Carriage of Containers On Bulk Carriers

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Current market conditions are allowing for bulk carrier owners to explore the possibility of carrying containers either
in their holds or on their hatch covers. While this practice can be acceptable, it does require engineering review and
survey to ensure compliance with the appropriate Rules and Statutory Conventions.

The following instructions are provided for the conversion of a bulk carrier to a vessel capable of loading containers.

For each project the owner of the vessel or their representative is to submit the necessary information to demonstrate
compliance with the items listed in this document.


a. The type of vessel will still be listed as “Bulk Carrier” in Class and Statutory certificates.
b. The current hold and tank arrangement will be kept unchanged.
c. If a permanent conversion is desired and vessel designation is being altered with associated Class notations, more
detailed arrangements are to be presented for review and approval by ABS and Flag.
d. Some of the items listed below may not be applicable, depending on the intended container carriage plan.
e. Prior to carriage of containers on board bulk carriers, the owner shall contact the concerned insurance
companies and Flag Administration for concurrence. ABS will be able to assist with communication with the Flag
Administration regarding statutory compliance.

a. Hull Structures under container stack:

Option 1: The uniform loads on tank top, upper deck, and hatch covers are to be determined based on as-built
scantlings. The bottom tier containers should be stowed on timber of sufficient thickness, arranged in such a way
as to transfer the stack load evenly on to the structures of the stowage area. Calculations are to be submitted to
confirm the timber strength.

Option 2: Fixed fittings (e.g., socket, cone, etc.) are to be provided on inner bottom, main deck or hatch cover similar
to a traditional container carrier. The corresponding supporting structures are not to interfere with existing
structural elements and are to be evaluated in accordance with the following applicable requirements:
• ABS MVR 5C-5-4/13.13 “Container Supporting Structures”
• ABS MVR 3-2-15 “Protection of Deck Openings”

b. The structural reinforcements in way of fixed securing device: The reinforcements in way of eye plates, D-rings, etc.
for lashing are to be provided and submitted for review.


a. Intact stability in accordance with the 2008 Intact Stability Code, considering the windage profile of maximum
container loadings.
b. Damage stability calculation in accordance with the SOLAS II-1/Reg.6 probabilistic damage stability requirements for
cargo ships if the vessel is originally designed as Type B-60 freeboard.
c. The loading manual and trim & stability booklet are to incorporate the new minimum metacentric height (GM)
limiting curve derived from the above intact & damage stability and intended container loading conditions.
d. Onboard stability software and loading instrument to be updated with the new minimum GM limiting curve and
new function for container loading.

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a. The navigational visibility is to be maintained with due consideration of containers on hatch covers. The Cargo
Securing Manual and/or Container Securing Arrangement is in accordance with the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo
Stowage and Securing
b. Fixed gas fire-extinguishing system complying with FSS code in cargo hold is to be provided.
c. For carriage of containers on or above weather deck,
i. at least one water mist lance is to be provided.
ii. if carriage of five or more tiers of containers, mobile water monitors as per SOLAS II-2/ are to be provided
(refer to UI SC270).
d. For carriage of International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) cargos on or above weather deck, applicable
requirements in SOLAS II-2/19 are to be complied with, and compared with conventional bulk carriers, additional
requirements are as follows:
i. Portable extinguishers with total capacity of 12 kg of dry powder or equivalent shall be provided for cargo
ii. All Dangerous Goods (DG) cargoes, except cargoes of Class 1.4S, Class 6.1 (liquids with FP>60 degree C and solids),
Class 8 (liquids with SFP>60 degree C and solids) and Class 9, are not to be carried on or above the engine room
unless the common boundaries are insulated to A-60 class standard with the exception that Classes 1.1~1.6 DG
cargoes are to be stowed 3 m horizontally away from the machinery space boundaries in all cases.
iii. Except for Classes 1.1~1.6, Class 1.4S and some inappropriate Class 9 DG cargoes, four sets of full protective clothing
resistant to chemical attack and two self-contained breathing apparatuses with two spare charges for each, in
addition to those required by SOLAS II-2/10.10, are to be provided onboard.
e. For carriage of IMDG cargoes in the bulk cargo holds, subject to intended cargos to be carried, the following
requirements in addition to those for conventional bulk carriers are to be complied with:
i. Water spray system is to be provided in the bulk cargo holds if cargoes of DG Classes 1.1~1.6 are intended to be
carried therein.
ii. No electrical equipment is to be installed within dangerous areas unless electrical equipment is of certified
safe type.
iii. Mechanical ventilation is to be provided for the bulk cargo holds at the required hourly change rate for the DG
cargoes. The ventilation fans are to be of certified safe type for intended use, and suitable mesh guards are to
be fitted over inlet and outlet of ventilation openings for DG cargoes of Class 2.1, Class 3 with FP<23 degree C,
Class 6.1 liquids with FP<23 degree C, Class 8 liquids with FP<23 degree C and Class 9 evolving flammable vapor
listed in the IMDG Code.
iv. Where the flammable or toxic liquids (Class 3 with FP<23 degree C, Class 6.1 liquids, Class 8 liquids with FP<23
degree C and Class 8 liquids with FP≥23 degree C but having subsidiary risk of Class 6.1) are carried, bilge in
cargo spaces is to be isolated from the bilge line served by machinery space piping, and an additional pumping
system is to be provided for such purpose.
v. Common bulkhead between the Engine Room (ER) and the cargo hold is to be insulated to A-60 class standard
in the case that DG cargos, except Class 1.4S, Class 6.1 (liquids with FP>60 degree C and solids), Class 8 (liquids
with FP>60 degree C and solids) and Class 9, are intended to be loaded in the cargo hold adjacent to ER, unless
the cargoes are stowed away from the common bulkhead for at least 3 m. However, Classes 1.1~1.6 DG cargoes are
to be stowed 3 m horizontally away from the machinery space boundaries in all cases.
vi. Fire detection system or sample extraction smoke detection system is to be provided for container cargo space.
vii. Except for Classes 1.1~1.6, Class 1.4S and some inappropriate Class 9 DG cargoes, four sets of full protective
clothing resistant to chemical attack and two self-contained breathing apparatuses with two spare charges
for each, in addition to those required by SOLAS II-2/10.10, are to be provided onboard. (Note: Whether the
DG cargoes are carried on or above the weather deck or in the bulk cargo holds, the total required additional
numbers onboard are just 4+2)
viii. The requirements in e) and f) above are not to be considered as prescriptive requirements covering any class of
Dangerous Goods. The requirements of SOLAS Tables II-2/19.1 and 19.3 for the specific classes of dangerous goods
are to be verified during the review. The Document of Compliance (DOC) and/or cargo list are to be reviewed
against additional requirements that might be required for the carriage of DGs in packaged form. See also
Marine Vessel Rules (MVR) 5C-5-7/Table 3.
ix. Safe access to bow arrangements

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Where the refrigerating plant is electrically driven, the capacity of the generating sets is to ensure the operation of
the services essential for the propulsion and safety of the ship and services for providing minimum comfortable
conditions of habitability and required container service. The electrical power sockets for these refrigerated containers
are to be considered.


The number of containers that can be stowed depends on the following:
a. The hatch geometry and the flat tank top area in the hold, which define the row and bay numbers on hatch cover/
in hold.
b. The securing method and the strength of the container, securing device and hull supporting structures, which
limit the maximum tier number, stack vertical center of gravity (VCG) and weight. For containers stowed on deck/
hatch cover forward of the accommodation deckhouse, visibility requirement may also limit the highest tier of the
container stack. In this regard, the container stowage plan is to be submitted for our reference.

For stowage and securing of the containers, two options corresponding to 2.a) are presented below:

Option 1: Container stacks are secured to each other and considered as a whole cargo piece. In this way, rows of
containers are stacked in close proximity with appropriate securing and contact elements/spacers fitted in between
the adjacent containers to ensure no relative motion. The lashing calculation and the securing operation could be
performed in accordance with the approved Cargo Securing Manual and the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage
and Securing (CSS Code) under the responsibility of the Master. In this case, the Cargo Securing Manual is to be
submitted for approval if not available on board and the structural reinforcements are to be reviewed for the new
fixed securing fittings added on the vessel.

Option 2: Each container stack is secured by fixed and portable securing devices as a purpose-built container
vessel does to maximize the number of stowed containers, stack weight and VCG. The container stack is secured
individually at both ends and the two ends are normally assumed to be independent from each other in the lashing
calculation. The ABS Guide for the Certification of Container Securing Systems and C-Lash software may be applied
to quickly perform the assessment. Special attention is to be paid to the draft and GM of the loading condition in
the Loading Manual since a bulk carrier stowing containers is generally at light draft and high GM. In this case, the
Cargo Securing Manual including container securing arrangement and the drawings indicated in 2.a) & b) are to be
submitted for our review.

During the Initial Survey for the modifications, the Surveyor will:
a. Verify all changes in accordance with approved drawings.
b. Verify cargo securing manual for the minimum amount of lashing gear provided.
c. Verify updated cargo loading manual/computer and test cases.
d. Verify arrangements for temporary generators packs for reefers, if installed.
e. If any dangerous goods to be carried, as approved by ABS Engineering, then the Initial DOC survey to be completed
as per engineering review and “DOCUMENT OF COMPLIANCE, Special Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous
Goods” will be issued.
i. Note that Engineering review is required, and all fire-fighting appliances are to be in place and safety gear
f. Advise the owner that the Safety Management System (SMS) to be revised to include the additional use of
containers, and that the vessel will be subject to an additional audit to verify additional risks have been addressed
and operational and emergency procedures verified.

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After the modifications, the Annual Surveys requirements in addition to the requirements already in place for bulk
carriers are as follows:
a. Container Carrier Annual Hull Survey requirements.
b. The DOC for Dangerous Goods Annual Survey will be examined, as applicable.
c. If installed, the Surveyor will verify arrangements for temporary generators packs for reefers, including power leads.
d. The Surveyor will perform additional examination of weather decks, hatch covers and coamings, plus any suspect
areas, for corrosion, fractures and/or deformation.
e. The Surveyor will perform an internal examination of all cargo holds for:
i. Bulk Carriers – Non-Double Skin Enhanced Survey Program (ESP) and Bulk Carrier Features of Combination
Carriers – Non-Double Skin ESP at vessel 10 < Age ≤ 15 years
ii. Bulk Carriers - Double Skin ESP and Bulk Carrier Features of Combination Carriers - Double Skin ESP after Age >
15 years.
f. The Surveyor will test the bilge system, water ingress detection and alarms for all cargo holds as bulk carriers
subject to SOLAS XII/12 and XII/13 (2007) 7-3-2/1.19.3(a).
g. Vessels complying with SOLAS XII/12 only require water ingress detection and alarm systems for cargo holds, ballast
and dry spaces to be examined and tested at the request of the attending Surveyor.

After the modifications, the Intermediate and Special Surveys in addition to the requirements already in place for
Bulk Carriers are as follows:
a. Container Carrier Intermediate and Special Hull Survey requirements.
b. Above Annual Survey requirements.
c. Additional survey of inner bottom and hatch cover lashing installations.

If any questions or comments, please contact your local engineering or survey office or email us at
[email protected].

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