Rogue Stuff

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In the moonlit hours of the night, the merchant quarter of the city lay bathed in a

silvery luminescence. The air was laced with a mixture of distant laughter from
taverns, the occasional clinking of glasses, and the faint scent of exotic spices that
lingered from the bustling day. However, amidst this tranquil tableau, a lone figure
moved with grace and precision, a rogue whose very presence seemed an extension of
the shadows themselves.

Cloaked in a shroud of darkness, the rogue wore a dark suit that had been
meticulously dyed black. The fabric flowed around him like a second skin, its surface
absorbing any glint of moonlight that dared to touch it. Every movement was
calculated, a dance choreographed by a master of stealth.

The rogue's steps were soft, barely registering on the ears of anyone nearby. He
navigated the labyrinthine alleyways with an intimate knowledge of the terrain,
scaling walls and leaping over small gaps effortlessly, a true master of his craft. The
hilt of a dagger peeked from a hidden sheath on his thigh, a glint of cold steel that
whispered promises of protection and danger in equal measure. His keen eyes scanned
for any sign of a wandering guard or an opportunistic thief. The flicker of a torch from
a distant patrolling watchman only heightened his senses, urging him to melt further
into the inky cloak that surrounded him.

As the rogue advanced, his destination remained known only to him. His motives, be
they those of espionage, thievery, or some other clandestine purpose, were concealed
within the enigma of the night. What was evident, however, was his undeniable
mastery over the art of evasion. A living shadow, he moved with a fluidity that seemed
to defy the limitations of the material world, a rogue who left only a trace of mystery
and darkness in his wake.

Contained within are an array of non-magical treasures that can infuse your game with richness
and nuance. The items detailed below can certainly find utility beyond rogue classes, provided
your Dungeon Master grants their inclusion.
Stuff to fill out a rogue's kit

1. Darksuit or working suit (see cover)

A rogue's dark suit comprises a set of clothing that has been dyed black. A cover for the rogue's
face will be part of the suit, such as a cloth mask. A rogue may use charcoal to blacken any
exposed skin not covered by their suit. Charcoal is readily available and can be obtained with
minimal cost and effort. Crushed blackberries are a good alternative.

A complete dark suit will set the rogue back 20-25 gp.

Wearing a dark suit allows the rogue to add +2 to Stealth (Dexterity) checks made in dim or
darker conditions.

A box of charcoal
2. Weaponblack

Crafted from the essence of lamp soot, weaponblack emerges as an oil-based emulsion. Its
purpose is to enshroud metal surfaces in a cloak of darkness, erasing the telltale glimmers that
might betray its presence. The hands of rogues are drawn to this substance, for it provides them a
vital tool in their arsenal, allowing them to remain truly hidden when the situation demands it.

When deftly applied, weaponblack imparts a +1 to Stealth checks executed in dimmed or dark
conditions. This newfound mastery over the art of staying concealed can be the difference
between success or exposure for those who depend on being unnoticed.

A small vial harboring this precious concoction might demand a price of up to 5 gold pieces.

The contents of one such container has the power to enshroud 5 x one-handed weapons or 2 x
two-handed weapons. The protection it bestows on weaponry vanishes with a successful melee

A vial of weaponblack
1. Listening cone

Forged from either copper or brass, this apparatus takes the form of a tapered cone, ingeniously
crafted to aid the rogue's auditory acuity. When pressed against a door or analogous surface, this
device becomes a conduit for heightened perception. With the aid of the listening cone, the
rogue gains a valuable +2 enhancement to Perception checks that revolve around finely tuned
auditory discernment.

For a modest sum of approximately 2 gold pieces, one can acquire this auditory marvel.

It serves as a testament to the fusion of craftsmanship and ingenuity, offering rogues a versatile
tool that amplifies their ability to gather information from the subtlest of soundscapes.

Climbing (Acrobatics)
1. Sharkskin gloves

Forged from the rugged hide of sharks, these gloves offer an unparalleled advantage when
ascending treacherous surfaces. Intricately designed, the tips of the gloves are adorned with
minuscule hooks, granting the rogue the ability to secure a firm hold even within the tiniest of
crevices. The gloves themselves are fastened firmly around the wrists using buckles and straps,
requiring a calculated motion to both put on and remove.

The mastery of sharkskin gloves translates into a remarkable boon for the rogue. Donning this
remarkable accessory affords the user an impressive +2 enhancement to Dexterity (Acrobatics)
checks associated with scaling vertical challenges. The tactile interaction between the gloves'
texture and the surface they encounter ensures a surefootedness that can turn daunting climbs
into mere feats of skill.

A rogue must be willing to part with a sum of 50 gold pieces to get these gloves. The investment,
however, is justified by the countless lifelines they provide.
Yet, for all their climbing prowess, the gloves come with a trade-off. The agile dexterity necessary
for precise attacks and delicate lock-picking is hampered while wearing them. A rogue engaging
in such endeavors does so at a disadvantage. This is a reminder that even the most versatile tools
carry their own set of compromises.

Sharkskin gloves
2. Climbing daggers

Sold in complementary pairs, these daggers boast compact, rigid blades honed to a keen edge.
Designed with a specific purpose in mind, they become indispensable aids for daring rogues
seeking vertical advantage. Their utility shines when inserted into minute openings within brick
or wood, acting as unconventional footholds that transform the act of climbing into an art.

With these dual daggers in hand, rogues find their skill at scaling surfaces greatly enhanced.
Engaging in the realm of Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks related to climbing, they are empowered
with a notable +2 augmentation, a testament to the seamless integration of form and function
these specialized tools provide.

Obtaining such a set of daggers is an investment that ranges from 10 - 20 gold pieces, a small
price for the significant boost they confer to climbing. In the hands of a skilled rogue, these
daggers metamorphose into the embodiment of adaptability and innovation, emblematic of a
lifestyle that thrives on exploiting every possible advantage.

Sleight of hand
1. Arm sling

An unassuming piece of fabric, when strategically donned, this gives the appearance of an injury
or even broken arm. It becomes a sly accomplice in the art of deception, for who would suspect
that a rogue, seemingly incapacitated, could be anything other than what they appear? This
offers the rogue an unprecedented advantage by exploiting these very expectations.

Embracing this deceptive attire, the rogue finds their dexterity unfettered. Dexterity (Sleight of
Hand) checks are graced with a +2 boost.

Yet, the arm sling conceals more than just its wearer's true capabilities. It harbors a hidden
compartment. Daggers, poisons, stolen treasures—all can find refuge within this seemingly
innocuous accessory.
The cost of this invaluable tool is trivial, a mere afterthought that any aspiring rogue can easily
accommodate. However, the utility of the arm sling comes with a caveat. Prolonged usage,
especially in the same setting, may arouse suspicion. Like any art of misdirection, the key is
subtlety and moderation to avoid drawing the attention of those who would seek to unravel the
secrets concealed within the cloth.

2. Purse slasher

A minute blade cradled delicately between two nimble fingers, this tool is designed with the
singular purpose of slicing through fabrics and similar materials. Its application becomes evident
as it deftly pierces purses or pouches, extracting secrets hidden within.

The blade's finesse is such that a mere investment of 2 gold pieces allows a rogue to infuse their
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks with a +2 advantage when deployed for this specific task.

An alternative variant of this purse-slashing instrument materializes as a signet ring, complete

with a concealed secret. A flip-top design ingeniously unveils a keen-edged blade, bestowing
upon it the moniker of a "razor-ring." This multifaceted piece of equipment, combining form and
function, carries a slightly higher value of 25 gold pieces. It stands as a testament to the
convergence of both utility and elegance.

3. Masterwork lock picks

A set of lock picks made by a artisan craftsman.

Nestled within a supple leather roll, a masterpiece of craftsmanship awaits the rogue. The
exterior of the roll is a testament to the meticulous artistry involved, its smooth surface adorned
with subtle etchings that allude to a world of secrets and precision.

When unfastened, the roll unfurls with a sense of purpose, revealing a set of skillfully made lock
picks. Each pick, bearing the mark of the artisan's mastery, is a work of art in itself. The curves,
edges, and angles have been meticulously sculpted. Their surfaces are as polished as a jeweler's
gem, their edges keen as a blade's whisper.
These picks find their own snug homes within the roll, cradled in individual pockets, isolated
from one another to preserve their exquisite edges.

To possess such a set is to hold a ticket to the world of secrets and forbidden entrances. Yet, the
privilege comes at a price, for these are not tools for the ordinary. Commissioning a set of lock
picks of this caliber demands a substantial investment of upwards of 500 gold pieces. But for the
rogue who values finesse and seeks to master the dance of pins and tumblers, this price is a mere
entry fee to a realm of unparalleled proficiency.

In the hands of the skilled, these lock picks become an extension of self, a connection between
the rogue's intention and the intricate mechanisms they seek to conquer. The +2 enhancement
to Dexterity checks involving lock picking reflects the seamless communion between the tool
and its master, where every touch, every twist, is guided by a symphony of skill and precision.

4. Magnifying glass or lens

In the pages of the Player's Handbook (page 150), a humble yet invaluable tool finds its place. It's
none other than the magnifying glass, an item that holds a hidden world within its lens. When
wielded by a discerning rogue, its significance amplifies, transcending its mundane appearance
to become a conduit of heightened awareness and deft manipulation.
A magnifying glass serves as more than a mere optical instrument; it is an extension of the
rogue's insight and skill. Held in steady hands, it unveils the minute intricacies of locks,
revealing the secrets concealed within their mechanisms. By using this tool, a rogue gains an
incremental +1 advantage to any roll required for detecting traps or bypassing a lock's defenses.

The price affixed to such a precious instrument is a reflection of its worth in the realm of
thievery and cunning. Valued at 100 gold pieces, this magnifying glass is a testament to the value
of attention to detail and the power of knowledge.
A magnifying glass


Even the most skilled of rogues are not impervious to errors, finding themselves compelled to
retreat into the labyrinthine alleys of a city or the echoing passages of a dungeon. The art of
vanishing into obscurity becomes paramount in such moments, a skill that can determine the
very essence of survival. We know about caltrops and marbles, but what else might be in a
rogue's arsenal?

1. Aniseed essence

Derived from the aniseed plant, its essence is meticulously captured within a diminutive glass
vial. Aniseed possesses a formidable fragrance, one potent enough to disrupt the olfactory senses
of creatures trailing the rogue using scent.
With ease, the rogue can shatter the vial upon the ground or unseal its contents, causing the
liquid to disperse over a designated area. Inquisitive pursuers, guided by their sense of
perception or tracking, find themselves disadvantaged when attempting checks reliant on smell.
The pungent aniseed creates a sensory turmoil, rendering their efforts to trail the rogue more
challenging and prone to error.

The acquisition of a vial containing aniseed essence is often achieved by a simple exchange of
1 - 2 gold pieces. This aromatic substance might be found in the stalls of a bustling food market,
making it a resource within the easy reach.

2. Pepper powder

Encased within a petite leather satchel or a compact wooden box, a vexing powder lies in wait.
This substance, when dispersed into the air by the rogue's deft hand, spans a 10-foot cube. The
effect is akin to that of aniseed essence, unsettling the senses of any creatures entering this
treated area.

The powder eventually settles onto surfaces in d4+1 turns. At this juncture, the powder retains its
potency but now influences solely creatures that engage with the earth through sniffing—such
as dogs, whose heightened senses unwittingly become conduits for the rogue's tactical

The cost of a single dose of this pepper powder is within the range of 3 - 5 gold pieces. Much like
aniseed essence, it is conveniently obtainable, solidifying its status as a versatile tool at the
disposal of resourceful rogues.

3. Blinding powder (optional)

Within this collection lies a spectrum of powders, each harboring an intense capacity to irritate
the senses. Among them, blinding powders stand out as particularly potent, designed to
incapacitate adversaries through a strategic assault on their vision. This array encompasses
substances like pepper, ammonium salts, onion juice, and even the commonplace powdered
Executing this tactic requires precision and daring. The rogue must hurl the blinding powder
directly into the creature's eye, a melee attack executed within a 5-foot range. Drawing from their
agility and training, the rogue applies their Dexterity modifier and Proficiency bonus to the
attack roll. When determining the target's likelihood to dodge, only their Dexterity comes into

However, obstacles may interfere with the rogue's success. If the target wears a visored helm or
some form of head protection, at the Dungeon Master's discretion, the attack is at a
disadvantage. Additionally, the rogue must have a clear path to the target's eyes; creatures of
larger stature might be immune unless in a prone or seated position. The fickle hand of nature
plays a role too; windy or rainy conditions force attacks at disadvantage. Repetition and visibility
matter as well. Subsequent attacks against the same or witnessing creatures occur at
disadvantage, a testament to the innate caution developed after experiencing such tactics.

When hit, a creature finds themselves blinded for d3 turns.

Acquiring a single dose of blinding powder comes at a cost of 10 gold pieces. As the Dungeon
Master, your role involves a delicate balance—these tactics should empower resourceful rogues
without undermining the challenge you've crafted.

1. Hollow boots

Crafted with cunning intent, these ingenious boots feature heels that have been meticulously
hollowed out and endowed with a swiveling mechanism that unveils a realm of possibilities.
Within this hidden compartment, a rogue can discreetly stash lock picks, precious coins,
glittering gems, or even a phial of poison.

For a mere sum of 3 - 5 gold pieces, these boots become a testament to the fusion of practicality
and subterfuge.

Hollow boots can be especially handy for imprisoned rogues.

2. False scabbard

Similar to hollow boots, a false scabbard is slightly longer than the blade that fits into it. This
creates a secret compartment useful for hiding all manner of small objects. Cost: 5 gp.

3. Hand lamp

A cunning creation rests within the rogue's palm—an unassuming metal pot with a hinged lid.
Inside lies a concealed candle, its soft glow amplified by a mirror of gleaming silver. The
ingenuity of this lamp lies in its design, channeling light into a focused beam. Such innovation
ensures ample illumination for the rogue's tasks without the burden of drawing unwarranted
notice. The radiance emitted by this light remains a secret and escapes the perception of
creatures positioned beyond a distance of 20 feet from the rogue.

An additional advantage presents itself in the form of the lamp's lid, serving as a swift snuffer
when shut. This enables the light to be extinguished promptly whenever the situation demands.

This hand lamp is a tool of luxury, its craftsmanship and utility commanding a steep price of at
least 150 gold pieces.

4. Mirror pole

Ingeniously, small mirrors are affixed to each end of a short pole, typically measuring around
2 feet in length. This clever setup empowers the rogue to discreetly observe their surroundings,
particularly around corners.

Employing such a pole in this manner bolsters the rogue's Stealth checks by an impressive +4
when navigating the situations mentioned above.

This specialized tool would be valued at an estimated 15 gold pieces.

5. Wax pad

A small block of wax kept in a box. The wax takes the impression of a key that the rogue wants to
duplicate. Cost: 2 gp.

6. Honey paper

Paper that has been soaked in honey or similar sticky substance such as tar. The rogue applies the
paper to a window before shattering it, considerably reducing the noise and scattering of the
glass. Cost: 2 gp.

7. Limewood strip

A slender strip of limewood measuring around a foot in length, this item serves a specific
purpose. It is deftly inserted through a door frame, facilitating the release of a latch on the
opposing side. The strip may not be of sufficient sturdiness to lift a heavy bar – the Dungeon
Master should use their discretion. Cost: 5 gp.

8. Ginsweed tobacco (optional)

Warning: Ginsweed is a drug. If you or your players are averse to such content at your table,
please read no further.

Ginsweed is a herb that when dried and smoked in a pipe confers a mild soporific (calming)
effect upon the user. The effect is two fold...
 Ginsweed steadies a rogue's hand, allowing the rogue to add +2 to any ability check that
involves precise hand movements, such as lock picking or pick pocketing (Dungeon
Master's discretion).
 Ginsweed sharpens a spell-caster's concentration and provides a +2 bonus to Constitution
saving throws made to maintain concentration on spells that require concentration.
It requires a full turn of smoking (10 minutes) for the ginsweed to take effect. The effect lasts 2
hours and can only be used once per 8 hour period.

Ginsweed is not cheap and will cost your players 25 - 50 gp per dose. You, as Dungeon Master,
may decide that the herb is a banned substance and that your players will need to access it
through the so-called black market. This may add flavor to your campaign.

A pipe of ginsweed

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