BRM 13,14 Anushamil

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being conept i9a lues to

ttot valugs of7ango pooudianyteseot deuicdiotCarreprd

A Ccab
asobk multtple withmeasused uith comegt
stert toies Te
toomusecl stsuctA Con Sante
hngd sonot tepeseot thal. Aganesplsocd
ide Coneopt- *
way ulid and
ogcep &Sallng mant Measne
Scale Chagt tesiblo
1Odes lt denctas reletive sie,psdion 0s importenp ass
Cteel uiHh the chaTacteyistis otan obie ztOvcaa reppesent
the delat e poiton ancd does ot Say ongthing ccUt.
the abute walue okchysacteites Bties en. objet
Bxt Betteigooc
2 Distanei- t indictes thut thee ose cearly koaen
anel measusable dtfes oro beBwæn th sale clescTiptio
es' coneder th pusde y akcastoma y visitiocy the shop
in a spaltic ttm pelal for dittesent times th num boy
megsusad hese aclacsay do fineed clitPesene betuee
thom deasy d sccle that hos cl&tane aso has acley

3e- Oaigin l implies that sale hes unqjue oy

tIl beçinip point ao called a2ero poipt
number a customas istting lp a spelfiinteul
mung aSok with Ovteto a we haue 2er0 pin ( whpxt
no Cuslong yistirg, lntesual)

Nominal scale
It represent the mast elenentoy Jeuel d
Anomial scas asSiyhs a value to an measuengnk
cbjeLB for jcentihiaton
(o cassificat bn purposes
onlyThC ycalug can be
bit does not have tobe, a
numbor becaLsD no uentitPcalia
Ording Scle
ThisScole alloue thing to be axYOnged in cndos based on bou
at sanne Gonept they pcsesS. t is avankingscok,
otfen use the tom ank order to desyte on od
xCally krow obat Lhe actaol GPAyas ot how
cose fhcse 3 studens oYe to each ohesin Cuaall qadk
peint aueToy

Intexual saale
Scales thot haue both nompal and odial propesties, but td
also cagtuze in fozmcLtion aboui difFeseh(es jo qyuont itio ct
a Concept om One obseouation to the next.
Pgi l psotessor assign goads 1o tem papur ucing
Dumbesin systar songins ro l -20-0. hot only does
the scole nepsesent the aut that stuclent h a lb.0
Cutpemed Studet rth2.0. bu4 the scale wod
Snow by houw much le-o)

þecembes was 46t

Ratin Sale
tepresents hregbest form af measusemen io that aclalitina
hue all thc paopestts ot tnteoual sales wlth the
aitibte of nepent ing abolute uonti tiey chaacatlericA
by a meaning fal atzolte 2es0.
Nctbmatial Statcal Jralusis ot aak.
Drsczcte Misures
VIscaete neasuo
Mumber ok valaa. drsctt siale mast of ten uind to tospges
& cassifr cation vavioblo
Disagsoe " Nuetal Agaep
" Nomi nal anl ondine) Siales 0ae clscoete measuaes

(onlinuas leoses
Condinuo meaue aie thase asslgnin Vclees nycohe
aong sane sccale ango ln aptg thet cons ponde t
Continuts byazatuT
ntenstg ot Stne Loncopt Notio moasuTts G9e
Thus when GzitE Seete mcasums Sco lec fo ch Slaspers
Gs'na the dolla amount sold. hg iS asslanhy c contiucz moâuj

In online outten

Atiibute. Asing le chasace sistie o Funcamenlal tete c

ad ompS0tes
Jpdexes Instaumonts foy measuslny a tonstauct ae lae
incdox mecUYE
mecsuG aSSyh a alun locisocl on haw muh t th
mOSu ved is aSsOscatact wrth an obseD at lon. Indexu
(onept ejng Soeral ables togeth
by puttng
class incdox ght te bad on 3 weightoc vcmles.
oducation ared areu ot esideng- Useally, ocwpta

yalue ta an obsextdon
ocelon mathematial aerti odexinton ok mutiple
2AHow utis roeoe ou with youí jo

ew sctished ae y wth pperuhity yous jeb obtoy,

Ccmputthgy Sale lebes

Asale cseotod by simply Sammay
Tb each itom m ktn up the Compste mesaxi
Exhibi 136

iese lm en that yalue assinec) tos Tespon

Oppes Helg oom olhes ites.
2 k com)

Bankina': AmeasIngn tastk thot equlse s DespOndencts

bnds, oobjca
te Tank odey c snall Aumbor ot stoes ,
n the asis ot aueall peergnle o1 Some chanodesticS
che timulas
AmeasuEmont task thad geu T TEpopcdents
t0 estimte the magnitude ok a cha zaden tic o qualitg
that a bthd &tox,o shlet possasses

otina': Ameasugment task thast pxends c

yOspendent with sucaal oblects os preclucdthe canleps

nto plas clasitythepzoduetcoxepts

Chore Ameasusemen tesk that itntihia prefesenes
by gaju~ina Tegoocdents fo chocse betuuon
Atiade Rutcog Se los
Cimpk AL4dade sales
Atitace bcalng suayAUS theat an indiuicuas cgres es
dusaagee wth a statemont or KSpONd to a single

iayanac is beattal pleC

Agvoe Nott Aepoee
ategaly Aole
that consist ot seusal despons s2

A 7aing ategooits,
Allen poudny e3pordlents olHh altenlie to indl
positn n a
measusement in business 7eseusch jn Vols
Drsczet choice

.Oscaete chotte mode ls QDe Usecd in busin ess seach in
COOAMmeY buync decision , ongani2atiora) stateas,
hRm inou mnangt mal ete
prsKs ode chote modol cnside) 2in blw bavdal
Speihe albibuto od alaibu hs ot the a
he she elet s.

jLikeBSale o

Aneasuse of atiude desighc toallao cspondenis o

Tale bou Staongly they cayoee o discg ee oth cectuly
Conssudtd slaemens, Tang iny from uay pastye to
Lauy noHattu atityclgs toascle somg ebjed.
eq! teal (y enjoy 'Avesham' Meuie

Ametbecdot makihy Sine all tho /te ms to~mihs a compst

ltems coh
ScRb are SioYÇcl in the Same doection hetie
bc zeoced into the eaualent esposes
n¡n 7Puense Cudd lem
Somposde Sonls
Awoy s Deposenting a ltent cOnstouct by summihg
sponcent s Dnction to_ multiple item
e araairq onsbucd
ach aSSumed to Indite the tont

(ematic ditierental
HSatually a seoies ot attthude scalu, The populax

*A me df altitaols tht conssts of aseic) af Seuen

POin i Scalu that ukce biposa adjectiues to ancbor
the tegining
Samatls dtfentnal (exanplo)
Con uojenl locatiou
In.onu;nian laatior
Unplasan o mesph
Plaasat atmose
Cluttesccl Spacious
Show chakol
Lot chæk out
Dul Enciting

)Numesical Scale aSomatic ci fesetl

An atttude oatin Salcsimilax to
OIept that uses mumbesnsted of Jesbal descsiign
s Despong Optionsto resp tentky
Osponse position

(3) SBapelSccale.
Amecsuas ot dkattitudes that aonsist Siale
aclectue in centoc ofeUen numbe of Dumericcl S

Bolow sale is uSdto

Usalbili ty

Easy to Mauigate.

Imag Poofile.

for compctiny lboands, paclud or stotas to higblight

Constan-Sum -Sccle.
A measuDe ot atttde inubich esrdents asked to loide
constant sum otndicate obtive imoztanceofattsibt.
spon cent oten sont Kta comc, but ask my alba

Druide loo pointe Qmons tellouins Boand qcodn toyar

Bocund A - 30
Bran 'lB3o
Very 2
leSca kac
like bssblo wonst
lif Bes
today ite yos
sale ladds l2
Imp' Nol Arstase
Imp. Alot Meals
pstn Very impoolerd Not lost-Srati,
alog paibt anychoosiny obirt
by cAo ae
to allow 4hat attitude measue
ol A
Sale Ratroy Gaphcc 0D
4) Thussfone Scale Ao altitude 8cle tn wh tch
attr tucdinal satement
Gcale values to
judgas assign
Ssubject are as Iced to espongcl lhesa slatemer

Balancocl Ratingy Sccale.

f:xed altenatrve Seate sating Scale with an equal
of pasitiuo ad neyatie coategesies ya nuotolpoit
point on diffeoence S ai tha cets.

5) Untalaned Rating Sak.

frzel altesnatide Tatipg scale that hus moxe
one end mOe esponse gories
categozies at pasitie
6ihes, TeSultiy In ao unegualpumbes af
han th
negatiue coategesles.
J6) Focel thoice Reating Scale
A fixed altescatue vateng scale that Deq
any one ok frec altesnate
pSOdents tochoOse

Non Fo?e Ruliag Scalo

Do op Dion categoy that olloy
4 Io clucde on
don't beed
Gesponden ts to Inclteate they
TO SoNwb'c h ts thel altos aiJe
Ot measusemeot 3 coitesi4
for measUDemen
2) Validtty (3) Sensitivity
4is a nd tcao otameasunes inteDl conS isteng
Con ststeny is key to understrcli relabty A maUSG
s zelabe when cdeAfesent attempts gaousiny sometbig
Same eSul!
Convosgc on

Inteonul co0sisten yRepsosert a measune's hormgonitg

4ho ozeot to which is ech indtctog oE concept con et
SAme comrn nganing
) Split hol! molhodMet hecl ot asesing In tasnzl
ConsIsBeny by choc king {he desute oone hol cot a Set
lsealo ems agaiost zesult foom

Ch) Coe icient alpha &- The mosi tommonlytes

applhed stimalerot maltipe tem Scale 2 eliabht.
3epDeserts {heauge ol all passible spltt halfooliadilie
ko aconstut

Tost Rotest tehability

Same Sule o MOSUSe to samp dspon
Aclministoainy sBablit
dent a &seeoate paind in teme to toB of

Rarallolfopm Relaboty
Seto otQyuestions diuident ioto a GuNal
t uss one
sot (Poom)whep both gt cntaios question. thet mes
constauct kDQuldye ox skil. d sets ot Quest ia
Same posiQc ot tim
Same sample ok peqplo in shoo
den clalute toom akuts
anda osimate vekblhy
Aue sae Indeo ltem Ccopeltbr
Maay I

wo will onside yauexage ot ropDolat ioo
uaue abau 4hat
5f we got
tlemsa highly oDDelal

^ Auesoe Total calaalotion

p3euious conelation. mota jn th's Mpthad
wil irding Quecas each colm & assure thut
&fird osDelaton with sesped to othex tones
sfno lhy calaate average ote the

() Validty
he aUrOy ot a neasuxe on the Q2tant to whicb
a score touth tlly o2poeSent c Concept

Faie andrty - Asccule's cen lent logtally apeas&
to etlot whatas tateclac) to mase.
() (ontent valicity
coueos the booecdthd tho dotre
of Intoest
a5) CzBeson validity Tho abili tey oi aDeasus
\o 6elate with ohgy Storda
measuse o} irmiu
CoNstDut o pstablishod cikeola.

Conslzuct valctty-Earst whe n o me asuze selitay

meosust and toulh Fully Beppesenks a unia ue conre
Consist ot seadcomponen+s todudioefare alidb
coolent yaled eyoites lon uaichtyt conJegenl ualidiy

v) conugRGont Valtdity lon lepls that gelated to
one another fa ae in fact zelatec brohly velale
Senle contoin conuescpn ualrdityy.
(U) DrsCoimint yalicdity Repoesent how ungue o
elistinct s ameasun@ Seale shoull not CoDelede
toohighly wth a meaju se of ditfsnt onstzu

Ameasuoement i0staument ablity to acusalety
measuae vaia bilhty T stigul y o sponge S.

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