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An occasional report on the Jewish Question
issued for the Jew-wise by Arnold Leese's
Anti-Jewish Information Bureau, 20, Pewley,
Hill, Guildford, Surrey.

No. 122 8th January, 1955 Price 2d

Subscription Rates 12 Issues 3/6 24
Issues 7/- Post Free

( Page 1)

D URING and after the war, our Jewish brain-washers developed

the use of a word "totalitarianism" in order to confuse our minds
by coupling Fascism and Communism as of one ilk.

Actually, Communism and Democracy are

closely related to one another, so much so that
Fascism was born to prevent Democracy itself
degenerating further into Communism, which
Democracy is particularly liable to do when the
racial make-up of a country is poor. The great
basic lie of Equality is accepted as truth both by
Communism and Democracy, but Fascism utterly
repudiates it. Senator McCarthy's (left) recent
experiences show that Democracy has no real
defence against Communism; it is already hopelessly undermined by it
and largely because of Freemasonry. The Jewish Power is behind both
Communism and Democracy, but always antagonistic to Gentile Fascism.
"Totalitarianism" is a Jewish


Cross and Flag, October, quotes from Southern Conservative (Texas) that
a Communist Party pamphlet circulated there as long ago as 1912 says
"We must realise that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension.
By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries
they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mould them to the
program of the Communist Party. . . While inflaming the Negro minority
against the whites, we will endeavour to instil in the whites a guilt complex
for their exploitation of the Negroes. . . the Negroes will be able to
intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver
American to our cause."

Well, that was 42 years ago, and there are now plenty of "fellow-
travellers", many of them dressed like clergy.

( Page 2)
Prof. Arnold Toynbee, Director of Studies in the Royal Institute of
International Affairs, ought, we should have thought, to be immune from
charges of "anti-Semitism", but Rabbi M. Kirschblum, President of the
Misrachi Organisation of America, loudly wails that Mr. Toynbee has
defamed Jewry in his Study of History.

Mr. Toynbee (left) said, regarding the treatment

of Arabs by the Jews in Israel, "It is a tragic thing
that people who have suffered often inflict the
same thing on others". Surely this is a very mild
comment on the villainous Zionist action of
turning three-quarters of a million Arabs from
their rightful homes? Another sober statement of
the truth by Mr. Toynbee is "Britain actually made
possible the settlement of Israel by Jews after the
First World War by protecting them from expulsion by the Arabs".

In the face of unfavourable criticism, the Jews, however, are always quite
crazy and abnormal. They are quite different from other people. That is
why Jewish Communism is always super-sensitive to criticism. The Jew
is always right; and if you do not agree with him, you are either something
evil or a victim of mental disease.

The late Colonel Edward Mandell House's book Philip Dru,

Administrator, published in 1912, has been under discussion a lot lately,
as it is now recognised as a blue-print for Revolution in America. House
was the well-known unofficial adviser of Presidents Wilson and Franklin
Roosevelt, and although he was never elected to any office, became a sort
of king-maker to their administrations. The Jew E. Lennhoff (author of
The Freemasons) wrote in Wiener Freimaurerzeitung (No. 6, 1927) that
House was a Jew; and General Ludendorff in Destruction of Freemasonry
by exposure of its Secrets describes House as both a Jew and a Mason.
House had a Christian burial and had not any Jewish features; he had a
Jewish brother-in-law in Sidney E. Mezes, the two men having married
sisters. But Arthur D. Howden in his biography of House writes that he
was not of Jewish extraction, and that the middle name Mandell was that

( Page 3)
of one of his father's most intimate friends, a Jew merchant of Houston,
Texas. Our conclusion is that House was a Gentile who learned Jewish
psychology by close association from boyhood; one of those strange
phenomena of which the late General Orde Wingate and Oliver Locker-
Lampson were examples.

The death in December of Sir Waldron Smithers,

21 years Conservative M.P. (left) in Kent, reminds
us of a strange occurrence during the war, never
fully explained. He had asked in the House of
Commons on 21st July, 1943, why Israel Moses
Sieff had been suddenly recalled from the U.S.A.,
where he had been appointed to an Advisory
Committee on Price Control. No real information
could be elicited from the reply to this, but the very
next day Sir Waldron was taken seriously ill with
abdominal pain, and did not fully recover until December, after an
operation. We would like to know "who done it?"

In Gothic Ripples, No. 11, we gave the true facts about Sieff's dismissal,
but as that issue is sold out, we repeat them here:-

A House of Representatives Committee (the Boren-Halleck Committee)

had had Sieff before them for examination, as they had found out that in
Planning, chief organ of P.E.P. (Political and Economic Planning
Organisation) of which Sieff was Chairman, the following had been
written on 2nd July, 1935: "Yet even the question of keeping or scrapping
the Constitution is subsidiary to the main issue, which is, what type of
society the new America is going to adopt". Mr. Halleck said to Sieff,
"Mr. Sieff, so far as I am concerned, you are entitled to hold any beliefs
you wish. But it becomes a matter of intense interest to this Committee
when we find P.E.P.'s publication speaking of scrapping the Constitution
and re-making the United States, and then find you here in a position in
the Office of Price Administration which would give you the opportunity
to participate in the re-making of this country".

( Page 4)
The Halleck Committee sat between 1st and 16th June, 1943; Sieff's return
to Britain was signalled by the Jewish Chronicle of 9th July.

We were the first to give publicity to the

existence of the Israelite Sieff's P.E.P.(left)
whilst it was still a secret movement; this was
in July, 1933, in The Fascist, organ of the
Imperial Fascist League, and in 1934 we fully
described it as Sovietism by Stealth. Sieff is
now Chairman of the chain-stores, Marks &
Spencer, Ltd.

Do not forget it! Nor you, Mr. Home Secretary!

Sieff gets around quite a lot!


Mr. Robert Crouch, M.P. (Cons.) is to bring in a private member's bill

to ensure that beasts killed for Kosher meat are properly stunned before
the throat is cut. Mr. Crouch is an agricultural member and it is likely that
he may find the sticking power in his fight which so often proves lacking
when members take up the scandal of Kosher-Killing without knowing
the odds they are up against. We trust he may receive all the support he
needs from our readers; if he does succeed in getting his Bill through, he
will of course find no career before him as a politician We wish him the
Strength he will need.


The Jew Sydney Gross is appointed the first Professor of Jazz Music at
Columbia University, U.S.A. (Fact!)

The Jew J. I. Isaacs is elected President of the Oxford Union Society.

The Jew J. E. S. Simon, Q.C. and M.P., is appointed a member of the

Royal Commission on Certification and Detention of Mental Patients.

( Page 5)
The President of the National Association for the Advancement of
Coloured People (U.S.A.) is not a Negro, but an Israelite Arthur
Spingarn. His brother Joel founded the thing.

The Foreign Office has refused to renew the passport of Israelite Michael
Shapiro who has advised the Chinese Government on Press matters in

Could anything be more damning than

Bernard Baruch's (Left) "tribute" to Sir
Winston Churchill, which we quote from the
Times, 29th November: "He is indeed the
greatest living Englishman, the finest
flowering of leadership and statesmanship
that England ever produced"?

In the South African Jewish Chronicle (29th

October) is a leading article headed A
Christian Zionist, praising the life-long efforts
of Sir Wyndham Deedes on behalf of Jews. He is described as "an
Englishman" inspired by indignation that Christian States have shown
inhumanity to the Jews; but what is not explained is that the "Englishman"
is a half-caste Jew, his mother being daughter of Major-General Lousada
Barrow (real name Baruh). Hence the desire for "justice to the Jews".

One of the "Fathers" of the London Stock Exchange has just died; he was
also a founder member of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. He was Sir
Benjamin Hansford, who was really an Israelite named Lazarus.

President Eisenhower has created a special secretariat in his Cabinet,

and has appointed the Jew Maxwell M. Rabb as its Coordinator.

The Israelite Louis Rasminsky is made Deputy-Director of the Bank of


The Israelite Michael Winner has become editor of Varsity, the

Cambridge undergraduates' paper.

( Page 6)
The Jew Q. J. Iwi is made President of the Oxford University Liberal
Club. (A subject not taught to the British undergraduates at our
Universities is obviously the science of self-preservation.)

The unsavoury divorce-case recently won by the Israelite John Lewis,

formerly M.P. (Lab.) for Bolton West, took place before Justice Sachs
(Israelite) and lasted 14 days. In evidence it was shown that the wife had
received from her doctor the following medical advice: "Find yourself a
lover". The doctor was Dr. David Minton, Dorset Square, W., and he also
is an Israelite. And this is England, mind you! Or do you mind? If so,
spread Gothic Ripples around, and we will get more printed.

The Israelite Sir Jacob Epstein's daughter is engaged to a brother of

(3rd) Baron Kilbracken.

The Israelite Stanislaw Radkiewicz has been relieved of his post as

Minister of Security in Poland, and appointed Minister of State Farms.

The Jew Isaac Wolfson (left) whose name

has been prominent lately in the financing of
many combines, has been long the Manager
of Great Universal Stores, Ltd. He has joined
the Kemsley-Winnick television

The Mayor of Toronto this year is an

Israelite Nathan Phillips.

The Jewess Mrs. Mildred Pomerantz Allen

has been appointed State Secretary for

The U.S.A. lawyer Arthur Garfield Hays died in December. His

speciality was the defence of what are known in democratic jargon as
"Human Rights", and he was a Jew.

( Page 7)
The Jew Rakosi (deposed from the Hungarian premiership in 1953 (see
Gothic Ripples, No. 104, p.4) made the principal speech as head of the
Communist Party in the celebrations at Debrecen in December of the tenth
anniversary of the arrival of the Red Army in Hungary.

The Television producer of George

Orwell's "1984" is the Jew Rudolph
Cartier. (left) Los Angeles received a shock
when in mid-December it was announced that
an investigation had found 29 doctors there
in a conspiracy as Communists. They used the
Community Medical Centre as a rallying point
for Reds. The evidence was given by a paid
investigator Mrs. R. Drader, an ex-
Communist member, Mrs. L. L. Silver, and a Negro doctor, O. B. Barker.
All but three of the doctors involved have Jewish names and we think the
whole lot are Jews. At the time of writing 26th December) no report about
this affair has been seen in British newspapers.

One of the latest security-risk dismissals is that of the U.S. Embassy

agricultural attaché in Tokyo, a Jew called Wolf Ladejinsky.

America is rotten with Jews behind the lines, and we do not believe that
democracy can save it.


A Negro, Col. Benjamin O. Davis, has been made a Brigadier-General

in the U.S.A. Air-Force. He is on of another nigger of the same name who
became a Cavalry General in 1941.

A carefully compiled leaflet, Out of Step Voters in Los Angeles (by F.

Hichborn, Santa Clara, Calif., U.S.A.) shows that constituencies mainly
of Jews and (or) Niggers produce majorities in favour of Socialistic, New
Deal and Globealoney legislation whilst the mainly white districts oppose
these things. Degenerates like James Roosevelt gain their support mainly

( Page 8)
from Jews and Niggers. Every Jew and Nigger imported into this country
can be depended on to add strength to the Communists.

Block-busting (see Gothic Ripples, No.

116, p.4) is now in full swing in England,
and on 6th December, Judge Clothier at
Lambeth County Court spoke out
indignantly on a case before him where a
nigger was ordered to abstain from
interfering with a white woman who had
lived for 40 years in the top floor of a house
now owned by him. By making a nuisance
of himself, the nigger hoped to drive out the
white woman. As the law stands, however,
we do not really believe that the law can give real protection to white
women in such a case as this.


The death took place on 31st October of Jeremiah Stokes, a lawyer

well-known in America as an active worker against Jewish Bolshevism.
In 1946 he won a 10,000 dollar libel action against A. A. Derounian, better
known as John Roy Carlson, the author of the book Under Cover. On
appeal, however, the judgment was reversed. In

Mr. Stokes married Mrs. Elizabeth Dilling of Chicago, the writer of

The Octopus, The Red Network, and The Roosevelt Red Record, and all
anti-Jewish workers will realise how great is her loss and theirs.

A fund of five million dollars has been raised in Washington to be used

to try and get Senator McCarthy kicked out of the Senate. This reminds
us of that five hundred million pound fighting fund that the Jews got
together in 1938 to try and destroy Hitler. (See Jewish War of Survival,
Chap. xvii.) The treatment that McCarthy has had at the hands of the Jews
(against whom he has so far never said a word, God help him!) should be

( Page 9)
a lesson to everyone who has had his or her brains washed against Adolph
Hitler and the Nazis.

The official defeat of Senator McCarthy is now being followed up by an

attack on certain Fascist groups by the Un-American Activities
Committee. Under fire is the National Renaissance Party whose
programme was very much like that of the-pre-war-Imperial Fascist
League in this country; but we have not yet been impressed by its leadership.


Prof. Enrico Fermi, Chief of the Advanced

Physics Department at Los Alomos, died on 28th
November. Born in Italy, this Jew, who became
Professor of Physics at Rome Unversity, where
he worked with the Jew traitor Bruno Pontecorvo
(see Gothic Ripples, No. 70, p.1), found no
difficulty in transferring himself and his
knowledge to America just one year before war
broke out ! When the Jew J. Robert Oppenheimer
was (against strong Israelite pressure) removed
from his post as Chief Adviser to the Atomic
Energy Commission, Fermi was loud in his defence.

The people who put up all the Big Money at the recent record-breaking
sales of blood-stock at Newmarket relied on heredity as their chief
security. But under democracy, any old thing will do. The last thing our
politicians think about as a security is racial purity, and that is why Jews
are allowed to come here and pass our atom secrets on to Jewish
Bolshevism in Russia.


Freemason Fisher, (Archbishop of Canterbury), in his Diocesan Notes

has appealed to Christians to take into their homes for Xmas the large
number of Africans in England.

( Page 10)
Heavy sentences have been imposed on five men in Spain accused of
freemasonry (which has been illegal there since 1940 because of its close
links with Communism). A number of others are still to be tried. Bravo,


Revision des Idées et Souvenirs 1914-51, by R. H. Ketels, obtainable from

him at Postbox 578, Brussels. 50 francs. pp .221.. The book develops
arguments for a continental policy based on a cult of the white races, with
full recognition of the Jewish and Masonic evils; the author also gives an
account of his almost life-long endeavours to forward this policy. He is
now 61 years old and says this may be his last effort.

With the New Year, we thank all those who have been supplying us with
news clippings from all parts of the world in 1954 a service which is
essential to our work; long may they continue to do it!


20, Pewley Hill, Guildford, Surrey.

Steven Books
League Enterprises (SB)
27. Old Gloucester Street
London WC1N 3XX
For books by identity authors –
Kenneth McKilliam, Ria Splinter
and Richard Porter plus many
other subjects and difficult to
obtain books.

( Page 11)


At last the bible makes sense!

At last we know its meaning.

Its the book of the RACE

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Carrnac Press, 57, Fellows Street, E.2

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