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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: D3385 − 18

Standard Test Method for

Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D3385; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope* 1.8 Units—The values stated in SI units are to be regarded

as the standard. The inch-pound units given in parentheses are
1.1 This test method describes a procedure for field mea-
mathematical conversions, which are provided for information
surement of the rate of infiltration of liquid (typically water)
purposes only and are not considered standard.
into soils using double-ring infiltrometer.
1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the
1.2 The infiltrometer is installed by driving into the soil. The safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
infiltrometer also may be installed in a trench excavated in dry responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
or stiff soils. priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
1.3 Soils should be regarded as natural occurring soils or mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
processed materials or mixtures of natural soils and processed 1.10 This international standard was developed in accor-
materials, or other porous materials, and which are basically dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
insoluble and are in accordance with requirements of 1.6. ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
1.4 This test method is particularly applicable to relatively mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
uniform fine-grained soils, with an absence of very plastic (fat) Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
clays and gravel-size particles and with moderate to low
resistance to ring penetration. 2. Referenced Documents
1.5 This test method may be conducted at the ground 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
surface or at given depths in pits, and on bare soil or with D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
vegetation in place, depending on the conditions for which Fluids
infiltration rates are desired. However, this test method cannot D1452 Practice for Soil Exploration and Sampling by Auger
be conducted where the test surface is below the groundwater Borings
table or perched water table. D2216 Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water
1.6 This test method is difficult to use or the resultant data (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
may be unreliable, or both, in very pervious or impervious soils D2488 Practice for Description and Identification of Soils
(soils with a hydraulic conductivity greater than about 10−2 (Visual-Manual Procedures)
cm/s or less than about 1 × 10−5 cm/s) or in dry or stiff soils if D3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies
these fracture when the rings are installed. For soils with Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as
hydraulic conductivity less than 1 × 10−5 cm/s refer to Test Used in Engineering Design and Construction
Method D5093. D5093 Test Method for Field Measurement of Infiltration
Rate Using Double-Ring Infiltrometer with Sealed-Inner
1.7 This test method cannot be used directly to determine Ring
the hydraulic conductivity (coefficient of permeability) of the
soil (see 5.2). 3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions—For common definitions of technical terms
in this standard, refer to Terminology D653.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and
Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.04 on Hydrologic
Properties and Hydraulic Barriers. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved March 1, 2018. Published April 2018. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1975. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as D3385 – 09. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/D3385-18. the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States


D3385 − 18
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 5.5 Some aspects of the test, such as the length of time the
3.2.1 incremental infiltration velocity—the quantity of flow tests should be conducted and the head of liquid to be applied,
per unit area over an increment of time. It has the same units must depend upon the experience of the user, the purpose for
as the infiltration rate. testing, and the kind of information that is sought.
3.2.2 infiltration—the downward entry of liquid into the NOTE 1—The quality of the result produced by this standard is
soil. dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and the
suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the
3.2.3 infiltration rate—the rate, based on measured incre- criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent
mental infiltration velocities, at which liquid can enter the soil and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this standard are
under specified conditions. During infiltration, this rate may cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure
decrease with time until reaching a quasi-steady value. reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740
provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.
3.2.4 infiltrometer—a device for measuring the rate of entry
of liquid into a porous body, for example, water into soil. 6. Apparatus
4. Summary of Test Method 6.1 Infiltrometer Rings—Cylinders approximately 500 mm
(20 in.) high and having diameters of about 300 and 600 mm
4.1 The double-ring infiltrometer method consists of install-
(12 and 24 in.). Larger cylinders may be used but the ratio of
ing two open cylinders, one inside the other, into the ground,
the outer to inner cylinder diameters is about two times.
partially filling the rings with water or other liquid, and then
Cylinders can be made of 3-mm (1⁄8-in.), hard-alloy, aluminum
maintaining the liquid at a constant level. The volume of liquid
sheet or other material sufficiently strong to withstand hard
added to the inner ring, to maintain the liquid level constant is
driving, with the bottom edge beveled (see Fig. 1). The beveled
the measure of the volume of liquid that infiltrates the soil. The
edges shall be kept sharp. Stainless steel or strong plastic rings
volume infiltrated during timed intervals is converted to an
may have to be used when working with corrosive fluids.
incremental infiltration velocity by dividing by the area of the
inner ring, usually expressed in centimeter per hour (or inch 6.2 Driving Caps—Disks of 13-mm (1⁄2-in.) thick hard-alloy
per hour) and plotted versus elapsed time. The maximum aluminum with centering pins around the edge, or preferably
steady-state or average incremental infiltration velocity, de- having a recessed groove about 5 mm (0.2 in.) deep with a
pending on the purpose/application of the test is equivalent to width about 1 mm (0.05 in.) wider than the thickness of the
the infiltration rate. ring. The diameters of the disks should be slightly larger than
those of the infiltrometer rings.
5. Significance and Use 6.3 Driving Equipment—A 5.5-kg (12-lb) maul or sledge
5.1 This test method is useful for field measurement of the and a 600 or 900-mm (2 or 3-ft) length of wood approximately
infiltration rate of soils. Infiltration rates have application to 50 by 100 mm or 100 by 100 mm (2 by 4 in. or 4 by 4 in.), or
such studies as liquid waste disposal, evaluation of potential a jack and reaction of suitable size.
septic-tank disposal fields, leaching and drainage efficiencies, 6.4 Grout—A commercial bentonite grout product and water
irrigation requirements, water spreading and recharge, and mix having 30 % bentonite solids for filling the trenches and
canal or reservoir leakage, among other applications. sealing the rings in place (see 8.5).
5.2 Although the units of infiltration rate and hydraulic 6.5 Depth Gauge—A hook gauge, steel tape or rule, or
conductivity of soils are similar, there is a distinct difference length of steel or plastic rod pointed on one end, for use in
between these two quantities. They cannot be directly related measuring and controlling the depth of liquid (head) in the
unless the hydraulic boundary conditions are known, such as infiltrometer ring, when either a graduated Mariotte bottle or
hydraulic gradient and the extent of lateral flow of water, or can automatic flow control system is not used.
be reliably estimated.
6.6 Splash Guard—Several pieces of rubber sheet or burlap
5.3 The purpose of the outer ring is to promote one- 150 mm (6 in.) square. A large piece of cheese cloth folde
dimensional, vertical flow beneath the inner ring. several times can also be used as a splash guard.
5.4 Many factors affect the infiltration rate, for example the 6.7 Rule or Tape—A steel tape having a length of at least 2
soil structure, soil layering, condition of the soil surface, m (6.5 ft) or a steel rule having a length of at least 300 mm (1
degree of saturation of the soil, chemical and physical nature of ft).
the soil and of the applied liquid, head of the applied liquid,
temperature of the liquid, and diameter and depth of embed- 6.8 Tamp—Any device that is basically rigid, has a handle
ment of rings.3 Thus, tests made at the same site are not likely not less than 550 mm (22 in.) in length, and has a tamping foot
to give identical results and the rate measured by the test with an area ranging from 650 to 4000 mm2 (1 to 6 in.2) and
method described in this standard is primarily for comparative a maximum dimension of 150 mm (6 in.).
use. 6.9 Shovels—One long-handled shovel and one trenching
spade; hand shovel or trowel (for excavating a trench).
6.10 Liquid Containers:
Discussion of factors affecting infiltration rate is contained in the following
reference: Johnson, A. I., A Field Method for Measurement of Infiltration, U.S. 6.10.1 One barrel or other container having a minimum
Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1544-F, 1963, pp. 4–9. volume of 200 L (55 gal) for the main liquid supply, along with


D3385 − 18

FIG. 1 Infiltrometer Construction

a length of rubber hose to siphon liquid from the barrel to fill (3.17 qt) (see Note 2 and Note 3 and Fig. 2). In higher
the calibrated head tanks (see 6.10.3). permeability soils, the Mariotte bottle used for the inner and
6.10.2 A pail or carboy having a minimum volume capacity outer rings may have a larger volume to avoid having to refill
of 13 L (12 qt) for initial filling of the infiltrometers. the bottle during testing.
6.10.3 Two calibrated head tanks for measurement of liquid NOTE 2—Constant-level float valves have been eliminated for simpli-
flow during the test. These may be either graduated cylinders or fication of the illustration.
Mariotte bottles having a minimum volume capacity of 3 L NOTE 3—It is useful to have one head tank with a capacity of three

NOTE 1—Constant-level float valves have been eliminated for simplification of the illustration
FIG. 2 Ring Installation and Mariotte Bottle Details


D3385 − 18
times that of the other because the area of the annular space between the from blockage of voids by particles or gases coming out of solution.
rings is about three times that of the inner ring.
NOTE 4—In many cases, the volume capacity of these calibrated head 6.12 Watch or Stopwatch—Used to measure the time during
tanks must be significantly larger than 3000 mL (3.17 qt), especially if the infiltration.
test has to continue overnight. Capacities of about 50 L (13 gal) would not
be uncommon. 6.13 Level—A carpenter’s level or bull’s-eye (round) level.
6.11 Liquid Supply—Water, or preferably, liquid of the same 6.14 Thermometer—With resolution of 0.5°C (1°F) and
quality and temperature as that involved in the problem being capable of measuring soil temperature at depth below the
examined. The liquid used must be chemically compatible with ground surface.
the infiltrometer rings and other equipment used to contain the 6.15 Rubber Hammer (mallet).
6.16 pH Paper, in 0.5 increments.
NOTE 5—To obtain maximum infiltration rates, the liquid should be free
from suspended solids and the temperature of the liquid should be higher 6.17 Recording Materials—Record books and graph paper,
than the soil temperature. This will tend to avoid reduction of infiltration or special forms with graph section (see Fig. 3 for an example

FIG. 3 Data Form for Infiltration Test with Sample Data


D3385 − 18
of a data form). through a small hole or tube. In addition, make measurements
6.18 Hand Auger—Orchard-type (barrel-type) auger with to verify that the rate of evaporation in a similar test configu-
75-mm (3-in.) diameter, 225-mm (9-in.) long barrel and a ration (without any infiltration into the soil) is less than 20% of
rubber-headed tire hammer for knocking sample out of the the infiltration rate being measured.
auger. This apparatus is optional. 8.2.2 Make provisions to protect the test apparatus and fluid
from direct sunlight and temperature variations that are large
6.19 Float Valves—Two constant level float valves (carbu- enough to affect the slow measurements significantly, espe-
retors or bob-float types) with support stands. This apparatus is cially for test durations greater than a few hours or those using
optional. a Mariotte bottle. The expansion or contraction of the air in the
6.20 Covers and Dummy Tests Set-Up—For long-term tests Mariotte bottle above the water due to temperature changes
in which evaporation of fluid from the infiltration rings and may cause changes in the rate of flow of the liquid from the
unsealed reservoirs can occur (see 8.2.1). bottle which will result in a fluctuating water level in the
infiltrometer rings.
7. Calibration
8.3 Driving Infiltration Rings with a Sledge:
7.1 Rings:
7.1.1 Determine the area of each ring and the annular space NOTE 7—Driving rings with a jack is preferred; see 8.4.
between rings before initial use and before reuse after anything 8.3.1 Place the driving cap on the outer ring and center it
has occurred, including repairs, which may affect the test thereon. Place the wood block (see 6.3) on the driving cap.
results significantly. 8.3.2 Drive the outer ring into the soil with blows of a heavy
7.1.2 Determine the area to the nearest 10 mm2 (0.15 in.2) or sledge on the wood block to a depth that will (a) minimize the
better. Measure the inside diameter (ID) of the outer ring at test fluid from leaking to the ground surface surrounding the
least six equally-spaced locations around the ID of the ring. ring, and (b) exceed the depth to which the inner ring will be
Measure both the inside diameter (ID) and the outside diameter driven. Drive the ring to a depth of 150 mm (6 in.). Use blows
(OD) of the inner ring at least at six equally-spaced locations of medium force to minimize disturbance of the soil surface.
around the ring. Move the wood block around the edge of the driving cap every
7.1.3 The area of the annular space between rings is equal to one or two blows so that the ring will penetrate the soil
the internal area of the 600-mm (24-in.) ring minus the external uniformly. A second person standing on the wood block and
area of the 300-mm (12-in.) ring. driving cap will usually facilitate driving the ring, and reduce
7.2 Liquid Containers—For each graduated cylinder or vibrations and disturbance.
graduated Mariotte bottle, establish the relationship between 8.3.3 Center the smaller ring inside the larger ring and drive
the change in elevation of liquid (fluid) level and change in to a depth within 5 mm of the depth that was used for the outer
volume of fluid. This relationship shall have an overall ring (8.3.2), using the same technique as in 8.3.2. Similar
accuracy of driving depths are used for the outer and inner rings to ensure
1 %. one-dimensional flow.
8.4 Driving Infiltration Rings with Jacks:
8. Procedure 8.4.1 Use a heavy jack under the back end of a truck to drive
8.1 Test Site: rings as an alternative to the sledge method (see 8.3).
8.1.1 Establish the soil strata to be tested from the soil 8.4.2 Center the wood block across the driving cap of the
profile determined by the classification of soil samples from an ring. Center a jack on the wood block. Place the top of the jack
adjacent auger hole. and the assembled items vertically under the previously posi-
NOTE 6—For the test results to be valid, the soil directly below the test tioned end of a truck body and apply force to the ring by means
zone must have equal or greater flow rates than the test zone. of the jack and truck reaction. Also, tamp near the edges or near
8.1.2 The test requires an area accessible for delivery of test the center of the ring with the rubber mallet, as slight tamping
equipment and sufficiently large for the set up and use of the and vibrations will reduce hang-ups and tilting of the ring.
test system. 8.4.3 Add additional weight to the truck if needed to
8.1.3 The test site should be nearly level, or a level surface develop sufficient force to drive the ring.
should be prepared. 8.4.4 Check the rings with the level, correcting the attitude
8.1.4 The test may be set up in a pit if infiltration rates are of the rings to be vertical, as needed.
desired at depth rather than at the surface. 8.5 Excavation of Trenches (if used):
8.2 Technical Precautions: 8.5.1 Place both rings on the soil to be tested and center the
8.2.1 For long-term tests, avoid unattended sites where inner ring within the outer ring. Push the rings slightly into the
interference with test equipment is possible, such as sites near soil to make a mark on the soil surface for use as a guide for
children or in pastures with livestock. Also, evaporation of excavating the trenches.
fluid from the rings and unsealed reservoirs can lead to errors 8.5.2 Using a spade and trowel, excavate the trench for the
in the measured infiltration rate. Therefore, in such tests, inner ring excavate the trench for the outer ring. Excavate both
completely cover the top of the rings and unsealed reservoirs trenches to depths of 150 mm (6 in.). Excavate the trenches
with a relatively airtight material, but vented to the atmosphere carefully to minimize disturbance to the surrounding soils.


D3385 − 18
8.5.3 Use a hand shovel to remove any loose material in the annular space to the nearest 2 mm (1⁄16 in.) using a ruler or tape
trenches. measure. Record these depths. If the depths between the inner
8.5.4 Fill the trenches with a stiff bentonite grout to within ring and annular space varies more than 5 mm (1⁄4 in.), raise the
approximately 25 mm (1 in.) of the top of the trench. depth gauge, constant-level float valve, or Mariotte bottles
8.5.5 Lift the inner ring and center the ring over the inner having the shallowest depth to ensure similar fluid depth
trench. Lower the ring into the trench and slowly push it down. between the inner ring and the annular space.
Keep the ring level while pushing it down. Use a trowel to 8.7.7 Maintain the liquid level at the selected head in both
press the grout against the wall of the ring to ensure a good the inner ring and annular space between rings as near as
seal. possible throughout the test, to prevent flow of fluid from one
8.5.6 Lift the outer ring and center the ring over the outer ring to the other.
trench. Lower the ring into the trench and slowly push it down.
NOTE 9—This most likely will require either a continuing adjustment of
Keep the ring level while pushing it down. Use a trowel to the flow control valve on the graduated cylinder, or the use of constant-
press the grout against the wall of the ring to ensure a good level float valves. A rapid change in temperature may preclude use of the
seal. Mariotte bottle.
8.5.7 Check the rings with the level, correcting the attitude 8.8 Measurements:
of the rings to be plumb and vertical, as needed. 8.8.1 Record the ground temperature at a depth of about 300
NOTE 8—A shallower depth (<150 mm) may be used in cases where it mm (12 in.), or at the mid-depth of the test zone.
is not possible to drive the ring to the 150 mm depth or excavate a trench 8.8.2 Determine and record the volume of liquid that is
to the 150 mm depth. added to maintain a constant head in the inner ring and annular
8.6 Tamping Disturbed Soil: space during each timing interval by measuring the change in
8.6.1 If the surface of the soil surrounding the wall of the elevation of liquid level in the appropriate graduated cylinder
ring(s) is excessively disturbed (signs of extensive cracking, or Mariotte bottle. Also, record the temperature of the liquid
excessive heave, and the like), reset the ring(s) using a within the inner ring.
technique that will minimize such disturbance. 8.8.3 For average soils, record the volume of liquid used at
8.6.2 If the surface of the soil surrounding the wall of the intervals of 15 min for the first hour, 30 min for the second
ring(s) is only slightly disturbed, tamp the disturbed soil hour, and 60 min during the remainder of a period of at least 6
adjacent to the inside and outside wall of the ring(s) until the h, or until after a relatively constant rate is obtained.
soil is as firm as it was prior to disturbance. 8.8.4 The appropriate schedule of readings may be deter-
8.7 Maintaining Liquid Level: mined only through experience. For high-permeability
8.7.1 There are basically three ways to maintain a constant materials, readings may be more frequent, while for low-
head (liquid level) within the inner ring and annular space permeability materials, the reading interval may be 24 h or
between the two rings: manually controlling the flow of liquid, more. In any event, the volume of liquid used in any one
the use of constant-level float valves, or the use of a Mariotte reading interval should not be less than approximately 25 cm3
bottle. (1.5 in.3).
8.7.2 When manually controlling the flow of liquid, a depth 8.8.5 Place the driving cap or some other covering over the
gauge is required to assist the investigator visually in main- rings during the intervals between liquid measurements to
taining a constant head. Use a depth gauge such as a steel tape minimize evaporation (see 8.2.1).
or rule for soils having a relatively high permeability; for soils 8.8.6 Upon completion of the test, remove the rings from
having a relatively low permeability use a hook gauge or the soil, assisted by light hammering on the sides with a rubber
simple point gauge. hammer.
8.7.3 Install the depth gauges, constant-level valves, or
Mariotte bottles as shown in Fig. 2, and in such a manner that 9. Calculations
the reference head will be at least 25 mm (1 in.) and not greater 9.1 Convert the volume of liquid used during each measured
than 150 mm (6 in.). Select the head on the basis of the time interval into an incremental infiltration velocity for both
permeability of the soil, the higher heads being required for the inner ring and annular space using the following equations:
lower permeability soils. Locate the depth gauges near the
9.1.1 For the inner ring calculate as follows:
center of the center ring and midway between the two rings.
8.7.4 Cover the soil surface within the center ring and V IR 5 ∆V IR/ ~ A IR·∆t ! (1)
between the two rings with splash guards (for example, where:
150-mm (6-in.) square pieces of burlap or rubber sheet) to
VIR = inner ring incremental infiltration velocity, cm/h,
prevent erosion of the soil when the initial liquid supply is ∆VIR = volume of liquid used during time interval to main-
poured into the rings. tain constant head in the inner ring, cm3,
8.7.5 Use a pail to fill both rings with liquid to the same AIR = internal area of inner ring, cm2, and
desired depth in each ring. Do not record this initial volume of ∆t = time interval, h.
liquid. Remove the splash guards.
8.7.6 Start flow of fluid from the graduated cylinders or 9.1.2 For the annular space between rings calculate as
Mariotte bottles. As soon as the fluid level becomes basically follows:
constant, determine the fluid depth in the inner ring and in the V A 5 ∆V A / ~ A A ·∆t ! (2)


D3385 − 18
where: 10.2.6 Incremental infiltration velocities (use 3 significant
VA = annular space incremental infiltration velocity, cm/h, digits) for inner ring and annular space. The rate of the inner
∆VA = volume of liquid used during time interval to main- ring should be the value used if the rates for inner ring and
tain constant head in the annular space between the annular space differ.
rings, cm3, and 10.2.7 If available, depth to the water table and a description
AA = area of annular space between the rings, cm2. of the soils found between the rings and the water table, or to
10. Report: Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s) a depth of about 1 m (3 ft).
10.1 Record as a minimum the following general informa- 10.2.8 A plot of the incremental infiltration rate versus total
tion (data): elapsed time.
10.1.1 Location of test site. 10.3 An example field records form is given in Fig. 3.
10.1.2 Dates of test, start and finish.
10.1.3 Weather conditions, start to finish. 10.4 See Appendix X1 for information on the determination
10.1.4 Description of test site, including boring profile. of the moisture pattern.
10.1.5 Name(s) of technician(s).
10.2 Record as a minimum the following test data: 11. Precision and Bias
10.2.1 Type of liquid used in the test. If available, a full 11.1 No statement on precision and bias can be made due to
analysis of the liquid including pH also should be recorded. the variability in soils tested and in the types of liquids that
10.2.2 Areas of rings and the annular space between rings might be used in this test method. Because of the many factors
(nearest 1 cm2 or better). related to the soils, as well as the liquids that may affect the
10.2.3 Volume constants for graduated cylinders or Mariotte
results, the recorded infiltration rate should be considered only
bottles (nearest 0.01 cm3 or better).
as an index value.
10.2.4 Depth of liquid in inner ring and annular space
(nearest 2 mm or better).
10.2.5 Record of ground and liquid temperatures (nearest 12. Keywords
0.5°C), incremental volume measurements (nearest 1 cm3 or 12.1 coefficient of permeability; hydraulic conductivity;
better), and elapsed time (nearest 1 min. or better). infiltration rate; infiltrometer; in-situ testing; Mariotte bottle


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Although not considered a required part of the test of the former position of the rings. Orient the trench so that the
method, the determination of the moisture pattern in the other wall is illuminated by the sun, if the day is sunny. If
moistened soil beneath the infiltration rings commonly pro- feasible, dig the trench large enough to include all of the newly
vides information useful in interpreting the movement of liquid moistened area. Collect samples from the shaded wall of the
through the soil profile. For example, horizontal liquid move- trench for determination of water content. If preferred, an
ment may be caused by lower-permeability layers and will be auger, such as the orchard barrel type, may be used to
identified by a lateral spreading of the wetted zone. Thus, the determine the approximate outline of the moistened area below
exploration of the soil moisture pattern below an infiltration the rings and to collect samples for water content.
test in an unfamiliar area may identify subsurface conditions
that may have affected the test and later applications of the X1.3 Plot the visibly moistened area on graph paper or on
data. the cross-section part of the report form. If samples were
X1.2 If the investigator wishes to make such a study, dig a collected and water contents were determined, contours of
trench so that one wall of the trench passes along the center line water content also can be plotted on the graph.


D3385 − 18

Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (2009) that
may impact the use of this standard. (March 1, 2018)

(1) Removed the use of chain saws from the standard. (3) Improved the figures.
(2) Improved the discussion on the placement of bentonite (4) Added missing details to the text.
grout in the trenches for the rings. (5) Changed Mariotte tube to Mariotte bottle.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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