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________ DAY OF _____________2017.


Mr.____________________________________ S/O. ____________________________,

Muslim, Adult, holding NIC No. ______________________, resident of
_________________________________________________________________ hereinafter
referred to as the VENDOR (which expression wherever the context so permits shall mean and
include his / her legal heirs, executors, administrators, successors, attorneys, representatives,
nominees, and assigns) of the FIRST PART;

(1) _________________________________ S/O. ____________________________, Muslim,

Adult, holding NIC No. ______________________, resident of _______________________
____________________________________ and (2) _________________________________
S/O. ____________________, Muslim, Adult, holding NIC No. ______________________,
resident of ___________________________________________________________________
hereinafter referred to as the VENDEES (which expression wherever the context so permits
shall mean and include their legal heirs, executors, administrators, successors, attorneys,
representatives, nominees, and assigns) of the OTHER PART;
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WHEREAS the Vendor aforesaid is at the date of these presents seized and possessed of
and are otherwise well and sufficiently entitled owner of _____________
_________________________________________________ “SAID PROPERTY” free from all
sorts of claims, liens, charges, encumbrances of whatsoever nature.

AND WHEREAS the said Vendor have agreed to sell, convey, assign and transfer and
the vendees above named agreed to purchase the above said property for a lump sum sale
consideration of Rs.___________/- (Rupees _______________________
_______________________ only) on the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing:


1. THAT the VENDOR has received a sum of Rs._________/- (Rupees ___________
__________________________________only) in cash from the aforesaid Vendees, as a
FULL AND FINAL towards the sale consideration of the said property, the receipt
whereof the Vendor doth hereby acknowledges and passes a separate receipt as well.

2 THAT the Vendor doth hereby undertake to deliver peaceful vacant physical possession
of the Said Property alongwith all its relevant documents to the Vendees and thereafter
the vendees shall be the sole and absolute owner and shall have, hold occupy, possess and
enjoy the full peaceful possession and profit of the same to which the said Vendor or any
other person or persons on other. behalf shall have no claim and concern therewith and
fully responsible to executive the Sub-Lease in favour of the Vendees.

3 THAT the Vendor further convenient with the Vendees that Lease / Sub-Lease /
Allotment / Transfer Order in respect of said property are in full force and is subsisting
and the Vendor has not committed any thing by which the same may be impaired or has
become or may become void or void-able and that he / she has not prior to the date of
these presents done, made, committed, cause or knowingly suffered to be done any such
act, thing, deed, whereby or by reason of which the right to transfer the Said Property has
been or may be impaired or that the property is charge, encumbered or prejudicially
effected in any way that the vendor in respect of the said property shall be responsible to
pay all the dues, taxes and charges including property tax, water and conservancy
charges, electricity and or all other dues, taxes and charges payable to the KDA /KMC
/Government and or any other concerned department(s) authority(s) upto date and before
these presents and thereafter the vendee shall be responsible to pay the same. if there are
any dues outstanding against the Said Property, the vendor will be liable to pay the same.

4 THAT the Vendees shall bear stamp duty / registration charges / transfer fee /
documentation charges and all other charges and fee in connection with registration of
sale deed and transfer / mutation of the aforesaid property in his / her name.

5 THAT the Vendor shall keep the Vendees secured, harmless and indemnified against all
losses and claims made or preferred by anyone in respect of the Said Property.

6 THAT in case of any claim, regarding ownership or share in the said share or in case of
any defect in the title of the Said Property the Vendor shall indemnify the Vendees to the
extent of such claim which may compensate it.

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7 THAT the Vendor and /or his / her successors further agreed to be ready and prepared to
sign all application / papers / deeds and documents whenever needed / required and
appear before the authorities concerned whenever required in connection with transfer of
Said Property in all respects.
8 THAT the Vendor hereby assures and conversant with the Vendees that he / she is the
absolute and lawful owner of the Said Property which is free from all sort of claims,
liens, charges and encumbrances whatsoever in nature and that he / she has good right,
title and lawful authority to sell / possess the Said Property Vendees in all respects.

9 THAT the Vendor hereby declare that he / she has not entered into any agreement of sale,
gift, rent, nor execute any power of attorney etc. of Said Property prior to this Agreement
of Sale.

10 THAT this Agreement is irrevocable and the terms and conditions of this agreement have
been over to the parties, which they admit to be correct, and agree to abide by the same.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto hereunto set and subscribed their respective
hand at Karachi, on the day month and the year first above mentioned.


1. SIGNATURE: _______________ ______________________________

NAME: ______________________ VENDOR
S/o. _________________________ ______________________________
NIC NO: _____________________ ______________________________

2. SIGNATURE: _______________ ______________________________

NAME: ______________________ VENDEE(1)
S/o. _________________________ ______________________________
NIC NO: _____________________ ______________________________


Received with thanks a sum of RS. _______________/- (RUPEES ____________________

___________________________ Only) through Cash / Cheque No._________________,
_____________________, ______________________, ____________________ all are drawn
on ___________________________________________________________ branch, Karachi,
dated: _________________ from (1) ________________________________________ S/O.
____________________, Muslim, Adult, holding NIC No. ______________________, resident
of ___________________________________________________________________, (2)
________________________________________ S/O. ____________________, Muslim,
Adult, holding NIC No. ______________________, resident of _______________________
__________________________________________, being FULL AND FINAL settlement of
property ___________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ as per sale
agreement dated: ____________________,


1. SIGNATURE: _______________ ______________________________

NAME: ______________________ VENDOR
S/o. _________________________ ______________________________
NIC NO: _____________________ ______________________________

2. SIGNATURE: _______________
NAME: ______________________
S/o. _________________________
NIC NO: _____________________

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