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 What is the minimum gambling age?

 Colorado
o No sports bet shall be accepted from a person under the age of twenty-one
o No sports bet shall be accepted from a person under the age of twenty-one

 Delaware
o age of twenty-one (21)
o age of twenty-one (21)

 Indiana
o at least twenty-one (21) years of age
o at least twenty-one (21) years of age

 Louisiana
o 21 years of age
o 21 years of age

 Washington DC
o eighteen (18) years of age
o eighteen (18) years of age

 Can players have multiple accounts?

 Colorado
o A Sports Betting Operation shall limit each patron to one (1) active and
continuously used sports betting account
o A Sports Betting Operation shall limit each patron to one (1) active and
continuously used sports betting account

 Connecticut
o An explanation of the unique circumstances justifying the request
o A patron shall have only one internet gaming account for each online gaming
operator for use in the State of Connecticut, except if the online gaming
operator is operating multiple types of internet games on separate electronic
wagering platforms, the patron may have one internet gaming account for ...

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 Illinois
o A patron shall have only one sports wagering account with each master sports
wagering licensee.
o A patron shall have only one sports wagering account with each master sports
wagering licensee.

 Nevada
o in an amount of not less than the greater of one hundred thousand dollars or
the amount necessary to ensure the ability to cover the outstanding sports
wagering liability
o An operator shall ensure the following: (a) That an individual registered as an
authorized player holds only one interactive gaming account with the operator

 Ontario
o Players may have only one player account per gaming site.
o Players may have only one player account per gaming site.

 Pennsylvania
o If the department issues an online gaming operator license to an applicant
based on reciprocity, the applicant shall provide all information required of a
non-reciprocal initial applicant no later than three months prior to the renewal
date when such license expires.
o A player shall have only one interactive gaming account for each interac- tive

gaming certificate holder or interactive gaming operator.

 Puerto Rico
o A player may hold only one Player Account with each Operator.
o A player may hold only one Player Account with each Operator.

 Tennessee
o A Player shall have only one (1) Sports Gaming Account per Licensee
o A Player shall have only one (1) Sports Gaming Account per Licensee

 Washington DC
o with its application for licensing as a sports wagering licensee or for
permitting as a sports wagering platform provider
o A player shall have only one (1) Sports Wagering Account for each License.

 Must patrons register their account in person?

 Illinois
o The Commission determines that the proposed sale or transfer of an interest is
consistent, and complies, with State Government Article, §§9-1A-18 and 9-1A

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-19, Annotated Code of Maryland
o In order to establish a sports wagering account, a master sports wagering
licensee shall: 1) Create an electronic patron file

 Indiana
o In order to establish a sports wagering account, a sports wagering operator
shall do the following:
o In order to establish a sports wagering account, a sports wagering operator
shall do the following:
(1) Create an electronic patron file

 Nevada
o either remotely or in person
o either remotely or in person

 Rhode Island
o As part of the online registration process
o As part of the online registration process

 Tennessee
o a bettor shall register with the licensee remotely
o a bettor shall register with the licensee remotely

 Washington DC
o the board
o no in-person registration requirements

 Who is prohibited from betting on sports?

 Arizona
o "Prohibited participant" means:
o 16. "Prohibited participant" means:
(a) Any individual whose participation may undermine the integrity of the
wagering, the sports event or the other event.
(b) Any individual who is prohibited from placing a wager as an agent, proxy
or because of self-exclusion.
(c) Any individual who is an athlete...

 Colorado
o A sports betting operator shall not accept a bet from any person whose identity
is known to the sports betting operator and:
o 44-30-1506.
Operations - eligibility to place bets - record-keeping - information sharing.

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(1) A person must be at least twenty-one years of age to place a bet.
(2)(a) A sports betting operator shall adopt procedures to prevent persons who
are prohibited from wagering on sports events from doing so....

 Connecticut
o No athlete, coach or referee who takes part in a sporting event and no
individual participating in e-sports shall place any sports wager on any
sporting event in which such athlete, coach, referee or individual is
participating. (2) No athlete, coach or referee who takes part in a sporting
event of a sports governing body; employee of a sports governing body
holding a position of authority or influence sufficient to exert influence over
participants in a sporting event; employee of a member team of a sports
governing body holding a position of authority or influence sufficient to exert
influence over participants in a sporting event; or personnel of any bargaining
unit of a sports governing body's athletes or referees, shall place any wager on
any sporting event overseen by such governing body. (3) No owner with a
direct or indirect legal or beneficial ownership interest of five per cent or more
of a member team of a sports governing body shall place any wager on a
sporting event in which such member team participates. Tribal membership in
and of itself shall not constitute ownership for purposes of this section.
o Sec. 15. (NEW) (Effective July 1, 2021) (a) (1) No athlete, coach or referee
who takes part in a sporting event and no individual participating in e-sports
shall place any sports wager on any sporting event in which such athlete,
coach, referee or individual is participating.

(2) No athlete, coach ...

 Illinois
o No person under 21 years of age may place or redeem a wager. 2) 3) 4) 5) No
person not physically located in the State of Illinois may place a wager. No
person located outside a 5-block radius from a sports facility may place a
wager with that sports facility or its designee. No person enrolled in the self-
exclusion program may place or redeem a wager. No athlete, competitor,
referee, official, coach, manager, medical professional or athletic trainer or
employee or contractor of a team or athletic organization who has access to
nonpublic information concerning an athlete or team may engage in sports
wagering on an event or the performance of an individual in an event in which
the person is participating or otherwise has access to nonpublic or exclusive
information. 6) No key person or employee of a master sports wagering
licensee or management services provider licensee may place a wager with
that master sports wagering licensee or a master sports wagering licensee for
which the management services provider licensee is a designee.
o Section 1900.1120 Prohibited Wagering Activity
a) Persons Prohibited from Wagering
1) No person under 21 years of age may place or redeem a wager.
2) No person not physically located in the State of Illinois may place a wager.
3) No person located outside a 5-block radius from a sports facility may ...

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 Indiana
o (A) An individual that is prohibited under IC 4-38 from participating in sports
wagering. (B) An individual listed on the commission's exclusion list kept
under 68 IAC 6-1 or that has a voluntarily excluded person status as defined
under 68 IAC 6-3. (C) An individual that has signed up for statewide Internet
self-restriction. (D) An occupational licensee employed by or associated with
a supplier licensee. (E) An individual whose participation may undermine the
integrity of the wagering or the sports event or who is excluded from
wagering for other good cause, including, but not limited to, an attempt to
place a wager as an agent or a proxy.
o (16) "Prohibited sports wagering participant" means any of the following
individuals:(A) An individual that is prohibited under IC 4-38 from
participating in sports wagering. (B) An individual listed on the commission's
exclusion list kept under 68 IAC 6-1 or that has a voluntarily excluded person

 Iowa
o To prohibit wagering by coaches, athletic trainers, officials, players, or other
individuals who participate in an authorized sporting event in which wagers
may be accepted. b. To prohibit wagering by persons who are employed in a
position with direct involvement with coaches, players, athletic trainers,
officials, athletes or participants in an authorized sporting event in which
wagers may be accepted.

o No person under the age of 21 shall be permitted by any licensed facility to

purchase or cash a pari-mutuel ticket.

Coaches, athletic trainers, officials, players, or other individuals who

participate in an authorized sporting event in which wagers may be accepted.

Persons who are employed in a p...

 Kansas
o Upon demand, employees and agents of the commission and division must be
given access to any portion of the premises of a sports wagering operator for
the purpose of inspecting or examining records or documents, sports betting
systems, or the conduct of sports betting activity.
o (r)
“Prohibited sports wagering participant” means any involuntarily-excluded
person, any voluntarily-excluded person, and all of the following:
(1) Any person who is under the age of twenty-one (21);
(2) Any person placing wagers while not within the State of Kansas;
(3) A lottery gaming facili...

 Louisiana

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o An operator shall not knowingly accept a wager from a person who is an
athlete, coach, referee or other official, or staff of a participant or team that is
participating in the sports event on which the person is attempting to place the
wager. (2) An operator shall not knowingly accept a wager from a person who
is the operator itself or is a director, officer, owner, or employee of the
operator or any relative or other person living in the same household as a
director, officer, owner, or employee of the operator.
o (2) In order to accept a sports wager from a player, an operator shall confirm
that the player meets
all of the following criteria:
(a) Is twenty-one years of age or older.
(b) Is physically located in a parish that has approved a proposition
authorizing sports wagering.
(c) Has an existing sports w...

 Maryland
o A sports wagering licensee may not accept a wager that the licensee knew or
should have known: (1) Involves cheating; (2) Was made by an athlete on an
athletic event of the type in which the athlete participates or an athletic event
governed by the same governing entity under which the athlete competes; (3)
Was made by a person who holds a position of authority or inuence over the
participants in a sporting event or is professionally connected to an athletic
event or governing entity, including a: (a) Referee; (b) Ofcial; (c) Coach; (d)
Manager; (e) Handler; (f) Trainer; (g) Medical professional; or (h) Person with

access to non-public information about a sporting event that is overseen by the

governing entity; (4) Was made by a person who is placing a wager on behalf,
or for the benet, of a person that is prohibited from participating in sports
wagering under applicable law or regulation; or (5) Encourages or instructs a
bettor to structure a wager to circumvent applicable law or regulation.
.25 Verication of Credit Application Information.
G. A facility operator shall verify that the player is not an individual who is:
(1) Under 21 years of age;
(2) Voluntarily suspended from counter check privileges under Regulation .32
of this chapter;
(3) Mandatorily excluded in accor...

 Michigan
o any excluded person, any voluntarily-excluded person, and all of the
o Any excluded person, any voluntarily-excluded person, and all of the
(i) An individual who is under the age of 21.
(ii) Any employee of, or appointee to, the Michigan gaming control board.
(iii)Employees of a sports betting operator. An employee of a sports betting
operator shall not crea...

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 Montana
o Comply with all State and federal data security laws
o Prohibited Persons
The following individuals are prohibited from placing wagers or collecting
1. persons under the age of 18;
2. persons on any exclusion list;
3. any person making a wager on the account of or for any other person; and
4. commissioners, the director, the director's staff, ...

 New Hampshire
o "Prohibited sports bettor" means:
o X. "Prohibited sports bettor" means:
(a) Any member or employee of the commission and any spouse, child,
sibling, or parent residing in the same household as a member or employee of
the commission.
(b) Any principal or employee of any agent.
(c) Any contractor of the commission or its agents when su...

 New Jersey
o any person who is prohibited pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:69G or N.J.S.A. 5:12-
119 or 5:12-100.n, any individual whose participation may undermine the

integrity of the wagering or the sports event, or any person who is prohibited
for other good cause, including, but not limited to: any individual placing a
wager as an agent or proxy; any person who is an athlete, coach, referee,
player, or a referee personnel member, in, or on, any sports event overseen by
that person's sports governing body based on publicly available information; a
person who holds a position of authority or influence sufficient to exert
influence over the participants in a sporting contest, including, but not limited
to, coaches, managers, handlers, athletic trainers, or horse trainers; a person
with access to certain types of exclusive information on any sports event
overseen by that person's sports governing body based on publicly available
information, or a person identified by any lists provided by the sports
governing body to the Division and the Racing Commission.
o "Prohibited sports pool participant" means any person who is prohibited
pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:69G or N.J.S.A. 5:12-119 or 5:12-100.n, any
individual whose participation may undermine the integrity of the wagering or
the sports event, or any person who is prohibited for other good cause,

 New York
o any person whose participation may undermine the integrity of wagering on a
sports event or the conduct of such sports event itself, or any person who is
prohibited for other good cause, including, without limitation, the following,
as prescribed by Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law section

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1367(1) and this paragraph:
o § 5313.2. Age for gaming participation; signage; responsibilities.
(d) A gaming facility licensee shall not allow or permit any person who is
under 21 years of age to:
(1) participate as a player at any game in such gaming facility;
(2) receive any complimentary services or items as a result of, or...

 Pennsylvania
o A sports wagering certificate holder or sports wagering operator is prohib- ited
from: (1) Knowingly accepting wagers from athletes on sporting events of the
type in which the athlete participates as well as sporting events governed by
the same governing body under which the athlete competes. (2) Knowingly
accepting wagers from a person who holds a position of authority or influence
sufficient to exert influence over the participants in a sporting event, or a
person professionally connected to a sporting event or gov- erning body
including referees, officials, coaches, managers, handlers, athletic trainers or a
person with access to certain types of exclusive information on any sporting
event overseen by the governing body.
o § 513a.2. Exclusion requirements.
(a) An individual under 21 years of age may not enter or be on the gaming
floor of a licensed facility except that an individual 18 years of age or older
who is employed by a slot machine licensee, a gaming service provider, the
Board or other regulatory or emergen...

 Rhode Island
o A Facility or Sports Wagering Service Provider shall not knowingly accept a
Sports Wager collegiate, semi-professional, or professional athlete, referee,
official, coach, manager, handler, athletic trainer, or employee of a team or
athletic organization who is prohibited by their team or athletic organization
from engaging in Sports Wagering from any individual who has been
convicted of the crime of bookmaking in the State of Rhode Island or other
state, pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws § 11-19- 14.1, or any other
individual prohibited by the Division.
C. No ticket shall be sold to any person under the age of eighteen (18).


A. 2. The Video Lottery and Table Game Retailers shall not permit any visibly
intoxicated Per...

 South Dakota
o A licensee may not knowingly accept a bet on a sporting event from any of the
following persons:

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o 42-7B-83. Certain persons prohibited from betting.
A licensee may not knowingly accept a bet on a sporting event from any of the
following persons:
(1) Any athlete who is participating in the sporting event or who is a member
of any team participating in the sporting event on which the bet is placed...

 Tennessee
o The following persons or categories of persons shall not, directly or indirectly,
wager or bet on a sporting event in this state:
o 4-51-312. Persons ineligible to place a bet or wager.
(a) The following persons or categories of persons shall not, directly or
indirectly, wager or bet on a sporting event in this state:
(1) Any member, officer, or employee of the council, board, or corporation;
(2) With respect to a licensee, any ...

 Washington DC
o “Prohibited Sports Wagering Participant” means
o “Prohibited Sports Wagering Participant” means any individual under the age
of eighteen (18); any individual who is prohibited pursuant to any self-
exclusion; any individual who is listed on the Office’s Involuntary Exclusion
List; any individual who is listed on any Sports Wagering Facility e...

 West Virginia

o any individual who is prohibited from wagering pursuant to: (1) any self-
exclusion list or a casino or Commission exclusion list; (2) any individual
whose participation may undermine the integrity of the wagering or the sports
event or who is excluded from wagering for other good cause, including but
not limited to, an attempt to place a wager as an agent or a proxy; (3) any
employee of the Commission; or ( 4) a licensed sports pool operator or any of
its employees placing a wager with that sports pool operator in violation of
W.Va. Code §§29-22D-1 et seq.
o 2.19. "Prohibited sports pool participant" means any individual who is
prohibited from wagering pursuant to:
(1) any self-exclusion list or a casino or Commission exclusion list;
(2) any individual whose participation may undermine the integrity of the
wagering or the sports event or who is exclud...

 Wyoming
o any patron with the following restrictions in place: (i) Employees of a sports
wagering operator or sports wagering vendor, as well as those within the same
household, may not wager with the sports wagering operator or sports
wagering vendor for which he or she is employed unless using a test account
under these rules; (ii) Occupational permittees and applicants may not wager
with the sports wagering operator or sports wagering vendor for which they
are employed or for which they had to qualify; (iii) Professional or collegiate
athletes, team employees and owners, coaches, managers, handlers, athletic

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trainers, league officials and employees, referees, umpires, sports agents, and
employees of an athletic or referee union, and anyone with access to non-
public/exclusive information or sufficient authority to influence the outcome
of an event, as well as those within the same household, may not wager on
events in the sport in which they participate, or in which the athlete they
represent participates; or (iv) At the Commission’s discretion, individuals on a
list provided by a team or sports governing body may not wager on any event
overseen by the relevant sports governing body.
o (cc) “Prohibited person” means any involuntarily-excluded person, any
voluntarily-excluded person, and all of the following:
(i) Any individual who is under the age of eighteen (18);
(ii) Any individual wagering while not in the authorized geographic
boundaries within the State of Wyoming;

 Which employees are prohibited from wagering?

 Indiana
o Employees of the sports governing body, 2. A game official employed or
under contract with the sports governing body 3. A coach, manager, or other
personnel employed by or under contract with a member club of the sports
governing body. 4. An athlete who is under contract with a member club of

the sports governing body in the case of a team sport; or is eligible to

participate in events conducted by the sports governing body in the case of an
individual sport; and 5. An employee of a union representing athletes or game
o Employees of the sports governing body, 2. A game official employed or
under contract with the sports governing body 3. A coach, manager, or other
personnel employed by or under contract with a member club of the sports
governing body. 4. An athlete who is under contract with a member club of
the sp...

 Kansas
o If it is determined that a sports wagering operator has offered an unauthorized
event for wagering, the sports wagering operator shall cancel and refund all
wagers associated with that event.
o (3) A lottery gaming facility manager, and any director, officer, owner and
employee of such manager, and any relative living in the same household as
such persons, placing wagers with the manager at the manager’s location or
through the manager’s interactive sports wagering platform;
(4) An int...

 New Hampshire

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o (a) Any member or employee of the commission and any spouse, child,
sibling, or parent residing in the same household as a member or employee of
the commission. (b) Any principal or employee of any agent. (c) Any
contractor of the commission or its agents when such contract relates to the
conduct of sports wagering. (d) Any contractor or employee of an entity that
conducts sports wagering in another jurisdiction when the bettor possesses
confidential nonpublic information as a result of his or her contract or
employment relating to the wager being placed.
o (a) Any member or employee of the commission and any spouse, child,
sibling, or parent residing in the same household as a member or employee of
the commission. (b) Any principal or employee of any agent. (c) Any
contractor of the commission or its agents when such contract relates to the
conduct of...

 New York
o financial indebtedness
o (a) Gaming facility employees. In addition to the requirements set forth in
section 1336 of the Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law, all
employees of a gaming facility licensee holding a gaming employee
registration issued by the commission are prohibited from wagering in any
facility in w...

 Pennsylvania

o Sports Wagering Facilities and locations with sports wagering equipment are

subject to compliance inspections by the Office at all times. Authorized Office

employees shall be granted access to all portions of the Sports Wagering
Facility or any location where sports wagering equipment is stored at all times
for the purposes of conducting compliance inspections or enforcement actions.
o (4) An individual who holds a license, permit or registration and is currently
employed by or is a principal of a sports wagering operator may not wager
anywhere the sports wagering operator operates a retail sports wagering
location or through the web site or mobile application offered by or associ...

 Rhode Island
o Employees of the Rhode Island Lottery and any immediate family member
(parent, stepparent, child, stepchild, spouse, or sibling) residing in the same
household as the employee shall not play, wager, or in any way participate or
be eligible for a prize in any game offerings; i.e., Video Lottery Terminals,
Table Games, Sports Wagering
o Employees of the Rhode Island Lottery and any immediate family member
(parent, stepparent, child, stepchild, spouse, or sibling) residing in the same
household as the employee shall not play, wager, or in any way participate or
be eligible for a prize in any game offerings; i.e., Video Lottery Termi...

 South Dakota

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o Patrons must be able to access information pertaining to any available
promotions or bonuses.
o 20:18:12.01:01. Gaming by licensees. A person who is licensed as a key
employee, operator, sports wagering services provider, or retailer may not play
or be permitted to play or place a wager, except as a dealer, in any game in the
licensed establishment where the person is employed or in which the ...

 Tennessee
o for applicants for a sports wagering license, the applicant must be issued a
Louisiana gaming license that is in good standing
o (a) The following persons or categories of persons shall not, directly or
indirectly, wager or bet on a sporting event in this state:
(1) Any member, officer, or employee of the council, board, or corporation;
(2) With respect to a licensee, any principal owner, partner, member of the
board of direc...

 Virginia
o 1. The Director and any Board member, officer, or employee of the
Department; 2. Any permit holder; 3. Any director, officer, owner, or
employee of a permit holder and any relative living in the same household as
such persons; and 4. Any officer or employee of any entity working directly
on a contract with the Department related to sports betting. B. The persons
described in subdivision A 3 shall be prohibited from sports betting only with

respect to the related permit holder, but shall not be prohibited from placing

sports bets with other permit holders.

o 1. The Director and any Board member, officer, or employee of the
Department; 2. Any permit holder; 3. Any director, officer, owner, or
employee of a permit holder and any relative living in the same household as
such persons; and 4. Any officer or employee of any entity working directly
on a contra...

 Washington DC
o iGaming, VGT and Fantasy self-exclusions expire at the conclusion of the
selected ban period.
o A director, officer, owner, or employee of the Operator or Management
Services Provider, and any relative living in the same household as the
aforementioned individuals from placing a wager

 West Virginia
o any employee of the Commission; or ( 4) a licensed sports pool operator or
any of its employees placing a wager with that sports pool operator
o any employee of the Commission; or ( 4) a licensed sports pool operator or
any of its employees placing a wager with that sports pool operator

 Wyoming

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o ) Employees of a sports wagering operator or sports wagering vendor, as well
as those within the same household, may not wager with the sports wagering
operator or sports wagering vendor for which he or she is employed unless
using a test account under these rules
o Employees of a sports wagering operator or sports wagering vendor, as
well as those within the same household, may not wager with the sports
wagering operator or sports wagering vendor for which he or she is employed
unless using a test account under these rules

 What are acceptable forms of proof of identification?

 Connecticut
o reporting of problem gamblers
o Section 12-865-12. Age and Identity Verification
(b) [...] The comprehensive identity check shall include, at minimum, an
identity search of the individual’s name, date of birth, address, and last four
digits of the individual’s social security number, government issued
identification card, incl...

 Illinois
o Verify the patron's identity either: i) In person, by recording a signature and

examining one government-issued photographic identification credential; or

ii) Other methodology for remote multi-sourced authentication, which may
include third-party or governmental databases, as described in the master
sports wagering licensee's internal control system and approved by the
o Section 1900.1220 Sports Wagering Accounts
b) 3) Patron Information
A) Verify the patron's identity either: i) In person, by recording a signature and
examining one government-issued photographic identification credential; or
ii) Other methodology for remote multi-sourced authentication, which may i...

 Indiana
o The Commission may exercise its discretion whether to defer its qualication
decision during the pendency of the charge
o 68 IAC 15-2-4 Reportable transactions
(c) Identification information must be verified by examining the identification
presented by the patron. Acceptable identification for a United States resident
includes the following:
(1) Driver's license.
(2) United States passport.
(3) Other government issued ...

 Michigan

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o the licensee shall submit an application for renewal to the Commission at least
6 months before the license expires
o R 432.755 Internet sports betting account requirements.
Rule 755.(c)(i) Reliable forms of personal identification specified in the sports
betting operator’s or internet sports betting platform provider’s internal
controls. (ii) Other methodology for remote multi-source authentication,
which may ...

 Nevada
o government issued picture identification credential
o government issued picture identification credential

 New Hampshire
o Identity verification through secure online databases or by examination of
photo identification.
o Identity verification through secure online databases or by examination of
photo identification.

 Tennessee
o The Player's social security number ("SSN") or equivalent for a fore gn Player
(who places a Wager within Tennessee), such as a passport or taxpayer
identification number. The Player may enter only the last four digits of a SSN
if other factors are sufficient to determine the entire nine•digit SSN within a

reasonable time
o 1350-01-.08 Rules Governing Sports Gaming Accounts.
(2)(f) The Player's social security number ("SSN") or equivalent for a foreign
Player (who places a Wager within Tennessee), such as a passport or taxpayer
identification number. The Player may enter only the last four digits of a SSN
if other fact...

 Washington DC
o The decision of the Commission or staff regarding an exemption or waiver of
a licensing requirement is nal and not appealable
2118.2 (e) The document number from one of the following valid
identification credentials collected from the player to verify their identity:
(1) Driver’s license;
(2) Passport;
(3) Non-resident alien identification card;
(4) Other reliable go...

 Can a sports league restrict wagering on its games?

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 Arizona
o within 15 days of receipt of notice of the administrative actions instituted or
pending in any other jurisdiction
o An event wagering operator, professional sports team, league, association or
institution of higher education may submit to the department in writing a
request to prohibit a type or form of event wagering, or to prohibit a category
of persons from event wagering, if the event wagering operator, team,...

 Colorado
o The Commission may delegate to staff
o A sports governing body may petition the commission to restrict, limit, or
exclude a type of wager

 Connecticut
o identity
o A sports governing body may request that the commissioner restrict, limit or
exclude wagering on a sporting event or events by providing notice in such
form and manner as the commissioner prescribes. The commissioner may take
such action as the commissioner deems necessary to ensure the integrity of...

 Illinois
o approved in advance by the Commission under §F of this regulation
o A master sports wagering licensee, professional sports team, league, or

association, sports governing body, institution of higher education, or the

Administrator may submit to the Board a request to prohibit a type or form of
wagering, or wagering on a specific sport, event, league or competition.

 Indiana
o Designated staff may determine qualications of an applicant and issue a
license without a Commission hearing
o a sports governing body may request that the executive director or the
executive director's designee prohibit a particular event or making wagers of a
particular type upon a demonstration of good cause.

 Michigan
o (a) Any employee of a Sports Wagering Operator or Management Services
Provider whose work duties are directly related to or involve sports wagering
operated under the jurisdiction of the Office; and (b) Any individual who is a
Sports Wagering Manager, a general manager or department manager having
oversight or operational responsibility for operations of a Sports Wagering
Facility licensed in the District.
o A sports governing body or other oversight body may notify the board that it
desires to restrict, limit, or exclude wagering on any event category it governs
by providing notice in the form and manner prescribed by the board. (4) The
board may grant, deny, limit, restrict, or condition a request mad...

Copyrights 2023 OddsOnCompliance, All rights reserved

 Pennsylvania
o Operators and Management Services Providers shall file with the Office
internal controls for all aspects of sports wagering operations prior to
commencing operations. As determined by the Office, prior to commencing
sports wagering, a Sports Wagering Operator or Management Services
Provider shall submit to the Office for approval internal controls for all
aspects of sports wagering (i.e., retail sportsbook operations, in venue mobile
sportsbook operations and remote sportsbook wagering operations) prior to
implementation and any time a change is made thereafter.
o An athletic team or the governing body or league of an athletic team may
provide to the Board a list of all persons within the team’s organization as well
as all league officials or referees prohibited from engaging in sports wagering
under this section, along with the specific type of sporting ev...

 South Dakota
o The statewide Internet self-restriction program is confidential
o A sports governing body may request sports wagering information or may
request the commission to restrict, limit, or exclude sports wagering on a
particular event or a particular wager type.

 Tennessee
o may submit to the board in writing a request to prohibit a type or form of

wagering, or to prohibit a category of persons from wagering, if the licensee,

team, league, association, or institution believes that such wagering by type,
form, or category is contrary to public policy, unfair to consumers, or affects
the integrity of a particular sport or the sports betting industry.
o may submit to the board in writing a request to prohibit a type or form of
wagering, or to prohibit a category of persons from wagering, if the licensee,
team, league, association, or institution believes that such wagering by type,
form, or category is contrary to public policy, unfair to consumers...

 Can funds from an inactive account be confiscated?

 Indiana
o Willful deance by the applicant or a person who is required to be qualied of
a legislative investigatory body or other ofcial investigatory body of the
United States or a jurisdiction within the United States when the body is
engaged in the investigation of crimes relating to sports wagering, gambling,
ofcial corruption, or organized crime activity
o The sports wagering operator shall report and deliver all funds of patrons that
are presumed abandoned to the office of the Indiana attorney general

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 New Hampshire
o Abandoned player accounts under this rule, shall be subject to the state of
New Hampshire abandoned property laws, RSA 471-C
o Abandoned player accounts under this rule, shall be subject to the state of
New Hampshire abandoned property laws, RSA 471-C

 Ontario
o Where an account becomes dormant or is deactivated by a
player or another authorized individual, the player shall be able to
recover the balance of their account owing to them.
o Where an account becomes dormant or is deactivated by a
player or another authorized individual, the player shall be able to
recover the balance of their account owing to them.

 Pennsylvania
o A Class A Operator License is non-transferable.
o § 1408a.4. Terms and conditions.
(b)(8) [...] if the player’s sports wagering account remains dormant for a
period of 2 years any funds remaining on deposit and any pending wagers
may be forfeited

 Virginia
o The permit holder shall report and remit all segregated accounts presumed

abandoned to the State Treasurer or his designee

o The permit holder shall report and remit all segregated accounts presumed
abandoned to the State Treasurer or his designee

 Wyoming
o Any account with no activity for at least three (3) years may be closed. When
an account is closed the sports wagering operator or sports wagering vendor
shall issue any funds, less processing fees, within five (5) business days to the
o Any account with no activity for at least three (3) years may be closed. When
an account is closed the sports wagering operator or sports wagering vendor
shall issue any funds, less processing fees, within five (5) business days to the

 Are operators permitted to offer promotional bonuses?

 Colorado
o A Sports Betting Operation shall comply with Commission rules regarding
complimentary play or any promotional event related to the conduct of sports

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o (16) Promotions.
(a) Patrons must be able to access information pertaining to any promotions or
bonuses available to them.

 Connecticut
o The applicant’s good character, honesty, and integrity
o (F) Promotions Log: Unless exempted by the department, an electronic
wagering platform shall record all complimentaries and promotions issued and
redeemed through the electronic wagering platform in a secure electronic log.
This log shall provide the information necessary to audit compliance regardi...

 Indiana
o if the pursuit creates a reasonable belief by the Commission that participation
of the applicant in sports wagering operations would be inimical to the State’s
o Patrons must be able to access information pertaining to any available
promotions or bonuses.

 Kansas
o A ticket voucher that is printed more than 48 hours before it has been
presented for payment may, at the discretion of the gambling operator, be
deemed invalid and not payable, only if the operator has given notice to
players of the 48-hour voucher expiration by: (a) posting a notice in plain

view of the gambling public at the time of play that is not less than 24 inches
by 36 inches that reads "Promptly Redeem Your Win Tickets -- Tickets Void
After 48 hours"; and (b) issuing ticket vouchers displaying their expiration by:
(i) for VGMs and programs approved prior to adoption of this rule, the face of
the ticket voucher paper has been preprinted with the expiration notice
required by ARM 23.16.1901; or (ii) for VGMs and programs approved after
adoption of this rule, the expiration notice is printed on the face of the ticket
voucher as required by ARM 23.16.1901.
o Sports wagering promotional credits provided by a lottery gaming facility
manager or an interactive sports wagering platform provider

 Ontario
o Permitted advertising and marketing materials that
communicate gambling inducements, bonuses and credits
o Permitted advertising and marketing materials that
communicate gambling inducements, bonuses and credits

 Pennsylvania
o the application for which shall be on a form or platform provided by the
o promotional credits or bonus credits

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 South Dakota
o Promotional wagers must be paid at odds approved by the executive director.
o Bonus or promotional credit;

 Tennessee
o "Promotional Credit" means free plays, deposit matches, odds boosts, risk-free
bets, and any other bonus that a Sports Wagering Operator offers or gives to a
Player as an incentive to Wager.
o "Promotional Credit" means free plays, deposit matches, odds boosts, risk-free
bets, and any other bonus that a Sports Wagering Operator offers or gives to a
Player as an incentive to Wager.

 Washington DC
o establish the following qualication criteria by clear and convincing evidence
o promotional credit

 Are operators permitted to offer promotional play?

 Illinois
o for at least 5 years from the date of the wager
o This restriction does not prohibit general advertising or promotional activities.

 Kansas
o The department shall charge an annual license fee of $100 for issuing or
renewing a license.
o (6)
Sports wagering promotional credits provided by a lottery gaming facility
manager or an interactive sports wagering platform provider

 Michigan
o determining the geographical location of a player when placing a sports wager
o A sports betting operator or internet sports betting platform provider may
conduct internet sports betting bonus and promotional wagering offers

 Puerto Rico
o The Operator may offer bonus or promotional payouts, and any other
promotion including drawings and giveaway programs.
o The Operator may offer bonus or promotional payouts, and any other
promotion including drawings and giveaway programs.

 South Dakota
o “Sports wagering” does not include placing a wager on the performance or
nonperformance of any individual athlete participating in a single game or

Copyrights 2023 OddsOnCompliance, All rights reserved

match of a collegiate sporting event in which a collegiate team from this state
is a participant, or placing a wager on the performance of athletes in an
individual international sporting event governed by the international olympic
committee in which any participant in the international sporting event is under
eighteen years of age.
o Bonus or promotional credit

 Tennessee
o "Promotional Credit" means free plays, deposit matches, odds boosts, risk-free
bets, and any other bonus that a Sports Wagering Operator offers or gives to a
Player as an incentive to Wager.
o 1350-01-.02 Definitions.
(38)"Promotional Credit" means free plays, deposit matches, odds boosts, risk
-free bets, and any other bonus that a Sports Wagering Operator offers or
gives to a Player as an incentive to Wager.

1350-01-.07 Maintenance of License or Registration.

(12) Manner in Which Intera...

 What are examples of promotional offers?



o The reserve funds shall not be used for operational activities

o Promotional credits, or bonus credits

 Pennsylvania
o A Class A Operator License shall be issued for five (5) years and require a non
- refundable application fee of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000),
which shall be submitted with the application; provided, that when an
Applicant for a Class A Operator License partners in a joint venture with a
Certified Business Enterprise majority interest, it shall submit a non-
refundable application fee of one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars
($125,000) at the time of the initial application.
o a sports wagering contest, tournament, pool or other organized event

 South Dakota
o “Authorized sporting event” means a professional sporting event, collegiate
sporting event, international sporting event, or professional motor race event.
o sports wagering vouchers;
Bonus or promotional credit;
Value gaming chips;

 Tennessee

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o free plays, deposit matches, odds boosts, risk-free bets, and any other bonus
that a Sports Wagering Operator offers or gives to a Player as an incentive to
o free plays, deposit matches, odds boosts, risk-free bets, and any other bonus
that a Sports Wagering Operator offers or gives to a Player as an incentive to

 Washington DC
o all employees of a gaming facility licensee holding a gaming employee
registration issued by the commission are prohibited from wagering in any
facility in which the employee is employed or any facility owned or operated
by that gaming facility or an affiliate of that gaming facility.
o Cash complimentary, promotional credit, or bonus credit

 How can a patron self-exclude?

 Arizona
o they shall be immediately submitted to the division for approval
o 5-1320. Problem gambling; self-exclusion list; program; liabilities
1. The department shall establish a list of persons who, by acknowledging in a
manner to be established by the department that they are problem gamblers,

voluntarily seek to exclude themselves from event wagering statewide. The


 Illinois
o may not assign, delegate, subcontract, or transfer to another person its duties
or responsibilities as a licensee without the prior approval of the Commission
o Any individual who acknowledges that he or she has a gambling problem may
request of the Board that he or she be excluded from participation in sports
wagering in Illinois by placing himself or herself on the Self-Exclusion List.

 Indiana
o A patron may self-restrict in a number of ways. A patron can exclude him or
herself from participating in any form of sports wagering by enrolling in
Indiana’s Voluntary Exclusion Program (“VEP”).
o Can a patron self-restrict from participating in sports wagering?
A patron may self-restrict in a number of ways. A patron can exclude him or
herself from participating in
any form of sports wagering by enrolling in Indiana’s Voluntary Exclusion
Program (“VEP”). See The VEP...

 Kansas

Copyrights 2023 OddsOnCompliance, All rights reserved

o each lottery gaming facility and each racetrack gaming facility maintain a self-
exclusion list by which individuals may exclude themselves from access to
electronic gaming machines and, other lottery facility games and sports
o Sec. 25. K.S.A. 74-8710
(13) (B) [...] each lottery gaming facility and each racetrack gaming facility
maintain a self-exclusion list by which individuals may exclude themselves
from access to electronic gaming machines, other lottery facility games and
sports wagering.

 Michigan
o A Sports Wagering Operator or Management Services Provider may, in its
discretion, accept a Layoff Wager from another Sports Wagering Operator or
Management Services Provider.
o R 432.774 Self-exclusion list.
Rule 774.
(3)An individual may have his or her name added to the self-exclusion list
maintained by the sports betting operator or internet sports betting platform
provider if he or she agrees to release the state, the board and its employees
and agents, the sports bett...

 New Jersey
o Request for Voluntary Self-Exclusion Request Form


I. COMPLETING THIS FORM (NOTE: Self-Exclusion for Internet Gaming

can also be made directly through your online player account):
A. You may submit an application IN PERSON at the following location
Monday through Friday:
New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement
Arcade Building

 Pennsylvania
o A person requesting to be self-excluded from gaming activity at licensed
facilities or other locations approved by the Board to conduct gaming activity
shall submit a completed Request for Voluntary Self-Exclusion from Gaming
Activities Form to the Board by one of the following methods:
o § 503a.2. Request for casino self-exclusion.
(a) A person requesting to be self-excluded from gaming activity at licensed
facilities or other locations approved by the Board to conduct gaming activity
shall submit a completed Request for Voluntary Self-Exclusion from Gaming
Activities Form to the B...

 South Dakota
o The sports wagering system shall be required to generate those reports
necessary to record the adjusted gross receipts, wagering liability, ticket

Copyrights 2023 OddsOnCompliance, All rights reserved

redemption, and such other information relating to sports wagering as deemed
necessary by the executive director or as required by internal controls. Such
reporting shall be done using cash basis accounting.
o 20:18:35:41. Self-exclusion plan.
A licensee or sports wagering services provider conducting wagering on sports
events shall develop a self-exclusion plan or voluntary exclusion plan to
prevent any person, who informs the licensee of that person’s desire to
participate in a self-exclusion or volu...

 Tennessee
o Any individual may request placement on the list of self-excluded individuals
o (13) Maintenance of a Self-Exclusion List.
(a) Licensees shall develop and maintain a system to allow Individuals to
prohibit or restrict themselves from being able to place a Wager with the
Licensee. Licensees may offer the option of implementing restrictions that
apply solely to the Licensee or ma...

 Washington DC
o applicant or any person required to be qualied to provide information,
documentation, or assurances required by or requested
o 2129.2
An individual may request to have their name placed on the Self-Exclusion
List by completing the application and following the procedure outlined in the

Office’s website or printed material available from the Office, at designated


locations on and off the Premises of licensed sports wagerin...

 Can patrons set betting limits?

 Connecticut
o Submit the request to the Commission as soon as practicable
o (3) Allow a person to limit the amount of money that may be deposited into an
account, and spent per day through an account;

 Illinois
o An internet wagering system shall permit a patron to voluntarily impose
limitations or restrictions on wagers that can be placed through the internet
wagering system.
o An internet wagering system shall permit a patron to voluntarily impose
limitations or restrictions on wagers that can be placed through the internet
wagering system.

 Indiana
o Patron's right to set responsible gaming limits and to self-exclude.

Copyrights 2023 OddsOnCompliance, All rights reserved

o Patron's right to set responsible gaming limits and to self-exclude.

 Louisiana
o a responsible gaming policy that allows patrons to restrict themselves from
placing wagers with the operator, including limits on time spent wagering and
limits on amounts wagered
o a responsible gaming policy that allows patrons to restrict themselves from
placing wagers with the operator, including limits on time spent wagering and
limits on amounts wagered

 Michigan
o Authorized participant’s right to set responsible gaming limits and to self-
o Authorized participant’s right to set responsible gaming limits and to self-

 Montana
o comply with all applicable requirements in State Government Article, Title 9,
Subtitles 1A and 1E, Annotated Code of Maryland, and the Commission’s
o You can set daily, weekly or monthly bet limits which prevent you from being
able to wager more than a specified amount during that period. To do so, visit
“My Account” then select “Bet Limit.” Select “Set bet limits”, enter the

maximum amount you want to be able to wager over the specif...

 Nebraska
o A process to easily and prominently impose limitations or notification for
wagering parameters, including, but not limited to, deposits and wagers
o A process to easily and prominently impose limitations or notification for
wagering parameters, including, but not limited to, deposits and wagers

 New Jersey
o Patron's right to set responsible gaming limits and to self-exclude
o Patron's right to set responsible gaming limits and to self-exclude

 Tennessee
o A self-Umitation program where Players have the option to set lirnlts on
money and time spent betting, deposit limits, sess on time lfmits. and account
o A self-limitationprogram where Players have the option to set limits on money
and time spent betting, deposit limits, session time limits. and account cool-

 Washington DC
o a sports wager

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o 2114 Self-Limiting Program
2114.1 Operators and Management Services Providers shall implement a
system to allow individuals to set Sports Wagering Account limits with the
Operator or Management Services Provider, including responsible gaming
limits set forth below. Any decrease to these limits shall...

 What is the minimum length for a patron to remain on the self-exclusion list?

 Arizona
o One year
o One year

 New York
o one year
o one year

 Virginia
o two-years
o two-years

 Washington DC

o holder of, a license

o One (1) year;

 Is the list of self-excluded patrons confidential?

 Indiana
o Commission of an act within the prior 7 years
o The statewide Internet self-restriction program is confidential

 Pennsylvania
o initial submission shall be made at least 60 days before Sports Wagering
operations are to commence
o The exclusion list will be open to public inspection at the Board’s central
office during normal business hours, posted on the Board’s web site and will
be distributed to every slot machine licensee within this Commonwealth, who
shall acknowledge receipt thereof in writing or electronically.

 Washington DC
o A license may not be surrendered without the prior approval of the board.

Copyrights 2023 OddsOnCompliance, All rights reserved

o the Office’s Self-Exclusion List shall be kept confidential. Except as
authorized or required by this chapter, Sports Wagering Operators and
Management Services Providers shall not disclose the names included in the
Self-Exclusion Program.

 Is wagering on college sports restricted?

 Arizona
o Required to comply with a regulatory licensing requirement
o collegiate proposition bets

 Colorado
o shall submit a written request in a format specied by the Commission
o any collegiate sports event

 Connecticut
o Submit the request to the Commission as soon as practicable
o (27) "Sporting event" means any (A) sporting or athletic event at
which two or more persons participate, individually or on a team, and
receive compensation in excess of actual expenses for such participation
in such sporting or athletic event; (B) sporting or athletic event

sponsored by an intercol...

 Illinois
o To a related entity
o Section 1900.1120 Prohibited Wagering Activity
b)The following wagers are prohibited:
2) Wagering on a sports event involving an Illinois collegiate team or
individual competing through an Illinois collegiate program.

 Kansas
o "Sporting event" means any professional or collegiate sport or athletic event
o (rr) (1)
"Sporting event" means any professional or collegiate sport or athletic event,
motor race event or any other special event authorized by the commission that
has not occurred at the time wagers are placed on such event.

 Maine
o "Prohibited sports event" means a high school sports or athletic event, any
other event in which a majority of the participants are under 18 years of age or
a collegiate sports or athletic event in which any Maine collegiate sports team
participates, regardless of where the event takes place.

Copyrights 2023 OddsOnCompliance, All rights reserved

o "Prohibited sports event" means a high school sports or athletic event, any
other event in which a majority of the participants are under 18 years of age or
a collegiate sports or athletic event in which any Maine collegiate sports team
participates, regardless of where the event takes place.

 Nebraska
o Authorized sporting event does not include an instate collegiate sporting event
in which an instate collegiate or university team is a participant
o Authorized sporting event does not include an instate collegiate sporting event
in which an instate collegiate or university team is a participant

 Nevada
o in-play and proposition lines, it’s important that license holders, as well as the
Lottery itself and its business partners, be required to use official data that
originates from the respective sport leagues.
o 1. Any amateur sport or athletic event other than Olympic sporting or athletic
events and collegiate sporting or athletic events as set out in this Regulation;

 New Hampshire
o "Prohibited sports event" means: (a) A collegiate sports event in which one of
the participants is a collegiate team of a college institution that is primarily
located in New Hampshire; (b) A collegiate sports event that takes place in
New Hampshire

o "Prohibited sports event" means: (a) A collegiate sports event in which one of
the participants is a collegiate team of a college institution that is primarily
located in New Hampshire; (b) A collegiate sports event that takes place in
New Hampshire

 Puerto Rico
o Bets are authorized on any professional sport or, any college or university
sports event
o Bets are authorized on any professional sport or, any college or university
sports event

 South Dakota
o promotional funds
o (3) The performance or nonperformance of any individual athlete participating
in a single game or match of a collegiate sporting event; or (4) Any individual
game in a collegiate sporting event in which any team or athlete from a
university or college in South Dakota is competing.

 Tennessee
o A Sports Gaming Operator shall not permit a Wager to be placed on the
following: (a) Injuries, penal.ties, or other such occurrences, the Wager on
which wou'ld be contrary to public policy, unfair to consumers, or deemed to

Copyrights 2023 OddsOnCompliance, All rights reserved

violate Article XI, Section 5 of the Constitution of Tennessee; (b) Individual
actions, events, statistics, occurrences, or non-occurrences to be determined
during a collegiate sportin.9 event, including, without limitation , in-game
Proposition Wagers on the performance or non-performance of a team or
individual participant during a collegiate sporting event;
o A Sports Gaming Operator shall not permit a Wager to be placed on the
following: (a) Injuries, penal.ties, or other such occurrences, the Wager on
which wou'ld be contrary to public policy, unfair to consumers, or deemed to
violate Article XI, Section 5 of the Constitution of Tennessee; (b) Individu...

 Washington DC
o required by or requested by the Commission or SWARC
o (a) Any collegiate sports or athletic event in which any District of Columbia
based college or university team participates regardless of where the event
takes place; (b) Any collegiate sports or athletic event that takes place in the

 Can we offer wagers on youth sports?

 Arizona
o Exempted the applicant or licensee from the bond requirement

o Offer or accept a wager on any event, outcome or occurrence, including a high


school sports event offered, sponsored or played in connection with a public

or private institution that offers education at the secondary level

 Iowa
o an offense described in §C(5) of this regulation, even if the act was not, or
may not be prosecuted under the criminal laws of any jurisdiction
o “Sports wagering” does not include placing a wager on the performance or
nonperformance of any individual athlete participating in a single game or
match of a collegiate sporting event in which a collegiate team from this state
is a participant, or placing a wager on the performance of athletes ...

 Kansas
o any sporting or athletic event where a majority of the participants are less than
18 years of age.
o any sporting or athletic event where a majority of the participants are less than
18 years of age.

 Maine
o "Prohibited sports event" means a high school sports or athletic event, any
other event in which a majority of the participants are under 18 years of age

Copyrights 2023 OddsOnCompliance, All rights reserved

o "Prohibited sports event" means a high school sports or athletic event, any
other event in which a majority of the participants are under 18 years of age

 Nevada
o providing players with access to the player's play history and account details
that are not confidential
o No wagers may be accepted or paid by any book on:
1. Any amateur sport or athletic event other than Olympic sporting or athletic
events and collegiate
sporting or athletic events as set out in this Regulation;

 Pennsylvania
o the Office’s Self-Exclusion List shall be kept confidential. Except as
authorized or required by this chapter, Sports Wagering Operators and
Management Services Providers shall not disclose the names included in the
Self-Exclusion Program.
o § 1401a.7. Prohibited and restricted sports wagering activities.
(a) The following sports wagering activity is prohibited:
(1) Wagering on high school sporting events governed by the Pennsylva-
nia Interscholastic Athletic Association or a similar governing body.
(2) Wagering on amateur sporting ev...

 South Dakota

o Unless there is a pending unresolved player dispute or investigation, a casino

licensee shall comply with a request for a withdrawal of funds by an
authorized player from the limited mobile gaming player account within a
reasonable amount of time.
o A licensee may not accept a bet on any of the following events or
contingencies: (1) A high school sporting event; (2) A minor league sporting
event; (3) The performance or nonperformance of any individual athlete
participating in a single game or match of a collegiate sporting event; or (4)
Any ind...

 Tennessee
o adequate security
o A Sports Gaming Operator shall not permit a Wager to be placed on the
(c) Amateur sports events, including all high school and youth league sports
events, except for sports events that are approved by the Council, in which
persons under age 18 make up a minority of the participants.

 Washington DC
o staff shall notify the requestor of the decision
o (c) All high school sports events, including high school electronic sports
events and high school competitive video game events;

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 Can we offer wagers on amateur sports?

 Colorado
o Betting on high school sports and equivalent level club or specialty sports
events is prohibited and shall not be authorized.
o Betting on high school sports and equivalent level club or specialty sports
events is prohibited and shall not be authorized.

 Indiana
o (1) The designee shall recommend denial of the application; and (2) The
recommended denial of a license application shall follow the process
described under COMAR 36.10.07.
o A certificate holder or vendor may not accept wagers on the following: (1)
High school and other amateur youth sporting events.

 Michigan
o The Lawful Sports Betting Act authorizes the MGCB to approve wagering on
any amateur or professional athletic event or other event not prohibited by
state or federal law. However, youth or high school athletic events are

o The Lawful Sports Betting Act authorizes the MGCB to approve wagering on
any amateur or professional athletic event or other event not prohibited by
state or federal law. However, youth or high school athletic events are

 Nevada
o allowing individuals to restrict themselves from placing a sports wager upon
request and provide reasonable steps to prevent the person placing a sports
wager offered by an operator
o 1. Any amateur sport or athletic event other than Olympic sporting or athletic
events and collegiate sporting or athletic events as set out in this Regulation;

 New Hampshire
o "Prohibited sports event" means: (a) A collegiate sports event in which one of
the participants is a collegiate team of a college institution that is primarily
located in New Hampshire; (b) A collegiate sports event that takes place in
New Hampshire; (c) Any high school sports event in any location; (d) Any
amateur sports event where the participants are primarily under the age of 18
o "Prohibited sports event" means: (a) A collegiate sports event in which one of
the participants is a collegiate team of a college institution that is primarily
located in New Hampshire; (b) A collegiate sports event that takes place in
New Hampshire; (c) Any high school sports event in any location;...

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 South Dakota
o (1) Driver's license. (2) United States passport. (3) Other government issued
photo identification cards.
o A licensee may not accept a bet on any of the following events or
contingencies: (1) A high school sporting event; (2) A minor league sporting
event; (3) The performance or nonperformance of any individual athlete
participating in a single game or match of a collegiate sporting event; or (4)
Any ind...

 Tennessee
o maintenance of all transactional sports wagering data for a period of five years
o A Sports Gaming Operator shall not permit a Wager to be placed on the
following: (a) Injuries, penal.ties, or other such occurrences, the Wager on
which wou'ld be contrary to public policy, unfair to consumers, or deemed to
violate Article XI, Section 5 of the Constitution of Tennessee; (b) Individu...

 Washington DC
o staff shall notify the requestor of the decision
o (d) Any amateur sport or athletic event with the exception of: (1) Olympic
sporting or athletic events sanctioned by the International Olympic Committee
where the majority of participants are age eighteen (18) or older, subject to
limitation by the Office; 78 (2) International team sports events in ...

 Wyoming
o "Prohibited sports wager" means: (A) A wager involving any sporting event or
other event where the majority of contestants or athletes in the sporting event
are under the age of eighteen (18) years;
o (ix) "Prohibited sports wager" means:
(A) A wager involving any sporting event or other event where the majority of
contestants or athletes in the
sporting event are under the age of eighteen (18) years;
(B) Any wagering category not authorized by law or commission rules
adopted in compliance with l...

 Who approves new events?

 Colorado
o the Division
o the Division

 Nevada

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o A book shall not accept wagers on an other event unless the Chair has
approved the other event in writing, the other event has been sanctioned by an
organization included on the list of sanctioning organizations maintained by
the Board, or the other event is listed on the list of pre-approved other events.
o A book shall not accept wagers on an other event unless the Chair has
approved the other event in writing, the other event has been sanctioned by an
organization included on the list of sanctioning organizations maintained by
the Board, or the other event is listed on the list of pre-approved other ...

 Rhode Island
o the sporting events upon which sports-wagering bets may be accepted
o the sporting events upon which sports-wagering bets may be accepted

 South Dakota
o Prior to beginning sports wagering operations, a sports wagering operator
must submit for approval under 68 IAC 11 internal controls
o the commission

 Washington DC
o staff shall
o the Office

 How are new events approved?

 Arizona
o The responsible party shall submit a written request to the Department for a
wager type not previously authorized.
o The responsible party shall submit a written request to the Department for a
wager type not previously authorized.

 Illinois
o A master sports wagering licensee may submit to the Administrator in writing
a request to permit wagering on a specific sport, event, league or competition
of relative skill.
o a)A master sports wagering licensee may submit to the Administrator in
writing a request to permit wagering on a specific sport, event, league or
competition of relative skill.
b) Prior to making a request to the Administrator, the master sports wagering
licensee shall notify the organizer or govern...

 Indiana
o a sports wagering operator must receive event category approval from the
executive director or the executive director's designee. The sports wagering

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operator shall provide notice to the executive director or the executive
director's designee, and such notice shall include the name of the sports
governing body and a description of its policies and procedures regarding
event integrity.
o Rule 7. Patron Wagers
68 IAC 27-7-1 Commission approval required
Authority: IC 4-38-3-1
Affected: IC 4-38-5
Sec. 1. Before accepting wagers on any event category from patrons, a sports
wagering operator must receive event category approval from the executive
director or the executive director's desi...

 Louisiana
o it must submit the request to the board on the approved form at least seven
days in advance of the proposed date of accepting sports wagers on such a
o it must submit the request to the board on the
approved form at least seven days in advance of the
proposed date of accepting sports wagers on such a category.
The request shall include a full description of the sports
event and the manner which sports wagers would be placed
and winning wagers would...

 Michigan

o 5 years
o a request for approval must be submitted by a sports betting operator or
internet sports betting platform provider in the form and manner prescribed by
the board, subject to the following: (a) A request for approval of an event
category involving athletic events must include, at a minimum, the name ...

 Nevada
o A request for approval to accept wagers on an other event shall be made by a
book at least 30 days prior to such event on such forms approved by the Chair,
and shall include:
o A request for approval to accept wagers on an other event shall be made by a
book at least 30 days prior to such event on such forms approved by the Chair,
and shall include:
(a) A full description of the event and the manner in which wagers would be
placed and winning wagers would be determined.

 Pennsylvania
o promotional credit
o § 1401a.6. Permitted sports wagering activities.
(a) A sports wagering certificate holder or sports wagering operator shall
submit to the Board for approval the events and types of wagers it proposes

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offering to players prior to accepting any sports wagering bets.

 South Dakota
o A sports wagering operator shall adopt comprehensive house rules, which
shall be approved by the executive director or the executive director's
designee. The house rules shall address the following items regarding the
sports wagering system and online sports wagering systems, at a minimum:
(1) Method for calculation and payment of winning wagers. (2) Effect of
schedule changes. (3) Method of notifying patrons of odds or proposition
changes. (4) Acceptance of wagers at other than posted terms. (5) Expiration
of any winning ticket one (1) year after the date of the event. (6) Lost ticket
policy, if applicable. (7) Method of contacting the sports wagering operator
for questions and complaints. (8) Description of prohibited sports wagering
participants. (9) Method of funding a sports wager. (10) If the sports wagering
operator permits a patron to redeem a winning wagering ticket by mail, patron
instructions on how to do so. A sports wagering voucher may not be redeemed
by mail. (11) Maximum payouts; however, such limits shall be established
only through limiting the amount wagered and cannot be applied to reduce a
winning wager amount. (12) A policy by which the sports wagering operator
can cancel wagers in accordance with IC 4-38, including defining "obvious
error". (13) Instructions on how to commence enrollment in the available self-
exclusion programs along with relevant hyperlinks. Instructions on how to
impose available wagering limitations on a patron's account along with
relevant hyperlinks. (14) Instructions on how to impose available wagering

limitations on a patron's account along with relevant hyperlinks. (b) The house
rules, together with any other information the executive director deems
appropriate, shall be conspicuously displayed in the sports wagering lounge,
posted on the sports wagering operator's Internet website, and included in the
terms and conditions of the sports wagering account, and copies shall be made
readily available to patrons. (c) Amendments to the house rules must be
approved by the executive director or the executive director's designee.
o Unless already approved by the commission, a
licensee or sports wagering provider shall request approval from the
commission in the form and manner
prescribed by the commission, subject to the following:
(1) A request for approval of an event category involving sporting events must
include the name ...

 Tennessee
o applicant or licensee or permittee and its operation is properly financed
o Any Licensee may petition the Council for approval of a new Sporting Event
upon which Wagers may be placed or accepted.

 Wyoming
o Approvals are granted at the discretion of the WGC.

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o operators shall submit an email request to the WGC no less than 72 hours in
advance of offering the new event or wager to the public. This notice must
1) The name of the sport's governing body in charge of administering the
event or wager, and;
2) A description of the policies and procedure...

 Can a gaming operator accept wagers on an event not approved by the board?

 Colorado
o The COMAR section for the standard for which the applicant seeks the
exemption or waiver
o The request must be approved prior to any licensee offering the new event or
wager to the public.

 Louisiana
o No sports wagers may be accepted or paid by any operator on any of the
following: 1) On any sport or athletic event not authorized by law or the
o No sports wagers may be accepted or paid by any operator on any of the

1) On any sport or athletic event not authorized by law or the board.

 Michigan
o the Connecticut Lottery Corporation may operate not more than fifteen retail
sports wagering facilities in the state.
o Any event category or wager type not approved by the board.

 New York
o receipt of gaming revenue or proceeds
o commission approval is required before such licensee is permitted to offer any
type of sports wager not previously offered by such licensee, or an existing
sports wager type for a sport, league, association or organization on whose
contests the commission has not previously authorized wagering.

 Pennsylvania
o Any winning ticket shall be deemed expired and ineligible for payment three
hundred sixty-five (365) days from the date of the last event that forms the
basis of such wager.
o (b) A sports wagering certificate holder or sports wagering operator is
prohibited from: (1) Knowingly accepting wagers from athletes on sporting
events of the type in which the athlete participates as well as sporting events
governed by the same governing body under which the athlete competes.

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 Puerto Rico
o An Operator shall not accept any wager on a type of event unless it has
received prior approval from the Commission.
o An Operator shall not accept any wager on a type of event unless it has
received prior approval from the Commission.

 South Dakota
o A sports wagering operator shall only accept sports wagers for events for
which: (1) the outcome can be verified; (2) the outcome can be generated by a
reliable and independent process; (3) the outcome is not affected by any wager
placed; and (4) the event is conducted in conformity with all applicable laws.
o a licensee or sports wagering services provider may not accept sports bets on
any of the following: (a) Horse and dog races; (b) Any event or where the
majority of the athletes or competitors in the sporting event are under the age
of 18 years; (c) A fantasy sports contest; (d) The injury of an athl...

 Tennessee
o the board
o Sports Gaming Operators shall submit written-notice to the Council at least 72
Murs in advance of offering to the public an Event or the opportunity to place
a Wager on an Event that has not previously been deemed a Sporting Event by
the Council.

 Washington DC
o The chairman
o Operators and Management Service Providers shall not accept sports wagers
on a prohibited sports event.

 How are cancelled events handled?

 Connecticut
o publishing and facilitating parental control procedures to allow parents or
guardians to exclude minors from access to a sports wagering platform
o Void notifications from an online gaming operator for the following instances
shall be documented in a change log to be submitted to the department
weekly, or at such longer interval as deemed appropriate by the department:

 Illinois
o the board
o If the Administrator grants the request to cancel, the master sports wagering
licensee shall make commercially reasonable efforts to notify patrons of the

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 Kansas
o A license or permit issued under parts 1 through 8 of this chapter may not be
sold, assigned, leased, or transferred.
o the lottery gaming facility manager or
its interactive sports wagering platform provider shall clearly indicate that the
sports wager is
voided or canceled ensuring it is nonredeemable and log it into the interactive
sports wagering
platform indicating the void or cancellation and the identity of th...

 Nevada
o Licensees and operators
o If a contest is cancelled or declared “no contest,” refunds shall be granted on
valid wagers in
accordance with these regulations.

 South Dakota
o fifty thousand dollars ($50,000)
o A licensee or sports wagering services provider shall refund all accepted
sports bets in full as soon as
reasonably possible if a single event or market is cancelled for any reason

 Tennessee
o When a Wager is voided or cancelled, the system shall clearly indicate that the
transaction was voided or cancelled , render the transaction nonredeemable,
and make an entry in the system indicating the voiding or cancellation of the
Wager. The Sports Gaming Operator rnust Immediately Notify the Councll of
any Wagers that have been rescinded, voided, or cancelled in accordance with
this Rule .
o When a Wager is voided or cancelled, the system shall clearly indicate that the
transaction was voided or cancelled , render the transaction nonredeemable,
and make an entry in the system indicating the voiding or cancellation of the
Wager. The Sports Gaming Operator must Immediately Notify the Coun...

 Washington DC
o staff shall notify the requestor of the decision
o When a sports wager is voided or cancelled, the system shall clearly indicate
that the ticket is voided or cancelled, render it nonredeemable and make an
entry in the system indicating the void or cancellation and identity of the
cashier or automated process.

 Can a bet be voided without regulator approval?

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 Arizona
o Reliable forms of personal identification specified in internal controls
o Except for obvious error, the responsible party shall not unilaterally cancel
any wager without prior written approval of the Department.

 Nevada
o Reimburses the Commission for all costs associated with the background
o A book may not unilaterally rescind any wager without the prior written
approval of the Chair.

 Pennsylvania
o In the event a player has a pending wager and then self-excludes, the wager
shall be cancelled, and the funds returned to the player according to the
Licensee’s internal controls.
o A sports wagering certificate holder or sports wagering operator shall not
unilaterally rescind or cancel any wager made under this chapter without prior
approval of the Board.

 South Dakota
o annually
o A licensee or sports wagering services provider may, in their discretion, cancel

an accepted sports bet for an obvious error. An obvious error must be defined
in the licensee’s or sports wagering services provider’s internal controls. A
licensee or sports wagering services provider must cancel a...

 Tennessee
o The Sports Gaming System must allow a Sports Gaming Operator to rescind,
void, or cancel a Wager posted in the Sports Gaming System only under the
following conditions. and only if one or more of the conditions is met prior to
the lime that the outcome of the event is known: 1. 2. 3. 4. Upon approval of
the Council or Executive Director;
o The Sports Gaming System must allow a Sports Gaming Operator to rescind,
void, or cancel a Wager posted in the Sports Gaming System only under the
following conditions. and only if one or more of the conditions is met prior to
the lime that the outcome of the event is known: 1. 2. 3. 4. Upon approva...

 What types of bets can patrons place on sporting events?

 Arizona
o Subject to specic regulatory basis for denial of a license

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o Types of wagers will include, but is not limited to: single game bets, teaser
bets, parlays, over-under bets, money line bets, pools, exchange wagering, in-
game wagering, in-play bets, prop bets, straight bets.

 Colorado
o Current prosecution of the applicant or a person who is required to be
qualied for an offense described under §C(5)
o single-game bets, teaser bets, parlays, over-under, moneyline, pools, exchange
wagering, in-game betting, in-play bets, proposition bets other than those
relating to collegiate sports events, or straight bets.

 Louisiana
o single-game bets, teaser bets, parlay bets, over-under bets, moneyline bets,
pools, exchange wagering, in-game wagering, in-play bets, proposition bets,
and straight bets.
o single-game bets, teaser bets, parlay bets, over-under bets, moneyline bets,
pools, exchange wagering, in-game wagering, in-play bets, proposition bets,
and straight bets.

 Nevada
o House Rules shall be conspicuously displayed or readily available in the
Sports Wagering Facility and posted on the Operator’s or Management
Services Provider’s websites and mobile applications.

o Licensed sports pools may accept wagers, including parlay card wagers, as to
which of the participating contestants will win specified sports events and as
to whether the total points scored in a specified game, match, or similar sports
event will be higher or lower than a number specified for that ...

 New Hampshire
o single game bets, teaser bets, parlays, over-under bets, money line bets, pools,
exchange wagering, in game wagering, in-play bets, proposition bets, and
straight bets.
o single game bets, teaser bets, parlays, over-under bets, money line bets, pools,
exchange wagering, in game wagering, in-play bets, proposition bets, and
straight bets.

 Ontario
o single-game bets, teaser bets, parlays,
over-under, moneyline, pools, exchange betting,
in-game betting, proposition bets, and straight
o single-game bets, teaser bets, parlays,
over-under, moneyline, pools, exchange betting,
in-game betting, proposition bets, and straight

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 Pennsylvania
o no in-person registration requirements
o The business of accepting wagers on sporting events or on the individual
performance statistics of athletes in a sporting event or combination
of sporting events by any system or method of wagering, including at a retail
sportsbook or over the Internet through web sites and mobile applications
when ...

 Tennessee
o b. the board may rescind the temporary certificate of authority issued under
this Section at any time
o the form of fixed-odds betting, a future bet, live betting, a money line bet, pari
-mutuel betting, parlay bet, pools, proposition bets, spread bet, or in any other
form or manner as authorized by rule of the Council.

 Washington DC
o a prohibited player
o single-game bets, teaser bets, parlays, over-under, money line wagering,
exchange wagering, in-game wagering, in-play bets, proposition bets, and
straight bets.

 Are layoff bets permitted?

 Illinois
o the applicant or anyone required to submit to suitability in conjunction with
the application
o Other means may include, but are not limited to, layoff bets between master
sports wagering licensees

 Indiana
o Layoff wagers are prohibited under IC 4-38-9-3(3).
o Layoff wagers are prohibited under IC 4-38-9-3(3).

 Kansas
o A certificate holder or vendor may not accept wagers on the following: (1)
High school and other amateur youth sporting events.
o A lottery gaming facility manager or interactive sports wagering platform
provider may place a layoff wager with another sports wagering licensee
located in the state of
Kansas for the purpose of offsetting patron wagers provided that:
The lottery gaming facility manager or interactive sports wa...

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 Michigan
o application fee of$250,000
o A sports betting operator or internet sports betting platform provider may not
place or accept a layoff wager unless the board determines that layoff wagers
may be placed and accepted under the act. If layoff wagers are permitted, the
sports betting operator or internet sports betting platform provi...

 Nevada
o Layoff bets. Books may accept wagers placed by other books.
o Layoff bets. Books may accept wagers placed by other books.

 South Dakota
o “Eligible individual” means an individual who is at least twenty-one years of
age or older who is located within this state.
o A licensee or sports wagering services provider may place and accept layoff

 Tennessee
o applicant or licensee or permittee and its operation is properly financed;
o A Licensee may accept a Layoff Wager from another Licensee that conforms
with all federal and state law requirements .

 Washington DC
o Of any deciency
o A Sports Wagering Operator or Management Services Provider may, in its
discretion, accept a Layoff Wager from another Sports Wagering Operator or
Management Services Provider.

 Is in game parlay betting allowed?

 Arizona
o Subject to specic regulatory basis for denial of a license
o An event wagering operator may offer only parlay and proposition bets of the
type or category as prescribed by the department. The department shall
prescribe the types and categories of parlay and proposition bets that may be
offered in this state, if any.

 Michigan
o "(A) Operator; "(B) Management services provider; '·(C) Supplier; and "(D)
o (bb) “Wager type” means a type of internet sports betting wager, which may
include, but

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is not limited to, the following:
(i) Single-game bets.
(ii) Teaser bets.
(iii) Parlays.
(iv) Over-under.
(v) Moneyline.
(vi) Pools.
(vii) Exchange betting.
(viii) In-game betting.
(ix) Proposition bets.
(x) ...

 Pennsylvania
o Credits to the player’s debit card or credit card
o (2) In-game wagers—Wagers placed on the outcome of a sporting event or
proposition wagers made after the athletic event has started and can continue
during the course of live play of the athletic event.
(3) Parlay wagers—A wager on two or more outcomes in which all out-
come wagers must win or c...

 How much does a sports betting operator license cost?


 Arizona
o $750,000
o $750,000

 Connecticut
o one hundred thousand dollars.
o one hundred thousand dollars.

 Illinois
o the initial license fee shall be equal to $5,000,000 or 5% of its adjusted gross
receipts from its first 12 months of gambling operations, whichever is greater,
but not to exceed $10,000,000.
o the initial license fee shall be equal to $5,000,000 or 5% of its adjusted gross
receipts from its first 12 months of gambling operations, whichever is greater,
but not to exceed $10,000,000.

 Iowa
o initial license fee of $45,000
o initial license fee of $45,000

 Nevada

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o Unless the Commission by regulation species otherwise
o Before issuing an initial license for an establishment to operate interactive
gaming, the Commission shall charge and collect from the establishment a
license fee of $500,000.

 South Dakota
o (1) The name, address, and telephone number of the patron. (2) A summary of
the nature of the patron complaint, including the date and time on which the
incident leading to the dispute occurred. (3) A list of the names, if known, of
the occupational licensees that were involved in or a witness to the incident
that led to the patron dispute. (4) The name, address, and telephone number, if
known, of the witnesses to the incident that led to the patron dispute. (5) A
summary of the casino licensee's attempt to resolve the patron dispute. (6)
Any other information deemed necessary by the executive director or the
o The license fee is one thousand dollars and thereafter an annual fee renewable
July first of each year of two hundred dollars;

 Tennessee
o Types of Licenses Issued and Renewal Requirements Pursuant to this
o ($750,000) per year

 Virginia
o $250,000.
o $250,000.

 Washington DC
o Any other information requested by staff or the Commission
o application fee of$250,000

 West Virginia
o $100,000
o $100,000

 Wyoming
o The Commission shall charge a permit fee of one hundred thousand dollars
($100,000.00) for an initial sports wagering operator permit.
o The Commission shall charge a permit fee of one hundred thousand dollars
($100,000.00) for an initial sports wagering operator permit.

 How long does a sports betting operator license last?

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 Arizona
o five (5) years
o five (5) years

 Illinois
o Master sports wagering, supplier, and management services provider licenses
issued by the Board shall be for an initial term of four years.
o Master sports wagering, supplier, and management services provider licenses
issued by the Board shall be for an initial term of four years.

 Iowa
o under the laws of any jurisdiction
o the commission shall issue a license for a period of not more than three years
to an applicant to own a gambling game operation, to an applicant to operate a
gambling structure, and to an applicant to operate an excursion gambling boat.

 Nevada
o to the Commission
o Each initial license for an establishment to operate interactive gaming must be
issued for a 2-year period beginning on January 1 of the first year and ending
on December 31 of the second year.

 New York

o up to 10 years
o up to 10 years

 South Dakota
o Prior to beginning sports wagering operations
o year

 Tennessee
o one (1) year
o one (1) year

 Washington DC
o An explanation of the unique circumstances justifying the request
o 5 years

 West Virginia
o five-year period
o five-year period

 Wyoming
o five (5) years.

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o five (5) years.

 How often must a sports betting operator renew their license?

 Illinois
o i. the board is informed that the suitability of the applicant or anyone required
to submit to suitability in conjunction with the application may be at issue
o Prior to the expiration of the four year initial license, the licensee may apply
for a license renewal in accordance with the Act and this Part.

 Kansas
o The department shall charge an annual license fee of $100 for issuing or
renewing a license.
o A sports wagering supplier license shall be valid for a period of two years
the date issued.

 Nevada
o The renewal fee is based on license category
o All state gaming licenses are subject to renewal on the first day of each
January and all quarterly state gaming licenses on the first day of each

calendar quarter thereafter.

 New York
o personal financial questionnaires
o sports wagering licensee shall remain in effect for up to 10 years

 Pennsylvania
o Sports Gaming System Operational Assessment. Prior to Ucensure. and
annually thereafter prior to renewal, the License Applicant must demonstrate
that its Sports Gaming System meets the standards set forth in these Rules
o A sports wagering operator license and the renewal thereof is valid for 5 years
from the date of approval of the application by the Board.

 South Dakota
o If the sports wagering system allows online wagering, method for verifying
geolocation systems to establish a patron's geographic location.
o each year

 Tennessee
o annual renewal period
o annual renewal period

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 Washington DC
o Of any deciency
o renewed for 5-year periods

 West Virginia
o renewed for five-year periods
o renewed for five-year periods

 Wyoming
o five (5) years.
o five (5) years.

 How much does it cost to renew a sports betting license?

 Indiana
o All applicants shall meet the general requirements of COMAR 36.10.02 and
o A certificate holder shall pay to the commission an annual administrative fee
of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).

 Michigan

o (7) Conspicuously display on each applicable Internet web site or mobile

application: (A) A link to a description of the provisions of this subsection;
(B) A link to responsible gambling information; (C) A toll-free telephone
number an individual may use to obtain information about problem gambling;
(D) A link to information about the voluntary self-exclusion process described
in subdivision (5) of this subsection; (E) A clear display or periodic pop-up
message of the amount of time an individual has spent on the operator's
Internet web site or mobile application; (F) A means to initiate a break in play
to discourage excessive play; and (G) A clear display of the amount of money
available to the individual in his or her account.
o (a) Sports betting operator license annual fee: $50,000.00.

 Montana
o Throughout the license term and any renewal
o $100

 South Dakota
o promotional funds
o two hundred dollars

 Tennessee

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o A Licensee shall pay a renewal application fee of Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000). Prior to ,issuance of the renewal License, the Licensee shall pay in
full the Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000) License fee, to
which the renewal application fee of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) shall
be credited.
o A Licensee shall pay a renewal application fee of Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000). Prior to ,issuance of the renewal License, the Licensee shall pay in
full the Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000) License fee, to
which the renewal application fee of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) shal...

 Washington DC
o submit a written request to the board setting forth the factors, with supporting
documentation, showing good cause for the extension.
o two hundred fifty thousand dollar ($250,000)

 When should a sports betting licensee file for a renewal?

 Arizona
o to ensure the division is in possession of the current internal controls at all
o at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of their license.

 Colorado
o Renewal applications for master licenses, sports betting operator licenses,
internet sports betting operator licenses, vendor major licenses, and vendor
minor licenses must be received by the Division 120 days before the
expiration of the current license.
o Renewal applications for master licenses, sports betting operator licenses,
internet sports betting operator licenses, vendor major licenses, and vendor
minor licenses must be received by the Division 120 days before the
expiration of the current license.

 Illinois
o no less than 90 days prior to the first day of the month in which the license
was issued unless a later date is authorized in writing by the Administrator.
o no less than 90 days prior to the first day of the month in which the license
was issued unless a later date is authorized in writing by the Administrator.

 Indiana
o approved in advance by the Commission under §F of this regulation
o on or before one (1) year after the date that the sports wagering operator
commences sports wagering operations and on each annual anniversary date

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 Pennsylvania
o Operators shall periodically re-verify a player's identification upon reasonable
suspicion that the player's identification has been compromised. Operators
shall offer a readily-accessible method for a player to close his or her account.
Any balance remaining in a player's Sports Wagering Account closed by a
player shall be refunded pursuant to the Licensee's internal controls. Sports
wagering systems shall employ a mechanism that can detect and prevent any
player-initiated wagering or withdrawal activity that would result in a negative
balance of a Sports Wagering Account.
o An application for renewal of a license or registration shall be submitted at
least 180 days prior to the expiration of the license or registration and must
include an update of the information in the initial application and any prior
renewal applications.

 South Dakota
o three (3) years.
o July first of each year

 Tennessee
o At least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the Ucense or Registration
o At least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the Ucense or Registration


 Virginia
o The nature and extent of any ownership interest that the individual has in the
o At least 60 days before the end of the term of a permit

 West Virginia
o Required documentation or information shall be submitted no later than five
years after issuance of an operator license and every five years thereafter, or
within lesser periods based on circumstances specified by the commission.
o Required documentation or information shall be submitted no later than five
years after issuance of an operator license and every five years thereafter, or
within lesser periods based on circumstances specified by the commission.

 Wyoming
o Renewal applications for all sports wagering operator and vendor permits
must be received by the Commission one hundred twenty (120) days before
the expiration of the current permit.
o Renewal applications for all sports wagering operator and vendor permits
must be received by the Commission one hundred twenty (120) days before
the expiration of the current permit.

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 What are the reserve requirements for operators?

 Connecticut
o The online gaming operator shall maintain a reserve in the amount necessary
to ensure the security of funds held by the online gaming operator on behalf of
patrons in internet gaming accounts.
o Section 12-865-11. Internet Gaming Account Management
(k) The online gaming operator shall maintain a reserve in the amount
necessary to ensure the security of funds held by the online gaming operator
on behalf of patrons in internet gaming accounts. The reserve shall be in the
form of:
(1) Cash or ...

 Illinois
o all federal and state laws, the Act, these regulations, and its internal controls
o Section 1900.1050 Reserve Requirements
b) A master sports wagering licensee shall maintain a cash reserve equal to at
least 20% of the total of all amounts in all sports wagering accounts, and cash
equivalents equal or greater to the remaining amounts in all sports wagering

c) A master spo...

 Kansas
o the commission may issue the game operator applicant a temporary license.
o All lottery gaming facility managers or their interactive
sports wagering platforms providers shall maintain a reserve in the form of
cash, cash
equivalents, payment processor reserves, payment processor receivables, an
irrevocable letter
of credit, a bond, or a combination thereof, of not less than...

 Michigan
o (2) Provide that any in-person sports wagering, online sports wagering, retail
sports wagering or fantasy contests expressly authorized under subdivision (1)
of this subsection and sections 3 to 5, inclusive, of this act during the ten-year
initial term or the renewal term as provided in subdivision (3) of this
subsection, shall not terminate the moratorium against the operation of video
facsimile games by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe and the Mohegan Tribe of
Indians of Connecticut on each tribe's reservation, and provide that any new
compact or amendment to each tribe's memorandum of understanding does
not relieve each tribe from each tribe's obligation to contribute a percentage of
the gross operating revenues of video facsimile games to the state as provided
in each tribe's memorandum of understanding; (3) Provide that any

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amendment or new compact entered into pursuant to this section shall be valid
for an initial term of ten years and an optional five-year renewal term,
provided any such renewal term shall only be effective if mutually consented
to and exercised by the Governor and both the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe and
the Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut;
o R 432.744 Reserve requirement.
Rule 744. (1) A sports betting operator or internet sports betting platform
provider must maintain a reserve in the amount necessary to ensure the
security of funds held in internet sports betting accounts and the ability to
cover the outstanding internet sports bettin...

 Nevada
o Each book shall at all times maintain a reserve of not less than the greater of
$25,000 or the sum of the following amounts: (1) Amounts held by the book
for the account of patrons; (2) Amounts accepted by the book as wagers on
contingencies whose outcomes have not been determined; and (3) Amounts
owed but unpaid by the book on winning wagers through the period
established by the book for honoring winning wagers.
o Each book shall at all times maintain a reserve of not less than the greater of
$25,000 or the sum of the following amounts: (1) Amounts held by the book
for the account of patrons; (2) Amounts accepted by the book as wagers on
contingencies whose outcomes have not been determined; and (3) Amounts

 New Hampshire
o The commission's agents shall maintain a cash reserve available to pay wagers
as determined by the commission.
o 287-I:8 Sports Wagering Supervision.
VI. The commission's agents shall maintain a cash reserve available to pay
wagers as determined by the commission.

 Pennsylvania
o a separate bank account into which Gross Sports Wagering Revenue shall be
deposited and maintained until such time as the funds are paid to the District
of Columbia Treasurer.
o § 811a.5. Segregation of bank accounts and reserve requirements.
(b) The balance maintained in this account must be greater than or equal to the
sum of the daily ending cashable balance of all player interactive gaming
accounts, funds on game and pending withdrawals.

 South Dakota
o A patron must be allowed to withdraw the funds maintained in the patron's
account, whether such account is open or closed.
o 20:18:35:34. Reserve requirement. A licensee or sports wagering services
provider shall submit a plan to
maintain a reserve in the amount necessary to ensure the security of funds

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held in wagering accounts for sports wagering and the ability to cover the
outstanding sports wagering liability. All pl...

 Tennessee
o Licensees also shall maintain a reserve in the form of cash, cash equivalents,
irrevocable letter of credit, in addition to the above-referenced bond, of not
less than the amount necessary to ensure the ability to cover the outstanding
liability related to the patron accounts.
o 1350-01-.07 Maintenance of License or Registration.
(1) Reserve Requirements - Licensees
(b) Licensees also shall maintain a reserve in the form of cash, cash
equivalents, irrevocable letter of credit, in addition to the above-referenced
bond, of not less than the amount necessary to ensure the abil...

 Virginia
o A permit holder shall maintain a reserve in the form of cash, cash equivalents,
irrevocable letter of credit, or bond, or a combination thereof, in an amount
approved by the director to cover the outstanding liability of the permit holder
to players.
o 11VAC5-70-140. Reserve and insurance requirements.
A. A permit holder shall maintain a reserve in the form of cash, cash
equivalents, irrevocable letter of credit, or bond, or a combination thereof, in
an amount approved by the director to cover the outstanding liability of the

permit holder to play...


 Washington DC
o may require an applicant or licensee to obtain a bond
o Operators or Management Services Providers shall establish a reserve of not
less than the greater of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) or the sum of
the following amounts: (a) Amounts held by the Operator for Sports Wagering
Accounts; (b) Aggregate amounts accepted by the Operator as wagers on ...

 West Virginia
o A sports pool operator shall maintain a cash reserve of not less than the greater
of $500,000 or the amount necessary to ensure the ability to cover the
outstanding sports pool and online sports pool liability.
o 3.4. A sports pool operator shall maintain a cash reserve of not less than the
greater of $500,000 or the
amount necessary to ensure the ability to cover the outstanding sports pool
and online sports pool liability.

 What positions require an occupational license for online sports betting?

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 Arizona
o persons who are primary management officials responsible for event wagering
in the State, those persons in the State who accept wagers, redeem tickets,
and/or handle monies, and any additional persons the Department determines
meet the definition in A.R.S. § 5- 1301(5).
o persons who are primary
management officials responsible for event wagering in the
State, those persons in the State who accept wagers, redeem
tickets, and/or handle monies, and any additional persons the
Department determines meet the definition in A.R.S. § 5-

 Connecticut
o The following individuals who are directly or substantially involved in the
operation of internet games or retail sports wagering in a manner that impacts
the integrity of gaming shall obtain an occupational employee license:
o Section 12-865-8. Occupational Employee and Key Employee Licensing
(b) The following individuals who are directly or substantially involved in the
operation of internet games or retail sports wagering in a manner that impacts
the integrity of gaming shall obtain an occupational employee license:

 Michigan

o A director, officer, owner, or employee of the Operator or Management


Services Provider, and any relative living in the same household as the
aforementioned individuals from placing a wager
o (1) An individual must have an occupational license if his or her duties
directly impact the integrity of internet sports betting as determined by the
board in its sole discretion subject to the following: (a) The board shall
exercise its discretion with respect to any sports betting operator applic...

 Nevada
o (a) A method for the calculation and payment of winning wagers; (b) The
effect of schedule changes; (c) The method of notifying players of odds or
proposition changes; (d) Acceptance of wagers at terms other than those
posted; (e) Expiration of any winning ticket three hundred sixty-five (365)
days after the date of the event; (f) The method of contacting the Operator or
Management Services Provider for questions and complaints; (g) A
description of prohibited sports participants; (h) The method of funding a
sports wager; (i) The circumstances under which the Operator will void a
wager prior to the event outcome. (j) The treatment of errors, late bets and
related contingencies; (k) The minimum and maximum wager amounts
accepted; and (l) A description of all types of wagers that may be accepted.
o Any executive, employee, or agent of a gaming licensee having the power to
exercise a significant influence over decisions concerning any part of the
operation of a gaming licensee or who is listed or should be listed in the

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annual employee report required by Regulation 3.100 is a key employee. 2.

 West Virginia
o All persons employed to be engaged directly in sports wagering-related
activities, or otherwise conducting or operating sports wagering
o All persons employed to be engaged directly in sports wagering-related
activities, or otherwise conducting or operating sports wagering

 What is the tax rate on sports betting proceeds?

 Connecticut
o Limit or place restrictions on the exemption or waiver as the Commission
considers necessary in the public interest
o Thirteen and three-quarters per cent of the gross gaming revenue from online
or retail sports wagering authorized under section 3 or 4 of this act, as

 Illinois
o may not assign, delegate, subcontract, or transfer to another person its duties
or responsibilities as a licensee without the prior approval of the Commission

o For the privilege of holding a license to operate sports wagering under this
Act, this State shall impose and collect 15% of a master sports wagering
licensee's adjusted gross sports wagering receipts from sports wagering. The
accrual method of accounting shall be used for purposes of calculating th...

 Maine
o 10%
o 10%

 Nebraska
o twenty percent
o twenty percent

 Nevada
o Every 10 Year
o Except as otherwise provided in NRS 463.373, the Commission shall charge
and collect from each licensee a license fee based upon all the gross revenue
of the licensee as follows: (a) Three and one-half percent of all the gross
revenue of the licensee which does not exceed $50,000 per calendar month;...

 New Jersey

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o Gross revenue from casino sports pool operations, including mobile
operations is subject to an 8.5% annual tax, which shall be paid to the Casino
Revenue Fund. Additionally, an investment alternative tax of 1.25% will be
used exclusively for tourism and marketing programs for the City of Atlantic
City. Gross revenue from casino online sports pool operations is subject to a
13% annual tax, which shall be paid to the Casino Revenue Fund.
Additionally, an investment alternative tax of 1.25% will be used exclusively
for tourism and marketing programs for the City of Atlantic City.
o Gross revenue from casino sports pool operations, including mobile
operations is subject to an 8.5% annual tax, which shall be paid to the Casino
Revenue Fund. Additionally, an investment alternative tax of 1.25% will be
used exclusively for tourism and marketing programs for the City of Atlantic

 Puerto Rico
o The State shall impose and collect a tax at the rate of seven percent (7%) on
the gross receipts of any Sports and eSports bets placed in person. The State
shall impose and collect a tax at the rate of twelve percent (12%) on the gross
receipts of sports and eSports bets placed online.
o The State shall impose and collect a tax at the rate of seven percent (7%) on
the gross receipts of any Sports and eSports bets placed in person. The State
shall impose and collect a tax at the rate of twelve percent (12%) on the gross
receipts of sports and eSports bets placed online.

 Tennessee
o There is imposed upon the adjusted gross income of a licensee a privilege tax
of twenty percent (20%)
o There is imposed upon the adjusted gross income of a licensee a privilege tax
of twenty percent (20%)

 West Virginia
o 10% privilege tax
o 10% privilege tax

 When are tax payments due?

 Connecticut
o Limit or place restrictions on the exemption or waiver as the Commission
considers necessary in the public interest
o Each such licensee shall commence payments under this subsection not later
than the fifteenth day of the month following the month that the operation of
online or retail sports wagering commences under section 3 or 4 of this act, as
applicable, and shall make payments not later than the fifteenth da...

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 Illinois
o may not assign, delegate, subcontract, or transfer to another person its duties
or responsibilities as a licensee without the prior approval of the Commission
o The taxes levied and collected pursuant to this subsection (a) are due and
payable to the Board no later than the last day of the month following the
calendar month in which the adjusted gross sports wagering receipts were
received and the tax obligation was accrued.

 Michigan
o except for those in which one of the participants is a Connecticut
intercollegiate team and the event is not in connection with a permitted
intercollegiate tournament
o The payment for each monthly accounting period is due on the tenth day of
the following month.

 Nevada
o Master, Sports Betting Operators, Internet Sports Betting Operators and sports
betting Vendors shall address all such requirements in the internal controls
submitted to the Commission for approval.
o Unless the licensee has been operating for less than a full calendar month, the
Commission shall charge and collect the fee prescribed in subsection 1, based
upon the gross revenue for the preceding calendar month, on or before the

15th day of the following month.

 Tennessee
o The tax imposed under this section must be paid monthly by a licensee based
on its monthly adjusted gross income for the immediately preceding calendar
o The tax imposed under this section must be paid monthly by a licensee based
on its monthly adjusted gross income for the immediately preceding calendar

 Virginia
o due monthly to the Department, and the permit holder shall remit it on or
before the twentieth day of the next succeeding calendar month.
o due monthly to the Department, and the permit holder shall remit it on or
before the twentieth day of the next succeeding calendar month.

 Washington DC
o The Commission
o On or before the twentieth (20th) calendar day of each month

 West Virginia

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o due and payable to the commission in weekly installments on or before the
Wednesday following the calendar week in which the adjusted gross sports
wagering receipts were received and the tax obligation was accrued.
o due and payable to the commission in weekly installments on or before the
Wednesday following the calendar week in which the adjusted gross sports
wagering receipts were received and the tax obligation was accrued.

 Wyoming
o Not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of each month
o Not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of each month

 To whom are sports betting taxes paid to?

 Connecticut
o At any time before or after a waiver or exemption request has been granted
o Sec. 18. (NEW) (Effective July 1, 2021) (a) A master wagering licensee, if
licensed to operate online sports wagering or retail sports wagering pursuant
to section 3 or 4 of this act, shall pay to the state for deposit in the General

 Michigan

o (3) Allow a person to limit the amount of money that may be deposited into an
account, and spent per day through an account;
o 432.415 Allocation of tax.
Sec. 15. The tax imposed under section 14(1) must be allocated as follows:
(a) Thirty percent to the city in which the sports betting operator's casino is
located, for use in connection
with the following:
(i) The hiring, training, and deployment of street patrol officers ...

 New York
o Mobile sports wagering tax revenue shall be separately maintained and
returned to the state for deposit into the state lottery fund for education aid
except as otherwise provided in this subdivision.
o Mobile sports wagering tax revenue shall be separately maintained and
returned to the state for deposit into the state lottery fund for education aid
except as otherwise provided in this subdivision.

 Pennsylvania
o Voiding wagers
o The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania assesses a tax of 34% on the sports
wagering certificate holders daily gross revenue with that revenue going into
the General Fund, along with a 2% tax on that revenue to be used exclusively

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for grants for projects in the public interest in the Commonwealth

 Tennessee
o (1) Eighty percent (80%) of the privilege tax collected under this section must
be distributed by the corporation to the state treasurer for deposit into the
lottery for education account created under § 4- 51-111. Funds deposited
under this subdivision (e)(1) must be accounted for separately by the
corporation from funds collected by the corporation for the lottery. Section 4-
51-111 is otherwise inapplicable to taxes collected and deposited under this
subdivision (e)(1). (2) Notwithstanding § 4-51-111, fifteen percent (15%) of
the privilege tax collected under this section must be distributed by the
corporation quarterly to the state treasurer for deposit into the general fund, to
be remitted quarterly to each local government in this state on a per capita
basis, as determined by population based on the last federal census. For
purposes of calculating the allocation, the population of counties excludes the
population of each municipality within the boundaries of the county. Funds
remitted to a local government under this subdivision (e)(2) must be allocated
to the county or city general fund, as applicable, to be used for local
infrastructure projects, including, without limitation, transportation and road
projects and public buildings. (3) Notwithstanding § 4-51-111, five percent
(5%) of the privilege tax collected under this section must be distributed by
the corporation to the state treasurer and allocated to the department of mental
health and substance abuse services to use in the manner prescribed by § 4-51-

o (1) Eighty percent (80%) of the privilege tax collected under this section must
be distributed by the corporation to the state treasurer for deposit into the
lottery for education account created under § 4-51-111. Funds deposited under
this subdivision (e)(1) must be accounted for separately by the...

 Virginia
o 97.5 percent of tax revenue to be deposited in the state’s general fund and 2.5
percent deposited into the Problem Gambling Treatment and Support Fund
o 97.5 percent of tax revenue to be deposited in the state’s general fund and 2.5
percent deposited into the Problem Gambling Treatment and Support Fund

 Washington DC
o The bond shall be for the benet of the State for the faithful performance of
the requirements imposed by State Government Article, Title 9, Subtitle 1E,
Annotated Code of Maryland, and Commission regulations
o All funds owed to the District under the Act shall be held in trust within the
boundaries of the District for the District by an Operator until the funds are
paid to the District of Columbia Treasurer.

 Are bonus promotions included in the calculation of gross gaming revenue?

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 Arizona
o A deduction from adjusted gross event wagering receipts equal to the value of
free bets or promotional credits redeemed by authorized participants may be
taken as provided in this paragraph. The deduction under this paragraph for
free bets or promotional credits is limited to the rst ve years following the
effective date of this section as follows: (a) For years one and two, a deduction
not to exceed twenty percent of an event wagering operator's gross wagering
receipts. (b) For year three, a deduction not to exceed fteen percent of an
event wagering operator's gross wagering receipts. (c) For years four and ve,
a deduction not to exceed ten percent of an event wagering operator's gross
wagering receipts. (d) For year six and each year thereafter, a deduction of
free bets is not allowed. January 1 following the year in which the event
wagering operator begins event wagering operations is considered the rst
year of event wagering for the purposes of this paragraph. An event wagering
operator may deduct up to twenty percent of an event wagering operator's
gross wagering receipts during any period that the operator conducts event
wagering before January 1 of the rst year of event wagering operations.
o "Adjusted gross event wagering receipts" means an event wagering operator's
gross wagering receipts,
excluding voided bets, minus winnings paid to authorized participants and any
federal excise tax. A
deduction from adjusted gross event wagering receipts equal to the value of
free bets or promotiona...

 Colorado
o Net sports betting proceeds" means the total amount of all bets placed by
players in a Sports Betting Operation or internet Sports Betting Operation,
excluding free bets, less all payments to players and less all excise taxes paid
pursuant to federal law.
o "Net sports betting proceeds" means the total amount of all bets placed by
players in a Sports Betting Operation or internet Sports Betting Operation,
excluding free bets, less all payments to players and less all excise taxes paid
pursuant to federal law.

"Free bet" means any bet made by patrons u...

 Connecticut
o shall not be included in the calculation of gross gaming revenue from sports
wagering, provided if the aggregate amount of such coupons and credits
played during a calendar month (A) exceeds twenty-five per cent of the total
amount of gross gaming revenue for that month, for any month during the first
year that the operation of sports wagering is permitted, (B) exceeds twenty per
cent of the total amount of gross gaming revenue for that month, for any
month during the second year that the operation of sports wagering is
permitted, or (C) exceeds fifteen per cent of the total amount of gross gaming

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revenue for that month, for any month during the third or succeeding year that
the operation of sports wagering is permitted, then the applicable excess
amount of coupons or credits used in such calendar month shall be included in
the calculation of gross gaming revenue.
o Coupons or credits that are issued to patrons for the sole purpose
of sports wagering and are linked to sports wagering in a documented
way as part of a promotional program and actually played by the
patrons shall not be included in the calculation of gross gaming revenue
from sports wagering, provi...

 Indiana
o Adjusted gross receipts" means: (1) the total of all cash and property
(including checks received by a certificate holder, whether collected or not)
received from authorized sports wagering offered by a certificate holder;
minus (2) the total of: (A) all cash paid out as winnings to sports wagering
patrons, including the cash equivalent of any merchandise or thing of value
awarded as a prize; and (B) uncollectible gaming receivables, not to exceed
the lesser of: (i) a reasonable provision for uncollectible patron checks
received from sports wagering; or (ii) two percent (2%) of the total of all sums
(including checks, whether collected or not) less the amount paid out as
winnings to sports wagering patrons.
o IC 4-38-2-2
"Adjusted gross receipts"
Sec. 2. "Adjusted gross receipts" means:

(1) the total of all cash and property (including checks received by a
certificate holder, whether collected or not) received from authorized sports
wagering offered by a certificate holder; minus
(2) the total of:
(A) al...

 Washington DC
o Gross sports wagering revenue" means the total of cash or cash equivalents
received from sports wagering minus the total of: ·'(/\) Cash or cash
equivalents paid to players as a result of sports wagering; "(B) Cash or cash
equivalents paid to purchase annuities to fund prizes payable to players over a
period of time as a result of sports wagering; "(C) The actual cost paid by the
license holder for any personal prope11y distributed to a player as a result of
sports wagering, excluding travel expenses, food, refreshments, lodging, and
o "Gross sports wagering revenue" means the total of cash or cash equivalents
received from sports wagering minus the total of:
"(A) Cash or cash equivalents paid to players as a result of sports
"(B) Cash or cash equivalents paid to purchase annuities to fund prizes
payable to players over ...

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 What is the process for getting internal controls approved?

 Arizona
o Responsible parties shall have obtained written approval of the internal
control system, or any changes to it, from the Department prior to
implementation. The Department shall review the system, or any changes, and
issue a written approval or disapproval of the system.
o Responsible parties shall have obtained written approval of the internal
control system, or any changes to it, from the Department prior to
implementation. The Department shall review the system, or any changes, and
issue a written approval or disapproval of the system.

 British Columbia
o must submit its administrative and accounting procedures, in detail, in a
written system of internal controls for Commission review and written
o must submit its administrative and accounting procedures, in detail, in a
written system of internal controls for Commission review and written

 Colorado

o Prior to beginning sports betting activity, a Sports Betting Operation must

submit for approval internal controls for the following:
o Prior to beginning sports betting activity, a Sports Betting Operation must
submit for approval internal controls for the following:

 Connecticut
o an online gaming operator and sports wagering retailer shall submit their
internal controls in detail in writing for department review and approval.
o an online gaming operator and sports wagering retailer shall submit their
internal controls in detail in writing for department review and approval.

 Michigan
o renewed for 5-year periods
o a sports betting operator or internet sports betting platform provider, or both
must submit its administrative and accounting procedures in detail in a written
system of internal control for board review and written approval. A written
system of internal controls must include a detailed narrative de...

 Nevada
o the sum of wagers on future events, unpaid winnings, and sports wagering
account balances

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o The licensee may not implement a system of internal control procedures that
does not satisfy the minimum standards unless the Chair, in the Chair’s sole
discretion, determines that the licensee’s proposed system satisfies subsection
1, and approves the system in writing. Within 30 days after a l...

 Pennsylvania
o a sports wagering certificate holder or sports wagering operator shall submit
to the Board for approval internal controls for all aspects of sports wagering,
includ- ing retail sportsbooks, interactive sportsbook operations through a web
site or mobile application and nonprimary location sportsbook operations,
prior to implementation and any time a change is made thereafter.
o § 1408a.3. Internal controls.
(a) At least 90 days prior to commencing sports wagering under this subpart,
a sports wagering certificate holder or sports wagering operator shall submit
to the Board for approval internal controls for all aspects of sports wagering,
including retail sportsbooks, inte...

 South Dakota
o The software programs must be approved by the executive director or the
executive director's designee as being sufficient to ensure compliance with IC
4-33, IC 4-35, and this title. The casino licensee is responsible for providing
the appropriate licenses and upgrades for a software product.
o Either the licensee or sports wagering services provider, or both, shall submit

to the commission any changes to the internal controls previously approved at


least 15 days before the changes are to become effective unless otherwise
directed by the executive secretary.

 Washington DC
o The Commission may apply a bond to the payment of an unpaid liability of
the applicant
o Operators and Management Services Providers shall file with the Office
internal controls for all aspects of sports wagering operations prior to
commencing operations. As determined by the Office, prior to commencing
sports wagering, a Sports Wagering Operator or Management Services
Provider shall su...

 West Virginia
o Sports pool operators shall file internal controls for all aspects of sports pool
and/or online sports pool wagering systems with the Commission prior to
commencing operations.
o Sports pool operators shall file internal controls for all aspects of sports pool
and/or online sports pool wagering systems with the Commission prior to
commencing operations.

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 How far in advance must a licensee receive approval of their internal controls?

 Connecticut
o before beginning internet gaming
o before beginning internet gaming

 Indiana
o Identication of the applicant or a person who is required to be qualied as a
career offender or a member of a career offender cartel or an associate of a
career offender or career offender cartel
o Prior to beginning sports wagering operations

 Michigan
o at the request of an applicant
o before beginning internet sports betting operations

 Pennsylvania
o A player’s request for withdrawal of funds (i.e., deposited and cleared funds
and funds won) is completed within a reasonable timeframe unless there is a
pending unresolved player dispute or investigation. Funds for withdrawal may
be withheld from withdrawal until the funding transaction clears or the
chargeback period ends. Promotional credits or bonus credits with conditions
may not be withdrawn unless all conditions are met.

o at least 90 days before slot or table game operations are to commence.

 Puerto Rico
o no later than ninety (90) days before the start of the operations.
o no later than ninety (90) days before the start of the operations.

 South Dakota
o Sec. 3. (a) Casino licensees shall maintain, in cash or cash equivalents, an
amount sufficient to protect patrons against defaults in gaming debts owed by
the casino licensee. The cash reserve requirement may be maintained in any
combination of the following: (1) Cash on hand in the casino licensee's cage
that comprises the cage accountability. (2) Cash in a bank account maintained
in the state of Indiana. (3) Cash equivalents that are not otherwise committed
or obligated. (b) Casino licensees shall maintain cash or cash equivalents in
one (1) of the following amounts to ensure payment of a winning patron
wager: (1) For the first full or partial quarter of operation, based on a calendar
year, one hundred percent (100%) of the casino licensee's or casino license
applicant's projected payout for a three (3) day period. (2) For the next quarter,
based on a calendar year, one hundred percent (100%) of the casino licensee's
actual payout for a three (3) day period. The actual payout shall be computed
by calculating the daily average payout for the previous quarter of operation
and multiplying the daily average payout by three (3). (c) The cash reserve

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requirement that a casino licensee must maintain shall be rounded off to the
nearest one thousand dollars ($1,000). The casino licensee shall not increase
or decrease the cash reserve requirement each quarter unless the adjustment
would increase or decrease the cash reserve requirement by at least fifty
thousand dollars ($50,000). The casino licensee shall increase or decrease the
cash reserve requirement by the twentieth day of the month following the end
of the quarter. (d) The cash or cash equivalents must be held in the name of
the casino licensee. (e) If the casino licensee's cash and cash equivalents fall
below the amount outlined in subsection (b), the casino licensee shall
immediately notify the executive director. If the cash reserve requirement does
not comply with this rule, the executive director shall order the casino licensee
to establish a cash reserve requirement that is in compliance within a period
not to exceed twenty (20) days. (f) The casino licensee shall provide the
executive director with a statement of the cash reserve account by the
twentieth day of a month or within ten (10) days of the receipt of the
statement by the casino licensee.
o at least 30 days before sports wagering operations are to commence.

 Washington DC
o The Commission may apply a bond to the payment of an unpaid liability of
the applicant or licensee
o initial submission shall be made at least 60 days before Sports Wagering
operations are to commence

 West Virginia
o prior to commencing operations
o prior to commencing operations

 Wyoming
o Unless otherwise provided for by the Commission, before beginning online
sports wagering operations, a sports wagering operator, a sports wagering
vendor, or both, must submit its administrative and accounting procedures, in
detail, in a written system of internal controls for Commission review and
written approval.
o Unless otherwise provided for by the Commission, before beginning online
sports wagering operations, a sports wagering operator, a sports wagering
vendor, or both, must submit its administrative and accounting procedures, in
detail, in a written system of internal controls for Commission review and ...

 Who has the authority to revise internal controls?

 Arizona
o the responsible party shall submit any changes to the internal control system
to the Department for review and approval.

Copyrights 2023 OddsOnCompliance, All rights reserved

o the responsible party shall submit any changes to the internal control system
to the Department for review and approval.

 Connecticut
o the applicant has substantially demonstrated to the satisfaction of the board
that the applicant meets the requirements of the Act, these regulations, the
board’s rules including emergency rules, and the board’s or division’s orders;
o An online gaming operator shall amend the operator’s internal controls, as
needed, to address the various aspects of live online casino games.

 Iowa
o The operator
o The operator

 Michigan
o A request for approval to accept wagers on any new category of wagering
event shall be made by an Operator or Management Services Provider on such
forms approved by the Office, and shall include: (a) A full description of the
event and the manner in which wagers would be placed and winning wagers
would be determined; (b) A full description of any technology which would be
utilized to offer the event; (c) Information or documentation which
demonstrates that: (1) The event could be adequately supervised; (2) (3) (4)
(5) (6) (d) The outcome of the event would be verifiable; The outcome of the

event would be generated by a reliable and independent process; The outcome

of the event would be unlikely to be affected by any wager placed; The event
could be conducted in compliance with any applicable laws; and The granting
of the request for approval would be consistent with the public policy of the
District. Such additional or supplemental information as the Office may
o R 432.763a Amendments to internal controls.
Rule 763a. Unless otherwise provided by the board, all of the following
apply to amendments to the internal control procedures:
(a) Amendments to any portion of the internal control procedures must be
to the board for approval. If with...

 Nevada
o (2) Limit a person to the use of only one debit card or only one credit card for
an account, and place a monetary limit on the use of a credit card over a
period of time
o 5A.070 Internal Controls for Operators of Interactive Gaming. Each operator
shall establish, maintain, implement and comply with standards that the Chair
shall adopt and publish pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 6.090.

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 Pennsylvania
o A sports wagering system that offers in-play wagering shall be capable of the
following: (a) (b) (c) (d) The accurate and timely update of odds for in-play
wagers; The ability to notify the player of any change in odds after a wager is
attempted; The ability for the player to confirm the wager after notification of
the odds change; and The ability to freeze or suspend the offering of wagers
when necessary.
o If a slot machine licensee intends to make a change or amendment to its
system of internal controls, it shall submit the change or amendment electroni-
cally to the Bureau of Gaming Operations using the Internal Controls & Table
Games Submission Form posted on the Board’s web site

 South Dakota
o The sports wagering operator shall stamp or otherwise mark each page of the
internal control procedures submitted to the commission
o 20:18:35:02. Internal control procedures.
[...] Either the licensee or sports wagering services provider, or both, shall
submit to the commission any changes to the internal controls previously
approved at least 15 days before the changes are to become effective unless
otherwise directed by the exec...

 Wyoming
o If within thirty (30) days the Commission has not approved, denied, or

otherwise provided written notice, a sports wagering operator or sports

wagering vendor, or both, may implement the amended internal controls as
o If within thirty (30) days the Commission has not approved, denied, or
otherwise provided written notice, a sports wagering operator or sports
wagering vendor, or both, may implement the amended internal controls as

 Must the board provide notice before conducting an inspection?

 Connecticut
o Provide the Commission with any additional information required as a
condition of the exemption or waiver
o Upon request, such person or business entity shall make such documents
immediately available for inspection and copying by the commissioner and
shall produce copies of such documents to the commissioner or the
commissioner's authorized representative within two business days.

 Indiana
o The requirements in this regulation pertain to all licensees

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o Upon demand, employees and agents of the commission and division must be
given access to any portion of the premises of a sports wagering operator for
the purpose of inspecting or examining records or documents, sports betting
systems, or the conduct of sports betting activity.

 Kansas
o Except as provided in subsection (b), the department shall deposit the tax
revenue collected under section 2 of this chapter in the state general fund. (b)
The department shall transfer an amount equal to three and thirty-three
hundredths percent (3.33%) of the tax revenue collected under section 2 of
this chapter to the addiction services fund established by IC 12-23-2-2. (c)
Twenty-five percent (25%) of the tax revenue transferred under subsection (b)
must be allocated to: (1) the prevention of; (2) education regarding; (3)
provider credentialing for; and (4) treatment of; compulsive gambling.
o 112-204-5. Sports book surveillance room.
(3) The surveillance room entry log shall be made available for inspection by
the KRGC employees upon demand.
(e) The surveillance room shall be subject to periodic inspection by
commission employees to ensure that all of the following conditions are met:

 Michigan
o Staff may merge the term of a new license into the term of an existing

identical license

o The board may review, at the premises of the custodian of the information,
any information that the act or these rules provide for from any of the
following entities: (a) A license applicant. (b) A licensee. (c) A key person.

 Nevada
o requiring patrons to establish a sports wagering account prior to accepting
wagers through a website or mobile application
o An agent of the Board may inspect: (a) The premises of manufacturers and
distributors and all gaming devices located therein. (b) All gaming devices for
which an application has been filed by a category I manufacturer or distributor
pursuant to subsection 1 prior to distribution out of this state. C...

 New Jersey
o The division and its employees and agents, upon approval of the director, shall
have the authority, without notice and without warrant: (1) To inspect and
examine all premises wherein casino gaming or casino simulcasting, as
defined in section 2 of the "Casino Simulcasting Act," P.L. 1992, c.19 (C. 5:12
-192), is conducted
o The division and its employees and agents, upon approval of the director, shall
have the authority, without notice and without warrant: (1) To inspect and
examine all premises wherein casino gaming or casino simulcasting, as
defined in section 2 of the "Casino Simulcasting Act," P.L. 1992, c.19 (C. ...

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 Pennsylvania
o Winnings;
o Be immediately available for inspection upon request of the Board, the
Commission, the Bureau, the Department, the Pennsylvania State Police or the
Attorney General, or agents thereof, during all hours of operation of the casino
simulcasting permit holder’s simulcasting facility.

 Tennessee
o During normal business hours the Council and its agents may enter the
premises of any facllity of a Licensee or Registrant that is utilized by the
Licensee to operate and conduct Interactive Sports Gaming business in the
State of Tennessee for the purpose of lnspecting equipment, books, and
records kept as required by the Sports Gaming Act or these Rules
o During normal business hours the Council and its agents may enter the
premises of any facllity of a Licensee or Registrant that is utilized by the
Licensee to operate and conduct Interactive Sports Gaming business in the
State of Tennessee for the purpose of lnspecting equipment, books, and
records ...

 Washington DC
o reveal any fact material to qualication
o Sports Wagering Facilities and locations with sports wagering equipment are

subject to compliance inspections by the Office at all times. Authorized Office

employees shall be granted access to all portions of the Sports Wagering
Facility or any location where sports wagering equipment is stored at a...

 West Virginia
o shall display the license conspicuously in its place of business or have the
license available for inspection by any agent of the commission or any law-
enforcement agency.
o §29-22D-5. Licenses required.
(e) Each sports wagering licensee, licensed supplier, or a licensed
services provider shall display the license conspicuously in its place of
business or have the license available for inspection by any agent of the
commission or any law-enforcement agency.

 Which companies are permitted to test gambling software?

 Arizona
o An independent test laboratory shall test to determine whether an event
wagering system complies with all applicable technical standards referenced

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in the Act and this Article
o An independent test laboratory shall test to determine whether an event
wagering system complies with all applicable technical standards referenced
in the Act and this Article

 Connecticut
o Any other information requested by staff or the Commission
o (o) Integration testing of live game equipment to all electronic wagering
platforms shall be performed by an independent test lab licensed by the
department. The online gaming operator shall provide the department with all
integration testing results. (p) Online gaming operators shall submit product...

 Illinois
o upon a showing of good cause
o All wagering equipment must be tested by an independent outside testing
laboratory licensed pursuant to the Illinois Gambling Act and 86 Ill. Adm.
Code 3000.287

 Michigan
o determining the geographical location of a player when placing a sports wager
o an independent testing laboratory approved by the board for certification

 Pennsylvania
o Credits to the Player's debit card, so long as that debit card has been registered
in the Licensee's system for at least forty-eight (48) hours
o the Board’s Office of Gaming Laboratory Operations

 South Dakota
o A reserve shall be established and maintained by the provider in an amount
not less than the present value of all multilink jackpots offered by the provider
and the present value of one additional reset (start amount) for each multilink
jackpot offered by the provider.
o Gaming Laboratories International, LLC

 Tennessee
o a recognized independent testing laboratory that is reglstered as a Vendor.
o a recognized independent testing laboratory that is reglstered as a Vendor.

 Washington DC
o 1. the reason for any delay that was not the fault of the applicant or its
associated persons; 2. the investigation is almost concluded; and 3. the
applicant and division have reason to believe the application will be
considered within the extension period.

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o Office approved independent testing laboratory or a testing laboratory
operated in an accredited jurisdiction approved by the Office.

 West Virginia
o all equipment and software used in conjunction with its operation shall be
submitted to an independent testing laboratory or a testing laboratory operated
in an accredited jurisdiction approved by the Commission.
o all equipment and software used in conjunction with its operation shall be
submitted to an independent testing laboratory or a testing laboratory operated
in an accredited jurisdiction approved by the Commission.

 Where must servers be located?

 Arizona
o Required to comply with a regulatory licensing requirement
o Responsible parties shall only accept event wagers on a server(s) located in
the State. Responsible parties shall provide the Department with the physical
location of each server used to conduct event wagering. The server(s) shall
have physical and logical security as provided in the responsible par...

 Colorado

o A Sports Betting Operation must locate the primary server in the state of
o A Sports Betting Operation must locate the primary server in the state of

 Connecticut
o The board
o A master wagering licensee and online gaming operator shall place servers or
other equipment for the receipt or acceptance of patron wagers and
simulcasting live online casino games in secure locations within the state.
Equipment not associated with the receipt or acceptance of patron wagers, or

 Illinois
o Maintain all sports wagering data securely
o All servers necessary to the placement or resolution of wagers, other than
backup servers, shall be physically located in the State of Illinois.

 Indiana
o Pursuant to a transfer of its interest approved in advance by the Commission
o A sports wagering operator must locate a server in the state of Indiana.

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 Michigan
o publishing and facilitating parental control procedures to allow parents or
guardians to exclude minors from access to a sports wagering platform
o a sports betting operator and its internet sports betting platform provider must
place a server or other equipment that is capable of receiving internet sports
betting wagers in this state.

 Pennsylvania
o shall have a server or other equip- ment located in this Commonwealth that is
capable of receiving sports wagering bets and that conforms with the
requirements set forth by the Board in Subpart L (relating to interactive
o 58 § 1401a.5
(e) A sports wagering certificate holder or a sports wagering operator seeking
to offer interactive or mobile sports wagering shall have a server or other
equipment located in this Commonwealth that is capable of receiving sports
wagering bets and that conforms with the requirements se...

 South Dakota
o Approximate odds for win pool betting shall be posted on display devices
within view of the wagering public and updated at intervals of not more than
90 seconds.
o A sports wagering services provider shall locate the primary server other

equipment responsible for the acceptance of patron wagers in a secure

location within the city of Deadwood.

 Washington DC
o The integrity of any nancial backers, investors, mortgagees, bondholders,
and holders of other evidences of indebtedness that bear a relation to the
o core wagering servers to
reside either on-property or at a central
co-location center within the state

 Wyoming
o The Event Wagering System server(s) shall be housed in one or more secure
location(s) which may be located locally, within a single venue, or may be
remotely located outside of the venue as allowed by the regulatory body.
o The Event Wagering System server(s) shall be housed in one or more secure
location(s) which may be located locally, within a single venue, or may be
remotely located outside of the venue as allowed by the regulatory body.

 How often must a server be certified?

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 Arizona
o the division
o At least once every fifteen (15) months, the event wagering system shall be
submitted to an independent test laboratory for recertification under R19-4-

 Illinois
o Conditional approval means the investigation has been completed, and the
applicant and the proposed location for the premises meet all requirements for
licensing; but there are outstanding issues
o The sports wagering system must be tested and re-certified at least once every
six months.

 Indiana
o The Commission may deny a license to an applicant or nd an applicant
unqualied if the applicant’s application for a license related to sports
wagering in another jurisdiction was denied, suspended, or revoked
o Prior to conducting sports wagering, and annually thereafter

 South Dakota
o “Proper identification” means a form of identification accepted in the normal
course of business to establish that the person making a transaction is a

licensee account holder.

o Prior to conducting sports wagering, and annually thereafter

 Tennessee
o Any authorized sports bettor complaint that results in a dispute in excess of
$5,000 shall be brought immediately to the attention of the commission by the
casino sports wagering licensee.
o Sports Gaming System Operational Assessment. Prior to Ucensure. and
annually thereafter prior to renewal, the License Applicant must demonstrate
that its Sports Gaming System meets the standards set forth in these Rules

 How often must the geofence system recheck a patron's location?

 Arizona
o The geofence system shall perform recurring geolocation checks throughout a
patron’s authorized session.
o R19-4-117. Geofencing
B. The geofence system shall perform a geolocation check prior to the
placement of an event wager in an authorized session.
C. The geofence system shall perform recurring geolocation checks

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throughout a patron’s authorized session.

 Connecticut
o 1. applicant or licensee or permittee and its operation is properly financed; 2.
adequate security. The board may consider whether the sports wagering
platform is designed and secured in a manner that provides adequate security
for all aspects of its operation and for players; 3. character and reputation. The
board may consider the character and reputation of all persons identified with
the ownership and operation of the applicant or licensee or permittee and their
capability to comply with regulations and the Act; and 4. miscellaneous. The
board may consider such other factors as may arise in the circumstances
o Section 12-865-9. Geofencing
(d) The electronic wagering platform shall trigger the following geolocation
(1) A geolocation check prior to the placement of the first wager in the patron
(2) Recurring periodic geolocation checks. If a patron session is longer than a
single wager, the...

 Michigan
o Recheck every twenty (20) minutes, or five (5) minutes if within one (1) mile
of the border of the permitted boundary.
o the recurring periodic geolocation check must be

administered as follows:
(i) Static connection: Recheck every twenty (20) minutes, or five (5) minutes
if within one (1) mile of the border of the permitted boundary.
(ii) Mobile connections: Recheck intervals to be based on an individual’s or

 Pennsylvania
o a geolocation re-check shall be performed every 20 minutes, or 5 minutes if
the player is located within 1 mile of the border of the Commonwealth.
o a geolocation re-check shall be performed every 20 minutes, or 5 minutes if
the player is located within 1 mile of the border of the Commonwealth.

 Tennessee
o If the session is longer than a single Bet or Wager: 1. Rechecks the
geographical location every twenty (20) minutes or five (5) minutes if within
one (1) mile of the state border; and 2. Rechecks intervals based on the
Player's proximity to the border with an assumed travel velocity of seventy
(70) miles per hour, and a maximum interval not exceeding twenty (20)
o If the session is longer than a single Bet or
Wager: 1. Rechecks the geographical location every twenty (20) minutes
or five (5) minutes if within one (1) mile of the state border; and 2.

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Rechecks intervals based on the Player's proximity to the border with an
assumed travel velocity of seventy (70)...

 Washington DC
o The commission or operator may ban any person from entering a gaming area
of a gaming facility conducting sports wagering or the grounds of a gaming
facility licensed under this article or from participating in the play or operation
of any West Virginia Lottery sports wagering.
o (a)
The Geolocation System shall ensure that any player is continually located
within the permitted boundary and shall be equipped to dynamically
monitor the player’s location and block unauthorized attempts to access
the online sports wagering system;
The Geolocation System shall trigger peri...

 Wyoming
o Reoccurring periodic geolocation checks if a session is longer than a single
wager to ensure out of state access is not possible mid-session;
o Technical Specifications
Frequency of the System
The platform shall trigger:
1. A geolocation check prior to the placement of the first wager;

2. Reoccurring periodic geolocation checks if a session is longer than a single


wager to ensure out of state access is not possible mid-session;

3. A geoloca...

 What happens if a geolocation system detects a user outside of the permitted


 Indiana
o An applicant may request that the Commission defer its qualication decision
during the pendency of the charge
o (a) In order to prevent unauthorized use of the Internet or a mobile device to
place a sports wager when a patron is not within the state of Indiana, the
sports wagering operator shall utilize a geofence system to reasonably detect
the physical location of a patron attempting to access the online sp...

 Tennessee
o for applicants for a sports wagering platform provider or sports wagering
service provider permit, the applicant must be issued a gaming license or
permit for similar activity in Louisiana or another state of the United States of
America and that license or permit must be in good standing;

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o Detects the physical location of a Player attempting to access any Sports
Gaming System and monitors and blocks unauthorized attempts to place a
wager using the Sports Gaming System;

 Washington DC
o The board
o Operators and Management Services Providers shall utilize a Geolocation
to reasonably detect the physical location of a player attempting to access the
online sports wagering system; and to monitor and block unauthorized
attempts to
access the online sports wagering system.

 West Virginia
o The geolocation system shall ensure that any player is located within the
permitted boundary when placing any wager, and shall be equipped to
dynamically monitor the player' s location and block unauthorized attempts to
access the online sports pool system
o The geolocation system shall ensure that any player is located within the
permitted boundary
when placing any wager, and shall be equipped to dynamically monitor the
player' s location and block
unauthorized attempts to access the online sports pool system in order to place

a wager throughout the



 How long must bets be stored?

 Connecticut
o identity
o Electronic wagering platforms shall maintain all information necessary to
recreate a patron’s wagering and account activity during each patron session,
including any identity or location verifications, for a period of no less than
five years in a secure electronic log.

 Illinois
o before beginning internet sports betting operations
o A sports wagering system shall maintain records of all wagers for a period of
not less than 10 years.

 Indiana
o Is accompanied by all required fees

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o Sports wagering systems shall provide an account statement with account
details to a patron on demand, which shall include detailed account activity
for at least six (6) months. In addition, an online sports wagering system shall,
upon request, be capable of providing a summary statement of all patr...

 Kansas
o A request for approval to accept wagers on an event other than professional
and collegiate sporting events shall be made by a sports wagering operator on
such forms approved by the executive director, and shall include: (1) a full
description of the event and the manner in which wagers would be placed and
winning wagers would be determined; (2) a full description of any technology
that would be utilized to offer the event; (3) assurance that the event meets the
requirements of section 4 of this rule; and (4) any other information related to
the nature of the event deemed necessary by the executive director
o Wagering data shall not be purged unless approved by the commission.

 New York
o Personal history questionnaires
o maintenance of all transactional sports wagering data for a period of five years

 Tennessee
o A Sports Gaming System shall maintain all transactional wagering data for a
period of five (5) years.

o A Sports Gaming System shall maintain all transactional wagering data for a
period of five (5) years.

 What are the minimum requirements for house rules?

 Arizona
o 1. Types of event wagers accepted; 2. Minimum and maximum event wager
amounts accepted; 3. Method for calculation and payment of winning event
wagers; 4. Effect of scheduling changes and/or cancelled events; 5. Process
for handing incorrectly posted events, odds, or results; 6. Method of notifying
patrons of odds or proposition changes; 7. Methods of funding an event wager
or player account; 8. Methods for redeeming a winning event wager; 9. Lost
or damaged ticket policy; 10. Process for accepting event wagers at other than
posted terms; 11. Process for canceling event wagers for obvious errors,
including notification; 12. Process for patrons to submit questions and/or
complaints; 13. Notification of the patron dispute process; and 14.
Notification of the self-exclusion process.
o R19-4-132. House Rules
A. The house rules shall be conspicuously displayed in the retail wagering
area and/or on the event wagering platform.

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House rules shall address:
1. Types of event wagers accepted;
2. Minimum and maximum event wager amounts accepted;
3. Method for calculation and payment of wi...

 Connecticut
o House rules shall include, but not be limited to the following:
o Section 12-865-16. Sports Wagering
(a) Online gaming operators shall adopt comprehensive house rules for sports
wagering and submit them for review and approval by the department prior to
offering sports wagering.
(b) House rules shall include, but not be limited to the following:
(1) Method for cal...

 Illinois
o ninety-day extension
o Section 1900.1190 House Rules
a) House rules are a non-authoritative document compiled by the master
sports wagering licensee for the purpose of summarizing portions of the
internal control system and certain other information necessary to inform
patrons of the functionality of the sports wagering o...

 Indiana

o Identication of the applicant or a person who is required to be qualied as a


career offender or a member of a career offender cartel or an associate of a

career offender or career offender cartel
o 68 IAC 27-5-3 House rules
Sec. 3. (a) A sports wagering operator shall adopt comprehensive house rules,
which shall be approved by the executive
director or the executive director's designee. The house rules shall address the
following items regarding the sports wagering system and online sports wag...

 Kansas
o A certificate holder or vendor may not accept wagers on e-sports regardless of
whether the e-sports event involves one (1) or multiple players.
o 112-201-16. House rules requirements.
(b) House rules shall establish operational procedures on how to deal with the
following anomalies:
(1) Wager adjustments;
(2) Event cancellations;
(3) Schedule changes;
(4) Rain delays/Game rainouts;
(5) Rejected wagers;
(6) Canceled wagers;
(7) Overtime/end of...

Copyrights 2023 OddsOnCompliance, All rights reserved

 Michigan
o date of birth
o R 432.748 House rules.
Rule 748. (1) A sports betting operator or internet sports betting platform
provider must adopt comprehensive house rules, which must be approved by
the board. The house rules must address the following items regarding internet
sports betting wagers, at a minimum:
(a) Types of...

 Nevada
o Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the rules must specify the
amounts to be paid on winning wagers, the effect of schedule changes, the
redemption period for winning tickets, and the method of noticing odds or line
changes to patrons. House rules must state that wagers may be accepted at
other than the currently posted terms, if applicable.
o 22.150 House rules. Each book shall adopt, conspicuously display at its
licensed premises, and
adhere to written, comprehensive house rules governing wagering transactions
with patrons. Without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, the rules must specify the amounts to
be paid on winning wagers,...

 New Hampshire

o These house rules shall include at a minimum:


o 287-I:8 Sports Wagering Supervision.

III. Each agent engaged in sports wagering shall submit house rules for the
division's review and approval prior to conducting any sports wagering
within the state and every year thereafter. These house rules shall include at a
(a) The method for calcula...

 Pennsylvania
o (A) Method for calculation and payment of winning wagers. (B) Description
of the process for handling incorrectly posted events, odds, wagers or results.
(C) Effect of schedule changes. (D) Method of notifying patrons of odds or
proposition changes. (E) Acceptance of wagers at other than posted terms. (F)
Expiration of any winning ticket. (G) Method of contacting the operator for
questions and complaints. (H) Description of person prohibited from engaging
in sports wager- ing. (I) A statement regarding the policy and methods for
limiting the maximum amount that a patron can win on any particular wager;
however, the policy will not preclude a patron from collecting a payout in
excess of the purported amount if the system allows the patron to place a valid
wager that pays more than the stated maximum amount. (J) Methods of
funding a sports wager.
o § 1408a.5. Information to be displayed/provided.
(5)(v) Comprehensive house rules governing wagering transactions with

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patrons. The house rules must be immediately available to patrons at a
licensed facility’s retail and interactive or mobile application sportsbooks, and
must be included in a spo...

 Tennessee
o sports wagering licensee shall remain in effect for up to 10 years
o 1350-01-.07 Maintenance of License or Registration.
(15) House Rules.
(a) Licensees shall adopt comprehensive House Rules which shall be
submitted to the Council for approval with the Initial application for a license.
Amendments to the House Rules must be submitted to the Council for
approval no le...

 Virginia
o House Rules shall address at least the following items:
o 11VAC5-70-260. House rules.
A. A permit holder shall adopt comprehensive house rules that shall be
submitted to the director for approval with the initial application for a
permit. Amendments to the House Rules shall be submitted to the director for
B. House Rules shall address at least th...

 Are license fees refundable?

 Colorado
o No occupational licensee employed by or associated with a supplier licensee
may play any game at any casino.
o non-refundable

 Michigan
o nonrefundable license application fees
o nonrefundable license application fees

 If a patron self-excludes in one state are they permitted to bet in other states?

 Connecticut
o 1. the applicant has filed a complete application and all required fees to the
board; 2. the applicant has substantially demonstrated to the satisfaction of the
board that the applicant meets the requirements of the Act, these regulations,
the board’s rules including emergency rules, and the board’s or division’s
orders; 3. for applicants for a sports wagering license, the applicant must be

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issued a Louisiana gaming license that is in good standing; 4. for applicants
for a sports wagering platform provider or sports wagering service provider
permit, the applicant must be issued a gaming license or permit for similar
activity in Louisiana or another state of the United States of America and that
license or permit must be in good standing; and 5. the applicant must agree in
writing to the following conditions of the temporary certificate of authority
issued pursuant to this Section: a. the temporary certificate of authority does
not create a right or privilege; b. the board may rescind the temporary
certificate of authority issued under this Section at any time, with or without
notice to the applicant/holder and without a hearing if any of the following
occur: i. the board is informed that the suitability of the applicant or anyone
required to submit to suitability in conjunction with the application may be at
issue; or ii. the applicant or anyone required to submit to suitability in
conjunction with the application fails to cooperate with the investigation into
the qualifications and suitability of the applicant and its associated persons.

 Michigan
o If an Operator or Management Services Provider would like to offer a new

category of wagering event they must submit a request to the Office on a form
specified by the Office. The request must be submitted to the Office at least
fourteen (14) days in advance of the proposed date of accepting wagers on
such category of a wagering event.
o The individual's name is on a valid and current exclusion list maintained by
this state or another jurisdiction in the United States.

 New York

 Must an operator withhold winnings based on unpaid child support?

 Arizona
o Subsequent to statutory state and federal tax withholding, if a person receives
a payout of winnings that triggers the licensee's obligation to le a form W-2G

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or a substantially equivalent form with the United States internal revenue
service and is identied, the event wagering facility operator shall withhold
the full amount of the winnings or such portion of the winnings that satises
the person's past-due, setoff obligation and forward those monies to the
identifying agency.
o Subsequent to statutory state and federal tax withholding, if a person receives
a payout of winnings that triggers the licensee's obligation to le a form W-2G
or a substantially equivalent form with the United States internal revenue
service and is identied, the event wagering facility operato...

 Colorado
o A parent’s winnings from money diverted from a child’s support should be
applied to the parent’s outstanding support obligations
o A parent’s winnings from money diverted from a child’s support should be
applied to the parent’s outstanding support obligations

 Indiana
o Withholding winnings from delinquent child support obligors in accordance
with IC 4-38-11
o Withholding winnings from delinquent child support obligors in accordance
with IC 4-38-11

 Washington DC

o Operators and Management Services Providers shall establish procedures to

evaluate requests made by third parties to exclude an individual from sports
wagering, including requests to exclude an individual from placing sports
wagers when the requestor provides documentary evidence of sole or joint
financial responsibility for the source of funds deposited with an Operator by
the individual or a court order requiring the individual to pay unmet child
support obligations.
o Operators and Management Services Providers shall establish procedures to
evaluate requests made by third parties to exclude an individual from sports
wagering, including requests to exclude an individual from placing sports
wagers when the requestor provides documentary evidence of sole or joint fi...

 Who needs to file for an employee license under a sports betting license?

 Connecticut
o The following individuals who are directly or substantially involved in the
operation of internet games or retail sports wagering in a manner that impacts
the integrity of gaming shall obtain an occupational employee license:
o The following individuals who are directly or substantially involved in the
operation of internet games or retail sports wagering in a manner that impacts

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the integrity of gaming shall obtain an occupational employee license:
(1) Individuals who have system access or authority to modify any critical...

 Illinois
o To a related entity
o A person employed by a master sports wagering licensee or management
services provider licensee, and who works in a designated gaming area or
performs duties in furtherance of or associated with the operation of sports
wagering by the master sports wagering licensee, is required to hold an

 Indiana
o approved in advance by the Commission under §F of this regulation
o Sec. 16. (a) All key persons and substantial owners of a sports wagering
operator applicant must obtain a Level 1 occupational
(b) An employee, independent contractor, agent, or subagent of a sports
wagering operator shall obtain a Level 2 occupational
license under 68 IAC 2-3 if the execut...

 Michigan
o A sports wagering system that offers in-play wagering shall be capable of the
following: (a) The accurate and timely update of odds for in-play wagers; (b)

The ability to notify the player of any change in odds after a wager is
o (i) A director of the applicant. (ii) A managerial employee of the applicant that
performs the function of principal executive officer, principal operations
officer, or principal accounting officer. (iii)A person who holds more than 5%
ownership interest in the applicant. (iv) An affiliate of the ap...

 Nevada
o The initial license application fee shall be waived for any occupational
employee who holds an active occupational gaming license issued by the
o Any executive, employee, or agent of a gaming licensee having the power to
exercise a significant influence over decisions concerning any part of the
operation of a gaming licensee or who is listed or should be listed in the
annual employee report required by Regulation 3.100 is a key employee. 2.

 Pennsylvania
o Office approved independent testing laboratory or a testing laboratory
operated in an accredited jurisdiction approved by the Office.
o (i) A sports wagering certificate holder, interactive gaming operator or sports
wagering operator. (ii) A sports wagering manufacturer. (iii) A sports

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wagering supplier. (iv) A sports wagering gaming service provider. (v) Any
other person as determined by the Board.

 Washington DC
o The integrity of any nancial backers, investors, mortgagees, bondholders,
and holders of other evidences of indebtedness that bear a relation to the
o An Occupational License is required for the following individuals: (a) Any
employee of a Sports Wagering Operator or Management Services Provider
whose work duties are directly related to or involve sports wagering operated
under the jurisdiction of the Office; and (b) Any individual who is a Sports...

 Wyoming
o An individual must have an occupational permit if his or her duties directly
impact the integrity of online sports wagering in Wyoming, including: (i) An
individual who has the capability of affecting the outcome of sports wagering
through deployment of code to production for any critical components of a
sports wagering system; (ii) An individual who can deploy code to production
and directly supervises individuals who have the capability of affecting the
outcome of sports wagering in Wyoming through deployment of code to
production for other than read-only or the equivalent access to any critical
components of a sports wagering system; (iii) An individual who directly
manages a sports wagering operation or who directly supervises an individual
who directly manages a sports wagering operation; or (iv) Any other

individual who directly impacts the integrity of sports wagering as determined

by the Commission, which shall include but not be limited to, any individual
who has the capability to directly affect the outcome of an online sports wager
or a payout to a patron.
o An individual must have an occupational permit if his or her duties directly
impact the integrity of online sports wagering in Wyoming, including: (i) An
individual who has the capability of affecting the outcome of sports wagering
through deployment of code to production for any critical components...

 How often must a geolocation system be updated?

 Pennsylvania
o Undergo frequent updates, at least one every three months
o Undergo frequent updates, at least one every three months

 Washington DC
o The board
o Operators and Management Services Providers shall provide the Office at
least every ninety (90) days, evidence that the Geolocation system is updated
to the latest solution.

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 Wyoming
o Undergo frequent updates, at least one every three months
o Undergo frequent updates, at least one every three months

 How do i obtain an internet sports betting occupational license?

 Pennsylvania
o the commission shall issue a license for a period of not more than three years
to an applicant to own a gambling game operation, to an applicant to operate a
gambling structure, and to an applicant to operate an excursion gambling boat.
o 435a.3. Occupation permit.
(a) An applicant for a gaming employee occupation permit shall submit:
(1) An original and one copy of the Gaming Employee Application and
Disclosure Information Form or an electronic application using the SLOTS
Link system. When an application for an occupation permit is ...

 West Virginia
o Applicants shall submit any required application forms established by the
commission and pay a nonrefundable application fee of $100.
o Applicants shall submit any required application forms established by the

commission and pay a nonrefundable application fee of $100.

 How do I obtain an internet sports betting occupational license application?

 Nevada
o The initial application fee for an online gaming service provider license shall
be two thousand dollars and the annual renewal fee shall be two thousand
o Applications for a license to operate a race book or a license to operate a
sports pool must be made, processed, and determined in the same manner as
applications for nonrestricted gaming licenses, using such forms as the Chair
may require.

 Washington DC
o Paid the applicable nonrefundable application fee
o the application for which shall be on a form or platform provided by the

 West Virginia

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o Applicants shall submit any required application forms established by the
o Applicants shall submit any required application forms established by the

 What is the application fee for an internet sports betting occupational license?

 Colorado
o Current prosecution of the applicant or a person who is required to be
qualied for an offense described under §C(5)
o $235

 Washington DC
o Additional qualications and license requirements may apply based on license
o A Class A Operator License shall be issued for five (5) years and require a non
- refundable application fee of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000),
which shall be submitted with the application; provided, that when an
Applicant for a Class A Operator License partners in a joint venture with a C...

 West Virginia

o $100
o $100

 What are the appropriate formats for a report?

 Kansas
o The following individuals are prohibited from placing wagers or collecting
winnings: 1. persons under the age of 18; 2. persons on any exclusion list; 3.
any person making a wager on the account of or for any other person; and 4.
commissioners, the director, the director's staff, gaming suppliers doing
business with the state lottery, suppliers' officers and employees, employees of
any firm auditing or investigating the state lottery, governmental employees
auditing or investigating the state lottery, or members of their households.
o (d) General accounting records must be maintained on a basis consistent with
accepted accounting principles.
(e) Reports shall be provided in a format approved by the commission.

 Nevada
o (11) Compliance reporting and disclosure requirements

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o Every application, statement, notice or report must be filed on forms furnished
or approved by the Board or the Commission and must contain and be
accompanied and supplemented by such documents and information as may
be specified or required.

 South Dakota
o If it is determined that a sports wagering operator has offered an unauthorized
event for wagering, the sports wagering operator shall cancel and refund all
wagers associated with that event.
o reports required by the internal controls. Additional reporting requirements
may be specified by the internal controls.

 West Virginia
o in a format approved by the Commission's Finance & Administration and
Information Technology divisions.
o in a format approved by the Commission's Finance & Administration and
Information Technology divisions.

 When should an iGaming licensee file for a renewal?

 Connecticut

o Such license shall be renewed annually.

o Such license shall be renewed annually.

 Nevada
o All appropriate federal and state tax, withholding, and other patron financial
reporting forms shall be completed before the sports wagering retailer issues
any payment for winnings in accordance with the federal and state mandated
reporting and withholding requirements. Such reports shall then be distributed
to the patron and handled by the sports wagering retailer or CLC in
accordance with federal and state law. In addition, prior to issuing winnings in
an amount requiring tax reporting, the sports wagering retailer shall confirm
the patron’s identity to verify that the patron is not a prohibited or excluded
o All interactive gaming service provider licenses shall be issued for the
calendar year beginning on January 1 and expiring on December 31. If the
operation is continuing, the fee prescribed by subsection (a) shall be due on or
before December 31 of the ensuing calendar year. Regardless of the date o...

 Pennsylvania
o Operators and Management Service Providers shall investigate each player
complaint and provide a response to the player within ten (10) business days.
For complaints that cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the player, related

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to Sports Wagering Accounts, settlement of wagers or illegal activity, a copy
of the complaint and Licensee’s response, including all relevant
documentation, shall be provided to the Office.
o A renewal application for an interactive gaming certificate shall be filed at
least 6 months prior to the expiration of the current certificate.

 West Virginia
o Required documentation or information shall be submitted no later than five
years after issuance of an operator license and every five years thereafter, or
within lesser periods based on circumstances specified by the commission.
o Required documentation or information shall be submitted no later than five
years after issuance of an operator license and every five years thereafter, or
within lesser periods based on circumstances specified by the commission.

 What is the application fee for an internet gaming occupational license?

 Connecticut
o fifty dollars
o fifty dollars

 Nevada

o (a) The Geolocation System shall ensure that any player is continually located
within the permitted boundary and shall be equipped to dynamically monitor
the player’s location and block unauthorized attempts to access the online
sports wagering system; (b) The Geolocation System shall trigger periodic
geolocation interval checks to ensure the player remains in the area where the
Operator or Management Services Provider is licensed to accept wagers;
o Each application for a restricted license must be accompanied by a
nonrefundable application fee in the amount of $500.00 for each individual
requiring investigation. Each application for an additional location for a slot
route operator must be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee in the

 West Virginia
o $100.
o $100.

 How can a patron get off of the self-excluded list?

 Arizona

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o within 15 days of receipt of notice of the administrative actions instituted or
pending in any other jurisdiction
o The department shall establish procedures for the placement on and removal
from the list of self-excluded persons.

 Connecticut
o If you choose the one year option or the five year option, you are not allowed
to remove yourself from the Gaming Self-Exclusion List until the time period
that you selected has expired. Additionally, your name will remain on the
Connecticut Gaming Self-Exclusion List until you request its removal.
o Once the time period you selected has expired you are
responsible for making the request to remove yourself from the
Connecticut Gaming Self-Exclusion List. A request for the removal
of your name from the Connecticut Gaming Self-Exclusion List may
be done online.

 Delaware
o to submit to an investigation to determine suitability, and shall meet and
maintain the suitability standards
o Except for those persons choosing a lifetime self-exclusion, any self-excluded
person may, upon the expiration of the period of self-exclusion requested
pursuant to subsection 7.16, request removal of his or her name from the self-
exclusion list by submitting, in person, a completed request for remo...

 Indiana
o Commission of an act within the prior 7 years
o A person who has registered for the statewide Internet self-restriction program
may, upon the expiration of the selected term of self-restriction, submit a
notice to the commission requesting removal from the statewide Internet self-
restriction program.

 New Jersey
o If you choose the lifetime exclusion option, your name cannot be removed
from the Self-Exclusion List or Internet Gaming Self -Exclusion List. A
request for the removal of your name from the Self-Exclusion List or Internet
Gaming Self -Exclusion List must be done in person at the Division Office
o If you choose the lifetime exclusion option, your name cannot be removed
from the Self-Exclusion List or Internet Gaming Self -Exclusion List. A
request for the removal of your name from the Self-Exclusion List or Internet
Gaming Self -Exclusion List must be done in person at the Division Office

 New York

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o a. if the applicant is a corporation, each officer, director, and shareholder
having a 5 percent or greater ownership interest; b. if the applicant is a limited
liability company, each officer, managing member, manager and any member
having a 5 percent or greater ownership interest; c. if the applicant is a general
partnership or joint venture, each individual partner and co-venturer; d. if the
applicant is a limited partnership, the general partner and each limited partner
having a 5 percent or greater ownership interest; e. if the applicant is a
registered limited liability partnership pursuant to R.S. 9:3431 et seq., the
managing partner and each partner having a 5 percent or greater ownership
interest; and f. if such shareholder, owner, partner, or member from
Paragraphs a through e of this Subsection is a legal entity, each officer,
director, manager or managing member and each person with an indirect
ownership or economic interest equal to or greater than 5 percent in the
o (a) An excluded person may file a petition with the secretary of the
commission to request
a hearing for removal of his or her name from the excluded persons list after
five years
have elapsed from the day of placement of his or her name on the excluded
persons list.
(b) Any petition pursuant to thi...

 Virginia
o Once the Self-Exclusion Form is submitted to the Lottery, an individual

cannot be removed from the list until the end of the exclusion period.
o Once the Self-Exclusion Form is submitted to the Lottery, an individual
cannot be removed from the list until the end of the exclusion period.

 Washington DC
o The Commission may exempt a sports wagering employee
o Upon expiration of the selected duration of exclusion, individuals may request
that their name be removed from the Self-Exclusion List or petition for
exclusion for a new duration. Individuals shall remain on the self-Exclusion
List after the expiration of the selected duration of exclusion until su...

 How much time must pass for a patron's account to be deemed inactive?

 Michigan
o 3 years.
o 3 years.

 Pennsylvania
o One (1) year;

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o 2 years

 Puerto Rico
o n three (3) previous years
o when within three (3) previous years, its owner or owner has not shown any
interest in said amounts in any of the following ways:
making any transaction regarding said amounts; communicating in writing
with the Operator with whom you have the Player Account; demonstrating in
any way their interest i...

 Are there any limits on the number of licenses available?

 Arizona
o Whenever internal controls are updated
o The department may issue not more than ten event wagering operator licenses
to applicants other than an Indian tribe. The department may issue not more
than ten event wagering operator licenses to Indian tribes in this state if the
Indian tribe receiving a license has signed the most recent tribal-s...

 Illinois
o The Board shall issue 3 Master Sports Wagering licenses to Online Sports

Wagering Operators
o The Board shall issue 3 Master Sports Wagering licenses to Online Sports
Wagering Operators

 What programs receive the funds from sports betting taxes?

 Illinois
o no
o All Wagering Taxes paid pursuant to the requirements of the Act shall be
deposited by the Board into the Sports Wagering Fund. On the 25th of each
month, the Board shall transfer excess funds in the Sports Gaming Fund to the
Capital Projects Fund.

 Indiana
o if designated staff determines that the applicant meets all applicable
requirements, the designee shall issue the license, or nd the applicant
o Except as provided in subsection (b), the department shall deposit the tax
revenue collected under section 2 of this chapter in the state general fund. (b)
The department shall transfer an amount equal to three and thirty-three

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hundredths percent (3.33%) of the tax revenue collected under section 2 ...

 Michigan
o 30 percent to the city of Detroit • 5 percent to the Michigan Agriculture
Equine Industry Development Fund (up to $3 million per year from each tax
source) • 65 percent to the state Internet Sports Betting Fund or the state
Internet Gaming Fund
o 30 percent to the city of Detroit • 5 percent to the Michigan Agriculture
Equine Industry Development Fund (up to $3 million per year from each tax
source) • 65 percent to the state Internet Sports Betting Fund or the state
Internet Gaming Fund

 Tennessee
o (1) Eighty percent (80%) of the privilege tax collected under this section must
be distributed by the corporation to the state treasurer for deposit into the
lottery for education account created under § 4- 51-111. Funds deposited
under this subdivision (e)(1) must be accounted for separately by the
corporation from funds collected by the corporation for the lottery. Section 4-
51-111 is otherwise inapplicable to taxes collected and deposited under this
subdivision (e)(1). (2) Notwithstanding § 4-51-111, fifteen percent (15%) of
the privilege tax collected under this section must be distributed by the
corporation quarterly to the state treasurer for deposit into the general fund, to
be remitted quarterly to each local government in this state on a per capita
basis, as determined by population based on the last federal census. For

purposes of calculating the allocation, the population of counties excludes the

population of each municipality within the boundaries of the county. Funds
remitted to a local government under this subdivision (e)(2) must be allocated
to the county or city general fund, as applicable, to be used for local
infrastructure projects, including, without limitation, transportation and road
projects and public buildings. (3) Notwithstanding § 4-51-111, five percent
(5%) of the privilege tax collected under this section must be distributed by
the corporation to the state treasurer and allocated to the department of mental
health and substance abuse services to use in the manner prescribed by § 4-51-
o (1) Eighty percent (80%) of the privilege tax collected under this section must
be distributed by the
corporation to the state treasurer for deposit into the lottery for education
account created under § 4-
51-111. Funds deposited under this subdivision (e)(1) must be accounted for
separately by th...

 What is the notification process for software change management?

 Illinois

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o may not assign, delegate, subcontract, or transfer to another person its duties
or responsibilities as a licensee without the prior approval of the Commission
o A master sports wagering licensee shall notify the Administrator prior to the
installation of any substantial change to a core function on a live sports
wagering system. The notification shall include a clear identification of the
core function that is affected, an explanation of the reason for the ...

 Nevada
o All submissions must include a description of modifications made to the
previously approved software which fully describes all modifications.
o All submissions must include a description of modifications made to the
previously approved software which fully describes all modifications.

 South Dakota
o A sports wagering operator shall not permit a patron to transfer funds from a
patron account to another patron account.
o (1) The licensee shall provide internal controls that protect the integrity of all
hardware, networks, applications, databases, and data of the system to the
executive secretary for approval prior to completion of the system testing
period and final approval of the system; and (2) The licensees and ...

 Is official data required for in play bets?

 Michigan
o The online gaming operator’s procedures for terminating an internet gaming
account and the return of any funds remaining in the internet gaming account
to the patron or confiscation of funds.
o A sports governing body headquartered in the United States must notify the
board in writing if it desires sports betting operators to use official league data
to settle tier 2 sports bets

 Tennessee
o A Sports Gaming Operator must use Official League Data for live betting
unless it can demonstrate lo the Council that the governing body of a sport or
other authorized entity cannot provide a feed of Official League Data for live
betting in accordance with commercially reasonable terms
o A Sports Gaming Operator must use Official League Data for live betting
unless it can demonstrate lo the Council that the governing body of a sport or
other authorized entity cannot provide a feed of Official League Data for live
betting in accordance with commercially reasonable terms

 Washington DC
o The Commission

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o in-play and proposition lines, it’s important that license holders, as well as the
Lottery itself and its business partners, be required to use official data that
originates from the respective sport leagues.

 When should a fantasy sports licensee file for a renewal?

 Colorado
o shall submit a written request in a format specied by the Commission
o pursuant to the schedule established by the Director

 Pennsylvania
o (a) Notice that shall include the statement that is similar to “It is unlawful for
any individual who is under 18 years of age or is noticeably intoxicated or
impaired to engage in sports wagering.”; and (b) Responsible gaming logo or
information to direct players to the site's Office-approved responsible gaming
page, which shall include, at a minimum: (1) Prominent display of the
National Council on Problem Gambling’s 24 hour toll-free confidential
National Helpline—1-800-522-4700 (call or text) and helpline chat—; (2) A direct link to the National Council on Problem
Gambling’s resources dedicated to helping persons with potential gambling
problems; (3) A clear statement of the online Operator’s policy and

commitment to responsible gaming; (4) Information governing self-imposed


responsible gaming limits and the ability for the player to establish those
limits; and (5) Any other information about available programs to prevent,
treat, or monitor compulsive or problem gambling.
o An application for renewal of a license or registration shall be submitted at
least 180 days prior to the expiration of the license

 Tennessee
o no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of the prior year’s
o no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of the prior year’s

 What are the appropriate formats for a financial report?

 Kansas
o You can self-exclude by visiting “My Account” then selecting “Self-Exclusion
section.” Self-exclusion means that your account will remain closed for a
minimum period of 6 months and will not be reactivated under any
circumstances during the exclusion period (unlike a standard account closure

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request). If you wish to self-exclude please visit the Self- Exclusion section.
o (d) General accounting records must be maintained on a basis consistent with
accepted accounting principles.
(e) Reports shall be provided in a format approved by the commission.

 Tennessee
o All data required must be submitted in formats approved by the Council. All
Licensees shall utilize the Council's (formerly TEL's) central accounting and
reporting system.
o All data required must be submitted in formats approved by the Council. All
Licensees shall utilize the Council's (formerly TEL's) central accounting and
reporting system.

 Washington DC
o Bond amounts and exemptions are specied in regulations that pertain to a
specic license
o Operators and Management Services Providers shall establish and maintain
books, records, and documents (including electronic storage media) in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices which
sufficiently and properly reflect all revenues and expenditures of funds

 Can the regulatory body restrict a player's ability to place a wager?

 Michigan
o (a) Any collegiate sports or athletic event in which any District of Columbia
based college or university team participates regardless of where the event
takes place; (b) Any collegiate sports or athletic event that takes place in the
District. (c) All high school sports events, including high school electronic
sports events and high school competitive video game events; and (d) Any
amateur sport or athletic event with the exception of: (1) Olympic sporting or
athletic events sanctioned by the International Olympic Committee where the
majority of participants are age eighteen (18) or older, subject to limitation by
the Office; (2) International team sports events in which persons under age 18
make up a minority of the participants; (3) Collegiate sporting or athletic
events occurring outside the District that do not involve a District of Columbia
college or university; (4) The other games of a collegiate sports or athletic
tournament in which a District of Columbia college or university team is a
participant; and (5) Any games of a collegiate tournament that occur outside
the District of Columbia even though some of the individual games or events
are held in the District of Columbia. (e) Any collegiate sport or athletic event
which the Operator Licensee knows or reasonably should know, is being
placed by, or on behalf of a coach or participant in that collegiate event; and

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(f) Any event or athletic sporting event unless approved by the Office.
o The executive director may place an individual’s name in the responsible
gaming database

 Pennsylvania
o Operators and Management Services Providers shall establish and maintain
books, records, and documents (including electronic storage media) in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices which
sufficiently and properly reflect all revenues and expenditures of funds
associated with sports wagering.
o (b) The placement of a person on the exclusion list shall have the effect of
requiring the exclusion or ejection of the excluded person from licensed
facilities. (c) An excluded person may not collect in any manner or in any
proceeding any winnings or recover any losses arising as a result of any ga...

 Tennessee
o if any of the following occur: i. the board is informed that the suitability of the
applicant or anyone required to submit to suitability in conjunction with the
application may be at issue; or ii. the applicant or anyone required to submit to
suitability in conjunction with the application fails to cooperate with the
investigation into the qualifications and suitability of the applicant and its
associated persons.
o The board may prescribe by rule additional categories of persons who are

prohibited from placing a wager in this state.


 West Virginia
o The nature and extent of any ownership interest that the individual has in the
o The commission or operator may ban any person from entering a gaming area
of a gaming facility conducting sports wagering or the grounds of a gaming
facility licensed under this article or from participating in the play or operation
of any West Virginia Lottery sports wagering.

 What is process for a league to require use of official data?

 Arizona
o the board or division
o The Department shall notify responsible parties within seven (7) days of
receipt of the notification from the governing body of a sports league,
organization or association, or other authorized entity that maintains official
league data of the availability of official league data.

 Illinois

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o mnghfbgdvfcdxsz
o b) A governing body shall notify the Board in writing of its intent to supply
official league data to master sports wagering licensees pursuant to Section 25
-25(g) of the Act only after the governing body or a vendor authorized by the
governing body has been issued a tier 2 official league data prov...

 Does the board have discretion to waive application requirements?

 Indiana
o An applicant may request that the Commission defer its qualication decision
during the pendency of the charge
o A request for a waiver shall be submitted to the executive director at the
commission's office in Indianapolis, Indiana, unless it is personally submitted
to an enforcement agent at the commission's office at the casino or support

 Kansas
o not restrict the patron from withdrawing the patron's own funds or
withdrawing winnings
o One or more of the requirements of this article
applicable to auditing and accounting may be waived by the commission on

its own initiative

 Michigan
o The Commission
o The board may exempt an individual from any or all of the occupational
licensing requirements if any of the following apply:

 Can the regulatory body issue a conditional license?

 Montana
o at the request of an applicant
o Conditional approval means the investigation has been completed, and the
applicant and the proposed location for the premises meet all requirements for
licensing; but there are outstanding issues

 Nevada
o allowing players to file complaints regarding the sports wagering operation
and the handling of the player’s sports wagering account
o a license may be conditionally issued based upon further testing of the

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 Pennsylvania
o (a) Any collegiate sports or athletic event in which any District of Columbia
based college or university team participates regardless of where the event
takes place; (b) Any collegiate sports or athletic event that takes place in the
o The Board may grant an applicant for a gaming junket enterprise license a
conditional license to conduct junkets in this Commonwealth.

 Washington DC
o applicant or any person required to be qualied to provide information,
documentation, or assurances required by or requested
o The Office may issue Provisional Sports Wagering Licenses to Operators,
Management Service Providers and Suppliers.

 What information is required to be provided to patrons about cancelled events?

 Arizona
o within 15 days of receipt of notice of the administrative actions instituted or
pending in any other jurisdiction
o Effect of scheduling changes and/or cancelled events

 Nevada
o providing players with access to information on responsible play
o Public notice must be given at the earliest possible time after a published race
is declared off.

 Are player to player transfers permitted?

 Indiana
o The Commission may deny a license to an applicant or nd an applicant
unqualied if the applicant’s application for a license related to sports
wagering in another jurisdiction was denied, suspended, or revoked
o A sports wagering operator shall not permit a patron to transfer funds from a
patron account to another patron account.

 Michigan
o (a) The Freedom of Information Act, as defined in section 1-200, shall apply
to all actions, meetings and records of the corporation, except (1) where
otherwise limited by subsection (c) of this section as to new lottery games and
serial numbers of unclaimed lottery tickets, [and] (2) with respect to financial,

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credit and proprietary information submitted by any person to the corporation
in connection with any proposal to provide goods, services or professional
advice to the corporation as provided in section 12-815, (3) with respect to
any personally identifying, financial, credit or wagering information
associated with any person's account for Internet games, as defined in section
1 of this act, and (4) where otherwise limited by subsection (d) of this section
as to information submitted by any person to the corporation regarding such
person's participation in the voluntary self-exclusion process established
pursuant to subdivision (5) of subsection (c) of section 13 of this act.
o A sports betting operator or internet sports betting platform provider must not
permit an authorized participant to transfer funds from one authorized
participant’s internet sports betting account to another authorized participant’s
internet sports betting account or any other wagering account b...

 Ontario
o Funds shall not be transferred between player accounts.
o Funds shall not be transferred between player accounts.

 Tennessee
o for applicants for a sports wagering platform provider or sports wagering
service provider permit, the applicant must be issued a gaming license or
permit for similar activity in Louisiana or another state of the United States of
America and that license or permit must be in good standing;

o Licensees shall not allow the transfer of funds or credits between Players.

 Washington DC
o applicant for
o Operators shall not allow the transfer of funds or credits between players.

 What is the licensing fee for an internet sports betting occupational license?

 Arizona
o Exempted the applicant or licensee from the bond requirement
o $ 250

 Washington DC
o The applicant’s nancial stability, integrity, and responsibility
o one hundred dollars ($100)

 How do I submit a gaming device software modification request?

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 Colorado
o the Commission may not issue or renew a license unless it has: (1) Exempted
the applicant or licensee from the bond requirement; or (2) Received
satisfactory proof of a bond.
o Notification to the Division is required when a change in functionality of the
sports betting system is being implemented. The notification must be sent to
the Division prior to the implementation. The changes must be logged. The
log must be made available to the Division upon request.

 Michigan
o “Provisional Sports Wagering License” means a temporary license issued to
an Operator, Management Services Provider or Supplier.
o R 432.737a Change approval.
Rule 737a. (1) Any change or modification to the internet sports betting
platform that impacts a regulated feature of an approved internet sports betting
platform, unless otherwise permitted by the board, requires submission to and
approval by the board before the impleme...

 What positions require an occupational license for fantasy sports?

 Connecticut

o under the laws of any jurisdiction

o The following individuals who are directly or substantially involved in the
operation of internet games or retail sports wagering in a manner that impacts
the integrity of gaming shall obtain an occupational employee license:

 Nevada
o (1) Driver’s license; (2) Passport; (3) Non-resident alien identification card;
(4) Other reliable government-issued identification credentials; or (5) Other
picture identification credential normally acceptable as a means of
identification when cashing checks.
o Any executive, employee, or agent of a gaming licensee having the power to
exercise a significant influence over decisions concerning any part of the
operation of a gaming licensee or who is listed or should be listed in the
annual employee report required by Regulation 3.100 is a key employee. 2.

 Pennsylvania
o Reports shall be submitted on forms and in a manner required by the Office.
o each principal and key employee of the applicant

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 What should a sports betting operator do if a patron dies before cashing a bet

 Michigan
o a. identity; and b. date of birth.
o A sports betting operator or internet sports betting platform provider shall
consider an authorized participant internet sports betting account to be
dormant if the authorized participant has not logged into the internet sports
betting account for at least 3 years. A dormant internet sports betting ...

 Pennsylvania
o Operators shall not allow the transfer of funds or credits between players.
o if the player’s sports wagering account remains dormant for a period of 2
years any funds remaining on deposit and any pending wagers may be

 What type of licenses do sports betting operators need to obtain?

 Nevada
o (d) Any amateur sport or athletic event with the exception of: (1) Olympic
sporting or athletic events sanctioned by the International Olympic Committee

where the majority of participants are age eighteen (18) or older, subject to
limitation by the Office; 78 (2) International team sports events in which
persons under age 18 make up a minority of the participants; (3) Collegiate
sporting or athletic events occurring outside the District that do not involve a
District of Columbia college or university; (4) The other games of a collegiate
sports or athletic tournament in which a District of Columbia college or
university team is a participant; and (5) Any games of a collegiate tournament
that occur outside the District of Columbia even though some of the individual
games or events are held in the District of Columbia.
o A license to accept off-track pari-mutuel sports wagers shall only be granted
to a nonrestricted operation licensed to accept wagers on sporting events or
other events.

 Pennsylvania
o Any winning ticket shall be deemed expired and ineligible for payment three
hundred sixty-five (365) days from the date of the last event that forms the
basis of such wager.
o a slot machine license, management company license or principal license

 What positions require an occupational license for iGaming?

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 Nevada
o block unauthorized attempts to access the online sports wagering system.
o Any employee of an interactive gaming service provider whose duties include
the operational or supervisory control of the interactive gaming system or the
games that are part of the interactive gaming system are subject to the
provisions of NRS 463.335 and 463.337 and Regulations 5.100 through

 Pennsylvania
o one hundred dollars ($100)
o every key employee

 How far in advance must a licensee receive approval on a promotion?

 Kansas
o You can set daily, weekly or monthly bet limits which prevent you from being
able to wager more than a specified amount during that period. To do so, visit
“My Account” then select “Bet Limit.” Select “Set bet limits”, enter the
maximum amount you want to be able to wager over the specified timeframe
and submit your request. If valid, your wager limit will be instantly applied to

your account. Any decrease you set to an existing limit will be effective
immediately. Any increase you set to an existing limit will become effective
only after the time period of the previously set limit has expired and after you
have confirmed the new limit. You can set your bet limits here.
o at least 5 days prior to the event

 Michigan
o before the first time a tournament or contest type is offered

 Pennsylvania
o The Office may issue a Class A Operator License to an Applicant whose
Sports Wagering Facility will be located within any of the following
designated facilities: (a) Capital One Arena (601 F Street, N.W., and described
as Lot 0047, Square 0455). (b) Audi Field (100 Potomac Avenue, S.W., and

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described as Lot 0027, Square 0665). (c) Nationals Park (1500 South Capitol
Street, S.E., and described as Lot 0016, Square 0705). (d) St. Elizabeths East
Entertainment and Sports Arena (St. Elizabeths Campus, 1100 Oak Drive,
S.E., and described as Lots 0837 and 0838, Square 5868S).
o An interactive gaming certificate holder or interactive gaming operator
shall notify and provide to the Board, at least 5 days prior to implementing a
promotion, terms and conditions of each promotion.


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