Developing The Digital Lung From First Lung CT To Clinical Ai John D Newell Full Chapter

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Developing the Digital Lung: From First

Lung CT to Clinical AI John D. Newell

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Developing the Digital Lung:
From First Lung CT to Clinical AI
The Development of Quantitative X-ray Computed
Tomography of Diffuse Lung Disease Through the
Use of Artificial Intelligence
Developing the
Digital Lung:
From First Lung
CT to Clinical AI
The Development of Quantitative
X-ray Computed Tomography of
Diffuse Lung Disease Through
the Use of Artificial Intelligence


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1 Introduction to Lung CT AI 1
2 Three-Dimensional (3D) Digital Images of the Lung Using X-ray Computed
Tomography 12

3 X-ray CT Scanning Protocols for Lung CT AI Applications 40

4 Quantitative Assessment of Lung Nodule Size, Shape, and Malignant Potential
Using Both Reactive and Limited-Memory Lung CT AI 55

5 Using Reactive Machine AI to Derive Quantitative Lung CT Metrics of COPD, ILD,

and COVID-19 Pneumonia 68

6 Using Reactive Machine AI and Dynamic Changes in Lung Structure to Derive

Functional Quantitative Lung CT Metrics of COPD, ILD, and Asthma 88

7 Using Limited Memory Lung CT AI to Derive Advanced Quantitative CT Lung

Metrics of COPD, ILD, and COVID-19 Pneumonia 103

8 Lung CT AI Enables Advanced Computer Modeling of Lung Physiome Structure

and Function 121

9 Adoption of Lung CT AI Into Clinical Medicine 130

Index 143

I dedicate this book to all who suffer from lung disease
and to those who strive to research, diagnose, and treat
lung disease.

I am a cardiothoracic radiologist and biomedical engineer with over 40 years of experience in

clinical radiology, and teaching and research, most recently at the University of Iowa and VIDA.
I have marveled for many years at the ability of x-ray computed tomography to generate 3D
images of the lung for both visual interpretation and quantitative analysis. Computed tomography
images of the lungs have been shown to be a powerful method of detecting and assessing a variety
of lung diseases, including lung cancer, asthma, COPD, COVID-19, and pulmonary fibrosis.
I was approached by Elsevier in December 2019 at the RSNA convention to write a book on
medical imaging AI, and we agreed that a book on lung CT AI would be the best fit for both of
us. I wrote this book between January 2020 and February 2021 in Port Townsend, Washington,
where I live. I hope you enjoy reading the book as much as I did writing it.

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I want to express my deep thanks and gratitude to all my patients, mentors, students, and colleagues
who have all taught me so much over the past 45 years. I want to thank all the people at Elsevier,
and especially my editor, Rebecca Corradetti and Shereen Jameel, who helped me so much in
improving the quality of this book.

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C H A P T E R 1
Introduction to Lung CT AI

AI: An Intelligent Agent

The foundation for this book about lung CT AI is the application of what Alan Turing
described in 1936 as the “universal Turing machine.”1 This is what is known today as
the computer hardware and software that dominates so much of our lives, and is at the
heart of lung CT AI. In his recent book, Stuart Russell describes succinctly what Alan
Turing meant by the universal Turing machine.1 The essence of Turing’s discovery was
to define two new mathematical objects. The first was defined as a machine, what is
known today as computer hardware. The second, mathematical object, Turing defined as
a program that is known as software code that runs on the computer hardware. Together,
the machine (computer hardware) and the program (software code) define a sequence
of events, or a sequence of state changes, that occur in the machine (computer CPU,
computer memory, etc.) to accomplish a task.
Russell describes the key concept in modern artificial intelligence (AI) as being the
concept of an intelligent agent.1 The intelligent agent exists in the software programs
running on a computer. How the AI agent is built depends on the objective(s) to be
achieved or the problem(s) to be solved. The functioning AI agent then depends on four
important things: (1) environment; (2) observations; (3) actions; and (4) objective(s)1
(Fig. 1.1). The environment is the physical and electronic space that the AI agent can
access. Using the word processing (WP) AI agent as an example, the WP AI agent
environment includes keyboard commands, computer display, and computer hardware
and software, as well as any internet connections that are running. The observations that
the WP can make are the keystrokes pressed, and it can read the WP files that exist
on the computer and in the cloud. The actions that the WP can take are: recording the
keystrokes and displaying those on the screen; storing them on the computer or the
Internet; and reading and writing existing WP files from the computer memory, hard
disk drive, and the Internet (Fig. 1.2). The objectives for the WP AI agent are deter-
mined by the people who wrote the software to run on the computer. These objectives
can be summarized as taking keystroke inputs and creating a software file that records
the keystrokes and displays them on the computer screen. It is also important to recog-
nize that one AI agent can pass the objectives to another AI agent to perform additional
objectives, and this process can continue with as many AI agents as desired. For example,
the WP files on a computer can be sent to a typesetting program that a publisher would
use to generate the final output for a book.


AI is a rapidly expanding field, and definitions of the different levels of AI are c­ hanging
as a result of this growth. AI, for the purpose of this book, includes four levels: (1)


Start AI


Decide and
Objective 3 Objective 1
Take Action

Objective 2

Fig. 1.1 The four elements of an intelligent agent (AI agent): environment, observations, actions,
and objective(s).

Start Program Keyboard

Character Typed

Store Character in Word

Display Character
Memory Processor

Store Character in a
Text File on the Hard

Fig. 1.2 How the four elements of an AI agent work to enable the objective(s) of a simple word
processing program.
1—Introduction to Lung CT AI 3

BOX 1.1 n Four Levels of Increasing AI Capabilities

Level 1 Reactive Machine AI

Level 2 Limited-Memory AI
Level 3 Theory-of-Mind AI
Level 4 Self-Aware AI

reactive machine; (2) limited-memory; (3) theory of mind; and (4) self-aware2 (Box 1.1).
Since the late 1960s and early 1970s, reactive machine type AI has driven the develop-
ment of multiple AI technologies to visually and, subsequently, quantitatively assess the
presence and extent of lung diseases using x-ray CT scanning. More recently, limited-
memory levels of AI have been added to the list of technologies driving progressive
improvements in the visual and quantitative CT assessment of lung disease. Reactive
machines are the most basic type of AI system. This means that they cannot form mem-
ories or use past experiences to influence presently made decisions; they can only react
to currently existing situations—hence the term “reactive.” An existing form of a reac-
tive machine is Deep Blue, a chess-playing supercomputer created by IBM in the mid-
1980s.2 Reactive machine AI programs will only react in the present in the way they are
programmed. Examples of reactive machine AI programs in CT lung AI would include
analytic CT image reconstruction algorithms, analytic CT image lung segmentation
programs, computing the lung CT image voxel histogram, and relevant voxel histogram
statistics that have been previously shown to correlate with normal and diseased lung
tissue. These reactive machine lung CT AI metrics of lung disease can be used to detect
and assess the extent of normal and abnormal lung structure and function caused by
underlying lung disease, such as emphysema, asthma, or pulmonary fibrosis. The advan-
tage of reactive machine learning AI is that it is very clear what the software program
is doing. However, it is not as powerful as limited-memory AI. Limited-memory AI is
comprised of machine learning models that derive knowledge from previously learned
information, stored data, or events. Unlike reactive machines, limited-memory learns
from the past by observing actions, or data fed to them, in order to build experiential
knowledge.2 Limited-memory machine learning AI has been used in identifying specific
patterns of lung disease, such as honeycombing in patients with ILD. Limited-memory
machine learning AI has also been applied to CT image reconstruction, reducing noise
in reconstructed CT images. It has also been implemented in segmentation software
to extract the lungs from the rest of the thoracic anatomy on CT images. Limited-
memory AI machine learning has been used to identify unique patient CT phenotypes
in patients with COPD3 and asthma.4 Limited-memory AI machine learning has also
been used to classify lung nodules into benign and malignant categories.5
Lung CT AI involves a number of simpler AI agents that are linked together to
produce a final lung CT AI objective, which is to detect and assess normal and dis-
eased lung structure and function and make these results widely available to patients
and healthcare providers. The lung CT AI agents that are included in this book, in the
order in which they are usually performed, are: (1) generate high-quality CT images of
the thorax; (2) display the CT images of the thorax; (3) separate or segment the lung CT
images from the rest of the thoracic anatomy; (4) extract quantitative features from the

lung CT images that represent meaningful metrics of normal and diseased lung struc-
ture and function; (5) analyze these features to predict the presence or absence of lung
disease, and to assess the extent and impact of any detected lung disease; and (6) make
these results available in near real time for patients and their health care providers (Fig.
1.3). The routine lung CT AI outputs for individual patient care can then be systemati-
cally collected and examined across healthcare systems and countries; these results can

CT Scanning

Generate High Quality

Lung CT Images

Segment the Lungs

Display CT Images of and Airway from the
the Thorax Other Thoracic

Extract QCT Features

from the CT Images

Use QCT Features to

Detect and Assess End
Lung Disease

Fig. 1.3 The sequence of lung CT AI agents in the order in which they are performed: generate
high-quality CT images of the thorax, display the CT images of the thorax, separate or segment
the lung CT images from the rest of the thoracic anatomy, extract quantitative CT (QCT) features
from the lung CT images that represent meaningful metrics of normal and diseased lung structure
and function, analyze these features to predict the presence or absence of lung disease and to
assess the extent and impact of any detected lung disease, and make these results available in
near realtime for patients and their health care providers.
1—Introduction to Lung CT AI 5

be used in near real time to assess world lung health and disease, and to inform how
best to allocate scarce resources needed to decrease the prevalence and severity of lung
disease. My biggest reason for writing this book is to make everyone aware that the
lung CT AI objectives outlined above are now achievable. I believe lung CT AI will
work best in a healthcare environment where everyone has access to quality healthcare,
regardless of ability to pay or preexisting conditions.
This book will follow the sequence of AI agents that have been developed over the last
50 years to generate a 3D digital representation of the lung using x-ray CT,6,7 and finally
develop an AI agent that is useful in detecting and predicting the malignant poten-
tial of pulmonary nodules;5 the presence and severity of diffuse lung diseases, such as
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),8 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF),9
and, most recently, COVID-19 viral pneumonia.10 The progressive improvements in CT
scanner technology have advanced the 3D visualization of normal lung structure and
function and made it possible to develop new AI methods to accurately detect and assess
normal and diseased states of the lung. The progressive increases in our knowledge of
lung CT AI will help guide our narrative from describing the first digital images of the
lung obtained from x-ray computed tomography, to the very recent exciting application
of quantitative CT AI methods for the detection and assessment of the severity of lung
nodules and acute and chronic diffuse lung disease. The high spatial and contrast resolu-
tion of modern chest CT images of the lung has also enabled the creation of sophisti-
cated software to build silicon computer models of normal and diseased lungs, and has
increased our fundamental understanding of lung physiology and pathophysiology.11,12

Diagnosis of COPD, ILD, Lung Cancer, and Other

Smoking-Related Diseases
The inhalation of cigarette smoke or other environmental combustion products is the
leading cause of COPD and lung cancer. The inhalation of these combustion products
leads to inflammation and oxidative stress in the lung tissues. COPD decreases the
effectiveness of gas exchange through the destruction of alveolar walls and increases the
resistance of getting gas to the alveoli through the narrowing and destruction of airways.
The combination of these processes greatly impairs the function of the lungs in a COPD
patient. COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States behind heart
disease, cancer, and accidental deaths.13 COPD is usually diagnosed late in the course
of the illness and is often misdiagnosed. Lung cancer screening in the United States,
using low-dose chest CT scans, is an opportunity to detect early lung cancers caused by
exposure to cigarette smoking, but also to diagnose COPD at earlier stages when there
is more time to intervene and alter the course of the disease.
Earlier detection of chronic interstitial lung disease (ILD) provides the opportunity
for early therapeutic intervention and improved patient outcomes.14 Chronic ILD pro-
duced by IPF, HP, and CTD produces thickening of the alveolar walls, which decreases
the efficiency of gas exchange. These diseases can also distort and destroy the normal
architecture of the lung acinus, decreasing the effective surface–to–volume ratio of
the lung. ILD is also a disease that is often diagnosed in more advanced stages and
often misdiagnosed. People with IPF frequently have a significant history of cigarette
­smoking, and ILD is often present in patients with COPD.

Information for Healthcare Providers and

Administrators, Patients, and Researchers
I believe there is a need for a book on lung CT AI to inform healthcare providers and
administrators, patients, researchers, and government agencies about the development,
validation, and commercial availability of lung CT AI products that can detect and
assess several lung diseases, including lung cancer, COPD, COVID-19 pneumonia, and
ILD. COPD and ILD are often diagnosed in later stages of the disease and often missed
in the earlier stages of disease when the disease is more treatable. The lung CT AI
assessment of COVID-19 viral pneumonia during the ongoing worldwide pandemic of
2020 has been helpful in countries and healthcare systems where access to timely quality
RT-PCR testing is not available or is unreliable. Lung CT AI programs can help iden-
tify COVID-19 pneumonia from other forms of pneumonia and assess which patients
will need to be hospitalized and are at increased risk of dying.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, and there now
exists AI software that can help identify benign versus malignant lung nodules.5 Until
recently, these lung CT AI technologies were only used in research studies because of
the difficulty in deploying the software in busy radiology practices within clinics and
hospitals. This has changed with the advent of software programs, like VIDA Insight,
that can be deployed independently or in larger enterprise AI ecosystems of large com-
puter companies.15 Small agile software companies, like VIDA, can develop specialized
AI software to assess lung CT images for the presence and severity of lung structural
and functional changes due to disease, and these specialized AI software programs can
now be accessed at the point of care without slowing down the radiology workflow;
this novel CT lung AI software can increase efficiency in radiology practices. There are
potential broader favorable impacts on human health than just the care of individual
patients. QCT metrics of lung disease that are driven by environmental pollution, such
as COPD and lung cancer, can be assessed in an objective way across hospital systems,
states, and nations. This will inform governments and leaders on how best to spend
limited resources on improving the environment and lessening the spread of environ-
mentally driven lung diseases.

Describing Lung CT AI in Three Stages

This book includes a historical description of the technological developments that were
necessary to achieve the current success of lung CT AI software in the clinical care of
patients with lung disease. The structure of the book is divided into three segments. The
first segment, Chapters 2 and 3, discusses the development of x-ray CT scanners and
scanning protocols that are used to scan the thorax and generate 3D images of the lungs.
Chapter 2 begins with the invention of the x-ray computed tomographic (CT) scan-
ner that, at first, could only generate a limited number of low-spatial-resolution con-
tiguous 2D digital images of the thorax with a long scan time. The first whole-body
CT scanner, ACTA CT scanner, had very slow scan times, 4.5 minutes to obtain two
7.5-mm nearly contiguous axial images of the thorax with a spatial resolution in the
axial x-y plane of 1.5 mm and the z-axis of 7.5 mm.6 The ACTA CT scan time for an
adult male lung that is 30 cm in length would take a minimum of 90 minutes, longer if
1—Introduction to Lung CT AI 7

x-ray tube cooling was needed. The scan time and the spatial resolution of the CT scan-
ner are important metrics that drive what can be done with AI in analyzing images of
the lung. Chapter 2 also follows several key technologies that were developed to improve
the spatial resolution and decrease scan times of x-ray CT scanners; scan time and spa-
tial resolution have greatly improved over the last 40 years.
Chapter 3 discusses the latest generation of x-ray CT scanner technologies and lung
CT scanning protocols available in 2020. The latest generation of CT scanners can
scan the entire thorax in less than 10 seconds with an isotropic resolution of 0.5 mm.
Chapter 3 details the important CT scanning variables that need to be carefully selected,
such as x-ray dose, scan time, z-axis resolution, and image reconstruction method, to
produce the best lung CT images.
The second segment of the book, Chapters 4 through 7, describes the lung CT AI
methods that have been developed to detect and quantitatively assess focal lung nod-
ules, pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, and acute COVID-19 viral pneumo-
nia from the CT-generated density maps of the lung.
Chapter 4 discusses the concept of the lung nodule and how CT is used to detect and
quantitatively assess the malignant potential of a lung nodule. Exposure to environmen-
tal factors, especially cigarette smoke, increases the risk of developing lung cancer. It has
been shown recently that the use of screening lung CT scans can decrease mortality in
people exposed to cigarette smoke.
Chapters 5, 6, and 7 introduce increasingly more sophisticated lung CT AI methods
to assess diffuse lung disease, starting with CT image voxel histograms in Chapter 5
and ending with sophisticated limited-memory AI machine learning algorithms in
Chapter 7.
Chapter 5 describes the QCT metrics that are readily obtained from a single total
lung capacity (TLC) CT scan done with an appropriate CT protocol, as outlined in
Chapter 3. Lung CT density metrics were the first lung CT AI metrics to be reported
and focused mainly on the reduced density of the lung produced by pulmonary emphy-
sema. Pulmonary fibrosis produces increased density in the lung and can also be assessed
using density measures from lung CT images. Chapter 5 describes the research studies
that were performed to determine if the QCT metrics described do, in fact, represent
important features of normal and diseased lung tissue by correlating CT image find-
ings to other measures of lung disease (e.g., pulmonary function tests, lung pathology).
Chapter 5 discusses how quantitative CT lung images provide critical new information
regarding COPD that was not obtained from other methods (e.g., clinical history, pul-
monary function testing).16 Determining the value of lung CT AI versus other means
of assessing patients with COPD required the funding of large multicenter NIH grants
that studied thousands of subjects with and without COPD. These studies established
the relative value of lung CT AI metrics with other data characterizing COPD-related
lung disease, including genetic studies, pulmonary physiology testing, and standard-
ized healthcare questionnaires. These studies included COPDGene, MESA Lung, and
SPIROMICS. One QCT lung AI study in the SPIROMCS study identified four unique
clusters of subjects with COPD that had different QCT metrics and different disease
trajectories.3 Chapter 5 also discusses the results of multiple smaller-size research studies
in assessing the value of lung CT AI in groups of patients with pulmonary fibrotic lung
disease associated with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), connective tissue disease

(CTD), and hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP). A number of QCT density metrics

are shown to be effective in assessing pulmonary fibrosis in ILD. These metrics include
whole lung histogram measurements of the lung and their associated statistics, includ-
ing mean lung density, skewness, and kurtosis.17,18 They also include QCT measures of
the amount of lung density between -600 HU and -250 HU.19
Chapter 6 introduces dynamic QCT metrics that can be generated using two CT
scans done sequentially at different lung volumes. These metrics provide a means of
assessing lung structure and function. The assessment of lung ventilation can be done
using an inspiratory and expiratory CT scan and looking at the change in lung density,
or change in lung volume, between the two scans. There are several ways to apply this
methodology to assessing lung ventilation at the whole lung level, lobe level, segment
level, acinar level, and voxel level. Lung biomechanics can also be assessed using two
chest CT scans obtained at different lung volumes, typically TLC and RV.
Chapter 7 looks at limited-memory type AI metrics in assessing COPD, ILD, and
COVID-19 pneumonia. Limited-memory type AI algorithms are trained in three
stages (Fig. 1.4) to detect and assess the presence of lung disease. The first stage is feature
extraction. This can be done using supervised or unsupervised approaches. Supervised
approaches have an expert imaging physician label the normal and abnormal tissue fea-
tures on the lung CT images. Unsupervised approaches let the AI algorithm determine
the normal and abnormal tissue types. The second stage used to train the AI algorithm
is to have it recognize and quantitate the amount of the normal and abnormal tissue fea-
tures, or textures, within the lung CT images that correspond to important pathologic
features associated with different lung diseases. The number of supervised or unsuper-
vised training CT cases can be increased to improve the performance of the limited-
memory lung CT AI program. The design of the limited-memory lung CT AI program
can also be altered to improve its performance. The third stage tests the performance of
the trained AI algorithm on a test set of chest CT scans from a cohort of human sub-
jects separate from the training cohort. The performance of the lung CT AI algorithm
is based on its ability to identify the different tissue features on the test set of chest CT
scans, including features such as emphysema, honeycombing, and consolidation.
The third segment of the book includes Chapters 8 and 9. Chapter 8 discusses the
concept of physiomics. The goal of lung physiomics is to generate computer models of all
the anatomical and physiologic functions of the lung to gain new insights into normal
and diseased lung function. A specific lung physiome model of lung ventilation and per-
fusion are discussed that can be used to better assess the risk of acute pulmonary emboli
(APE). APE can acutely increase the mean pulmonary artery pressure and induce right
ventricular failure. Simply computing the volume of acute blood clots occluding the
lumen of pulmonary arteries does not predict increased pulmonary artery pressures as
accurately as the lung physiome model of ventilation and perfusion. 3D lung CT images
provide the spatial information of lung structure for this lung physiome model. The lung
physiome model builds a complete picture of lung structure and function across multiple
spatial scales, physical functions, and their integration.
Chapter 9 discusses how the AI methods described in Chapters 2 through 8 can
now be applied to the routine care of patients in the normal clinical workflow. This has
been the goal of lung CT AI for many decades and is now possible in the 2020s due to
numerous advances in computing that have occurred over the past three decades. One
1—Introduction to Lung CT AI 9


Supervised Labeling of Unsupervised Labeling

Training CT Cases of Training CT Cases

Classify Training CT Classify Training CT

Cases Cases

Acceptable Acceptable
No No
Performance Performance

Yes Yes

Test CT Scans Test CT Scans

Fig. 1.4 The three steps used to train limited-memory type lung CT AI algorithms to detect and
assess normal and diseased lung tissue. The first stage is feature extraction. This can be done
using supervised or unsupervised approaches. Supervised approaches have an expert imaging
physician label the normal and abnormal tissue features on the lung CT images. Unsupervised
approaches let the AI algorithm determine by itself the normal and abnormal tissue types. The
second stage trains the AI algorithm to recognize and quantitate the amount of the normal and
abnormal tissue features, or textures, within the lung CT images that correspond to important
pathologic features associated with different lung diseases. The number of supervised or unsu-
pervised training CT cases can be increased to improve the performance of the limited-memory
lung CT AI program. The design of the limited-memory lung CT AI program can also be altered
to improve its performance. The third stage tests the performance of the trained AI algorithm on
a test set of chest CT scans from a cohort of human subjects separate from the training cohort.
The performance of the lung CT AI algorithm is based on its ability to identify the different tissue
features on the test set of chest CT scans including features such as emphysema, honeycomb-
ing, and consolidation.

of the main goals of this book is to show how the advancement of lung CT AI over
the past 45 years has made it possible to provide lung CT AI technologies in the cur-
rent clinical medical imaging environment. These advances in computing have enabled
the emergence of several small clinical CT lung AI imaging companies that began as
research-only enterprises, to help provide the lung CT AI tools needed for large NIH
studies such as COPDGene, Mesa Lung, and SPIROMICS. The success of lung CT AI
in the research realm has motivated these small lung CT AI companies to develop new
clinical products in lung CT AI.
VIDA is one of these companies that has developed lung CT AI software that can
run independently, or on large enterprise-scale medical imaging AI ecosystems so that
the previously validated quantitative CT metrics of lung disease can be extracted in near
real time, and made available to the imaging and referring physician for the immedi-
ate care of the patient at the point of care. Chapter 9 reviews the current information
technologies (IT) that are in use in modern healthcare hospitals and clinics to support
the acquisition, storage, and distribution of medical imaging studies, including x-ray
CT studies of the thorax and how the imaging IT interacts with the larger healthcare
IT that supports the patient’s electronic medical record (EMR). We then discuss the
lung CT AI technology that is now available within the imaging IT ecosystem to auto-
matically assess lung CT images for quantitative metrics of lung disease. Specifically,
we discuss VIDA Insights v3.0 Density/tMPR module and Texture/Subpleural View
module. Both use reactive machine AI and limited-memory AI methods to analyze each
lung and lobe of a chest CT scan for the following quantitative CT metrics: lung and
lobe volume in liters, LAA-950 metric for emphysema, HAA-700 to -250 metric for COVID-
19 pneumonia and ILD, and the texture patterns that make up the HAA-700 to -250 that
include ground-glass/reticular opacities, consolidation, and honeycombing. The chapter
concludes by discussing the importance of responsible AI in any application of AI, along
with guidelines to achieve responsible lung CT AI. The current technology state of lung
CT AI can accomplish what could only have been dreamed about by investigators when
the “Density Mask” CT technique was first published in 1988 as a CT method of assess-
ing reduced lung density by emphysema.20

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1—Introduction to Lung CT AI 11

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C H A P T E R 2
Three-Dimensional (3D) Digital Images
of the Lung Using X-ray Computed
This chapter will discuss the digital lung, x-rays, and key components of the x-ray CT
scanner to help better understand lung CT AI scanning protocols, and to briefly review
the historical progression of advancements in x-ray computed tomography of the lungs
from the 1970s through the development of multidetector spiral CT (MDCT) scanners
in the early 2000s. Each CT technology advancement improved visual and quantitative
assessment of x-ray CT images of the lung. The challenges that needed to be overcome
included decreasing the examination time, increasing the spatial resolution of the CT
images, and decreasing the x-ray dose to the patient. Each of these improvements, dur-
ing this timeframe, was very important toward enabling future AI approaches in the
diagnosis and assessment of lung diseases.

The Digital Lung

The digital lung is defined as a true three-dimensional (3D) representation of the right
and left lungs (Fig. 2.1A). The digital lung, using human whole-body x-ray CT scanners
available in 2020, is a collection of volume elements (voxels) that collectively represent
the lung, and each voxel is assigned a value that corresponds to the average linear attenu-
ation of the x-ray photons by the lung tissue within that voxel (Fig. 2.1B). The average
volume of both human lungs is about 5 liters.1 The size of the voxel, using modern
MDCT scanners, can be as small as 0.5 mm for each axis. The total number of voxels
contained in the lungs, in this case, is 40 million voxels. The first in a series of lung CT
AI agents is the computer program running the x-ray CT scanner. Its objective is to
generate 3D digital images of the lung that can then be viewed by patients and their
physicians. This digital lung is the environment that additional AI agents can observe
and, depending on the actions available to the particular AI agent, achieve additional
objectives, such as segmenting the lungs from the other thoracic tissue and analyzing the
lung voxels for measures of normal and diseased lung tissue (see Chapters 4 through 7).

X-ray Computed Tomography

X-ray computed tomography is a transmission computed tomographic method through
which a precisely collimated external x-ray beam is transmitted through the human
thorax (Fig. 2.2); the location and energy intensity of the x-ray photons that are not
scattered or absorbed by thoracic tissue are captured on an x-ray detector designed for
this purpose.


y = 0.5 mm

x = 0.5 mm
z = 0.5 mm



A B x-axis

Fig. 2.1 (A) 3D rendering of both lungs obtained using a modern multidetector x-ray computed
tomographic scanner and software to render the millions of voxels that were acquired into a
single 3D rendering of the lungs. [Courtesy of VIDA.] (B) The cube shape of a 0.5-mm isotropic
x-ray CT voxel is shown here and its relationship to a 2D axial chest CT image.

The x-ray CT scanner consists of several major components: x-ray tube and electron-
ics, x-ray detector and electronics, CT gantry, patient table, computer hardware, soft-
ware, and displays (Fig. 2.3). From the very first x-ray CT scanner to the current modern
x-ray CT scanners of the 2020 s, they all have needed these components to produce and
display a CT image.2 The advances in CT technology over the past five decades were
made possible by advances in each of these key x-ray CT scanner components. It should
be emphasized that without the AI software program running the x-ray CT scanner,
there would be no practical way to reconstruct the CT images. The advent of relatively
small and capable minicomputers in the 1960s made it possible to construct commer-
cially viable x-ray CT scanners. The basic design of CT scans from the 1970s to the
present share several common design features. Since the advent of human CT scans, it
has been desirable to have the patient lay still in a supine position on the CT “scanning”
table. The table moves the patient along their long axis, head-to-toe or z-axis, so the
entire body can be scanned, if desired. The need to obtain multiple 1D projections of the
supine patient laying in one position on the scanning table led to a CT scanner design
where the x-ray tube rotates around the supine stationary subject with its corresponding
x-ray detector on the opposite side of the patient (Fig. 2.4). The x-ray tube produces a
beam of x-rays and these x-ray beams can have several geometric shapes including pen-
cil beam, broad parallel beam, fan beam, or cone beam, depending on the CT scanner
design. The most common current configuration of the x-ray beam is a rotating 50- to
60-degree cone beam (Fig. 2.5). The shape of the x-ray beam determines the shape of
the x-ray detector array. The rotation axis of the x-ray tube and x-ray detector assembly
is around the z-axis of the subject, and the highly collimated x-ray beam travels through
the patient and onto the x-ray detectors. Today, the xy and z-axis width of individual
detectors is less than 1 mm depending on the x-ray CT scanner model.

x-ray tube anode



x-ray detector elements

Z Axis

Fig. 2.2 Graphical representation of a tightly collimated x-ray beam in the z-axis that is transmit-
ted through the thorax of a subject. The tightly collimated x-ray beam reduces the ionizing radia-
tion exposure to adjacent tissues and increases the contrast resolution of the scan over what is
possible with projection radiography, also shown here.

There are other medical imaging techniques that can generate 3D digital images of
the lung; including magnetic resonance computed tomography (MRI), single-photon
emission computed tomography (SPECT), positron emission computed tomography
(PET), and hybrid imaging that combines two of these techniques (e.g., PET/CT,
SPECT/CT, PET/MRI). X-ray transmission computed tomography (CT) is the most
widely available computed tomographic method and is uniquely capable of rapid 3D
imaging of the lungs, with both high image contrast and high spatial resolution, linear
density scale over typical lung density values (−1000 HU to 0 HU), low claustropho-
bia, and low dose radiation (0.15 mGy to 1.5 mGy using modern x-ray CT scanners).3


CT Gantry

CT Table


Fig. 2.3 Several major components of an x-ray CT scanner, including the gantry containing the
x-ray tube, high energy voltage generator and corresponding x-ray detectors, and the CT scan-
ning table with a patient positioned supine at the isocenter of the gantry. The CT technologist’s
computer and monitors are typically located in an adjoining room.

x-ray tube

x-ray beam

max FOV

detector array
Fig. 2.4 The geometric relationships of the x-ray tube, patient, maximum scan field of view, and
the x-ray detector array of third-generation CT scanner. Many 1D projections of the patient’s
anatomy are obtained as the x-ray tube and x-ray detector move around the patient on the CT
scanning table. The patient is positioned at the isocenter of rotation of the CT gantry. The maxi-
mum scan field of view is indicated. The reconstruction or display field of view (DFOV) can be
smaller than the maximum scan field of view.

x-ray tube

3D x-ray cone beam

2D detector array

Fig. 2.5 Narrow 3D cone x-ray cone beam and its corresponding curved 2D x-ray detector
array. This is the most common current geometric configuration of the x-ray beam and detector
array used in clinical x-ray CT scanners.

The arrival of MDCT scanners in the 2000s, with 64 or more z-axis detector channels,
has fueled multiple high-quality research studies that have increased our understanding
of lung CT AI, its application in detecting, and assessing lung cancer and diffuse lung
disease. Many research studies that have been done using x-ray CT in assessing COPD,
ILD, and lung cancer, and these research studies provide the scientific foundations for
this book (see Chapters 4 through 8).

There are two forms of ionizing electromagnetic radiation, x-rays, and gamma rays.
They are both high-energy photons capable of breaking covalent chemical bonds and
because they can break covalent chemical bonds, are referred to as ionizing electromag-
netic radiation.4 Liquid water is the most abundant molecule in the human body and
the ionization energy to remove an electron from water is 11.2 electron volts (eV).4 A
photon with an energy equal to or greater than 11.2 eV is considered ionizing radiation.4
Covalent organic chemical bonds link together atoms in carbon-based living organisms
and breaking these bonds can have serious consequences for the organism. The 3D dis-
tribution of energy concentration in units of joules per kilogram of the x-ray photons
passing through the body is referred to as ionizing radiation absorbed dose. X-ray and
gamma-ray photons are defined by how they are produced. The x-ray is produced out-
side the nucleus of an atom. In contrast, gamma rays are produced within the nucleus of
the atom through radioactive decay of an excited nucleus. The energy of the gamma-ray
is equal to the difference in the initial excited energy state of the nucleus and a lower
state, or a ground state, of the nucleus.

The differential attenuation of the x-ray beam photons in biologic material provides
the mechanism to generate diagnostic medical images of the human body. The differ-
ential attenuation of the photons involves elastic (Rayleigh) scattering of x-ray photons,
photoelectric absorption of x-ray photons, and Compton scattering of x-ray photons, as
the principal mechanisms of differential attenuation of the x-ray beam (using peak x-ray
tube voltages (kVp) between 25 kV and 150 kV).5 The dominant attenuation mechanism
of x-rays in lung tissue and other soft tissue using a kVp between 70 kV and 150 kV
(typical of non-contrast x-ray CT of the thorax) is Compton scattering.5 The probability
of a Compton scattering event per unit mass of incident x-rays on low atomic number
materials (typical of normal lung tissue) is nearly independent of the atomic number (Z)
of the scattering lung tissue.5 The probability of a Compton scattering event per unit
volume of incident x-rays on low atomic number materials is proportional to the density
of the material.5 The reason for this is, except for the hydrogen atom, the number of elec-
trons per gram of tissue for low atomic number materials, such as carbon and oxygen, is
relatively constant, so the number of electrons per gram of tissue is driven mainly by tis-
sue density; the result is that the attenuation of x-rays in the lung tissue is proportional
to the density of the lung tissue.5 A good friend and colleague of mine, Jim Hogg, MD,
has likened the x-ray CT scanner to a lung densitometer, and the above discussion sup-
ports this view. Photoelectric absorption of x-rays does come into play when intravenous
iodinated contrast material is given to the patient just before the scan is performed. The
presence of a high-atomic-number material like iodine (Z = 53, with a K shell orbital
electron binding energy of 33 kV) will mean that the absorption of incident x-rays by
iodine atoms will depend primarily on the photoelectric effect when incident x-rays
interact with an iodine atom.5


CT X-ray Tube
The production of x-rays for medical imaging purposes is achieved by using an x-ray
tube. The x-ray tube is a vacuum tube that has a very low internal pressure so that the
interior of the x-ray tube contains very few atoms that would otherwise attenuate the
flow of electrons in the x-ray tube. The x-ray tube contains a cathode, typically a coiled
tungsten wire, at one end of the tube and an anode, typically a flat tungsten target, at
the other end of the x-ray tube.6 A current is passed through the cathode tungsten wire,
which heats the wire, and the thermionic emission of electrons results in free electrons
coming from the cathode.6 The electrons are accelerated from the negatively charged
cathode to the positively charged anode by placing a high voltage between the cathode
and the anode. This voltage ranges from 25 kV to 150 kV in medical imaging. When the
high-energy free electrons collide with an anode, made of a suitable material, x-ray pho-
tons are produced. Tungsten (W, Z = 74) is one of five refractory metals in the periodic
table (Nb, Mo, Ta, W, Re) and has the second-highest atomic number (Z = 74) of the
refractory metals. The higher the atomic number, the greater the production of x-rays
with energies that are high enough for use in x-ray CT of the lung. Tungsten has the
highest melting point and lowest vapor pressure of all metals, and at temperatures over
1650°C has the highest tensile strength.7 Tungsten is a refractory metal with very high

resistance to heat and wear, as well as a high atomic number (Z = 74), so it is an ideal
anode target material. A Tungsten (90%)-Rhenium (Re, Z = 75) (10%) alloy can be
used to increase the resistance to anode surface damage.6
The impact of the electrons on a tungsten metal anode produces the x-ray photons
using two different methods: characteristic x-ray photon method and Bremsstrahlung
x-ray photon method.6 The characteristic x-rays are generated when an electron with
sufficient kinetic energy strikes and ejects an inner electron (K electron orbit) in
material with a high atomic number (Z), such as tungsten (W, Z = 74). Subsequently,
an outer electron with the same high Z material transitions to the vacancy in the
inner electron orbital and, in this process, an x-ray photon is generated with energy
equal to the difference in the binding energy of the outer electron and the inner elec-
tron that was ejected. X-ray photons greater than 100 eV are termed characteristic
photons whose energies are determined by the metal anode target. The most ener-
getic characteristic x-rays from tungsten are due to transitions from the L (57.98 keV,
59.32 keV ), or M shell (67.24 keV ) to the K shell of tungsten.6 The Bremsstrahlung,
or breaking method of x-ray production, involves the deceleration of electrons as they
penetrate a high Z anode target material, such as tungsten, and the deceleration of
the electrons generates x-rays with photon energies between the working function of
the metal and the keV used in the x-ray tube. The Bremsstrahlung x-rays are usually
more abundant than characteristic x-rays in a CT scanner x-ray tube. The efficiency
of generating Bremsstrahlung x-rays increases with the atomic number of the anode
(Z = 74 for tungsten) and with the kilovoltage that is applied between the cathode
and the anode.6
Modern x-ray tubes designed to be used with x-ray CT scanners have high power
ratings, 5–7 megajoules, to be able to produce a large number of x-ray photons in a very
short period of time.1 The size of the x-ray tube focal spot on the tungsten anode is an
important factor in determining the spatial resolution of the CT scanner. A smaller focal
size can improve spatial resolution. However, a smaller focal spot size decreases the max-
imum number of x-ray photons that can be produced in a given period of time. Selection
of the optimum focal spot size is an important CT scanning protocol variable for lung
CT AI. The focal spot size of current x-ray CT scanners ranges from 1 to 2 mm.1
The x-ray tube peak kilovoltage (kVp) and tube current (mA) are two key variables
in a lung CT scanning protocol. The kVp determines the x-ray beam peak energy,
x-ray beam energy spectrum, and the efficiency of producing x-rays. The increase in
efficiency of photon production will increase the ionizing radiation dose to the patient.
The higher the kVp, the greater efficiency of producing x-rays for a given tube current.
The higher the kVp (between 70 kV and 150 kV), the lower the tissue contrast. It is
important in quantitative CT work to agree on the same kVp, since different kVp set-
tings will change the HU values assigned to lung voxels for a given mA. The higher
the kVp, the more efficient the x-ray photon production, so for a given mA, a higher
kVp will result in higher radiation absorbed dose to the patient. For a given kVp, the
tube current will determine the amount of x-ray photons produced. The higher the tube
current, the more x-ray photons are produced for a given kVp. A higher tube current
results in less image noise, but also higher radiation absorbed dose to the patient for a
given kVp.

The x-ray tube current in mA determines the number of electrons that are acceler-
ated between the x-ray tube cathode and anode per unit time. The tube current in mA
multiplied by the length of time the x-ray tube is turned on, exposure time in seconds
is called the tube current-time product or mAs. The mAs is proportional to the total
number of x-ray photons the x-ray tube produces. The higher the mAs, the greater the
number of x-ray photons produced and the higher ionizing radiation absorbed dose to
the patient. The selection of a mAs value has a direct effect on the image noise and the
radiation dose to the patient. Lung CT scanning protocols use mAs values that ensure
adequate image quality with the lowest amount of radiation dose to the patient or sub-
ject being scanned.
Modern x-ray CT scanners use a bow tie-shaped x-ray beam filter to shape the beam
so that all the detector elements in the detector array see a more uniform number of
photons per unit area striking them.1 The use of additional x-ray beam filtration can also
modify the spectrum and intensity of the x-ray beam before it is transmitted through
the patient. The addition of 5–10 mm thick aluminum filters in x-ray CT imaging will
decrease the amount of lower energy x-rays that cannot penetrate the thickness of the
thorax and contribute to the formation of the image, and also increase the fraction of
higher energy photons that can reach the x-ray detector if they are not scattered or
It is now possible to control the kVp and mAs on modern CT scanners in realtime,
and these values can be adjusted to provide a consistent signal-to-noise ratio in the CT
image and a lower and more uniform radiation dose to the imaged tissues. These are
referred to as tube kilovoltage modulation and tube current modulation (Fig. 2.6). The
use of mA modulation in lung CT AI work has been successfully implemented recently.
The use of kVp modulation is an issue in lung CT AI work when CT image voxel den-
sity values need to be consistent across time and patients. The varying kVp will change
the x-ray beam energy spectrum, hence the CT image contrast and voxel density values
will vary in the lung in a way that is challenging to correct at the present time.
In summary, the important factors regarding the operation of the x-ray tube that
need to be factored into a CT scanning protocol include focal spot size, tube current-
time product (mAs), peak kilovoltage (kVp), additional x-ray beam filtration, tube cur-
rent modulation, and kilovoltage modulation.
CT X-ray Beam Shape and Energy Spectrum
The x-ray photon beam has several properties that impact scan time, image contrast,
and ionizing radiation dose. Beam intensity and cross-sectional size of the photon beam
determine how much tissue can be imaged per unit time. For a given beam intensity,
the larger the cross-sectional size of the beam, the shorter time it takes to scan the
lungs. The early CT scanners had very narrow pencil or rod-shaped photon beam cross-
sections. This limitation was due to the reconstruction algorithms that were used, as well
as limitations in the x-ray tube power and available x-ray detectors. The scan times were
very long. The size of the x-ray beam cross-section has steadily increased over time as
corresponding increases in x-ray tube output, x-ray detector array size, and computer
power have been able to deal with large amounts of data per unit time coming from the
x-ray detectors.

Fig. 2.6 Modern x-ray dual source multidetector CT scanner, Siemens SOMATOM FORCE CT
scanner, showing the patient table in relationship to the large aperture of the CT gantry. Courtesy
Siemens Healthineers.

The x-ray beam photon energy spectrum that irradiates the patient is a major factor
in the image contrast of the final CT image. This energy spectrum needs to be carefully
selected so that adequate image signal to noise ratio and contrast to noise ratio are pres-
ent in the lung CT images at the lowest possible radiation dose. The energy spectrum
needs to be the same in order to compare one patient to another and to assess the same
patient at multiple time points. This is an important concept in quantitative CT of the
lung because the values of the linear absorption coefficients, which determine the value
assigned to each voxel in the image, are a function of the x-ray beam energy spectrum.
To be able to compare voxel values over time from the same lung, or between lungs

of different individuals, the x-ray energy spectrum needs to be the same. The photon
energy spectrum for x-ray CT scanners is determined by the peak kilovoltage applied
across the x-ray tube cathode and anode, and the type and thickness of metal filters
placed in the path of the x-rays emitted from the x-ray tube anode. Higher x-ray tube
peak kilovoltage (kVp) will shift the peak energy and the entire energy spectrum toward
higher energies, and also increase the number of x-ray photons generated for a given
mA setting. Lower peak kilovoltage will shift the peak energy and the energy spectrum
to lower energies and decrease the number of photons generated for a given mA setting.
The addition of metal filters between the x-ray tube anode and the patient can further
shape the energy spectrum without increasing the peak energy by filtering out lower
energies that are not able to penetrate the patient and reach the x-ray detectors. The peak
kilovoltage and metal filters need to be carefully selected to optimize image quality and
minimize the radiation dose to the patient or subject.
X-ray CT Detectors
The x-ray CT photon detectors that have been used since the first commercial CT scan-
ners made in the 1970s to the current generation of CT scanners use energy integrating
detectors (EID). The total energy of one or more photons that a single EID detec-
tor element measures during the measurement time are integrated to provide a total
energy signal. This signal is often produced by many different photons of different ener-
gies. There are new commercial CT scanners in development that use photon-counting
detectors (PCD). The photon-counting CT scanners detect each photon and its energy.
The PCD CT scanners compared to the current EID CT scanners have the potential
to further reduce radiation dose, increase image contrast and spatial resolution, correct
beam hardening artifacts, improve CT intravenous contrast media enhanced imaging,
and create new quantitative metrics for lung CT AI.8
The x-ray CT detectors are located opposite the x-ray tube. The x-ray CT detectors
detect photons that are not scattered or absorbed by the tissues. These photons are trans-
mitted through the tissue, without being scattered or absorbed, and then are detected
by the x-ray detectors. The different tissues scatter/absorb the x-ray photons differently,
so the number of and energy of x-ray photons that impact the x-ray detectors is related
to the thickness and specific composition of the tissues imaged. The EID type detector
elements are typically made from high-density ceramics containing rare earth materials,
for instance, gadolinium oxysulfide (Gd2O2S).1 The ceramic material is at the front of
the individual detector element and absorbs the transmitted x-ray photons coming from
the patient. Visible light is emitted by the ceramic material. This light is detected by an
array of electronic solid-state photodiodes that register the location and total energy of
the absorbed photons during a very short measurement time interval.1 The electronic
signal from the photodiodes is then digitized by an analog to digital converter and these
digital signals are sent to the CT scanner’s computer.
The physical size and shape of the detector array are determined by the shape of the
x-ray beam. The current x-ray CT scanners use a narrow-angle cone beam, so the x-ray
detector is a two-dimensional curved surface. The detector curvature is optimized to
minimize differences in path length from the x-ray source to a given detector element.
The size of the individual x-ray detector elements determines the maximum spatial reso-
lution possible for the CT scanner. The rotation speed of the CT x-ray tube detector

pair determines how fast the thorax can be scanned; all other factors held constant. The
current generation of commercial CT scanners have a 360-degree rotation time as short
as 0.25 seconds.
CT Gantry
The CT gantry has a large aperture at its center for the patient and the patient table to
transit (Fig. 2.6). The modern CT gantry consists of two concentric cylinders, slip ring
design, where the x-ray tube, x-ray detectors, and electronics, including the high voltage
generator, rotate around the patient continuously. The control signals and scan data are
transmitted from the rotating cylinder to the outer stationary cylinder (Fig. 2.7). The
x-ray tube and corresponding detector array maintain an accurate fixed alignment with
each other as they rotate around the patient. The x-ray photons that pass through the
object are detected by the corresponding detector array located opposite the x-ray tube
that is aligned with the detector array. Most CT scanners have a single x-ray tube and
corresponding x-ray detector, but Siemens has made dual source CT scanners for over
15 years, which have two x-ray tubes and two corresponding x-ray detectors 90 degrees
apart (Fig. 2.8). The current third-generation dual-source CT scanners have effective
scan times that are half the scan times of similar single-source CT scanners. The dual-
source CT scanner enables dual-energy CT imaging as well.

Inner Continuously Rotating Ring

Outer Stationary Ring

Fig. 2.7 Diagram of the concentric cylinder, or slip ring arrangement, of a spiral CT scanner. The
inner ring rotates continuously around the patient while the outer ring is stationary.

x-ray tube 1

2D detector array 2

x-ray tube 2

2D detector array 1
Fig. 2.8 Multidetector dual source CT (MDCT) scanners have two x-ray tubes and correspond-
ing x-ray detector arrays that both rotate continuously around the patient. There is a 90-degree
offset between the two x-ray tubes. When both x-ray systems are collecting data, the data col-
lection rate is doubled for each 180 degrees of rotation. This enables very short scan times that
are critical in cardiac CT imaging and combined cardiac and lung CT imaging. The maximum
scan field of view of x-ray tube 1 is typically greater than the maximum scan field of view of x-ray
tube 2 due to the constraints on space. The maximum field of view for dual acquisitions is limited
to the maximum field of view of x-ray tube 2. Dual acquisitions can be used to increase data
collection rates by a factor of two or to obtain acquisitions at two different x-ray tube kVps to
generate dual energy CT scans.

CT Table, Isocenter, Scan Pitch, and Scanning Modes

The CT table in modern x-ray CT scanners is computer controlled and can position
the patient very precisely on the x, y, and z-axis. Isocenter is an important CT scanning
protocol parameter and refers to positioning the patient at the geometric center of the
CT gantry aperture. The table can be lowered for ease of getting the patient on and off,
and the table can be raised to precisely position the patient so that the center mass of
the patient’s thorax is at the isocenter of the CT gantry aperture. It is very important to
scan the patient at the isocenter for visual or quantitative CT applications.9–11 During
spiral CT scanning, the CT table needs to accurately and precisely position the patient in
response to commands from the CT scanner. This includes accurate and precise position-
ing of the patient while the table moves at relatively high speeds in the z-axis direction.
The combination of the continuously rotating x-ray tube, x-ray detector within the CT
gantry, and the moving CT table enables spiral CT scanning modes where the patient is
moved continuously through the CT gantry, and a spiral path is traced out by the x-ray
tube and x-ray detector relative to the patient. The tightness of this spiral path is the scan
pitch. Pitch is an important CT protocol metric that needs to be set in the CT scanning

protocol. Pitch is defined as the table feed distance per 360-degree rotation of the x-ray
tube and x-ray detector array divided by the z-axis width of the x-ray detector array.

Pitch = (Table Feed Distance per 360-degree rotation)/

( z-axis width of the x-ray detector array)

A table speed of 80 mm/second, 360-degree gantry rotation time of 0.5 seconds, and
a z-axis detector array width of 40 mm would result in a spiral CT scanning pitch of
1.0. A pitch of 1.0 in spiral CT scanning mode generates CT images that are similar to
contiguous axial scanning mode (see Scanning Modes). The radiation dose is inversely
proportional to the pitch. Pitch values higher than 1.5 enable faster scanning, lower
radiation dose, and lower image quality. Pitch values less than 1.5 results in slower scan-
ning, higher radiation dose, and higher image quality (Fig. 2.9). The pitch value usually
chosen for lung CT AI are 1.0 or very close to it.
Scanning Modes
The two CT scanning modes available for lung CT are spiral mode and axial mode.
Spiral mode is the main mode that that is currently used in lung CT AI protocols.
Spiral mode involves moving the CT table that the patient rests on through the CT
gantry aperture as the x-ray tube and x-ray detector array rotate continuously around
the patient, see Fig. 2.9. Axial CT scanning mode keeps the patient table station-
ary as the x-ray tube and x-ray detector array rotate around the patient and, after a
360-degree rotation, the CT table moves the z-axis length of the x-ray detectors, and
another set of axial mode CT images are obtained. Axial CT scanning mode was the
first CT scanning mode that began in 1972 with the first EMI head CT scanner.

X-ray CT Scanning Modes

Axial Low Pitch Spiral High Pitch Spiral

Fig. 2.9 The x-ray tube and detector array, combined with the changing position of the patient
being scanned as the CT table moves, trace out at a circle in axial scanning mode and a spiral/
helical path in spiral scanning mode. This figure shows axial, low-pitch spiral and high-pitch spiral
x-ray CT scanning modes. The low-pitch spiral has the spiral loops closely spaced, while the
high-pitch spiral has the loops widely spaced. The pitch setting for lung CT AI work is typically
1 or close to 1.

Spiral CT scanning began in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Both spiral and axial CT
scanning modes are used today depending on the CT scanner being used and the body
part being scanned.
Collection of a Scanned Object’s Projection Data
The primary objective of the CT AI agent that controls the actual scanning is to col-
lect 1D projections from the x-ray detector array. The precise and accurate produc-
tion of these 1D projections is very important in both visual and quantitative lung
Image Reconstruction
The 1D projections that the CT scanner generates are considered forward projections of
the object being scanned. These projections are log-transformed since the x-ray attenu-
ation process is an exponential one, and the log transformation makes the reconstruc-
tion process a linear problem rather than an exponential problem.1 The linear problem
is easier to solve. The computer can reconstruct the object by back projection of the
log-transformed projections to reconstruct the object of interest (Fig. 2.10). This back
projection process is an inverse problem that attempts to reconstruct a 2D object from a
set of 1D projections that are obtained at different angles of the x-ray tube and detector
array. Simple back projection will cause blurring of the original object, (Fig. 2.10). The
blurring can be corrected by using a deconvolution kernel.1 This deconvolution kernel

270° 90°


Fig. 2.10 Process of unfiltered back projection and why unfiltered back projection needs a cor-
rection factor or filter to create an accurate 2D image of an object from a set of 1D projections.
The is an example of four 1D projections of a 2D circular object that are back projected and form
a 2D star pattern, not the original 2D circular object.

is designed to undo the blurring caused by simple back projection. The deconvolution
kernel is combined with each projection in a mathematical process called convolution.
The original projections are each corrected by this convolution process. This process of
correcting the blurring in the projections, and then back projection of the corrected
or deblurred projections, is referred to as filtered back projection (FBP) (Fig. 2.10). It
should be noted that inverse Radon transforms, as well as Fourier transforms, can be
used in both unfiltered and FBP image reconstruction to recover a 2D image from a
set of 1D projections of the object.1 There are several available deconvolution kernels
for x-ray CT scanners, and they have a big impact on the value of the CT numbers
assigned to each image voxel. These CT numbers are the cornerstone of all AI applica-
tions involving x-ray CT of the lungs. Careful selection of the reconstruction method
and reconstruction kernel in the CT scanning protocol is very important to achieve
optimal results in lung CT AI.

FBP Versus Iterative Reconstruction Methods. The weighted FBP reconstruction

method is an efficient analytical method to reconstruct images from a set of 1D projec-
tions of an object. The selection of specific reconstruction kernels will result in images
with well-known noise structure and texture.12 It is computationally very efficient and
was, until recently, the most common mode of reconstruction for lung CT AI work. FBP
is a linear method, so image quality can be assessed with a number of well-understood
methods including standard deviation (SD) of CT numbers in a defined region of inter-
est, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), point and line spread
functions to assess spatial resolution, modulation transfer function (MTF) to assess spa-
tial resolution as a function of image contrast, and noise power spectrum (NPS).12 The
implementation of the FBP reconstruction method has been similar across multiple CT
scanner manufacturers and x-ray CT scanner models. The main difference in the FBP
method across different x-ray CT scanner models have been the deconvolutional kernel
that is used to deblur the reconstructed images. By specifying a comparable kernel for
each CT scanner model used in a CT scanning protocol, the values of the CT numbers
obtained across different CT models and manufacturers can be standardized.
Until recently, the computational resources to implement iterative reconstruction
methods of the 1D projection data for x-ray CT were too demanding. This has now
changed with the increased computer power available in the 2020 s. The latest version of
iterative reconstruction is described as model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR).12
MBIR begins with back projecting the measured projection data using the first itera-
tion of the reconstructed image. Then a model of the CT imaging process is applied to
the first iteration of the reconstructed image and this image undergoes forward pro-
jection to become a new updated projection of the measured projection data. This is
repeated for all projections and then these are back projected to arrive at an updated
and improved reconstructed image. This process is repeated until the improvement in
the image reaches a plateau or some predetermined metric.12 The advantages of the
MBIR process include decreasing the image noise for a given x-ray dose or lowering the
dose to obtain the same image noise, but with a lower radiation dose. The model of the
CT imaging process can include CT system statistics and optics.12 CT system statistics
can include the x-ray tube photon beam spectrum, statistical distribution of the pho-
ton beam energies, and noise characteristics of the x-ray detectors and electronics. The

CT system optics include information about the geometry of the CT system. This can
include the distance between the x-ray tube and the gantry isocenter, distance between
the x-ray tube and the detectors, x-ray tube focal spot size and shape, size and shape of
the individual detector elements, and the size and shape of the x-ray beam and detector
array.12 The more detailed the MBIR model of the CT imaging process, the greater the
demands will be on computational resources. There is a tradeoff in the robustness of the
MBIR model of the CT imaging process and the reconstruction times needed in a busy
clinical practice.
The reduction in image noise for a given radiation dose is the compelling advantage
of IR versus FBP methods of image reconstruction. The main disadvantage of IR is
that it is a non-linear image reconstruction method, so the use of image quality metrics,
such as SNR, CNR, MTF, and NPS, assume a linear and stationary imaging system. It
is important in lung CT AI to assess image quality objectively. Improved methods to
accurately assess MBIR CT images are needed.12
Scan Field of View (SFOV), Display Field of View (DFOV), and
Reconstruction Matrix Size
Several other important parameters need to be optimized for lung CT AI work. These
include scan field of view (SFOV), display field of view (DFOV), and the reconstruc-
tion matrix that is superimposed on the DFOV. The SFOV is the x–y-plane area that is
scanned and is greater than or equal to the DFOV (Fig. 2.11). The DFOV is the actual
x–y-plane area that is used to reconstruct a CT image (Fig. 2.11). The DFOV can be

Display Field of View (DFOV) Scan Field of View (SFOV)

Patient CT Table CT Gantry

Fig. 2.11 CT gantry and table with the SFOV and corresponding DFOV relative to the position
of the patient.

less than or equal to the SFOV. You might wonder, why bother with the DFOV? The
additional parameter that needs to be considered is the size of the reconstruction voxel
matrix that is superimposed on the DFOV. The current reconstruction matrix size is 512
× 512, but 1024 × 1024 is available for some CT scanner models. The size of the recon-
struction matrix has a big impact on the speed at which images can be reconstructed and
the size of these images. The larger the matrix, the greater the computing and storage
resources necessary to reconstruct, display, and store the images. However, the larger
the matrix size, the smaller the voxel size; hence, the greater the in plane or x–y-plane
resolution. For a given x-ray dose, the smaller the voxel size, the greater the image noise.
For example, if you doubled the matrix size, you would need to increase the x-ray dose
by a factor of four to achieve the same signal-to-noise ratio for the measured Hounsfield
number assigned to each of the smaller voxels in the reconstructed image. The x–y-plane
dimensions of the reconstructed voxel for a 512 × 512 reconstruction matrix are driven
by the following relationship:
X  Y  DFOV/512
For example, if the DFOV is 350 mm, the x–y dimensions of the reconstructed
voxel would be 0.68 mm. If the DFOV is 500 mm, the x–y dimensions of the recon-
structed voxel would be 0.98. This is a 50% increase in the x–y dimensions of the
reconstructed voxel. For these reasons, the DFOV in lung CT AI work is optimally
chosen to include only the lungs to keep the DFOV as small as possible, typically
32 cm. It is also important to use the same DFOV and matrix size when multiple
scans are obtained over time on the patient. It should be noted that all scanners can
reconstruct the acquired 1D projections using various DFOV sizes without exposing
the patient to additional radiation. For example, there can be one reconstruction for
lung CT AI work, 32 cm DFOV, and a larger DFOV to be sure to assess all of the
chest wall structures, 45 cm DFOV.
Hounsfield Units and the CT Voxel
After the CT image reconstruction process is completed, we have a 3D representation
of the thorax containing millions of voxels. Each voxel is assigned a value that represents
the average x-ray photon linear attenuation coefficient of the tissue contained within the
voxel. These are small numbers with the units cm−1 and symbol μ. The linear attenuation
coefficient of liquid water, μwater, using 50 keV photons is 0.214 cm−1.5 The linear attenu-
ation of dry air, μair, using 50 keV photons is 0.000290.5
Since the beginning of CT scanning in the early 1970s, there has been a desire
to express these linear attenuation coefficients in a manner that is simple and easy to
understand. This resulted in the Hounsfield unit (HU) scale, named after Sir Godfrey
Hounsfield who invented the first human x-ray CT scanner in 1972.1,2
The Hounsfield Unit is defined using the linear attenuation coefficients of air, water,
and the tissue in question, as follows:
HU  1000  (( tissue   water )/( water  air ))

Where HU is the tissue density in Hounsfield Units. The Hounsfield scale range
assigns a value to air of −1000 HU and a value to water of 0 HU. The scale typically runs
from −1000 HU to 3095 HU for a 12-bit CT scanner.1 The range of densities in the

normal lung range from −1000 HU to 40 HU. The normal lung is comprised of 80% air
and 20% tissue, so it is not surprising that the normal lung density range is −843 HU in
adult males and −824 HU in adult females.13
It should be noted that tissue density measured in HU numbers can be converted to a
more familiar measure of tissue density, mass per unit volume in units of grams per liter,
by adding 1000 to the HU value. This assumes the density of air is 0 g/L and the density
of water is 1000 g/L. For example, the HU number for water is 0, and if we add 1000 we
get the density of water, which is 1000 g/L or 1 g/cm3.
Visually Display of Lung Images
The next step is deciding how best to visually interact with the 3D digital images of the
thorax that contains the lung. The most common method is to view the entire anatomy
contained in the DFOV. This includes structures with air density, such as air in the
trachea with a density of −1000 HU, to cortical bone with a density of 1800 HU. Here
we assume a high-quality medical display capable of displaying 2048 grey levels with a
luminance range of 0.5 to 2000 cd/m2.14 If the range of CT numbers is assumed to be
4096, or 12-bits of information, then how does the human eye evaluate the anatomy
when the human eye at best can distinguish 900 shades of grey on a state of the art
medical display?14 The answer is that we look at a subset of the grey levels and, as a
result, we need to look at images that are optimized to look at lung tissue, soft tissues,
or bony structures. Here we are interested in looking at the human lung, so we are
interested in looking at CT density values between −1000 HU to 40 HU. The range, or
window width (WW), of HU values is typically set at 1500 HU instead of 1040 HU
for viewing x-ray CT images of the lung. The wider WW decreases image contrast,
which, in the case of the x-ray CT images of the lung, yields a more acceptable image
contrast. A WW of 1040 is selected to assess very subtle differences in tissue density.
The mid-point of this 1040-1500 scale or window level (WL) is usually set between
−500 and −600 HU. Fig. 2.12 shows an axial x-ray CT image of the thorax with differ-
ent WW and WL settings. There are other enhanced visualizations available to assess


Fig. 2.12 2D axial image of the thorax with WW = 1500 and WL = −500, which is optimized for
looking at the lungs (A), and WW = 350 and WL = 50, which is optimized to look at the soft tissue
structures in the mediastinum and chest wall (B).

Fig. 2.13 Example of multiplanar lung CT images of the thorax in the sagittal (A) and coronal (B)
planes using WW = 1500 and WL = −500. This is the same normal CT study as Fig. 2.12. The
intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines in each image (arrows) are identifying the same
CT voxel, which is near the bifurcation of the trachea into the right and left main-stem bronchi.

the human lung, including multiplanar reformatted images in the sagittal and coronal
planes (Fig. 2.13). There are also maximum intensity projections (MIPS) and minimum
intensity projections (MinIPS) available in axial, coronal, and sagittal planes. The MIPS
help in identifying lung nodules separate from lung blood vessels. The MinIPS are help-
ful for identifying air-containing structures, such as emphysema, and normal or dilated
airway lumens. Two new lung CT image formats that have recently been introduced by
the lung CT AI company VIDA Diagnostics Inc. in Coralville, Iowa. These new image
formats are topographic multiplanar images that are optimized to view the airway tree,
airway tMPR (Fig. 2.14), and the subpleural space of the lungs, subpleural images.
We will use representative examples of lung CT images in this book that visually
show the lung disease features that are being assessed by corresponding lung CT AI
Quantitative CT Metrics
There are a number of quantitative x-ray CT metrics that have been developed in lung
CT AI studies of normal and diseased lung structure and function, and these will be
discussed in Chapters 4 through 7. These include measurements of lung volume, lung
tissue intensity, lung tissue texture, air trapping, and lung tissue biomechanics.

CT Scanning Protocols
CT scanning protocols of the lung are designed to achieve accurate and precise CT
images of the lung, with the needed spatial and contrast resolution, using the small-
est amount of ionizing x-ray radiation dose to the scanned tissues. These CT scanning

Fig. 2.14 Normal coronal image of the thorax (A) and a corresponding airway topographic MPR
image that is optimized to show the trachea, main-stem bronchi, lobar bronchi, and segmental
bronchi in a single image (B).

protocols are very detailed and are critical to the field of lung CT AI. The important
elements of these CT protocols will be discussed in Chapter 3 and will build on the
discussions in this chapter. These CT protocols can be pre-programmed into the current
generation of CT scanners available in the 2020 s. This greatly simplifies the CT scan-
ning process for clinical patients and research subjects.

X-ray CT Radiation Dose

The differential absorption and scattering of the x-ray beam photons provide the means
to generate transmission x-ray CT images previously described. Unfortunately, the x-ray
photons that undergo photoelectric absorption and Compton scattering deposit energy
in the tissues can damage DNA molecules.15–17 The DNA damage is proportional to the
energy that is transferred from the incoming x-ray photon to the kinetic energy of free
electrons. At the level of x-ray radiation dose given for a typical chest CT scan, 17 mGy,
the damage to the DNA increases the stochastic risk of developing cancer in a linear
fashion with increasing x-ray dose.17 The kinetic energy of these free electrons that are
deposited per unit mass of tissue is referred to as the absorbed dose and is expressed as
energy in Joules deposited per kilogram of tissue and its SI unit is the gray (Gy).15 The
higher the absorbed radiation dose in the tissues, the greater the potential for DNA
damage. The mass-energy absorption coefficient of the x-ray photons times the energy
fluence of the x-ray photons equals the absorbed dose to the tissues.5 The x-ray beam
intensity largely determines the signal-to-noise ratio in the x-ray CT images and also
largely determines the ionizing radiation dose that the patient receives from an x-ray
CT scan. The ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle guides physicians

in deciding how much radiation dose to give a patient or research subject for an x-ray
CT scan of the thorax.16 The ALARA principle means we should give only as much
radiation as necessary to achieve the goal of the x-ray CT scan.16 It is important to fol-
low the ALARA principle when designing lung CT scanning protocols.
CTDIvol is a method that is used to try and quantitate the absorbed radiation dose
to the thorax that a patient receives from a CT scan of the thorax.15 The units of the
CTDIvol are Gys. A typical CTDIvol dose from an x-ray CT scan of the thorax is 17
mGy. A low-dose CT scan is considered one in which the CTDIvol is less than 3 mGy.18
The CTDIvol value is reported by the x-ray CT scanner.
The length of the scan (L) in cm in the z-axis is also important to take into consider-
ation.15 The typical L value for a tall adult male is 30 cm. The dose length product (DLP)
is the product of the CTDIvol multiplied by L and has units of mGy-cm. The DLP is
also reported by the CT scanner; the CTDIvol and DLP are included in the x-ray report.
The effective dose for a chest CT scan is a stochastic method of assessing what the
whole-body radiation dose to a “generic patient” would have to be to impart the same
risks of inducing cancer as the absorbed dose to the chest using a given CTDIvol, L, and
conversion factor (k). k varies by the body part that is being scanned. The chest CT has
a k factor equal to 0.014 mSv/mGy-cm.15 The effective dose can be calculated using the
following formula:

E  CTDI vol  DLP  k

Using a CTDIvol of 17 mGy, L of 30 cm, and k of 0.014 mSv/mGy-cm from a typi-
cal chest CT scan, the corresponding whole-body effective dose for a generic patient
would be 7 mSv. The effective dose is an important parameter in developing lung CT
scanning protocols for lung CT AI research and clinical scanning. The effective dose
estimate for an x-ray CT scanning protocol can be used to convey risk to the patient or
research subject by comparing this whole-body effective dose to the average yearly back-
ground whole-body radiation effective dose in the United States, which is 3.1 mSv.19 The
CTDIvol in mGy, and not the effective CT dose in mSv, is used to express the radiation
dose to an individual patient.15 The size-specific dose estimate (SSDE) can be used to
improve upon the CTDIvol as a measure of the x-ray radiation dose that an individual
patient receives from an x-ray CT scan.15 AAPM Reports 204 and 246 describe how to
calculate the SSDE given the CTDIvol using the following formula:
SSDE  f wed  CTDI vol
where fwed is a size-specific conversion factor based on the water equivalent diam-
eter (wed) of the patient.20,21 The CTDIvol underestimates the radiation dose, especially
in smaller patients, and the SSDE can provide a more accurate measure of individual
patient dose than the CTDIvol. The input parameters to determine fwed for a chest CT
are the maximum AP and Lateral dimensions of the patient’s chest.20,21 These are used
to calculate an effective diameter:
(AP diameter)  Lateral Diameter ) 
AAPM Report 206 Table 1D can be used to calculate fwed if the effective diameter
is known. The value of fwed for an effective diameter of 16 cm is 2.06 and the fwed for an
effective diameter of 32 cm is 1.14. SSDE is more than twice the value of the CTDIvol

for the smaller effective diameter. Further discussions of SSDE go beyond the scope of
this book, the interested reader is referred to the literature.15,20,21

Brief History of X-ray CT

In this section of the chapter, we will highlight how x-ray CT of the lungs have gone
from very large voxels, low signal-to-noise ratio, long scanning times with higher radia-
tion dose to very small voxels, higher signal-to-noise ratio, and very short scanning times
with lower radiation dose. The first CT scans of the lungs generated digital numerical
values that were assigned to the volume elements, or voxels, making up the CT images of
the lungs. The numerical values represent the x-ray linear attenuation coefficients of the
tissues. A simple rescaling of these linear attenuation coefficients was done to generate a
linear scale expressed in Hounsfield Units (HU) that was more intuitive.1,2
The complete three-dimensional (3D) CT scan of the lung is built up by reconstruct-
ing consecutive 2D images of the lung. The first CT scanners would typically acquire
one or two images per rotation of the x-ray tube and detector around the patient. There
would then be an interscan delay while the scanning table on which the patient was
lying supine would move on the z-axis and the x-ray tube and detector were moved
back to their starting position for the next scan. This completed the acquisition of the
1D projections to reconstruct a 2D image of the patient at a particular z-coordinate. The
patient would be moved in the direction of his or her head or feet to be ready for the next
2D image. This process of scanning the patient, interscan delay, and moving the patient
are referred to as axial mode CT imaging. This process would be repeated until the entire
thorax was scanned or, depending on the capabilities of the early CT scanner and the
clinical question that needed to be answered, a subset scanned.


The first human head CT scanner was developed by Sir Godfrey Hounsfield at EMI
over a period of 6 years, with the first head CT scan performed in 1971.2,22 Hounsfield
recognized the ability of x-ray CT to distinguish small differences in tissue density;
0.5%, would give it abilities that existing projection radiography could not match, for
example separating normal brain tissue from a brain tumor, even though the spatial
resolution of the EMI Mark 1 CT scanner needed to be far less than the existing spatial
resolution of projection radiography, 0.5 mm, to keep the computation time reasonable
for clinical practice.22 The first head CT scan of a human brain was of a woman with
a brain tumor and was performed in 1971. When the scan was displayed, Hounsfield
is quoted as saying “My God, it does work—I can see the tumor just as I had always
hoped”.22 Hounsfield was right, and the first head CT scans represented a revolutionary
breakthrough in noninvasive diagnostic medical imaging. This first CT scanner could
scan the human head, but not the body. This was because it required a “water bath”
around the patient’s head to even out the attenuation of the highly collimated x-ray
beam that was used to acquire the head images. The water bath was necessary to reduce
the intensity range of the x-ray photons to match the detector response characteris-
tics more closely. The reconstruction method was an algebraic reconstruction technique

(ART), as opposed to a filtered back projection method. The need for a water bath made
it impractical to scan the thorax and abdomen of a patient. The EMI Mark 1 x-ray CT
scanner was introduced at the 1972 Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of
North America and orders were taken.22 EMI was the only vendor in 1972, but by the
1973 Annual Meeting of the RSNA, Ohio Nuclear had announced the development of
a clone of the EMI Mark 1 scanner with scan times reduced from 5 minutes to 2 min-
utes, and image matrix size increased to 120 × 120. EMI was still selling the Mark 1 but
announced the improved Mark 2 scanner at the 1973 RSNA meeting. During this time,
Georgetown University sent Robert Ledley to EMI in the United Kingdom to look into
acquiring an EMI Mark 1 head CT scanner for the university.22 Upon his return, Ledley
convinced Georgetown University that he could develop a head and body CT scanner,
and obtained approval to do this. Ledley was able to develop his new whole-body CT
scanner in just 18 months.22
The first whole-body x-ray CT scanner was the Automatic Computerized Transverse
Axial (ACTA) Scanner. It was developed by Robert Ledley, MS, DDS, at Georgetown
University in Washington, DC, in 1973 (Patent No. 3,922,552).23–25 Robert Ledley was
a biophysicist and dentist at Georgetown University who reported the first CT images
of the lungs in 1975 in the journal Radiology.26 It is helpful to go through the com-
ponents of this scanner to see where x-ray chest CT technology began, so as to better
appreciate the technical advancements that have led to the current highly capable chest
x-ray CT scanners of the 2020 s.
The ACTA scanner consisted of a gantry that housed the x-ray tube and two x-ray
detectors, with the patient positioned on a translatable table located in the center of the
gantry aperture between the x-ray tube and the x-ray detectors. The x-ray tube beam
was collimated to form a pencil beam that exposed 7.5 mm of two separate x-ray detec-
tors, with each detector separated by 3 mm. This would be described as a multidetector
x-ray CT scanner since two adjacent CT images were obtained for each 180-degree
rotation of the x-ray tube and x-ray detector array. The x-ray detectors were composed
of a sodium iodide crystal attached to a photomultiplier tube. The x-rays would produce
visible light when they interacted with the iodide atoms in the sodium iodide crystal
and the photomultiplier tube would amplify the light signal. Then, this signal would be
digitized and stored in the computer. The sampling window was 5 ms to measure the
x-ray intensity at one point of the projection. The x-ray tube and crystal assembly would
translate in a line across the patient making 160 of these 5-ms measurements to obtain
a 1D projection of the object being scanned. The x-ray tube and detector array would
then rotate 1 degree and the process would repeat itself. This process was done until the
x-ray and detector array had rotated 180 degrees around the patient. This produced 180
projections of the patient. The combination of each 160 points collected for each projec-
tion, multiplied by 180 projections, would result in a total of 28,800 measurements for
each reconstructed 2D image of the object being scanned. The 180 projections of the
object were then reconstructed using the Fourier slice theorem.23 The reconstructed 2D
image was made up of 25,600 points forming a 160 × 160 image matrix.23 The spatial
resolution of the CT images in the z-direction was 7.5 mm. The x–y resolution was
1.5 mm. There were two scanning modes available: short pass, 24 cm, and long pass,
48 cm. This would be similar to the SFOV, as described previously. In the long pass, the
x-ray tube and detector array would linearly translate 48 cm across the patient to obtain

one complete 1D projection and was used for scans of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis.
This process would be repeated 180 times at 1-degree increments. This scan would take
6 minutes to obtain two 2D axial images of the thorax. The short pass scan mode was
used to scan the head, neck, and extremities. There was doubt as to how useful the CT
scans of the thorax would be given the 6-minute scan time to obtain two images—total
examination time to scan a 30-cm adult thorax would be at least 90 minutes. The respi-
ratory and cardiac motion was well-tolerated and the CT images presented an average
appearance over the time of the scan. The first images of the thorax showed a lung cancer
nodule in the left lung; the trachea, transverse aorta, and superior vena cava were identi-
fied, along with the muscles and bones in the chest wall.23
It can be seen from the detailed description of the first whole-body x-ray CT scan-
ner that certain design features would be retained and others improved upon; if the goal
was collecting more projection data, in a shorter period, with higher spatial resolution,
while also maintaining the high intrinsic contrast resolution of x-ray CT compared to
x-ray projection radiography. The basic layout of a gantry housing the x-ray tube and
corresponding detector array with the patient positioned between the x-ray beam and
detector is retained, along with having the patient lay quietly on a table that traverses the
central aperture of the CT gantry. Improvements that needed to be made over the EMI
Mark 1 and ACTA CT scanner designs included increased size of the x-ray beam with
corresponding increases in the overall size of the detector array, increased number of
detector elements, increased speed at which 1D projections are obtained, and improve-
ments in electronics and computing power.


Between 1973 and 1983, there was intense competition between manufacturers and
rapid evolution of whole-body x-ray CT scanner designs.22 During this rapid phase
of advances in x-ray CT scanner technology, four different x-ray tube detector array
arrangements were developed. These were distinguished by different x-ray beam geom-
etry, x-ray detector array size, and the type, size, and number of x-ray detector elements,
and how the x-ray tube and corresponding x-ray detector array rotated around the
patient.1,22 The initial EMI Mark 1 head CT scanner and the ACTA whole-body CT
scanner were termed a pencil beam translate-rotate generation one design (Fig. 2.5).
Second-generation CT scanners were termed broad parallel beam translate-rotate CT
scanners (Fig. 2.5). Third-generation CT scanners were termed fan-beam rotate/rotate
CT scanners (Fig. 2.5). Fourth-generation CT scanners were termed fan-beam rotate/
stationary CT scanners (Fig. 2.5). The scan time to acquire one 2D image of the tho-
rax had decreased from 6 minutes to 5 seconds by 1983. This process would have to be
repeated multiple times to scan the entire human thorax. This axial scanning method
was used by most x-ray CT scanners until 1990.
The winning design that was firmly established by 1983, among the four generations
previously described, was the third-generation CT scanners where the x-ray tube and
detector rotated around the patient in a circular arc.22 The two most successful manu-
facturers in 1983 were GE and Siemens.1,22 The third-generation fan-beam x-ray tube
rotates in a circle and the corresponding x-ray detector also rotates in a circle. Typically,
this type of CT scanner has a SFOV of 50 cm and a distance from the x-ray tube anode
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argument. Nobody knew his real name or his real profession. Once,
when Caleb had remonstrated with her for being apparently willing to
sell Letizia to a rich and snivelling old rake, she had actually dared to
argue that she was better capable of guarding her daughter’s virtue
than anybody else because the father of her had been a cardinal.
Caleb, who was sick with love for Letizia and sick with hate for
Popery, was near losing his reason. Luckily, however, the old suitor
fell into a hopeless palsy, and since then Madame’s financial affairs
had prospered sufficiently to make her independent of Letizia’s cash
value. That her affairs had prospered was largely due to Caleb
himself, who, entering her service as a clerk when he was hardly
nineteen, had lost no time in gathering into his own plump white
hands the tangled skeins of the business so that he might unravel
them at his own convenience without ever again letting them go.
Madame Oriano had been glad enough to put the financial side of
the business in Caleb’s hands, for, having inherited from her father,
Padua’s chief artist in pyrotechny, a genuine passion for inventing
new effects, she devoted herself to these with renewed interest, an
interest moreover that was no longer liable to be interrupted by
amours. She had grown gaunt and her temper, never of the
sweetest, had long made her an impossible mistress for any man
however young he might be. At the age of sixteen she had eloped
from her father’s house in Padua with an English adventurer. After a
year of doubtful bliss he had left her stranded in a Soho garret with a
cageful of love-birds and twenty pairs of silk stockings—he had
intended these as a present for the schoolgirl he was planning to
abduct, but in the confusion of escaping from his old sweetheart he
had left them behind him. Maria Oriano entered upon a period of
fortune-telling, then went into partnership with an Italian pyrotechnist
to whom with intervals of amorous escapades she remained loyal for
ten years, in fact till he died, after which she carried on the business
in her own name. Letizia was born when her mother was
approaching forty, and since neither Letizia nor anybody else ever
discovered who the father was, it may safely be assumed that
Madame really did not know herself which of her lovers might be
congratulated. She had a dozen in tow about this time. No solution of
the mystery had ever been provided by Letizia herself, who now, at
seventeen, was the image of her own mother when she, a year
younger, ran away from Padua, a dark and slim and supple and
lustrous-eyed young termagant.
There she was now, fretfully tapping the floor of the alcove with
her dainty foot and wondering what her mother could want with
Caleb. It was not that she wanted Caleb so much for herself, not at
any rate for the pleasure of his conversation. But she was used to
quarrelling with him, and she missed his company much as a child
might miss a toy that it could maltreat whenever it was in the mood
to do so. She might laugh at his awkward attempts to make love to
her, but she would have been piqued by his indifference, piqued and
puzzled by it as she would have been puzzled by the failure of her
spaniel to wag its tail when she entered a room. There was Caleb
bowing and scraping to her mother (who looked a pretty sight in that
yellow satin gown) while she who after all was this evening
indubitably the attraction was left alone in this dull alcove without so
much as a glass of champagne to sip. How much would her mother
worry about the dampness of the fireworks, were she to announce
that she could not make the descent that was to bring the display to
such a grand conclusion? It would serve them all right if she did
rebel. They would appreciate her much more were she sometimes to
assert herself. Letizia pulled open the cloak of light blue velvet that
she was wearing over her costume and contemplated her slim legs
and the beautifully unwrinkled tights. The upper part of her dress
consisted of an abbreviated tunic of asbestos round which the unlit
fireworks coiled like blue snakes.
“Or sausages,” murmured Letizia resentfully. “If I did not look like
Guy Fawkes and if it were a little darker, I’d put on a mask and have
such fun amongst the crowd. Oh gemini, wouldn’t I just!”
She jumped up in a fit of impatience. Her foot pressed the
concealed mechanism in the floor of the alcove, and immediately
there sprang up before her a life-size Mother Shipton, quivering all
over and shaking her steeple hat, and seeming in the twilight most
horribly real.
“Gesù Maria, Giuseppe!” she shrieked, crossing herself in an
agony of terror.
Caleb, whose first thought was that some young buck was trying
to kiss Letizia, paid no more attention to Madame Oriano’s
complaints of Gumm’s drunkenness and the dewy nightfall, but
plunged off to the rescue, splitting the seat of his pantaloons in an
effort to move his clumsy legs really fast.
“Oh gemini, Caleb, the Devil’s been sitting beside me all the time
and I never knew it,” Letizia cried, when she saw him.
“I make no doubt he has,” said Caleb in lugubrious agreement.
“But this ain’t him. This ain’t no more than one of those fortune-telling
figures you’ll see at fairs. That’s what they call fun, that is,” he
“It sprang up so sudden, Caleb. The Devil couldn’t have sprung up
no faster. Oh gemini, it set me off praying, Caleb.”
“Praying!” he scoffed. “I wouldn’t give much for you if the Devil did
come to take you, and you had to trust to your prayers.”
“It’s made my heart thump, Caleb. Only feel how fast it beats.”
The young man snatched his hand away from her.
“Hussy! Nought would please you so well as to lead me on into
It was Caleb’s heart that was beating now, so fast indeed that he
turned in desperation to strike down the puppet that seemed to be
leering at him like an old bawd in a dark entry.
“Oh, you sicken me,” she pouted. “I’ll surely never have the
courage to mount to the top of the mast now. At least, I won’t unless I
have some champagne, Caleb.”
There was no answer.
“Did you hear me, Caleb?” she pressed softly. “I said champagne.”
He turned his back and feigned not to hear. But a passing waiter
heard and came into the alcove, rubbing his hands in anticipation of
serving them.
“Champagne, Caleb.”
“Yes, ma’am. Certainly, ma’am.”
“No,” Caleb shouted.
The waiter inclined his head in sarcastic acknowledgment.
“And light the lamp,” Caleb told him.
Above the circular stone hung a great green globe painted over
with fish, which when lighted up shed a kind of subaqueous sheen
upon the alcove.
“And the champagne, sir?” the waiter asked.
“Bring a bottle quickly,” Letizia commanded with a laugh of
“Bring nothing at all,” cried Caleb, swinging round on his heels in a
“Oh gemini, Caleb,” Letizia cried. “Your handkerchief’s falling out
of your pocket.”
She grabbed at it, and pulled out the tail of his shirt.
Letizia flung herself into a chair, clapping her hands and throwing
her legs into the air in a very ecstasy of delight.
“Oh gemini, Mr. Waiter; bring two bottles,” she cried. “And a needle
and a thread, for I’ll burst my own trunks next and never dare stand
on a chair, let alone come sliding down to the ground from a mast.”
The waiter departed to obey her commands, a wide grin on his
insolent face.
“Listen to me, Letizia,” Caleb cried in a rage, seizing her wrist. “I’ll
pay for not one drop of champagne, d’ye hear me? Little Jezebel that
you are! You love to make me suffer for your wantonness. I was pure
till your Popish gipsy eyes crossed mine and turned them to thoughts
of sin. Isn’t it enough that you’re going to mount that accursed
firework platform for every gay young sprig to stare at you carnally
and gloat on your limbs and lust after you? Isn’t it enough, I say, for
one evening?”
“You’re a fine one to accuse me of making myself a show,” she
retorted, wresting herself from his grasp. “And you with the tail of
your shirt sticking out of your breeches! You’d better call it your flag
of truce, Caleb, and cry peace.”
“I’ll make no peace with you, young Jezebel, in this wanton
“Why then, catch me if you can, Mr. Preacher, for I’ll have my
champagne, and Mr. Devil can pay for it, if you won’t.”
With this she stood mocking him from the lawn outside.
“Come back,” he groaned, the sweat all beady on his forehead.
“I won’t come back neither,” laughed Letizia, pirouetting.
“Pull your cloak round you, shameless minx.”
“No, and I won’t do that, neither.”
She flung it farther from her and taunted him with the sight of her
legs so slim and so shapely in the light blue silk.
“You dursn’t run after me, Caleb, or you’ll be taken to Bedlam for a
lunatic when the people see you running after me like a draggle-
tailed duck. Quack-quack, Caleb! I’m the grand finale to-night, and if
you won’t give me champagne I’ll find some one who will, and he’ll
have the grandest finale of all.”
Unfortunately for Letizia when she turned round to run away she
ran into her mother, who caught her by the ear and led her back into
the alcove.
“Sei pazza?” she demanded.
“If I am mad, it’s his fault,” protested Letizia angrily. “Let go of my
ear, mamma! You’re hurting me.”
“Vuoi far la putanella, eh?”[3] cried Madame Oriano furiously,
squeezing her daughter’s ear even harder.
[3] “You want to play the little wanton, eh?”

“Eh, basta,[4] mamma! Or I’ll be no grand finale to-night for you or

nobody else. I only asked for champagne because that old witch
jumped up out of the floor and frightened me. If you hadn’t been
screaming so loud yourself, you might have heard me scream.”

[4] Enough.

“Insolente,” cried Madame, making coral of her daughter’s ivory

cheeks with several vicious slaps.
Luckily for Letizia the waiter came back at this moment with a tray
on which were glasses and the bottle of champagne. This gave
Madame Oriano a real opportunity. Picking up her skirt as if she
were going to drop a curtsey, she raised one foot and kicked the tray
and its contents up to the oyster-inlaid ceiling of the alcove. She
might have been giving the signal for the fireworks to begin, for just
as the contents of the tray crashed to the ground the thunder of the
maroons reverberated about the pale sapphire of the nine o’clock
Madame hurried out into the excited crowd of spectators, clapping
her skinny hands and crying, “Bravo! Bravimissimo!” at the top of her
voice. She believed in the power of the claque and always led the
applause of her own creations. Immediately after the maroons the
Bengal light flared and turned the upturned faces of the crowd to a
lurid rose, the glassy waters of the basin to garnets. Letizia, who had
been sobbing with pain and fury while the maroons were exploding,
responded with all her being to the excitement of the Bengal light.
She forgot her pain, her rage, her disappointment. She quivered like
the Mother Shipton, became like the puppet a mere dressed-up
spring. She longed for the moment when she should be summoned
to ascend the platform and climb the mast to the crow’s-nest on the
summit, and most of all for the moment she should hear the
sausages round her asbestos tunic fizz and cackle and spit, and
when wreathed in flames, balancing herself with a flashing Italian
streamer in each hand, she should slide down the long rope into the
tumultuous cheers of the public below.
Caleb was aware of her eagerness and, having in himself nothing
of the mountebank, supposed that she was merely longing to display
her legs to the mob. He vented the bile of his jealousy upon the
“I’ll report you to Mr. Seedwell,” he stormed. “How dare you bring
champagne without an order?”
“Get out of here,” Caleb shouted. “This is no madam, you lousy
wretch. I’ll have no rascals like you come pimping round this young
Sky rockets were shedding their fiery blossoms upon the air, and
the water below was jewelled with their reflections. Tourbillions leapt
up to tremble for a moment in golden spirals. Mutation followed
mutation as shivered wheels of rubies turned to fountains of molten
emeralds and amethysts and blazing showers of topaz. Above the
explosions, above the applause, the shrill voice of Madame Oriano
rang out continually, “Bravo! Bravissimo! Ancora! Bene! Benissimo!
Che Splendore! Che magnificenza!”
Letizia stood rapt like a saint that expects a corporeal assumption
to the seventh heaven.
“It’s time I went up,” she breathed.
“Not yet,” Caleb pleaded, in horror of the moment when that lewd
and accursed mob should gloat upon her slim form.
“It is. It is! Let me go, Caleb! Gemini, you crazy fool, you’ll make
me late.”
Letizia sprang away from his detaining arms.
“Why don’t you set fire to your shirt, Caleb, and slide down behind
me?” she called back to him in mockery.
There were shouts of enthusiasm when the figure of Letizia stood
up dimly against the stars. Followed a silence. Old John Gumm fired
the fizgigs and the serpents. With a shriek of triumphant joy Letizia
launched herself from the mast. High above the wondering murmurs
of the crowd her mother’s voice resounded.
“Che bella ragazza![5] Brava! Bravissima! Avanti, figlia mia! Che
forma di Venere!”[6]

[5] “What a lovely girl!”

[6] “Forward, my daughter! What a figure of Venus!”

“Almighty God,” Caleb groaned. “She might be naked.”

When the flaming vision touched earth, he rushed forward to
recapture it; but Letizia, intoxicated with success, flung herself into
the arms of three or four young bucks who were waiting to carry her
off to champagne, while from the grotto in the middle of the lawn the
Triton orchestra struck up Weber’s seductive Invitation to the Waltz.
Caleb was in such a turmoil of jealous agitation for several hours
after the grand finale as to be almost beside himself; and although
Madame Oriano, in high good humour over the success of the
fireworks, offered to sew up the split in his pantaloons, she could not
sew up the rents that Letizia’s behaviour was tearing in her
manager’s peace of mind. Once he ventured to approach the alcove
where she sat drinking and flirting with half-a-dozen hopeful
courtiers, and asked her to come with him. Letizia shrieked with
laughter at such a notion and shrieked louder when her companions
began to pelt Caleb with crusts of bread; and maybe she would not
have laughed much less loudly if they had gone on to pelt him with
bottles as they threatened they would do unless he quickly took
himself off and ceased to annoy them. Caleb, to do him justice,
would not have cared a jot if he could have rescued Letizia from their
company at the cost of a broken crown; but he did not want to
expose himself to the mortification of being vanquished and, since
he felt positive that this could be the only result of his intervention, he
retreated to brood over his wrongs in a secluded arbour, from which
he had the minor satisfaction of driving away the amorous couples
that in turn hopefully sought its dark protection throughout that warm
and starry July night.
Was Madame Oriano dependent enough yet upon his help in the
business to insist on her daughter’s marrying him? That was the
question. Caleb felt convinced that she would not object, but if the
little hussy herself refused, would her mother compel her? Brought
up in the egocentric gloom of an obscure Protestant sect known as
the Peculiar Children of God, Caleb’s first thought was always the
salvation of his own soul. This, as often happens, had become a
synonym for the gratification of his own desires. He desired Letizia.
Therefore he must have her, or his soul would be imperilled. What
she felt about it was of little importance. Besides, she so clearly had
in her the makings of a wanton that it was his duty to save her soul
as well, which he had every reason to suppose he should be able to
do could he but safely secure her for a wife. The state of affairs
could not continue as it was at present. His imagination must not
remain for ever the tortured prey of carnal visions. Letizia’s white
neck ... Letizia’s girlish breasts ... Letizia’s red alluring lips ... Letizia’s
twining fingers ... and at this moment in the alcove those drunken
sons of Belial were gloating upon her.... No, it could not go on like
this! She must be his with God’s benign approval. Caleb sat for an
hour, two hours, three hours maybe, in a dripping trance of thwarted
passion, burning as fiercely with the hot itch of jealousy as if he had
actually been flung into a steaming nettle-bed.
Dawn, a lucid primrose dawn, was bright beyond the towers of
Lambeth Palace when the hackney-coach with Madame Oriano,
Letizia, and Caleb went jogging homeward over Westminster Bridge.
Even now, though Letizia had fallen deliciously asleep on his
shoulder, Caleb was not at peace, for the semioctagonal turrets
which were set at intervals along the parapet to serve as refuges for
the homeless, reminded him of the alcoves at “Neptune’s Grotto,”
and his mind was again tormented by the imagination of her
behaviour that night. She reeked too, of wine, in this fresh morning
air. He shook her roughly:
“Wake up! We’re nearly home.”
Madame Oriano was snoring on the opposite seat.
“Why don’t you poke mamma like that?” Letizia cried out
An impulse to crush her to his heart surged over Caleb, but he
beat off the temptation, panting between desire of her and fear for
himself. Kisses would forge no chain to bind this wanton, and he,
should he once yield to kissing her, would be led henceforth by a
Delilah. The hackney-coach jogged on into the Westminster Road.
Madame Oriano’s factory consisted of the unused rooms in an
ordinary York Street dwelling-house. Special precautions to isolate
the dangerous manufacture were practically unknown at this date. All
firework-making by an Act of Dutch William was still illegal, and from
time to time prosecutions of pyrotechnists were set on foot at the
instigation of the magistrates when the boys of a neighbourhood
became too great a nuisance on the Fifth of November. Inasmuch,
however, as firework displays were a feature of coronations, peace
declarations, births of royal heirs, and other occasions of public
rejoicing, the Law adopted then as ambiguous an attitude as it does
now in this early twentieth century, toward betting. Until Caleb
arrived in London from the Cheshire town where he had been born
and bred, Madame Oriano produced her fireworks in fits and starts of
inventive brilliance that were symbolical of the finished product. Most
of her workmen were habitual drunkards. No kind of attempt was
made to run the business side with any financial method. From time
to time the proprietress put a card in the window advertising her
need for an accountant. Clerks came and clerks went until she
began to look on the whole class as no better than predatory
nomads. It was in answer to one of these cards in her window that
Caleb presented himself. His conscience troubled him at first when
he found with what mountebank affairs firework-making was likely to
bring him into contact, but he was seized by a missionary fervour
and began to devote all his energy to making the business
respectable. Only John Gumm, the chief firer, managed to survive
Caleb’s cleansing zeal. The rest of the drunken workmen were
sacked one after another, and their places taken wherever it was
possible by young lads and girls that Caleb procured from the
poorhouse. The long hours and bad food he inflicted upon these
apprentices seemed to bring the business nearer to genuine
respectability. It showed sound economy, and the most censorious
Puritan could not discover in those workrooms filled with listless
children anything that pandered to the gratification of human
pleasure. One could feel that when the fireworks left the factory there
was nothing against their morality. Their explosion under the
direction of Madame Oriano and drunken John Gumm was of course
regrettably entertaining, but the rest of the business was impeccably
moral. Not only did Caleb attend to the accounts, to the management
of the workers, and to the judicious purchase of materials, but he
also studied the actual art of pyrotechny, and early this very year he
had discovered how to apply chlorate of potash to the production of
more brilliant colours than any that had hitherto been seen. He had
not yet revealed this discovery to Madame Oriano, because he was
planning to use the knowledge of it as a means of persuading her to
insist on Letizia’s marrying him. She would be so much astonished
by the green he had evolved by combining nitrate of baryta with
chlorate of potash that she would give him anything he demanded.
And as for the red he could now produce by adding nitrate of strontia
to his chlorate of potash, why, if such a red could only be bought in
the ultimate depths of Hell, Madame would have to buy.
The hackney-coach drew up in front of the dingy house in York
Street, and by the time Caleb had done arguing with the driver about
his fare mother and daughter had tumbled into bed. In spite of the
nervous strain he had been enduring all night Caleb could not make
up his mind to go to sleep himself. He was indeed feeling very much
awake. It was now full day. The sunlight was glinting on the grimy
railings of the area, and the footsteps of early workers shuffled past
along the pavement at intervals. Caleb looked round the room and
frowned at the tools lying idle on the tables and benches. He was
filled with indignation at the thought that all those misbegotten
apprentices should be snoring away these golden hours of the
morning in their garret. He was too lenient with them, far too lenient.
It would do the brats good to be awakened a little earlier than usual.
He was up and dressed; why should they still be snoring? The back
of his mind, too, itched with an evil desire to make somebody pay for
what he had suffered last night. Caleb set off upstairs to rouse the
apprentices. As he drew near the bedroom where Madame Oriano
and Letizia slept together in that gilded four-poster which so much
revolted his sense of decency, Caleb paused, for the door was wide
open. He tried to keep his face averted while he hurried past; but his
will failed him and, turning, he beheld the vision of Letizia, so scantily
wrapped in her cloak of sky-blue that her white body appeared as
shamelessly unclad as the vicious little Cupids that supported the
canopy of the bed. Caleb staggered back. Had there been a knife in
his hand, he might have cut Letizia’s throat, such an intolerable
loathing of her beauty seized him. He rushed madly past the open
door, and a moment or two afterwards he stood in the garret,
surveying with hate the sleeping forms of the apprentices. A
sunbeam glinting through the broken lattice of the dormer lit up the
four flushed faces, spangled the hair of the youngest and fairest, and
for Caleb pointed at the spectacle of brazen sloth.
“Get up, you charity brats,” he shouted, pulling off the dirty
coverlet. “Get up and work, or I’ll report you to the overseers for
The children sat up in bed dazed by this sudden awakening.
“Don’t loll there, rubbing your eyes and staring at me,” Caleb
snarled. “If you aren’t downstairs and hard at work on those
composition stars in five minutes, I’ll see what a good flogging will do
for you.”
From the boys’ garret Caleb went across to visit the girls’.
“Get down to your scissors and paste, you lazy hussies,” he
bellowed in the doorway.
The little girls, the eldest of whom was hardly twelve, sat up in a
huddle of terror. The shift of the youngest, who might be ten, was
torn so that her bare shoulder protruded to affront Caleb’s gaze. He
strode into the room and struck the offending few inches of skin and
“Will nothing teach you modesty?” he gibbered. “Aren’t you afraid
of burning in Hell for your wickedness? Shame on you, I say. Have
you no needle and thread, Amelia Diggle? You ought to be whipped,
and I hope Madame will whip you well. Now stop that blubbering and
dress yourself, and in five minutes let me find you all hard at work.”
Caleb retired to his own bedroom, where after a miserly use of
soap and water he changed out of his rusty black evening clothes
into the drab of daily life. He was then able to bend down and say his
prayers, partly because the drab breeches were not as tight as the
black pantaloons and partly because they did not show the dust so
In contemplating Caleb while he is kneeling to ask his savage
deity to give him Letizia and to bless his discovery of chlorate of
potash as a colour intensifier and to fructify his savings and to visit
His wrath upon all unbelievers, one may feel that perhaps it was
being unduly sentimental last night, a trifle wrought upon by music
and starshine and coloured lamps, to wish that this tale might remain
in the year of grace 1829.
Caleb rose from his knees and, fortified by his prayers, succeeded
this time in passing the open door of Letizia’s bedroom without so
much as one swift glance within. He came down to the basement
and with a good deal of complacency gloated over the sight of those
children all so beautifully hard at work. He would have liked to tell
them how lucky they were to be in the care of somebody who took all
this trouble to rouse them early and teach them the joys of industry.
The thought of how many more composition stars would be made to-
day than were made yesterday was invigorating. He regarded the
tousled heads of the apprentices with something like good-will.
“That’s the way, boys, work hard and well and in three hours you’ll
be enjoying your breakfast,” he promised. Then suddenly he looked
sharply round the room. “Why, where’s Arthur Wellington?”
At this moment the foundling thus christened, a fair-haired child of
eleven, appeared timidly in the doorway, and shrank back in terror
when his master demanded where he had been.
“Please, Mr. Fuller, I was looking for my shoe,” he stammered,
breathing very fast.
“Oh, you were looking for your shoe, were you, Arthur Wellington?
And did you find your shoe?”
“No, Mr. Fuller,” the boy choked. “I think it must have fell out of the
His blue eyes were fixed reproachfully, anxiously, pleadingly, on
Joe Hilton the eldest apprentice who bent lower over his task of
damping with methylated spirit the composition for the stars, the
while he managed to scowl sideways at Arthur.
“So you’ve been loitering about in your room while your
companions have been hard at work, Arthur Wellington?”
“I haven’t been loitering. I’ve been looking for my shoe.”
“Contradict me, will you, Arthur Wellington?” said Caleb softly.
“Show me your other shoe. Come nearer, Arthur. Nearer. Take it off
and give it to me.”
The boy approached, breathing faster; but he still hesitated to take
off the shoe.
“Don’t keep me waiting, Arthur,” Caleb said. “You’ve kept me
waiting long enough this lovely summer morning. Give me the shoe.”
Arthur did as he was told.
“Don’t go away, Arthur Wellington. I’m talking to you for your good.
This lovely summer morning, I said. Perhaps you didn’t hear me?
Eh? Perhaps you’re deaf? Deaf, are you, you workhouse brat?”
Caleb gripped the boy’s puny shoulder and banged him several
times on the head with the shoe.
“Perhaps you won’t be so deaf when I’ve knocked some of the
deafness out of you,” he growled. “Blubbering now, eh, you
miserable little bastard? Look up, will you! Look up, I say! Oh, very
well, look down,” and Caleb pushed the boy’s head between his own
legs and thrashed him with the first weapon that came to hand,
which was a bundle of rocket-sticks.
“Button yourself up, Arthur Wellington,” said Caleb, when he had
finished with him and flung him to the floor where he lay writhing and
shrieking and unbraced. “If I were you, Arthur Wellington, I’d be
ashamed to make such an exhibition of myself in front of girls. That’s
enough! Stop that blubbering. Do you hear? Stop it, and get to work.
Stop it, will you, Arthur Wellington, unless you want another
thrashing twice as bad.”
One of the apprentices was placing the stars on the fender to dry
them before the fire which Caleb had lighted to make himself the tea.
“Be careful, Edward Riggs, not to put those stars too close, or
you’ll be having an accident.”
“They’re all right where they are, aren’t they, Mr. Fuller?”
“Yes, as long as you’re careful,” said Caleb. “Now I’m going
upstairs to my office to work. We all have our work to do, you know.
And if I hear any laughing or chattering down here, I’ll make some of
you see more stars than you’ll ever make in a week.”
One of the girls managed to titter at this and was rewarded by one
of Caleb’s greasy smiles. Then he left the apprentices to their work
and went into the question of accounts, hidden in his sanctum, which
was on the first floor and hardly bigger than a powder-closet. Indeed,
Caleb’s high stool and desk with two ledgers and an iron box
chained to a staple in the floor filled it so nearly full that when the
manager was inside and hard at work nobody could get in unless he
squeezed himself into the corner. Caleb’s expressed object in
keeping Madame Oriano’s books so meticulously was that if at any
moment a purchaser came along with a firm offer for the business,
lock, stock, and barrel, he would obtain a better price for it. It was
useless for the owner to protest that no inducement or offer of any
kind would tempt her into a sale, Caleb insisted. He was as always
outwardly subservient to his mistress, but he insisted. And she would
tire of arguing with him when she had fired off a few Italian oaths and
shrugged her shoulders in contempt of such obstinacy.
“Besides,” Caleb used to point out, “so long as I keep my books
properly, anybody can see my honesty. If I kept no books, people
would be saying that I was robbing you.”
“I would notta believe them.”
“No, you mightn’t believe them until you were angry with me about
something else; but you might believe it then, and I shouldn’t care to
be accused of robbing you. It would hurt me very deeply, ma’am.”
As a matter of fact Caleb had robbed Madame Oriano with perfect
regularity for the last five years. The humble savings, to which from
time to time with upturned eyes he would allude, were actually the
small clippings and parings he had managed to make from her daily
profits. He did not feel the least guilt in thus robbing her, for not
merely could he claim that he was the only person who did rob her
nowadays, but he could also claim that these robberies practically
amounted to the dowry of her daughter. It was not as if the money
were going out of the family. Whether, in the event of his failing to
marry Letizia, Caleb would have made the least reparation is
doubtful. He would have found another excuse for his behaviour.
One of his principles was never to admit even to his tribal deity that
he had been or was wrong. He could imagine nothing more corruptly
humiliating than the Popish habit of confession. On the other hand,
he was always willing to admit that he was liable to err, and he
always prayed most devoutly to be kept free from temptation.
In his dusty little office that morning the various emotions to which
he had been subjected since yesterday began to react at last upon
Caleb’s flabby body. Leaning forward upon his desk, he put his head
down upon his folded arms and fell into a heavy sleep.
He was awakened by a series of screams, and jumping off his
stool he hurried out into the passage just as one of the girl
apprentices enveloped in flames came rushing up the stairs from the
basement. He tried to stop her from going higher, but she eluded
him, and as she went flashing up the stairs toward the upper part of
the house she screamed:
“It was Arthur Wellington done it! Don’t laugh at him, Joe Hilton.
Don’t laugh at him no more, or he’ll throw the stars on to the fire.
Where’s a window? Where’s a window?”
The wretched child vanished from sight, and the moment after a
ghastly scream announced that she had found a window and flung
herself from it into the street.
Letizia’s spaniel came barking down from the room above.
Simultaneously there was a frenzied knocking on the front door,
flashes and crashes everywhere, smoke, more shrieks of agony, and
at last a deafening explosion. It seemed to Caleb that the whole
house was falling to pieces on top of him, as indeed when he was
dragged out of the ruins he found that it had.
Accidents in firework factories occurred so often in those days,
when the law had not yet recognised gunpowder as a means to
provide popular diversion and taken steps in the Explosives Act to
safeguard its employment, that for six poorhouse children to lose
their lives and for two others to be permanently maimed was hardly
considered as serious as the destruction of two comparatively new
houses in York Street. Madame Oriano’s own escape was voted
miraculous, especially when it was borne in mind that both her legs
had to be amputated; and while some pointed out that if she had not
been sleeping in that florid four-post bed she need not have had her
legs crushed by the canopy, others were equally quick to argue that
it was precisely that canopy which saved the rest of her body from
being crushed as completely as her legs. The bed certainly saved
The accident was attributed to the inhuman carelessness of a
parish apprentice known as Arthur Wellington, whereby he had
placed a composition star on the hob of a lighted fire in order to dry it
more expeditiously before being rammed into the casing of a Roman
candle. Caleb in his evidence suggested that parish apprentices
were inclined to make up for lost time in this abominable way.
Everybody shook his head at the wickedness of parish apprentices,
but nobody thought of blaming Caleb for the arrangement of a
workroom that permitted such a dangerous method of making up for
lost time. As for Caleb himself, when he had recovered from the
shock of so nearly finding himself in Heaven before he had planned
to retire there from the business of existence, he began to realise
that the destruction of the factory was the best thing that could have
happened for an earthly future that he hoped long to enjoy. He took
the first opportunity of laying before Madame Oriano his views about
that future. Should his proposal rouse her to anger, he could feel
safe, inasmuch as she could certainly not get out of bed to attack
him and was unlikely to leave the hospital for many weeks to come.
“Well, I willa always say dissa one ting, my friend, and datta is I
have never had no esplosione in alla my life before dissa one. Such
fortuna could never last for ever, I am secure. My legs, they makka
me a little bad, datta is all.”
Caleb regarded his mistress where she was lying in bed looking
like a sharp-eyed bird in tropical vegetation, under the gaudy satin
coverlet of her four-poster which she had insisted on having mended
and brought to the hospital.
“I’m sure we ought all of us to be very thankful to our Father Who
put His loving arms around us and kept us safe,” he oozed.
Madame Oriano, become an old lady since her accident, smiled
“Peccato che Nostro Padre non ha pensato per mie povere
gambe!” she muttered.
“What did you say?” Caleb asked timidly. He could never quite rid
his mind of the fancy that the Italian language had a dangerous
magic, an abracadabral potency which might land him in Hell by
merely listening to it.
“I say it issa damn pity He does not putta His arms around my
legs. Dat is what I say, Caleb.”
“He knows best what is good for us,” Caleb gurgled, turning up his
eyes to the ceiling.
“Può essere,” the old lady murmured. “Perraps He do.”
“But what I’ve really come to talk about,” Caleb went on, “is the
future of the business. Your presence, of course, will be sadly
missed; but you’ll be glad to hear that I have managed to fulfil all our
engagements up to date, though naturally with such a terrible loss of
material the profits will be small—dreadfully small.”
No doubt Caleb was right, and even what profit there was he
probably put in his iron box which had comfortably survived the
destruction of the factory.
“I don’ta aspect no profit,” said Madame Oriano.
“But I have been turning things over in my mind,” Caleb pressed,
“and I hope very much that you will be pleased with the result of my
—er—turnings. Yes, I’m hoping that very much indeed.” Caleb took a
deep gulp before he went on, staring away out across the chimney-
stacks to escape the old lady’s arched eyebrows.
“Madame Oriano, when I came to London six years ago and
entered your service, you were a mother to me. I can never forget
your beautiful maternal behaviour, ma’am, and, oh, ma’am, I am so
anxious to be a son to you now in the hour of your trouble—a true
“You never could notta be a son for me, Caleb. Siete troppo
grasso, caro. You are too big. How you say? Too fat.”
“Ah, Madame Oriano, don’t say you won’t let me be a son to you
till you’ve heard all I have to tell you. I want to marry your daughter,
ma’am. I want to marry your Letizia. I loved her from the first moment
I set eyes on her, although of course I knew my position too well to
allow myself to indulge in any hopes that would have been wanting
in respect to my employer. But I have worked hard, ma’am. Indeed, I
venture to think that my love for your daughter is not near so
presumptuous at this moment as it would have been when I first
entered your service.”
“Sicuro! She hassa seventeen years old now,” said Madame
Oriano sharply. “She hadda only eleven years then.”
“Sweet seventeen!” Caleb sighed.
“Non credo che sia tanto dolce.”
“Oh, I do wish that I understood Italian a little better,” Caleb
groaned unctuously.
“I say I do notta tink she issa so very damn sweet. I tink she issa—
how you say in English—one beech.”

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