Unit-14 Maintenance Book

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Issues in Operations



After studying this chapter, you are expected to be able to
• Understand various strategies and methods of maintenance
• Estimate the bottlenecks in maintaining a maintenance strategy/policy.
• Explain the concept of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and
Implement the philosophy of TPM
• Quantify reliability, availability and maintainability requirement as
design goals of specifications.
• Assess reliability, availability and maintainability to system assemblies
and components.
• Understand the series or parallel reliability combinations for obtaining
desired reliability.
• Conduct Maintenance Performance Analysis by understanding the
economics of reliability, availability and maintainability and system
design through Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and
Maintenance Performance Indices (MPIs)

14.1 Introduction
14.2 Maintenance Strategies and Methods
14.3 Failure Based Maintenance (FBM)
14.3.1 Breakdown Maintenance (BDM) Or Corrective Maintenance (CM)
14.3.2 Emergency Maintenance (EM)
14.3.3 Operate To Failure And Corrective Maintenance (OFCM)
14.3.4 No Maintenance Technique (NMT)
14.4 Contractual Maintenance
14.5 Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
14.5.1 Predictive Maintenance
14.5.2 Preventive Maintenance (PM)
14.5.3 Maintenance Prevention (MP)
14.5.4 Design-Out Maintenance (DOM)
14.5.5 Productive Maintenance
14.6 Time Based Maintenance (TBM)
14.6.1 Shut Down Maintenance (SDM)
14.6.2 Fixed Time Maintenance (FTM)
14.6.3 Scheduled Maintenance (SM)
14.6.4 Planned Interval Maintenance (PIM)
14.7 Condition Based Monitoring (CBM) Or Dynamic Predictive
Maintenance (DPM)
14.8 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Tero-Technology, Logistics &
Physical Assets Management (PAM) Reliability and
14.9 Factors Influencing the Selection of Maintenance Policy/Strategy Management

14.10 Total Productive Maintenance

14.10.1 The Philosophy of TPM
14.10.2 Goals and Objectives of TPM
14.10.3 TPM Approaches
14.10.4 The Concept of TPM
14.11 The Eight Pillars of TPM
14.12 Reliability
14.12.1 Reliability: Definition
14.12.2 Equipment Reliability: Terminology
14.13 Designing Equipment Reliability
14.14 Reliability Systems
14.14.1 Series System
14.14.2 Parallel System
14.14.3 Combined (Series & Parallel) System
14.15 Availability
14.15.1 Classification of Availability
14.15.2 Factors Affecting Availability or/and Reliability
14.16 Maintainability
14.17 Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
14.17.1 Performance Efficiency
14.17.2 Evaluation of Maintenance Performance
14.17.3 Maximizing Equipment Effectiveness
14.18 Summary
14.19 Key concepts
14. 20 Further Readings

Reliability, Availability and Maintainability are integral aspects of the
engineering process and play vital role as necessary scales for formulating or
evaluating features and characteristics of the equipment in terms of reliability
improvement, life cycle costing, cost benefit analysis, operating and
capability studies such as maintenance performance indices and even
influence the incentive decisions too. Further, it is important to know about
various methods/ policies of maintenance from which an organization may
select one or more to suit its requirements for producing a reliable product.


Different philosophers have classified the maintenance strategies and
methods in numerous ways of which the following is the most

Issues in Operations

Fig 14.1 classification of maintenance policies/strategies

To understand various maintenance methods, let us discuss under two heads

viz. unplanned and planned strategies. The planned strategies are designed on
basis of certain maintenance characteristics such as number of failures or
frequency of failures or durations of failures, time between failures, time to
repair, machine condition, machine life, reliability, maintainability and
availability and so on. Summing up, all these, we can classify as four
philosophies in planned strategies viz., Reliability Centered Maintenance
(RCM), Time Based Maintenance (TBM), Condition Based Maintenance
(CBM), and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Under unplanned
strategies we find Failure Based Maintenance (FBM) and Contractual
Maintenance (CM). These are further classified into various methods
depending on their dominant features as described here below:

a) Failure Based Maintenance (FBM): This includes Breakdown

maintenance (BDM), Operate to Failure and Corrective Maintenance
(OFCM), Emergency maintenance (EM).
b) Contractual Maintenance: Service Contracts, sub-contracts,
Maintenance provided by the OEM, Maintenance in the
warrantee/guarantee period etc.
c) Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM): Maintenance Prevention
(MP), Design out Maintenance (DOM), Productive Maintenance and
Predictive Maintenance are included in this.
d) Time based maintenance (TBM): This includes Preventive
maintenance (PM), Scheduled Maintenance(SM), Shutdown
Maintenance (SDM) and Planned maintenance).
e) Condition Based Maintenance (CBM): Dynamic Predictive
Maintenance (DPM) or Condition Based Maintenance (CBM).
f) Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): TPM, Tero-technology, and
Physical Assets Management (PAM).


According to Murphy

- If a failure can occur, it will.

- The failures occur at the most inconvenient times.

Since the failures are considered to occur at most inconvenient times, a Reliability and
sufficient thought is to be given to overcome if not can prevent such Management
inconveniences. The failure based maintenance techniques (such as
breakdown maintenance, emergency maintenance, operate failure &
corrective maintenance etc.) are difficult to plan since the break downs and
emergencies occur at unknown or unpredictable times (if they can be
predicted, they cannot be called emergencies). Thus the Failure Based
Maintenance is assumed as an unplanned maintenance.
This maintenance philosophy goes on the basis of failures. Therefore one
should understand different types of failure before using these strategies. The
failures are classified in different ways. A brief outline of classification of
failures is given below for ready reference.

1. Based on Machine Life Cycle

Early failures: Immediately or in the preliminary days of purchase of
equipment. In the early days of its life the machine expected to have some
design failures or failures due to unsuited environment or due to user’s
carelessness etc. The early failures are usually taken care by the OEM as they
are covered under the warrantee/guarantee.
Random failures: These failures (also known as chance failures) occur
randomly. The emergency maintenance and breakdown maintenance are
suitable depending on the significance (critical/normal/unimportant) of the
operation carried out on the machine.

Wear out failures: These failures occur on age old machines due to worn out
parts. In case these failure the OFCM, reconditioning etc. are used.

2. Based on cost of the failure

Minor failures: These are the failures that cost very less. The maintenance
mangers do not bother about such failures. However, a small failure if
neglected may lead to catastrophe at times. Therefore, it is better to nip at the

Medium failures: These failures may not cost high but considerable loss may
result in the form of lost production. Of course, a stitch in time saves nine.

Major failures: These failure cause considerable production loss besides

being costly to reinstate the condition. Prevention is better than cure.
Catastrophes: These result in huge loss and may even claim the lives also
besides causing the loss to production and equipment.

3. Based on frequency of failures

Recurring failures: Same or similar failure occurring repeatedly comes
under this category.

Rare event or chance failures: These are the failure seldom occur.

4. Based on length (or duration) of failure

Issues in Operations Short failures: These are the failures that take little time to correct and
restore the condition of the machine. An uncorrected or pending short failure
results in long failure.

Medium failures: These are the failures that do not take much time but
considerable to correct and restore the condition of the machine.
Long failures: These are the failures that take long time to correct and
restore the condition of the machine.

5. Based on intensity of failures

Progressive failures: The failure intensity gradually increases and causes
deterioration in the machine part or equipment.

Constant failures The failure intensity neither increases nor decreases.

Retrogressive failures The failure intensity gradually increases and machine

condition improves with time. Usually these are called teething problems and
vanishes as the machine gets adjusted to the environment.

Fig 14.2: Bath Tub Curve (Machine Life Cycle) showing Early failures, random
failures and wear out failures

Fig 14.3: Progressive, Constant and retrogressive failures

14.3.1 Breakdown Maintenance (Bdm) Or Corrective Reliability and
Maintenance (Cm) Management

No machine is completely immune to failures. Every machine experiences

the breakdown on some day or other, no matter how carefully it is run
according to its specifications and ambient operating conditions. These
breakdowns are believed to occur due to GRADUAL WEAR AND TEAR of
the machine parts or any UNPREDICTABLE failures. For such failures,
breakdown maintenance policy is usually adopted. This policy is considered
to be suitable in two cases
(i) when the continuous running of machines is not compulsory

(ii) those machines which do not affect any production flow due to the

However, in general practice this policy is adopted in combination with

preventive maintenance.

The Break-Down Maintenance work starts on the machine from the moment
it fails and ends when it is repaired and handed over to the production
personnel (i.e. Machine is put under use). Except the normal lubrication and
cleaning, this system is no way concerned to prevent the occurrence of the
breakdown but gets alert when the breakdown has occurred. Hence, in most
of the cases this system reduces the machine utility directly and indirectly
and thus results in low machine efficiency because this type of maintenance
usually takes a long time to repair.
The moment the machine fails it is said to be in DOWN condition. When the
machine is repaired i.e. when the machine is put into operation, it is said to be
in UP condition. The time taken between any two consecutive failures i.e.
from the moment a machine is kept in use (UP) to the moment it next fails, is
called the ‘Time Between Failures’ or TBF. The time taken to repair and put
it into use (up condition) is called ‘Time To Repair’ or TTR. These are
shown pictorially in the following figure 14.4.

Figure 14.4: Machine Conditions (Up and Down) and durations (TBF & TTR)

Issues in Operations The terms TBF and TTR seem to carry no meaning, in the case of non-
repairable items i.e. the items which will not be repaired or cannot be
repaired but replaced. Usually such equipment is an item or a component of
small part or assembly or a whole system and is renewed by replacing by the
new one. Therefore, the term Time To Fail (TTF) is used instead of Time
Between Failures (TBF) in the case of non-repairable items. The average of
such times is referred as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF), Mean Time
To Fail (MTTF) and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR). The basic level
formulae are given below.

Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)

= Total time the machine is in Up condition/No of failures
or = Worked time /No of failures
Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
= Total time the machine is in Down condition/No of failures
or = Total Repair Time/No of failures

14.3.2 Emergency Maintenance (Em)

Although this policy of maintenance is used with the same sense of that of
breakdown maintenance, a little difference exists. The action in Emergency
Maintenance is taken up immediately when the complaint is received while
in the case of the Break-Down Maintenance (BDM) we have a breathing time
and is carried out after deciding the order of priority by some sequencing
rules. This policy is applied in the emergency wards of a hospital, fire
stations, police stations, underground mines, accident planning of an industry
etc. When the nature of work in an organization is hazardous or the
probability of occurrence of accidents is high, such a policy is adopted. A
group of people will be kept for the purpose when this policy is adopted and
will not be disturbed even if they are idle when there are no complaints. The
above discussed two methods seem to be similar but they differ in some
aspects which are depicted in the following table 14.1.

Table 14.1: Distinction between Break down Maintenance and

Emergency Maintenance

SNo Aspect Break Down Maintenance Emergency

1. Response Slow response i.e. Action may Quick response i.e.
not begin immediately, but as Action begins
per the convenience of the immediately after the
maintenance personnel or failure occurs
2. Preventive No efforts are made to prevent Efforts are made to
effort failures before or during the prevent further
failure is occurring damages or
catastrophic failures
3. Suitability Suitable for non hazardous, Suitable for hazardous
316 calm or serene area of
Reliability and
operation where the or dangerous areas Maintenance
equipment does not cause any Management
damage or loss.
4. Manpower No separate team is A separate crew is
management maintained; even if maintained who will
maintained they may be not be used for any
utilized for other functions of other purpose though
maintenance when they do not they are idle
have job.
5. Areas of Non-emergency areas such as Underground Mining,
application Open cast mining, in hospital Fire station, Aircraft
(Examples) wards where immediate maintenance, hospital
attention is not necessary such (equipment at Acute
as outpatient clinical Medical ward,
equipment. Casualty, emergency

14.3.3 Operate To Failure And Corrective Maintenance

This is the maintenance policy in which no predetermined action is taken to
prevent failure and the emphasis will be on efficient corrective maintenance.
It is carried out on the machine whose guaranteed life is already utilized. Any
amount of production achieved on these machines (whose resale value has
reached or nearing the scrap value) is treated as bonus to the organization.
The equipment is run till it fails without any attempts being made to prevent
the failures. When failure occurs, it is rectified if it is minor and economical,
otherwise scrapped or sold by making necessary replacement analysis. For
instance, a bike or scooter is used after 15 years (say, its life is stated as 15

14.3.4 No Maintenance Technique (NMT)

The theme of this maintenance policy is to avoid maintenance of the
equipment i.e. under this policy, the maintenance of equipment is not
required. This is in general terms often called USE AND THROW SYSTEM
where the equipment is used to its full length of life and then it is scrapped or
replaced with new one e.g. some furnaces or kilns etc. will be dismantled
after its utilization. Now-a-days many items are available in this form in the
market. The syringes, the razor blades etc. were reused by sterilizing or
cleaning earlier but now they are disposable and are insisted upon this policy
i.e. use and throw system to prevent the spreading of contagious diseases.
This system is adopted when

1. Reusing/recycling is harmful or dangerous or not advisable or risky (e.g.

Syringes, razor blades, chemical etc).

2. Recycling is not possible (e.g. Non rechargeable Batteries, items made

up of some chemicals, products made up of plaster of Paris, and cement
Issues in Operations 3. Repairing is not economical as compared to buying the new item (some
types of ballpoint pens, electronic goods and the equipment whose spares
are very costly).

The above two techniques may look alike but they differ in several aspects as
shown in the table 14.2 given here under.

Table 14.2: Distinction between NMT and OFCM

S.No Aspect Operate Failure & No Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance Technique
1. Equipment This policy says to use and This technique says to
Life use as much as possible Use and Throw

2. After After stated life is After stated life is

acquiring completed maximum completed it is discarded
stated life advantage is obtained or scraped
before scrapping
3. Repair Efforts are made to reuse No efforts are made to
or/and or correct the failure if it is correct or reuse after
Reuse not much expensive completing life span
4. Inventory May cause inventory costs, No advantage is sought
costs but contributes additional after using it therefore
production after its thrown out and hence
complete useful life which does not cause any
is considered as bonus in inventory cost
the production.
5. Reusability This policy is meant for This policy is meant for
and capital intensive the types of products
Recycling equipment and they are which are so designed as
reusable and resalable not reusable or recycled.
6. Suitability Suitable for Repairable Suitable for non-
Equipment repairable (Replaceable)
7. Application Normally this is applied on Normally this policy is
costly equipment where adopted on less expensive
the new one is costly as equipments or parts ( or
compared to repairing of the cost of new one is less
existing or older one. than or equal to repair
8. Exemplary An old lathe machine, A Syringes, Electronic
Equipment boiler in an industry gadgets, electric bulbs

SAQ – 14.1 Reliability and
1. Classify and discuss different types of failures with suitable examples.
2. Distinguish between breakdown maintenance and emergency
3. Explain the concept behind the following the maintenance methods
a) Break down maintenance
b) Emergency maintenance
c) No maintenance technique
d) Operate failure and corrective maintenance
4. Distinguish between No Maintenance Technique (NMT) and Operate to
Failure & Corrective Maintenance (OFCM).
5. Explain on what bases the maintenance policies are planned? Explain a

Activity – 14.1
Sometimes it becomes inevitable to work in unplanned way also. Can you
imagine such situations? Support the statement with reference to PEM with
some practical/hypothetical evidences.




Under this strategy, an outside personnel or agency is made responsible for
the maintenance of the equipment. The agency will come and repair the
equipment whenever called or visit time to time as required or contracted.
This outsider may be the original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or a
consultancy or experienced personnel or an agency. Generally, a
memorandum of understanding (MoU) or a contract is executed between the
two parties for a certain period usually one year. This policy is in practice in
most of the industries and organizations under the title, Annual Maintenance
Contract (AMC).

Usually this system is adopted…

i) On machines which do not interrupt the production line at all. e.g. type
machines, time card punching machines, computers etc.

ii) If it is cheaper to get repaired by an outsider than in-house repair.

iii) If the repairing needs high skill, knowledge and technology or special
accessories or measuring instruments. 319
Issues in Operations iv) Maintenance of spare parts is not economical or having high degree of
obsolescence or perishable.
v) The machines on which breakdown rarely occur.

vi) To the machines which are under guarantee/warrantee period.

vii) As a temporary arrangement when PEM becomes handicapped due to

some problems like insufficient manpower or unavailability of required
spares in the open market etc.

viii) By sub-contracting or making service contracts due to heavy work load

in PEM and wasting the experience of the maintenance personnel is not
at all advisable for repair work of smaller jobs which could be done by
sub-contractor. For instance the winding of motors, repair of valves
etc., will be usually given to sub-contractors for this reason.

Merits Demerits
• No risk, • High dependability,
• time saving, • logistic problems,
• no cost of inventory • lack of timely action

SAQ – 14.2

1. Why and when does an organization choose contractual maintenance?

Explain with examples. What are its merits and demerits?
2. What are the situations warranting the contractual maintenance? On what
type of machines do you suggest this policy? Explain with suitable
3. Most of the software industries are opting contractual maintenance or
Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC). Explore the reasons for this.

Activity 14.2
Consider an organization in your knowledge that is adopting the contractual
maintenance. Investigate the reasons why they opt so.






In a sample survey of maintenance management effectiveness for complex
and large capacity equipment, it is found that more than one third of all
maintenance costs are wasted as a result of unnecessary or improperly carried
maintenance over maintenance. It is seen that task selection in maintenance Reliability and
need not be optimal but still very subjective in approach. The Reliability Management
Centered Maintenance (RCM), suitably blended with predictive maintenance
and maintenance prevention could help in reducing maintenance costs.

The RCM is defined as a process or method used to determine maintenance

of equipment in its environment after proper evaluation of failure
consequences. The RCM is a systematic approach to quantitatively assess the
need to perform or revise preventive maintenance tasks and plans. The RCM
focuses on the system function, functional failures, dominant failures and
their effects. The RCM uses Decision tree to classify the critically based on
the consequences of analysis to identify applicable and significant tasks.
Once the significant maintenance tasks are identified, their maintenance
intervals can be estimated be either using condition monitoring devices or by
Reliability Analysis of the failure statistics. Close analysis of RCM approach
indicates that it concerns with system effects (safety, economic, social) on
consequences without any reference to human aspects are advocated and
treated as key to success in business and maintenance. The philosophy of
RCM focuses on enhancing the probability of the machine not failing in the
given time span and assuring or building up the confidence of using the
equipment in the specified time. The concepts and the philosophy of RCM
are exhaustively discussed in the later chapters of this book.

14.5.1 Predictive Maintenance

The predictive maintenance aims at the earliest forecasting or prediction of
failures by judicious application of condition monitoring or trend checking
techniques and instrumentation. The objective of such a philosophy is to
predict failures in advance, so that maintenance actions can be planned to
take place at a time convenient to man and machine and hence to reduce the
unplanned interruption of production system.

14.5.2 Preventive Maintenance (Pm)

This maintenance philosophy is based on the proverb “Prevention is better
than cure”. Preventive maintenance is performed to reduce the possibility of
failures. The functions of preventive maintenance will be such as oiling,
greasing, cleaning, voltage and current checkup etc. On the other hand, it
may be dismantling and assembling a part or entire machine in order to
overhaul completely based on certain time scale. Thus it covers the entire
range of involvement of careful analysis of maintenance requirements like
cost relationships, maintenance planning and control, corrective actions,
spare part management etc. Thus the objectives of the PM can be
summarized as follows.

Objectives of Preventive Maintenance:

1. To enhance the availability of the equipment and to keep it ready to use
at any moment, thus to enhance the reliability of the equipment.
2. To minimize the probability of unanticipated interruption of production
or major failure by uncovering or locating any condition that may lead to
Issues in Operations it.
3. To reduce the work content of maintenance job as it tries to prevent the
major failures.
4. To minimize the maintenance cost (by achieving the minimum repair
5. To assure safety of life of the operators.

Although the basic concept is derived from Preventive Maintenance only,

due to their difference in the structure or dominant factors of the system the
PM has taken some improvised shapes/advancement like the scheduled
maintenance, shutdown maintenance, planned maintenance, productive
maintenance, maintenance prevention etc. These are distinguished in the
paragraphs to follow.

14.5.3 Maintenance Prevention (Mp)

This maintenance policy concentrates on the prevention of maintenance of
the equipment rather than the prevention of the failures. The objective is to
eliminate or to reduce the frequency of maintenance work to the extent that
the cost of improvement can be justified. Skill and knowledge of operators,
usage of equipment and their cost, all are the considerable factors in
providing efficient or reliable maintenance standards at economic cost. The
focus of this policy is on improvements or upgrading or updating rather than
repairs and reuse. It also advises the machine up keeping by the user, minor
changes in design, substitution of more suitable components or improved
materials. The importance will be given to replacement with the new parts
than repairing them. The older parts will be disposed of as “second-hand
sales”. This may be due to the reason that the new parts are believed to give
trouble free performance with high reliability and the life of the equipment is
thus enhanced.
The failed part of the equipment when replaced with a new one is considered
as the “As good as new” while if the failed part of the system is repaired and
put back is termed “as bad as old”. In short, this policy believes in keeping
the equipment in “as good as new” condition than keeping it in “as bad as

Further, it has another advantage that the updated and technically improved
parts can be incorporated into the machine to improve the productivity.
However, this is possible if the equipment is so flexible, compatible and can
match/adjust with the new parts. Obvious is that the cost of maintenance rises
due to the spare parts.

1. Strives to keep the equipment in “as good as new” condition.
2. Failure costs and effects are less.
3. Major failures/losses, catastrophes are prevented
4. Though not intentionally, the equipment gets updated and upgraded
frequently and hence the productivity is enhanced.
5. The equipment cost/resale value will not come down and remains at Reliability and
reasonably good level due to updating. Management

1. Cost of spare parts increase because even if the part is repairable, it is
preferred to replace.
2. Unnecessary inventory of spares without knowing the compatibility.
3. Reselling the equipment is easier than reselling parts. Thus second hand
sale of parts is not easy and hence the replacement proves costly.
Further, the cost of maintaining such removed parts increases.

14.5.4 Design-Out Maintenance (Dom)

In contrast to the Preventive Maintenance and Maintenance Prevention
Policies, which aim to minimize the effect of failure, this maintenance
strategy focuses on the updating function of maintenance. Under this policy,
the maintenance department conducts a study on the equipment working less
efficiently or causing high maintenance cost whether the machine
performance and life can be improved by replacing or upgrading some parts.
Clearly, this requires support from engineering department, Planning
department, Production department and Purchase department, over and the
top management. The maintenance department has to convince and seek the
approval by justifying the need for up gradation or modernization for the
equipment of the interest. This is usually a policy for areas of high
maintenance cost due to poor design or equipment is out of its design
specifications. An appropriate choice of tribologic materials might eliminate
the need for subsequent lubrication frequencies. Thus this can be regarded as
the research and development activity of PEM to increase the productivity or
ease of operation or reducing the time of operation by changing or modifying
the designs. In few industries this activity is performed by the R&D
department but it is always advisable to assign this to PED or at least to a
committee formed by the members from PED, R&D and Production.

14.5.5 Productive Maintenance

The stress of this policy is on productivity and aims at the reduction of
volume of maintenance work by better designs and better use of the
materials. The equipment is so designed that the units or assemblies could be
easily replaced as and when necessary before a breakdown occurs. Such
replaceable items or units or sub-units are usually referred to as Least
Replaceable Assemblies (LRA). The replaceability should be with the great
ease so that the maintenance policy is to aim at the abolishing or minimizing
the repairs and is to upkeep by replacements or modifications. Even if it is to
be repaired, it is to be done with minimum disturbance to the production.
This can be achieved by a large number of standard types of machine tools or
interchangeable units e.g. the sub-units in metal cutting machines such as
head stock, fraction mechanisms, gearbox, turret, spindle units etc.

Although the cost of spare parts increases here, the duration of repair time
and loss of productive hours are reduced considerably and machine
utilization is increased. Also the production shop could work at full capacity 323
Issues in Operations and the quality of product is improved.

SAQ – 14.3
1. Describe various types of preventive maintenance techniques?
2. “A stitch in time saves nine” – How do you support with reference to the
preventive maintenance?
3. “Prevention is better than cure” – How do you support with reference to
the plant engineering functions?
4. Write notes on
(a) Design out maintenance
(b) Preventive maintenance
(c) Planned maintenance
(d) Productive maintenance
(e) Predictive Maintenance
5. Critically bring out the differences between Maintenance Prevention,
Design Out Maintenance
6. Distinguish between Preventive Maintenance and Maintenance
7. What are the objectives of preventive maintenance?
8. Discuss the merits and demerits of preventive maintenance
9. Distinguish between the productive and predictive maintenance
10. Describe the common procedural steps in designing a preventive
maintenance programme.
11. What do you understand by the term RCM? Explain how Predictive
Maintenance can help in implementing RCM?


Before selecting the right policy of maintenance it is essential to fix up the
basis such as the failures or the time or the reliability or the condition of the
machine. Perhaps, choosing the machine failure as the basis for adopting the
maintenance is the oldest and most general. However, on analyzing the
failures it is found that mostly the failures can be fitted in some regular
pattern such as normal or Poisson distribution etc. Based on the frequency of
occurrence of these failures it is observed that most probable failures are
expected to occur at regular intervals. These calculations gave rise to a
thought of preventing the failure since they are expected to occur regularly at
specific intervals. Once these intervals are identified, a plan or schedule of
the maintenance can be made. As the emphasis is on the time intervals these
preventive maintenance techniques are classified under Time Based
Maintenance (TBM) Models.

14.6.1 Shut Down Maintenance (Sdm) Reliability and
This type of maintenance is carried out when the equipment is out of service.
Whenever the machine is not in use or idle for the reasons other than
breakdown, like shortage of materials, huge decoupling inventory piled up,
non availability of man power, absenteeism, holiday etc., it is taken up for
preventive maintenance/overhauling. Thus the interest of this policy is not to
disturb the production for the want of maintenance and is done in the leisure
time of the machine. Perhaps, this method is suitable for the production
system where the machines are not run continuously. If the machines have to
be run continuously, the planning of this method will be difficult and disturbs
the regular schedules of the maintenance. In such cases it is better to attach
this activity to the group that looks after breakdown maintenance.

14.6.2 Fixed Time Maintenance (FTM)

This policy recommends to replace the item when its promised or guaranteed
life is completed or take up for repair after a fixed interval repair irrespective
of its condition. This programme is effective if the failure mechanism of the
item is clearly time-dependent, i.e. the item is expected to wear-out within
the life of unit and the total cost of such replacement is less than those of
failure replacement repair. Thus the item is simple replaceable. There are two
main reasons for not adopting this policy for complex replaceable and
adopted for simple replaceable items.
1. Firstly the more complex item is assumed less likely exhibit failure and
is time dependent and due to simple item failure if any become complex.
2. Secondly, the complex items are expensive to replace or repair and
subsequently exhibit “Foreign Maintenance” problems.

14.6.3 Scheduled Maintenance (SM)

The focus of this maintenance is to keep the equipment in clean, presentable
appearance in proper functional condition. The maintenance schedules are
prepared in the beginning of the year in such a way that the schedules would
least affect the production. Once these schedules are approved and agreed by
the production department and PEM, irrespective of the condition of the
machine, it is taken up for the maintenance as per the schedules. A few
functions of this maintenance system are enumerated hereunder.
i) Using protective coatings to retard wear and tear on the machine.
ii) Cleaning of parts that are subjected to intensive wear due to dirt/dust
arising out of operating process.
iii) Adjustment or accuracy checking so that the jobs produced is within the
tolerance limits.
iv) Testing and calibrating electric/electronic/chemical equipment.
v) Lubrication or replacement of oil etc.
vi) Whitewashing, cleaning of tanks etc.
vii) Cleaning of Boilers
Issues in Operations This maintenance is adopted on the equipment where it effects the production
adversely for e.g. Generators, painting, air compressor, A/C units, dust
extractors, duct lines blowers, etc. These cannot be planned in the regular
working hours as the standby is not available and not affordable. Hence this
should be scheduled in a time such that it will not affect the production.

14.6.4 Planned Interval Maintenance (PIM)

This kind of maintenance is in practice in most organizations either in ditto
form or with little variations with the names Systematic Maintenance or
Regular Plant Maintenance. The duration of the maintenance and the
checking parameters are predetermined in following four different intervals:

1. Inspection (I) is the external inspection carried out at very short intervals
(usually on daily basis) which takes a very little time (about 5 to 10
minutes approximately).

2. Small or minor repairs/overhauls (S) are carried out on the spot or on

weekly basis (short intervals) without affecting production time. Simple
adjustments, lubrication etc are performed and this activity takes very
less time, ranging from 15 minutes to 2 hours.
3. Medium repairs (M) are carried out at long intervals such as monthly or
quarterly. Partial dismantling, replacing worn-out parts, readjustments,
accuracy checkup etc., are taken care. This type of work generally takes
half man-day to one-man day (i.e. 4 to 8 hours).
4. Complete or major repair/ overhauls (C) are largest planned/preventive
maintenance, which involves in complete dismantling the equipment and
replacement/ reconditioning etc., are carried out. They are assembled
again and tested for accuracy. This maintenance is taken up relatively at
very long intervals like on half yearly or yearly basis and usually takes 1
to 3 days.

Apart from the above regular activities, some occasional activities such as the
alterations and installations of new machines are also included in this
Regular plant maintenance is suitable where the standby machines are
available or when there is no work or insufficient work on the machine. This
type of maintenance gives many advantages by reducing the cost of
breakdown maintenance, downtime, and spare parts control, rejections and
catastrophic failures. This maintenance is performed on time scale
irrespective of the condition of machine and uses the checklists prepared for
the purpose. When such maintenance is carried out, it may so happen that
some machines, which are in good conditions, may also have to be handed
over to the maintenance and suffer the production. And if the alignment or
assembly is not adjusted properly, the machine breakdown within a short

Reliability and

A better alternative concept is that, the correct time of taking up the
equipment for maintenance is determined by monitoring CONDITION and/or

The desirability of this policy, the monitoring technique and its periodicity
depends on the determinability of characteristics of the equipment. This is
due to the fact that determinability of machine characteristics is found to be
in two extremes. At one extreme the items (simple replaceable) could be
checked visually and by other simple techniques. At the other extreme the
items (complex replaceable) require the techniques like liquid penetration,
vibration monitoring, shock pulse monitoring, oil analysis, defect analysis,
debris analysis, thermography etc. The use of instrumentation may be
justified by high repair and unavailability costs.


Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) developed in Japan, tero-technology in
U.K., Logistics in U.S.A. have the same goals.

TPM aims to maximise equipment effectiveness. In fact this is same as

terotechnology’s goal of attaining an economic life cycle cost.
Terotechnology according to BSI is a combination of management, financial,
engineering and other practices applied to physical assets in pursuit of
economic Life Cycle Costs (LCC). Its practice is concerned with the
specification and design for reliability and maintainability of plant and
machinery, equipment, buildings and structures with their installation,
commissioning, maintenance modification and replacement with feedback of
information on design performance and costs.

Logistics is an old military term referring to support to front line through

procurement, storage, transportation and maintenance of manufactured goods
and systems. In current methods, logistics consists of LCC, reliability
engineering and maintenance engineering. Thus the goal of TPM,
terotechnology and logistics is same as goal of LCC and they differ in terms
of preuse target location and responsibility.

Issues in Operations
Table 14.3: The maintenance strategies and their central themes.

Sl. Maintenance Central Theme

No. Strategy/Policy
1. Failure-based Maintenance To correct or rectify the failure and
restoring the usable condition of the
2. Time-based Maintenance To maintain the machine after certain
predetermined period of time.
3. Contractual Maintenance To assign maintenance to outside party to
save time in-house, or save maintenance
cost or due to warrantee/guarantee period.
4. Reliability-centred To enhance the reliability of the
Maintenance equipment and build the
confidence of the user.
5. Condition-based To improve the condition and performance
of the equipment.
6. Breakdown Maintenance To repair the machine after failure occurs.
or Corrective Maintenance
7. Emergency Maintenance To attend the breakdown or failure
without delaying and to prevent further
loss or catastrophe or control the situation.
8. Operate to Failure and To use unto death deriving maximum
Corrective Maintenance possible outcome without (much) expense
(in other words, to get maximum out of
available one even after the life span is
9. No Maintenance To use and throw after completing its
Technique specified or intended
life period.
10. Preventive Maintenance To prevent the occurrence of failures and,
hence, save the maintenance work, cost, to
improve safety.
11. Maintenance Prevention To prevent the maintenance by replacing
with new parts when old parts fail.
12. Productive Maintenance To improve the productivity by carrying
out the maintenance on machine parts by
providing alternative without shutting
down the machine.
13. Predictive Maintenance To predict the occurrence of failures in
advance and attempting to forestall or stop
the failures or reduce the effect.
14. Planned Maintenance To maintain systematically at regular
intervals with a checklist and fixed
maintenance durations such as minor/
Reliability and
major overhauls. Maintenance
15. Scheduled Maintenance To maintain machine condition by
schedules predetermined with the consent
of user department irrespective of the
condition of the machine.
16. Shutdown Maintenance To maintain the equipment when it is not
in use so as not to interrupt the production.
17. Fixed Time Maintenance To maintain the machines at fixed time
intervals presuming
the machines as strictly time dependent.
18. Design Out Maintenance To find the root cause of failures and to
update the equipment with changing
technology and eliminating poor design
features and aiming to eradicating the
failures by design changes.
19. Tero-technology or Total To maintain in all respects over entire life
Productive Maintenance or cycle i.e. ‘design to discard’ of the
Logistics and Physical equipment by preventing the failures,
Assets Management preserving the condition, prolonging the
life, and restoring the condition through
out their life for best productivity.

SAQ – 14.4

1. Briefly explain any ten kinds of maintenance policies of your choice.

2. Explain on what bases the maintenance policies are planned? Explain
any five.

3. What do you understand by planned interval maintenance? How do you

plan the intervals for maintenance? Discuss the types of maintenance
durations under this policy applied to checking the parameters.

4. Distinguish between Scheduled maintenance and Shutdown

5. Write short notes on

a) Fixed Time Maintenance

b) Shut down Maintenance

c) Scheduled Maintenance
d) Planned Maintenance

6. What is No-Maintenance and Maintenance Prevention? How do they

7. Explain the terms TPM, Tero-Technology, Logistics and Physical Assets
Issues in Operations
Activity 14.4
List out the policies/methods of maintenance those are followed for various
machines in the organization where you are working or the one, which you
are familiar with. How are these policies executed in the organization?





Activity 14.5
What are the bottlenecks/roadblocks you noticed in implementing the various
methods of maintenance policies in the (above referred) organization/






We are now aware of various maintenance policies and methods and can
adopt one or more or a blend of these policies depending upon the
requirements. We can even consider one policy for a few machines and
another on some other. For example, if contractual maintenance is chosen on
computers, failure based maintenance may be selected for production
machinery of the same industry. Thus, while the management strategically
chooses the maintenance policies, often considers the following factors.
• Maintenance Objective.
• Cost of machinery and maintenance
• Plant condition and Age of the machine (both calendar age and running
• Quality policy of the company
• Guarantee/warranty by Original Equipment manufacturer (OEM)
• Internal resource levels such as tools, spares, material, time etc.
• Contract resources
• Statutory regulations (Licenses from Pollution Board /Govt/permits)
• Safety Reliability and
• Production requirements (both Short term and Long term) Management

• Mode of operation, method used

• Material and their quality levels
• Cycle time or duration the machine is run uninterruptedly after starting.
• Machine characteristics & specification
• Operating conditions and Environmental conditions
• Availability of spares
• Technological competence
• Availability of skilled/trained/suitable manpower

Activity 14.6
What maintenance policy do you choose for your household equipment like a
car or bike, TV/DVD player, refrigerator, a personal computer etc.? Why?





Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), as defined by Seiichi Nakajima,
Japan scientist, is an innovative approach to maintenance that optimizes
equipment effectiveness, eliminates breakdowns, improves productivity and
promotes autonomous maintenance by operators, through day to day
activities involving total work force. TPM is a philosophy, a culture and a
new attitude towards maintenance. The total effectiveness is an indicator that
is derived though equipment availability, performance efficiency and the rate
of quality product. An organization that believes in total maintenance system
should be able to set up activities directed towards appropriate preventive/
predictive maintenance, maintainability improvement and maintenance
prevention. TPM involves wide range of activities involving proper
operation, failure analysis, cost benefit analysis, design improvement,
participation of operators in maintenance, positive attitude and culture across
organization. Above all, it needs strong support and belief of Top
management in TPM program and the total participation of all employees in

TPM is the Japanese approach to maximize the effectiveness of the

equipment or facility we use in Industry. Total Productive Maintenance is an
innovative and non traditional approach to plant maintenance. It is
complementary with Total Quality Management (TQM), Just In Time (JIT),
Total Employee Involvement (TEI) and Continuous Performance 331
Issues in Operations Improvement (CPI) and other world fame strategies like terotechnology and
logistics which lie in the pursuit of economic Life Cycle Cost (LCC). The
concept of Preventive Maintenance (PM) paved the way to new needs of the
industry in the direction of its maintainability and Method Improvement
(MI). This is made possible by predictive maintenance philosophy with
condition and instrumentation to predict failure and plan maintenance
strategy. Latest is Maintenance Prevention (MP) which incorporates
equipment design stage that results in equipment's easy maintenance. The
new concept of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) makes use of these
techniques to achieve and maintain optimal condition for production, quality
yield and safety. TPM advocates Overall Effectiveness of Equipment (OEE)
through availability, performance and quantity. TPM aims at reducing major
losses in the system through zero defects, zero break downs and zero

14.10.1 The Philosophy of TPM

TPM is the philosophy of maintenance culture that stands on the pillars of
belief and works out by Total Employee Involvement with respecting the
promises for high quality productivity

14.10.2 Goals and Objectives of TPM

(i) To maximize Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) i.e., Availability,
performance and output.

(ii) To achieve zero defect, zero breakdown, zero accident and zero
(iii) To achieve total involvement i.e. participation of all departments and
sections, including planning, purchase and user of the equipment (i.e.
the production department)
(iv) To improve the overall general and congenial environment and working
conditions of the plant.
(v) To boost the morale of the employees by inculcating the sense of
pride in them.

(vi) To provide high quality in equipment and hence the products.

(vii) To maximize overall plant efficiency and high productivity.

When the organization implements TPM, we can find the following

characteristics in the organization.
1. Centered On Inherent Technology: The TPM philosophy insists on the
inherent technology and recommends to eliminating the defect at grass
root level.
2. Hardware Orientation: TPM promises defect free environment with hard
3. Everybody’s contribution: Everybody contributes to the success of TPM.
Everyone of the organization is part and parcel of the program. Every
individual owns willful responsibility. Reliability and
4. Credit to all: Every individual of the organization will enjoy the fruit of Management
the success.
5. Introspection through Cause & Effect Analysis: Each person at every
stage of the job checks by own-self if it is useful or does cause any
damage. The causes and effects of the failure, if any that is likely to
occur are also studied and efforts are made to prevent the failure.
6. Respect to the Promises: Everybody respects the system and its culture.
The promises are kept up with utmost value. Everybody will see that the
words (promises) and deeds (achievements) exactly match.

14.10.3 TPM Approaches

The organizations assume to run on following four tracks on TPM road/path.

1. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

2. Autonomous Planned Maintenance (APM)
3. Total Employee Involvement (TEI) &Teamwork
4. Kaizen or Continuous Improvement (CI)

14.10.4 The Concept of TPM

In fact, TPM philosophy is the brain child of Dr. SUJUKI (Japan), dealing
with maintenance management. The basic concept of the Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM) can be understood by the word ‘TOTAL’. The word
‘total’ covers every corner of the organization. Now, let us investigate the
term totality through the following questions.

1. What does ‘total’ mean? In what sense the term ‘total’ is used?
2. What are the means and ways (or approaches) or tools to achieving
3. How this totality is achieved or what is the methodology?

The first question addresses “to achieve the total effectiveness in equipment
maintenance” i.e. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). One good
indicator of measuring this effectiveness is profitability. Thus it means that
everyone of the organization should strive for achieving the economic
efficiency i.e. profitability at every point.
The second question is answered by taking suitable strategies and approaches
and also the tools of ‘Plant Maintenance’ discussed above. For example,
Preventive Maintenance, Maintenance Prevention, TQM, Kaizen, Jishu
Hozen, JIT etc.

And the answer to third question can be obtained satisfactorily by involving

everyone as a part in the system. The totality cannot be achieved by one
individual or even a group but can be achieved if everybody is involved. The
‘total participation’ or otherwise called ‘Total Employee Involvement (TEI)’
with Small Group Activity (SGA) and Autonomous Maintenance by the
operators etc. The term Maintenance in TPM not only speaks about the
Issues in Operations maintenance of but also speaks about the maintenance of system continuous


Fig. 14.5 Concept of 'Totality' in TPM.

SAQ – 14.5
1. What do you understand by TPM? Explain the concept.

2. What are the goals and objectives of TPM?

Activity 14.7
Assemble any five of your friends/colleagues or any officials of Plant Engg
Department and discuss on the following questions assuming a hypothetical
organization (such as an automobile or a mobile manufacturing company or
any other company you know).

1. What is TPM? 2. Why TPM is to be adopted? 3. How TPM is to be

Activity – 14.8
1. Suppose you are Plant Engineer and the Production Manager is trying to
throw the blame on you. He complains every time that he could not
achieve the production target due to poor maintenance, low machine
performance and less availability of equipment. What quantitative and
qualitative measures do you take to counteract?
……………………………………………………………………………. Reliability and
2. Suppose you are Production Engineer and you are unable to meet the
production targets due to poor maintenance, low machine performance
and less availability of equipment. What quantitative and qualitative
evidences do you present before management to act upon Plant


The philosophy of the TPM stands on the eight factors. All these when
tackled in the right proportions, the objective of TPM will be fully realized.
These eight pillars are:

1. Kobetsukaizen
2. Safety & Hygiene
3. Office Administration
4. Jishuhozen
5. Education (Training) & Development
6. Maintenance Prevention
7. Quality Maintenance
8. Planned Maintenance
Brief explanations about these eight pillars are given below.

KOBETSUKAIZEN, popularly known as KAI-ZEN (KAI means
CHANGE – ZEN means GOOD), means continuous improvement (Change
for betterment) is the concept of eliminating various losses that occur in the
production and productivity due to human negligence or ignorance in
maintaining equipment and quality of material, tools and other auxiliary
items. A detailed discussion on various types of Kaizen is given at the end
this unit.

The objective of KAIZEN can be stated concisely as

Objective of Kaizen 335

Issues in Operations - to maximize the overall effectiveness of equipment, process, and the plant
by elimination of all losses through small group activities.
The various losses which need to be eliminated are categorized into four
groups as given below.

Group 1
1 Yield loss.
2 Energy loss.
3 Losses due to improper design of die, jigs and fixture etc or their
Group 2
1 Managerial inefficiency.
2 The factors that impede human work efficiency.
3 Improper monitoring of work and workers.
4 Improper arrangement of materials, tools, machinery and instructions.
5 Lack of automation.
Group 3
1 Machine breakdowns.
2 The factors affecting equipment efficiency and thus resulting in low
utilization and low production.
3 Failure of workers to arrive in time and collect instructions, materials
and tools.
4 Idling of the machine due to non-availability of material, tools or
temporary absence of workmen.
5 Losses due to non-optimal speed, feed etc. because of poor knowledge of
the operator or poor condition of the machinery.
6 Late starting.
7 Reworking of defective elements.
8 Setting of tool, work piece and inspections.
Group 4
1 Loss to restore basic conditions of equipment.
2 Losses due to scheduled down time.
3 Improve 'why-why' analysis system to get correct information about
reasons of breakdown and poor performance.
4 Failure analysis system.
5 Training of all maintenance work personnel on basic modules of
6 Supporting machinery in workshops and handling equipment, operations
for full implementation of the principle underlying in JISHU-HOZEN in
inspection, lubrication, minor adjustments, cleaning etc.

Reliability and
2. SAFETY AND HYGIENE (Autonomous System) Maintenance
The intension of including this pillar in the TPM is that the worker can work
more if the environment as well as his/her health is in good condition. For
maintaining such conditions the work place must be kept clean, safe and

— To achieve pleasant working environment.
— To achieve zero accident.
— To provide safe working conditions and work place.
How to achieve (Tips)
- Keep the environment clean, neat and tidy
- Use dust bins
- Think always as ‘SAFETY FIRST’


The objective of this pillar is keep the workmen free from the tensions due
administrative problems

The implementation of TPM should also include the administrative part that
indirectly influences the job. The planning work, logistics and spare parts
management, information flow, job security and wage administration etc. can
indirectly affect the work of the operators of maintenance, which is not

How to achieve
A few tips to achieving are given below:

1 Pay the wage regularly, correctly and on time

2 Keep the right tools available at right time in right fashion
3 Keep cordial relations
4 Resolve conflicts if any, immediately when noticed
5 Build team work
6 Treat all equally
7 Use scientific management principles righteously
8 Get the right spares in right time in correct quantity and quality
9 Use scientific base for scheduling and planning of the jobs.
The objective of JISHU – HOZEN is to achieve zero breakdown (Equipment)
and zero defects (Product) through the Autonomous Maintenance Activities.
Issues in Operations
Jishu-Hozen can be defined as carrying out initial or basic maintenance of
equipment by the operators themselves and informing of the potential of
major breakdown.

The concept of JISHU-HOZEN lies in the fact that ‘A mother is the best
judge regarding the health of her kid than an outsider’. So also the person
who works on certain machine knows better about its health and
performance. Thence the basic maintenance work is assigned to the operators
of that machinery.

1. Initial cleaning.
2. Inspection.
3. Cleaning, lubrication, greasing, tightening etc.
4. Systematize Autonomous Maintenance.
5. Taking counter measure at the source of the problem.
6. Practice full Autonomous Management

How to achieve
Establish standard method and time for cleaning, lubricating and tightening
of nuts and other loose parts so that minimum time is consumed in these


1. To disseminate maintenance and engineering know how.
2. To eliminate equipment failure, product defects and accidents resulted
due to ignorance and lack of skill.
3. To train each and every maintenance personnel in their respective jobs.
4. To develop multi-skill workforce.
How to achieve
These can be achieved through:
1 Identify training requirements for each individual in various skills.
2 Arrange skill enhancement training programmes.
3 Assess the effectiveness of training schemes.
4 Apprise the maintenance personnel of the various reasons for failure and
breakdowns, defects in products, low quality of products and reasons for
5 Assign Engineering and Maintenance people to handle training,
emphasizing practical knowledge about real machine past failures.
6 Focus on the relationship between failures and improper operating
procedures and poor maintenance.
Reliability and
This maintenance consists of preventive maintenance and maintenance
prevention techniques to improve mean time between failures (MTBF).

1. To improve operating time and hence the availability.
2. To eliminate equipment failure, product defects and accidents by
technological up gradation
3. To strive for prevent maintenance than preventing the failures
4. To reduce Losses due to breakdown, setting up, stops, rejections, slow
down and yield loss
5. To enhance proprietary technology
How to achieve
To improve operating time
the six major losses are reduced and
the propriety technology is to be updated (or improved).
SIX major losses
1. Loss due to Equipment Failures
2. Loss due to Set up adjustments
3. Loss due to Defectives
4. Loss due to Minor stops
5. Reduced speed losses
6. Yield loss
Proprietary Technology: This involves design of production equipment,
which provides for
• Extent of Automation
• Maintenance free operation
• Easy start up
• Life cycle costing
• Energy usage


1 To build a reliable production line (zero failures).

2 To build quality through equipment

3 To ensure that no product defects are caused by faulty equipment

To achieve these objectives TPM uses, MTBF and MQM (Man-Quality-
Machine) Management and also dissects operating mistakes to determine, if 339
Issues in Operations additional training or use of fail-safe devices.
The operational standard of TPM based quality management is
Do not accept, produce a failure or defect and
Do not give or send a failure or defect
Work place organization and 5S Frame Work
TPM organization of work place along five dimensions is known as 5S (in
Japanese the 5S are Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke)) frame work
- Organization
- Orderliness
- Attention to details
- Cleanliness
- Discipline
The focal idea of 5-S work place organization is identifying all the subtle
abnormalities that might cause failures or defects if not discovered and

Practicing 5-S on regular basis encourages the formation of an improvement

cycle beginning with reducing variations caused by abnormalities and then by
creating stability and uniformity in manufacturing process and finally
enhancing process analysis, which in turn leads to further improvements.
These are discussed in detail at the end of this unit.

The purpose of TPM licensing system is to expand an operator’s capabilities

by developing new skills and promoting operational stability. The system
also encourages acquisition of skills necessary to perform multiple jobs,
creating a multi functional work force.

The usual management as suggested by Dr. W. Edward Deming, Plan - Do –

Check - Act cycle of work place organization is shown in fig.14.6

-Licensing program - Procedures and Standards

- Training PLAN DO - Layouts organized by type &


- Inspection Plan

- Re-layouts ACT - Inspections & Hourly checks

- Evaluation - Major clean up & Cleaning work tools

Fig 14.6 Deming’s P – D – C – A Cycle

1. To maximize performance of the equipment.

340 2. To minimize cost in maintenance.

3. To achieve zero equipment breakdown. Reliability and
Methodology Management

i) Establish predictive maintenance system.

ii) Set up preventive maintenance system.
iii) Institute corrective maintenance system.
iv) Establish training system for maintenance crew and supervisors.
v) Detailed Activity Planning for Planned Maintenance.

SAQ – 14.6
1. Enumerate are the characteristics of TPM
2. List out the objectives or targets of TPM and explain.
3. Write a detailed note on role of Preventive Maintenance in TPM
4. Explain the 5-S Frame for work place organization.
5. Preventive Maintenance to the equipment is like Preventive Medicine to
human beings. Explain.
6. “Do not accept, manufacture and send a failure or defect” Critically
analyze the TPM slogan.
7. Distinguish between productive and predictive maintenance.
8. Discuss the methods, tools and techniques to achieve the TPM.
9. Write notes on the following in light of TPM
a. Kobetsukaizen
b. Jishu Hozen
c. Safety and Hygiene
d. 5 – S Frame Work

Activity - 14.9
Examine the possibility of application of eight pillar of TPM in your
organization or institution?






Reliability is ‘trustworthiness’ particularly, in terms of functioning of the
system. Reliability can be referred in different ways in different contexts.
Issues in Operations A few are given below:
In the context of equipment health
Reliability of an equipment is the ability to function against failure, or
In the context of production
Reliability of a machine is the ability to produce continuously good items, or
In the context of measurement, inspection and quality control
Reliability of measuring device is the ability to measure dimensions with
equal accuracy or precision etc.

14.12.1 Reliability: Definition

Reliability is defined as probability that a product, a component, equipment
or a system will perform its intended function for a specific period of time or
life time under specified operating conditions or sum total of reliabilities of
all components in prescribed operating conditions.

Mathematically, it is also equal to one minus probability of failure

R(t) = 1 – F(t)

14.12.2 Equipment Reliability: Terminology

The definitions and mathematical relationships often used in equipment
reliability calculations are given below.

1. Time To Repair (TTR)

It is the time taken to restore the equipment to effective working
2. Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
It is the time required to locate a failure and to repair (or to restore the
condition of the equipment).
3. Time Between Failures (TBF)
The time difference between one failure to the next failure
4. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
It is the mean of the time interval between consecutive failures of
equipment. Therefore,
MTBF = Total operating time/ Number of failures
5. Time To Fail (TTF)
The total failures of the machine i.e. the time taken after failure to
6. Mean Time To Fail (MTTF)
It is the expected value of mean time to failure, which is expressed as
MTTF = ∫ R(t)dt where R(t) is Reliability function on ‘t’
7. Time Between Maintenance (TBM)
It is the time gap between two consecutive maintenances (may be
planned or unplanned).
Reliability and
8. Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM) Maintenance
It is the average of all the durations between end of one maintenance to Management
the start of next, may it be planned or unplanned. In other words it is the
average time that the equipment is utilized for the operation.
9. Failure Rate
It is the number of failure per unit time. Therefore, Failure rate (λ) = 1/
10. Probability of Failure or Unreliability
Probability of failing is equal to one minus the reliability of a system. It
is also called the probability of not functioning or unreliability.
Probability of failure [F(t)] = n.t/T
= 1 – Reliability of the system = 1 – e– nt/T
Where n = number of elements in a system (or device)
t = Cumulative operating time
11. Reliability Improvement Factor (RIF)
It is the ratio of probability of failure of a system to that of improved
RIF = Prob. of failure before improvement/ Prob. of failure after

Illustration – 14.1
The cumulative operating time is found to be 50 hours in a system consisting
of 100 components each having Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of
5000 hours. Find the reliability of the system.

Given that Number of components (n) = 50
Cumulative operating time = 100 hrs.
MTBF = T = 10, 000
We know that
Probability of failure [F(t)] = 1 – Reliability of the system = 1 – e– nt/T
Therefore, Reliability of the system = 1 – F(t) = e– nt/T
= e – 50*100/5000
= 0.905

Illustration – 14.2
The reliability of a system is estimated at 0.8. On application of condition
monitoring techniques the reliability of a system is found to be improved to
0.9. Find reliability improvement factor (RIF) and give your comments on its
probability of failures.

Issues in Operations
The probability of failure before application of CM techniques (say F1) is
= 1 – 0.8 =0.2
The probability of failure after application of CM techniques (say F2) is
= 1 – 0.9 = 0.1
The reliability improvement factor (RIF)
= Fail prob. before applying CM Techniques/Fail Prob. after applying CM
= F1/F2 = 0.2/0.1 = 2
Hence, the system is improving (The improvement is two-fold i.e. doubled).

SAQ – 14.7
1. How does the modularization help in reliability design of the equipment?
Explain with an example.
2. What do you understand by the term ‘modular design’ or
‘Modularization’? List out its advantages.

3. Distinguish between Quality and Reliability. How can you interlink


4. Define and explain the terms MTBF, MTBM, MTTF, MTTR and MDT.

5. Define and explain the terms Operating Time, Down Time, Logistic
Time and Administration Time.

6. Define and explain the terms FR, RIF, Unreliability, Redundancy and
Group redundancy.
7. The Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of 100 components is 10000
hours. The cumulative operating time is found to be 100 hours in the
system. Find the reliability of the system. [Ans: 0.905]

8. The reliability of a system is estimated at 0.75. After renovation the

reliability of the system is found to be increased by 0.05. Find Reliability
Improvement Factor (RIF). [Ans: 1.25]

Activity – 14.10
1. In a factory having at least 50 machines choose few machines and collect
the failure data of these machines for the last one year from the log
books of Maintenance department. Calculate the MTBF (or MTTF for
non-repairable type), MTTR, MTBM and MDT.





344 ……………………………………………………………………………
Reliability and
Whatsoever may be the phase of its life cycle through which the equipment is
undergoing, it does not perform properly as desired, unless all of its sub-
components function correctly. In such cases the reliabilities of individual
sub-components must be greater than the reliability desired for the final
product. This situation exists whenever the chances of failure for each sub
component are independent of one another.
For example, consider the probability of starting a bike. It may not start due
to various reasons, such as slip in kick rod, the failure of spark plug, the
failure of magnetic system, generation current for the spark plug, or the
carburetor not supplying fuel to the engine etc. Thus the probability of
starting or not starting of the bike depends on the probability of the
functioning or not functioning of its components.


The functioning of a system (or machine) does not just depend on the
reliability of the sub-systems (or components) but also depends on the
fashion or orientation how they (the sub-systems or components) are
Going more into the details, we find fundamentally, three fashions in which
different sub-systems or components of a system or machine may be
connected these are
1. Series system
2. Parallel system
3. Series and Parallel System or Combined System.

Now, we shall take up each of these systems separately and learn how their
reliability can be calculated.

14.14.1 Series System

Let’s take a system composed of two sub-systems say, A and B connected in
series as shown in the figure below. Let the reliabilities of the two
components be RA and RB. Now let as compute the reliability say, R of the
overall system.


Fig 14.7 Series system of two components

Now, if the probability of failing the sub-systems A and B are denoted by

F(A) and F(B), then we have
RA = 1 – F(A) or F(A) = 1 – RA
Issues in Operations And RB = 1 – F(B) or F(B) = 1 – RB
We know that there are three possibilities for the system not functioning, and
there is only one possibility for the system to function i.e. both the sub-
systems function well, as given below

i) Sub-system ‘A’ fails : System fails

ii) Sub-system ‘B’ fails : System fails
iii) Both Sub-systems ‘A’ and ‘B’ fail : System fails
iv) Both Sub-systems ‘A’ and ‘B’ function well : System functions
Thus, the probability of A not failing i.e. 1 – F(A)
And the probability of B not failing i.e. 1 – F(B)
The probability of both not failing is [1 – F(A)].[1 – F(B)]
So, the overall reliability of the system R = [1 – F(A)].[1 – F(B)] = RA. RB
Now let us generalize the above concept for N components,
Let N = Number of sub-systems or components of a system connected in
RK = The reliability or the probability of a component ‘K’ in the
system functioning at a given time, t
Ri = Reliability of the ith system where i = 1, 2, 3, … … ... N
Rs = Reliability of the series system
(i.e. the probability of the system functioning at time t)
The Fig. 14.8 depicts the series system


Fig 14.8 Series system of N components

The reliability of the above system

Rs=R1 x R 2 x R 3 x……. x R K x… RN
It can be discerned that the system fails if any of the sub components fail

i.e. Rs = 0,if R1 or R 2 or R 3 or……. R K … RN = 0.

Conversely, if even one element’s (components) probability of functioning is
improved the whole system’s reliability is improved.

Illustration – 14.3
The probability of functioning of each element in a series system of four
components is given as R1 = 0.6; R2 =0.7; R3=0.8; R4= 0.9. Find the overall
reliability of the system. What will be the change the system reliability if the
reliability of the third component is (a) increased to 0.9 (b) decreased by 0.1
Reliability and
Solution: Maintenance
The above system can be represented diagrammatically as follows.

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Fig 14.9 Series system of four components

The system’s reliability can be calculated as, Rs =R1 x R 2 x R 3 x R 4

Rs = 0.6 X 0.7 X 0.8 X 0.9 = 0.3024.
(a) if the reliability of the third component is increased to 0.9 then the system
reliability is given by
Ra = 0.6 X 0.7 X 0.9 X 0.9 = 0.3402 i.e. overall reliability increased by
(b) if the reliability of the third component is decreased by 0.1 i.e. to 0.7 then
the system reliability is given by
Rb = 0.6 X 0.7 X 0.7 X 0.9 = 0.2646
i.e. overall reliability decreased by 0.0378

1. Although the Reliability of one of the components is as high as 0.9, the
overall probability of the system is as low as 0.3024.
2. The components with lower reliability connected in series will lower the
overall reliability of the system
3. If the components of certain reliability are connected in series, the
overall reliability of the system is less than that of their individual
4. If the probability of an element is improved from 0.8 to 0.9, the system
probability improved to 0.3402 i.e. an increment of 0.0378 only i.e. not
appreciably improved. It means that it is difficult to achieve high
reliability with the basic series system.
5. If the probability of an element is reduced from 0.8 to 0.7, the system
probability decreased to 0.2646 i.e. a decrement 0.0378 only (same as
6. It is difficult to achieve high reliability with the series system.

14.14.2 Parallel System

Suppose, a system is composed of two sub-systems say, A and B are
connected in series as shown in the figure below. Let the reliabilities of the
two components be RA and RB. Now let as compute the reliability say, R of
the overall system.

Issues in Operations R

Fig 14.10 Series system of two components

Now, if the probability of failing the sub-systems A and B are denoted by

F(A) and F(B), then we have
RA = 1 – F(A) or F(A) = 1 – RA

And RB = 1 – F(B) or F(B) = 1 – RB

We have three possibilities for the components of system not functioning,

(i) Sub-system ‘A’ fails

(ii) Sub-system ‘B’ fails
(iii) Both Sub-system ‘A’ and ‘B’ fail
In first and second cases, the system will not completely fail, but only in third
case, the system completely fails. Thus, the reliability is affected if and only
if both the components fail.

Thus the probability of A failing i.e. F(A) = 1 – RA

And the probability of B failing i.e. F(B) = 1 – RB
The probability of both failing is F(A). F(B) = [1 – RA].[1 – RB]
Thus, the probability of system not functioning [1 – RP] = [1 – RA].[1 – RB]
So, the overall reliability of the system RP = 1 - [1 – RA].[1 – RB]
Now let us generalize the above concept for N components,
A parallel system shown below which has ‘N’ number of elements connected
together in fig 14.11.

Fig 14.11 Parallel system of N components

In parallel system if any one component (element) fails, still the system Reliability and
functions. Unless all the components fail simultaneously, the system does Management
function (of course with less power (or capacity)

Let RK= Probability of any element ‘K’ functioning at a given time, t

Then 1- RK = Probability of element ‘K’ failing in the system.
Also Ri = Reliability of the ith system where i = 1, 2, 3, … … ... N
RP = Reliability of the Parallel system
(i.e. the probability of the system functioning at time t)
The probability of all the elements failing together
= (1-R1) x (1-R2) x (1-R3) x ……(1-RK) x …..x (1-RN)
Therefore, the probability of a parallel system functioning at a given time t or
Reliability of the total system of parallel components is,
RP=1 - (1-R1) x (1-R2) x (1-R3) x ……(1-RK) x …..x (1-RN)

Illustration – 14.4
The reliability of four components connected in a parallel set up are given as
R1 = 0.6; R2 = 0.7; R3= 0.8; R4 = 0.9. Find the overall reliability of the system.
What will be the change the system reliability if the reliability of the third
component is (a) increased to 0.9 (b) decreased to 0.7

The reliability of the system functioning at any time t is given by,

RP = 1-[(1- R1)x (1- R2) (1- R3) (1- R4)]
= 1-[(1-0.6)(1-0.7) (1-0.8) (1-0.9)]
= 1-[0.4X0.3X0.2X0.1 = 1-0.0024 = 0.9976





Fig 14.12 Parallel system of four components

Issues in Operations a) If the reliability of the third component is increased to 0.9,
Then the system reliability is given by
Ra = 1 – 0.4 X 0.3X 0.1X 0.1 = 1 – 0.0012 = 0.9988
i.e. overall reliability increased by 0.0012
b) If the reliability of the third component is decreased to 0.6
Then the system reliability is given by
Rb = 1 – 0.4X 0.3 X 0.3 X 0.1 = 1 - 0.0036 = 0.9964
i.e. overall reliability decreased by 0.0012

1. Although the Reliability of one of the components is as low as 0.6, the
overall probability of the system is as high as 0.9976.
2. The components with high reliability connected in parallel will improve
the overall reliability of the system.
3. If the components of certain reliability are connected in parallel, the
overall reliability of the system is greater than that of their individual
4. If the Reliability of an element is improved from 0.8 to 0.9, the system
probability improved to 0.9988 i.e. an increment of 0.0012 i.e. not
considerably increased.
5. If the probability of an element is reduced from 0.8 to 0.7, the system
probability decreased to 0.9964 i.e. a decrement 0.0012 only (same as
increment) i.e. not considerably decreased.
6. It is possible to achieve high reliability with the parallel system.

14.14.3 Combined (Series & Parallel) System

It is a combination of series and parallel systems.
In such cases of a system having elements connected both in parallel and
series, it is better to convert into one of the systems. Two cases are illustrated
as shown below in the Fig. 14.13 and 14.14
Case – 1
Here in this case we convert the parallel system into equivalent series system,
so that the whole system turns to series type only.

R1 R6

R2 R4 R5

R3 R7

Fig 14.13 Combined System – case – 1

In the above system, we consider that a we have a series system with (A Reliability and
parallel subsystem of R1, R2, R 3), R4, R5, (A parallel sub system of R6, R7) Management
and R8, where
First, we shall calculate the reliability of the sub systems as follows.
{1- (1- R1)(1-R2)(1-R 3)} = Rx, say and
{1- (1- R6)(1-R7} = Ry, say
Then the overall system reliability is given by
R = Rx R4.R5.Ry .R8
= {1- (1- R1)(1-R2)(1-R 3)} R4.R5.{1- (1- R6)(1-R7}.R8

Case – 2
Consider the case of combined system as shown in fig. 13.8. In this case it is
better to convert the components into equivalent parallel system. Here we
shall consider the three subsystems as parallel. The top sub system and
bottom subsystems are having the components in series. Thus we consider as
a parallel system of (A series subsystem of R1, R2), R 3 and (A series
subsystem of R4, R5, R6),



R4 R5 R6

Fig 14.14 Combined System - case – 2

Thus the overall reliability can be computed as

For series subsystem of R1, R2, it is Say Rx = R1XR2
For series subsystem of R4, R5, R6, it is Say Ry = R4XR5XR6
The overall System reliability is R = 1 – (1 – Rx).(1 – R3).(1 – Ry)
= 1 – (1 – R1XR2).(1 – R3).(1 – R4XR5XR6)

Numerical Illustrations

Illustration – 14.5
Consider a system with the combined (series and parallel connections)
system as shown in the following fig. The reliability of each of the element is
given in figure itself. Find the overall reliability of the total system.

Issues in Operations
Management 0.9 0.8

0.8 0.6 0.7

0.8 0.9

Fig 14.15 Combined System

The reliability of the first parallel system
Rp1=1 – (1 – 0.9)(1 – 0.6)(1 – 0.8) = 0.992
The reliability of the second parallel system
Rp2=1 – (1 – 0.8)(1 – 0.7)(1 – 0.9)=0.994
The above parallel-series system can be reduced to equivalent single series
system as given below-[fig.13.10)]

0.8 0.992 0.994 0.9

Fig. 14.16 Combined system converted to series system

The reliability of this system is given by

R = 0.8 x 0.992 x 0.994 x 0.9 = 0.709955
This is greater than the value of the weakest element in the system i.e. 0.6.
The reliability of a system (having greater than components) can be improved
by connecting the components in parallel.
If two weak components can be joined in parallel with each other, their joint
(equivalent) reliability is higher than their individual probability of

Activity – 14.12
Costly components are expected to function more reliably, as they are
manufactured precisely to the required dimensions, better quality materials
and appropriate technology with no (or very few) defects. Suppose that a
product is to be designed with two components ‘a’ and ‘b’ whose reliability
and corresponding cost are given in the following table. If the components
can be combined in any orientation (either series or parallel), find all the
possible (18) reliabilities of the system and corresponding costs. Give your
remarks for designing an optimal combination.

Sub component Cost for Reliability

Reliability and
Reliability 0.8 0.9 0.95 Maintenance
Cost of each ‘a’ in Rupees. 50 100 150
Cost of each ‘b’ in Rupees 60 90 120

Answer: Most optimal values (system reliability is 0.99 at the cost of Rs.170)
can be obtained with the components ‘a’ and ‘b’ with the reliabilities 0.8 and
0.95 respectively connected in parallel.

SAQ – 14.8
1. Derive the expression for the overall reliability of a circuit containing ‘k’
components connected in series.
2. Derive the expression for the overall reliability of a circuit containing ‘k’
components connected in parallel.
3. Describe the procedure to evaluate overall reliability for a circuit with
combination (series & parallel) of components.
4. How do you improve or reduce the reliability of the equipment using the
series and parallel connections? Illustrate with an example.
5. Find the reliability of the system with four components connected in (a)
series (b) parallel each of having reliability 0.9
6. Find the reliability of a system containing three sub-systems of 0.8
reliable each connected in (a) series (b) parallel.
7. Three components of failure probabilities 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 are to be
connected to get maximum possible reliability. Design the most suitable
8. Calculate the reliability of the following systems in which the probability
of functioning of each component is given in the figure itself.


0.9 0.99


9. The reliabilities and corresponding costs of two sub components x and y

of a system are given in the following table. Find all possible system
reliabilities and their costs. Give your comments to estimate the most
optimal reliability for the system composed of two components x and y.
Find the combination of components such that (a) reliability should not
be less than 85% (b) cost should not be more than Rs.150/- with

Sub component Cost for Reliability

0.8 0.9 0.95
A 50 90 150
B 70 90 120
Issues in Operations
Answer: (a) x(0.95) and y(0.90) or x(0.95) and y(0.95)

(b) x(0.9) and y(0.8)

Activity – 14.13
1. Divide following into parts or sub-units and arrange them as a block
diagram of these sub-units in series or parallel or combinations of sub-
systems. Design the reliability requirements for the sub-units so that the
total may run within range 0.9 to 0.95 reliability.
a) A fan

The capacity of a system to perform its intended function when called upon
to do so is often referred to as availability of operational readiness. In the
simplest two state case, where equipment or system is either working at full
capacity or not working the availability is commonly defined as the
probability of the system operating satisfactory and is represented as

Availability = Total Up Time/(Total Up Time + Down Time)

Mathematically, it can be expressed as the ratio of mean time between
failures (i.e., operating time) to the total available time of the system.

Availability = MTBF/ (MTBF + MTTR)

14.15.1 Classification of Availability

There are three forms availability based on the classification of down time
viz. working time, Stand by time and Lost time in routing preventive

A) Intrinsic Availability (Ai)

This is the probability that system is operating satisfactorily at any point
of time, when under stated conditions, where the time considered is
operating time and active repair time.
Design accuracy: It is the probability that the system will successfully
accomplish its mission given the system is operating within design
Ai = Operating time/(Operate time + Actual repair time)

B) Achieved availability (Aa) Reliability and
It is inclusive version of the inherent availability and includes factors Management

influencing the availability of a system which are directly related with

the designed maintainability and reliability characteristics of the system.
This includes corrective and preventive maintenance and the mean
maintenance time. Administrative or supply delay times are not included
as down time for the calculation of availability.
Aa= Mean time between maintenance/Total elapsed time exclusive of
administrative and logistic delays
C) Operational Availability (Ao)
It differs from the achieved availability in the sense that in case of
operational availability as the total operational time, the total down time
including administrative delays is also taken into account.

14.15.2 Factors Affecting Availability or/and Reliability

Availability and hence Reliability is affected by many aspects. However, the
following are the more often registered factors that affect the reliability of the
equipment. Hence attention should be paid on these only make the product or
system reliable.
1. Design
2. Material
3. Manufacturing method
4. Complexity of product
5. Working environment
6. Testing and inspection
7. Maintenance policies
8. Large number of components with many sub-assemblies

Illustration – 14.6
A complex electronic system consisting of electronic gadgets has MTBF 100
hours and MTTR of 120 minutes. Find the availability.

Given MTBF =100 hrs and MTTR = 120 minutes = 2 hrs.
Availability= MTBF/ (MTBF + MTTR)
100/(100+2) = 100/102 = 0.9804
Comment: If the reliability of the system is increased from 80% to 90% the
probability of failure is reduced to half. Consequently, the system has
become twice reliable after application of Condition Monitoring techniques
as compared to initial situation.

Illustration – 14.7
An old Electronic System consists five vacuum tubes whose MTBF is 10,000
hrs. Now, when the system is fitted with 20 Integrated Chips (ICs), the 355
Issues in Operations MTBF increased to 80,000 hrs. Find the effect of the ICs on reliability of the
system. If the transistors are used instead of ICs we require 40 transistors.
Evaluate if the transistors can be used.

i) The probability of failure in initial condition with vacuum tubes
P1 = n1.t/T1
=5.t/10000 = t/2000
ii) The probability of failure with ICs
P2 = n2.t/T2
= 20.t/80000 = t/4000
Reliability Improvement Factor (RIF)
= P1/P2
= (t/2000)/(t/4000) = 2.
With application of ICs, the reliability of the system has improved (because
the probability of failure has reduced). Hence it is better to use ICs
iii) The probability of failure with 40 transistors
P3 = n3.t/T3
= 40.t/(80000) = t/(2000)
The reliability improvement factor is
= P1/P3
= (t/2000)/(t/2000) = 1

Thus we observe that with increase in number of transistors (i.e., elements in

general) the reliability of the system has reduced. Hence the number of parts
or components should be as less as possible for higher reliability.

Illustration – 14.8
An electronically controlled system has 100 elements and each has MTBF of
10,000 hours. Its cumulative operating time is one hour. Calculate the

i) The probability of failure

ii) The probability of failure if the elements are grouped as a set of 10 each
in redundant manner.
iii) The Reliability Improvement Factor (RIF)

i) Given,
n = 100 elements
t = 1 hr
T = 10,000hrs.
The probability of failure,
Pf1 = n.t/T Reliability and
= 100 x 1/10,000 Management

= 0.001
ii) The group redundancy case.
Pf2 = N.n
= (t/T)2
= 100 x 10 x (1/104)2 = 10–5
iii) The reliability Improvement Factor
RIF = pf1/pf2
= 0.01/10–5 = 103 or 1000

It is defined as the probability that a system can be restored to predetermined
level of quality (or condition) in a specified period, when the maintenance is
done with prescribed procedure and resources.

Better maintainability of an equipment means,

1. The downtime of the system is low
2. Time to carry out preventive maintenance is low, and
3. Time taken in fault-analysis, repair, replacement and operations are low.
The following terms are used in reference to maintainability
a) Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM)
It indicates the frequency of maintenance.
b) Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
It is mean time to require for repair of equipment. It does not include
waiting time.

Factors Affecting Maintainability

• Training of maintenance crew (poorly trained crew will take unduly
more time)
• Maintenance procedure (complicated procedure delay maintenance
• Maintenance guidance and monitoring (Lack of proper guidance and
monitoring will increase the maintainability)
• Availability of maintenance manual (unavailability proper maintenance
manual delay the time)
• Safety requirements (higher safety requirements delay the process.
• Standardization prescribed and to be achieved (standardization needs of
high degree will take more time to achieve).
• Accessibility (of equipment, tolls, gadgets necessary to carry out
maintenance) 357
Issues in Operations • Expertise required
• Special items (of extra-ordinary quality and specifications) essential for

SAQ – 14.9
1. What is ‘availability’? Explain. Classify and explain different types of
availabilities of equipment.
2. List out the factors affecting the availability of the equipment.
3. Define the term Maintainability. What are the factors do affect the
4. Explain the terms with suitable examples.
a) Operating Availability
b) Intrinsic Availability
c) Achieved Availability
5. Suggest some measure to improve the availability and maintainability of
given equipment.

Activity – 14.14
1. Calculate the availability and other relevant maintenance characteristics
for the data you have collected in the above Activity (i.e. Activity –






The key figure used with respect to these factors is equipment effectiveness,
defined as follows:

Overall Equipment Effectiveness is the effective utilization of the equipment

on the whole so that the desired productivity is achieved at a certain quality
level and is mathematically expressed as the product of Equipment
Availability, Performance Efficiency and the Rate of quality.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

= M/C Availability X Performance Efficiency x Rate of Quality
or = A.η.RoQ

Equipment Availability (A) = Available Time = Planned Time - Down Time Reliability and
Planned Time Planned Time Management

Performance Efficiency (η) = Theoretical Cycle Time

Actual Cycle Time

Rate of Quality (RoQ) = Accepted Quantity

Produced Quantity
OEE = Planned Time - Down Time × Theoretical Cycle Time × Accepted Quantity
Planned time Actual Cycle Time Produced Quantity

14.17.1 Performance Efficiency

Performance efficiency is product of operating speed rate and the net
operating rate. Operating speed rate of equipment refers to discrepancy
between the ideal speed (based on equipment capacity as desired) and its
actual operating speed.
Operating Speed Rate = Theoretical Cycle Time
Actual Cycle Time

The net operating rate measures the maintenance of given speed over a given
Net Operating Rate = Actual Processing Time
Operation Time

= Processed amount × Actual Cycle Time

Operating Time

Actual Cycle Time = Net Operating Rate X Operating Time/ Processed


Illustration – 14.9
Five presses of certain workshop are planned in three shifts per day. Any
machine is kept idle during the lunch hour (one hour) and in tea breaks (15
minutes x two times per shift). The machines are found to be under
breakdown for 50, 20, 28, 40 and 45 hours respectively in a certain month
from the logbooks of Plant Engineering. The Production department observes
the cycle time of operations are 12, 10, 9, 12 and 10 seconds while these are
found as 10, 10, 8, 9 and 8 seconds from the record books of the Industrial
Engineering department. The Quality Control Department reported that the
numbers of defective parts produced by these machines are 150, 220, 125,
140 and 145 respectively among the quantities 2000, 1500, 1500, 1800 and
1500 produced. The Plant Manager has to predict and decide the order of
these machines for maintenance. He assumes that the machine is to be taken
Issues in Operations for maintenance immediately if Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) falls
below 65% and 5 days hence for every increment of 1% above 65%.
Schedule the machines for maintenance. Consider 25 working days in the

Given that
No of Working Days = 25
No of Shifts per day = 3
No of Hrs per shift =8
Total Time = No of Working Days X No of Shifts per day X No of Hrs per

= 25 X 3 X 8 = 600 Hours
Idle Time per shift = 1 Hr (Lunch Break) + 2X15 Min (Tea Breaks)
= 1.5 Hrs or 90 min.
Idle Time per day = Idle Time per shift X No of Shifts = 1.5 X 3
Total Idle Time = Idle Time per shift X No of Shifts X No of Working
= 1.5 X 3X 25 = 112.5 Hours
So, Planned Time = Total Time – Idle Time = 600 – 112.5 = 487.5 Hours
The calculations for each machine and the solution are shown in through the
following tabular form.
The Formulae used are:
Availability (A) = (Planned Time-Down Time)/Planned Time
Performance Efficiency (η) = Theoretical Cycle Time/Actual Cycle Time
Rate of Quality (RoQ) = Accepted Production Quantity/Total Production
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) = A X ηX RoQ
Abbreviations Used: TT: Total Time; PT: Planned Time; DT: Down Time;
TCT: Theoretical Cycle Time; ACT: Actual Cycle Time; TP: Total Produced
Quantity; Def: Defectives Quantity; Acc: Accepted Production Quantity;
RoQ: Rate of Quality; OEE: Overall Equipment Effectiveness.

M/c TT P T DT Availability TCT ACT η T P Def Acc Ro Q OEE Rank

Press1 600 487.5 50 0.8974359 10 12 0.83333 2000 150 1850 0.925 0.6918 III
Press2 600 487.5 20 0.95897436 10 10 1 1500 220 1280 0.853333 0.8183 I
Press3 600 487.5 28 0.9425641 8 9 0.88889 1500 125 1375 0.916667 0.768 II
Press4 600 487.5 40 0.91794872 9 12 0.75 1800 140 1660 0.922222 0.6349 V
Press5 600 487.5 45 0.90769231 8 10 0.8 1500 145 1355 0.903333 0.656 IV

From the above Table it is concluded that Reliability and
Press 4 is to be taken up for Maintenance immediately. Management

Press 5 is to be taken up with in the first 5 days.

Press 1 is to be taken up after 20 days from starting day.
Press 3 is to taken up between 55th to 60th day from the starting day.
Press 2 is to be planned in between 80th to 85th day from the starting day.

Illustration – 14.10
A Manufacturing firm wants to sell a machine which is run for 5 years. The
Finance Manager estimated @ 10% straight-line depreciation per annum. But
the Maintenance Manager claims that the machine was not continuously run
and is in very good condition and hence it should not be considered as 5
years old. He advises to consider the overall Equipment Effectiveness to
decide the selling price. The production records of the machine in the past 6
months reveal the information that 20,30,25,30,25 and 20 defectives were
found in the productions of 400, 500, 500, 600, 400 and 500 parts produced
respectively. The Theoretical Cycle Time of the operation is 20 seconds
while it is found to be 25 seconds in practice. The planned hours of
production in the past six months were 200, 250, 200, 200, 250 and 200 hrs
of which it was under break down for 20, 10, 15, 10, 50 and 5 hrs
respectively. Check whether Maintenance Manager’s claim is considerable.

Total Planned Time in six months = 200+250+200+200+250+200 = 1300
Total Down Time = 20+10+15+10+50+5 = 110
% Availability = (Planned Time – Down Time)/Planned Time
= (1300-110)/1300 = 91.5%
Performance Efficiency = Theoretical Cycle Time/Actual Cycle Time
= 20/25 = 80%
Total Production = 400+500+500+600+400+500 = 2900
Defectives Produced = 20+30+25+30+25+20 = 150
Rate of Quality = (2900-150)/2900 = 94.8%
OEE = 0.915 X 0.8 X 0.948 = 0.694 or 69.4%
By Straight line depreciation the selling price reduces to 50% of its cost
while by OEE it comes to 69.4% (or 70%), hence the Maintenance
Manager’s claim is justified.

14.17.2 Evaluation of Maintenance Performance

[Maintenance Performance Indices (MPI)]
The performance of maintenance department can be assessed in many ways
since it is connected to many factors. Of course, the terms like MTTF,
MTTR, MTBF, MDT etc. are the most common methods to evaluate the
performance of the maintenance and the efficiency of its personnel. Often
Issues in Operations referred to as Maintenance Performance Indices or Maintenance Performance
Indicators (MPI), are given below:
1. Effectiveness of Maintenance Planning
= Downtime due to scheduled maintenance
Downtime due to total maintenance work

2. Frequency of Breakdown = Number of breakdowns

Available machine hour

3. Equipment Utilization Factor = Equipment operating time

Total available time
Or Equipment Capacity Utilization
= Equipment operating time *100
Total available time

4. Equipment Availability
= Operation Time/(Operation Time + Maintenance time)

Percent Availability = (Total Available Hours – Down Time)*100

Total Available Hours

5. Maintenance Cost Index = Total maintenance costs

Total Annual Sales

6. Overhaul Expenditure Ratio = Overhaul Expenditure

Value of Equipment

7. Spare Parts Ratio = Value of spares consumed

Value of equipment

8. Breakdown Cost = Cost of Total Breakdown Repair

Total Number of Breakdowns

9. Maintenance Man Power Efficiency

= Actual Total Man Hours Spent on Maintenance Job
Total Planned Man Hours for maintenance work

10. Maintenance Over Time Ratio = Over Time Hours used for Maintenance
Total Maintenance Hours

14.17.3 Maximizing Equipment Effectiveness

The rate of equipment effectiveness is actually the operating rate or

Availability = Operating time = Loading Time – Down Time

Load Time Loading Time

Here loading time is available time per day and is derived by subtracting
planned down time from total available time per day. Planned down time is
the official time scheduled in the production plan for maintenance activities.
Thus if we can reduce this, the numerator can be increased and thence the
equipment effectiveness can be improved.
Reliability and
SAQ – 14.10 Maintenance
1. What is meant by the term “Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)”?
Explain the terms involved in evaluating OEE of a machine.
2. What do you understand by the term ‘performance efficiency’? How do
you evaluate? Illustrate with an example.
3. Explain various Maintenance Performance Indices (MPIs). Also explain
their importance.
4. Discuss the factors that affect the Maintenance Performance Indices.
5. Define and explain the terms OEE, MPI, RoQ, Maintenance Cost Index
and Breakdown frequency.
6. Four CNC lathes in a workshop are planned in two shifts per day. Any
machine is not kept idle. The machines are found to be under breakdown
for five times with down times as 50, 10, 12, 18 and 10 hours
respectively in a certain month from the logbooks of Plant Engineering.
The Production department observes the cycle time of operations are 12,
10, 15, 10 and 10 seconds while these are found too be 10, 10, 10, 9 and
8 seconds from the record books of the Industrial Engineering
department for five different jobs loaded on these machines. The Quality
Control Department reported that the numbers of defective parts
produced by these machines are 105, 120, 125, 150 and 145 respectively
among the quantities 2000, 2500, 1500, 1000 and 1500 produced. The
Plant Manager has to predict and decide the order of these machines for
maintenance. He assumes that the machine is to be taken for
maintenance immediately if Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
falls below 65% and 5 days hence for every increment of 1% above 65%.
Schedule the machines for maintenance. Consider 25 working days in the

Activity – 13.4
Collect relevant data and calculate the Maintenance Performance Indices for
the organization/institution where you are working/ studying or the one with
which you are familiar.





The details on various maintenance methods, policies and strategies are
clearly discussed in this unit. The systematic procedures for carrying out
maintenance and setting a maintenance strategy are also discussed.
Issues in Operations This unit focuses on reliability improvement by various combinations of the
components such as Series System, Parallel System and Combined (Series
and Parallel) System so that the overall Reliability of the Systems can be
improved or designed as needed. The advantages of Modular Design or
Modularization are explored and then Quality and Reliability are
distinguished. Availability of the machine is another facet this unit covers.
Different types of Availability such as Intrinsic (Ai), Achieved (Aa) and
Operational Availability (Ao) and the factors affecting availability and hence
the reliability are discussed. The Maintainability and the factors affecting are
described. One can evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the
maintenance department through the Maintenance Performance Indices
(MPIs). In view of this, various MPIs are defined. The evaluation of Overall
Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), maintenance performance and efficiency are
also depicted through numerical problems. TPM culture and philosophy are


1. Failure Based Maintenance: An unplanned maintenance strategy
carried out by repairing the equipment whenever the failures occur.
2. Time Based Maintenance: The planned maintenance strategy based on
the time intervals of maintenance or the period of operation.
3. Reliability Centered Maintenance: The maintenance carried out to
enhance the reliability of the equipment.
4. Condition Based Maintenance: The maintenance techniques based on
the condition and performance of the machine.
5. Breakdown Maintenance: The maintenance by attempting to correcting
or rectifying the failure when occurred on a machine.
6. Emergency Maintenance: The immediate maintenance action when
failure occurs.
7. Operate to Failure and Corrective Maintenance: The technique applied
on the machine which is operated till it fails and the corrective actions
are taken if they are not costly.
8. No Maintenance Technique: Use and throw system.
9. Preventive Maintenance: The actions taken up to prevent occurrence of
failures by proper lubrication, oiling, greasing, and overhauling etc.
10. Maintenance Prevention: Avoiding the occurrence of maintenance by
updating and reliability enhancement.
11. Productive Maintenance: Maintenance by dividing the machine into
LRA units to see that machine is not shutdown for the want of
12. Predictive Maintenance: Maintenance by expecting (predicting) the
probable time of failing a machine and maintaining to prevent the
failure or to reduce the effect.
13. Planned Maintenance: A systematic and Regular Plant maintenance Reliability and
activity at regular intervals with a clear-cut plan apart from the Management
occasional activities.
14. Scheduled Maintenance: Maintenance based on the pre-determined
schedules irrespective of the condition of the machine.
15. Shutdown Maintenance: The maintenance carried out on a machine
only when it is out of service.
16. Fixed Time Maintenance: When the failures are clear time dependent,
the machine is overhauled or replaced.
17. Design out Maintenance: The activity of maintenance to update or
improve the machine performance by finding the root causes at the
design stage itself and eliminating these poor design features.
18. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): The maintenance philosophy
and a culture of maintaining the equipment in good condition from its
design to discard considering all the factors
19. Reliability: The probability that a product, a component, equipment or
a system will perform its intended function for a specific period or life
time under specified operating conditions. Or the probability of a
system not failing R(t) = 1 –F(t)
20. Reliability in Series System: Rs=R1 x R 2 x R 3 x……. x R K x… RN
21. Reliability in Parallel System: RP=1 - (1-R1)(1-R2)(1-R3) ……(1-RK)
22. Mean Time To Repair (MTTR): The average time required to locate
a failure and to repair (or to restore the condition of the equipment).
23. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF): The mean of the time interval
between consecutive failures of equipment. MTBF = Total operating
time/No of failures
24. Mean Time To Fail (MTTF): The expected value of mean time to
failure, which is expressed as MTTF = ∫ R(t) dt where R(t) is
Reliability function on t
25. Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM): The average of all the
durations between end of one maintenance to the start of next, may it
be planned or unplanned.
26. Reliability Improvement Factor (RIF): The ratio of probability of
failure of a system to that of improved system. RIF = Prob. of failure
before improvement/ Prob. of failure after improvement
27. Maintainability: It is defined as the probability that a system can be
restored to predetermined level of quality (or condition) in a specified
period, when the maintenance is done with prescribed procedure and
28. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE): Overall Equipment
Effectiveness is the effective utilization of the equipment on the whole
so that the desired productivity is achieved at a certain quality level.
Issues in Operations
OEE = M/C Availability X Performance Efficiency x Rate of
Quality = A.η.RoQ
29. Performance Efficiency: Performance efficiency is product of
operating speed rate and the net operating rate. η = Theoretical Cycle
Time/Actual Cycle Time
30. JISHU-HOZEN: Carrying out basic maintenance of equipment by the
operators themselves and informing of the potential of major


1. N.V.S.Raju, Plant Maintenance and Reliability Engineering, Cengage
Learning India, New delhi
2. Nakajima Seiichi (1988) Introduction to TPM, Productivity Press (UK).
3. J.R. Rodriguz, Total Productive Maintenance, ESCI Hyderabad
Training Programme on Production and Maintenance notes circulated
4. Corder. A.S., Maintenance Management Techniques, McGraw Hill,
New York.
5. Apte.S., Maintenance Management, National Productivity Council, New
6. Gardon.F., Maintenance Engineering, Applied Science Publishers Ltd,


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