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LESSON TITLE: Needle Felting: 2D and 3D


ENDURING/BIG IDEA or THEME: Exploring creativity and tradition through fiber art.

GRADE LEVEL: High School

CONCEPT/OBJECTIVE: (What should students know/understand about art at the end of the lesson?)

By the conclusion of the lesson, students will acquire a foundational understanding of needle felting,
encompassing its historical origins, key materials, and basic techniques. Additionally, students will craft a small
needle-felted piece.

STANDARD(S) MET: (List Nebraska Visual Art standards addressed by this lesson and include an
explanation for each standard.)
FA 12.2.1- Students will use the creative process to formulate a plan and implement aesthetic choices
in artwork.
FA 12.2.4.b- Analyze and interpret works of art from a variety of contemporary, historical, cultural
contexts, time periods, and cultural settings.

MATERIALS NEEDED FOR LESSON: 15- 5.5x5.5 in Foam Squares, 30 needles, 70- 5.5x5.5 felt squares,

INTRODUCING THE LESSON (Bell Ringer/Attention Getter): Teacher will introduce themselves. Teacher
will ask students to introduce themselves and either explain why they signed up for this course/ what they
know about needle felting/ what they hope to gain from this course/ what they are excited for.

INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURE: (How will you conduct the lesson? Content, sequence of activities,
etc. This should have enough detail that someone else could teach the lesson without doing their own
research to understand how to execute the lesson.)
1. After students complete bellringer discussion the teacher will begin the PowerPoint.
2. Introduction to Needle Felting:
a. Teacher will begin the lesson by introducing needle felting as a versatile fiber art technique used
to create sculptures, embellishments, and textiles.
b. Teacher Show examples of needle-felted artworks and discuss the diversity of projects that can
be created using this technique.
3. Historical Context:
a. Teacher will provide a brief overview of the history of needle felting, and show contemporary
examples of this medium
4. Safety Precautions:
a. Teacher will emphasize the importance of safety when working with felting needles.
b. Teacher will demonstrate proper needle handling techniques and stress the need for caution
and attentiveness during the activity.
5. Demonstration
a. Teacher will review the materials and tools needed for needle felting, including wool in various
colors, felting needles of different gauges, a foam pad or felting surface, and options students
have in creating their work. Teacher will also show examples and pass them around.
b. Teacher will demonstrate basic needle felting techniques, such as poking, shaping, and
blending wool fibers to create cohesive forms.
c. Teacher will Show how to use felting needles to attach layers of wool and build up the desired
shape or structure.
6. Guided Practice:
a. Students will begin creating their works with option to work in either 3D or 2D
b. Teacher Offer step-by-step guidance and support as students work on their projects,
encouraging experimentation and creativity. Teacher will check in with each student individually
to address common challenges and troubleshooting tips, such as how to fix loose fibers, create
smooth surfaces, and add fine details.


[learning disability] and HAL [high ability learners])
A Handout will be provided for all students that offers a step by step so they can follow along easier.

ASSESSMENT: (How will you assess your students’ learning of the concepts/objectives?)

Students will be assessed on completion of the need felted project.

CLOSURE: (How will you close the lesson? i.e. will you review key points, summarize, assign
homework, etc.)
Teacher will conclude the lesson by having students do a show and share. Students will be given the
opportunity to discuss what they created and offer praise to their peers.

BACK-UP/EXTENSION: (Your emergency plan - what will you do if you cover everything above and
there is still time?) If students complete early, they will be allowed to create more than one felted creation.
Teacher will also offer feedback on things to adjust on their initial creation.


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