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THE COMPLETE COMMODORE JAZZ RECORDINGS VOLUME 1 Retransferred and remastered to Mosaic’s highly acclaimed standards for sound quality Including: 67 newly discovered performances and never-before- released alternate takes With a lavish 64-page booklet containing: Extensive session-by-session notes by Dan Morgenstern A history of Commodore Records as told by Milt Gabler Rare photographs Edition limited to 2500 sets alternate 344 track But here ‘this brochure pci interest New York t ak up the Comme And true to the ut the rea legacy of Commodore — now that the colletion will be rele The underappreciated sax first small groups consisting ofa tenortrumpet featured Berry with Hart, Al Casey. Al Me organ, Harry Yeager: 1 Grappell Billie Holiday uncensored. Her frat Commedore session included the sia “Strange Fut” (which Columbia refused to let her recor plus the ther classics, Some of the greatest jazz recordings ever nade. Lester Young on ela Rare performances by Lest Young The Kansas City Six Edie Durham, Freddie and Jo Jones. as wel as enor ax wi Featuring Buck C Green, Walter Page The complete Teddy Wilson School for Pianists recordings. Inthe vault all these years were a series of beautiful piano solos originally recorded for instructional purposes by Teddy Wilson. Some af them have been boolegged the complete se Fine sound Mel Powell sal. her exciting find! Never-before-released alist in an unusual setting backed only by Muggy Spanier on cornet and Jess Stacy on piano in an attempt to capture the setting of classic Bessie Smith session, C label. modore wi rt just a record it was the source of many jazz legends. Now all of them are real again—thanks to this astonishingly comprehensive Mosaic project” Nat Heat Goleman Hawkins in 1940. ‘One fll LP is ete to this important session with Coleman Hawkins, Ray Eldridge, Benny Jolin Kiky, and Big Sid Calle. Particularly enligitening isthe evolation Smack", where we have reproduced all six takes, four of which have never been heard before Carey, Bernard Addison ofthe tune Coleman Hawkins in 1943. An important transitional session with Oxcat Potford, Act ‘Tatum, Eamond Hall, Coote Williams, Al Casey, Big Sd Catlett Four tunes pls five valuable aernats Some of the most brilliant Commodore sides fever recorded face these three Edie Condon dates: M/S, Dave Tough dosen't show, so Lionel Hampton Gills jn on drum! On IV/A/40 Fats Waller makes rae ‘ideman appearance. And on 8/28/40 the Condon Band records an experimental four-part version of “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” meant to reereate on dis the feel ofa jam session "his ineredile photograph The dat is January 1,18 ‘Commodore ery frat recrding teston Thats Mi guar Ee Condon pe ‘On he tof i pans opp finger busting plana Solon “Sing, Sin, Sin ‘Pho by George A Douglas fom the Ml Gabler Colleton Morton sotos and 1 + bought out General Records to got 413 Jelly Roll Morton AIU13 of them, including one his hands ona serie cing. Tune, ate presented herein thee totality ith them o recordings led Unree LP these enjoyable Jelly Roll performances, faethe fist ime. Alon Rarely heard originals by Willie The Lion Smith This is the original 1989 L4-song has never appeated on LP belore. Will Smith later rere those are the (They will appear in Walume IL sion and it The Lion ded these songs for LP and Te ‘The pian 10 session by Joc BushkiedOran Hot Lips Page/Al Morgan was too ‘dd at the time even fr Milt Gable, she ied it fvay and promptly forgot about it, Here iis, for the fist ime. OF umieval interest is the ba ‘on “Morgans Blues". Had it been ised in 1941 it would have heen one ofthe earliest hase Edmond Halls Swingte This sextet sounds lke it belongs in our Blue Note set, butt was recorded hy Commodore in 19431 With Eddie Heywood, Emmett Berry and Vi Dickenson Cornedcr was the world’ first truly important independent jazz label. It continued to be one of e best for as long as it was activ Leonard Rather Goodman. By 1942 Milt Gables Commodore label had established itself as 8 major force in jazz and some “big names” wanted to be pat of what was going an. Bor this session Benny Goodman net only showed up to play clarinet, but aid down some of the best were Billy Butterfield, with George Berg, Low McGarity, AI Morgan and Kansas Fields. Includes ‘his entire career. Also featured mate of “Mood a Twili” with a het chorus by Goodman, Private Jives: The rarest Commodore! Minerva Pious & Bud Beeman’ spoof on Noo! Goward “Private Lives” i considered the hardest- torfind Commodore ofthe al le Condon & His Windy City Seven set the stage Reewrled the day afer Benny Goodman's famed Carnegie Hall concen. this very fist session by Commodore included Buel Freeman, Bobby Hackett, Poe Wee Russell, George Brunics, Jess Stacy, Arie Shapiro, and George Wetting. all of whom would regulars. Mil Gabler had To wat fr three different bands to be in New York atthe same time to assemble this all-star 19 THE RTS, you coal fie cate innontor sack {Wile The Law Smith inthe Village o on S2nd Ste woholding sie ju adoro wo loa, The it vt seit itd 3 ppeoed nL Pho "of Mosaic Commodore reise rom the Mi Gabler Colt yur cents a dozen in the music business and in some departments you can g better price than that. That’ why this markable, A great big percentage of music it catalogues repr sincere ome of the best minds in ansparent aoe diet these lidn’tlike, don’t like and never ords. and foresight of Milt Gabler tL L GB THE COMPLETE COMMODORE JAZZ RECORDINGS, VOLUME | everything you can look forward to in this remarkable cord collection. wsical order: nt FRAMBLIN" (to versions) on & Eddie Condon & His Windy City Seven Orchestra TNBRACEABLE WOU DIANE (tt versions) Quintette OF The Hot Club OF Fance Ea SERENADE TO A SHYLOCK (two versions) & His Windy City Seven ions) All Star Jam Band FoR HE'S 4 JOLLY Goon FELLOW The Bud Freeman Trio REP SMILING AF TROUBLE: (two versions) “eddy Wilson NY BILE HEAVEN (three versions} Bud Freeman And His Gang TAPPIN' THE COMMODORE TILL (two versions) MEMORIES OF YOU (three versions) {Loc LOMOND (three versions) "UFE’ SPEARS A JITTERAUG TIGER RAG (three versions) = 38? (two versions) VILL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS The ty Six With Lest ALICE BLUE GOWN var DETCIN NEW ORLE CCOQUETTE (two versions) (two versions) Chu Berry & His Little Jazz SITTIN" IN (ho versions) Minerva Pious & Bud Freeman PRIVATE IVES BLUE ROOM EXACTLY LIKE YO Smith-Bushkin-Stacy ‘THREE REYHOARDS (fio versions) {THE BOY IN THE BOAT (SQUEEZE ME) T.GOFTA RIGHT TO SING THE BLUES (two versions) & His Orchestra l never pushed to make a million dollars, or make it the biggest store in New York. I was satisfied with it being the most important jazz store” vin Gabler & His Band 1 ROLL (three versions) STRUT MISS LIZZIE (1u0 versions) FS RIGHT HERE FoR YOU (two versions) Tu COMPLETE COMMODORE JAZZ RECORDINGS IS AN IMPORTANT ACHIEVEMENT, LONG-AWAITED BY JAZZ COLLECTORS, SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES. BUT TO CONTROL COSTS, MOSAIC IS FORCED TO LIMIT THIS RELEASE TO 2500, WORLDWIDE. PLEASE ORDER NOW SO YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED. ‘THE CRAVE THE NAKED DANCE (two versions} MISTER JOE Jelly Ro Hot Seven Jelly Roll Morton’ Hot Six Jelly Roll Morton’s Hot Seven DIRTY, DIRTY, DIRTY SWINGING THE ELS (WE ARE THE ELKS) MY HOME 1S IN & SOUTHERN TOWN Jack Teagard Art Hodes Joe Marsala & His Del WANDERING MAN BLUES SALTY MAMA BLUES THREE O'CLOCK JUMP Pde C (Parts L through 4) Joe Bushkin SERENADE IN THIRDS (two versions) His Band CAN'T GET STARTED (tito versions) JOBY'S BLUES IN A LITLE SPANISH TUN (two nersions) leman Hawkins [SMACK (5 versions) 1 SURRENDER DEAR (four rersions) CAN'T RELIEVE THAT YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH ME {taco versions) DEDICATION (three versions) Lee Wiley Ealdie Condon & His Band D (three versions) OW SISTER AIN'T THAT HT (four versions) DANCING FOOL (three versions) YOU'RE SOME PRETTY DOLL. (three versions) Pee We iG WALK DEUCES WILD (wo versions) issells Three S... of this music I'd been listening to for most of my life, so T thought I knew my Commodores —until I started in on this ‘monumental first installment of the complete story. It's not just the new takes (and even sessions| it hearing/re-hearing all that fine music captured by Milt Gabler. Producing good jaz: anartand acraft mastered by fe producing great jazz records is a rare gift. Milt cared, and the nnted as it ord Dan Morgenstern ae ws Ast UL His tne cord pclae Kim the ‘riina’” faz Ard while sone ete hs tide atthe time, theres mo dapat today tha fly Ral Mortons cern the ft great jas compote Mit Cable hgh the whole General Reon alg get is hand on fly Rell slo, included in The Complte Commovre Ja: Recordings, Volume I. Pht fm the TIE LAST TIME 1 SAW CHICAGO (to tersions) Joe Sully DEL MAR RAG (three versions) SUMMERTIME (two versions) Joe Bushkin CALDONIN 15 GONE (140 nersions) MORGAN'S RLUES (two versions) Chu Berry & His Jazz Ensemble TMLOWING UP A BREEZE (hee rersions) (three versions) i awnay AT MINTON'S (to versions) FIDGETY FEET (three versions) MAMAY O'MINE (two versions) LONESOME, TAC BLUES Bunk Johnson FRANKLIN STREET BLUES (ho version) THE THRILLER RAG SOBBIN’ BLUES (two nersions) WEAR BLES (three versions) Mel Powell & His Orchestra ‘WHEN DID Vo AVEN IE SKIES (to versions) ‘MOOD AT-TWILIGHT (two versions) Wild Bill Davison & His THATS 4 PLENTY (ho versions) ‘ommodores PANAMA (two versions) IVERHOAT SPECIAL (to versions) MUSKRAT RAMBLE (40 versions) George Brunies & His Jazz Band OVAL GARDEN BLUES (tivo tersions) UGLY CHILD (to versions) THN ROOF BLUES (three versions) IAT DA DA STRAIN (tao versions) Wild Bill Davison & His Commodores CLARINET MAR (hvo versions) (ORIGINAL, DINIELAND (two versions) [SO THE JXZ2Z BAND BALL BARY WON'T YOU PLEASE COME HOME (0 versions) Eddie Condon & His Band OpY KNOWS YOU WHEN YOURE DOWN AND OUT (two versions) OSE ROOM (two versions) BASIN STREET BLUES (two versions) OH KATHARINS (tea versions) Cole ESQUIRE BOUNCE (three nersions) OFF ROFF (MOP MOP} (two versions) MY IDEAL (two versions) ESOUIRE BLUES (to versions) an Haw T.. years 1938 to 1943 were a particularly rich period in jazz ‘The superb documentation by Commodore has only become more important with tim tra Gitler Eildie Condon & His Band PRAY FOR THE LIGHTS T0.GO OXT (three versions) TELL "EM "BOUT ME (two versions) MANDY MAKE UP YOUR MIND (two versions) SINGIN’ THE BLUES (three versions) ACK IN YOUR OWN RACK YARD (three versions) ALL THE WRONGS YOU'VE DONE TO ME YOU CAN'T CHEAT A CHEATER (two versions) SAVE YOUR SORRY (400 versions) Edmond Hall Sext {THE MAN I LINE (10 versions) DOWNTOWN CAFE HOOGIE (tw0 versions) coQuerm® Mel Powell SURILEE WHEN A WOMAN LOVES A MAN HALLELLIAN (200 versions) Brochure reat by Fied/an Ine. mien by An {Coadman Ore Inpations and designed by Richard Mane Dear Fiend, This is special event for jae muse lovers and special achievement for Mosaic Records, Commodore seas the ver frat independent jaar record company and during is 20 year history amasted legacy ‘hich wll live for as long as people listen to great Imisic. In this series Commodore is finally being presented in the manner befting its importance the Mosaie was. Asis the ease with all our collections, we are dedicated ta high standards of ‘quality in every area of our business. We promise: + Important Artists + Complete, Definitive Collections + Cuuranieed Pressings and Printing + Beautiful Packaging, Rich in Information * Limited Eaton Pressings * Valve (ve tll price everything ta flat $9 per LP) Rist Service We'd lke to all your attention to one last thing There® a special offer on the Last volume of The CCommedore Colleetion”when you by the fir (wo volumes in Mossic Commodore Series, youll be tnlited 1 « 20% discount on Volume Ti, But The Complete Commdore Jazz Recordings, Volume Fis a Timid edition. Pleve don' nis We're very proud ofthis collection and we sincerely ope you enjoy it Cbs dui fll ‘Orver Now! To order by phone: Call (203) 327-T111 between 10 AM and 5 PM EST, Monday through Friday. Of course, you an call any time and lesve your answering machine. Please have your VISA or Master pon call, (sorry, no American Express) handy when Ta order by mail: 1. Tell Us Where to Send Your Order, wR By ‘can find this ode on the upper ight coer ofthe aes label I there tone kip Gift Orders: When you send + Moni collection ae gif, we can ship deel (i never oo cul to think bat Chrisie! ‘exo 1, Send check or money on CHARGE TO: 1 payable to Monae Record, or visa MasterCard Tniheroed Sata h} PAYMENT IN US, FUNDS ONLY, PLEASE reg Onder including ry area Iteration Money Oner IMO), sq raw te yout VISA or MasterCard 3, Total Your Order. ‘Shipping: We ket ship all LS oder by UPS i rn hb 2 20, boxes wil be US. Ole stot S20 Sloat mil sae 26a ica, Asa, 8 Mile East stone Please send me —__ sets of The Complete Commodore Jazz Recordings, Volume I [MR23-123] @ $207: Subt Mosic on 4, Pleas Mosaic Records 197 Strawberry Hill Avenue Stamford, CT 06902-2510 wil your order to:

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