to penalties by the
local authorities.

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DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED (for buildings upto 10m height)

1. Building Application duly signed by the Owner, Architect, Engineer. (Sec.429 (aa) of HMC
Act, 1955 & 4.2 of Building Bye-laws,1981).
2. Building Plans through Auto CAD drawings in PreDCR format, with Location Plan, Contour
Plan, Site Plan, Detailed Drawings of each floor, Detailed Drawings of Parking Floors,
Terrace Plan, Building Elevations, Cross Section, Longitudinal Section, Plan showing
rainwater harvesting pits & Mortgage Plan duly signed by Owner, Builder,
Architect/Engineer/Surveyor, Structural Engineer containing (Sec.429 (aa) of HMC Act, 1955
& 4.2 (v) of Building Bye- laws,1981).
3. Building Permit / License Fee Rs.10,000/- (initial fee) through online payment.
4. Declaration forms duly singed by the owner and attested by Gazetted Officer.
5. Licence copy of Architect renewed by CIA (or) Licence copy of the Engineer / Surveyor
issued by GHMC attested by Gazetted Officer.
6. Ownership documents (attested by Gazz. Officer) (Sec.429 (aa) of HMC Act, 1955 & 4.2 (v)
of Building Bye-laws,1981)
7. Link documents (Attested by Gazz. Officer).
8. Latest Encumbrance Certificate issued by Registration Department
9. Previous Sanctioned Plan Copy (if the existing building in the site was sanctioned previously)
10. Up to date Property Tax Receipt
11. Land Use Certificate issued by HMDA
12. N.O.C. & approved plans from Fire Services Department, ( For School buildings / Functional
hall/ Public Congregation buildings in plots of 500 sq.mtrs and above or above 6 mtr height as
per Fire Services Act )
13. Undertaking on Rs. 20/- NJS paper for handing over road widening portion wherever
14. Any other documents submitted by the applicant.

DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED (for buildings above 10m height)

1. Building Application duly signed by the Owner, Builder, Architect, Structural Engineer.
(Sec.429 (aa) of HMC Act, 1955 & 4.2 of Building Bye- laws,1981)
2. Building Plans through Auto CAD drawings in PreDCR format, with Location Plan, Contour
Plan, Site Plan, Detailed Drawings of each floor, Detailed Drawings of Parking Floors,
Terrace Plan, Building Elevations, Cross Section, Longitudinal Section, Plan showing
rainwater harvesting pits & Mortgage Plan duly signed by Owner, Builder,
Architect/Engineer/Surveyor, Structural Engineer containing (Sec.429 (aa) of HMC Act, 1955
& 4.2 (v) of Building Bye- laws,1981)
3. Building Permit / License Fee Rs.10,000/- (initial fee) through online payment
4. Declaration forms duly singed by the owner and attested by Gazetted Officer.
5. Licence copy of Architect renewed by CIA (or) Licence copy of the Engineer / Surveyor
issued by GHMC attested by Gazetted Officer.
6. Licence copy of the Structural Engineer issued by GHMC attested by Gazetted Officer.
7. Licence copy of the Builder/ Developer issued by GHMC attested by Gazetted Officer.

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8. Ownership documents (Two sets attested by Gazz. Officer) (Sec.429 (aa) of HMC Act, 1955
& 4.2 (v) of Building Bye-laws,1981)
9. Link documents (Attested by Gazz. Officer)
10.Latest Encumbrance Certificate issued by Registration Department
11.Previous Sanctioned Plan Copy (if the existing building in the site was sanctioned previously)
12.Up to date Property Tax Receipt
13.Land Use Certificate issued by HMDA 1
14.N.O.C. from AAI, if applicable. ( For buildings above 18 mtrs height as per
G.O.Ms.No.168MA, dt 07.04.2012)
15.N.O.C. & approved plans from Fire Services Department, ( For buildings 18 mtrs and above
height and for all School buildings / Functional halls/ Public Congregation building in plots of
above 500 sq.mtrs or above 6 mtr heights and for all Commercial building of 15 mtrs and
above as per Fire Services Act )
16.Rs.20/- Non-judicial stamp paper
17.Soil Test Report. As per G.O.Ms.No. 168MA, dt 07.04.2012)
18.Structural Stability Certificate issued by Licensed Structural Engineer. As per G.O.Ms.No.
168MA, dt 07.04.2012) Structural Drawings) As per G.O.Ms.No. 168MA, dt 07.04.2012)
19.Undertaking Rs.100/- Non judicial stamp paper duly stating whether the construction is taken
up by the owner.
20.Declaration-Cum-Undertaking on Rs.100/- Non Judicial Stamp Paper from the Owner and
21.Undertaking on Rs.100/- NJS by Owner, Builder, Architect, Structural Engineer (Duly
22.Undertaking on Rs.100/- NJS paper jointly by owner and Builder seeking Occupancy
Certificate. (Duly Notarised).
23.Joint undertaking on Rs.100/- Non Judicial Stamp paper for not stocking Building materials
on road margin not to enclose balconies, usage of parking, payment of special sanitation
charges, garbage charges and not to increase number of units.
24.Comprehensive Insurance Policy for 6 years
25.Undertaking on Rs. 100/- NJS paper for handing over road widening portion wherever
26.Any other documents submitted by the applicant


After receiving the application Online, the file will be simultaneously transmitted to 1. Title Scrutiny
Officer, 2. Technical Officer, who is assigned randomly by computer from the pool of Technical
Officer for Site Inspection.

The Technical Officer will “plan a site visit” schedule.

The date and time will be intimated to the applicant through SMS. On the scheduled date and time,
the Site Technical Officer shall conduct the inspection as per the checklist enclosed and upload the
Inspection Report within 24 hours.

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The Technical Officer will check the last-long co-ordinates mentioned in the application and verify
the same on-ground. (Detailed checklist of site inspection is placed in the GHMC website).

The Technical Officer shall take photographs of the site and surroundings and the report has to be
uploaded into DPMS within 24 hours.

The applicant can view the site visit report at any time by clicking the “site visit report” button
available in his/her console. Even the citizens can also view this from the Dashboard of DPMS

The Inspection has to be completed within 7 days from the date of receipt of application. The
Technical Officer will use the prescribed checklist.



1. Location of the site and surrounding features.

2. Whether the site is enclosed with Fence / Compound wall / Boundary Stones.
3. Whether the work Commenced / Not Commenced, if so the status of the construction.
4. Site Surrounded by (Physical features).
5. Access Road - Width.
6. Whether the site / land is terrain if so plain / undulating.
7. Whether if any water course / water body in the Vicinity of the site under reference.
8. Whether any Electrical lines passing through the site.

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Residential Front Setback Back Setback

min. of 1m or 5%
min. of 1.5m or 5%
Upto 9m of the plot width,
of the plot width,
(30ft) whichever is
whichever is greater.
min. of 1.5m or 5%
min. of 2m or 5% of
btn 9 to 12m of the plot width,
the plot width,
Road width

(30 to 40 ft) whichever is

whichever is greater.
min. of 2m or 5%
btn 12 to min. of 2.5m or 5%
of the plot width,
18m 4(0 to of the plot width,
whichever is
60 ft) whichever is greater.
min. of 2.5m or 5%
min. of 3m or 5% of
above 18m of the plot width,
the plot width,
(60ft) whichever is
whichever is greater.

Building Height Restrictions:

No. of floors or
Plot area
200 - 300sq.m
Stilt parking + 2floors
(2152 - 3230
/ 10m ht
Built-up area /floor
400 sq.m(4305.56 Stilt parking + 4 <= 2200sqft / floor
sq.ft) floors including common

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Commercial buildings
Front min. of 3m or 5% of the plot
Setback width, whichever is greater.

Side min. of 2m or 5% of the plot

Setback width, whichever is greater.

Rear min. of 2m or 5% of the plot

Setback width, whichever is greater.

1 sq.m 10.7639 sq.ft

1 sq.m 1.19599 sq.yard

1 sq.yard 0.836127 sq.m

1 sq.yard 9 sq.ft

1 Acre 4840 sq.yard

1 Acre 4046.86 sq.m

1 Acre 43560 sq.ft

1 Acre 0.404686 Hectare

1 Hectare 11959.8 sq.yard

1 Hectare 9999.99 sq.m

1 Hectare 107639 sq.ft

1 Hectare 2.47 Acre

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