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Grammar 5. Relative clauses


it 1. Task 1 – Line
Relative graph

Relative clauses

Usage Example

which (for things and animals) Did you see the film which was on TV last night?

who (for people) I admire Jude, who always works hard on his films.

when (for times) Do you remember the day when we met?

where (for places) This is the town where Albert Einstein was born.

why (for reasons) That’s the reason why he’s so popular.

whom (for people as the object of Is that the man whom we saw at the cinema yesterday?
the relative clause)

whose (for possession) That’s the man whose sister discovered a new planet.

Reduced relative clauses

Active form Passive form To-infinity

We can use present We can use past participle Relative Clause could
participle phrases to (VII/ed) to substitute for reduce by use to-infinity
Structure substitute for the Relative the Relative clause if their or infinitive phrase (for +
clause if their meanings meanings are in passive Object + to+ Inf)
are in active form. form.

Example The girl who sits next to A room which is painted in Tom is the last person
Peter is my neighbour. white looks larger. who enters the room.
= The girl sitting next to = A room painted in white = Tom is the last person
Peter is my neighbour. looks larger. to enter the room.

Exercise 1. Complete sentences using the words in the box. You have to use some words more than
where which who whose

1. There’s a film tonight ……………………… I really want to see.

2. Do you know any restaurants ……………………… they serve vegetarian dishes?
3. Can you remember ……………………… told you about the new nightclub?
4. The film, ………………………stars Tom Hanks, is based on a book by Dan Brown.
5. I’ve never met anyone before ……………………… mother was famous!
6. Lorenzo, ……………………… is from Spain originally, has lived here for about ten years.
7. Carla, ……………………… parents are from Mexico, was born in the UK.
8. Here’s a photo of the hotel ……………………… we stayed.

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks.

Did you know that there are people 1. ……………………… are paid to predict the future? They’re
called ‘actuaries’. I’d never heard of actuaries until my friend Greg, 2. ……………………… mother
is an actuary, told me about them. It’s a job 3. ……………………… sounds quite interesting.
Actuaries usually work for companies, like insurance companies, 4. ……………………… deal with
the chances of things happening in the future. Actuaries have to decide how probable it is that
something will happen. For example, it’s more probable that buildings will be flooded in places 5.
……………………… it rains a lot. Greg’s mum, 6. ……………………… has been an actuary for
about five years, is involved with car insurance. She works in an office 7. ……………………… they
decide how much car insurance people should pay. It’s more probable that a car 8.
……………………… is new is safer and more reliable than a very old car, so people 9.
……………………… cars are new pay less insurance. If there are drivers 10. ………………………
she thinks will probably have more accidents, she makes them pay more insurance!

Khóa b tr c bn | 2
Exercise 3. Look at the pictures and use the prompts to write sentences.

1. A. tree / tall / have / leaves

Example: The tree which is tall doesn’t have any leaves.
B. trees / have / leaves / be / short
2. A. bottle / big / full
B. bottles / small / empty
3. A. girl / has / short hair / be called / Melissa
B. girls / hair / be / long / be called / Lucy, Tina and Debbie
4. A. boy / hold / black basketball / wear / school uniform

Khóa b tr c bn | 3
B. boys / basketballs / be / white / wear / tracksuits

Exercise 4. Rewrite as one sentence using a relative clause.

1. Pass me the dictionary. I put it on the shelf.
2. Will you help me to do the exercises? I don’t understand the exercises.
3. We haven’t met Mr. Smith yet. His daughter studies with Paul.
4. We won’t forget the day. We went to Justin Bieber’s concert that day.
5. Peter has read the book. I recommended the book to him.
6. They sent me a postcard of the hotel. They stayed there on holiday.
7. This is my best friend. I met her at school ten years ago.
8. Is this the man? This man accused you of stealing his wallet.
9. I want to introduce you to Mrs. Black. Her husband is an engineer.

Khóa b tr c bn | 4
10. Can you show me the room? Meetings are held in that room.

Exercise 5. Circle the extra word in each sentence.

1. The boy who he sits next to me in class is called Vladimir.
2. This book, which I started reading it last week, is really funny.
3. Jean, whose her mother is a nurse, wants to be a doctor.
4. My mum and dad, who they got married fifteen years ago, met over thirty years ago.
5. The jeans which I was telling you about them are over there.
6. That was the day on when I met my wife for the first time.
7. Next month I will come back to the place in where my mom was born.
8. People who like playing tennis they often like playing badminton too.

Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with the correct word: where, when or why.
1. There are many reasons ……………………….. people choose not to get married.
2. The 1970s is the decade ……………………….. heavy rock music dominated.
3. A chemist’s is a place ……………………….. you buy medicine.
4. The summer, ……………………….. the sun shines, is always my favourite time of year.
5. The centre of the village, ……………………….. you’ll find the church and the gardens, is very
6. I don’t understand the reason ……………………….. they failed the exam.
7. I’m hoping for a time ……………………….. we can be together again.
8. The sport centre ……………………….. we play tennis is expensive.
9. The reason ……………………….. I turned down the job is that the pay was too low.
10. I’ve never been to the office ……………………….. my husband works.

Exercise 7. Correct the mistakes.

The town 1. which I was born has changed greatly over the last twenty 1. ……where…..
years. Now, there is a modern shopping centre in the place 2. that my ……
school used to be and all the children 3. whose went there have grown
up and moved away. The local cinema, 4. that was built several years
ago, used to be a dance hall 5. which big bands played. The park, 6.

Khóa b tr c bn | 5
where was my favourite place as a child, is now a car park. 3.
Some things are still the same though. Mrs Jones, 7. whom is now
sixty years old, still works in the Post Office and Mr Jones still owns 4.
the baker’s shop, 8. that his two sons now work. The hospital 9. where …………………………
I was born in is still standing, although it is now much bigger than it
was at the time 10. which I was born. The day 11. which my family
and I left our home town was one of the saddest days of my life.






Exercise 8. Choose the correct answer.

1. Who’s that over there? – Oh, it’s our new teacher, …………… just started work today.
A. that B. which he C. who he D. who
2. Which CD did you get Marcus in the end? – I got him the one …………… said he really wanted to
A. that B. which C. who he D. which he

3. Who did you send a Valentine’s card to? – I’m not telling you, but it was someone ……………
name begins with “B”.
A. which B. whose C. who D. who her
4. Have you seen Jason Green’s latest film? – Is that the one in …………… joins the FBI?

Khóa b tr c bn | 6
A. which he B. whom he C. that he D. which
5. Why do you like Tania so much? – Well, she’s one of the few people to …………… I can really
A. which B. whom C. that D. who
6. Why don’t we go to Lionel’s for dinner tonight? – Is that the new restaurant …………… has just
opened on the other side of town?
A. which B. that it C. where D. which it
7. Could you lend me some money? – I’d like you to give me one good reason …………… I should.
A. that B why C. which D. who
8. What do you want to do this summer? – I think we should go somewhere …………… has plenty of
sun and sand.
A. who B. where C. when D. that

Exercise 9. Rewrite as one sentence using a relative clause.

1. My friend, Simon, plays the guitar. He has just released a CD.
Example: My friend, Simon, who has just released a CD, plays the guitar.
2. Prince Charles is heir to the throne of England. His wife was Princess Diana.
3. Microsoft has a lot of power in the world of computers. That annoys some people.
4. The euro replaced a number of national currencies. It was introduced in January 2002.
5. “Friends” has run for ten years. It is one of my favourite series.
6. Venus is a very hot place. It is much closer to the Sun than the Earth is.
7. Cricket is popular in many countries around the world. It is played between two teams of eleven.

8. Parts of Buckingham Palace are open to the public. It is where the queen lives.

Khóa b tr c bn | 7
9. The greyhound is the fastest dog. It can reach speeds of over 65 kilometres an hour.
10. “1894” was written by George Orwell. His real name was Eric Blair.

Exercise 10. Complete sentences with correct form of verbs.

1. The man (drive) ………………………… the bus is my brother.
2. I went to a reunion for students (educate) ………………………… in the physics department
during the 1980s.
3. There is a sign on the gate (say) ………………………… “Entry forbidden”.
4. Emma Thompson is the most famous actress (appear) ………………………… on stage here.
5. Across the river were some of the deer (introduce) ………………………… into the park in the 19 th
6. Rivers (flow) ………………………… into Baltic Sea are much cleaner now than ten years ago.
7. New Zealand was the first country (give) ………………………… women the vote.
8. The booklets (print) ………………………… as we speak will be on sale later this afternoon.
9. We live in a house (build) ………………………… in 1906.
10. The guest on our show is the youngest golfer (win) ………………………… the Open.

Exercise 11. Combine two sentences with a reduced relative clause.

1. A bag was stolen from my hotel room. It had my passport in it.
2. She’s the one. She demands a pay raise.
3. This is a job. It requires someone with plenty of experience.
4. A package was delivered this morning. It’s on my desk.
5. It’s a university. It specializes in medicine.

Khóa b tr c bn | 8
6. That’s the baby. She was born three hours ago.
7. The woman is friendly. She works with my father.
8. She is the girl. She phoned the police yesterday.

Exercise 12. Use reduced relative clauses in place of the relative clauses.
1. Only a few of the movies which are shown at the Gray Theater are suitable for children.
2. The couples who live in the house next door are both professors.
3. He was the first man who left the burning building.
4. A knuckle is a point that connects a finger to the rest of the hand.
5. The last person who leaves the room must turn off the lights.
6. Antarctica is covered by a huge ice cap that contains 70 percent of the earth’s fresh water.
7. Be sure to follow the instructions that are given at the top of the page.
8. Our solar system is in a galaxy that is called the Milky Way.
9. The fifth man who was interviewed was entirely unsuitable.

Khóa b tr c bn | 9
10. The experiment which was conducted at the University of Chicago was successful.

Khóa b tr c bn | 10

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