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Hands-On Python for DevOps: Leverage Python's native libraries to streamline your workflow and save time with automation
Hands-On Python for DevOps: Leverage Python's native libraries to streamline your workflow and save time with automation
Hands-On Python for DevOps: Leverage Python's native libraries to streamline your workflow and save time with automation
Ebook452 pages3 hours

Hands-On Python for DevOps: Leverage Python's native libraries to streamline your workflow and save time with automation

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Python stands out as a powerhouse in DevOps, boasting unparalleled libraries and support, which makes it the preferred programming language for problem solvers worldwide. This book will help you understand the true flexibility of Python, demonstrating how it can be integrated into incredibly useful DevOps workflows and workloads, through practical examples.
You'll start by understanding the symbiotic relation between Python and DevOps philosophies and then explore the applications of Python for provisioning and manipulating VMs and other cloud resources to facilitate DevOps activities. With illustrated examples, you’ll become familiar with automating DevOps tasks and learn where and how Python can be used to enhance CI/CD pipelines. Further, the book highlights Python’s role in the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) process development, including its connections with tools like Ansible, SaltStack, and Terraform. The concluding chapters cover advanced concepts such as MLOps, DataOps, and Python’s integration with generative AI, offering a glimpse into the areas of monitoring, logging, Kubernetes, and more.
By the end of this book, you’ll know how to leverage Python in your DevOps-based workloads to make your life easier and save time.

Release dateMar 15, 2024
Hands-On Python for DevOps: Leverage Python's native libraries to streamline your workflow and save time with automation

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    Hands-On Python for DevOps - Ankur Roy


    Hands-On Python for DevOps

    Copyright © 2024 Packt Publishing

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    Group Product Manager: Preet Ahuja

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    First published: March 2024

    Production reference: 1160224

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Grosvenor House
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    ISBN 978-1-83508-116-7

    To my parents, who have always supported my choices and encouraged me to become a better person. To all my friends, peers, and colleagues, each of you has meant the world to me and I cannot begin to describe how you have shaped my life.


    About the author

    Ankur Roy is a Solutions Architect at Online Partner AB in Stockholm, Sweden. Prior to this, he worked as a Software Engineer at Genese Solution in Kathmandu, Nepal. His areas of expertise include cloud-based solutions and workloads in a diverse range of fields such as development, DevOps, and security, among others. Ankur is an avid blogger, podcaster, content creator, and contributing member of the Python, DevOps, and cloud computing community. He has completed all the available certifications in Google Cloud and several others in AWS and Azure as well. Moreover, he is an AWS Community Builder.

    I want to thank the entire Packt Publishing team for keeping me on track and focused on this book. I would also like to thank every person I told about writing this book for tolerating my exuberance for it.

    About the reviewers

    Shishir Subedi, an electronics and communications engineering graduate from the Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, discovered his passion for data science during his academic journey. Transitioning from a full stack Python developer to a part-time instructor at Ambikeshowri Campus, he focused on data mining and artificial intelligence, bridging theory and practice.

    Currently a senior software engineer at Genese Solution, he leverages advanced language models to address financial technology challenges. Beyond his role, he contributes to education through training sessions for students and teachers, showcasing his commitment to technical proficiency and educational advancement.

    Sagar Budhathoki, a dedicated Python/DevOps engineer, is recognized for his hands-on expertise in Python frameworks, system programming, and cloud computing. With a focus on automating and optimizing mission-critical deployments in AWS, Sagar leverages configuration management, CI/CD, and DevOps processes. His skills extend to Kubernetes deployment, OpenVPN configurations, and cybersecurity. As an AI/ML enthusiast, Sagar brings a comprehensive approach to technology, ensuring efficient, secure, and scalable solutions in the realm of DevOps.

    Table of Contents


    Part 1: Introduction to DevOps and role of Python in DevOps


    Introducing DevOps Principles

    Exploring automation

    Automation and how it relates to the world

    How automation evolves from the perspective of an operations engineer

    Understanding logging and monitoring




    Incident and event response

    How to respond to an incident (in life and DevOps)

    Site reliability engineering

    Incident response teams


    Understanding high availability

    SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs

    RTOs and RPOs

    Error budgets

    How to automate for high availability?

    Delving into infrastructure as a code




    Talking about Python

    Python 101




    Readability-special cases-practicality-purity-errors

    Ambiguity/one way/Dutch

    Now or never



    What Python offers DevOps

    Operating systems



    A couple of simple DevOps tasks in Python

    Automated shutdown of a server

    Autopull a list of Docker images



    The Simplest Ways to Start Using DevOps in Python Immediately

    Technical requirements

    Introducing API calls

    Exercise 1 – calling a Hugging Face Transformer API

    Exercise 2 – creating and releasing an API for consumption


    Exercise 1 – using Scapy to sniff packets and visualize packet size over time

    Exercise 2 – generating a routing table for your device



    Provisioning Resources

    Technical requirements

    Python SDKs (and why everyone uses them)

    Creating an AWS EC2 instance with Python’s boto3 library

    Scaling and autoscaling

    Manual scaling with Python

    Autoscaling with Python based on a trigger

    Containers and where Python fits in with containers

    Simplifying Docker administration with Python

    Managing Kubernetes with Python


    Part 2: Sample Implementations of Python in DevOps


    Manipulating Resources

    Technical requirements

    Event-based resource adjustment

    Edge location-based resource sharing

    Testing features on a subset of users

    Analyzing data

    Analysis of live data

    Analysis of historical data

    Refactoring legacy applications






    Security and DevSecOps with Python

    Technical requirements

    Securing API keys and passwords

    Store environment variables

    Extract and obfuscate PII

    Validating and verifying container images with Binary Authorization

    Incident monitoring and response

    Running runbooks

    Pattern analysis of monitored logs



    Automating Tasks

    Automating server maintenance and patching

    Sample 1: Running fleet maintenance on multiple instance fleets at once

    Sample 2: Centralizing OS patching for critical updates

    Automating container creation

    Sample 1: Creating containers based on a list of requirements

    Sample 2: Spinning up Kubernetes clusters

    Automated launching of playbooks based on parameters



    Understanding Event-Driven Architecture

    Technical requirements

    Introducing Pub/Sub and employing Kafka with Python using the confluent-kafka library

    Understanding the importance of events and consequences

    Exploring loosely coupled architecture

    Killing your monolith with the strangler fig



    Using Python for CI/CD Pipelines

    Technical requirements

    The origins and philosophy of CI/CD

    Scene 1 – continuous integration

    Scene 2 – continuous delivery

    Scene 3 – continuous deployment

    Python CI/CD essentials – automating a basic task

    Working with devs and infrastructure to deliver your product

    Performing rollback


    Part 3: Let’s Go Further, Let’s Build Bigger


    Common DevOps Use Cases in Some of the Biggest Companies in the World

    AWS use case – Samsung electronics




    Azure Use Case – Intertech




    Google Cloud use case – MLB and AFL






    MLOps and DataOps

    Technical requirements

    How MLOps and DataOps differ from regular DevOps

    DataOps use case – JSON concatenation

    MLOps use case – overclocking a GPU

    Dealing with velocity, volume, and variety




    The Ops behind ChatGPT



    How Python Integrates with IaC Concepts

    Technical requirements

    Automation and customization with Python’s Salt library

    How Ansible works and the Python code behind it

    Automate the automation of IaC with Python



    The Tools to Take Your DevOps to the Next Level

    Technical requirements

    Advanced automation tools

    Advanced monitoring tools

    Advanced event response strategies



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    Welcome to this book! Let’s talk about the content of this book and what you will learn from it. This book is about two things: DevOps and Python. It is about how these two entities, philosophies, frameworks, or whatever you would like to call them interact with each other.

    This book will help you understand Python on a technical level, but also on a conceptual level, including what distinguishes Python from a lot of other languages and what makes it so popular among programmers and others who provide IT solutions.

    At the same time, it will give you perspective on how important and useful DevOps is in modern IT infrastructure and how you can implement the concepts of DevOps using Python.

    You will learn how to make the hard stuff easy and how to solve problems in a consistent and sustainable way. You will also learn how to insert bits of Python code into your workload to smoothen your problem-solving process.

    This book will go beyond just some technical descriptions and processes and will help you make your workflow and work process even better regardless of the tools you are using.

    Who this book is for

    If you are even remotely concerned with DevOps or developing, you will find this book useful. But there are a few specific personas who may particularly find this book useful:

    Developers looking to explore DevOps: Since this is a book that uses a lot of code for DevOps, it is perfect for developers who may want to explore DevOps

    DevOps engineers learning Python: This book will help DevOps engineers who are learning Python and may want to try implementing some Python solutions in DevOps

    People who like finding solutions: If you’re someone who wants to find solutions to IT problems and don’t have a specific job title, but have a job to do, this book is for you

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1

    , Introducing DevOps Principles, will help you understand the concepts behind DevOps and how they are important in improving the productivity of your workload.

    Chapter 2

    , Talking about Python, covers the core philosophical principles behind DevOps and how these principles define the approach that you take toward creating a solution.

    Chapter 3

    , The Simplest Ways to Start Using DevOps in Python Immediately, provides a quick look at Python and the principles behind it, along with how these principles align with the principles of DevOps.

    Chapter 4

    , Provisioning Resources, explores the easiest ways to use Python such that it could enhance your DevOps workload.

    Chapter 5

    , Manipulating Resources, covers using Python as a means to provision resources in a sustainable and accurate way for your DevOps workload.

    Chapter 6

    , Security and DevSecOps with Python, looks at modifying resources that already exist using Python in order to automate updates and mass modify replicated resources.

    Chapter 7

    , Automating Tasks, explores using Python to automate common DevOps tasks and increase productivity for users by saving time on repetitive tasks.

    Chapter 8

    , Understanding Event-Driven Architecture, covers using Python as a way to connect different systems to system architectures using event-driven concepts.

    Chapter 9

    , Using Python for CI/CD Pipelines, looks at using Python for the most common DevOps task of Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) and enhancing these CI/CD pipelines.

    Chapter 10

    , Common DevOps Use Cases in Some of the Biggest Companies in the World, looks at Python in DevOps use cases in the context of some of the biggest companies and workloads provided by the major cloud platforms.

    Chapter 11

    , MLOps and DataOps, provides a look at the machine learning and big data niches of DevOps and how Python can help enhance these workloads.

    Chapter 12

    , How Python Integrates with IaC Concepts, explores how Python libraries and frameworks are used to provision resources using infrastructure as code to build and modify DevOps workloads in a standardized way.

    Chapter 13

    , The Tools to Take Your DevOps to the Next Level, looks at advanced DevOps concepts and tools and how they can be integrated into your workload.

    To get the most out of this book

    Often in this book, we cover tools and examples of how to use them to increase the productivity of your DevOps workload. You will need at least the version of Python mentioned here to use all the features described in the book. Most of the tasks done on one cloud platform can be done on equivalent services on other platforms.

    For the cloud platforms, you will need to set up accounts and billing with the respective services.

    If you are using the digital version of this book, we advise you to type the code yourself or access the code from the book’s GitHub repository (a link is available in the next section). Doing so will help you avoid any potential errors related to the copying and pasting of code.

    Download the example code files

    You can download the example code files for this book from GitHub at

    . If there’s an update to the code, it will be updated in the GitHub repository.

    We also have other code bundles from our rich catalog of books and videos available at

    . Check them out!

    Conventions used

    There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

    Code in text: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: If you refer to the following diagram, the packet sizes are stored in the packet_sizes array and the timestamps of the packet are stored in the timestamps variable.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    def packet_handler(packet):print(packet)packet_sizes.append(len(packet))timestamps.append(packet.time)

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    pip install sphinx

    Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For instance, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in bold. Here is an example: With reference to the preceding figure, when you click the Run button shown at the top, you’ll launch a Flask server (a URL that will return some sort of answer when it is called).

    Tips or important notes

    Appear like this.

    Get in touch

    Feedback from our readers is always welcome.

    General feedback: If you have questions about any aspect of this book, email us at [email protected]

    and mention the book title in the subject of your message.

    Errata: Although we have taken every care to ensure the accuracy of our content, mistakes do happen. If you have found a mistake in this book, we would be grateful if you would report this to us. Please visit

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    Part 1: Introduction to DevOps and role of Python in DevOps

    This part will cover the basics of DevOps and Python and their relationship. It will also cover a few tricks and tips that could enhance your DevOps workload.

    This part has the following chapters:

    Chapter 1

    , Introducing DevOps Principles

    Chapter 2

    , Talking about Python

    Chapter 3

    , The Simplest Ways to Start Using DevOps in Python Immediately

    Chapter 4

    , Provisioning Resources


    Introducing DevOps Principles

    Obey the principles without being bound by them.

    – Bruce Lee

    DevOps has numerous definitions, most of which are focused on culture and procedure. If you’ve gotten to the point where you have purchased this book as a part of your journey in the DevOps field, you have probably heard at least about 100 of these definitions. Since this is a book that focuses more on the hands-on, on-the-ground aspect of DevOps, we’ll keep those abstractions and definitions to a minimum, or rather, explain them through actions rather than words whenever possible.

    However, since this is a DevOps book, I am obliged to take a shot at this:

    DevOps is a series of principles and practices that aims to set a culture that supports the automation of repetitive work and continuous delivery of a product while integrating the software development and IT operation aspects of product delivery.

    Not bad. It’s probably incomplete, but that’s the nature of the beast, and that is perhaps what makes this definition somewhat appropriate. Any DevOps engineer would tell you that the work is never complete. Its principles are similar in many ways to the Japanese philosophy of Ikigai. It gives the engineers a purpose; an avenue for improvement on their systems which gives them the same thrill as a swordsman honing their skills or an artist painting their masterpiece. Satisfied, yet unsatisfied at the same time. Zen.

    Philosophical musings aside, I believe DevOps principles are critical to any modern software team. To work on such teams, it is better to start with the principles as they help explain a lot of how the tools used in DevOps were shaped, how and why software teams are constructed the way they are, and to facilitate DevOps principles. If I had to sum it

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